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Subject: Internet of Things (Elective-IV)

Class: BE [IT]
Question Bank
1. What do you mean by Internet of Things? [3]
2. What are goals of IoT? [3]
3. What is H2M, MiH, M2M communication and give examples of each? [4]
4. Discuss ITU-T Views. [4]
5. What are basic elements of M2M/H2M applications? [4]
6. What is HLSA? What domain it comprise of? [6]
7. Explain in detail HLSA IoT framework. [8]
8. What are basic nodal capabilities? [4]
9. What types of things get connected in IoT? [2]
10. What is role of IPV6 in Internet of Things? [3]
11. Discuss any one example of Internet of Things. [4]
12. Which four pillars support Internet of Things? [4]
13. Discuss area of development and standardization in Internet of Things. [3]
14. What are the application areas of Internet of Things? [4]

1. What are basic requirements for an identification scheme? [5]
2. What do you mean by OID, EPC? [3]
3. What is structure of EPC? Where it get stored? [4]
4. Explain structural aspects of the IoT. [4]
5. Write a short note on device power. [4]
6. What are key Internet of Things technologies? [6]
7. How satellite communication technology use in Internet of Things? [4]
8. What are basic components of sensor network? [4]

1. Apart from RFID what types code /tag use for identification of any object. [2]
2. What is basic difference between bar code and RFID? [4]
3. Explain the working principle of RFID tag. [4]
4. Explain working of RFID reader. [5]
5. What is role of RFID middleware? [4]
6. Discuss various components of RFID system. [6]
7. What are the challenges and issues in RFID system [5]
8. Compare and contrast different types of RFID tags [4]
9. Compare different classes of RFID tags. [4]
10. What do you mean by EPCGlobal standard? [2]
11. Explain EPCGlobal Architecture frame work. [6]
12. What is role of ONS in Internet of Things? [3]
13. What is EPCIS? [4]
14. Explain structure of sensor node. [5]
15. What are different types of nodes in WSN? [4]
16. What is role of MAC layer in WSN? [4]
17. Explain single hop and multihop architecture of WSN. [4]
18. Explain preamble sampling protocol. [4]
19. Explain Multihop routing. [4]
20. What are different routing protocols in WSN? [6]
21. What are different Data link protocols in WSN? [6]
22. What are the challenges in wireless sensor network in Internet of Things? [6]
23. What are the ways of Integrating in Internet of Things? [6]
24. What are the main tasks performed in WSN infrastructure establishment? [6]
25. Write short note on [8]
a. WSN routing protocol.
b. Web of Things

Reference Books:

1. Building the Internet Of Things with Ipv6 And MIPv6 By Daniel Minoli
2. The Internet of Things Connecting Objects to the Web by Hakima

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