Home-School Linkages (Definition +benefits)

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About the Difference Between “Parent Involvement” and “Family/Community

1.Khái niệm:
Accoding to Oxford Dictionary, linkage, which comes from the original link, meaning
the connection between things. Family-linkages may relate to the two sides: student’s
inside school and student’s outside school. Dianne defined in her article “About the
Difference Between “Parent Involvement” and “Family/Communities Linkages”” that
family-likages, as know as communities-linkages, is a connection between student’s
school and student’s communities (include family). She explained that school is a part of
communitites but the relationship between two sides is quite unclear, untight and not
understandable. When it comes to the concept “urban communities”, it is more difficult
to be comprehensive because teachers in urban school does not live in this urban but
other places. For this reasons, many teachers do not know much about the outside school
where they teach. As a result, a concept “linkages” is born to serve the understadings for
people who work inside and outside school.
Family-school linkages, also in Dianne’s article, mean that people who work inside
school, typically teachers, leave school and visit student’s home to check student’s
relative tasks to know about the ability to learn. School personnel also try to link students
and parent’s surroundings such as community organizations and apply their work into
student’s learning knowledge. Linking with the communites may mean the available
services at school for students: the physical, mind, society, advices and many other
important services. Cited as Dianne’ findings, family members go to their student’
schools not only due to the interest and but also help for their family life.

2. Học sinh, phụ huynh và giáo viên nhận được gì từ linkage này?
Family-school include numbers of activities intended for adults in family. They might be
useful in supporting guidance and caring students. Despite of being busy most of the
time, the parents can also contribute their time to support school time on the weekends.
There are some examples for this: take care of plant and ground of school, organize
events with another group, support student lunch, etc.
In particular, family-school go beyond than the subject’ knowledge, students can both
learn from school and home. Teacher, typically, is a person who gives tasks like
homeworks, but more interesting than homeworks, to their students to investigate at
home. For example, students can follow teacher’s order to interview their elders at home
to ask about the history or can practically test a plant or a kind of food. Practicing
activities like that help students to get the lesson deeper and when it comes to real
situation, they have already experienced and will be courage to face it. Thanks to these
things, student’s family members who do not really have time or even do not have any
motivation to visit school can indirectly support their students.
Family-school linkages consider the important of relationships, belief, and
understandable share as necessary chacracteristics to grow between the two sides. When
the teachers and members in a family get to know each other well. Together, they can
make their students, even the school around – communities, to become better than before.
Also, they can easily share common aims for their students to develop learning skill.
Even though many unexpected situation or conflict may happen during this process, it
can be more easily to be settled. All people who join in this activities will receive certain
benefits. For members in family, they can care their student’s learning and if they
contribute to their efforts to those events at school, they will be honored and respected by
people inside school. For the teachers, people who work inside school, they can also
obtain a deeper think, and can experience different culture values and practical tasks.
Consequently, teachers can manage in any situation.

Dianne Ferguson. N.d. About the Difference Between “Parent Involvement” and
“Family/Community Linkages”?
Trích dẫn ngày 25 tháng 3 năm 2018 tại:

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