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Unit 8: The Properties of Gases

 Kinetic molecular theory and the explanation of gas behavior
 Pressure/atmospheric pressure
 Measuring pressure  barometer/manometers
 Absolute temperature scale/STP conditions
 The relationships among the 4 measurable variables (P, V, T, and n) that effect gas
behavior: Boyle's, Charles', Gay-Lussac's, and Avogadro's Principle
 Ideal vs. real gases
 Ideal gas law equation
 The universal gas constant (R)
 Stoichiometry of chemical reactions involving gases
 Graham's Law
 Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
 Experimental technique of collecting gases "over water"

Kinetic Molecular Theory and the Explanation of Gas Behavior

States of Matter: Condensed: Solids and Liquids Wild & Free: Gases

Physical Properties of Gases:

 Most are not visible
 Gas particles are in constant, random motion (KMT – see below)
 Gas particles diffuse completely into one another (distributed uniformly throughout container)
 Exert pressure (a force per unit area  P = F/A)
 Expandable – fill the shape and volume of the space open to them; volume changes dramatically
with a change in pressure or temperature
 Compressible – unlike liquids and solids, gas particles are far apart and can be pressed together,
thus eliminating some of the space between them.

Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT):

 Evolved in an attempt to explain the physical behavior of substances. We will consider
gaseous substances here.
o Why do gases behave as they do?
o Why do gases exert pressure?
o Why are they so compressible?
o Why do they expand when heated?
o Why do gas volumes change dramatically with changes in temperature or pressure?

When we use the Kinetic Molecular Theory to explain the behavior of gases, we make a
number of assumptions about the gas molecules. These assumptions are included in the
postulates of the kinetic molecular theory.

Chemistry Raleigh Charter High School

Dr. Genez
Unit 8: The Properties of Gases

Postulates of the KMT






Chemistry Raleigh Charter High School

Dr. Genez

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