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Technical Assistance: Its New Paradigm

January 29, 2016

The formulation of Rationalization (RAT) Plan by various government agencies was initiated by virtue of
Executive Order No. 366 issued in October 2004.he implementation of RAT Plan has established the
formation of eight (8) functional divisions at DepEd Regional Office. One of the functional divisions instituted
is the Field Technical Assistance Division (FTAD). The goal of FTAD is to strengthen the schools divisions in
managing the respective schools leading to the achievement of their performance outcomes with the end in
view of providing relevant, timely and appropriate technical assistance to schools divisions through the
coordination of all the units in the Regional Office. FTAD also provides enabling interventions and strategies
to schools divisions to help them achieve their goals and targets. What is Technical Assistance (TA)? It is any
form of professional help, guidance or support to be more effective in the performance of their functions. It is
an active process with steps to follow; makes use of tools, via process consultation, requires specific skills and
focuses on achieving set goals. It is also a journey, reminding the client of their prime responsibility and
accountability as well respecting their capability and pace. The old concept of TA is Supervising, Monitoring,
Evaluating, Directing and Instructing. However, in the new paradigm it is more on Coaching, Guiding and
Empowering. Teaching the subject matter was the focus of the conventional way in monitoring, but now, all
the aspects of Education Management, highlighting the Provision of Access, Quality and Relevance as well as
the Provision and Improvement of Management Services are given importance. As accentuated in Republic
Act 9155 which is the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, “The State shall encourage local initiatives
for improving the quality of basic education.” In this milieu, DepEd Caraga has organized the Regional Field
Technical Assistance Composite Teams (RFTACTs), with team leaders and members coming from the cross
functional divisions. The RFTACTs monitor the implementation of different programs and projects with
corresponding monitoring tool crafted in assessing the implementation of specific program and project. Prior
to the field monitoring visits, FTAD formulates a TA Plan stipulating all the activities and strategies to guide
all the RFTACT members on their roles and responsibilities during and after the conduct of the monitoring
together with the reports to be accomplished. It is expected that RFTACT members should be conversant with
the different programs and projects and should go deeper in understanding the situations of the schools
divisions, their needs, aspirations, strengths and weaknesses in order to provide appropriate and relevant
technical assistance. Correspondingly, an exit conference will be done to inform the Schools Divisions
Superintendents on the findings, observations as well as recommendations to improve the schools performance
and help them achieve their goals and targets. In a nutshell, TA is provided to solve problems, improve
performance and get results.

By: Carolina Magson-Niepes
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Technology in schools: Future changes in
By Jane WakefieldTechnology reporter

 2 February 2015

Image copyrightTHINKSTOCKImage captionIs it time for radical change of our school systems?

Technology has the power to transform how people learn - but walk into some classrooms and you could
be forgiven for thinking you were entering a time warp.

There will probably be a whiteboard instead of the traditional blackboard, and the children may be using
laptops or tablets, but plenty of textbooks, pens and photocopied sheets are still likely.

And perhaps most strikingly, all desks will face forwards, with the teacher at the front.

The curriculum and theory have changed little since Victorian times, according to the educationalist and author
Marc Prensky.

"The world needs a new curriculum," he said at the recent Bett show, a conference dedicated to technology in
education. "We have to rethink the 19th Century curriculum."

Most of the education products on the market are just aids to teach the existing curriculum, he says, based on
the false assumption "we need to teach better what we teach today".

He feels a whole new core of subjects is needed, focusing on the skills that will equip today's learners for
tomorrow's world of work. These include problem-solving, creative thinking and collaboration.
'Flipped' classrooms

One of the biggest problems with radically changing centuries-old pedagogical methods is that no generation
of parents wants their children to be the guinea pigs.

Mr Prensky he thinks we have little choice, however: "We are living in an age of accelerating change. We have
to experiment and figure out what works."

"We are at the ground floor of a new world full of imagination, creativity, innovation and digital wisdom. We
are going to have to create the education of the future because it doesn't exist anywhere today."

He might be wrong there. Change is already afoot to disrupt the traditional classroom.

Image copyrightSUDBURY PRIMARY SCHOOLImage captionIn a "flipped" classroom, children get on

with work and teachers act as guides

The "flipped" classroom - the idea of inverting traditional teaching methods by delivering instructions online
outside of the classroom and using the time in school as the place to do homework - has gained in popularity in
US schools.

The teacher's role becomes one of a guide, while students watch lectures at home at their own pace,
communicating with classmates and teachers online.

Salman Khan is one of the leading advocates of "flipped" classrooms, having first posted tutorials in maths for
his young cousins on YouTube in 2004.

Their huge popularity led to the creation of the not-for-profit Khan Academy, offering educational videos with
complete curricula in maths and other subjects.

The project has caught the eye of the US Department of Education, which is currently running a $3m (£1.9m)
trial to gauge the effectiveness of the method. Now the idea has reached the UK.
Teachers 'surprised'

Mohammed Telbany heads the IT department at Sudbury Primary School in Suffolk. He has been
experimenting with the "flipped" classroom and recently expanded it to other lessons.

"The teachers facilitate, rather than standing in front of the children telling them what to do, and the children
just come in and get on with what they are doing," he says.

"It has surprised the teachers that the kids can excel on their own, with minimal teaching intervention."

In the developing world where, according to some estimates, up to 57 million children are unable to attend
primary school, the idea of children learning without much adult intervention is a necessity not a luxury.

Prof Sugata Mitra, from Newcastle University, has been experimenting with self-learning since his famous
hole-in-the-wall computer experiments in the slums of Delhi in 1999.
Image copyrightSUGATA MITRAImage captionThe School in the Cloud project opened this month in India

He was amazed at how quickly the children learned how to use the machines with no adult supervision or
From that was born the idea of "cloud grannies" - retired professionals from the UK, mentoring groups of
children in India via Skype.

He won the $1m Ted prize in 2013 to build a series of self-organising learning environments in both the UK
and India.

In January he completed the last of seven such units - a striking solar-powered glass building amid the lush
vegetation of the village of Gocharan in West Bengal.

There will be no teachers and up to 40 children can participate when it suits them. They will have the internet
at their disposal and will work in small groups. E-mediators will mentor the children via Skype.

Dr Suneeta Kulkarni, research director of the School in the Cloud project, said children would "engage in a
variety of activities that are driven by their interest and curiosity", with games typically tried first.

The children will also be asked "big questions" that they can answer online.

"At yet other times these questions emerge from what the children 'wonder' about. It is also where the grannies
or e-mediators are expected to play a significant role," she said.

Classroom games

When Canadian teacher and computer programmer Shawn Young wanted to spruce up his lessons, his first
thought was gaming.

It was a platform many of his students were familiar with and something that was proven to engage children.

But it also had a bad reputation in teaching circles - thought to be too violent, addictive and without
educational merit.
Some early attempts to integrate educational content within games failed. But what makes Classcraft different
is that it is not about content - it is more a behaviour-management and motivation tool.
Image copyrightSHAWN YOUNGImage captionLinking behaviour and attitude to a game could be a way of
engaging children

"The teacher teaches as normal. Teachers can offer pupils points for good behaviour, asking questions, or
working well in their teams and it gives them access to real life powers," Mr Young says.

Those powers are decided by the teachers and may include handing in homework a day late.

There are also penalties for those not concentrating in class, turning up late or being disruptive.

Children play the game in teams, which means a lost point affects the entire group, and encourages them to
work together.

"It is being used in a school in Texas which has a mix of white, Mexican and Afro-Americans. They would
never normally speak to each other," said Mr Young.

Teachers using the system - some 100,000 have signed up since it launched in August - have noted not just
better interaction between pupils, but better classroom engagement and motivation.

"As in other games there are sometimes random events, which could be something like everyone having to
speak like a pirate for the day or the teacher having to sing a song in class. The kids love it."

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Increased pressure on schools, early childhood and afterschool programs, districts, and states for
stronger performance and greater accountability has magnified their need for smart and strategic
technical assistance. To help our clients improve student learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our
deep understanding of educational organizations as systems that must work smoothly together.
Partnering with stakeholders, we consider their contexts—discerning strengths, challenges, and
opportunities—and chart paths to move from the current reality to desired outcomes.

Interested? Contact us to learn how our technical assistance specialists can help you advance your goals
for students, and explore some of our current work:

National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives

Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools

Capacity-Building for Program Leaders

State Consultation and Support

National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives

EDC leads resource centers and initiatives that promote the transfer of research to practice in STEM
education, early learning, special education, and many other dimensions of education. In all of this work,
we draw upon strong, collaborative relationships with funding agencies (such as ED, HHS, and NSF),
partners, practitioners, and policymakers. Featured projects:

Center for Early Learning Professionals

Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education

Home Visiting Improvement Action Center Team

National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment

National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness

STEM Learning and Research Center

Supporting Schools, Afterschool Programs, Districts, Career and Technical Education Programs, and
Community Colleges

Partnering with a wide range of partners and formal and informal educational institutions, we help
enhance the relevance and rigor of learning to ensure students are ready for college and careers. Our
services include capacity building for educators, instructional design, analytic support, and formative
and summative evaluation. Featured projects:

Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office

Ford Next Generation Learning

Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network


Capacity-Building for Program Leaders

Effective leaders are critical for education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build
the capacity of leaders to be successful in their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to
meet users’ needs, and we leverage the full range of new distance technologies to complement in-
person services. Our goal is to build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own improvement
agendas by all means possible. Featured projects:
EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center

Ed Tech Leaders Online

Urban Special Education Leadership Collaborative

State Consultation and Support

As a technical assistance provider to several national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our

expertise to supporting state grantees in achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide,
states also contract with us to advise and advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the
best available research to respond to the needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep
understanding of the importance of mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed
actions will contribute to the success of the system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are
cohesive, sustainable, and produce results. Featured projects:

Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes

EDC's Boston Public Schools Consultation

INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance

Investing In Innovation (i3) Fund Technical Assistance

Local Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation

Regional Educational Laboratory-Northeast & Islands

We know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all education reform goals. Learn about
our complementary curriculum, professional development, and research and evaluation services.

Our People

Sherrie Rudick

Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood education, product development, curriculum design,


Kate Goddard
Kate Goddard specializes in designing, implementing, and supporting the continuous improvement of


Diana Wogan

Diana Wogan contributes her expertise in research, policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide
range of...



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Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New Resources

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Early Childhood brief

Early Childhood at EDC

This brief describes EDC's deep commitment to ensuring that all young children have the support...

Early STEM learning at EDC

Early STEM Learning at EDC

This fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young children—...


Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that designs,
implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity
worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Technical Assistance

Increased pressure on schools, early childhood and afterschool programs, districts, and states for
stronger performance and greater accountability has magnified their need for smart and strategic
technical assistance. To help our clients improve student learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our
deep understanding of educational organizations as systems that must work smoothly together.
Partnering with stakeholders, we consider their contexts—discerning strengths, challenges, and
opportunities—and chart paths to move from the current reality to desired outcomes.

Interested? Contact us to learn how our technical assistance specialists can help you advance your goals
for students, and explore some of our current work:

National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives

Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools

Capacity-Building for Program Leaders

State Consultation and Support

National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives

EDC leads resource centers and initiatives that promote the transfer of research to practice in STEM
education, early learning, special education, and many other dimensions of education. In all of this work,
we draw upon strong, collaborative relationships with funding agencies (such as ED, HHS, and NSF),
partners, practitioners, and policymakers. Featured projects:

Center for Early Learning Professionals

Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education

Home Visiting Improvement Action Center Team

National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment

National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness

STEM Learning and Research Center

Supporting Schools, Afterschool Programs, Districts, Career and Technical Education Programs, and
Community Colleges

Partnering with a wide range of partners and formal and informal educational institutions, we help
enhance the relevance and rigor of learning to ensure students are ready for college and careers. Our
services include capacity building for educators, instructional design, analytic support, and formative
and summative evaluation. Featured projects:

Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office

Ford Next Generation Learning

Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network


Capacity-Building for Program Leaders

Effective leaders are critical for education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build
the capacity of leaders to be successful in their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to
meet users’ needs, and we leverage the full range of new distance technologies to complement in-
person services. Our goal is to build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own improvement
agendas by all means possible. Featured projects:

EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center

Ed Tech Leaders Online

Urban Special Education Leadership Collaborative

State Consultation and Support

As a technical assistance provider to several national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our

expertise to supporting state grantees in achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide,
states also contract with us to advise and advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the
best available research to respond to the needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep
understanding of the importance of mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed
actions will contribute to the success of the system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are
cohesive, sustainable, and produce results. Featured projects:

Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes

EDC's Boston Public Schools Consultation

INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance

Investing In Innovation (i3) Fund Technical Assistance

Local Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation

Regional Educational Laboratory-Northeast & Islands

We know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all education reform goals. Learn about
our complementary curriculum, professional development, and research and evaluation services.

Our People

Sherrie Rudick

Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood education, product development, curriculum design,

Kate Goddard

Kate Goddard specializes in designing, implementing, and supporting the continuous improvement of


Diana Wogan

Diana Wogan contributes her expertise in research, policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide
range of...



In The Spotlight

Explore EDC's new resources in this quick-click tour

Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New Resources

This "Quick-Click Tour" tour offers a fast way to explore over 100 of the new resources—including...

Early Childhood brief

Early Childhood at EDC

This brief describes EDC's deep commitment to ensuring that all young children have the support...

Early STEM learning at EDC

Early STEM Learning at EDC

This fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young children—...

Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that designs,
implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity
worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Technical Assistance

Increased pressure on schools, early childhood and afterschool programs, districts, and states for
stronger performance and greater accountability has magnified their need for smart and strategic
technical assistance. To help our clients improve student learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our
deep understanding of educational organizations as systems that must work smoothly together.
Partnering with stakeholders, we consider their contexts—discerning strengths, challenges, and
opportunities—and chart paths to move from the current reality to desired outcomes.

Interested? Contact us to learn how our technical assistance specialists can help you advance your goals
for students, and explore some of our current work:
National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives

Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools

Capacity-Building for Program Leaders

State Consultation and Support

National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives

EDC leads resource centers and initiatives that promote the transfer of research to practice in STEM
education, early learning, special education, and many other dimensions of education. In all of this work,
we draw upon strong, collaborative relationships with funding agencies (such as ED, HHS, and NSF),
partners, practitioners, and policymakers. Featured projects:

Center for Early Learning Professionals

Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education

Home Visiting Improvement Action Center Team

National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment

National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness

STEM Learning and Research Center

Supporting Schools, Afterschool Programs, Districts, Career and Technical Education Programs, and
Community Colleges

Partnering with a wide range of partners and formal and informal educational institutions, we help
enhance the relevance and rigor of learning to ensure students are ready for college and careers. Our
services include capacity building for educators, instructional design, analytic support, and formative
and summative evaluation. Featured projects:

Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office

Ford Next Generation Learning

Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network


Capacity-Building for Program Leaders

Effective leaders are critical for education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build
the capacity of leaders to be successful in their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to
meet users’ needs, and we leverage the full range of new distance technologies to complement in-
person services. Our goal is to build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own improvement
agendas by all means possible. Featured projects:

EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center

Ed Tech Leaders Online

Urban Special Education Leadership Collaborative

State Consultation and Support

As a technical assistance provider to several national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our

expertise to supporting state grantees in achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide,
states also contract with us to advise and advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the
best available research to respond to the needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep
understanding of the importance of mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed
actions will contribute to the success of the system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are
cohesive, sustainable, and produce results. Featured projects:

Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes

EDC's Boston Public Schools Consultation

INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance

Investing In Innovation (i3) Fund Technical Assistance

Local Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation

Regional Educational Laboratory-Northeast & Islands

We know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all education reform goals. Learn about
our complementary curriculum, professional development, and research and evaluation services.

Our People
Sherrie Rudick

Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood education, product development, curriculum design,


Kate Goddard

Kate Goddard specializes in designing, implementing, and supporting the continuous improvement of


Diana Wogan

Diana Wogan contributes her expertise in research, policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide
range of...



In The Spotlight

Explore EDC's new resources in this quick-click tour

Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New Resources

This "Quick-Click Tour" tour offers a fast way to explore over 100 of the new resources—including...

Early Childhood brief

Early Childhood at EDC

This brief describes EDC's deep commitment to ensuring that all young children have the support...

Early STEM learning at EDC

Early STEM Learning at EDC

This fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young children—...


Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that designs,
implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity
worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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pressure on schools, early childhood and afterschool programs, districts, and states for stronger
performance and greater accountability has magnified their need for smart and strategic technical
assistance. To help our clients improve student learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our deep
understanding of educational organizations as systems that must work smoothly together. Partnering
with stakeholders, we consider their contexts—discerning strengths, challenges, and opportunities—and
chart paths to move from the current reality to desired outcomes. Interested? Contact us to learn how
our technical assistance specialists can help you advance your goals for students, and explore some of
our current work: National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives Programmatic Aid to Districts
and Schools Capacity-Building for Program Leaders State Consultation and Support National and
Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives EDC leads resource centers and initiatives that promote the
transfer of research to practice in STEM education, early learning, special education, and many other
dimensions of education. In all of this work, we draw upon strong, collaborative relationships with
funding agencies (such as ED, HHS, and NSF), partners, practitioners, and policymakers. Featured
projects: Center for Early Learning Professionals Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood
Mental Health Consultation Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education Home Visiting
Improvement Action Center Team National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment National
Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness STEM Learning and Research Center Supporting Schools,
Afterschool Programs, Districts, Career and Technical Education Programs, and Community Colleges
Partnering with a wide range of partners and formal and informal educational institutions, we help
enhance the relevance and rigor of learning to ensure students are ready for college and careers. Our
services include capacity building for educators, instructional design, analytic support, and formative
and summative evaluation. Featured projects: Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office Ford Next
Generation Learning Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network YouthLearn Capacity-Building for
Program Leaders Effective leaders are critical for education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and
resources to build the capacity of leaders to be successful in their work. We are thoughtful about
instructional design to meet users’ needs, and we leverage the full range of new distance technologies
to complement in-person services. Our goal is to build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own
improvement agendas by all means possible. Featured projects: EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center Ed
Tech Leaders Online Urban Special Education Leadership Collaborative State Consultation and Support
As a technical assistance provider to several national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our
expertise to supporting state grantees in achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide,
states also contract with us to advise and advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the
best available research to respond to the needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep
understanding of the importance of mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed
actions will contribute to the success of the system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are
cohesive, sustainable, and produce results. Featured projects: Center on Enhancing Early Learning
Outcomes EDC's Boston Public Schools Consultation INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance
Investing In Innovation (i3) Fund Technical Assistance Local Assessment Resources for Illinois
Consultation Regional Educational Laboratory-Northeast & Islands We know that technical assistance in
and of itself cannot meet all education reform goals. Learn about our complementary curriculum,
professional development, and research and evaluation services. Our People Sherrie Rudick brings
expertise in early childhood education, product development, curriculum design, project... MORE Kate
Goddard specializes in designing, implementing, and supporting the continuous improvement of
technology... MORE Diana Wogan contributes her expertise in research, policy analysis, and school
improvement to a wide range of... MORE VIEW ALL In The Spotlight Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New
Resources This "Quick-Click Tour" tour offers a fast way to explore over 100 of the new resources—
including... Early Childhood at EDC This brief describes EDC's deep commitment to ensuring that all
young children have the support... Early STEM Learning at EDC This fact sheet provides a brief overview
of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young children—... VIEW ALL Education Development Center,
Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that designs, implements, and evaluates programs
to improve education, health, and economic opportunity worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education
Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Skip to main content Learning and Teaching Search form
Search Contact Us Home Our Work College & Careers Early Learning Equity Leadership Literacy
Mathematics Out-of-School Time Science STEM Technology & Learning Technical Assistance Professional
Development Curriculum Research & Evaluation Our People Blog Resource Library Calendar About Us
Management News Our Press Contact Us You are here Home » Our Work » Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance Increased pressure on schools, early childhood and afterschool programs, districts,
and states for stronger performance and greater accountability has magnified their need for smart and
strategic technical assistance. To help our clients improve student learning and achievement, EDC draws
upon our deep understanding of educational organizations as systems that must work smoothly
together. Partnering with stakeholders, we consider their contexts—discerning strengths, challenges,
and opportunities—and chart paths to move from the current reality to desired outcomes. Interested?
Contact us to learn how our technical assistance specialists can help you advance your goals for
students, and explore some of our current work: National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives
Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools Capacity-Building for Program Leaders State Consultation and
Support National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives EDC leads resource centers and
initiatives that promote the transfer of research to practice in STEM education, early learning, special
education, and many other dimensions of education. In all of this work, we draw upon strong,
collaborative relationships with funding agencies (such as ED, HHS, and NSF), partners, practitioners,
and policymakers. Featured projects: Center for Early Learning Professionals Center of Excellence for
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Community for Advancing Discovery Research in
Education Home Visiting Improvement Action Center Team National Center on Afterschool and
Summer Enrichment National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness STEM Learning and
Research Center Supporting Schools, Afterschool Programs, Districts, Career and Technical Education
Programs, and Community Colleges Partnering with a wide range of partners and formal and informal
educational institutions, we help enhance the relevance and rigor of learning to ensure students are
ready for college and careers. Our services include capacity building for educators, instructional design,
analytic support, and formative and summative evaluation. Featured projects: Amgen Biotech
Experience Program Office Ford Next Generation Learning Massachusetts Computing Attainment
Network YouthLearn Capacity-Building for Program Leaders Effective leaders are critical for education
reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build the capacity of leaders to be successful in
their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to meet users’ needs, and we leverage the full
range of new distance technologies to complement in-person services. Our goal is to build the capacity
of our clients to carry out their own improvement agendas by all means possible. Featured projects:
EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center Ed Tech Leaders Online Urban Special Education Leadership
Collaborative State Consultation and Support As a technical assistance provider to several national
federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our expertise to supporting state grantees in achieving their
goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide, states also contract with us to advise and advance their
policymaking. This can mean assembling the best available research to respond to the needs of staff
facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep understanding of the importance of mandates. In all of
our work, we demonstrate how proposed actions will contribute to the success of the system and its
learners, ensuring that system reforms are cohesive, sustainable, and produce results. Featured
projects: Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes EDC's Boston Public Schools Consultation
INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance Investing In Innovation (i3) Fund Technical Assistance Local
Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation Regional Educational Laboratory-Northeast & Islands We
know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all education reform goals. Learn about our
complementary curriculum, professional development, and research and evaluation services. Our
People Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood education, product development, curriculum
design, project... MORE Kate Goddard specializes in designing, implementing, and supporting the
continuous improvement of technology... MORE Diana Wogan contributes her expertise in research,
policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide range of... MORE VIEW ALL In The Spotlight Quick-
Click Tour: EDC's New Resources This "Quick-Click Tour" tour offers a fast way to explore over 100 of the
new resources—including... Early Childhood at EDC This brief describes EDC's deep commitment to
ensuring that all young children have the support... Early STEM Learning at EDC This fact sheet provides
a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young children—... VIEW ALL Education
Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that designs, implements, and
evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity worldwide.© 2012-2017
Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ShareThis Copy and PasteSkip to main content
Learning and Teaching Search form Search Contact Us Home Our Work College & Careers Early
Learning Equity Leadership Literacy Mathematics Out-of-School Time Science STEM Technology &
Learning Technical Assistance Professional Development Curriculum Research & Evaluation Our People
Blog Resource Library Calendar About Us Management News Our Press Contact Us You are here Home »
Our Work » Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Increased pressure on schools, early childhood
and afterschool programs, districts, and states for stronger performance and greater accountability has
magnified their need for smart and strategic technical assistance. To help our clients improve student
learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our deep understanding of educational organizations as
systems that must work smoothly together. Partnering with stakeholders, we consider their contexts—
discerning strengths, challenges, and opportunities—and chart paths to move from the current reality to
desired outcomes. Interested? Contact us to learn how our technical assistance specialists can help you
advance your goals for students, and explore some of our current work: National and Regional Resource
Centers and Initiatives Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools Capacity-Building for Program Leaders
State Consultation and Support National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives EDC leads
resource centers and initiatives that promote the transfer of research to practice in STEM education,
early learning, special education, and many other dimensions of education. In all of this work, we draw
upon strong, collaborative relationships with funding agencies (such as ED, HHS, and NSF), partners,
practitioners, and policymakers. Featured projects: Center for Early Learning Professionals Center of
Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Community for Advancing
Discovery Research in Education Home Visiting Improvement Action Center Team National Center on
Afterschool and Summer Enrichment National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness STEM
Learning and Research Center Supporting Schools, Afterschool Programs, Districts, Career and Technical
Education Programs, and Community Colleges Partnering with a wide range of partners and formal and
informal educational institutions, we help enhance the relevance and rigor of learning to ensure
students are ready for college and careers. Our services include capacity building for educators,
instructional design, analytic support, and formative and summative evaluation. Featured projects:
Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office Ford Next Generation Learning Massachusetts Computing
Attainment Network YouthLearn Capacity-Building for Program Leaders Effective leaders are critical for
education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build the capacity of leaders to be
successful in their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to meet users’ needs, and we
leverage the full range of new distance technologies to complement in-person services. Our goal is to
build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own improvement agendas by all means possible.
Featured projects: EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center Ed Tech Leaders Online Urban Special Education
Leadership Collaborative State Consultation and Support As a technical assistance provider to several
national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our expertise to supporting state grantees in
achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide, states also contract with us to advise and
advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the best available research to respond to the
needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep understanding of the importance of
mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed actions will contribute to the success of the
system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are cohesive, sustainable, and produce results.
Featured projects: Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes EDC's Boston Public Schools
Consultation INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance Investing In Innovation (i3) Fund Technical
Assistance Local Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation Regional Educational Laboratory-
Northeast & Islands We know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all education reform
goals. Learn about our complementary curriculum, professional development, and research and
evaluation services. Our People Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood education, product
development, curriculum design, project... MORE Kate Goddard specializes in designing, implementing,
and supporting the continuous improvement of technology... MORE Diana Wogan contributes her
expertise in research, policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide range of... MORE VIEW ALL In
The Spotlight Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New Resources This "Quick-Click Tour" tour offers a fast way to
explore over 100 of the new resources—including... Early Childhood at EDC This brief describes EDC's
deep commitment to ensuring that all young children have the support... Early STEM Learning at EDC
This fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young children—...
VIEW ALL Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that
designs, implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity
worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Skip to main content
Learning and Teaching Search form Search Contact Us Home Our Work College & Careers Early
Learning Equity Leadership Literacy Mathematics Out-of-School Time Science STEM Technology &
Learning Technical Assistance Professional Development Curriculum Research & Evaluation Our People
Blog Resource Library Calendar About Us Management News Our Press Contact Us You are here Home »
Our Work » Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Increased pressure on schools, early childhood
and afterschool programs, districts, and states for stronger performance and greater accountability has
magnified their need for smart and strategic technical assistance. To help our clients improve student
learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our deep understanding of educational organizations as
systems that must work smoothly together. Partnering with stakeholders, we consider their contexts—
discerning strengths, challenges, and opportunities—and chart paths to move from the current reality to
desired outcomes. Interested? Contact us to learn how our technical assistance specialists can help you
advance your goals for students, and explore some of our current work: National and Regional Resource
Centers and Initiatives Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools Capacity-Building for Program Leaders
State Consultation and Support National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives EDC leads
resource centers and initiatives that promote the transfer of research to practice in STEM education,
early learning, special education, and many other dimensions of education. In all of this work, we draw
upon strong, collaborative relationships with funding agencies (such as ED, HHS, and NSF), partners,
practitioners, and policymakers. Featured projects: Center for Early Learning Professionals Center of
Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Community for Advancing
Discovery Research in Education Home Visiting Improvement Action Center Team National Center on
Afterschool and Summer Enrichment National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness STEM
Learning and Research Center Supporting Schools, Afterschool Programs, Districts, Career and Technical
Education Programs, and Community Colleges Partnering with a wide range of partners and formal and
informal educational institutions, we help enhance the relevance and rigor of learning to ensure
students are ready for college and careers. Our services include capacity building for educators,
instructional design, analytic support, and formative and summative evaluation. Featured projects:
Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office Ford Next Generation Learning Massachusetts Computing
Attainment Network YouthLearn Capacity-Building for Program Leaders Effective leaders are critical for
education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build the capacity of leaders to be
successful in their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to meet users’ needs, and we
leverage the full range of new distance technologies to complement in-person services. Our goal is to
build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own improvement agendas by all means possible.
Featured projects: EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center Ed Tech Leaders Online Urban Special Education
Leadership Collaborative State Consultation and Support As a technical assistance provider to several
national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our expertise to supporting state grantees in
achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide, states also contract with us to advise and
advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the best available research to respond to the
needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep understanding of the importance of
mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed actions will contribute to the success of the
system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are cohesive, sustainable, and produce results.
Featured projects: Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes EDC's Boston Public Schools
Consultation INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance Investing In Innovation (i3) Fund Technical
Assistance Local Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation Regional Educational Laboratory-
Northeast & Islands We know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all education reform
goals. Learn about our complementary curriculum, professional development, and research and
evaluation services. Our People Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood education, product
development, curriculum design, project... MORE Kate Goddard specializes in designing, implementing,
and supporting the continuous improvement of technology... MORE Diana Wogan contributes her
expertise in research, policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide range of... MORE VIEW ALL In
The Spotlight Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New Resources This "Quick-Click Tour" tour offers a fast way to
explore over 100 of the new resources—including... Early Childhood at EDC This brief describes EDC's
deep commitment to ensuring that all young children have the support... Early STEM Learning at EDC
This fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young children—...
VIEW ALL Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that
designs, implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity
worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Skip to main content
Learning and Teaching Search form Search Contact Us Home Our Work College & Careers Early
Learning Equity Leadership Literacy Mathematics Out-of-School Time Science STEM Technology &
Learning Technical Assistance Professional Development Curriculum Research & Evaluation Our People
Blog Resource Library Calendar About Us Management News Our Press Contact Us You are here Home »
Our Work » Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Increased pressure on schools, early childhood
and afterschool programs, districts, and states for stronger performance and greater accountability has
magnified their need for smart and strategic technical assistance. To help our clients improve student
learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our deep understanding of educational organizations as
systems that must work smoothly together. Partnering with stakeholders, we consider their contexts—
discerning strengths, challenges, and opportunities—and chart paths to move from the current reality to
desired outcomes. Interested? Contact us to learn how our technical assistance specialists can help you
advance your goals for students, and explore some of our current work: National and Regional Resource
Centers and Initiatives Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools Capacity-Building for Program Leaders
State Consultation and Support National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives EDC leads
resource centers and initiatives that promote the transfer of research to practice in STEM education,
early learning, special education, and many other dimensions of education. In all of this work, we draw
upon strong, collaborative relationships with funding agencies (such as ED, HHS, and NSF), partners,
practitioners, and policymakers. Featured projects: Center for Early Learning Professionals Center of
Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Community for Advancing
Discovery Research in Education Home Visiting Improvement Action Center Team National Center on
Afterschool and Summer Enrichment National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness STEM
Learning and Research Center Supporting Schools, Afterschool Programs, Districts, Career and Technical
Education Programs, and Community Colleges Partnering with a wide range of partners and formal and
informal educational institutions, we help enhance the relevance and rigor of learning to ensure
students are ready for college and careers. Our services include capacity building for educators,
instructional design, analytic support, and formative and summative evaluation. Featured projects:
Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office Ford Next Generation Learning Massachusetts Computing
Attainment Network YouthLearn Capacity-Building for Program Leaders Effective leaders are critical for
education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build the capacity of leaders to be
successful in their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to meet users’ needs, and we
leverage the full range of new distance technologies to complement in-person services. Our goal is to
build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own improvement agendas by all means possible.
Featured projects: EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center Ed Tech Leaders Online Urban Special Education
Leadership Collaborative State Consultation and Support As a technical assistance provider to several
national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our expertise to supporting state grantees in
achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide, states also contract with us to advise and
advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the best available research to respond to the
needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep understanding of the importance of
mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed actions will contribute to the success of the
system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are cohesive, sustainable, and produce results.
Featured projects: Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes EDC's Boston Public Schools
Consultation INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance Investing In Innovation (i3) Fund Technical
Assistance Local Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation Regional Educational Laboratory-
Northeast & Islands We know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all education reform
goals. Learn about our complementary curriculum, professional development, and research and
evaluation services. Our People Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood education, product
development, curriculum design, project... MORE Kate Goddard specializes in designing, implementing,
and supporting the continuous improvement of technology... MORE Diana Wogan contributes her
expertise in research, policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide range of... MORE VIEW ALL In
The Spotlight Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New Resources This "Quick-Click Tour" tour offers a fast way to
explore over 100 of the new resources—including... Early Childhood at EDC This brief describes EDC's
deep commitment to ensuring that all young children have the support... Early STEM Learning at EDC
This fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young children—...
VIEW ALL Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that
designs, implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity
worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ShareThis Copy and
PasteSkip to main content Learning and Teaching Search form Search Contact Us Home Our Work
College & Careers Early Learning Equity Leadership Literacy Mathematics Out-of-School Time Science
STEM Technology & Learning Technical Assistance Professional Development Curriculum Research &
Evaluation Our People Blog Resource Library Calendar About Us Management News Our Press Contact
Us You are here Home » Our Work » Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Increased pressure on
schools, early childhood and afterschool programs, districts, and states for stronger performance and
greater accountability has magnified their need for smart and strategic technical assistance. To help our
clients improve student learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our deep understanding of
educational organizations as systems that must work smoothly together. Partnering with stakeholders,
we consider their contexts—discerning strengths, challenges, and opportunities—and chart paths to
move from the current reality to desired outcomes. Interested? Contact us to learn how our technical
assistance specialists can help you advance your goals for students, and explore some of our current
work: National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools
Capacity-Building for Program Leaders State Consultation and Support National and Regional Resource
Centers and Initiatives EDC leads resource centers and initiatives that promote the transfer of research
to practice in STEM education, early learning, special education, and many other dimensions of
education. In all of this work, we draw upon strong, collaborative relationships with funding agencies
(such as ED, HHS, and NSF), partners, practitioners, and policymakers. Featured projects: Center for
Early Learning Professionals Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Consultation Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education Home Visiting Improvement
Action Center Team National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment National Center on Early
Childhood Health and Wellness STEM Learning and Research Center Supporting Schools, Afterschool
Programs, Districts, Career and Technical Education Programs, and Community Colleges Partnering with
a wide range of partners and formal and informal educational institutions, we help enhance the
relevance and rigor of learning to ensure students are ready for college and careers. Our services include
capacity building for educators, instructional design, analytic support, and formative and summative
evaluation. Featured projects: Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office Ford Next Generation Learning
Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network YouthLearn Capacity-Building for Program Leaders
Effective leaders are critical for education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build
the capacity of leaders to be successful in their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to
meet users’ needs, and we leverage the full range of new distance technologies to complement in-
person services. Our goal is to build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own improvement
agendas by all means possible. Featured projects: EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center Ed Tech Leaders
Online Urban Special Education Leadership Collaborative State Consultation and Support As a technical
assistance provider to several national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our expertise to
supporting state grantees in achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide, states also
contract with us to advise and advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the best available
research to respond to the needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep understanding of
the importance of mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed actions will contribute
to the success of the system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are cohesive, sustainable,
and produce results. Featured projects: Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes EDC's Boston
Public Schools Consultation INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance Investing In Innovation (i3)
Fund Technical Assistance Local Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation Regional Educational
Laboratory-Northeast & Islands We know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all
education reform goals. Learn about our complementary curriculum, professional development, and
research and evaluation services. Our People Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood
education, product development, curriculum design, project... MORE Kate Goddard specializes in
designing, implementing, and supporting the continuous improvement of technology... MORE Diana
Wogan contributes her expertise in research, policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide range
of... MORE VIEW ALL In The Spotlight Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New Resources This "Quick-Click Tour" tour
offers a fast way to explore over 100 of the new resources—including... Early Childhood at EDC This brief
describes EDC's deep commitment to ensuring that all young children have the support... Early STEM
Learning at EDC This fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young
children—... VIEW ALL Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit
organization that designs, implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and
economic opportunity worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Skip to main content Learning and Teaching Search form Search Contact Us Home Our Work
College & Careers Early Learning Equity Leadership Literacy Mathematics Out-of-School Time Science
STEM Technology & Learning Technical Assistance Professional Development Curriculum Research &
Evaluation Our People Blog Resource Library Calendar About Us Management News Our Press Contact
Us You are here Home » Our Work » Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Increased pressure on
schools, early childhood and afterschool programs, districts, and states for stronger performance and
greater accountability has magnified their need for smart and strategic technical assistance. To help our
clients improve student learning and achievement, EDC draws upon our deep understanding of
educational organizations as systems that must work smoothly together. Partnering with stakeholders,
we consider their contexts—discerning strengths, challenges, and opportunities—and chart paths to
move from the current reality to desired outcomes. Interested? Contact us to learn how our technical
assistance specialists can help you advance your goals for students, and explore some of our current
work: National and Regional Resource Centers and Initiatives Programmatic Aid to Districts and Schools
Capacity-Building for Program Leaders State Consultation and Support National and Regional Resource
Centers and Initiatives EDC leads resource centers and initiatives that promote the transfer of research
to practice in STEM education, early learning, special education, and many other dimensions of
education. In all of this work, we draw upon strong, collaborative relationships with funding agencies
(such as ED, HHS, and NSF), partners, practitioners, and policymakers. Featured projects: Center for
Early Learning Professionals Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Consultation Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education Home Visiting Improvement
Action Center Team National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment National Center on Early
Childhood Health and Wellness STEM Learning and Research Center Supporting Schools, Afterschool
Programs, Districts, Career and Technical Education Programs, and Community Colleges Partnering with
a wide range of partners and formal and informal educational institutions, we help enhance the
relevance and rigor of learning to ensure students are ready for college and careers. Our services include
capacity building for educators, instructional design, analytic support, and formative and summative
evaluation. Featured projects: Amgen Biotech Experience Program Office Ford Next Generation Learning
Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network YouthLearn Capacity-Building for Program Leaders
Effective leaders are critical for education reform, and we bring knowledge, tools and resources to build
the capacity of leaders to be successful in their work. We are thoughtful about instructional design to
meet users’ needs, and we leverage the full range of new distance technologies to complement in-
person services. Our goal is to build the capacity of our clients to carry out their own improvement
agendas by all means possible. Featured projects: EDC's Quality MeasuresTM Center Ed Tech Leaders
Online Urban Special Education Leadership Collaborative State Consultation and Support As a technical
assistance provider to several national federally-funded initiatives, we contribute our expertise to
supporting state grantees in achieving their goals and the funder's objectives. Nationwide, states also
contract with us to advise and advance their policymaking. This can mean assembling the best available
research to respond to the needs of staff facing multiple challenges or fostering a deep understanding of
the importance of mandates. In all of our work, we demonstrate how proposed actions will contribute
to the success of the system and its learners, ensuring that system reforms are cohesive, sustainable,
and produce results. Featured projects: Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes EDC's Boston
Public Schools Consultation INCLUDES Launch Pilot Technical Assistance Investing In Innovation (i3)
Fund Technical Assistance Local Assessment Resources for Illinois Consultation Regional Educational
Laboratory-Northeast & Islands We know that technical assistance in and of itself cannot meet all
education reform goals. Learn about our complementary curriculum, professional development, and
research and evaluation services. Our People Sherrie Rudick brings expertise in early childhood
education, product development, curriculum design, project... MORE Kate Goddard specializes in
designing, implementing, and supporting the continuous improvement of technology... MORE Diana
Wogan contributes her expertise in research, policy analysis, and school improvement to a wide range
of... MORE VIEW ALL In The Spotlight Quick-Click Tour: EDC's New Resources This "Quick-Click Tour" tour
offers a fast way to explore over 100 of the new resources—including... Early Childhood at EDC This brief
describes EDC's deep commitment to ensuring that all young children have the support... Early STEM
Learning at EDC This fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of EDC's work to ensure that all young
children—... VIEW ALL Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit
organization that designs, implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and
economic opportunity worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ShareThis Copy and Paste

Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is an international nonprofit organization that designs, implements, and
evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity worldwide.© 2012-2017 Education
Development Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Generation Schools Network









 R U R A L W OR K
 P A R T N E R W IT H U S


Generation Schools Network™ helps to transform existing schools and districts through coaching
and technical assistance that drives more and better learning time using the Generation Schools
Model. The concepts behind the Generation Schools Model, that more and better learning time can
be delivered through shifts in the allocation of existing resources, can apply to almost any school.

Generation Schools Network™ works alongside school and district leadership to support the
redesign through the following change process:
Learn more about Generation Schools Network™
coaching and technical assistance:
 Dr. Lisa Leith
Chief of Field Services
(720) 452-3605
"As we continue to share the gospel of more and better learning time with
practitioners and parents around the country, the demand for our services has
increased, giving us more opportunities to influence the national education system
toward developing a prepared 21st century workforce."
- Wendy Piersee, CEO Generation Schools Network™

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An Elementary School’s STEM

Success Story – IDRA Technical
Assistance Empowers Teachers with
Strategies to Impact Student

• by Nilka Avilés, Ed.D., and Juanita C. García, Ph.D. • IDRA Newsletter • September

2014 •
Picture fifth graders gathered around a table where teachers are modeling the effects
of sand erosion by wind and water. They then plan a set of learning centers that they
themselves will lead for fourth graders. This scene is Science Camp at Gus Guerra
Elementary where fifth graders participated in an engaging series of learning centers
to master science concepts.

IDRA’s South Central Collaborative for Equity has partnered with the school to
engage in changing the campus culture to one that is child-centered, college going and
highly engaged with parents and community. Every child, regardless of characteristics
and identified needs, is challenged to reach high standards and is given requisite
pedagogical, social, emotional and psychological supports.

The major goals are to increase the school’s effectiveness in science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM) and to increase academic language by particularly
integrating the linguistic demands of the STEM areas into the curriculum. Through
intensive language development and strengthened core content instructional programs
designed to increase comprehensible input and acquisition of academic language
among all student groups and across grade levels, the campus is succeeding in
preparing primary grade students for upper elementary grades, middle school, high
school and college.

This is being accomplished through a well-aligned multidisciplinary approach and

strengthened instruction that incorporates dynamic and highly interactive instruction
for all fourth and fifth grade students. IDRA’s approach to professional learning
values the role of teachers, administrators, parents and students as co-creators of a
campus culture where student voices are heard and incorporated into the curriculum
and other campus activities designed to strengthen both students’ academic pursuits
and non-cognitive factors that are crucial to their engagement and academic success.
Why STEM in Elementary School?
Children inherently have inquisitive minds and are natural scientists and problem-
solvers. They make sense of the world around them by using all their senses to
discover, take apart, build and create. This kind of learning is fun and exciting. This
excitement must continue as children enter school and progress throughout their
educational journey to ensure skilled workers in STEM-related fields who are
equipped to lead and sustain our economy. The best way to ensure returns on these
investments is to start fostering these skills in young children. Evidence has been
growing over the last decade showing the significant effect of math and science
experiences as early as prekindergarten on later learning and attitudes toward STEM
(NSB, 2010; NAEYC & NCTM, 2010).

Effective teachers play a vital role in nurturing the natural enthusiasm for scientific
learning children bring. How can elementary teachers make STEM part of what their
students do in the classroom every day? Our collaborative partnership involved four
critical elements that teachers have embraced and adapted to lead their students to a
successful STEM education.

1. Shifting the Paradigm from Teacher-Centered to Student-

Centered Instruction
Student-centered instruction has its roots in constructivist theory of learning. In
constructivist classrooms, students build their understanding of the world as a result of
their actions. IDRA staff educators and Gus Guerra Elementary School teachers and
administrators reviewed areas of need in math and science and agreed on the topics to
be modeled in their classrooms. Armed with research-based and highly-interactive
strategies for engaging all students, including English language learners, IDRA
modeled lessons and debriefed with teachers on what they observed. The teachers
committed to create an environment where STEM was a natural and real part of the
curriculum. When a classroom operates with student-centered instruction, students
and teachers share the focus interacting equally.

2. Empowering and Valuing Teacher Strengths

Teachers have a profound impact on students’ lives. IDRA recognizes the tremendous
capacities all teachers have acquired through their years of experience. The best
teachers believe in their students, challenge and inspire them, and urge them to take
risks in learning.

The climate established at Gus Guerra Elementary School is that of respect, valuing
backgrounds and strengths, and incorporating these daily in profound ways into the
classroom. IDRA educators built on teachers’ leadership capacities and capitalized on
campus leadership, mobilizing the principal, teachers, support staff and parents as a
force to share the responsibility for STEM education. Together they created a vision
to reach high standards of excellence in conjunction with a meaningful professional
development for teachers.

3. Building Trust and Fostering Confidence

Through coaching and mentoring experiences, teachers emerged to become more
confident and comfortable in teaching STEM concepts. After observing IDRA staff,
teachers took leadership roles by developing lessons that include strategies they had
learned to foster innovation and cultivate problem solving and logical thinking. By
integrating STEM activities in lessons, teachers experienced successful outcomes,
such as increased student engagement in learning, improved benchmarks and STAAR
results, self-accountability, gaining trust, and becoming confident and competent.
These opportunities convinced them to nurture their creativity and become innovative
risk takers to be successful. Teachers realized their enormous strengths and how they
were able to build on them.

4. Establishing a Sustainable Cultural Transformation

The school administration and teachers are committed to transforming the role of
STEM in the curriculum and the way they teach STEM areas, ensuring that all
students succeed while creating a sustainable, robust and open pipeline for STEM. To
sustain the effort, school staff gathered and shared ideas and resources and developed
lessons to support this transformation. The vision and new culture at the campus has
led to the promotion of engaged and motivated students who value STEM and are
better equipped to face the role they play in our society to address scientific, social
and the economic challenges of our world. The school has experienced a sustainable
cultural transformation where teachers and students learn the same way scientists and
mathematicians learn – by doing. Educating the next generation of scientists,
technologists, engineers and mathematicians with the skills from high quality hands-
on teaching experiences fosters critical thinkers who adapt to change, an essential
component to any future career.

Successful teaching and learning begins with a vision of providing quality and
culturally relevant opportunities for all students. The principal of the school, Rebecca
Sánchez, deserves much credit for motivating teachers to become leaders and risk

Educators Reflect on their Experience with

IDRA’s Role in School Transformation:
“It has been rewarding to observe the students taking ownership of their roles as they
worked cooperatively in guiding each other to accomplish their tasks.”

– Teacher, Gus Guerra Elementary School

“The experience with IDRA was second to none. We are looking forward to working
with IDRA in the years to come.”

– Teacher, Gus Guerra Elementary School

“The experiences that have been provided by IDRA have been priceless when it
comes to student engagement and the level of critical thinking students have

– Campus instructional coach, Gus Guerra Elementary School

“For several years now, IDRA staff have mentored and coached teachers in fourth and
fifth grades and has been instrumental in empowering teachers with strategies and
tools to positively impact student learning. We have begun to reap the rewards and
have begun to transform each classroom into a powerful teaching and learning
community. We have made significant gains in the area of science. Last year, we were
one of only seven campuses in PSJA ISD that met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
Although we have much to celebrate, we must remember, Todavía no podemos cantar
victoria. We still have much to accomplish. We believe that with IDRA’s
collaboration, we can continue to transform our students, our school and our

– Rebecca Sánchez, principal, Gus Guerra Elementary School

Avilés, N. “Building College Readiness for All Students,” IDRA Newsletter (October
Avilés, N. “The Need for Minority High Schools with a STEM Focus,” IDRA
Newsletter(February 2012).
García, J. & Rodriguez, R. “Building Interest in STEM,” IDRA Newsletter (January
Johnson, P. “A Valuing Professional Development Model,” – Podcast Episode
143 (July 28, 2014).
NAEYC & NCTM. Early Childhood Mathematics: Promoting Good Beginnings, A
joint position statement (Adopted in 2002; Updated in 2010).
National Science Board. Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators:
Identifying and Developing Our Nation’s Human Capital (National Science
Foundation, 2010).

Nilka Avilés, Ed.D., is a senior education associate in IDRA Field Services. Juanita
C. García, Ph.D., is an education associate in IDRA Field Services. Comments and
questions may be directed to them via email at

[©2014, IDRA. This article originally appeared in the September 2014 IDRA Newsletter by the Intercultural Development Research

Association. Permission to reproduce this article is granted provided the article is reprinted in its entirety and proper credit is given to IDRA and the


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