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Lesson Topic/Focus: Numbers up to 1000 Date: 26th November

AusVELS Domain(s): Mathematics Year level(s): 1/2

AusVELS strand (s): Numbers and Algebra Lesson duration: 30 minutes

AusVELS sub-strand(s): Number and place value

Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s)/Objective(s):

Students will ‘Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to
facilitated more efficient counting’ (ACMNA028). Students will learn the concept of reading 3-digit
numbers. Students will practice rearranging numbers to practice reading 3-digit numbers.

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will know/understand that:

Students will know how to recognise hundreds, tens and ones.

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will demonstrate the skills/strategies of:
Generating numbers using ‘Arrow Cards’ and show it using a ‘Number Card’.

Observe students in Independent and group task. Note on a class list who was able to represent 3-digit
numbers with arrow cards.

Assessment criteria for analysis:

I will look for students being able to group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000. Students will
be able to use hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate efficient counting. I will ask students to
model/demonstrate the exercise for me to observe that are able to complete the task.

Teaching focus:

B. teaching skills that the pre-service teacher would like to personally develop.
 Time management

Background to the learning:

A. References for teacher background knowledge
 Nelson Maths – Teacher’s Resource Book 2, Glenda Bradley
 Nelson Maths – Student Book 2, Glenda Bradley
 Australian Curriculum

B. Identify students’ current knowledge

 Students have learned about place value using number lines
 Students are able to recognise numbers in hundreds, tend and ones.

Lesson resources:
 Nelson Maths – Teaching Objects 2
 BLM 7 ‘Arrow Cards 1’
 BLM 8 ‘Arrow Cards 2’
 BLM 9 ‘Number Cards 2’
 Whiteboard, whiteboard markers
 Enlarged Number cards
Lesson content:
A. Introduction 5 mins
Tunning in –
Using an enlarged copy of the BLM ‘Number Cards 2’, give a card to each student and ask, ‘does
anyone have a card with 6 tens?’ Have those students stand and show their cards? Ask, ‘Does
anyone have a card with more than 5 hundreds?’ Continue asking questions about place-value
components and note any students who may need support in the teaching groups.

 Example questions –
Does anyone have a card with;
a. Less than 5 hundreds?
b. More than 2 tens?
c. More than 9 hundreds?
d. More than 2 hundreds but less than 6 hundreds?
e. More than 9 tens but less than 2 hundreds?

B. Development 10 mins

Students complete the ‘Arrow Cards’ worksheet. Using their arrow cards, students need to make
numbers to match the MAB models on their worksheet and write down their numbers.

C. Consolidation, practice, extension 10 mins

Once students have completed the worksheet they need to stick these into their maths book and place
them out the front for correction. They can then find a partner and play Match the number.

Match the number

 Have students work with a partner and give them a set of arrow cards made from BLM 7
‘Arrow Cards 1’ and BLM 8 ‘Arrow Cards 2’ and a set of cards made from BLM 9 ‘Number
Cards 2’. Student A selects a number card and reads the number aloud while Student B
forms that number using arrow cards. Student B checks by looking at the number card; if they
are correct they keep the number card. Students then revers roles and they continue to play.
The winner is the student with the most cards.
To build on this game and for those who found the game easy explain to them a new challenge such as
– make the number that is 10 or 100 more than the one on your card.
 E.g. If the card reads 562, ask your partner to make 10 more than 562 and they should show
572 on their arrow cards.

D. Closure 5 mins

Ask students to pack up their games, make sure their worksheets are stuck into their maths book and
stand behind their desk ready for the next lesson.

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