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NetNumen U31 R58

Unified Element Management System

Performance Management Operation Guide

Version: 12.11.041

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.1 2011-11-28 This revision optimizes the description of some topics, such as
Section 4.3.1 Creating an Index, Section 4.3.6 Exporting Indexes
to a File, and Section 8.1 Introduction to Template Task.

R1.0 2011-11–01 First Edition

Serial Number: SJ-20111013151429-011

Publishing Date: 2011-11-28(R1.1)

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Performance Management Overview ...................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction to Performance Management............................................................ 1-1
1.2 Basic Concepts in Performance Management ...................................................... 1-2
1.3 Performance Management Operation Flow .......................................................... 1-3
1.4 Performance Management Window ..................................................................... 1-4

Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management............................................. 2-1

2.1 Introduction to Measurement Task Management................................................... 2-1
2.2 Creating a Measurement Task............................................................................. 2-3
2.3 Modifying a Measurement Task ........................................................................... 2-8
2.4 Deleting a Measurement Task ............................................................................. 2-9
2.5 Activating a Measurement Task......................................................................... 2-10
2.6 Suspending a Measurement Task...................................................................... 2-12
2.7 Viewing a Measurement Task............................................................................ 2-13
2.8 Checking the Consistency Status of a Measurement Task................................... 2-14
2.9 Synchronizing a Measurement Task .................................................................. 2-16
2.10 Refreshing Measurement Tasks ...................................................................... 2-16
2.11 Importing Measurement Tasks from a File ........................................................ 2-17
2.12 Exporting a Measurement Task to a File........................................................... 2-18
2.13 Checking the Integrity of Measurement Tasks................................................... 2-19

Chapter 3 Measure Object Management .................................................. 3-1

3.1 Introduction to Measured Object Management ..................................................... 3-1
3.2 Querying Measured Objects................................................................................ 3-1

Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management ............................................. 4-1

4.1 Introduction to Counter and Index Management ................................................... 4-1
4.2 Viewing the Counters.......................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Index Management............................................................................................. 4-3
4.3.1 Creating an Index..................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.2 Modifying an Index ................................................................................... 4-9
4.3.3 Viewing an Index.................................................................................... 4-10
4.3.4 Deleting an Index ....................................................................................4-11
4.3.5 Moving an Index..................................................................................... 4-12
4.3.6 Exporting Indexes to a File...................................................................... 4-13

4.3.7 Importing Indexes from a File .................................................................. 4-14
4.3.8 Creating an Index Group......................................................................... 4-16
4.3.9 Modifying an Index Group ....................................................................... 4-17
4.3.10 Deleting an Index Group ....................................................................... 4-18
4.3.11 Refreshing Indexes............................................................................... 4-18

Chapter 5 Threshold Task Management................................................... 5-1

5.1 Introduction to Threshold Task Management ........................................................ 5-1
5.2 Creating a Threshold Task .................................................................................. 5-2
5.3 Modifying a Threshold Task................................................................................. 5-8
5.4 Deleting a Threshold Task................................................................................... 5-9
5.5 Activating a Threshold Task .............................................................................. 5-10
5.6 Suspending a Threshold Task ........................................................................... 5-10
5.7 Viewing a Threshold Task ..................................................................................5-11
5.8 Refreshing Threshold Tasks.............................................................................. 5-12
5.9 Exporting a Threshold Task............................................................................... 5-13
5.10 Importing a Threshold Task ............................................................................. 5-14

Chapter 6 Commom Template Management............................................ 6-1

6.1 Introduction to Common Template Management................................................... 6-1
6.2 Creating a Common Template ............................................................................. 6-2
6.3 Modifying a Common Template ........................................................................... 6-7
6.4 Viewing a Common Template.............................................................................. 6-8
6.5 Deleting a Common Template ............................................................................. 6-9
6.6 Refreshing Common Templates ........................................................................ 6-10
6.7 Exporting a Common Template to a File..............................................................6-11
6.8 Importing a Common Template from a File ......................................................... 6-12

Chapter 7 Query Template Management .................................................. 7-1

7.1 Introduction to Query Template............................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Creating a Query Template ................................................................................. 7-1
7.3 Running a Query Template ................................................................................. 7-5
7.4 Modifying the Query Conditions in a Query Template ............................................ 7-6
7.5 Deleting a Query Template.................................................................................. 7-6
7.6 Modifying the Attributes of a Query Template ....................................................... 7-7
7.7 Exporting a Query Template................................................................................ 7-8
7.8 Importing a Query Template ................................................................................ 7-9
7.9 Saving a Query Template as Another Query Template ........................................ 7-10

Chapter 8 Template Task Management .................................................... 8-1

8.1 Introduction to Template Task.............................................................................. 8-1

8.2 Creating a Query Template Task.......................................................................... 8-3
8.3 Creating a Common Template Task ..................................................................... 8-5
8.4 Modifying a Template Task .................................................................................. 8-9
8.5 Viewing a Template Task .................................................................................. 8-10
8.6 Deleting a Template Task ...................................................................................8-11
8.7 Activating a Template Task................................................................................ 8-12
8.8 Suspending a Template Task............................................................................. 8-12
8.9 Ending a Template Task.................................................................................... 8-13
8.10 Refreshing Template Tasks ............................................................................. 8-14

Chapter 9 Performance Data Query.......................................................... 9-1

9.1 Introduction to Performance Data Query .............................................................. 9-1
9.2 Querying Performance Data by Customized Conditions ........................................ 9-1
9.3 Querying Performance Data by Measurement Task .............................................. 9-5
9.4 Querying Performance Data by Query Template................................................... 9-6
9.5 Querying Performance Data by Common Template .............................................. 9-7
9.6 Querying Performance Data in Real Time ............................................................ 9-9
9.7 Exporting Performance Data ............................................................................. 9-12
9.8 Operations on the Query Result ........................................................................ 9-13
9.8.1 Viewing the Query Result in Table ........................................................... 9-13
9.8.2 Viewing the Query Result in Chart ........................................................... 9-13
9.8.3 Exporting the Query Result ..................................................................... 9-14
9.8.4 Printing the Query Result ........................................................................ 9-15

Chapter 10 Performance Data Monitoring.............................................. 10-1

10.1 Overview of Performance Data Monitoring ....................................................... 10-1
10.2 Monitoring Performance Data by Task.............................................................. 10-1

Chapter 11 Performance Data Integrity Report...................................... 11-1

11.1 Introduction to Performance Data Integrity Report..............................................11-1
11.2 Checking the Integrity of Performance Data.......................................................11-2
11.3 Saving the Integrity Report ...............................................................................11-5

Chapter 12 Excel Template Management ............................................... 12-1

12.1 Introduction to Excel Template......................................................................... 12-1
12.2 Uploading an Excel Template to the Server ...................................................... 12-3
12.3 Downloading an Excel Template From the Server............................................. 12-4
12.4 Deleting an Excel Template ............................................................................. 12-4
12.5 Using an Excel Template................................................................................. 12-5

Figures............................................................................................................. I

Tables ............................................................................................................ III
Glossary .........................................................................................................V

About This Manual
The NetNumen U31 Unified Element Management System (NetNumen U31 or EMS) is a
special network element management system used to manage and maintain ZTE's digital
microwave transmission equipment.
By using the NetNumen U31 system, users can configure and maintain individual
microwave network elements, and manage a microwave transmission network in a unified
manner. NetNumen U31 provides the following management functions:
l Configuration management
l Fault management
l Performance management
l Topology management
l Security management
l Log management

As an object-oriented system designed on the J2EE platform, NetNumen U31 provides

unified standard interfaces to external devices.

This guide provides explanations and instructions for performance management
operations in the NetNumen U31 system.

Intended Audience
l Maintenance engineers
l Network planning and optimization engineers

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, Performance Explains some basic concepts of performance management and

Management Overview the general performance management flow in the NetNumen U31
system, and describes the performance management window on
the graphical user interface of NetNumen U31.

Chapter 2, Measurement Task Provides the instructions for operations related to measurement
Management task, including the creation, modification, view, deletion, activation,
suspending, refreshing, and synchronization of measurement tasks.

Chapter 3, Measure Object Gives an introduction to the measured object management function,
Management and describes how to query measured objects.

Chapter Summary

Chapter 4, Counter and Index Provides an overview of counter and index, and the instructions
Management related to counters, indexes, and index groups, for example, the
instructions of how to create, modify, view, delete, refresh, import
and export indexes.

Chapter 5, Threshold Task Provides the instructions of how to create, modify, view, delete,
Management activate, suspend, refresh, import and export threshold tasks.

Chapter 6, Common Template Gives the purpose of common template, and provides the
Management instructions of how to create and use common templates.

Chapter 7, Query Template Describes operations on the query template.


Chapter 8, Template Task Describes operations on query template tasks and common
Management template tasks, for example, how to create, modify, import, export
and delete query templates, and create, modify, delete, activate,
suspend, and refresh template tasks.

Chapter 9, Performance Data Provides five methods of querying performance data, and describes
Query the operations that you can do on the query result, for example,
displaying the query result in different formats, printing and export
the query result.

Chapter 10, Performance Data Describes the performance data monitoring function, and describes
Monitoring how to set a monitoring task.

Chapter 11, Performance Data Explains the purpose of the performance data integrity report, and
Integrity Report provides the instructions of how to check the performance integrity
and save the integrity report.

Chapter 12, Excel Template Describes operations on the excel template, including creation,
Management upload, download, deletion, and the other utilities.

Chapter 1
Performance Management
Table of Contents
Introduction to Performance Management ..................................................................1-1
Basic Concepts in Performance Management ............................................................1-2
Performance Management Operation Flow ................................................................1-3
Performance Management Window............................................................................1-4

1.1 Introduction to Performance Management

The NetNumen U31 system provides a diversity of performance management functions
for monitoring the running status of microwave transmission equipment to ensure
the efficiency, stability, and security of the managed network. It collects performance
data from the network, analyzes the collected data, and then provides the network
administrator with sufficient and complete information for the operation and maintenance
of the network. The network administrator can make appropriate operation policies based
on the network status to guarantee high-efficiency operation of the network.
The performance management functions of NetNumen U31 can be grouped into the
following four types:
l Customization of Data Collection Tasks
By customizing a data collection task, you can enable the system to collect specific
performance data.
l Performance Data Collection
The system collects performance data and stores the collected data in its database
according to predefined performance tasks.

l Performance Data Query

The system supports the query of performance data that has been collected and
stored in the database. It displays the query result on the client interface.

l Performance Threshold Management

The system supports the setting of upper and lower thresholds for key performance
indexes. Once the value of an index is higher than the upper threshold or lower than
the lower threshold, the fault management module of the system can raise a threshold
crossing alarm.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

1.2 Basic Concepts in Performance Management

The following explains the basic concepts for your better understanding of performance
management operations described in this manual.
l Measured Object
Measured object can be a physical entity, a logic entity, or the combination of physical
entity and logic entity that needs to be measured.
l Measurement Type
Measurement type is a basic element of measurement that supports the measurement
of different indexes of a measured object. Different measured objects involve different
measurement types. You can choose a measurement type for a measurement
according to the indexes you want to measure.
l Counter
Counter is a specific measurement index involved in a measurement type. Each
measurement type has a number of measurement indexes.
l Collection Granularity
Collection granularity refers to the cycle of collecting data from boards in network

NetNumen U31 only supports the collection granularity of 15 minutes.

l Calculation Index
Calculation index is used to evaluate equipment performance. It is the arithmetic result
of related measurement items. The system already presets some calculation indexes
for generic applications.
l QoS
Quality of Service (QoS) is a network security mechanism and technology used
to solve network delay and congestion problems. It prevents important services
from being delayed or discarded when the network is overloaded or congested, and
therefore guarantees high-efficiency operation of the network.
l Measurement Task
Measurement task is a task defined for performance data measurement. After a
measurement task is created, the system automatically collects the values of required
performance parameters during the preset period, and gives the statistical result of
network performance, from which the operator can know the network operation status.
l Threshold Task


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Chapter 1 Performance Management Overview

Threshold task, also called QoS task, is intended to monitoring specific measurement
data during a preset period. As defined in a threshold task, when the calculated value
of an index exceeds the preset high threshold or smaller than the preset low threshold,
a threshold crossing alarm is raised. The threshold crossing alarm disappears when
the calculated value during a later measurement period is within the preset threshold

1.3 Performance Management Operation Flow

Operation Flow Chart
Figure 1-1 shows a general operation flow for performance management in NetNumen

Figure 1-1 Performance Management Operation Flow

Flow Description
The following operations can be performed after the NetNumen U31 system is started.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

l Create a measurement task for collecting performance data. After a measurement

task is successfully created, related NEs start collecting required performance data
and send the collected data to the EMS.
For details, refer to Section 2.2 Creating a Measurement Task.
l Query and monitor performance data, and check the integrity of collected performance
For details, refer to:
à Chapter 9 Performance Data Query
à Chapter 10 Performance Data Monitoring
à Chapter 11 Performance Data Integrity Report
l Create and use templates for performance data query.
à Create a common or query template in which query conditions are predefined.
For details, refer to Section 6.2 Creating a Common Template, and Section 7.2
Creating a Query Template.
à Create a template task for querying performance data on schedule.
For details, refer to Section 8.2 Creating a Query Template Task, and Section 8.3
Creating a Common Template Task.
à Query performance data by common template or query template.
For details, refer to Section 9.4 Querying Performance Data by Query Template,
and Section 9.5 Querying Performance Data by Common Template.
l Customize a performance index as needed, and create a threshold task for monitoring
a counter or performance index. After a threshold task is successfully created, a
threshold crossing alarm will be raised when the calculated value of the index or
counter involved in this task exceeds the preset high threshold or smaller than the
preset low threshold.
For details, refer to:
à Section 4.3.1 Creating an Index.

à Section 5.2 Creating a Threshold Task.

1.4 Performance Management Window

To open the performance management window, log in to the NetNumen U31 client and
then select a command on the Performance menu.
For example, select Performance > Counter and Index Management on the menu
bar. The performance management window appears with the Counter and Index
Management tab opened, as shown in Figure 1-2.


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Chapter 1 Performance Management Overview

Figure 1-2 Performance Management Window

1. Menu bar 3. Performance management 4. Performance data display

2. Main toolbar toolbar pane
5. Navigation pane

Performance Management Buttons on Main Toolbar

The main toolbar in the client window provides some shortcut buttons related to
performance management functions. You can click them to open corresponding
management tabs quickly.
Table 1-1 describes the functions of the performance-related buttons on the main toolbar.

Table 1-1 Performance Management Buttons on the Main Toolbar

Button Function

Performance Data Query

Counter and Index Management

Measurement Task Management

Real-time Data Query

Navigation Pane
The navigation pane in the client window varies with the active management window
displayed on the client. In the performance management window, the navigation pane
provides different topological trees to facilitate performance management operations.

On the top of the navigation pane are three tabs: Model Management, NE Tree and
Template Tree


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

The following introduces the three tabs of the navigation pane in the performance
management window.
l On the Model Management tab, the Resource Type tree lists all the performance
measurement types and counters of all managed NEs in the system.
l On the NE Tree tab, a navigation tree lists all managed NEs in the system.
l On the Template Tree tab, the Template Tree lists all available templates that can be
used for performance data query.

Performance Management Toolbar

The performance management toolbar varies with the active tab displayed in the
performance management window. It provides a number of shortcut buttons for quick
operations. Table 1-2 only introduces two common buttons on the toolbar.

Table 1-2 Common Buttons on the Performance Management Toolbar

Button Function

Chooses columns for displaying corresponding parameters in the

performance data display pane.

Searches for specific tasks or performance data according to the

entered keyword.


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Chapter 2
Measurement Task
Table of Contents
Introduction to Measurement Task Management ........................................................2-1
Creating a Measurement Task....................................................................................2-3
Modifying a Measurement Task ..................................................................................2-8
Deleting a Measurement Task ....................................................................................2-9
Activating a Measurement Task ................................................................................2-10
Suspending a Measurement Task.............................................................................2-12
Viewing a Measurement Task...................................................................................2-13
Checking the Consistency Status of a Measurement Task........................................2-14
Synchronizing a Measurement Task .........................................................................2-16
Refreshing Measurement Tasks ...............................................................................2-16
Importing Measurement Tasks from a File ................................................................2-17
Exporting a Measurement Task to a File...................................................................2-18
Checking the Integrity of Measurement Tasks ..........................................................2-19

2.1 Introduction to Measurement Task Management

A measurement task must be created for collecting performance data from managed NEs.
After the creation of a measurement task, the system collects performance data according
to the schedule and collection granularity defined in the task, and provides statistical results
of the collected data.
To open the Measurement Task Management tab, select Performance > Measurement
Task Management on the menu bar. The Measurement Task Management tab appears
in the performance management window, as shown in Figure 2-1.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-1 Measurement Task Management Tab

As shown in Figure 2-1, some buttons on the performance management toolbar of the
Measurement Task Management tab are unavailable. To activate those buttons, click a
specific measurement task in the measurement task list. Table 2-1 describes the functions
of the buttons on the performance management toolbar.

Table 2-1 Toolbar Buttons on the Measurement Task Management Tab

Button Function Note

Creates a measurement task. -

Select a suspended task to

Modifies a measurement task.
activate this button.

Select a suspended task to

Deletes a measurement task.
activate this button.

Activates a suspended Select a suspended task to

measurement task. activate this button.

Select an active measurement

Suspends an active measurement
task in coherence status to
activate this button.

Shows the information of a Select a measurement task to

measurement task. activate this button.

Shows the consistency status of a Select a measurement task to

measurement task. activate this button.

Synchronizes a measurement task

Select a measurement task to
from the server to related network
activate this button.


SJ-20111013151429-011|2011-11-28(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

Button Function Note

Refreshes the measurement task


Imports a measurement task. -

Select a measurement task to

Exports a measurement task.
activate this button.

Checks the integrity of a

measurement task.

Selects the task status to be


2.2 Creating a Measurement Task

This section describes how to create a measurement task for collecting performance data.

Before you create a measurement task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and managed network
elements (NEs) is normal.
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.

1. On the Measurement Task Management tab, do one of the following:
l On the performance management toolbar, click .
l On the NE Tree tab, right-click a managed element, and then click Create
Measurement Task on the shortcut menu.
l In the measurement task list, right-click an existing task, and then click Create
Measurement Task on the shortcut menu.
The Create Measurement Task dialog box opens.

2. On the Measurement Task tab of the Create Measurement Task dialog box, select
an NE type from the NE Type drop-down list box, select an Measured Object (MO) type
from the MO Type drop-down list box, select a task type, and then select performance
objects in the PO tree, as shown in Figure 2-2.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-2 Create Measurement Task Dialog Box (Measurement Task Tab)

Table 2-2 describes the parameters on the Measurement Task tab.

Table 2-2 Parameters on the Measurement Task Tab

Parameter Description Setting Instruction

NE type refers to the type of Select a type of NE(s) to which the

NE Type
managed device. measurement task will be assigned.

MO type refers to the type of

MO Type Select a type of measured object.
managed object.

Select a task type as needed.

l All-PO: When this type is selected,
you do not need to select
The following two types are
performance objects because an
Task Type All-PO measurement task involves
l Normal
all POs of the selected MO type.
l All-PO
l Normal: When this type is selected,
you can select the POs you want on
the PO tree.

PO, also called

measurement type,
determines the performance Select the performance object(s) for the
objects to be measured measurement task.
for the selected measured


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

3. Click the Location tab in the Create Measurement Task dialog box, select a wildcard
level from the Wildcard Level drop-down list box, and then perform appropriate
action(s) according to the selected wildcard level to select the NE(s) and MO(s)
whose performance data shall be collected, as shown in Figure 2-3.
a. In the NE Location Selected list box, select the NE(s) to be measured in the NE
b. In the MO Location Selected list box, select the MO(s) to be measured in the MO

Figure 2-3 Create Measurement Task Dialog Box (Location Tab)

The options in the Wildcard Level drop-down list box vary with the previously selected
NE type and MO type. By selecting a wildcard level, you can select MO(s) in batch
For example, if you select NE from the drop-down list box, the system automatically
selects all MOs for the NEs to be selected. It is only necessary to select the NEs you
want to measure.

4. Click the General tab in the Create Measurement Task dialog box, and then set the
general information of the measurement task, including task name, start time, end
time, task status, data collection granularity, effective date, and effective time period,
as shown in Figure 2-4.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-4 Create Measurement Task Dialog Box (General Tab)

Table 2-3 describes the parameters on the General tab.

Table 2-3 Parameters on the General Tab

Parameter Description Setting Instruction

Use the default task name, or enter a new

The system provides a default
task name.
Task Name task name according to the
Note: Be sure that the task name is
selected MO type.
unique in the system.

The default creator of the

Creator measurement task is the This parameter is unmodifiable.
current login user of the client.

Select the check box, click the down arrow,

Set the start time of the period set the start time of the measurement
Start Time during which the measurement task, and then click OK.
task will take effect. Note: Be sure that the start time is later
than the current system time of the client.

Select the check box, click the down arrow,

Set the end time of the period set the end time of the measurement task,
End Time during which the measurement and then click OK.
task will take effect. Note: Be sure that the end time is later
than the start time.


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

Parameter Description Setting Instruction

l If Activated is selected, the

measurement task will take effect
after successful creation. The system
will start collecting performance data
Select the status of the
according to the task schedule.
measurement task from the
Status l If Suspended is selected, the
drop-down list box: Activated
measurement task will not take effect
or Suspended.
after successful creation. The system
will start collecting performance data
as scheduled only after the task is

The collection granularity

determines the cycle of data Select the data collection cycle: 15
collection from corresponding minutes.

Set the exact implementation Select Week or Month, and then set the
date of the measurement task, effective date in every week or every
Effective Date
weekly or monthly. Every day month. The highlighted dates are effective
is selected by default. dates.

The period from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00 is

set by default, which means the task is
Set the time periods when the effective in the whole day. If you want to
Effective Time measurement task shall be set another time period, delete the default
performed during a day. one, enter the start time in the From box,
enter the end time in the To box, and then
click the Add button.

5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The created measurement task appears in the measurement task list on the Measurement
Task Management tab. At the same time, the system synchronizes the information of the
created measurement task to corresponding NE(s). If the measurement task is active, the
NE(s) collects required performance data and transfers the collected data in the format of
file to NetNumen U31 according to the requirements of the measurement task.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

2.3 Modifying a Measurement Task

This section describes how to modify a measurement task.
All the settings of a measurement task can be modified except its NE type, MO type, task
type, and task status.

Before you modify a measurement task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.
l The measurement task to be modified is suspended and its consistency status is
l The origin of the measurement task to be modified is client. That means the
measurement task is manually created by a user on a client.

An active measurement task can be suspended only when its consistency status is normal.
Only a suspended task can be modified.

1. On the Measurement Task Management tab, do one of the following:
l Click the measurement task in the measurement task list, and then click on the
l Right-click the measurement task in the measurement task list, and then click
Modify Measurement Task on the shortcut menu.

The Modify Measurement Task dialog box opens.

For the description of parameters in the Modify Measurement Task dialog box, refer
to Section 2.2 Creating a Measurement Task.


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

2. On the Measurement Task tab of the Modify Measurement Task dialog box, change
the selection of PO(s) as needed.
3. Click the Location tab, and then change the selection of NE(s) and MO(s) as needed.
4. Click the General tab, and then modify the general information of the measurement
task as needed. For example, you can reset the start time, end time, effective date,
and/or the effective time.

The time settings of a measurement task can only be modified when the current system
time is earlier than the start time of the task. If the current system time is later than the
start time, the start time cannot be modified.

5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

After successful modification, the settings of the measurement task change accordingly,
which is synchronized to related NE(s) by the NetNumen U31 system.

2.4 Deleting a Measurement Task

This section describes how to delete a measurement task.

Before you delete a measurement task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.
l The measurement task to be deleted is suspended and its consistency status is
l The origin of the measurement task to be modified is client. That means the
measurement task is manually created by a user on a client.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

An active measurement task can be suspended only when its consistency status is normal.
Only a suspended task can be modified.

1. On the Measurement Task Management tab, find the measurement task to be
deleted, and do one of the following:
l Click the measurement task, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the measurement task, and then click Delete Measurement Task on
the shortcut menu.

To delete multiple measurement tasks at a time, press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift
key while selecting the measurement tasks to be deleted, and then click on the
toolbar, or right-click any selected measurement task and click Delete Measurement

The Delete Measurement Task dialog box appears.

2. Click Yes.
– End of Steps –

The deleted measurement task disappears from the measurement task list on the
Measurement Task Management tab.

2.5 Activating a Measurement Task

The NetNumen U31 system does not collect required performance data for a suspended
measurement task. After you activate the suspended measurement task, the system
converts the measurement task into individual NE measurement task(s) that can
be identified and performed by corresponding NEs, and then synchronizes the NE
measurement task(s) to corresponding NE(s).
After the synchronization is completed, the system checks the consistency status of
each NE measurement task involved in the measurement task. If the consistency status
of an NE measurement task is abnormal, the system deems that the activation of the


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

measurement task fails. You need to troubleshoot the synchronization failure and perform
the activation operation again. For how to check the consistency status of a measurement
task, refer to Section 2.8 Viewing the Consistency Status of a Measurement Task.
If the synchronization is successful, corresponding NE(s) collect performance data
according to the task schedule and transfer the collected performance data to the system.
The system stores the received performance data in its database.

You can activate multiple measurement tasks of the same type at a time when the origins
of these tasks are the same. For example, if some measurement tasks are all created
via the NetNumen U31 client and they are of the same type, you can activate them at the
same time.

The following example shows how to activate a measurement task.

Before you activate a measurement task, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.
l The measurement task you want to activate is suspended.

On the Measurement Task Management tab, find the measurement task to be activated,
and do one of the following:
l Right-click the measurement task, and then click Activate Measurement Task on the
shortcut menu.
l Click the measurement task, and then click on the toolbar.

To activate multiple measurement tasks at a time, press and hold down the Ctrl or
Shift key while selecting the measurement tasks to be activated, and then click on
the toolbar, or right-click any selected task and click Activate Measurement Task.

– End of Steps –


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The status of the activated measurement task displayed in the Task Status column
changes from Suspended to Activated.

2.6 Suspending a Measurement Task

The system does not collect performance data required by a suspended measurement
task. Only an active measurement task with normal consistency status can be suspended.

You can suspend multiple active measurement tasks of the same type at a time when
the origin of these tasks are the same. For example, if some measurement tasks are all
created via the NetNumen U31 client and they are of the same type, you can suspend
them at the same time.

The following example shows how to suspend a measurement task.

Before you suspend a measurement task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.
l The measurement task you want to suspend is active.
l The consistency status of the measurement task is normal.
l The origin of the measurement task is client. That means the measurement task is
manually created by a user on a client.

On the Measurement Task Management tab, find the measurement task to be
suspended, and do one of the following:
l Right-click the measurement task, and then click Suspend Measurement Task on
the shortcut menu.
l Click the measurement task, and then click on the toolbar.


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

To suspend multiple measurement tasks at a time, press and hold down the Ctrl or
Shift key while selecting the measurement tasks to be suspended, and then click
on the toolbar, or right-click any selected task and click Suspend Measurement Task.

– End of Steps –

The status of the measurement task in the Task Status column changes from Activated
to Suspended.

2.7 Viewing a Measurement Task

This section describes how to view the settings of a measurement task, including the NE
type, MO type, selected PO(s), the location of NE(s) and MO(s), task status, effective date,
and effective time.

Before you view the settings of a measurement task, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.
l The measurement task to be viewed exists on the Measurement Task Management

1. On the Measurement Task Management tab, find the measurement task you want
to view, and then do one of the following:
l Double-click the measurement task.
l Right-click the measurement task, and then click View Measurement Task on
the shortcut menu.
l Click the measurement task, and then click on the toolbar.

2. On the Measurement Task tab of the View Measurement Task dialog box, view the
NE type, MO type, and the selected PO(s) of the measurement task.


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3. Click the Location tab, and then view the NE(s) and MO(s) involved in the
measurement task.
4. Click the General tab, and then view the general information of the measurement task,
such as start time, end time, effective date, and effective time.
5. After viewing the settings of the measurement task, click Close.
– End of Steps –

2.8 Checking the Consistency Status of a Measurement

This section describes how to check the consistency status of a measurement task.
The measurement task created on the client can be regarded as a logical task, which
may involve multiple NEs and multiple Measured Objects (MOs). To synchronize such
measurement task to corresponding NEs, the system converts the measurement task into
individual NE-based NE measurement tasks, each involving one NE and one MO.

The system deems that the status of a logical measurement task is consistent when all
of its NE measurement tasks are successfully synchronized to corresponding NEs. The
synchronization failure of any NE measurement task results in inconsistent status of the
logical measurement task.

Before you check the consistency status of a measurement task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.

1. On the Measurement Task Management tab, do one of the following:
l Right-click the measurement task in the measurement task list, and then click
View Consistency Status on the shortcut menu.
l Click the measurement task in the measurement task list, and then click on the
l In the Consistency Status column of the measurement task list, click the cell
corresponding to the measurement task.
The Consistency Status dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 2-5.


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

Figure 2-5 Consistency Status Dialog Box

2. After checking the consistency status of all NE measurement tasks in the Consistency
Status dialog box, click Close.

– End of Steps –

Follow-Up Action
In the Consistency Status dialog box, you can perform related operations on each NE
measurement task by clicking corresponding buttons on the toolbar.
Table 2-4 describes the functions of the buttons on the toolbar in the Consistency Status
dialog box.

Table 2-4 Toolbar Buttons in the Consistency Status Dialog Box

Button Function

Shows the details of an NE measurement task.

Synchronizes an NE measurement task to corresponding NE.

Synchronizes all NE measurement tasks to corresponding NEs.

Deletes an NE measurement task.

Deletes all NE measurement tasks in the inconsistent status.

Shows the NE measurement tasks in the previous page.

Shows the NE measurement tasks in the next page.


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2.9 Synchronizing a Measurement Task

This section describes how to synchronize a measurement task from the server to
corresponding NE(s).
The actual information of a measurement task in an NE may be different from that on
the NetNumen U31 server because of network interruption, device upgrade or other
communication problems. After the communication recovers, you can synchronize the
measurement task from the server to the NE to keep the consistency of task information
for ensuring the correct collection of performance data.

Before you synchronize a measurement task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.

On the Measurement Task Management tab, find the measurement task to be
synchronized, and do one of the following:
l Right-click the measurement task, and then click Synchronize Measurement Task
on the shortcut menu.
l Click the measurement task, and then click on the toolbar.
– End of Steps –

The system starts synchronizing the measurement task from the server to corresponding
NE(s). After the completion of synchronization, a message prompting the synchronization
result appears on the status bar of the client window.

2.10 Refreshing Measurement Tasks

Multiple users can manage a network via different clients connected to the NetNumen
U31 server. If another user does some operations related to measurement tasks, for
example, creates a new measurement task, you may not immediately view the changes
of measurement tasks on your client due to the response time between the server and


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

different clients. In this case, you can refresh the measurement task list to synchronize
the latest information of measurement tasks from the server to your client.
The following describes how to display the latest measurement task information on your

Before you refresh the measurement tasks on your client, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.

On the Measurement Task Management tab, do one of the following:
l Right-click any measurement task in the measurement task list, and then click Refresh
Measurement Task on the shortcut menu.
l Click on the toolbar.
– End of Steps –

The local client synchronizes the latest measurement task information from the server and
then refreshes the measurement task list.

2.11 Importing Measurement Tasks from a File

This section describes how to import predefined measurement tasks from an XML or ZIP

Before you import measurement tasks from an XML or ZIP file, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The XML or ZIP file that contains the information of measurement tasks to be imported
is available on the client.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.


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Make sure that the name of each measurement task defined in the XML or ZIP file is
different from those of existing measurement tasks in the system. A measurement task
with the same name as an existing task in the system cannot be imported.

1. On the Measurement Task Management tab, do one of the following:
l Right-click any measurement task in the measurement task list, and then click
Import Measurement Task on the shortcut menu.
l Click on the toolbar.
The Import Measure Task dialog box opens.
2. In the Import Measure Task dialog box, find and select the file to be imported, select
Import task from file direct, and then click Open.

If you want to import the measurement tasks defined in the file as templates, select
Import task as templet (need to reset location) instead, and then click Open.
For each measurement task to be imported as a template, the system opens a
Modify Measurement Task dialog box, in which you can modify the settings of the
measurement task as needed. Click OK after modifying each measurement task.

– End of Steps –

The measurement tasks defined in the selected file are imported to the system and
displayed in the measurement task list.

2.12 Exporting a Measurement Task to a File

This section describes how to export a measurement task to a ZIP file on the local client.

Before you export a measurement task to a ZIP file, make sure that
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.

1. On the Measurement Task Management tab, do one of the following:
l Right-click the measurement task, and then click Export Measurement Task on
the shortcut menu.
l Click the measurement task, and then click on the toolbar.

To export multiple measurement tasks, press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while
selecting the measurement tasks to be exported, and then click on the toolbar, or
click any selected task and click Export Measurement Task.

The Export Measure Task dialog box opens.

2. In the Export Measure Task dialog box, enter or select the path where you want to
save the measure task(s), enter a file name, and then click Save.
– End of Steps –

A ZIP file, which contains the information of the exported measurement task, appears
under the selected path on your client.

2.13 Checking the Integrity of Measurement Tasks

By checking the integrity of measurement tasks, you can get the information of
Performance Objects (POs) involved in the measurement tasks of an NE type.
l If a PO is involved in a measurement task, its task status is displayed as “Created”,
which means some measurement task involving this PO has been created in the
l If a PO is not involved in any measurement task, its task status is displayed as “None”,
which means no measurement task involving this PO is created in the system.

Before you check the integrity of measurement tasks in the NetNumen U31 system, make
sure that:


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l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage measurement tasks.
l The Measurement Task Management tab is open.

1. On the Measurement Task Management tab, click on the toolbar. The
Measurement Task Integrality dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Measurement Task Integrity Dialog Box

2. In the Measurement Task Integrality dialog box, select an NE type from the NE Type
drop-down list box (for example, ZXMW NR8250), select All from the Show Type
drop-down list box, and then click the Check button. The task status of all POs of the
selected NE type is displayed.

You can click Set in the Measurement Task Integrality dialog box to select the POs
you want to check in the pop-up Set PO dialog box. Then only the check results of the
selected POs will be displayed in the Measurement Task Integrality dialog box.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 2 Measurement Task Management

Follow-Up Action
For the POs whose task status is “None”, that is, they have not been involved in any
measurement task, the system can automatically create corresponding measurement
tasks with default settings based on the check result.


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Chapter 3
Measure Object Management
Table of Contents
Introduction to Measured Object Management ...........................................................3-1
Querying Measured Objects .......................................................................................3-1

3.1 Introduction to Measured Object Management

NetNumen U31 provides a Measured Object (MO) management module as a shortcut
entry for the following functions:
l Create and query measurement tasks
l Create and query threshold tasks
l Query performance data
l Query measured objects

3.2 Querying Measured Objects

This section describes how to query measured objects.

Before you query measured objects, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to query measured objects.

1. In the client window, select Performance > MO Management on the menu bar. The
MO Management tab appears.
2. In the NE Tree pane on the left of the client window, expand the NE tree, click the
NE whose MOs are to be queried. All the measured object types under this NE are
displayed in the right pane, as shown in Figure 3-1.


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Figure 3-1 MO Management Tab

3. From the Measure Object Type drop-down list box on the toolbar of the MO
Management tab, select the type of measured objects you want to view.
– End of Steps –

All measured objects of the selected type are listed on the MO Management tab.

Follow-Up Action
After getting the query result, you can perform task creation and data query functions by
right-clicking an MO on the MO Management tab and selecting corresponding commands
on the shortcut menu.


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Chapter 4
Counter and Index
Table of Contents
Introduction to Counter and Index Management .........................................................4-1
Viewing the Counters .................................................................................................4-2
Index Management.....................................................................................................4-3

4.1 Introduction to Counter and Index Management

The management objects of a performance threshold task (also called threshold task) are
counters and/or indexes. You can define a threshold task for monitoring specific index(es).
To define an index, you need to specify its name, formula and type.
Performance indexes can be classified into the following four types according to their
importance and usage.
l Key Performance Index (KPI)
A KPI is an index that indicates a key performance of a network. The purpose of a
threshold task is to monitor one or more KPIs. When the system detects that the value
of a KPI exceeds the threshold range specified in the task, a threshold crossing alarm
is raised. Threshold crossing alarms are classified into four levels by severity: critical,
major, minor and warning. All KPI threshold crossing alarms have the same alarm
l Performance Index (PI)

A PI is a common index that indicates a network performance.

l Statistical Performance Index (SPI)

An SPI is the count of a measured object based on a specific statistic rule. A statistic
rule is a logical expression, for example, call completion ratio≥95%.
l User-defined Performance Index

You can also define and manage performance index according to the actual
requirements in the system.


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l A KPI or PI corresponds to one measured object; and an SPI corresponds to one type
of measured objects.
l User-defined KPIs can be modified and deleted when they are not in use. The default
indexes provided by the system cannot be modified or deleted.
l The value of each counter in the formulas of KPIs comes from basic measurements.

KPIs can be used in the following scenarios:

l Creation of Threshold Task
Only KPIs are used in threshold tasks. If a KPI is used in a threshold task, the system
determines whether to raise a threshold crossing alarm after comparing the KPI value
with the preset thresholds according to the threshold task. The threshold crossing
alarms that are triggered by different KPIs have the same alarm code but different

l Query of KPI Value

On request of querying the value of a KPI, the system calculates the value according
to the KPI formula and displays the calculation result on the client interface. The
system can also query corresponding counters from the database to calculate the
history value of a KPI. It displays the calculation result of the history KPI value, which
reflects the variation of the KPI during a period.

l Generation of KPI Report

The system provides several report templates based on KPI formulas for generating
KPI reports. You can know the running status of the network by checking the value
variation of KPIs in busy hours from the KPI reports generated based on these
templates, which reflect the running status of the network.

4.2 Viewing the Counters

This section describes how to view the counters of a type.

Before you view the counters of a Measured Object (MO), make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage counters.
l You have completed the configuration of the NE that you want to query.


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the target node in the Model Management pane to find the measured object
you want to view.
3. Click in front of the Counter node under the measured object to expand the counter
4. Select a counter type. The counters of the selected type are displayed in the right
pane, as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Counters Displayed in the Right Pane

– End of Steps –

4.3 Index Management

4.3.1 Creating an Index
Besides the predefined indexes provided by the system, NetNumen U31 supports
user-defined indexes, which can also be used in threshold tasks.

The following describes how to create a new KPI as an example.

Before you create an index in the system, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.


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l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
object you want.
3. Click before the measured object node, and do one of the following:
l Click the Key PI node under the measured object, and then click on the toolbar
on the Counter And Index Management tab.
l Right-click the Key PI node, and then click Create Index on the shortcut menu.
The Create Index dialog box opens.
4. On the Basic Information tab of the Create Index dialog box, enter or select the basic
information for the index to be created, as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2 Create Index Dialog Box (Basic Information Tab)

Table 4-1 describes the parameters on the Basic Information tab of the Create Index
dialog box.

Table 4-1 Parameters on the Basic Information Tab

Parameter Setting Instruction

Name Be sure to enter a character string consisting of 1 to 100

characters as the index name, which must be different from the
name of any existing index in the system.


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

Parameter Setting Instruction

Description Keep this text box blank if no other information is needed.

NE Type Select the NE type.

MO Type Select the MO type, for example, serving cell or carrier


Display Format Select the format of the index value from the Display Format
drop-down list box according to the type of the index you want
to create: "Integer", "Float", "Percent" or "Boolean (1/0)".
The following introduces the constraint relationship between
index type and value format.
l For KPI, the value format can be "Integer", "Float",
"Percent" or "Boolean (1/0)".
l For PI, the value type can be "Integer", "Float", or "Percent".
l For SPI, the value type can only be "Boolean (1/0)".

Format This box is activated and a default format is displayed when

“Float” or “Percent” is selected from the Display Format
drop-down list box.
If you do not want to use the default percent or float format,
select another format from the activated drop-down list box.

Set Alarm Code The alarm code of the alarm triggered when the index value
exceeds the threshold
The default alarm code is 1513.
The alarm code can be a value from 1000 to 1099.
The alarm code needs to be set when KPI is created.

Set value to the index which Do one of the following to set the exception value of the index
denominator is 0 according to the actual application of the index, which is the
calculation result when the denominator of the index formula
is zero.
l Select Special string (N/A or DIV/0) to show the exception
value as N/A or DIV/0.
l Select Index value and enter the exception value of the

5. In the Create Index dialog box, click the Index Formula tab, and then edit the index
formula by clicking the needed counters or indexes on the tree in the Counter and
indexs for select pane and necessary keys on the on-screen keyboard according to
their orders in the formula, as shown in Figure 4-3.


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Figure 4-3 Create Index Dialog Box (Index Formula Tab)


You can enter a keyword in the Enter query content text box to search for the target
counter or index, or use the on-screen keyboard in the Editor formula area to edit the
formula directly.


The following describes the meanings of four special keys on the on-screen keyboard:
l C followed with a number indicates a counter.
l Gr indicates the collection granularity.
l P followed with a number indicates a performance index.
l NO indicates the number of measured objects.

In the Editor formula area, the formula is displayed in two styles: name style and ID

6. In the Create Index dialog box, click the Preset QoS tab, and then select the direction,
set the thresholds and corresponding deltas, as shown in Figure 4-4.


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

Figure 4-4 Create Index Dialog Box (Preset QoS Tab)

Table 4-2 describes the parameters on the Preset QoS tab.

Table 4-2 Parameters on the Preset QoS Tab

Parameter Description

Up The "Up" direction means that an alarm occurs when the index value
is higher than the preset threshold. For a "Up" type alarm threshold,
the higher the threshold is, the higher severity level of the generated
alarm will be.
When the measured value reaches or exceeds a threshold for the first
time (compared with the previous value), the system raises a threshold
crossing alarm. When the measured value is lower than a threshold or
multiple thresholds (compared with the previous value), the system
removes the threshold crossing alarm. Therefore, the threshold of "Up"
type decreases with the descending of alarm severity.
When the direction is "Up", critical alarm threshold > major alarm
threshold > minor alarm threshold > warning threshold.

Down The "Down" direction means that an alarm occurs when the index value
is lower than the preset threshold. For a "Down" type alarm threshold,
the lower the threshold is, the higher severity level of the generated
alarm will be.
When the measured value is equal to or lower than a threshold for the
first time, the system raises a threshold crossing alarm. When the
measured value becomes higher than the threshold (compared with
the previous value), the system removes the threshold crossing alarm.
Therefore, the threshold of "Down" type increases with the descending
of alarm severity.


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Parameter Description

When the direction is "Down", critical alarm threshold < major alarm
threshold < minor alarm threshold < warning threshold.

Up and Down The "Up and Down" direction means that the index follows the alarm
threshold rules in both “Up” and “Down” directions. For example, the
environment temperature and the rotate speed of fans must be within
a proper range, which cannot be too high or too low. Therefore, the
thresholds in both the “Up” direction and the “Down” direction need to
be set.

Critical/ When the direction is "Up", set the thresholds based on the following
Major/ constraints:
Minor/ l Warning alarm threshold < Minor alarm threshold - Delta
Warning l Minor alarm threshold < Major alarm threshold - Delta
l Major alarm threshold < Critical alarm threshold - Delta
When the direction is "Down", set the thresholds based on the following
l Warning alarm threshold > Minor alarm threshold + Delta
l Minor alarm threshold > Major alarm threshold + Delta
l Major alarm threshold > Critical alarm threshold + Delta

Delta A performance threshold consists of a threshold value and a delta (that

is, a hysteresis value). The purpose of a delta is to avoid frequent
switching between alarm generation and disappearing. A performance
threshold with a delta actually provides two thresholds: a higher
threshold and a lower threshold.
For example, suppose the threshold for critical alarm is 30% and
corresponding delta is 2%. Then the higher threshold for critical alarm
of the performance index is 32%; while the lower threshold is 28%. If
the delta of a threshold is 0, we can consider that the higher threshold
and the lower threshold are equal.

7. Click OK.

– End of Steps –

The system judges the validity of the index formula.
l If the index formula is invalid, a message will pop up to prompt the error.
l If the index formula is valid, the system prompts the successful creation of the index
and allocates a unique ID to the index. The new index appears in corresponding index


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

4.3.2 Modifying an Index

The following example shows how to modify a user-defined KPI.

Before you modify an index, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.
l The index you want to modify is a user-defined index.

l The default performance indexes provided by the system cannot be modified.
l Only one index can be modified at a time.
l The MO type, NE type and index value format of user-defined indexes cannot be

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
object whose index needs to be modified.
3. Click before the measured object, and then click the Key PI node under the
measured object to show all KPIs of the measured object on the Counter And Index
Management tab.
4. In the KPI list, do the following:
l Right-click the index to be modified, and then click Modify Index on the shortcut
l Click the index to be modified, and then click on the toolbar.
The Modify Index dialog box opens.
5. In the Modify Index dialog box, modify the basic information of the index on the Basic
Information tab, modify the index formula on the Index Formula tab, and modify the
thresholds on the Preset QoS tab.
6. Click OK. A message box opens, prompting successful modification.
7. Click OK.
– End of Steps –


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

4.3.3 Viewing an Index

This section describes how to view the information of a KPI.

Before you view the information of an index, make sure that
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter And Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
3. Click before the measured object, and then click Key PI node under the
measured object to show all KPIs of the measured object on the Counter And Index
Management tab. Then find the KPI you want to view in the list.

To quickly find the KPI you want to view in the index list, do one of the following:

l Click on the toolbar. The Find dialog box opens. Enter a keyword in the Find
dialog box, and then click Find Next.
l Enter a keyword directly in the box on the toolbar.

4. After finding the KPI you want to view, do one of the following:
l Double-click the KPI in the list.
l Click the KPI, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the KPI, and then click View Index on the shortcut menu.
The View Index box opens.

5. After viewing the information of the index, click OK.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

4.3.4 Deleting an Index

This section describes how to delete an unused user-defined index.

Before you delete an index in the system, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.
l The index you want to delete is a user-defined index.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
object whose index needs to be deleted.
3. Click before the measured object, and then click the index group of the index under
the measured object. All indexes in this group are displayed on the Counter And
Index Management tab.
4. In the index list, find the user-defined index to be deleted, and then do one of the
l Right-click the index, and then click Delete Index on the shortcut menu.
l Click the index, and then click on the toolbar.

To delete multiple user-defined indexes in the same group at a time, press and hold
down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting the indexes to be deleted, and then click
on the toolbar, or right-click any selected index and click Delete Index.

The Confirm dialog box opens.

5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

4.3.5 Moving an Index

In the NetNumen U31 system, you can create different index groups for the effective
management of user-defined indexes. A user-defined index in an index group can be
moved to another group as follows:

Before you move an index from a group to another group, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.
l The index you want to move is a user-defined index.

Only user-defined indexes can be moved from an index group to another index group.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
object whose index needs to be moved.
3. Click before the measured object, and then click the index group of the index under
the measured object. All indexes in this group are displayed on the Counter And
Index Management tab.
4. In the index list, do one of the following:
l Right-click the index, and then click Move Index on the shortcut menu.
l Click the index, and then click on the toolbar.

To move multiple user-defined indexes in the same group to another group at a time,
press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting the indexes to be moved,
and then click on the toolbar, or right-click any selected index and click Move Index.

The Move Index dialog box opens.


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

5. In the Move Index dialog box, click the group to which you want to move the index,
and then click OK. A message box opens, prompting that the index is successfully
moved to the group.
6. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

4.3.6 Exporting Indexes to a File

This section describes how to export specific indexes in the system to an XML file.

Before you export specific indexes from the system to an XML file, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
object whose indexes need to be exported.
3. Click before the measured object, and then click corresponding index group under
the measured object. All indexes in this group are displayed on the Counter and
Index Management tab.
4. Use the Ctrl or Shift key to select all the indexes to be exported, and then do one of
the following:
l Right-click any selected index, and then click Export Index on the shortcut menu.
l Click on the toolbar.

The Index Export dialog box opens.

5. In the Index Export dialog box, select Current Selected Index as shown in Figure
4-5, and then click OK.


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Figure 4-5 Index Export Dialog Box

If you want to export all indexes listed in the current index list displayed on the Counter
and Index Management tab, select All Table Index instead.

The Save dialog box opens.

6. In the Save dialog box, enter or select the path where you want to save indexes, enter
a file name, and then click Save. A message box opens, prompting successful export
of the indexes.

7. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

Under the selected path, you can find the XML file that contains the information of the
exported indexes.

4.3.7 Importing Indexes from a File

This section describes how to import predefined indexes from an XML file to the system.

Before you import indexes from an XML file to the system, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.
l The XML file containing the information of the indexes to be imported is available on
the local client.


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. On the Counter and Index Management tab, click on the toolbar. The Import
Index dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6 Import Index Dialog Box (1)

3. In the Import Index dialog box, select the XML file, and then click Open. All the
indexes predefined in the selected file are displayed in the dialog box, as shown in
Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7 Import Index Dialog Box (2)

4. Select the index(es) to be imported in the index list and then click Import . A message
box opens, prompting the import result.


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5. Click OK.
l If the name of an index to be imported is the same as that of an existing index in
the system, the system will prompt the failure of importing this index.
To solve this problem, select the Enabled Index Conflict Options check box, and
then select Overwrite in the Import Index dialog box (Figure 4-7), the system will
overwrite the existing index with the imported one.
l If the ID of an index to be imported is the same as that of an existing index in the
system, the system will prompt the failure of importing this index.
To solve this problem, select the Enabled Index Conflict Options check box,
and then select Append in the Import Index dialog box (Figure 4-7), the system
will assign a new ID to the imported index.
– End of Steps –

4.3.8 Creating an Index Group

To effectively manage indexes of different types, you can create a new index group by the
type of index, for example, PI, KPI or SPI. Specific user-defined indexes can be moved
into the group based on a certain rule.
The following describes how to create an index group of KPI type as an example.

Before you create an index group, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter And Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
object that needs a new index group.

3. Click before the measured object, right-click the Key PI node under the measured
object, and then click New Business Type on the shortcut menu. The New Business
Type dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 4-8.


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

Figure 4-8 New Business Type Dialog Box

4. In the New Business Type dialog box, enter a group name in the Group Type text
5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

A new index group appears under the Key PI node in the Resource Type tree.

4.3.9 Modifying an Index Group

The following example shows how to modify the name of a KPI group.

Before you modify an index group, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
object whose index group needs to be modified.
3. Click before the measured object, and expand the Key PI node to find the index
group to be modified.
4. Right-click the index group, and then click Modify Business Type on the shortcut
menu. The Modify Business Type dialog box opens.


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5. In the Modify Business Type dialog box, enter a new name in the Group Type text
6. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The name of the index group changes accordingly.

4.3.10 Deleting an Index Group

This section describes how to delete an unused index group in the system.

Before you delete an index group, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Expand the Resource Type tree in the Model Management pane to find the measured
object whose index group needs to be deleted.
3. Right-click the index group, and then click Delete Business Type on the shortcut
menu. The Confirm dialog box opens.
4. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The deleted index group disappears from the Resource Type tree.

4.3.11 Refreshing Indexes

Multiple users can manage indexes in the NetNumen U31 system via different clients
connected to the server. If another user does some operations related to indexes, for
example, creates a new index or modifies an index, you may not immediately view the


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Chapter 4 Counter and Index Management

changes of indexes on your client due to the response time between the server and
different clients. In this case, you can refresh the indexes to synchronize the latest index
information from the server to your client.
The following describes how to refresh the information of indexes displayed on your client.

Before you refresh the indexes in the system, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage indexes.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Performance > Counter and Index
Management. The Counter and Index Management tab appears.
2. Do one of the following:
l Click on the toolbar.
l Right-click any node on the Resource Type tree, and then click Refresh on the
shortcut menu.
– End of Steps –

The system starts synchronizing the latest index information from the server to the local
client and then refreshes the indexes on the client.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

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Chapter 5
Threshold Task Management
Table of Contents
Introduction to Threshold Task Management ..............................................................5-1
Creating a Threshold Task..........................................................................................5-2
Modifying a Threshold Task ........................................................................................5-8
Deleting a Threshold Task ..........................................................................................5-9
Activating a Threshold Task......................................................................................5-10
Suspending a Threshold Task ..................................................................................5-10
Viewing a Threshold Task.........................................................................................5-11
Refreshing Threshold Tasks .....................................................................................5-12
Exporting a Threshold Task ......................................................................................5-13
Importing a Threshold Task ......................................................................................5-14

5.1 Introduction to Threshold Task Management

A threshold task is used for the NetNumen U31 system to monitor the measured data
during a preset period and calculate the values of specific Performance Objects (POs).
If the calculation result of a PO exceeds the preset threshold range, the system raises a
threshold crossing alarm and reports it to the fault management module for display.
To open the Threshold Task Management tab in the client window, select Performance
> Threshold Task Management on the menu bar.
Figure 5-1 shows the open Threshold Task Management tab on the performance
management view.


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Figure 5-1 Threshold Task Management Tab

5.2 Creating a Threshold Task

This section describes how to create a threshold task.

Before you create a threshold task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.
2. On the Threshold Task Management tab, do one of the following:
l Click on the task management toolbar.
l On the NE tree in the left pane of the Performance Management view, right-click
an NE, and then click Create Threshold Task on the shortcut menu.
The Create Threshold Task dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 5-2.


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Chapter 5 Threshold Task Management

Figure 5-2 Create Threshold Task Dialog Box (Threshold Task Tab)

3. On the Threshold Task tab of the Create Threshold Task dialog box, do the following:
a. Click the NE type drop-down list box, select an NE type for the task and then click
b. Select an MO type from the MO type drop-down list box.

c. In the Threshold Index area, click the Add index button. The Select dialog box
opens, as shown in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3 Select Dialog Box


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Then expand the MO tree, select the index to be used, and then click OK. The
selected index appears in the index list on the Threshold Task tab, as shown in
Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4 An Index Added on the Threshold Task Tab

d. In the Threshold Index area, do one of the following:

l Double-click the counter (or index).
l Select the counter (or index) and then click the Set index button.
The Modify Threshold dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5 Modify Threshold Dialog Box


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Chapter 5 Threshold Task Management

e. In the Modify Threshold dialog box, set the thresholds and deltas (hysteresis
values) corresponding to four different severity levels, enter other information
about the task or alarm handling suggestion in the Additional Information box,
and then click OK.

For detailed explanation and setting instructions of the parameters in the Modify
Threshold dialog box, refer to Section 4.3.1 Creating an Index.

4. In the Create Threshold Task dialog box, click the Location tab, and then select the
location where the required performance data is collected, as shown in Figure 5-6.

Figure 5-6 Create Threshold Task Dialog Box (Location Tab)

Table 5-1 describes all possible parameters on the Location tab in the Create
Threshold Task dialog box.


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Table 5-1 Parameters on the Location Tab (Threshold Task)

Parameter Description

Monitor Level The options of Monitor Level vary with the selected NE type and
MO type.
The monitor level refers to the data collection level of the index or
counter. The index value or counter value can be collected on the
NE level or MO level.
Note: If NE level is selected for an index, the system collects the
values of related counters by NE and then calculates the value of the
index according to the collected counter values.

Wildcard Level By selecting a wildcard level, you can select NE(s) or MO(s) in batch.
The options in the Wildcard Level drop-down list box vary with the
selected NE type and MO type.

NE Location Select the NE(s) for the threshold task on the NE tree.

MO Location Select the MO(s) for the threshold task on the MO tree.

5. In the Create Threshold Task dialog box, click the General tab as shown in Figure
5-7. Then set the general information of the threshold task according to the instructions
in Table 5-2.

Figure 5-7 Create Threshold Task Dialog Box (General Tab)


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Chapter 5 Threshold Task Management

Table 5-2 General Information of Threshold Task

Parameter Description Setting Instruction

Use the default task name, or enter a new

The system provides a default
task name.
Task name task name according to the
Note: Be sure that the task name is
selected MO type.
unique in the system.

The default creator of the

Creator threshold task is the current This parameter is unmodifiable.
login user of the client.

Select the check box, click the down

Set the start time of the period arrow, set the start time of the threshold
Start time during which the threshold task, and then click OK.
task will take effect. Note: Be sure that the start time is later
than the current system time of the client.

Select the check box, click the down

Set the end time of the period arrow, set the end time of the threshold
End time during which the threshold task, and then click OK.
task will take effect. Note: Be sure that the end time is later
than the start time.

l If Activated is selected, the

threshold task will take effect after
successful creation. The system will
start collecting performance data
Select the status of the
according to the task schedule.
threshold task from the
Status l If Suspended is selected, the
drop-down list box: Activated
threshold task will not take effect
or Suspended..
after successful creation. The system
will start collecting performance data
as scheduled only after the task is

The collection granularity

determines the cycle of data Select the data collection cycle: 15
collection from corresponding minutes.

Set the exact implementation Select Week or Month, and then set the
date of the threshold task, effective date in every week or every
Effective Date
weekly or monthly. Every day month. The highlighted dates are effective
is selected by default. dates.


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Parameter Description Setting Instruction

The period from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00 is

set by default, which means the task is
Set the time periods when effective in the whole day. If you want to
Effective Time the threshold task shall be set another time period, delete the default
performed during a day. one, enter the start time in the From box,
enter the end time in the To box, and then
click the Add button.

6. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The created threshold task appears on the Threshold Task Management tab.

5.3 Modifying a Threshold Task

This section describes how to modify a threshold task.

The settings of a threshold task can be modified, for example, involved index, NE location,
task name, start time, end time, collection granularity, effective date and time period.

l The start time of a threshold task can only be modified when the current time is earlier
than the start time.
l Only one suspended threshold task can be modified at a time.

Before you modify a threshold task, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.
l The threshold task that you want to modify is suspended.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.


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Chapter 5 Threshold Task Management

2. In the NE Tree pane, expand the NE tree, and then click the NE whose threshold task
needs to be modified. All threshold tasks of this NE are displayed on the Threshold
Task Management tab.
3. Find the threshold task to be modified in the task list, and do one of the following:
l Right-click the task, and then click Modify Threshold Task on the shortcut menu.
l Click the task, and then click on the toolbar.
The Modify Threshold Task dialog box opens.
4. In the Modify Threshold Task dialog box, modify the parameters of the threshold task
on the Threshold Task, Location, and General tabs as needed.
5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

5.4 Deleting a Threshold Task

This section describes how to delete a threshold task.

Before you delete a threshold task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.
l The threshold task that you want to delete is suspended.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.
2. In the NE Tree pane, expand the NE tree, and then click the NE. All threshold tasks
of this NE are displayed on the Threshold Task Management tab.
3. Find the threshold task to be deleted in the task list, and do one of the following:
l Right-click the task, and then click Delete Threshold Task on the shortcut menu.
l Click the task, and then click on the toolbar.

The Delete Threshold Task dialog box opens.

4. Click OK.

– End of Steps –


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5.5 Activating a Threshold Task

This section describes how to activate a suspended threshold task.
A threshold task must be activated to take effect. Only after successful activation, will the
system collect performance data from corresponding NEs according to the settings of the

Before you activate a threshold task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.
l The threshold task you want to activate is suspended.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.
2. In the NE Tree pane, expand the NE tree, and then click the NE. All threshold tasks
of this NE are displayed on the Threshold Task Management tab.
3. Find the threshold task to be activated in the task list, and do one of the following:
l Right-click the task, and then click Active Threshold Task on the shortcut menu.
l Click the task, and then click on the toolbar.
– End of Steps –

After successful activation, the status of the threshold task changes from Suspended to

5.6 Suspending a Threshold Task

This section describes how to suspend an active threshold task.
The system will not collect performance data from corresponding NEs for a suspended
threshold task. Only an active threshold task can be suspended.

Before you suspend a threshold task, make sure that:


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Chapter 5 Threshold Task Management

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.
l The threshold task you want to suspend is active.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.
2. In the NE Tree pane, expand the NE tree, and then click the NE. All threshold tasks
of this NE are displayed on the Threshold Task Management tab.
3. Find the threshold task to be suspended in the task list, and do one of the following:
l Right-click the task, and then click Suspend Threshold Task on the shortcut
l Click the task, and then click on the toolbar.
– End of Steps –

After the threshold task is suspended successfully, its status changes from Activated to

5.7 Viewing a Threshold Task

This section describes how to view the settings of a threshold task.

Before you view a threshold task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.
2. In the NE Tree pane, expand the NE tree, and then click the NE. All threshold tasks
of this NE are displayed on the Threshold Task Management tab.
3. Find the threshold task to be viewed in the task list, and do one of the following:
l Right-click the task, and then click View Threshold Task on the shortcut menu.


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l Click the task, and then click on the toolbar.

The View Threshold Task dialog box opens.
4. After viewing the information of the threshold task in the View Threshold Task dialog
box, click Close.
– End of Steps –

5.8 Refreshing Threshold Tasks

Multiple users can manage a network via different clients connected to the NetNumen
U31 server. If another user does some operations related to threshold task, for example,
creates a new threshold task or modifies an existing threshold task, you may not
immediately view the changes of threshold tasks on your client due to the response time
between the server and different clients. In this case, you can refresh the threshold task
list to synchronize the latest information of threshold tasks from the server to your client.
The following describes how to get the latest threshold task information of an NE.

Before you refresh threshold tasks, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.
2. In the NE Tree pane, expand the NE tree, and then click the NE. All threshold tasks
of this NE are displayed on the Threshold Task Management tab.

3. Do one of the following:

l Right-click any threshold task in the list, and then click Refresh Threshold Task
on the shortcut menu.
l Click on the toolbar.
– End of Steps –

The system starts synchronizing the latest threshold task information from the server to
the local client. After successful synchronization, it refreshes the threshold task list on the


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Chapter 5 Threshold Task Management

5.9 Exporting a Threshold Task

This section describes how to export a threshold task of an NE in the NetNumen U31
system to a ZIP file.

Before you export a threshold task to a ZIP file, make sure that
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.

2. In the NE Tree pane, expand the NE tree, and then click the NE. All threshold tasks
of this NE are displayed.
3. In the threshold task list on the Threshold Task Management tab, find the threshold
task to be exported, and then do one of the following:
l Right-click the task, and then click Export Threshold Task on the shortcut menu.
l Click the task, and then click on the toolbar.

To export multiple threshold tasks at a time, press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key
while selecting the threshold tasks to be exported, and then click on the toolbar, or
right-click any selected task and click Export Threshold Task.

The Export Threshold Task dialog box opens.

4. In the Export Threshold Task dialog box, select the path where you want to save
threshold task(s), enter a file name, and then click Save.

– End of Steps –

After successful export of the threshold task, you can find the ZIP file under the selected
save path on the local client.


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

5.10 Importing a Threshold Task

The imported file format must strictly conform to the requirements of the system. It is
suggested to export the threshold task information to a template file. Then you can add
the information to this file and import the file to the system.
The following example shows how to import the information of threshold task for an NE
from a predefined XML or ZIP file into the system.

Before you import a threshold task from an XML or ZIP file, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage threshold tasks.
l The file (XML or ZIP) containing the predefined threshold task information is available
on the local client.
l The threshold task to be imported is different from existing threshold tasks in the

1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Performance > Threshold Task
Management. The Threshold Task Management tab appears.
2. In the NE Tree pane, expand the NE tree, and then click the NE to which the threshold
task will be imported.

3. Do one of the following:

l Click on the toolbar.
l Right-click any threshold task listed on the Threshold Task Management tab,
and then click Import Threshold Task on the shortcut menu.
The Import Threshold Task dialog box opens.

4. In the Import Threshold Task dialog box, select the file to be imported, and then click
– End of Steps –

The imported threshold task appears in the threshold task list on the Threshold Task
Management tab.


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Chapter 5 Threshold Task Management

If the XML or ZIP file contains the information of multiple threshold tasks, all the threshold
tasks will appear in the threshold task list after successful import.


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Chapter 6
Commom Template
Table of Contents
Introduction to Common Template Management.........................................................6-1
Creating a Common Template ....................................................................................6-2
Modifying a Common Template ..................................................................................6-7
Viewing a Common Template .....................................................................................6-8
Deleting a Common Template ....................................................................................6-9
Refreshing Common Templates ...............................................................................6-10
Exporting a Common Template to a File ...................................................................6-11
Importing a Common Template from a File ...............................................................6-12

6.1 Introduction to Common Template Management

NetNumen U31 provides some common templates that predefine NE type, Measured
Object (MO) type, and Performance Objects (POs). You can use a common template
to query performance data according to the predefined query conditions after selecting
the NE location and MO location. The system also allows you to customize common
templates according to the actual requirements for performance data query.

The common templates provided by the system cannot be modified or deleted.

To open the Common Template Management tab in the client window, do one of the
l Select Performance > Common Template Management on the menu bar.
l Select Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Common Template Management
on the menu bar.

The Common Template Management tab appears, as shown in Figure 6-1.


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Figure 6-1 Common Template Management Tab

Table 6-1 describes the functions of the buttons on the toolbar of the Common Template
Management tab.

Table 6-1 Buttons on the Toolbar of Common Template Tab

Button Function

Creates a common template.

Modifies a common template.

Views the information of a common template.

Deletes common template(s).

Uses a common template to query performance data.

Refreshes the common template list.

Exports common template(s) to a file.

Imports common template(s) from a file.

Selects an NE type to show all the common templates of this

NE type.

6.2 Creating a Common Template

This section describes how to create a common template.


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Chapter 6 Commom Template Management

Before you create a common template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage common templates.

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l Select Performance > Common Template Management on the menu bar.
l Select Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Common Template
Management on the menu bar.
The Common Template tab appears.

2. On the Common Template Management tab, click on the toolbar. The Create
Common Template dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2 Create Common Template Dialog Box

3. In the Name box, enter a template name.

4. In the Description box, enter additional information of the template.

5. Select the query type: Common query type or Multi moc query type.
l If Common query type is selected, you can only select the counters and indexes
of one Measured Object (MO).
l If Multi moc query type is selected, you can select the counters and indexes of
multiple MOs.
6. From the NE type drop-down list box, select an NE type.

7. From the MO type drop-down list box, select an MO type.


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8. In the PO tree, select the counters and/or indexes you want to query
9. In the Selected index/counter area, click (Logic Filter/Render). The Logic
Filter/Render dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 6-3.

Figure 6-3 Logic Filter/Render Dialog Box

After you set the filtering and rendering rules based on logical operation for an index or
counter, the system will filter and render the query result according to the rules when
the common template is used to query the index or counter value.

10. In the Logic Filter/Render dialog box, select the filter type: And or Or.
l If And is selected, the system will display the query result only when the result of
logic operation set for each index or counter in the list is true.
l If Or is selected, the system will display the query result as long as the result of
logic operation set for one index or counter in the list is true.

11. In the Logic Filter/Render dialog box, set the filtering condition for an index or counter
as follows:
a. On the Filter Operator column, click the cell corresponding to the counter you
want to set, and then select an operator from the drop-down list box.
b. On the Filter Value column, enter a value in the cell corresponding to the counter
you want to set.


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Chapter 6 Commom Template Management

12. In the Logic Filter/Render dialog box, set the rendering rule for an index or counter
as follows:
a. On the Render column, click the cell corresponding to the index or counter you
want to set. The Threshold render dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4 Threshold Render Dialog Box

After you set the rendering rule for an index or counter by setting the thresholds,
background colors and font colors in the Threshold render dialog box, the system
will display the index or counter in the query result following the rendering rule
when the index or counter value is within the threshold range.

b. In the Threshold render dialog box, select the threshold direction: Up or Down.
c. To add a label to the index or counter meeting the rendering conditions, select the
Label check box.
d. Select a threshold level (for example, Level4), type the threshold value, select
the background color and the font color, and then type the label content in
corresponding box.
e. Repeat Step d to set the rendering rule of other levels as needed.

f. Click OK to return to the Logic Filter/Render dialog box.

13. After setting the filtering and rendering rules based on logical operation for the indexes
and counters you want to set, click OK in the Logic Filter/Render dialog box to return
to the Create Template dialog box.

14. In the Selected index/counter area of the Create Template dialog box, click
(TOPN Filter/Render). The TOPN Filter/Render dialog box opens, as shown in Figure


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Figure 6-5 TOPN Filter/Render Dialog Box

In the TOPN Filter/Render dialog box, you can set the TopN-based filtering and
rendering rules for each index or counter as needed. The system will filter and render
the query result according to the rules.
15. In the TOPN Filter/Render dialog box, select the filter type: No group, Group by
time, or Group by location.
The following describes the optional three filter types with an example.
Suppose a network has 10 microwave transmission equipment. The query result of
a performance index or counter at the granularity of one hour during a whole day (24
hours) may involve 240 records (10*24). If you want to filter the records of the index or
counter according to Top 5 maximum values, the system returns different query results
when different filter types are selected.
l If No group is selected, the system queries the performance data and only
displays the Top 5 maximum values in the query result. If several values are
tied for one of the Top 5 places, the system only selects and displays the first
collected one. The No group filter type is generally used for analyzing the
maximum or minimum values of all performance data.
l If Group by time is selected, the system queries the performance data and
displays the Top 5 maximum values in the query result of each hour, that is,
returns 120 (5*24) records. The Group by time filter type is generally used for
analyzing the best or worst object (for example, the best cell or worst cell) at
specific time point during a period.
l If Group by location is selected, the system queries the performance data and
displays the Top 5 maximum values of each object during 24 hours, that is,
returns 50 (5*10) records. The Group by location filter type is generally used


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Chapter 6 Commom Template Management

for analyzing the performance of each object at the best time or worst time during
a period.
16. In the TOPN Filter/Render dialog box, set the filtering condition for an index or counter
as follows:
a. On the Filter Operator column, click the cell corresponding to the index or
counter you want to set, and then select an operator (Top Max or Top Min) from
the drop-down list box.
b. On the Filter Value column, select a value from corresponding drop-down list box.
17. In the TOPN Filter/Render dialog box, you can set the rendering rule for an index or
counter following the instructions in Step 12.
18. After setting the TopN-based filtering and rendering rules for the indexes and counters
you want to set, click OK in the TOPN Filter/Render dialog box to return to the Create
Template dialog box.
19. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The created common template appears in the template list on the Common Template tab,
which can be used to create a template task for performance data query.

6.3 Modifying a Common Template

This section describes how to modify a common template.

Before you modify a common template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage common templates.
l The common template you want to modify is a user-defined template.

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l Select Performance > Common Template Management on the menu bar.
l Select Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Common Template
Management on the menu bar.
The Common Template Management tab appears.


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2. On the Common Template Management tab, find the common template to be

modified, and then do one of the following:
l Right-click the template, and then click Modify Common Template on the short-
cut menu.
l Click the template, and then click on the toolbar.
The Modify Common Template dialog box opens.
3. In the Modify Common Template dialog box, modify the settings of the template as
needed, and then click OK.

For the setting instructions of each parameter in the Modify Common Template dialog
box, refer to Section 6.2 Creating a Common Template.

– End of Steps –

6.4 Viewing a Common Template

This section describes how to view the settings of a common template.

Before you view the information of a common template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage common templates.

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l Select Performance > Common Template Management on the menu bar.
l Select Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Common Template
Management on the menu bar.
The Common Template tab appears.
2. On the Common Template tab, find the common template you want to view, and then
do one of the following:
l Right-click the template, and then click View Common Template on the shortcut
l Click the template, and then click on the toolbar.


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Chapter 6 Commom Template Management

The View Common Template dialog box opens.

3. In the View Common Template dialog box, view the settings of the common template.

You can view the filter and render settings of an index or counter by clicking
and .

4. After viewing the settings of the common template, click OK.

– End of Steps –

6.5 Deleting a Common Template

This section describes how to delete a common template.

Before you delete a common template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and managed NEs is normal.
l You have the permission to manage common templates.
l The common template you want to delete is a user-defined template.

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l Select Performance > Common Template Management on the menu bar.
l Select Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Common Template
Management on the menu bar.
The Common Template Management tab appears.
2. On the Common Template Management tab, find the common template to be
deleted, and then do one of the following:
l Right-click the template, and then click Delete Common Template on the shortcut
l Click the template, and then click on the toolbar.


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To delete multiple user-defined common templates at a time, press and hold down the
Ctrl or Shift key while selecting the templates to be deleted, and then click on the
toolbar, or right-click any selected template and click Delete Common Template.

The Confirm dialog box opens.

3. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The deleted common template disappears from the Common Template Management

6.6 Refreshing Common Templates

Multiple users can manage a network via different clients connected to the NetNumen U31
server. If another user does some operations related to common template, for example,
creates a new common template or modifies an existing common template, you may not
immediately view the changes of common templates on your client due to the response
time between the server and different clients. In this case, you can refresh the common
template list to synchronize the latest information of common templates from the server to
your client.
The following describes how to get the latest common template information from the server.

Before you refresh common templates in the system, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage common templates.

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l Select Performance > Common Template Management on the menu bar.
l Select Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Common Template
Management on the menu bar.
The Common Template tab appears.


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Chapter 6 Commom Template Management

2. On the Common Template tab, do one of the following:

l Click on the toolbar.
l Right-click any common template, and then click Refresh on the shortcut menu.
– End of Steps –

The system starts synchronizing the latest common template information from the server
to the local client. After successful synchronization, the system refreshes the common
template list on the client.

6.7 Exporting a Common Template to a File

This section describes how to export a common template to an XML file on the local client.

Before you export a common template to an XML file, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage common templates.

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l Select Performance > Common Template Management on the menu bar.
l Select Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Common Template
Management on the menu bar.
The Common Template Management tab appears.
2. On the Common Template Management tab, find the common template to be
exported, and then do one of the following:
l Right-click the template, and then click Export Common Template on the
shortcut menu.
l Click the template, and then click on the toolbar.

To export multiple common templates to a file at a time, press and hold down the Ctrl
or Shift key while selecting the templates to be exported, and then click on the
toolbar, or right-click any selected template and click Export Common Template.


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The Export Common Template dialog box opens.

3. In the Export Common Template dialog box, select the path where you want to save
common template(s), enter a file name, select Export Selected Template, and then
click Save, as shown in Figure 6-6.

Figure 6-6 Export Common Template Dialog Box

If you want to export all common templates on the Common Template tab, select
Export All Template instead in the Export Common Template dialog box.

The Confirm dialog box opens.

4. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

An XML file appears under the selected path on the local client, which contains the
information of the exported common template.

6.8 Importing a Common Template from a File

This section describes how to import a common template from an XML file.


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Chapter 6 Commom Template Management

Before you import a common template from an XML file, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage common templates.
l The XML containing the information of the common template to be imported is
available on the local client.


Be sure that the ID and name of the common template defined in the XML file are
different from those of any common template in the system.

l The format of common template information in the XML file complies with the format
required by the system.
You can export a common template and then use the result file as a template to edit
the common template information to be imported.

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l Select Performance > Common Template Management on the menu bar.
l Select Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Common Template
Management on the menu bar.
The Common Template Management tab appears.

2. On the Common Template Management tab, do one of the following:

l Right-click any template, and then click Import Common Template on the
shortcut menu.
l Click on the toolbar.
The Import Common Template dialog box opens.
3. In the Import Common Template dialog box, find and select the XML file, and then
click Open. The common template(s) defined in the XML file are displayed in the
dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-7.


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Figure 6-7 Import Common Template Dialog Box

4. In Import Common Template dialog box, select the template to be imported, and then
click OK.

If the file contains multiple common templates, you can select several templates in the
Import Common Template dialog box to import them together to the system.

The Confirm dialog box opens.

5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The imported common template appears on the Common Template tab.


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Chapter 7
Query Template Management
Table of Contents
Introduction to Query Template...................................................................................7-1
Creating a Query Template.........................................................................................7-1
Running a Query Template .........................................................................................7-5
Modifying the Query Conditions in a Query Template .................................................7-6
Deleting a Query Template .........................................................................................7-6
Modifying the Attributes of a Query Template .............................................................7-7
Exporting a Query Template .......................................................................................7-8
Importing a Query Template .......................................................................................7-9
Saving a Query Template as Another Query Template..............................................7-10

7.1 Introduction to Query Template

Query Template
A query template can be used for performance data query. By setting and saving query
conditions in a query template, you can conveniently query performance data based on
the preset query conditions.

7.2 Creating a Query Template

This section describes how to create a query template.

Before you create a query template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage query templates.

1. In the left pane of the Performance Management window, click the Template Tree


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2. In the Template Tree pane, right-click the Query Template node, and then click New
template on the shortcut menu. The New template dialog box opens, as shown in
Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1 New Template Dialog Box

3. In the New template dialog box, enter a template name in the Name box, select the
operation mode of the template from the Operation Mode drop-down list box, and
then click OK.
Two operation modes are optional:

l Pop-up window: In this mode, a Query dialog box appears when you run the
query template. You can modify the query conditions based on the query template.
l Direct execution: In this mode, the system queries performance data directly
according to the query conditions preset in the template when you run the query

The Performance Data Query dialog box opens.

4. On the Indices Selection tab of the Performance Data Query dialog box as shown
in Figure 7-2, select the performance indexes you want to query.

Figure 7-2 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Indices Selection Tab)


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Chapter 7 Query Template Management

The following describes how to select and set the indexes and/or counters you want
to query.
a. Select an NE type from the NE type drop-down list box.
b. Select an MO type from the MO type drop-down list box.
c. Select the counters and/or indexes you want to query in the PO tree.
d. In the Selected index/counter area, set the filtering and rendering rules for the
indexes or counters as needed.

For detailed instruction of how to set the filtering and rendering rules for an index
or counter, refer to Section 6.2 Creating a Common Template.

5. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, click the Object Selection tab, as shown
in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Object Selection Tab)

On the Object Selection tab, select the NEs and MOs for querying their performance
data as follows:
a. From Location Group, select a grouping mode of the performance data in the
query result.
b. From Wildcard Level, select a wildcard level for the quick selection of MOs.
c. Under NE Location, select NEs in the NE tree.
d. Under MO Location, select MOs in the MO tree.


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6. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, click the Time Selection tab, as shown
in Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Time Selection Tab)

On the Time Selection tab, set the time period during which the performance data is
required as follows:
a. Under Query Granularity, select the granularity of performance data you want to
b. Under Time settings, set the query period.
You can query the performance data during a day, a week, a month, a holiday or
a customized period by selecting corresponding option button.
c. Under Effective Date, set the effective date weekly or monthly, and select specific
The highlighted dates means that they are selected as the effective date when the
task shall be performed. Click a date directly to select or deselect it.
d. Under Effective Time, set the effective time period(s) when the task shall be
The period from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00 is set by default, which means the task is
effective in the whole day. If you want to set another period, delete the default
one, set the new period and then click Add.
7. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The created query template appears in the Template Tree.


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Chapter 7 Query Template Management

7.3 Running a Query Template

You can query performance data by running a predefined query template. The procedures
of running a query template vary with the operation mode of the template: pop-up window
or direct execution.

The following example shows how to run a query template with the operation mode of
pop-up window.

Before you run a query template to query performance data, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage query templates.
l The required performance data has been collected and stored in the system database.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. In the left pane of the client window, click the Template Tree tab.
3. In the Template Tree, right-click the query template you want to use, and then click
Run on the shortcut menu. The Performance Data Query dialog box opens.
4. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, click OK.

You can modify the query conditions in the Performance Data Query dialog box if you
want to query performance data according to new query conditions.

– End of Steps –

The system queries performance data according to the query conditions in the query
template, and shows the query result in the format of table on a new tab.


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7.4 Modifying the Query Conditions in a Query

This section describes how to modify the query conditions defined in a query template.

Before you modify the query conditions of a query template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage query templates.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. In the left pane of the Performance Management window, click the Template Tree
3. In the Template Tree pane, find the query template to be modified, and do one of the
l Double-click the query template.
l Right-click the query template, and then click Edit on the shortcut menu.
The Performance Data Query dialog box opens.
4. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, modify the query conditions on the
Indices Selection, Object Selection, and the Time Selection tabs as needed.
5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

7.5 Deleting a Query Template

This section describes how to delete an unused query template.

Before you delete a query template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is


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Chapter 7 Query Template Management

l You have the permission to manage query templates.

l The query template you want to delete is not used by any template task.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. In the left pane of the client window, click the Template Tree tab, and then expand the
Template node to show all query templates in the system.
3. Right-click the query template you want to delete, and then click Delete on the shortcut
menu. The Confirm dialog box opens.
4. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The deleted query template disappears from the Template Tree.

7.6 Modifying the Attributes of a Query Template

This section describes how to modify the attributes (name and operation mode) of a query

l You can only modify one template at a time.
l You can not modify the NE type and object type.
l The default query templates cannot be modified.

Before you modify the attributes of a query template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage query templates.
l The query template that you want to modify is a user-defined query template.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.


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2. In the left pane of the Performance Management window, click the Template Tree
3. Right-click the query template you want to modify, and then click Modify on the shortcut
menu. The Modify template dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5 Modify Template Dialog Box

4. In the Modify Template dialog box, modify the template name and/or the operation
mode as needed.
5. Click OK. The Confirm dialog box opens.
6. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

7.7 Exporting a Query Template

This section describes how to export a query template to an XML file on the local client.

Before you export a query template to an XML file, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage query templates.
l The query template that you want to export is available in the system.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Performance > Query Template And
Timing Task. The Template Task tab appears.
2. In the left pane of the Performance Management window, click the Template Tree

3. In the Template Tree pane, right-click the query template you want to export, and then
click Export on the shortcut menu. The Export template dialog box opens.


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Chapter 7 Query Template Management

4. In the Export template dialog box, select the path where you want to save query
template(s), enter a file name, and then click Save. A message box appears,
prompting the successful export of query template.
5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

Under the selected path, you can find the XML file, which contains the information of the
exported query template.

7.8 Importing a Query Template

This section describes how to import a query template from an XML file.

Before you import a query template from an *.xml file, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage query templates.
l The XML file containing the query template information is available on the local client.
l The format of query template information in the XML file complies with the format
required by the system.
You can export a query template, and then use the result file as a template to edit the
query template information to be imported.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.

2. In the left pane of the Performance Management window, click the Template Tree
3. In the Template Tree pane, right-click the Template node, and then click Import on
the shortcut menu. The Import template dialog box opens.

4. Select the XML file to be imported, and then click Open.

5. In the Import template dialog box as shown in Figure 7-6, enter A template name,
select an operation mode, and then click OK.


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Figure 7-6 Import Template Dialog Box

Be sure to enter a unique template name in the Name box.

– End of Steps –

The imported query template appears in the Template Tree. The indexes and counters
involved in this query template are also imported into the system at the same time.

7.9 Saving a Query Template as Another Query

This section describes how to create a new query template with the same query conditions
by saving an existing query template as another template.

Before you save an existing query template as another query template, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage query templates.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. In the left pane of the Performance Management window, click the Template Tree


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Chapter 7 Query Template Management

3. In the Template Tree pane, right-click the query template you want to copy, and then
click Save as on the shortcut menu. The Save As Template dialog box opens, as
shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7 Save As Template Dialog Box

4. In the Save As Template dialog box, enter a new template name in the Name box,
and then click OK.

If you select an existing template name in the list, the system will overwrite the query

– End of Steps –

A new query template appears in the Template Tree, which has the same query conditions
as the original one.


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Chapter 8
Template Task Management
Table of Contents
Introduction to Template Task .....................................................................................8-1
Creating a Query Template Task.................................................................................8-3
Creating a Common Template Task............................................................................8-5
Modifying a Template Task .........................................................................................8-9
Viewing a Template Task ..........................................................................................8-10
Deleting a Template Task .........................................................................................8-11
Activating a Template Task .......................................................................................8-12
Suspending a Template Task....................................................................................8-12
Ending a Template Task ...........................................................................................8-13
Refreshing Template Tasks ......................................................................................8-14

8.1 Introduction to Template Task

Template Task
Either query template or common template can be used to schedule a performance data
query task, that is, a template task. The system can automatically start performance data
query according to the settings in the template task and save the query result on the server.

You can check the execution result of a template task to get the performance data you
want. By using the template task, it is unnecessary to set query conditions one by one
because the query template or common template in the template task already specifies
the query conditions, including the query granularity, NE location, and the MO location.
To open the Template Task tab in the client window, do one of the following:
l Choose Performance > Template Task on the menu bar.
l Choose Query&Statistics > Performance Stat > Template Task on the menu bar.
The Template Task tab appears, as shown in Figure 8-1.


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Figure 8-1 Template Task Tab

1. Navigation pane 2. Template task pane 3. Task result pane

The following describes the template task pane and the task result pane on the Template
Task tab.
l Template Task Pane
All template tasks in the system are listed in the template task pane.
Table 8-1 describes the functions of buttons on the toolbar on the top of the template
task pane.

Table 8-1 Toolbar Buttons for Template Tasks

Button Function

Creates a template task based on a query template.

Creates a template task based on a common template.

Modifies an existing template task.

Views the information of a template task.

Deletes a template task.

Queries performance data according to the selected template task.

Activates a template task.

Suspends a template task.


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Chapter 8 Template Task Management

Button Function

Completes a template task.

Refreshes template tasks.

l Task Result Pane

The task result pane shows the execution result of template tasks. You can export or
run a template task again by clicking corresponding buttons on the toolbar on the top
of the task result pane.
Table 8-2 describes the functions of some buttons on the toolbar.

Table 8-2 Toolbar Buttons for Task Results

Button Function

Exports task results.

Redoes a template task.

8.2 Creating a Query Template Task

This section describes how to create a query template task.

Before you create a query template task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage template tasks.
l The query template that you want to use for the template task is available in the

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. On the Template Task tab, click on the toolbar. The Create Query Template Task
dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 8-2.


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Figure 8-2 Create Query Template Task Dialog Box

3. In the Create Query Template Task dialog box, set the query template task as follows:

a. In the Task name box, enter a task name.

b. From the Template name drop-down list box, select the query template you want
to use.

After selecting the query template, you can click the Modify button to modify the
query conditions in the query template as needed.

c. Select Start time to activate the drop-down list box, click the down arrow, set the
start time, and then click OK.
d. Select End time to activate the drop-down list box, click the down arrow, set the
end time, and then click OK.

e. From the Task status drop-down list box, select the initial status of the query
template task: “Activated” or “Suspended”.
f. Select the file type for storing the query result on the server: CSV, XLS, XML, or
g. In the Task execution settings area, set the running cycle of the task.


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Chapter 8 Template Task Management

Figure 8-3 Task Execution Settings

4. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The newly-created query template task appears on the Template Task tab.
The system generates a query result file and saves the file on the server every time after
the query template task is run. Time stamps are used to distinguish query result files
generated for the same query template task.
Click the query template task in the template task pane, the task result pane on the lower
part of the Template Task tab shows the information of the generated result file, including
the file name, execution time, start time, end time, result, used time and error message.

Follow-Up Action
To copy the result file from the server to the local client, perform the following steps:
1. In the task result pane on the Template Task tab, click the result file, and then click
on the toolbar. The Save dialog box opens.
2. In the Save dialog box, select a save path on the local client, enter a file name, and
then click Save.
To redo a completed query template task, that is, query performance data according to the
task again, click the result file in the task result pane, and then click on the toolbar.

8.3 Creating a Common Template Task

This section describes how to create a common template task.

Before you create a common template task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is


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l You have the permission to manage template tasks.

l The common template you want to use for the template task is available in the system.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. On the Template Task tab, click on the toolbar. The Create Common Template
Task dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 8-4.

Figure 8-4 Create Common Template Task Dialog Box (Basic Info Tab)

3. On the Basic Info tab of the Create Common Template Task dialog box, set the
basic information for the task as follows:
a. In Task Name, enter a task name.
b. From Template Name, select the common template you want to use for the task.

You can select multiple common templates for a template task.

c. Select Start Time to activate the drop-down list box, click the drop-down arrow,
set the start time, and then click OK.
d. Select End Time to activate the drop-down list box, click the drop-down arrow, set
the end time, and then click OK.


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Chapter 8 Template Task Management

e. From Task Status, select the initial status of the query template task: Activated
or Suspended.
f. If you want to specify the format of query result files, select Format Template, and
then click the Select Format Template button. In the Open dialog box, select the
format template you want.

Only the XLS format is available because the system can only save the query
result in the format of XLS file.

g. In the Task Execution Settings area, set the running cycle of the task.
4. In the Create Common Template Task dialog box, click the Location Info tab, as
shown in Figure 8-5.

Figure 8-5 Create Common Template Task Dialog Box (Location Info Tab)

On the Location Info tab, set the location information for the task as follows:
a. In the left pane on the Location Info tab, click the common template.


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When multiple common templates are used in this template task, you need to set
the location information for all templates listed in the left pane.

b. From Location Group, select a grouping mode of the performance data in the
query result.
c. From Wildcard Level, select a wildcard level for the quick selection of MOs.
d. Under NE Location, select NEs in the NE tree.
e. Under MO Location, select MOs in the MO tree.
f. Click Save to save the NE location and MO location information of the selected
common template.
5. In the Create Common Template Task dialog box, click the Time Info tab, as shown
in Figure 8-6.

Figure 8-6 Create Common Template Task Dialog Box (Time Info Tab)

On the Time Info, set the schedule of the task as follows:

a. Under Query Granularity, select a granularity: 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day.
b. Under Effective Date, set effective dates weekly or monthly, and select specific
The highlighted dates means that they are selected as the effective date when the
task shall be performed. Click a date directly to select or deselect it.


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Chapter 8 Template Task Management

c. Under Effective Time, set effective time period(s) when the task shall be
The period from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00 is set by default, which means the task is
effective in the whole day. If you want to set another period, delete the default
one, set the new period and click Add.
6. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The created common template task appears on the Template Task tab.
The system generates a query result file and saves the file on the server every time after
the common template task is run. Time stamps are used to distinguish query result files
generated for the same common template task.

Click the common template task in the template task pane, the task result pane on the
lower part of the Template Task tab shows the information of the generated result file,
including the file name, execution time, start time, end time, result, used time and error

Follow-Up Action
To copy the result file from the server to the local client, perform the following steps:
1. In the task result pane on the Template Task tab, do one of the following:
l Right-click the result file you want to save on the local client, and then click Save
on the shortcut menu.
l Click the result file, and then click on the toolbar.
The Save dialog box opens.
2. In the Save dialog box, select the path where you want to save the result on the local
client, enter a file name, and then click Save.
To redo a completed common template task, that is, query performance data according to
the task again, click the result file in the task result pane, and then click on the toolbar.

8.4 Modifying a Template Task

This section describes how to modify a template task.

Before you modify a template task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.


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l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage template tasks.
l The template task you want to modify is suspended.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. On the Template Task tab, do one of the following:
l Click the template task to be modified, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the template task to be modified, and then click Modify Template Task
on the shortcut menu.
The Modify Template Task dialog box opens.

3. In the Modify Template Task dialog box, modify the information of the template task,
including the task name, template name, execution period, and execution schedule.
4. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

8.5 Viewing a Template Task

This section describes how to view the settings of a template task.

Before you view a template task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage template tasks.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.

2. On the Template Task tab, do one of the following:

l Double-click the template task.
l Click the template task, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the template task, and then click View Template Task on the shortcut

The View Template Task dialog box opens.


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Chapter 8 Template Task Management

3. After viewing the information of the template task in the View Template Task dialog
box, click OK.
– End of Steps –

8.6 Deleting a Template Task

This section describes how to delete a template task.

Before you delete a template task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage template tasks.
l The template task you want to delete is suspended.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.

2. On the Template Task tab, do one of the following:

l Click the template task to be deleted, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the template task to be deleted, and then click Delete Template Task
on the shortcut menu.

To delete multiple template tasks at a time, press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key
while selecting the tasks to be deleted, and then click on the toolbar, or right-click
any selected task and click Delete Template Task.

3. In the pop-up Confirm dialog box, click OK.

– End of Steps –

The deleted template task disappears from the Template Task tab.


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8.7 Activating a Template Task

The system does not run a suspended template task to query performance data collected
from the managed NEs.
The following describes how to activate a suspended template task.

Before you activate a template task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage template tasks.
l The template task you want to activate is suspended.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. In the template task pane on the Template Task tab, find the template task to be
activated, and then do one of the following:
l Click the template task, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the template task, and then click Activate Template Task on the
shortcut menu.

To activate multiple template tasks at a time, use theCtrl or Shift key to select all the
tasks to be activated, and then click on the toolbar, or right-click any selected task
and click Activate Template Task.

– End of Steps –

The status of the template task changes from Suspended into Activated.

8.8 Suspending a Template Task

This section describes how to suspend a template task.


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Chapter 8 Template Task Management

Before you suspend a template task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage template tasks.
l The template task you want to suspend is active.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. In the template task pane on the Template Task tab, find the template task to be
suspended, and then do one of the following:
l Click the template task, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the template task, and then click Suspend Template Task on the
shortcut menu.

To suspend multiple template tasks at a time, press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift
key while selecting the tasks to be suspended, and then click on the toolbar, or
right-click any selected task and click Suspend Template Task.

– End of Steps –

The status of the template task changes from Activated into Suspended.

8.9 Ending a Template Task

You can forcibly end a template task before the preset end time of the task. Both activated
and suspended template tasks can be set as completed in advance.

The following describes how to end a template task in advance.

Before you complete a template task in advance, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.


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l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage template tasks.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. In the template task pane on the Template Task tab, find the template task to be
ended, and then do one of the following:
l Click the template task, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the template task, and then click Finish Template Task on the shortcut

To end multiple template tasks at a time, press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key
while selecting the tasks to be ended, and then click on the toolbar, or right-click
any selected task and click Finish Template Task.

3. In the pop-up Confirm dialog box, click OK.

– End of Steps –

The status of the template task turns into Finished.

8.10 Refreshing Template Tasks

When multiple clients are connected to the NetNumen U31 server, the information of
template tasks may be changed by other users. You can get the latest information of
template tasks by refreshing the task list on your client.
The following describes how to get the latest template task information.

Before you refresh template tasks in the system, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to manage template tasks.


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Chapter 8 Template Task Management

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. On the Template Task Management tab, click on the toolbar.
– End of Steps –

The system starts synchronizing the latest information of template tasks from the server to
the local client. After successful synchronization, the system refreshes the template task
pane on the Template Task tab.


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Chapter 9
Performance Data Query
Table of Contents
Introduction to Performance Data Query ....................................................................9-1
Querying Performance Data by Customized Conditions .............................................9-1
Querying Performance Data by Measurement Task....................................................9-5
Querying Performance Data by Query Template.........................................................9-6
Querying Performance Data by Common Template ....................................................9-7
Querying Performance Data in Real Time ..................................................................9-9
Exporting Performance Data ....................................................................................9-12
Operations on the Query Result ...............................................................................9-13

9.1 Introduction to Performance Data Query

In the NetNumen U31 system, you can query performance data stored in the database,
which is collected according to measurement tasks. The query result can be displayed in
various formats in the client window.
You can use any one of the following five performance data query modes to query
performance data.
l Query performance data by customized conditions
l Query performance data by measurement task
l Query performance data by query template
l Query performance data by common template
l Query real-time performance data

9.2 Querying Performance Data by Customized

This section describes how to query performance data by setting the query conditions.

Before you query performance data, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is


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l You have the permission to query performance data.

l The performance data you want to query has been collected and stored in the system
database according to predefined measurement tasks.

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l On the menu bar, select Performance > Performance Data Query.
l On the menu bar, select Query&Statistics > Performance Statistics >
Performance Data Query.
l On the toolbar, click .
l On the NE Tree tab in the left pane of the client window, expand the NE tree,
right-click any NE node, and select Performance Data Query on the shortcut
The Performance Data Query dialog box opens.
2. On the Indices Selection tab of the Performance Data Query dialog box as shown
in Figure 9-1, select the performance indexes you want to query.

Figure 9-1 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Indices Selection Tab)

The following example shows how to select and set the indexes and/or counters you
want to query.
a. Select an NE type from NE type.
b. Select an MO type from MO type.
c. Select the counters and/or indexes you want to query on the PO tree.
d. In the Selected index/counter area, set the filtering and rendering rules for the
indexes or counters as needed.


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Chapter 9 Performance Data Query

For detailed instruction of how to set the filtering and rendering rules for an index
or counter, refer to Section 6.2 Creating a Common Template.

3. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, click the Object Selection tab, as shown
in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Object Selection Tab)

On the Object Selection tab, select the NEs and MOs for querying their performance
data as follows:
a. From Location Group, select a grouping mode of the performance data in the
query result.
b. From Wildcard Level, select a wildcard level for the quick selection of MOs.
c. Under NE Location, select NEs in the NE tree.
d. Under MO Location, select MOs in the MO tree.

4. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, click the Time Selection tab, as shown
in Figure 9-3.


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Figure 9-3 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Time Selection Tab)

On the Time Selection tab, set the time period during which the performance data is
required as follows:
a. Under Query Granularity, select a granularity of performance data you want to
b. Under Time Settings, set a query period.
You can query the performance data during a day, a week, a month, a holiday or
a customized period by selecting corresponding option button.

c. Under Effective Date, set the effective dates weekly or monthly, and select
specific days.

The highlighted dates means that they are selected as the effective date when the
task shall be performed. Click a date directly to select or deselect it.

d. Under Effective Time, set effective time period(s) when the task shall be

The period from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00 is set by default, which means the task is
effective in the whole day. If you want to set another period, delete the default
one, set the new period and then click Add.

5. Click OK.

– End of Steps –

The system queries the performance data according to the query conditions and displays
the query result on a new tab.


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Chapter 9 Performance Data Query

Follow-Up Action
You can perform operations on the query result by clicking corresponding buttons on the
toolbar of the result tab. Table 9-1 describes the functions of these toolbar buttons.

Table 9-1 Toolbar Buttons on the Query Result Tab

Button Function

Resets query conditions to start another performance data query.

Goes to the first page of the query result.

Goes to the previous page of the query result.

Goes to the next page of the query result.

Goes to the last page of the query result.

Exports the query result.

Displays the query result in the format of chart.

Prints the query result.

Saves the query conditions as a query template.

Refreshes the query result.

9.3 Querying Performance Data by Measurement Task

This section describes how to query performance data according to the conditions preset
in a measurement task.

Before you query performance data by measurement task, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to query performance data.
l The measurement task for querying performance data is available in the system.
l The collected performance data is available in the database.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Measurement Task
Management. The Measurement Task Management tab appears, as shown in
Figure 9-4.


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Figure 9-4 Measurement Task Management Tab

2. On the Measurement Task Management tab, find the measurement task you want to
use, right-click it, and then click Query PM Data by Task on the shortcut menu. The
Performance Data Query dialog box opens.
3. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, click OK.

In the Performance Data Query dialog box, you can modify the preset conditions in
the measurement task as needed. For how to set the query conditions, refer to Section
9.2 Querying Performance Data by Customized Conditions.

– End of Steps –

A new tab appears in the Performance Management window, listing the query result.

9.4 Querying Performance Data by Query Template

This section describes how to query performance data by running a query template.

Before you query performance data by query template, make sure that:


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Chapter 9 Performance Data Query

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs are
l You have the permission to query performance data.
l The collected performance data is available in the database.
l The query template you want to use is available in the system.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Template Task. The
Template Task tab appears.
2. In the left pane of the client window, click the Template Tree tab.
3. In the Template Tree, right-click the query template you want to use, and then click
Run on the shortcut menu.
l If the operation mode of the query template is Pop-up window, the Performance
Data Query dialog box opens. Click OK in the Performance Data Query dialog
box to run the query template.
l If the operation mode of the query template is Direct execution, the system runs
the query template directly.

l For how to set the operation mode of a query template, refer to Section 7.2
Creating a Query Template.
l For how to modify the operation mode of a query template, refer to Section 7.6
Modifying the Attributes of a Query Template.

– End of Steps –

A new tab appears in the Performance Management window, listing the query result.

9.5 Querying Performance Data by Common Template

This section describes how to query performance data by running a common template.

Before you use a common template to query performance data, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server the managed NEs is normal.


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l You have the permission to query performance data.

l The collected performance data is available in the database.
l The common template you want to use is available in the system.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Common Template
Management. The Common Template Management tab appears.
2. On the Common Template Management tab, find the common template you want to
use, and then do one of the following:
l Click the common template, and then click on the toolbar.
l Right-click the common template, and then click Query by Template on the
shortcut menu.

The common template only presets the NE type, MO type, and POs. You are required
to set the location and time information for the performance data query.

The Performance Data Query dialog box opens.

3. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, click the Object Selection tab, and then
select NEs and MOs as follows:
a. From Location Group, select a grouping mode of the performance data in the
query result.
b. From Wildcard Level, select a wildcard level for the quick selection of MOs.

c. Under NE Location, select NEs in the NE tree.

d. Under MO Location, select MOs in the MO tree.
4. In the Performance Data Query dialog box, click the Time Selection tab, and then
set the time period during which the performance data is required as follows:

a. Under Query Granularity, select a granularity of performance data you want to

b. Under Time settings, set a query period.

You can query the performance data during a day, a week, a month, a holiday or
a customized period by selecting corresponding option button.
c. Under Effective Date, set effective dates weekly or monthly, and select specific
The highlighted dates means that they are selected as the effective date when the
task shall be performed. Click a date directly to select or deselect it.


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Chapter 9 Performance Data Query

d. Under Effective Time, set effective time period(s) when the task shall be
The period from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00 is set by default, which means the task is
effective in the whole day. If you want to set another period, delete the default
one, set the new period and click Add.
5. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

A new tab appears in the Performance Management window, listing the query result.

9.6 Querying Performance Data in Real Time

You can query performance data in near-real time due to the feature that the system can
collect performance data at the granularity of 10 seconds, 30 seconds, and 1 minute.
When the collection granularity is 10 seconds, the query result can be regarded as almost
real-time. Note that this function can only be used to query a small amount of performance
data at a time, for example, the values of at most 60 counters.
The performance data query methods (the minimum granularity is 15 minutes) described
in previous sections can be used to query performance data from more counters although
the performance delay is relatively long.

Not all counters and indexes support the real-time query. When you set the query
conditions, the system only lists the supported counters and indexes for selection.

The following example shows how to create a task for querying real-time performance

1. In the client window, do one of the following:
l Choose Performance > Realtime Data Query on the menu bar.
l Click on the toolbar.

The Create Realtime Data Query dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 9-5.


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Figure 9-5 Create Realtime Data Query Dialog Box

2. From NE type, select an appropriate NE type.

3. From MO type, select the MO type you want.
4. If you want to change the life cycle (60 minutes) of the task, select Task Lifecycle and
then enter a new cycle.
5. Click the Select Indices/Counters... button. In the Select Indices/Counters dialog
box, select the counters and/or indexes you want to query, and then click OK.
6. Click the Select Location... button. In the Select Location dialog box, select the NEs
and the MOs whose performance data is to be queried, and then click OK.

7. From Collection Granularity, select a granularity: 10 seconds, 30 seconds, or 1

8. If you want to save the query result in a TXT or CSV file on the local client, do the

a. Select Save data to file and then click .

b. In the Save dialogue box, select the directory where you want to save the file from
Save in, enter a file name in File name, select a file type from Files of type, and
then click Save.
9. In the Create Realtime Query dialog box, click OK.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 9 Performance Data Query

The system starts querying the required performance data collected from the time when
the task is created, and then shows the query result in table format on a new tab, as shown
in Figure 9-6.

Figure 9-6 Query Result of Real-Time Performance Data (Table Format)

If you want to show the query result in the format of line chart, click Graphics on the upper
part of the query result tab, as shown in Figure 9-7.

Figure 9-7 Query Result of Real-Time Performance Data (Chart Format)

Follow-Up Action
On the query result tab, you can click appropriate buttons on the toolbar to perform the
corresponding functions. Table 9-2 describes the functions of toolbar buttons on the
real-time query result tab.


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Table 9-2 Toolbar Buttons on the Real-Time Query Result Tab

Button Function

Modifies query conditions.

Activates the suspended real-time query of performance data.

Suspends the real-time query of performance data.

Changes the performance data displayed in the line chart.

9.7 Exporting Performance Data

The system can find radio links that connect two ZXMW SR10 S340 NEs and export
performance data of both NEs on each link to a file.
The following example shows how to export performance data of ZXMW SR10 S340 NEs.

1. Select Performance > Export MW Performance Data on the menu bar. The Export
Microwave Netnumen Performance Data dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 9-8.

Figure 9-8 Export Microwave Netnumen Performance Data Dialog Box

2. Click Browse. The Open dialog box appears.


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Chapter 9 Performance Data Query

3. In the Open dialog box, select the directory where you want to save the performance
data, enter a file name, and then click Save.
– End of Steps –

9.8 Operations on the Query Result

9.8.1 Viewing the Query Result in Table
The query result of performance data is displayed in the format of table by default in the
Performance Management window. You can switch the display mode of performance
data between table and chart.

The following example shows how to change the display mode of the query result from
chart to table.

Before you change the display mode of query result to table, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to query performance data.
l You have successfully queried performance data and the query result is displayed in
the format of chart on the Performance Management view.

l Click the Table tab at the bottom of the query result tab in the Performance
Management window.

– End of Steps –

The performance data is displayed in a table.

9.8.2 Viewing the Query Result in Chart

The query result of performance data is displayed in the format of table by default in the
Performance Management window. You can switch the display mode of performance
data between table and chart.


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The following example shows how to switch the display mode of the query result from table
to chart.

Before you change the display mode of query result to chart, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to query performance data.
l You have successfully queried performance data and the query result is displayed in
the format of table on the Performance Management view.

1. On the query result tab page, click on the toolbar. The Custom Graphics dialog
box opens.

2. In the Custom Graphics dialog box, select the columns.

3. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The performance data is displayed in a chart.

9.8.3 Exporting the Query Result

This section describes how to export the query result of performance data to a TXT, HTM,
PDF, XLS, or CSV file.

Before you export the query result of performance data, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to query performance data.
l You have successfully queried performance data and the query result is displayed in
the Performance Management window.

1. On the query result tab, click on the toolbar. The Save dialog box opens.


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Chapter 9 Performance Data Query

2. In the Save dialog box, select the path where you want to save the query result, enter
a file name, and select a file type.
3. Click Save.
– End of Steps –

Under the selected path, you can find the file containing the query result of performance


The system can export 10,000 data records at most. If the query result has more than
10,000 data records, the system will truncate the exceeding part when exporting the query

9.8.4 Printing the Query Result

This section describes how to print the query result of performance data.

Before you print the query result of performance data, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the permission to query performance data.
l You have successfully queried performance data and the query result is displayed in
the Performance Management window.
l The connection between the printer and the system is normal.

1. On the query result tab, click on the toolbar. The Print Setup dialog box opens.

2. On the General tab in the Print Setup dialog box, select the printer to be used from
Name, set the print range and the number of copies you want.

3. Click the Page Setup tab in the Print Setup dialog box, and then set the paper size,
orientation, and the margin.

4. Click the Advance tab in the Print Setup dialog box, and then select the print style in
the list box.


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Three print styles are optional: Default Setup, Typical Setup, and Simple Setup.
The displayed items vary with the selected print style. You can also select or clear
some items to be displayed on the query result report as needed.
5. After completing the print setup, click Print.

Before printing, you can preview the query result by clicking Preview All.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 10
Performance Data Monitoring
Table of Contents
Overview of Performance Data Monitoring ...............................................................10-1
Monitoring Performance Data by Task ......................................................................10-1

10.1 Overview of Performance Data Monitoring

In the NetNumen U31 system, you can monitor specific indexes or counters in near
real-time during a period. The monitored performance data is displayed on the client
interface in the format of table and curve with the granularity of 15 minutes or one day.
The following rules should be conformed in setting performance data monitoring:
l The system can execute 30 performance data monitoring tasks at the same time.
l You can select at most 300 objects in the index object tree, 100 NE locations in the NE
location list, and 200 measurement objects in the measurement object location list.
l The monitoring chart supports at most six curves.
l The number of monitoring index or counters cannot exceed two in TOP MAX5 or TOP
MIN5 mode.
l The performance monitoring queries the performance data during a period of time
after the current time. The start time and end time of the monitoring must be later
than the current time.

10.2 Monitoring Performance Data by Task

This section describes how to monitor performance data by setting a performance data
monitoring task.

Before you set a task to monitor specific performance data, make sure that:

l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.

l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the authority of performance data monitoring.
l The system has collected performance data according to the measurement tasks in
the system and stored the collected data in the database.


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1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Data Monitor. The Data
Monitor dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1 Data Monitor Dialog Box (Index/Counter Tab)

2. On the Index/Counter tab of the Data Monitor dialog box, set the monitoring task as
a. From NE type, select an NE type.
b. From MO type, select an MO type.

c. In the Available Indices/Counter pane, select the indexes or counters you want
to monitor.
d. In the Monitor task name box, enter a name for the monitoring task.
e. From Monitor task query granularity, select a query granularity: 15 minute(s),
or 1 day.
f. Set a start time of the task from Monitor Task Begin Time.

g. Set an end time of the task from Monitor Task End Time.
h. Select a display mode of the monitoring result: Object-Index Trend, Realtime
Top Max5 Monitor Curve, or Realtime Top Min5 Monitor Curve.

3. In the Data Monitor dialog box, click the Location tab, select a data grouping mode
from Location Group, and then select the location of NEs and MOs, as shown in
Figure 10-2.


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Chapter 10 Performance Data Monitoring

Figure 10-2 Data Monitor Dialog Box (Location Tab)

4. Click OK
– End of Steps –

A new tab appears, showing the monitoring result.


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Chapter 11
Performance Data Integrity
Table of Contents
Introduction to Performance Data Integrity Report ....................................................11-1
Checking the Integrity of Performance Data .............................................................11-2
Saving the Integrity Report .......................................................................................11-5

11.1 Introduction to Performance Data Integrity Report

The integrity of collected performance data is the base that ensures the accurate query,
statistics, analysis and report of performance data.
The NetNumen U31 system collects performance data according to the conditions
set in measurement tasks and stores the collected performance data in its database
when the managed NEs and the NetNumen U31 server are running properly and the
communication between them is normal. When the connection between an NE and the
server is interrupted, NetNumen U31 cannot collect the performance data of the NE,
which impairs the integrity of performance data.
NetNumen U31 provides the function of performance data integrity report. By using this
function, you can check the integrity of performance data of each measurement type stored
in the database and find the period(s) during the required performance data is absent.
If some performance data is found absent in the database, you can initiate a re-collection
process to collect the performance data and store the collected data in the database.
The procedure is as follows:

1. Create a measurement task for collecting performance data.

2. Check the integrity of collected performance data
3. If some performance data is missing, find the cause ruining the performance data
4. Re-collect the missing performance data.
5. Verify the integrity of performance data.
When doing data integrity query, at most 10 performance objects can be selected in the
object list, at most 100 NE locations can be selected in the NE location list and at most
200 measurement objects can be selected in the measurement object list.


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11.2 Checking the Integrity of Performance Data

This section describes how to check the integrity of performance data.

Before you check the integrity of performance data in the system, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l The communication between the NetNumen U31 server and the managed NEs is
l You have the authority of performance management.
l The system has collected performance data according to the measurement tasks in
the system and stored the collected data in the database.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Performance > Integrity Report. The
Create New Data Integrity Query dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 11-1.

Figure 11-1 Create New Data Integrity Query Dialog Box (Object Selection Tab)

2. On the Object Selection tab, select the NE type, MO type and the PO you want to


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Chapter 11 Performance Data Integrity Report

Only one PO can be selected.

3. In the Create New Data Integrity Query dialog box, click the Location Selection tab,
and then select the NE(s), as shown in Figure 11-2.

Figure 11-2 Create New Data Integrity Query Dialog Box (Location Selection Tab)

4. In the Create New Data Integrity Query dialog box, click the Time Selection tab, and
then set the period for checking performance data integrity, as shown in Figure 11-3.


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Figure 11-3 Create New Data Integrity Query Dialog Box (Time Selection Tab)

5. Click OK.

– End of Steps –

The Data Integrity Query tab appears, showing the integrity of the selected PO, as shown
in Figure 11-4.

Figure 11-4 Data Integrity Query Tab

On the Data Integrity Query tab, the Integrity Status column shows the data integrity of
each NE.

l “Have Data” means that the performance data at each collection point (every 15
minutes by default) during the query period is available.
l “No Data” means that no performance data at each collection point is queried.


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Chapter 11 Performance Data Integrity Report

Suppose the query period is a day. If the system succeeds to query the performance data
at collection points during a period (00:00:00 to 11:00:00), but fails to query performance
data at collection points during the other period (11:00:00 to 00:00:00), the integrity query
result will be displayed on two rows, with the integrity status as “Have Data” and “No Data”

Follow-Up Action
You can perform the operations on the data integrity result by using the toolbar buttons on
the Data Integrity Query tab. Table 11-1 describes the functions of these toolbar buttons.

Table 11-1 Toolbar Buttons on the Performance Data Integrity Result Tab

Button Function

Sets a new integrity query task.

Changes the query conditions.

Refreshes the data integrity report on the tab.

Starts the collection of specific performance data.

Exports the data integrity report.

Prints the data integrity report.

11.3 Saving the Integrity Report

The integrity report of performance data can be saved as a TXT, HTM, PDF, XLS, XLSX,
or CSV file.
The following describes how to save a data integrity report.

Before you save the integrity report on your local client, make sure that:
l You have logged in to the NetNumen U31 client.
l You have the authority of performance management.
l You have checked the integrity of performance data and the integrity report is
displayed in the client window.

1. On the Data Integrity Query tab, which shows the query result of data integrity, click
on the toolbar. The Save dialog box opens.


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2. In the Save dialog box, select the path where you want to save the integrity report,
enter a file name, select a file type, and then click Save. A message box appears,
prompting the successful export of data integrity report.
3. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The data integrity report is successfully saved as a file. To view the integrity report, open
the file under the selected path.


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Chapter 12
Excel Template Management
Table of Contents
Introduction to Excel Template..................................................................................12-1
Uploading an Excel Template to the Server ..............................................................12-3
Downloading an Excel Template From the Server ....................................................12-4
Deleting an Excel Template ......................................................................................12-4
Using an Excel Template ..........................................................................................12-5

12.1 Introduction to Excel Template

A predefined Excel template can be used to arrange the queried performance data in the
generated report file when you export the data to an XLS file. You can use Microsoft Excel
to customize appropriate Excel templates according to the actual requirements for report
files, and then upload the customized templates to the NetNumen U31 server.
Figure 12-1 shows an example of Excel template.

Figure 12-1 Excel Template Example

A standard Excel template contains four fields: TITLE, HEAD, DATA, and SUM, as
described in Table 12-1.

Table 12-1 Four Fields in an Excel Template

Field Description Instruction

TITLE (Mandatory) Specifies the position You are required to specify the additional
and format of the additional information of the report when you attempt to
information about the report to be export the query result of performance data to
generated, including report name, an XLS report file. For detailed instructions, see
measurement type, query time, the later section “Using an Excel Template”.
editor, and creation time.


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Field Description Instruction

HEAD (Optional) Specifies the position and The system will use the head on the query
format of the table head in the report result tab as the table head in the report to be
to be generated. generated by default. You can also customize
the table head as needed in this field. Special
characters are allowed in the customized table

DATA (Mandatory) Specifies the position You can specify the font and format of each
and format of performance data in column for displaying the performance data in
the report to be generated according the corresponding column.
to the query result of performance In addition, you can define conditional format for
data. a column in Excel to color specific performance
data. The system will apply the preset format if
the data exported to a cell of the column meets
the specified condition.

SUM (Optional) Counts the performance The prerequisites of successfully counting of

data in a column and specifies the performance data and displaying of data sums
format of the sum. in the report are:
l The cells in each column contain the
exported performance data, that is, the
column is not null.
l A blank row is reserved between DATA
and SUM fields.

l If you add other characters or images in an Excel template, these characters or images
will be displayed in the generated XLS file.
l Excel templates containing macros are not supported.

To know the use of Excel template more intuitively, Figure 12-2 shows the major part of the
contents in an XLS file containing the exported performance data, which uses the example
Excel template as Figure 12-1.


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Chapter 12 Excel Template Management

Figure 12-2 Generated Report Based on an Excel Template

2. HEAD 4. SUM

12.2 Uploading an Excel Template to the Server

You can upload a customized Excel template to the \works\global\runtime\excel
-template directory on the NetNumen U31 server for later use.

The Excel template you want to upload to the NetNumen U31 server is available.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Query&Statistics > Performance
Statistics > Excel Template Management. The Excel Template Management
dialog box opens.
2. In the Excel Template Management dialog box, click on the toolbar. The Upload
Template dialog box opens.
3. In the Upload Tempalte dialog box, select the directory where the customized Excel
template is saved from Look in, click the Excel template you want to upload, and then
click Open. The Confirm dialog box opens.
4. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The uploaded Excel template appears in the Excel Template Management dialog box.


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12.3 Downloading an Excel Template From the Server

An existing Excel template on the NetNumen U31 server can be downloaded to a client.
You can modify the downloaded template as required, and then upload it to the NetNumen
U31 server to:
l Replace the original template,
l Save the template as a new template after modifying the template file name.
The following describes how to download an existing Excel template from the NetNumen
U31 server to your local client.

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Query&Statistics > Performance
Statistics > Excel Template Management. The Excel Template Management
dialog box opens.
2. In the Excel Template Management dialog box, click the template you want to
download, and then click on the toolbar. The Download Template dialog box
3. In the Download Template dialog box, select the directory where you want to save
the template file from Save in, and then click Save.

If you want to save this template file with another name, type a new name in the File
name box.

The Confirm dialog box opens.

4. Click OK.
– End of Steps –

The downloaded template file appears under the specified directory.

12.4 Deleting an Excel Template

This section describes how to delete an unused Excel template from the NetNumen U31


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Chapter 12 Excel Template Management

1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Query&Statistics > Performance
Statistics > Excel Template Management. The Excel Template Management
dialog box opens.
2. In the Excel Template Management dialog box, click the template to be deleted, and
then click on the toolbar. The Confirm dialog box opens.
3. Click Yes.
– End of Steps –

The template disappears from the Excel Template Management dialog box, and the
corresponding template file is deleted from the \works\global\runtime\excel-te
mplate directory on the NetNumen U31 server.

12.5 Using an Excel Template

A customized Excel template can be used when you want to export the query result of
performance data to an XLS file.

The following example shows how to use an Excel template to export queried performance
data to an XLS file. Suppose that you have queried performance data and the query result
is displayed on a tab.

The Excel template you want to use is available.

1. On the query result tab, click on the toolbar. The Save dialog box opens.
2. In the Save dialog box, select Microsoft Office Excel (*.xls) from Files of type, as
shown in Figure 12-3.


SJ-20111013151429-011|2011-11-28(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

Figure 12-3 Save Dialog Box

3. From Save in, select the directory where you want to save the report file.
4. Click the Template button. In the Template dialog box, click the template you want to
use, and then click Open.
5. If you do not want to show some additional information in the exported report, cancel
the selection of the corresponding check boxes, including Title, Type, Query Time,
Editor, and/or Create Time.
6. Click Save.
– End of Steps –

The performance data in the query result is exported to an XLS file according to the format
specified in the Excel template.

The customized Excel template can also be used to format the query result files based on a
common template task. If the XLS file format is selected in a common template task and a
customized Excel template is used as shown in Figure 12-4, the system will generate result
files in the format as specified in the Excel template after running the common template


SJ-20111013151429-011|2011-11-28(R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 12 Excel Template Management

Figure 12-4 Using an Excel Template in a Common Template Task


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NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

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Figure 1-1 Performance Management Operation Flow .............................................. 1-3
Figure 1-2 Performance Management Window ......................................................... 1-5
Figure 2-1 Measurement Task Management Tab ...................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-2 Create Measurement Task Dialog Box (Measurement Task Tab).............. 2-4
Figure 2-3 Create Measurement Task Dialog Box (Location Tab) .............................. 2-5
Figure 2-4 Create Measurement Task Dialog Box (General Tab)............................... 2-6
Figure 2-5 Consistency Status Dialog Box .............................................................. 2-15
Figure 2-6 Measurement Task Integrity Dialog Box ................................................. 2-20
Figure 3-1 MO Management Tab .............................................................................. 3-2
Figure 4-1 Counters Displayed in the Right Pane...................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-2 Create Index Dialog Box (Basic Information Tab) ..................................... 4-4
Figure 4-3 Create Index Dialog Box (Index Formula Tab).......................................... 4-6
Figure 4-4 Create Index Dialog Box (Preset QoS Tab) .............................................. 4-7
Figure 4-5 Index Export Dialog Box......................................................................... 4-14
Figure 4-6 Import Index Dialog Box (1) ................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-7 Import Index Dialog Box (2) ................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-8 New Business Type Dialog Box ............................................................. 4-17
Figure 5-1 Threshold Task Management Tab ............................................................ 5-2
Figure 5-2 Create Threshold Task Dialog Box (Threshold Task Tab) ......................... 5-3
Figure 5-3 Select Dialog Box .................................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-4 An Index Added on the Threshold Task Tab ............................................. 5-4
Figure 5-5 Modify Threshold Dialog Box ................................................................... 5-4
Figure 5-6 Create Threshold Task Dialog Box (Location Tab).................................... 5-5
Figure 5-7 Create Threshold Task Dialog Box (General Tab)..................................... 5-6
Figure 6-1 Common Template Management Tab....................................................... 6-2
Figure 6-2 Create Common Template Dialog Box ..................................................... 6-3
Figure 6-3 Logic Filter/Render Dialog Box................................................................. 6-4
Figure 6-4 Threshold Render Dialog Box .................................................................. 6-5
Figure 6-5 TOPN Filter/Render Dialog Box ............................................................... 6-6
Figure 6-6 Export Common Template Dialog Box.................................................... 6-12
Figure 6-7 Import Common Template Dialog Box .................................................... 6-14
Figure 7-1 New Template Dialog Box ........................................................................ 7-2

NetNumen U31 R58 Performance Management Operation Guide

Figure 7-2 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Indices Selection Tab) ................... 7-2
Figure 7-3 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Object Selection Tab).................... 7-3
Figure 7-4 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Time Selection Tab) ...................... 7-4
Figure 7-5 Modify Template Dialog Box..................................................................... 7-8
Figure 7-6 Import Template Dialog Box ................................................................... 7-10
Figure 7-7 Save As Template Dialog Box ................................................................ 7-11
Figure 8-1 Template Task Tab ................................................................................... 8-2
Figure 8-2 Create Query Template Task Dialog Box.................................................. 8-4
Figure 8-3 Task Execution Settings ........................................................................... 8-5
Figure 8-4 Create Common Template Task Dialog Box (Basic Info Tab).................... 8-6
Figure 8-5 Create Common Template Task Dialog Box (Location Info Tab) ............... 8-7
Figure 8-6 Create Common Template Task Dialog Box (Time Info Tab)..................... 8-8
Figure 9-1 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Indices Selection Tab) ................... 9-2
Figure 9-2 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Object Selection Tab).................... 9-3
Figure 9-3 Performance Data Query Dialog Box (Time Selection Tab) ...................... 9-4
Figure 9-4 Measurement Task Management Tab ...................................................... 9-6
Figure 9-5 Create Realtime Data Query Dialog Box ................................................ 9-10
Figure 9-6 Query Result of Real-Time Performance Data (Table Format)................ 9-11
Figure 9-7 Query Result of Real-Time Performance Data (Chart Format) ............... 9-11
Figure 9-8 Export Microwave Netnumen Performance Data Dialog Box .................. 9-12
Figure 10-1 Data Monitor Dialog Box (Index/Counter Tab) ...................................... 10-2
Figure 10-2 Data Monitor Dialog Box (Location Tab) ............................................... 10-3
Figure 11-1 Create New Data Integrity Query Dialog Box (Object Selection
Tab) ...................................................................................................... 11-2
Figure 11-2 Create New Data Integrity Query Dialog Box (Location Selection
Tab) ...................................................................................................... 11-3
Figure 11-3 Create New Data Integrity Query Dialog Box (Time Selection
Tab) ...................................................................................................... 11-4
Figure 11-4 Data Integrity Query Tab ...................................................................... 11-4
Figure 12-1 Excel Template Example...................................................................... 12-1
Figure 12-2 Generated Report Based on an Excel Template................................... 12-3
Figure 12-3 Save Dialog Box .................................................................................. 12-6
Figure 12-4 Using an Excel Template in a Common Template Task ........................ 12-7

Table 1-1 Performance Management Buttons on the Main Toolbar............................ 1-5
Table 1-2 Common Buttons on the Performance Management Toolbar ..................... 1-6
Table 2-1 Toolbar Buttons on the Measurement Task Management Tab .................... 2-2
Table 2-2 Parameters on the Measurement Task Tab................................................ 2-4
Table 2-3 Parameters on the General Tab................................................................. 2-6
Table 2-4 Toolbar Buttons in the Consistency Status Dialog Box ............................. 2-15
Table 4-1 Parameters on the Basic Information Tab .................................................. 4-4
Table 4-2 Parameters on the Preset QoS Tab ........................................................... 4-7
Table 5-1 Parameters on the Location Tab (Threshold Task) ..................................... 5-6
Table 5-2 General Information of Threshold Task ...................................................... 5-7
Table 6-1 Buttons on the Toolbar of Common Template Tab...................................... 6-2
Table 8-1 Toolbar Buttons for Template Tasks ........................................................... 8-2
Table 8-2 Toolbar Buttons for Task Results ............................................................... 8-3
Table 9-1 Toolbar Buttons on the Query Result Tab................................................... 9-5
Table 9-2 Toolbar Buttons on the Real-Time Query Result Tab................................ 9-12
Table 11-1 Toolbar Buttons on the Performance Data Integrity Result Tab............... 11-5
Table 12-1 Four Fields in an Excel Template ........................................................... 12-1


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- Network Element Management System
- JAVA 2 platform Enterprise Edition
- Key Performance Indicator
- Measured Object
- Network Element
- Performance Index
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