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ISSN 1831-9424 (PDF)

ISSN 1018-5593 (Printed)

Prefabricated enduring
composite beams based on
innovative shear

Research and
Innovation EUR 27834 EN
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Research Fund for Coal and Steel

Prefabricated enduring composite beams based
on innovative shear transmission

G. Seidl
SSF Ingenieure GmbH
Schönhauser Allee 149, 10435 Berlin, Germany

N. Popa, R. Zanon
ArcelorMittal Belval & Differdange S.A
66, rue de Luxembourg, 4009 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

W. Lorenc, M. Kozuch, S. Rowinski

Wrocław University of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50370 Wrocław, Poland

J.-M. Franssen, T. Fohn

Université de Liège
Chemin des Chevreuils, 1, 4000 Liège, Belgium

C. Hermosilla
Acciona Centro Tecnológico Madrid
Valportillo II, 8. Poligono Industrial de Alcobedas, 28108 Alcobedas, Madrid, Spain

A. Farhang
Ramböll Sverige AB
Kapellgränd 7, 102 65 Stockholm, Sweden

G. Nüsse
FOSTA - Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e.V.
Sohnstr. 65, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany

Grant Agreement RFS2-CT-2011-00026

1 July 2011 to 31 December 2012

Final report
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

2014 EUR 27834 EN

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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016

Print ISBN 978-92-79-57729-1 ISSN 1018-5593 doi:10.2777/280876 KI-NA-278-34-EN-C

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-57728-4 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2777/751160 KI-NA-278-34-EN-N

© European Union, 2014

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Printed in Luxembourg

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Table of contents
SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................................ 5
SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE RESULTS ................................................................ 7
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT .......................................................................................................................... 7
DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE.................................................................................................................... 9
1 WORKSHOPS...................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 WORKSHOP IN GERMANY ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 WORKSHOP IN SWEDEN ...................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 WORKSHOP IN POLAND ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.4 WORKSHOP IN FRANCE ...................................................................................................................... 14
1.5 WORKSHOP IN SPAIN ......................................................................................................................... 16
1.6 WORKSHOP ADVERTISEMENT ............................................................................................................. 17
1.6.1 Conferences ........................................................................................................................... 17
1.6.2 Journals and web pages ......................................................................................................... 18
1.6.3 Press releases ........................................................................................................................ 19
1.6.4 Personal invitations ............................................................................................................... 20
2 INTERNET SITE ............................................................................................................................................... 21
3 DESIGN GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................ 23
4 DESIGN SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................................................... 25
5 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................................................. 27
6 EXPLOITATION AND IMPACT OF THE RESEARCH RESULTS .............................................................. 29
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................................. 30
LIST OF REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 31


The major objectives of the PRECO+ project are to attract interest in the PRECOBEAM research
results [1], to disseminate the knowledge gained and to guarantee a sustained availability
of research data as well as design aids for a wide range of end users as well as researchers.
To disseminate the knowledge, five workshops have been organized. As it turned out at the
beginning of the project, that Germany was the European country to benefit most from the new
developments, the first workshop was held in Düsseldorf End of September 2012. A few weeks
later, the following workshops were held in Madrid (Oct. 16th), Paris (Oct. 24th), Wroclaw (Nov.
21st) and Stockholm (Nov. 27th).
An improved design guide [2], based on the design guide written within the scope of the
PRECO+ project, has been translated into German, French, Polish, Spanish and Swedish. It has
been completed by design examples as well as CEN-recommendations regarding actual
To reach a broad range of potential participants, all workshops were advertised via various media.
Furthermore a website was set up to establish a sustainable presence on the web where all
information will be available in the future as well. The website now hosts a link to the PRECO+
Design Guide, allows for the download of the design guide, provided information about the
workshops and offered the possibility to leave an email-address to stay informed about the
workshops as well as the design guides.
Finally a software tool has been written to help the designer to perform some calculations
regarding the design of PRECOBEAM bridges. This design tool is based on the actual design guide,
which has been validated and is available as download on the project website.
In conclusion this project has called lasting attention to the research results gained within the
scope of the PRECOBEAM project, including the distribution of the design guide, which helps bridge
designers as well as constructors, authorities and clients to agree on consistent, safe-sided design
rules and hence to offer an accredited alternative to traditional construction methods.



Composite Constructions are gaining more and more importance across Europe. This in-crease in
demand leads to very innovative and more economical solutions for such compo-site structures.
After the successful implementation of the VFT technology a further improvement, PRECOBEAM
technology, integrates high quality rolled sections cut into two halved t-shapes. These halved T-
sections are embedded to the bottom of a concrete plate or a concrete beam using composite
dowels. The innovative system allows a very slender construction height of the superstructure
because an increased internal lever arm. Considerable economic advantages compared to
conventional (pre-stressed) concrete constructions result as well. Due to a high fatigue-resistance
of composite-dowels, PRECOBEAM constructions can favourably be applied for road- and especially
The demands for industrial buildings are a high flexibility in use, fast mounting process and
highload bearing capacity for the floor-systems. Such needs can be fulfilled by (prefabricated)
composite elements using PRECOBEAM technology. Since sufficient fire resistance for use in
industrial, commercial and multistorey-buildings can be provided for the composite girders a wide
adoption is possible across Europe.
Major demands to construction elements can be met by composite constructions applying
PRECOBEAM technology.
- Low production-costs with high grades of prefabrication to assure high quality
- Short construction time reducing traffic interruptions (bridges) and obtaining higher benefits
for building operators (industrial buildings)
- High load bearing capacity and sufficient fatigue resistance
- Construction of bridges without essential interference of traffic under the bridge needs and
demands enlisted above have been proven to be met by composite construction using
composite dowels as innovative methods for the transmission of shear forces. Specific
advantages resulting from using PRECOBEAMs that were elaborated in the project are:
- Constructions can be designed with a great slenderness using steel-sections without upper
flange since shear connectors are integrated into the web
- Reduction of building costs by a reduction of construction height
- Spans can be increased resulting in higher flexibility in operation for industrial buildings and in
elimination of the middle-support for bridge-constructions
Apart from specific (pilot)-applications using composite dowels for shear transmission this
promising technology is not common practice and widespread knowledge in Europe. Therefore the
PRECO+ project aims towards a wide dissemination of the knowledge developed and summarized.
Major focus will be put on preparing and issuing a clearly structured design-guide and on
organizing the work-shops. They are a major topic to transfer knowledge into the practice.
The recent research project PRECO+ aimed on reworking, promoting the outcome of the
PRECOBEAM-project and on making it available to a larger number of practitioners via various
Therefore the project was divided into three work packages:
WP1: Design guidance of PRECOBEAM and software tool
The state of the arts reports summarize the major aspects of the research project and deliver an
important overview on the topic. It will also provide background knowledge and mechanical
derivations for a deep and sustainable understanding of the subject. In order to assure a wide
circulation of the knowledge and wide acceptance along the projected audience a brochure will be
set up providing the main topics.
Beside a state of the art report and its belonging brochure, a software-tool is set up as extension
to the existing software ACOBRI, in order to allow designers an easy access to composite
constructions based upon the technology of composite dowels. The software will deliver an
appropriate pre-dimensioning approach concentrating on easy and clear handling. ACOBRI is
available for free on
Based upon the tasks performed above three typical examples are issued containing all essential
design approaches elaborated before. The examples are performed among the design
recommendations prepared and using the software-tool so that designers gain an introduction into

The design-guide is structured clearly to allow users to gain an overview of the topic and also to
obtain a deep understanding of the technology used. The complete design process of composite
girders using composite dowels can be followed along with the Design Guide. Background
knowledge is also included into the Design Guide.
WP2: Translation of the Design Guide
The guideline provides the complete design procedure of the PRECOBEAM connection. To facilitate
the distribution of the Design Guide, it has been translated into
- Swedish (Ram)
- Polish (PWr)
- German (SSF)
- French (ULg)
- Spanish (ACC)
The translated design-guides were presented and issued on the different national work-shops and
for further increased acceptance.
WP3: Organisation of workshops
Workshops have been organized in Germany, France, Sweden, Poland as well as in Spain. They
have been promoted together with the internet site via various media.
WP4: Co-ordination
WP 4 contains the overall organisation of the project. It includes reports and the organisation of
meetings and control of the project success.

Description of activities and discussions



Five workshops were organized in different European countries to present the findings of the RFCS
project PRECOBEAM and the accompanying measures project PRECO+ to practitioners.

1.1 Workshop in Germany

The first workshop took place in Düsseldorf (Germany), as it turned out that the interest in
composite bridges with PRECOBEAM is very high in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The organisation of the workshop started right after the first project meeting.
The workshop took place on September 28th , 2012 at:
Sohnstraße 65
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
The workshop registration was organized by FOSTA e.V. .
Finally more than 95 people from different European countries attended the workshop:
Engineers 55%
Contractors 22%
Authorities 13%
Students 5%
Others 5%

Figure 1 Workshop flyer, Germany

1.2 Workshop in Sweden

The first workshop took place in Stockholm (Sweden).

The organisation of the workshop started right after the first project meeting.
The workshop took place on November 27th, 2012 at:
Ramböll Sverige AB
Krukmakargatan 21, Stockholm, Sweden
The workshop registration was organized by Ramböll AB also. Finally more than 50 people from
Sweden mainly from authorities, construction companies and design offices attended the

Engineers 87%
Contractors 50%
Authorities 50%
Students 8%
Others 5%

The English version of the Design guide was handed out.

Figure 2 workshop flyer, Sweden

1.3 Workshop in Poland

The workshop took place in Wroclaw (Poland) on November 21st , 2012. The workshop was
organized one day before the biggest Polish bridge conference “Wrocław Bridge Days”. The
workshop registration was organized by Wrocław University of Technology (Department of Civil
Engineering/ Institute of Civil Engineering/ Bridge Division).
Finally more than 105 people attended the workshop:
Engineers 43%
Contractors 42%
Authorities 23%
Students 12%
Others 5%

Figure 3 Workshop flyer, Poland

Figure 4 Presentation and auditorium in Wroclaw

1.4 Workshop in France

The workshop was held on 24th of October at Theater Adyar, Paris. This was considered to be a
suitable venue because it was familiar to the target audience as well as being conveniently
centrally located. The workshop had been organized by ArcelorMittal, in cooperation with the
French Industrial Center CTICM and Construire Acier, the French IPO.

Figure 5 Workshop flyer, France

The lectures held in the course of the day focused on the French bridge market and the findings of
the PRECOBEAM research project. Generally, the presentations can be categorized by their subject
into two main groups:

- General topics regarding the state of the art of steel and composite bridges in France, the
new seismic rules and their influences on the design, fatigue in the bridges and examples
of recent projects
- Presentation of PRECOBEAM results: the concept of the new connection, the design guide,
the design software ACOBRI and examples of realized projects using PRECOBEAMs
75 delegates attended the seminar. The participants were mainly structural engineers from design
offices, steelwork companies, steel manufacturers and general contractors:

Engineering offices 31%

Contractors 24%
Authorities 19%
IPO 8%
Steel producers 4%
Students 14%
Others -

Figure 6: Auditorium of PECO+ workshop in Paris

The participants have received a printed version of the French Design Guide as well as a USB keys
with the new version of the software ACOBRI, including the PRECOBEAM design method and the
workshop presentations.
Following the workshop an article has been published on batiweb:

1.5 Workshop in Spain

The Spanish workshop took place in Madrid (Spain), and was made possible by the intimate
collaboration of the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Madrid.
The organisation of the workshop started right after the first project meeting.
The workshop took place on October 16th 2012 at:
Escuela Superior de Caminos Canales y Puertos de Madrid
Calle Profesor Aranguren, s/n
28040 Madrid, Spain
The workshop registration was organized by ACCIONA Infraestructuras, s.a.
Finally more than 45 people from Spanish engineering firms, Academia, contractors and public
authorities attended the workshop. Attendance was lower than expected due to the relatively low
interest for mid-span composite bridges traditionally shown by Spanish Road Authorities:
Engineers 5%
Contractors 17%
Authorities 13%
Students 60%
Others 5%

Figure 7 workshop flyer, Spain

Figure 8 Auditorium of the workshop and get together at the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de
Caminos, Canales y Puertos of Madrid, Spain

1.6 Workshop advertisement

The advertisement of the workshops has been combined with the advertisement of the internet
site, as the workshop invitations haven been uploaded there. To advertise both the internet site as
well as the workshops, campaigns as given below have been conducted.

1.6.1 Conferences
The workshop as well as the internet site was announced at the following conferences during
• 9th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, September 10-11, 2012
Presentation: Mensinger M.: “Steel and composite bridges in Germany” (keynote lecture)
• 9th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, September 10-11, 2012
Presentation: Pak D., Kopp M., Seidl G.: “Monitoring of a non-ballast composite railway
• 9th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, September 10-11, 2012
Presentation: Mensinger M., Jähring A., Seidl G.: “VFT-Rail construction method for vry
slender railway bridges”
• Dillinger Colloquium Constructural Steelwork, Dillingen, Germany December 1st, 2011,
Seidl G.: “Developments for competitive composite bridges in the medium and short span
• SSF Ingenieure Projekttag Halle 2011, Halle, Germany, November 17, 2011, Seidl G.:
„Entwicklung neuer Bausystem bei SSF, Forschung und Pilotprojekte“

1.6.2 Journals and web pages
The workshop as well as the internet site was announced in the following journals / on the
following web pages:
Workshop in Germany:
• Website:
• SSF website,
• Bauforum Stahl,
• http://www.stahl-
ub=0&highsubsub=0 (active until end 2012)
• Harald Link, Strategie und Kommunikation, (active until
end 2012)
•, (active until end
• Verband Beratender Ingenieure, (active
until end 2012)
Furthermore publications in scientific journals were published [3] [4] [5] [6].
Workshop in Poland:
• Inżynieria i Budownictwo
al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 WARSZAWA
tel./fax + 48 22 629 69 86
ul. Dworcowa 47; 85-009 BYDGOSZCZ
tel. +48 52 552 49 33; fax +48 52 349 52 04
• Nowoczesne Budownictwo Inżynieryjne
ul. Zakopiańska 9/101, 30-418 KRAKÓW
tel. +48 12 292 70 70; fax +48 12 292 70 80
• GEOINŻYNIERIA drogi – mosty – tunele
ul. Radzikowskiego 1, 31-305 KRAKÓW
tel.: +48 12 351 10 93; fax +48 12 393 18 93
• Materiały Budowlane
ul. Świętokrzyska 14a, 00-950 WARSZAWA, skr. poczt. 1004
tel./fax: (0 22) 827 52 55, 826 20 27
• MOSTY (kwartalnik)
al. Roździeńskiego 188, 40-203 KATOWICE
tel. +48 32 788 52 53; fax +48 32 203 93 56
• Obiekty Inżynierskie
ul. Zawale 24, 42-500 BĘDZIN
tel./fax +48 32 761 60 60

Workshop in France:
• ArcelorMittal website:
• Costructalia website:

• Revue Technique Luxembourgeoise:
• Infosteel:
Workshop in Spain:
• Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos,
• Constructalia,

1.6.3 Press releases

Press releases for the workshop in Düsseldorf have been sent to the following
magazines / journals:
Allgemeine Bauzeitung, archplus, BAU, Baugewerbe, Bauingenieur, Baumarkt+Bauwirtschaft,
bauingenieur24, Baumeister, Baustoff-Partner, Bautechnik, Bayerische Staatszeitung,
Beratende Ingenieure, beton - Fachzeitschrift für Bau + Technik, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, bi
BauMagazin, bi UmweltBau, bulid, BWI, db deutsche bauzeitung, Der Architekt, Der
Bausachverständige, DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, Deutsches Architektenblatt, Deutsches
Baublatt, Deutsches IngenieurBlatt, Element + Bau, F + I-Bau, IKZ Bautechnik, industrieBAU,
Ingenieure in Bayern, Int. Zeitschrift Bauinstandsetzen, Intelligente Architektur,
muenchenarchitektur, st Straßen und Tiefbau, Straße + Autobahn, TAB Technik am Bau,
Tiefbau, tis Tief-, Ingenieur- und Straßenbau, Umrisse / Stahlbau-Nachrichten / Brückenbau,

1.6.4 Personal invitations
The following persons / institutions have been invited to the workshops personally:
Workshop in Düsseldorf (all by letter and email):
• SSF customers: 1117 persons
• FOSTA database: 1300 persons
Workshop in Wroclaw (all by email):
• EUROPROJEKT database
• Prof. Dr. Darko Beg, University of Ljubljana,
Slovenia (to distribute invitation in Slovenia)
• Prof. Andrzej Klimpel, Silesian University of
Technology, Poland (to be distributed in Poland)
• Przedsiębiorstwo Inżynierskie BIPROHUT Sp. z
• Gliwickie Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa
Przemysłowego S.A.
• Ocynkownia "Mostostal-Met", Sp. z o.o. w Opolu
• Mostostal Zabrze Zakład Montażowo Produkcyjny
„Pokój” Sp. z o.o. w upadłości układowej
• Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych S.A.
• Mostostal Zabrze - Zakład Produkcji Konstrukcji
Stalowych i Urządzeń Przemysłowych Sp. z o.o.
• Mostostal Zabrze - Zakład Montażowo
Produkcyjny "Częstochowa" Sp. z o.o.
• Mostostal Kędzierzyn Spółka Akcyjna Grupa
Kapitałowa Mostostal Zabrze
• Mostostal Zabrze - Zakład Montażowo-
Produkcyjny "Czechowice" Sp. z o.o.
• Mostostal Zabrze - Zakład Montażowo-
Produkcyjny "Katowice" Sp. z o.o.

Workshop in France:
About 6500 invitations have been sent by email to the
contacts from the database of ArcelorMittal, CTICM and

Workshop in Spain (All by email):

• ACCIONA Infraestructuras R&D database
• Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y
• ETSICCP former student database


A stand-alone international internet site ( has been developed

which contains
• design guide in English, French, Swedish, Spanish and German
• design software including the validation manual
• final report PRECOBEAM / PRECO+ (link to EU bookshop (not available right now))
• workshop registration

Figure 9 internet site (


Based on the design guide prepared within the scope of the PRECOBEAM project, a report
summarising the state of the art concerning the design and the construction of composite bridges
with PRECOBEAM has been prepared. The knowledge gained so far has been revised, commented
and reappraised.
In the case of non-existing design rules on an European level, national codes and standards as well
as state of the art design rules are stated.
The English version of the design guide can be found in Annex of this report and on
The design guide has been translated into German, Swedish, French, Polish and Spanish and is
available for download on the project website. As the German and Polish versions of the guideline
are not part of the final project report, an ISBN-numbers have been obtained, to make it easier
and more credible to cite.

Figure 10 PRECOBEAM design guide (English / German / French / Spanish / Polish / Swedish
version) available on


Within the scope of the RFCS project PRECO+, several design tools and hand calculation methods
have been developed, based on EC regulations.

Figure 11 Acobri PRECO+ tool (screen shot)

The ACOBRI software has been modified to include the possibility to deal with PRECOBEAM. The
calculations of these bridges are based upon the results of the RFCS projects PRECOBEAM and
The scope of the PRECOBEAM in ACOBRI is described by the following criteria:
- Single span or multi span bridges
- Straight beams with constant height
- No change of cross section along the beams
- Predefined clothoidal shape
- Available only for EN and DIN rules
- Road bridges, railway bridges or footbridges
- Automatic predesign not available for bridges with PRECOBEAM
The shape of the cutting lines leads to the formation of steel and concrete dowels which are used
to transmit horizontal shear between the steel chords and the concrete. Several shapes have been
studied in the PRECOBEAM research project but only the clothoidal shape is considered and
implemented in ACOBRI.

Figure 12: Definition of dowel’s boundary conditions

The software, available in English, French and German, has been distributed during the workshops
and is available for download at:


Design Guidelines
European guidelines for composite constructions with PRECOBEAM have not previously been
Therefore guidelines were developed from the previous PRECOBEAM design guide as well as the
PRECO+ project report to make the results suitable for use in design offices.
The English master versions of the guidelines have been translated into German, French, Polish
and Spanish. They are now published as a free download on the web page set-up within the scope
of the project.
The design guides have been completed by the design of a PRECOBEAM bridge (example design).
Drafting of knowledge in terms of design rules
To make the knowledge gained available to Eurocodes it was drafted in terms of design rules in
code style. Clear recommendations were given in which way the existing Eurocode-rules may be
altered or extended, providing a profound basis for further Eurocode improvements.
Five workshops have been organized within the scope of the project. Here the knowledge gained
was presented to nearly 400 participants at all. Furthermore the design guide was presented and
the internet site was introduced.
Internet Site
An internet site has been set up to make the information available in the future as well and to allow
for an effective and sustainable consolidation of the knowledge gained.
Design tool
A design tool has been written and implemented in the existing pre-design software ACOBRI.


Due to the significance of buildings and bridges in general in the political economy the request for
advanced and economic structures with low maintenance effort by the administrative is
outstanding. Therefore composite bridges with PRECOBEAM hold the potential to play an important
role in the ambition to achieve competitive steel and composite constructions. The efficient design
and construction improves and consolidates the market position of the steel construction and steel
producing industry. Additionally this advanced form of construction is contributing to savings in
material and energy consumption for the structure during production and maintenance.
Therefore the outcome of the PRECOBEAM project has to be valued to be very interesting not only
for designers in the area of current practice but for authorities as well. Based on the fact that no
design recommendations are existing at an European level to help practitioners to design bridges
and buildings, the PRECOBEAM project has to be considered as a big step forward to fill that lack.
Not only the project itself benefits from the workshops, but the construction method as well, as
attendees of the workshop were able to exchange ideas and to make international contacts.


Figure 1 Workshop flyer, Germany .................................................................................... 10

Figure 2 workshop flyer, Sweden ...................................................................................... 11
Figure 3 Workshop flyer, Poland ....................................................................................... 13
Figure 4 Presentation and auditorium in Wroclaw................................................................. 13
Figure 5 Workshop flyer, France ....................................................................................... 14
Figure 6: Auditorium of PECO+ workshop in Paris ................................................................ 15
Figure 7 workshop flyer, Spain ......................................................................................... 16
Figure 8 Auditorium of the workshop and get together at the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de
Caminos, Canales y Puertos of Madrid, Spain ...................................................................... 17
Figure 9 internet site ( ...................................................... 21
Figure 10 PRECOBEAM design guide (English / German / French / Spanish / Polish / Swedish
version) available on ........................................................................ 24
Figure 11 Acobri PRECO+ tool (screen shot) ....................................................................... 25
Figure 12: Definition of dowel’s boundary conditions ............................................................ 26


[1] Seidl G. et alteri, “Prefabricated enduring composite beams based on innovative shear
transmission,” European Commission, 2013.

[2] PRECO+, Design Guide Precobeam, Europeean Commission RFS2-CT-2011-00026, 2012.

[3] Seidl G., Müller J., “Massive Verbundbrücken für die Bahn - Anwendung externer Bewehrung
mit Verbunddübeln,” Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, pp. 122-128, 2011.

[4] Berthellemy J., Lorenc W., Mensinger M., Rauscher S., Seidl G., “Zum Tragverhalten von
Verbunddübeln - Teil 1: Tragverhalten unter statischer Belastung,” Stahlbau 80, pp. 172-184,
Heft 3 2011.

[5] Berthellemy J., Lorenc W., Mensinger M., Ndogmo ., Seidl G., “Zum Tragverhalten von
Verbunddübeln - Teil 2: Ermüdungsverhalten,” Stahlbau 80, pp. 256-267, Heft 4 2011.

[6] Seidl G., Mensinger M., Koch E., Hugle F., “Projektbericht Eisenbahnüberführung Simmerbach -
Pilotbrücke in VFT-Rail Bauweise mit externer Bewehrung,” Stahlbau 81, pp. 100-107, Heft 2


Free publications:
• one copy:
via EU Bookshop (;
• more than one copy or posters/maps:
from the European Union’s representations (;
from the delegations in non-EU countries (;
by contacting the Europe Direct service ( or
calling 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (freephone number from anywhere in the EU) (*).
(*) The information given is free, as are most calls (though some operators, phone boxes or hotels may charge you).

Priced publications:
• via EU Bookshop (
Composite structures are gaining importance due to economic and versatile
applications. A new form of shear transmission –composite dowels- permits to
design composite girders without an upper steel flange and with enduring shear
connection. The Composite dowel is produced by cutting a rolled beam with a
determined cutting-line into two parts. Due to the high degree of prefabrication
shorter construction times and less amount of work are possible.

However, few experiences with continuous shear connectors have been gained
so far. In the frame of the project the economic efficiency of these composite
girders – PRECOBEAMS – was evaluated in detail and could be proven. Wide-
ranging static and cyclic experimental test-series were accomplished,
comprehensive FE-Analysis performed and fire-resistance examined as
well. The results were presented in a considerably extensive research-report
containing design rules for composite dowels in girders under bending loads in
accordance to the Eurocode. It includes recommendations for the performance
of PRECOBEAMS concerning geometry, reinforcement and fire resistance.

Several applications in practice were investigated and some pilot projects

were realised which leads to first references in practice. The Pilot-projects
well demonstrate the big achievements made in the research-project and
the high acceptance and trust in the innovative construction technique along
practitioners and authorities.

ISBN 978-92-79-57728-4

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