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Banks and other financial institutions play a vital role in forecasting the economic and social
condition of a country. Banks in Bangladesh now constitutes the core of the country’s organized
financial system. Agrani Bank Limited, a leading commercial bank with 902 outlets strategically
located in almost all the commercial areas throughout Bangladesh, overseas Exchange Houses
and hundreds of overseas Correspondents, came into being as a Public Limited Company on
May 17, 2007 with a view to take over the business, assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of
the Agrani Bank which emerged as a nationalized commercial bank in 1972 immediately after
the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state.

Customer satisfaction is very important for the reflections of the succession toward progress
and expansion for any service institution. Excellence in customer service helps an organization
to build a good position in the market and retain more customers. To keep the customers
satisfied, ABL provides various types of service to its customers

The main objective of the report is to identify the satisfaction level of debit card holders for
using debit card. For my report I have used primary data and secondary data. As a primary data
I have used questionnaire survey on customers. On the other hand for secondary sources of
data I have used research, brochures, annual report, internet etc.

Agrani bank has a debit card section. It has about 13 booths. One customer can withdraw
money from different private bank booths which have a charge. About 6000 customers are
debit card holders. Most of the respondents are satisfied for the card service offered by Agrani
Bank. Some of them are dissatisfied for the poor quality of network of booth. Some other
respondents are dissatisfied for the poor number of ATM booth. On the other hand maximum
numbers of respondents are satisfied for the quality of service that Agrani Bank offers.

Agrani Bank Limited is operating efficiently with its existing products and services. In service-
oriented industry, it is very difficult to set a standard rule to satisfy the customer. Several
factors shape up the decision of taking the service from an organization. This bank made

satisfactory progress in all areas of business operation. So Agrani Bank Limited is the bank
which will go on in the banking sector of the world with their slogan "Committed to serve the


1.1 Background

Banks and other financial institutions play a vital role in forecasting the economic and social
condition of a country. Banks in Bangladesh now constitutes the core of the country’s organized
financial system. Agrani Bank Limited, a leading commercial bank with 1059 outlets strategically
located in almost all the commercial areas throughout Bangladesh, overseas Exchange Houses
and hundreds of overseas Correspondents, came into being as a Public Limited Company on
May 17, 2007 with a view to take over the business, assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of
the Agrani Bank which emerged as a nationalized commercial bank in 1972 immediately after
the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state.

1.2 Objectives of the study

1. To identify the factors which can influence customer satisfaction regarding debit card service
of Agrani Bank

2. To measure the customer satisfaction level of debit card service offered by Agrani Bank.

3. To provide some recommendation about debit card service of Agrani Bank.

1.3 Origin of the Report:

The report will definitely identify how the corporate world really works and will help to apply
theoretical knowledge in the practical life. In respect to that, internship is mandatory of our BBA
program offered by Bangladesh University of Business & Technology. This program is a partial
fulfillment of our BBA curriculum. To do so I decided to complete my internship in Agrani Bank
Ltd. In connecting, Agrani Bank Limited sent me to the Savar Branch and assigned to prepare
this report. The title of my report is `` Customer satisfaction analysis on debit card service of
Agrani Bank, Savar Branch”


The study methodology included observation of their work procedure, analysis of their
information input forms and their output documents, face-to-face communication with the
clients, interviews of relevant ABL officials.

As per study objectives mentioned, the information used in this study has been received from

the following sources:

Primary Sources:

* In-depth interview with bank officials.

* Questionnaire survey on debit card holders of Agrani Bank .

Secondary Sources:

* Brochures

* Various publications of Agrani Bank Limited

*Annual report
* Official data book
* Internet

1.5 Data collection and procedure
Majority of the information has been collected from primary data .
* In-depth interview with two official of the ABL. Through this interview the researcher
tried to identify customer satisfaction level using debit card.
* Questioner survey on 20 debit card customers of Agrani Bank

1.6 Questionnaire
The questionnaire contains both open and close ended question. Average questioner
administers time 15 minutes.

1.7 sampling plan for questionnaire survey

Population All the debit card holders of Agrani Bank who live in


Sample Element Individual debit card holder of Agrani Bank who live in

Sampling Frame No structure frame was provided by the Bank.

Sampling technique Non-probability convenience sampling.

Sample size 20

1.8 Data analysis and reporting
Quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed according to acceptable
Standards of practice. Various computer applications are used for different and graphs
and this tables and were used to make the data meaningful.


The objective of this study is to earn real life practical experience in Banking System. It requires
long time to acquire to the real experience. Time limitation is the main constrain in this respect.
The lack of available of data is another limitation. Maximum of banking activity are practical.
Just reading the manual is not enough. To earn such practical experience, it requires working
with those events.

The main limitations are as:

*Time constrain
* Banking people are very busy. Sometimes it seems hard to get their attention
* Lack of published relevant documents
* Some information is confidential-not open to public.

Organizational Part

2.1 Introduction:

Bank is a financial institution which plays a fundamental role in forecasting the economic and
social condition of a country. In the process of acceptance of deposits and provision of loan,
bank creates money. This characteristic feature sets bank apart from other financial institution. A
Bank can manipulate the money supply through lending and investment. Banks collect deposit at
the lowest possible cost and provide loans and advances at higher cost. The difference between
these is the profit for the Bank. Agrani Bank Limited is fast growing public bank. This bank has
been operating in the bank industry since 1972 and belongs to the first generation of public banks
to be incorporated since the independence of Bangladesh. From its establishment it is engaged in
a desirable position among its competitors after achieving success in all area of business

Agrani Bank Limited is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 13 (thirteen) members

headed by a Chairman. The Bank is headed by the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer;
Managing Director is assisted by Deputy Managing Directors and General Managers. The bank
has 11 Circle offices, 29 Divisions in head office, 62 zonal offices and 902 branches including 27
corporate and 40 AD (authorized dealer) branches. Agrani Bank Limited is a Bank with an
Authorized Capital and Paid-up Capital of Tk.25,000.00 million and Tk.9,910.00 million
respectively. The total equity of the bank stands at 7,170.00 million as on December 2012. The
total operating profit of last year is about Tk.14,000.00 million. This bank plays a significant
impact on the growth of the economy of this country.

2.2 Corporate Profile

Agrani Bank Limited (ABL) was incorporated as a State

owned Commercial Bank (SCB) on 17 May 2007 under the
Companies Act 1994. Agrani Bank emerged as a
Genesis Nationalized Commercial Bank (NCB) following the
Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order 1972 vice
President's Order No. 26 of 1972. On a going concern basis
ABL took over the business, assets, liabilities, rights and
obligations of Agrani Bank through a vendor's agreement
signed on 15 November 2007 between the Ministry of
Finance of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh & the
Board of Directors of ABL with retrospective effect from 1
July 2007.

Legal Status Public Limited Company (governed by the Bank

Companies Act 1991)
Chairman Zaid Bakht

Managing Director & Arastoo Khan


Company Secretary Shamsur Rahman

Registered Office 9/D Dilkusha Commercial Area Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh

Authorised Capital Tk. 2500.00 Crore

Paid up Capital Tk. 991.29 Crore

Operating Profit Tk. 1400.00 Crore

Credit Rating By CRISL (Rating declared on 26 September


Entity Rating Long Term Short Term

2011 AAA ST- 1
Surveillance A+ ST- 2
Rating 2011
(Stand Alone
Outlook 2011 Stable
Employees 13,890 (9,917 officers and 3,973 staffs)

Branches 1059

Subsidiary Companies 6

Phone +88-02-9566153-4, +88-02-9566160-9, +88-02-9566074-5

Fax +88-02-9562346, +88-02-9563662, +88-02-9563658


2.3 Vision

To become the best leading state owned commercial bank of Bangladesh operating at
international level of efficiency, quality, sound management, customer service and strong


To operate ethically and fairly within the stringent framework set by our regulators and to
assimilate ideas and lessons from best practices to improve our business policies and
procedures to the benefit of our customers and employees.

2.5 Motto

To adopt and adapt modern approaches to stand supreme in the banking arena of
Bangladesh with global presence.

2.6 Values

We value in integrity, transparency, accountability, dignity, diversity, growth and

professionalism to provide high level of service to all our customers and stakeholders inside and
outside the country.

2.7 Strategic Objectives

1. Winning at least 6.50 percent share of deposits and 5.50 percent share of loans and advances
of Bangladeshi market.

2. Gaining competitive advantages by lowering overall cost compared to that of competitors.

3. Overtaking competitors by providing quality customer service.

4. Achieving technological leadership among the peer group.

5. Strengthening the Bank’s brand recognition.

6. Contributing towards the economic well being of the country by focusing particularly in SME
and agricultural sector

2.8 Ethical Standards

1. Be Trustworthy: We believe in mutual trust and treat our customers in a way so that they
can trust us.

2. Keep an Open Mind: For continuous improvement of our Bank we keep our minds open
to new ideas. We seek opinions and feedback from both customers and team members through
which our Bank will continue to grow.

3. Meet Obligations: Regardless of the circumstances, we do everything to gain the trust

and confidence of customers and clients by honoring our commitments and obligations.

4. Be Transparent: We are transparent in our dealings with customers and all stakeholders.
We ensure transparency by furnishing information through print and electronic media as well
as in Bank’s website, journals and reports.

5. Be involved with the Community: We remain involved in community-related issues

and activities, thereby demonstrating that our business is socially responsible.

6. Be Respectful: We treat all stakeholders with utmost respect and courtesy regardless of
differences, positions, titles, ages, or other types of distinctions.

7. Be Environment Conscious: We provide industrial financing decorously to keep the
environment free from pollution and health hazard. We also ensure setting up ETP before
installation of industries that may affect the environment. We are pro-active and foresighted
for green office and green economy.

Figure: Hierarchy of ABL

Chapter 3
Theoretical Aspects

3.1 Debit card
Debit means subtract when you use debit card. You subtract money from your own checking or
saving account. The debit card deducts the balance from a deposit account like a checking
account. With a debit card, you have access to the money in your account wherever you are,
whenever you want, wherever you see the ATM booth. The money is deducted from your
balance straight away- there is no interest to pay the debit cards is becoming popular as a rapid
rate. The debit card market is expanding and the companies are trying to fulfill the growing
demand. For the purpose, different types of debit cards with various features are offered by
companies. The use of debit card is growing every day because these cards are providing a
number of attractive services to the cardholders. In comparison to the credit cards, these
services cost low and are more convenient. Both offline and online transaction can be done
through these cards. But at the same time, the needs of different types of customers are not
the same. Because of their choice the debit card companies have designed various types of
debit cards. Debit cards are all known as check cards. Debit cards look like credit cards or ATM
(automated transfer machine) cards, but operate like cash or a personal check. Debit cards are
different from credit cards. While a credit card is a way to pay later a debit card is a way to
now. When you use a debit card, your money is quickly deducted from your check saving
account. A person can use your card anywhere merchants display your brand name or logo.
They offer an alternative to carrying a checkbook or cash.

3.2 Protecting debit card

Just at the money may be stolen and the credit cards may be lost or fraudulently used a debit
card may be lost stolen or used without customer’s knowledge as a cardholder, you need to
know the extent of your protection. A debit card is like a blank check, so you need to guard the
card and the account number careful against loss or misuse. A thief can clear out your bank
account before you even know your card is missing.

If your debit card is lost or stolen or if you think someone is using it fraudulently, call your bank
immediately. Memorize the PIN but don’t keep it with the card. Don’t choose one that a small
thief could figure out, like phone number, address, or birthday. Never give the PIN to anyone.

Service offered by
Agrani Bank

4.1 Service offered by Agrani Bank:
To hold the position, Agrani bank continuously introduces new services one after another. In
response to the demand of its customers Agrani bank started its card business with Q-card
proprietary cards till now, total number of cards of the bank is about 6000, Within 18 month of
operation; card division of the Bank reached breakeven point. At the end of December 2008,
the bank generates profit multi million taka.


Debit card: Debit card is mainly tagged with deposit account(CD/SB/STD) automatically debited
from A/C having available balance. Debit card can also be use purchasing goods, services,
payment of utility bill etc. as well as withdrawal of cash from

Papers/Documents required for insurance of debit card/Prepaid card

1. Two copies of passport size photographs

2. Customer should maintain a deposit (SB/CD/STD) A/C with any branch of Agrani Bank .
3. Other than Agrani Bank, account holder may also avail prepaid card against deposit of

4.2 The advantages of debit card

1. It is often easier to get than a credit card

2. You do not have to get your check approved or show identification at stores
3. You do not have to carry cash, a check book or travelers checks
4. Debit cards are more readily accepted than checks, especially when you are traveling
5. You do not pay interest charges
6. Using a debit card fees customer from carrying cash or check book.
7. The debit card is a quick,” pay now” product , giving no grace period

Because checkout lines move faster, store owner like debit cards. They do not worry about
bounces check or need to take checks or cash to the bank. Debit card processing fee for the
merchant and generally lower than credit card fees.

4.3 The disadvantages of a debit card:

1) You need enough money in your bank account to cover each transaction.
2) You may have bank fees –such as yearly service charges per-transaction costs. Charge
with your bank so find out those extra costs.
3) You have less protection if your debit card is lost or misacted them with a credit card.

Agrani bank cardholders can enjoy the following benefits:

Debit card withdrawal fee. For withdrawals of card from Agrani bank. ATM by Agrani bank, fee
is free. Facility is only given by Agrani bank. Moreover the VISA cardholders can also withdraw
cash by visa logo ATM locally and internationally.

Supplementary card: a principal cardholder (local) may apply for more than one
supplementary card where one supplementary card is free. Expenses made by supplementary
card will be charged to the principal card.

Payment of utility bill: payment of utility bills like telephone bills, electric bills, water bills, may
be settled by card.

Account Maintenance fee:

SL No. Particulars Table

01 For Every Year Tk. 300+15%
=345 Tk


Cash withdrawal fee.

A) ABL card to ABL ATM: no fee.

B) Tk 10 will be charged for transaction within ITCL network
C) Tk 15 will be charged for each transaction within the network of OMNIBUS

Promotional activities of debit card:

For debit card Agrani Bank Limited dose not organize any promotional activities

Processing of debit card:

Application for Debit card

Get debit Card

Punch the Debit Card and withdraw money

Withdrawal money is deducted from Account

People are involved in the processing of Debit card like card division and the cardholder will must
have the saving a/c, current from deposit a/c in the bank.

Physical evidence:
*From of card division and ATM booth

*interior design of ATM booth

*Exterior design of ATM booth

*Transaction statement


Factors influencing
the card service

5.1 To identify the factors which the customer consider while determine their satisfaction
about debit card was a great challenge for me. That’s why; I have conducted in-depth interview
3 marketing officials of Agrani Bank. These factors are given below:

Networking quality of ATM booth

When the debit card holders went to ATM machine, they faced networking problem. For that
many of the customers could not withdraw money from the ATM booth. This is the factor which
influences customer satisfaction regarding card service. Networking problem happened
because of there was no internet connection.

Inactive machine
The machine was inactive when some of the card holders went to get the service from
ATM booth. Inactive machine is a factor which influences card service of Agrani Bank.
Inactive machine could not provide service for the customer.

Long queue problem

Long queue problem is another problem which influences card service. Sometimes there was
long queue. For that customers suffered a lot.

Poor quality plastic card

Some of the customers’ claimed that the quality of the plastic card is very poor. For that they
could not use it properly. Sometimes the plastic becomes torn. For this reason it becomes hard
to use the debit card.

Problem at the time of punching

Some of the card holders faced problem at the time of punching debit card. They could not
enter the debit card into the machine properly. This is the problem which influences customer

Number of ATM booth
The number of ATM booth of Agrani Bank is very poor. For that debit card holders can not get
the proper service from the ATM booth. This is a factor which influences customer service.

The location of ATM booth

The location of the ATM booth is not appropriate. This is the factor which influences customer
satisfaction regarding card service of Agrani Bank.

Promotional effort about debit card

Agrani Bank Limited does not advertise for their card service. For that many people do not
know the card service of Agrani Bank. This is the factor which influences the customer service.

Card related service; bill

Many customers did not get the receipt after withdrawing money from the ATM booth. Some
of the customers complained for that. A receipt proves the authentic transaction. This factor
influences the card service of Agrani Bank.

Emergency service
Agrani Bank does not have emergency service for the customers. Many customers search for
emergency service. This is another factor that influences card service of Agrani Bank.

Chapter- 06
Analysis and findings

6.1 Question 1: How long have customers been with this bank?

1-5 year

below 1 year

40% 40%


between 5-9 years

Figure: customers being with this bank.

From the pie chat we are noticing 40% respondents are staying with this bank for one year. 40%
respondents are with this bank for 1-5 years. Another 20% respondents are with this bank for 5-
9 years.

So, it can be said that the most of the respondents are new. They are staying with this bank for
1 or less than 1 year.

Question 2: For how many years are you using debit card?

Agrani Bank





20% Agrani Bank




Below 1 year More than 1 year More than 2 years More than 3 years

Figure: Duration of using debit card.

From the bar chart we are seeing that there are 40% respondents who are using debit card for
less than 1 year. Here 20% respondents are using debit card for more than 1 year. 10%
respondents are using debit card for more than 2 years. 30% are using this card for more than 3

So, it can be said most of the debit card users are new. They are using debit card for 1 or less
than 1 year.

Question 3: Are you satisfied about debit card services provided by Agrani Bank Limited?

Agrani Bank
20% Agrani Bank
Exremely Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Extremely
Satisfied Satisfied DIsatisfied Dissatisfied

Figure: Quality of debit card service.

Here, 10% respondents of Agrani Bank are extremely satisfied for debit card service provided by
the bank. 20% respondents are somewhat satisfied. 40% respondents are in a neutral position.
They are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. 20% respondents are somewhat dissatisfied. Another
10% respondents are extremely dissatisfied.

So, the number of respondents who are neutral is higher than others.

Question 4: Have you faced any problem to use debit card?

Agrani Bank




Agrani Bank



Yes I have faced problem NO, I have not faced any problem

Figure: Problem at the time of using debit card.

Here, 40% respondents faced problem at the time using debit card. On the other hand 60%
respondents did not face any problem to use debit card.

So, it can be said majority portion of the respondents did not face problem at the time of using
debit card.

Question 5: Which kind of problem have you faced?

Kinds of problem



Kinds of problem


Networking Load shedding Inactive Long queue Others
Problem Problem Machine problem

Figure: Kinds of problem faced by respondents.

Here, Majority portion of the respondents who faced networking problem. This is about 50%.
10% respondents faced the load shedding problem to get the service. 20% respondents faced
the inactive machine problem. 15% respondents faced the long queue problem. And rest of the
5% respondents faced other types of problem.

Which indicate most of the customers faced networking problem.

Question 6: Have you faced problem at the time punching debit card?

Punching debit card






40% Punching debit card




Yes, I have faced problem No, I have not faced problem

Figure: Problem at the time of punching debit card.

Here, 20% respondents faced problem at the time of punching debit card. Another 80% debit
card holders did not face any problem at the time of punching debit card.

So, here it is noticed that the most of the respondents did not face any problem at the time of
punching debit card. Some of the respondents faced problem at the time of punching debit
card ,They could not enter the debit card into the machine properly.

Question 7: Are you satisfied for the number of ATM booth?

Number of ATM booth




Number of ATM booth


Extremely Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Extremely
Satisfied satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Figure: Satisfaction level for the number of ATM booth.

Here, 5% respondents are extremely satisfied for the number of ATM booth. Another 5% are
somewhat satisfied. 10% respondents are neutral. 30% debit card holders are somewhat
dissatisfied. Rests of the 50% respondents are extremely dissatisfied for the number of ATM

Which indicate most of the respondents are extremely dissatisfied for the number of ATM

Question 8: Are you satisfied for the location of the ATM booth?

Satisfaction level for the location of ATM





15% Satisfaction level for the

location of ATM booth


Extremely Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Extremely
Stisfied Saisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Figure: Satisfaction level for the location of ATM booth.

Here, 10% respondents are extremely satisfied for the locations of the ATM booth.15%
respondents are somewhat satisfied. 25% respondents are neutral. 30% are somewhat
dissatisfied. Rests of the 20% are extremely dissatisfied.

Here, it is noticed that most of the respondents are somewhat dissatisfied. This is about

Question 9: Do you think Agrani Bank Limited should advertise on its debit card services?

Advertisement of Agrani Bank





Advertisement of Agrani Bank



Yes ,they should Somewhat they No, they should not
advertise should advertise advertise

Figure: Whether or not ABL should advertise.

Here, 70% respondents of Agrani Bank think that the bank should advertise on its debit card.
20% respondents think somewhat they should advertise. 10% respondents think they should
not advertise on its debit card.

So, most of the respondents want advertisement for the debit card service.

Question 10: If yes which media do you prefer most?

Agrani Bank



Agrani Bank



TV Newspaper Promotional Event Billboard

Figure: Mostly preferred media by the customer for the AD

Here, 50 % respondents mostly prefer TV media, 30 % respondents prefer newspaper media, 10

% prefer promotional events, and 10 % prefer billboard media for the advertisement.

Most of the respondents prefer TV media to advertise.

Question 11: Do you feel comfort to use debit card?

Series 1




Series 1



Yes, I feel comfort to use debit card No, I feel not comfort

Figure: Comfort to use debit card

Here, 70% respondents feel comfort to use debit card. Another 30% feel not comfort to use
debit card.

So, it can be said most of the respondents feel comfort to use debit card.

Question 12: Do you think service charge for Agrani Bank Limited for various services is

Service Charge




Service Charge



Perfect High High Medium Low

Figure: Service charge for various services.

Here, 20% respondents think that the service charges for various services are perfect high. 10%
respondents think that the service charge is high. 60% respondents think that service charge is
medium. 10% think it is low.

So, most of the respondents think that the service charge for various services is alright.

Question 13: Are you satisfied for the plastic quality of the card?

Plastic Quality



Plastic Quality


Extremely Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Extremely
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Figure: Opinion about plastic quality of the card.

Here, 10% respondents are extremely satisfied for the plastic quality. 20% are somewhat
satisfied. About 50% respondents are neutral. 10% respondents are somewhat dissatisfied.
Rests of the 10% are extremely dissatisfied.

Which indicate most of the respondents are neutral which is 50%.

Question 14: Do you think the withdrawal limit of debit card is alright?

Withdrawal Limit




Withdrawal Limit



Yes, the limit is ok No, the limit should be increased

Figure: Opinion about withdrawal limit

Here, 60% respondents think that the withdrawal limit is OK. Another 40% think that the limit
should be increased.

So, most of the respondents think that the withdrawal limit is OK.

Question 15: Do you use debit card for shopping?

Series 1




Series 1



Yes, I use for shopping No, I do not use for shopping

Figure: Opinion about using debit card for shopping purpose

Here, 30% respondents use debit card for shopping purpose. Another 70% do not use debit
card for shopping.

Most of the respondents do not use debit card for shopping.

Major findings

7.1 After analyzing debit card related information of ABL , I have indentified some sort of issues
which are given in below:

 Respondents who are being with this bank below 1 year they are more in amount than old

 Most of the respondents are satisfied with the debit card services provided by Agrani Bank

 Most of the respondents think that ABL, need more advertisement of their bank.

 Most of the respondents of ABL are satisfied with their service charge.

 Most of the respondents are using debit card for less than 1 year.

 Few of the respondents faced problem at the time of punching debit card.

 Most of the customers faced networking problem for withdrawing the money from ATM

booth and queue problem.

 Most of the respondents are dissatisfied with the number of ABL, ATM booth.

 Some respondents want more branches to meet their needs.

 The operator efficiency of the bank is satisfied and the bank has tried to successfully
operate all the issues.

 Overall service quality of ABL Savar Branch is good.

 Most of the respondents want advertisement of the debit card service.

 There is lack of promotional activities of ABL.

 Maximum numbers of respondents want television media for promotional activities

 Most of the respondents didn’t see any advertisement of ABL.

 Most of the respondents think service charge for various service is alright.

 Most of the respondents are satisfied for the location of ATM booth.

 Most of the respondents are satisfied for the plastic quality of the card.

 Maximum numbers of respondents have no complaint for the withdrawal limit.


8.1 ABL has some problems but it is encouraging that they are trying to overcome these

 Most of the respondents are dissatisfied for the number of ATM booth. The number of
ATM booth of Agrani Bank is very poor. ABL must take necessary steps to increase the
number of booth in various places.

 Many respondents faced load shedding problem. The authority of ABL must try to
provide continuous electricity to the booths.

 Most of the respondents want advertisement of the card service of Agani bank. But
unfortunately ABL has no advertisement of their card service. They must advertise on
his debit card providing debit service.

 Many respondents are not satisfied with the service charge, ABL motivate them by
giving good services.

Chapter -09

9.1 Conclusion
For growing and developing countries, public banking sectors have proven themselves as an
active partner in national development. The ABL has been trying to operate its business
successfully in Bangladesh from the beginning of the banking uprising in our country. From
customer satisfaction analyses. I found almost all customers are satisfied about the Agrani Bank
Limited’s service standard. The employees are also satisfied with the bank. This is very
important for a company to achieve employees’ satisfaction and make a path to achieve
customer satisfaction. But the employees also want the improvement of the bank, its
technology , its goods, its management policy etc. so we can say that there is a vast opportunity
for The Agrani Bank Limited to grow and establish a strong position in their organization .

Banking sector is expanding its hand in different events every day. At the same time the
banking process is becoming faster, easier and banking area becoming wider. As the demand
for better service increases day by day, they are coming with different innovative ideas and
products. In order to survive in the competitive field of the banking sector all banking
organizations are looking for better service opportunity to provide their fellow clients. As a
result customer service evolution has become essential for every bank whether they are
satisfied or not. Thus ABL intends to give the way for a new era in banking.


10.1 Bibliography:
 Internet. Website:
 Annual report of Agrani Bank Limited 2013
 Principles of Marketing – 13th Edition-Philip Kotler
 Marketing Management – 13th Edition-- Philip Kotler
 Service Marketing – 6th Edition - Zeithaml, Bitner


Questionnaire for customer

Dear respondent my internship in Agrani Bank Limited .I am conducting a sample survey on

“Customer Satisfaction Related to Marketing Mix Visa Debit Card of Agrani Bank Limited “
To prepare a report I need the following information. I am ensuring you that I will use this
information only for the purpose of writing my internship report. Please fill in the

01. How long have you been with this bank?

…………. Months………… years

02. For how many years are you using debit card?

*Below 1 year

*More than 1 year

*More than 2 year

*More than 3 year

03 Are you satisfied about debit card service provided by Agrani Bank Limited?

*Extremely satisfied

*Somewhat satisfied


*Somewhat dissatisfied

*Extremely dissatisfied

04. Have you faced any problem to use Debit card?

*Yes *No

05. Which kind of problem have you faced?

*Networking problem

* Load-shedding problem

* Inactive machine

* Long queue problem

* Others

06. Have you faced any problem at the time of punching debit card?

* Yes, I have faced problem

*No, I have not faced problem

* If yes than mention it

07. Are you satisfied for the number of ATM booth?

* Extremely satisfied

* Somewhat satisfied

* Neutral

* Somewhat dissatisfied

* Extremely dissatisfied

08. Are you satisfied for the location of ATM booth?

* Extremely satisfied

* Somewhat satisfied

* Neutral

* Somewhat dissatisfied

* Extremely dissatisfied

09. Do you think Agrani Bank Limited should advertise on its debit card services?

* Yes, they should advertise

* Somewhat they should advertise

* No, they should not advertise

10. If yes which media do you prefer most?

* Television

* Newspaper

* Promotional events

* Billboards

11. Do you feel comfort to use debit card?

- Yes -No

12. Do you think service charge of Agrani Bank Limited for their various services is alright?

* Perfect high

* High

* Medium

* Low

13. Are you satisfied for the plastic quality of card?

* Extremely satisfied

* Somewhat satisfied

* Neutral

* Somewhat dissatisfied

* Extremely dissatisfied

14. Do you think the withdrawal limit of debit card is alright?

* Yes, the limit is ok

* No, the limit should be increased

15. Do you use debit card for shopping purpose?

*Yes, I use debit card

*No, I do not use debit card

Personal Information



Gender: 1. Male 2. Female

Income: a)0-250000 b)26000-35000 c)36000-45000 d)46000-55000 e)56000+

Occupation: a)Service b)Business c)Teaching d)Others


Contact No:…………………………………………………………………………………………

Raw Table
01. How long have you been with this bank?

Below 1 year 45%

Between 1-5 years 35%

Between5-9 years 20%

02. For how many years are you using debit card?

Below 1 year 40%

More than 1 year 20%

More than 2 years 10%
More than 3 years 30%

03.Are you satisfied about Debit card services provided by Agrani Bank Limited?

Extremely satisfied 10%

Somewhat satisfied 20%

Neutral 40%

Somewhat dissatisfied 20%

Extremely dissatisfied 10%

04. Have you faced any problem to use Debit card?

Yes, I have faced problem 30%

No, I have not faced problem 70%

05. Which kind of problem have you faced?

Networking problem 50%

Load-shedding problem 10%

Inactive machine 20%

Long queue problem 15%

Others 5%

06. Have you faced any problem at the time of punching debit card?

Yes, I have faced problem 20%

No, I have not faced problem 80%

07. Are you satisfied for the number of ATM booth?

Extremely satisfied 5%

Somewhat satisfied 5%

Neutral 10%

Somewhat dissatisfied 30%

Extremely dissatisfied 50%

08. Are you satisfied for the location of ATM booth?

Extremely satisfied 10%

Somewhat satisfied 15%

Neutral 25%

Somewhat dissatisfied 30%

Extremely dissatisfied 20%

09. Do you think Agrani Bank Limited should advertise on its debit card services?

Yes, they should advertise 70%

Somewhat they should advertise 20%

No, they should not advertise 10%

10. If yes which media do you prefer most?

Television 50%

Newspaper 30%

Promotional Event 10%

Billboard 10%

11. Do you feel comfort to use debit card?

Yes, I feel comfort 70%

No, I feel not comfort 30%

12. Do you think service charge of Agrani Bank Limited for their various services is alright?

Perfect high 20%

High 10%

Medium 60%

Low 10%

13. Are you satisfied for the plastic quality of card?

Extremely satisfied 10%

Somewhat satisfied 20%

Neutral 50%

Somewhat dissatisfied 10%

Extremely dissatisfied 10%

14. Do you think the withdrawal limit of debit card is alright?

Yes, the limit is OK 60%

No, the limit should be increased 40%

15. Do you use debit card for shopping purpose?

Yes, I use debit card for shopping 30%

No, I do not use debit card for shopping 70%


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