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January 22
_____________ 02
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hereby submit this as part of the requirements for the
degree of:

It is entitled:

Approved by:
The Analysis of H-shaped Horizontal Lifeline Fall Protection System

A thesis submitted to the

Division of Research and Advanced Studies

of the University of Cincinnati

in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of


in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

of the College of Engineering



Shiqiao Zhang

B.S., Harbin Architecture and Engineering Institute, 1986

Thesis Committee:

Dr. Frank E. Weisgerber, Chair

Dr. Michael T. Baseheart
Dr. James A. Swanson

To protect workers at elevated positions from falling, many fall protection systems are

used. Generally, fall protection systems are divided into two categories: fall restraint systems and

fall arresting systems. In this thesis, emphasis is given to the H-shaped horizontal lifeline

(HHLL) fall protection system, which belongs in the fall arresting category.

Various fall protection systems are first introduced and the advantages and disadvantages

are compared. Explanations about the competitiveness of the HHLL system and the importance

of giving attention to the HHLL system are stated followed by the basic cable theories, which

constitutes the background of the thesis.

The force and displacement analysis of the HHLL system proceeds in several stages. In

the first stage, single-span HHLL systems with different configurations are analyzed with a

simplified consideration of the cable self-weight. In the second stage, a refined method is

followed because the self-weight is found to have much effect on the analysis. In the refined

method, the self-weight is accurately calculated and the practice of setting up systems on the site

is considered for detailed analysis. In the third stage, simple multi-span systems and four selected

configurations of overlapped-cable multi-span systems are analyzed and compared. Finally, a

system configuration is recommended based on the evaluation of the overall system


I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my advisor Dr. Frank

Weisgerber for his priceless guidance and advice, especially for his encouragement and help

during and after my family difficulty. Without him, I would have never finished this thesis.

I would also like to extend my thanks to my committee member Dr. Michael Baseheart

and Dr. James Swanson who were always ready to give me valuable help for the thesis

completion. Particular thanks are given to many classmates and colleagues of mine who helped

me during my research. It is a great pleasure to work with them.

Last but not least, deep appreciation is given to my beloved parents and my brother for

their strong support during the thesis startup as well as my angel mom’s selfless contemplation

and my brother’s encouragement later on which inspired me all the time. Especially, this is

dedicated to my dad who passed away during my thesis research. He burnt his lifetime to lighten

me. May his soul in the heaven rest!

Shiqiao Zhang

January 17, 2002

Table of Contents

List of Tables iii

List of Figures iv

List of Symbols vi

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Overview of Fall Protection Systems 4

2.1 Fall Restraint System 4

2.2 Fall Arresting System 5

Chapter 3 Problem and Research Statement 9

3.1 Problem Statement 9

3.2 Research Significance and Objective of the Thesis 12

Chapter 4 Background of the Study 13

4.1 Basic Concepts and Theoretical Assumptions 13

4.2 Cables Subject To Vertical Concentrated Loading 15

4.3 Cables with Horizontal Chord Subject to Uniformly Distributed Loading 17

4.4 Cable System with Single Load at Mid-span 21

Chapter 5 Developing Methodology 23

5.1 Additional Assumptions in the HHLL system Analysis 23

5.2 HHLL System Parameters 23

5.3 Research Procedures and Findings 24

5.3.1 Single-span HHLL system with simplified method 24

5.3.2 Single-span HHLL system with refined method 31

5.3.3 Multi-span HHLL system 45

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 67

6.1 Conclusions 67

6.2 Recommendations 67

References 69

Appendix A Calculation for the Single-span HHLL System with Simplified Method 71

Appendix B Calculation for the Single-span HHLL System with Refined Method 98

Appendix C Calculation for the Multi-span HHLL System with Refined Method 125

List of Tables

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Table 5.1 The Configurations in the Selected Systems 26

Table 5.2 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Single-span HHLL System
with Simplified Method 30
Table 5.3 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Single-span HHLL System
with Refined Method (Known Unstressed Length) 40
Table 5.4 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Single-span HHLL System
with Refined Method (Sag Control) 42
Table 5.5 Comparison of the Results for the Single-span HHLL System with
Refined Method 44
Table 5.6 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Multi-span HHLL System
with Refined Method (Overlapped Cable, Clamped, Outer Span Fall) 62
Table 5.7 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Multi-span HHLL System
with Refined Method (Overlapped Cable, Clamped, Inner Span Fall) 63
Table 5.8 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Multi-span HHLL System
with Refined Method (Overlapped Cable, Free, Outer Span Fall) 64
Table 5.9 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Multi-span HHLL System
with Refined Method (Overlapped Cable, Free, Inner Span Fall) 65
Table 5.10 Comparison of the Results for the Multi-span HHLL System with
Refined Method 66

List of Figures

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Figure 3.1 Swing Fall in the VLL System 9

Figure 3.2 The One-dimensional HLL System 10

Figure 3.3 The Swing Fall in the One-dimensional HLL System 11

Figure 3.4 The HHLL System 12

Figure 4.1 The Cable System Under Concentrated Load 14

Figure 4.2 The Cable System Under Distributed Load with Catenary Shape 14

Figure 4.3 The Cable System Under Distributed Load with Parabolic Shape 14

Figure 4.4 General Cable System Subject to Concentrated Loadings 16

Figure 4.5 The Cable System Subject to Uniformly Distributed Loading 18

Figure 4.6 The Cable System Subject to Concentrated Loading 22

Figure 5.1 Single-span HHLL System Layout 24

Figure 5.2 Single-span HHLL System Before and After the Fall 25

Figure 5.3 The Across Cable Calculation 27

Figure 5.4 The Side Cable Calculation 28

Figure 5.5 Establishing the Parameter Relation 31

Figure 5.6 The Across Cable in the Initial State (Single-span) 33

Figure 5.7 The Across Cable in the Final State (Single-span) 34

Figure 5.8 The Side Cable in the Initial State (Single-span) 36

Figure 5.9 The Side Cable in the Final State (Single-span) 37

Figure 5.10 The Simple Multi-span System 46

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Figure 5.11 The Overlapped-cable Multi-span System 47

Figure 5.12 The Across Cable in the Initial State (Multi-span) 48

Figure 5.13 The Across Cable in the Final State (Multi-span) 49

Figure 5.14 The Side Cable in the Initial State (Multi-span) 51

Figure 5.15 Outer Span Fall in the Clamped Case 52

Figure 5.16 Inner Span Fall in the Clamped Case 54

Figure 5.17 Outer Span Fall in the Free Case 56

Figure 5.18 Inner Span Fall in the Free Case 58

List of Symbols

A Total cable cross-section area

Aa Total across cable cross-section area
As Total side cable cross-section area
E Effective cable modulus of elasticity
f Sag of the cable
fa Sag of the across cable
faf Sag of the across cable in the final state
fai Sag of the across cable in the initial state
fs Sag of the side cable
fsf Sag of the side cable in the final state
fsi Sag of the side cable in the initial state
fsm Sag of the side cable in the intermediate state
ft Total sag of the system
H Horizontal component of the cable tension
Hai Horizontal component of the across cable tension in the initial state
Hsi Horizontal component of the side cable tension in the initial state
L Stressed length or curved length of the cable
L0 Unstressed length of the cable
La Stressed length of the across cable
La0 Unstressed length of the across cable
Laf Stressed length of the across cable in the final state
Lai Stressed length of the across cable in the initial state
Ls Stressed length of the side cable
Ls0 Unstressed length of the side cable
Lsf Stressed length of the side cable in the final state
Lsf11 Stressed length of the left-portion cable in the left side cable in the final state
Lsf12 Stressed length of the right-portion cable in the left side cable in the final state
Lsf21 Stressed length of the left-portion cable in the right side cable in the final state

Lsf22 Stressed length of the right-portion cable in the right side cable in the final state
Lsi Stressed length of the side cable in the initial state
Lsi11 Stressed length of the left-portion cable in the left side cable in the initial state
Lsi12 Stressed length of the right-portion cable in the left side cable in the initial state
Lsi21 Stressed length of the left-portion cable in the right side cable in the initial state
Lsi22 Stressed length of the right-portion cable in the right side cable in the initial state
Lsm Stressed length of the side cable in the intermediate state
n Cable sag ratio
nai Across cable sag ratio in the initial state
nsi Side cable sag ratio in the initial state
p Cable self-weight
pa0 Unconverted across cable self-weight in the initial state
pa1 Converted across cable self-weight in the initial state
ps Side cable self-weight in the initial state
P Working load under the fall
Paf Concentrated load applied on the across cable in the final state
Psf Concentrated load applied on the side cable in the final state
Psm Concentrated load applied on the side cable in the intermediate state
S Horizontal distance between the cable supports
Sa Horizontal distance between the across cable supports in unstressed condition
Sa0 Unconverted horizontal distance between the across cable supports in unstressed condition
Sa1 Converted horizontal distance between the across cable supports in the initial state
Smin Cable minimum break strength
Ss Horizontal distance between the side cable supports
T Tension of the cable
Ta Tension of the across cable under load
Taf Tension of the across cable in the final state
Tai Tension of the across cable in the initial state
Ts Tension of the side cable under load
Tsf Tension of the side cable in the final state
Tsf11 Tension of the left-portion cable in the left side cable in the final state

Tsf12 Tension of the right-portion cable in the left side cable in the final state
Tsf21 Tension of the left-portion cable in the right side cable in the final state
Tsf22 Tension of the right-portion cable in the right side cable in the final state
Tsi Tension of the side cable in the initial state
Tsi1 Tension of the left side cable in the initial state
Tsi2 Tension of the right side cable in the initial state
Tsm Tension of the side cable in the intermediate state
V Vertical component of the cable tension
∆f Differential change of sag
∆L Differential change of cable length
∆S Differential change of span
θ Deflection angle
θa Deflection angle of the across cable
θaf Deflection angle of the across cable in the final state
θai Deflection angle of the across cable in the initial state
θsf Deflection angle of the side cable in the final state
θsf11 Left deflection angle of the left side cable in the final state
θsf12 Right deflection angle of the left side cable in the final state
θsf21 Left deflection angle of the right side cable in the final state
θsf22 Right deflection angle of the right side cable in the final state
θsi Deflection angle of the side cable in the initial state

Chapter 1 Introduction

Falls from elevated positions may occur at any time in nearly every industry. But certain

industries have higher rates of incidents and the construction industry is one of these. In

construction, many operations and work are performed at elevated locations and workers are

frequently subject to the risk of falling to the lower level, incurring injuries or fatalities.

According to OSHA statistics, in 1995, violations of fall protection regulations resulted in

employers paying penalties of $7,784,357 and this was the most frequently cited type of OSHA


The adverse outcome of a fall protection violation is not simply paying fines. Every

injury or fatality due to a fall will bring, to some extent, significant misfortune to the worker

himself/herself as well as his/her family. In the future, workers may demand high compensation

for ‘dangerous operations’ or, fearing to endanger themselves, refuse to work at high places

without proper protection. Unions may protest and call workers to strike or even enjoin the

employer in a lawsuit. In the case of the occurrence of fall, OSHA will send people to conduct

investigations, fully document the accident and, if the accident is serious, stop the operation or

work. Expenses will be incurred because the employer will need to take some time to train new

worker(s) to fill the vacancy and the worker(s) will need a period of adjustment to become as

proficient as the previous worker(s). Even more significantly, with even one serious accident, the

employer’s insurance rates will rise drastically and remain high for years.

All these direct and indirect costs would be much higher than the cost of applying

adequate fall protection measures and avoiding the fall accidents. Thus, keeping workers safe,

minimizing production cost and maintaining continuous operation become the driving forces for

fall protection.

Both OSHA and ANSI identify the various circumstances and require that fall protection

be applied when the potential fall height exceeds 6 feet for the construction industry and 4 feet

for general industry. In OSHA 1926, Subpart M, Subpart X, Subpart R and Subpart L deal with

general fall protection, ladders, steel erection and scaffolding, respectively, in the construction

industry. In OSHA 1910, Subpart I, Subpart D deal with personal protective fall equipment and

walking/working surfaces, respectively, in general industry. Also, ANSI A10.14 and ANSI Z-

359.1 describe requirements for the fall protection practice in the construction industry and

general industry, respectively.

There are many schemes that can fulfill the need for fall protection. The most effective

scheme is to eliminate fall hazard potentials or reduce them to the lowest level. For example,

during the design of production equipment, various meters and valves can be placed near the

ground or as low as possible to avoid or decrease the need for operators climbing and the

probability of a fall. The next most effective way is to use engineering controls to block workers

from approaching hazards. For roof construction, rails or fences can be placed to bar workers

from reaching the edge and falling accidentally. The third scheme is to use personal protection

equipment (PPE) such as safety net, lifeline, etc. However, some PPEs need workers’ active

engagement in order for them to be effective. For example, when a worker at the edge of the roof

tries to use a lifeline to protect himself from a fall, he must first securely attach the cable to his

body. If he fails to do so, the scheme fails. The least effective scheme is to use warnings near a

dangerous zone. Warnings are easily disregarded by workers and lose their effectiveness if the

employer does not adopt a strict policy of enforcement.

In this thesis, an overview of fall protection systems is provided and basic cable theories

are introduced. Main concentration is given to the H-shaped horizontal lifeline (HHLL) system

with the objective to develop an analysis method of the HHLL system subject to the load caused

by a falling worker and provide an outline of the effective system configurations.

Chapter 2 Overview of Fall Protection Systems

Based on their goals and working mechanisms, fall protection systems can be divided

into two categories: fall restraint systems and fall arresting systems. In general, the fall arresting

system requires more complex engineering and more specially designed components. Workers

require more training to use fall arresting systems and rescue plans are necessary because the

fallen worker could end up in a potentially difficult location below the elevated work position

and above the lower floor.

2.1 Fall Restraint System

The fall restraint system provides protection by setting restraints on workers to prevent

the fall from happening. Thus, the system works in a ‘preventive’ way. This system can also be

subdivided into two types: the passive fall restraint system and the active fall restraint system.

The passive fall restraint system, as its name suggests, is passively activated immediately

when danger exists for a worker at work and the protection need not come from the worker’s

special action. Examples of such system are: rail, fence barrier, handrail, ladder cage, etc. The

system will be erected at the fall hazard area and can keep the worker within a safe zone.

The active fall restraint system requires that a worker either set up the system in advance

in order for the system to function later, or activate the system himself/herself before

commencing work. Examples of such system are: single-point tether, two-point tether,

temporarily placed guardrail, etc. Before work, the worker needs to attach his/her body belt or

harness to the tether or place the guardrail at a proper place to stop the initiation of the fall.

2.2 Fall Arresting System

The fall arresting system is designed to function when a worker is in the process of

falling. It provides protection by catching the worker during the fall and fully stopping the fall

before the worker hits the lower level or an obstacle. Care will be taken to limit the impact upon

the worker to avoid the injury caused by the system itself. There are several types of such


Safety net system. The safety net is basically a net placed within the working area

between the higher and lower level and can catch the worker when the fall happens.

Generally, nets are used for long-term projects. The system can be used where many

workers work. Also it can be used in large open areas or long leading edges that expose workers

to height hazards. Normally, the net should be as close to the working level as possible and must

expand outward a certain distance from the edge of the working area. As the net is erected prior

to the commencement of work and the worker is not directly involved with wearing or attaching

anything, this type of system needs little worker training for the system to be effective.

Fixed anchorage system. This system connects the worker, via his/her harness, to a

fixed point close to and generally above the work position. The length of the line includes a

personal energy absorber (EAP) and this arrangement catches the worker as the fall proceeds.

The EAP removes kinetic energy from the fall event and limits the force upon the worker to a

tolerable magnitude (often 900 pounds) as that upward force arrests the fall.

The system is often selected for short-term work for workers working at a fixed location.

The anchorage point could be on a truss, a beam or a column, and it could also be a specially

designed and fabricated point. Due to the simplicity of the system, the system is easy to use but

requires some training and anchor points.

Climbing protection system. This system is specially designed for protection while

climbing. Usually a taut cable or rigid rail is anchored securely from the top to the bottom along

the surface of such structures as poles, ladders, towers, antennas and rigs. A special grabbing

device attaches the worker’s harness to the cable or rail. This device can move freely up and

down during normal climbing but lock up instantly when a fall is sensed and thus the fall can be


The system with rail has a structural attachment at every few feet. It is more reliable than

the vertical cable and can allow several workers to climb at the same time. The system using a

cable connects the cable to a bracket at the top and bottom of the structure. Tightening devices

can keep the cable taut to avoid wind vibration damage to the cable. The cable assemblage is

simple and economically installed but weathering may affect the cable strength, the reliability of

the upper fixture point and the performance of the grabbing devices.

Vertical lifeline (VLL) system. The vertical lifeline system consists of vertical rope or

cable fixed to a point above the work position, a device which grabs the vertical line at a variable

position, and a lanyard which connects the worker’s harness to the grabbing device. This lanyard

typically includes an EAP to limit forces on the worker in the event of a fall. This system is

similar to the fixed anchorage system but the anchorage point need not be right above the worker

or may be set to a needed point as the worker sets the grab. Also the VLL gives the worker more

lateral movement flexibility.

The VLL system can be used for long-term or short-term work when the system with the

moving anchorage point is mobile. Additional protection is needed when the worker sets up the

anchorage point. Because of its flexibility and simple installation, the system is an economical

solution for the worker who frequently needs to move vertically within a certain area. The VLL

may also permit longer free fall distance than that in the climbing protection system, which gives

more impact on the worker when the fall stops. Thus, EAP is also used to decrease the arresting

force at the expense of adding more fall distance. However, the system must still guarantee to

fully stop the fall before the worker hits the lower level.

Horizontal lifeline (HLL) system. The HLL system includes one or more taut horizontal

cables on which a connector can slide freely. The position of the rail or cable must be above the

waist-height of the users and preferable above their heads. The worker’s harness is then attached

to the sliding connector via a lanyard which is a short, flexible rope or strap with a shock

absorber in it.

The system can be a permanent or temporary system. Span length between supports

varies from 10 feet to over 100 feet. One HLL typically has one or two persons attached, but

systems have been designed for up to 5 workers in a single span. The HLL system allows

workers to move in a band parallel to the span within the working area while providing fall

protection throughout this area.

The permanent system lasts as long as the structure to which it is attached. The cable or

rail is attached to the structure at regular intervals and the system can be designed to

accommodate several workers simultaneously (with one sliding connector for each worker).

Special designs can allow the connector to move continuously around horizontal corners. Special

support attachments permit the worker to maintain connection while passing intermediate

supports of multi-span HLL systems. Special items causing increased costs of erection are

appropriate only for permanent or long-term systems and permit the user to range over longer

work areas without the need for disconnect-reconnect actions.

The temporary system is intended for several days’ to several weeks’ use and synthetic

rope or wire rope is usually adopted. The system often has a simplified configuration to allow

quicker and easier installation.

H-shaped horizontal lifeline (HHLL) system. The HHLL system is an extension of the

HLL system where, instead of anchoring the horizontal cable in the HLL system to fixed points,

the two cable ends are attached via separate sliding connectors to two other parallel horizontal

cables, which are then anchored to fixed points. The two parallel cables, called the side cables,

are usually placed along the two parallel sides of the work area while the cable in between, called

the across cable, will slide along the side cables. This design allows the sliding connector on the

across cable to stay right above the worker in the work area and removes the potential of swing

fall that exists in the HLL system and thus provides more effective fall protection within the total

work area.

HHLL system is usually erected for short-term use during construction. The height of the

horizontal cables in the HHLL system should be above the user’s head. As more details need to

be taken care of, the HHLL system installation usually takes more time and its costs are higher

than the HLL system.

Chapter 3 Problem and Research Statement

3.1 Problem Statement

As described in Chapter 2, the lifeline system, including VLL system and HLL system,

gives workers more freedom to move within the workspace while providing sufficient fall

protection. In addition, the VLL system can be easily designed, has low installation and

maintenance cost as well as a rapid installation time.

However, nothing is perfect. One serious problem of the VLL system is the potential of

the swing fall hazard. Due to the restriction of the anchorage point location or due to the

worker’s movement, the anchorage point may be above the worker but not directly overhead, as

shown in Figure 3.1. If at this time, the fall happens, the worker will act like the pendulum in an

antique clock and swing back and forth. This is the swing fall. If there is an obstruction on the

path of the swing arc, the worker will collide with it and be in danger as the movement along the

arc of the swing produces just as much energy at the bottom point as a free-fall through the same

vertical distance.

anchorage point

obstruction free-fall distance

Figure 3.1 Swing Fall in the VLL System

The HLL system is a significant improvement over the VLL system regarding swing fall

while it retains the same or more freedom of movement. The HLL system widely used today is

one-dimensional, i.e. the horizontal cable is in plane XY, as shown in Figure 3.2. When a worker

moves in plane XY, the sliding connector is always right above him/her and the likelihood of the

swing fall in plane XY is eliminated.

sliding connector horizontal cable


working area


Figure 3.2 The One-dimensional HLL System

Nevertheless, the swing fall in the plane YZ is still possible. If the worker moves out of

plane XY and the fall happens, the worker will swing in the plane YZ and endanger

himself/herself, as is illustrated in Figure 3.3.


sliding connector horizontal cable


working area



Figure 3.3 The Swing Fall in the One-dimensional HLL System

The obvious choice is to set the HLL system two-dimensional, i.e. whichever direction

the worker moves horizontally, the sliding connector will be always right above him/her and thus

swing fall cannot happen any more. This produces the concept of the H-shaped horizontal

lifeline (HHLL) system. As shown in Figure 3.4, two side cables are attached to four fixed

anchorage points; the across cable is connected to the side cables via sliding connectors; and the

worker’s lanyard is connected to the across cable via a sliding connector.

sliding connectors

side cable
across cable

side cable

Figure 3.4 The HHLL System

3.2 Research Significance and Objective of the Thesis

Most of the emphasis of past research and the current practice regarding fall protection

with lifeline systems relate to VLL and one-dimensional HLL systems.

For the HHLL system, many factors such as cable selection, cable length, cable

connection, system span and system installation may affect the behavior of the system and have

not yet been sufficiently studied. Also, the cost of HHLL system, which depends upon the details

of the system configuration, should be minimized. This leads to the necessity of research on the

HHLL system.

The primary objective of this thesis is to develop and illustrate a method to analyze the

HHLL system subject to the load caused by a falling worker and provide an outline of the

effective system configurations.

Chapter 4 Background of the Study

This chapter presents a summary of the basic concepts and fundamental mechanics

related to cable systems on which the analysis methodology developed in this thesis is based.

These facilitate a better understanding of the behavior of the systems with simple configuration

and help predict the response of the complex systems.

4.1 Basic Concepts and Theoretical Assumptions

The simplest cable system can be set up by attaching two ends of a cable to fixed

anchorage points. The system under different types of loads is shown in Figure 4.1 - 4.3. In

Figure 4.1, the concentrated load leads to the cable of V-shape. In Figure 4.2, the uniform load is

distributed along the curved cable length and results in the cable of catenary shape. In Figure 4.3,

the uniform load is distributed along the horizontal projection of the cable chord and results in

the cable of parabolic shape.

In the cable system, the straight line joining the two supports, i.e. line AB, is called the

cable chord. The chord length, for a cable with small sag, is nearly equal to the initial cable

length (unstressed or stressed) in the calculation when no load is applied. Under load, the cable

will be elongated due to its elasticity and the length of the cable ACB is called the stressed cable

length or, in the case of the system subject to distributed load, the curved cable length. The

distance between the farthest point on the deflected cable and the cable chord is called the cable

sag. This is the maximum deflection of the cable from its unloaded state. Usually for curved

cables, parabolic or catenary, this sag is calculated from the deflection at mid-chord point. The

angle between the deflected cable and the cable chord at the support is called the deflection

angle. The ratio of cable sag to the horizontal distance between the cable supports is the sag

ratio. This ratio reflects the performance of the cable system.

A θ B

P f

Figure 4.1 The Cable System Under Concentrated Load

A θ B

curved cable length L

Figure 4.2 The Cable System Under Distributed Load with Catenary Shape

A θ B

curved cable length L

Figure 4.3 The Cable System Under Distributed Load with Parabolic Shape

Throughout this thesis, the system supports are assumed to be perfectly rigid. The

relation between cable force and elongation is assumed to be linear along the stressed cable

length. The distributed load may be assumed to be uniformly distributed along the chord length,

giving rise to the system with parabolic shape with little loss of accuracy if the sag ratio is

relatively small, say less than 0.10.

4.2 Cables Subject To Vertical Concentrated Loading

For most cases of vertical loading in the structural cable problem with the assumptions

noted in the above section, simple analytical solutions can be derived by applying the principles

of statics.

Shown in Figure 4.4 is a general case of a cable which is well anchored at two points A

and B and acted upon by vertical loads P1, P2, …, Pn. Assuming the cable is perfectly flexible

with respect to flexure, then the bending moment at any point on the cable must be zero. A

general point m on the cable is considered, which is of distance y measured vertically from the

cable chord AB.

Taking moments about point B gives,

Hh + VA S - Σ MB = 0


VA =
∑M B

The structure is split into two parts at m. Selecting the left part and taking moments about

point m gives,

H( - y ) + VA x - Σ Mm = 0 (4.2.2)


Σ MB – sum of moments of all the loads P1, P2, …, Pn about support point B;

Σ Mm – sum of the moments about point m of loads P1, P2, …, Pj that act on the cable

to the left of m.




y Pn

hx Pj h
S m
VA hx-Sy
S P4

H P2 P3

Figure 4.4 General Cable System Subject to Concentrated Loadings

Substituting VA from (4.2.1) into (4.2.2) gives,

Hy = Σ MB - Σ Mm (4.2.3)

In Equation 4.2.3, the right side is equal to the bending moment that would occur at point

m if the same loads as that applied to the cable in Figure 4.4 were to be applied to a beam of span

S and if m were a point on this beam whose distance from the left support is x. Thus, the

following general cable theorem is implied:

“At any point on a cable supporting gravity loads only, the product of the horizontal

component of cable tension and the vertical distance from that point to the cable chord equals the

bending moment which would occur at that section if the gravity loads were acting on a beam of

the same horizontal span as that of the cable.” (Utku, 1948)

4.3 Cables with Horizontal Chord Subject to Uniformly Distributed Loading

The following derivation of equations for cable mechanics is based on Scalzi (1969).

For the cable shown in Figure 4.5, the fictitious bending moment at any point x and

maximum bending moment at mid-span are, respectively,

Mx = (S–x)

1 2
M= pS


1 2
Hf = pS


pS 2
H= (4.3.1)

Substituting the above expressions for H and Mx into the general cable theorem, Hy = Mx,


pS 2 px
y= (S–x)
8f 2


y= 2
( Sx – x2 ) (4.3.2)

V S/2 S/2 V Tmax

θ X
Y f

Figure 4.5 The Cable System Subject to Uniformly Distributed Loading

The absolute value of the maximum slope for this equation of a parabola occurs at the end points

and is,

 dy  4f
  = 2 ( S – 2x )
 dx  x =0, x = S S

= (4.3.3)

The cable tension at any point along the cable is given by

 dy 
T = H 1+   (4.3.4)
 dx 

dy 4f f
As the is equal to maximum of at x = 0 or x = S and n = (sag ratio), the maximum
dx S S

cable tension occurs at the end points and is,

Tmax = V 2 + H 2

V 
= H 1+  

 pS 
 
= H 1+  2 
 pS 2 
 8 f 

4f 
= H 1+  
 S 

= H 1 + 16n 2 (4.3.5)

The maximum deflection angle θ is,

4f 
θ = tan-1   (4.3.6)
 S 

For easier derivation, the origin of the coordinates ( x , y ) may be set at the mid-point of

the cable curve. Then,

x= x+ and

y=f- y

Substituting Equation 4.3.2 into the above equation gives,

y=f- ( Sx – x2 )

4f S2
= f- 2 ( - x2 )
S 4

4f 2
= x (4.3.7)

Thus, the curved length of the cable may be derived as,

L = ∫ ds

S /2
=2 ∫ 1 +   dx
 (4.3.8)
0  d x 

Differentiating Equation 4.3.7 and substituting into Equation 4.3.8 gives,

1/ 2
S /2  64 f 2 x 2 
L=2 ∫ 0
1 +
 S 4 
 dx (4.3.9)

Integrating Equation 4.3.9 and expanding the integrand using binomial expansion gives,

 8 32 
L = S 1 + n 2 − n 4 + ... (4.3.10)
 3 5 

Generally, the first two terms in the bracket are quantitatively accurate enough for L. Therefore,

for practical accuracy,

L = S ( 1+ n2 ) (4.3.11)

Due to axial stress, the cable will be lengthened. The elongation is,

T ( s )ds
∆L = ∫

1/ 2 1/ 2
  dy  2    dy  2 
H 1 +    1 +    dx
  dx     dx  
= ∫

Differentiating Equation 4.3.2, substituting into Equation 4.3.12 yields,

  dy  2 
∆L =
AE ∫0 1 +  dx  dx
 

HS  16 2 
= 1 + n  (4.3.13)
AE  3 

In some cases, it is useful to have the relations between ∆L and ∆S as well as ∆f . The

following is derived by differentiating Equation 4.3.10 but considering only the first two terms:

8  2 f∆f f 2 ∆S 
∆L = ∆ S +  − 
3 S S 2 

 8  16
= 1 − n 2 ∆S + n∆f (4.3.14)
 3  3

4.4 Cable System with Single Load at Mid-span

When a concentrated load is applied to the cable system at mid-span and the load far

exceeds the total distributed load, the distributed load may be neglected with little loss of

accuracy. This case is assumed in Figure 4.6.

From simple geometry and equilibrium:


H= T and

T= H 2 +V 2

V S/2 S/2 V
H A θ B H

P f

L/2 C

Figure 4.6 The Cable System Subject to Concentrated Loading

From the basic principles of statics and triangle geometry, the following relations can be found:

H= (4.4.1)

T= (4.4.2)

S 2
L=2   + f (4.4.3)

2 2
L S 
f=   −  (4.4.4)
2 2

∆L = (4.4.5)

Chapter 5 Developing Methodology

Single-span, simple multi-span and overlapped-cable multi-span HHLL systems with

different configurations are considered in this thesis. Cable tensions and sags are calculated and

used to judge the performances of these systems under the working load which would arise if a

worker should fall while attached to the H-shaped Horizontal Lifeline system (HHLL).

5.1 Additional Assumptions in the HHLL System Analysis

As previously mentioned, one sliding connector connects the worker to the across cable

and other two sliding connectors connect the across cable to the side cables (See Figure 3.4). As

the friction on the movement of connectors is typically ineffective, it is neglected while still

reaching reasonably accurate results. It is also assumed that the across cable will translate along

the side cables when under significant load, i.e. the across cable is perpendicular to the side

cables when a fall occurs.

5.2 HHLL System Parameters

The HHLL systems with the following parameters are examined:

a. Cable size: half-inch 6 X 19 ( IWRC Galv’d IPS ),

b. Cable cross-section area: 0.135 in2,

c. Cable self-weight: 0.46 lbs/ft,

d. Effective cable modulus of elasticity: E= 16 X 106 psi,

e. Cable minimum break strength: Smin = 20700 lbs,

f. Side cable or across cable length: 25’ or 50’,

g. Number of cables for side cable or across cable: 1 or 2,

h. Working load applied at the middle of the span: P = worker + accessories + dynamic factors

= 900 lbs. (This load is the maximum possible when the worker uses a personal energy

absorber (EAP) which deploys at 900 pounds).

5.3 Research Procedures and Findings

To correctly interpret the HHLL system behavior, the analysis is developed in the

following three stages.

5.3.1 Single-span HHLL system with simplified method

The single-span HHLL system layout is shown in plan view in Figure 5.1 and the system

states before and after the fall are shown in Figure 5.2. Thirteen system configurations which

combine different side cable lengths, across cable lengths, number of side cables and number of

across cables are selected and analyzed. The parameters used for each of the configurations are

given in Table 5.1.

25’ or 50’

side cable (1 or 2) across cable (1 or 2)

25’ or 50’

Figure 5.1 Single-span HHLL System Layout

before the fall

after the fall

Figure 5.2 Single-span HHLL System Before and After the Fall

Table 5.1 The Configurations in the Selected Systems

Side Cable Across Cable

No Layout Number Length (ft) Number Length (ft)

S1 1 50 1 50

S2 2 50 2 50

S3 1 25 1 25

S4 1 50 1 25

S5 1 25 1 50

S6 2 50 1 50

S7 2 25 1 25

S8 2 50 1 25

S9 2 25 1 50

S10 1 50 2 50

S11 2 25 2 25

S12 1 25 2 25

S13 1 50 2 25

There are many simplified assumptions which may make the relatively complex analysis

of the HHLL system more tractable. However, at the start, it is not known how accurate a

solution will be which employs these assumptions. Therefore, a simplified method is first tried

which ignores the cable self-weight. As shown in Figure 5.3, the across cable will take a V-shape

in the vertical plane. Looking only at the across cable and supposing Ta is known, the unstressed

cable length Sa equals the span, and fs is known, gives,

Ta S a
La = S a + (5.3.1)

2 2
 La   S a 
fa =   − − f s cos α  (5.3.2)
 2   2 

Ta = (5.3.3)
4 fa

Ta is recursively adjusted until Ta converges in the foregoing set of 3 equations.


side cable support

connection point
side cable
fs across cable
La /2

P/2 Ta
 P 
α = arcsin  
 2 ⋅ Ta 

Figure 5.3 The Across Cable Calculation

Now looking only at the side cable, which assumes a V-shape in some plane, as shown in

Figure 5.4, and supposing Ts is known while Ta comes from Equation 5.3.3 gives,

Ts S s
Ls = S s + (5.3.4)

2 2
 Ls   S s 
fs =   −  (5.3.5)
 2  2

Ta Ls
Ts = (5.3.6)
4 fs



Ls/2 side cable


Figure 5.4 The Side Cable Calculation

Ts is recursively adjusted until it converges. However, the fs obtained from Equation 5.3.5

is needed for finding Ta. Thus the adjustment of Ta or Ts will cross affect each other but

convergence can be realized finally. Microsoft Excel is applied to carry out the repetitive task.

To evaluate the significance of neglecting the cable self-weight, the above steps are

repeated except assuming that half the total of the cable self-weight is applied at the center point

of the across cable along with the working load. The resulting calculations can be found in

Appendix A and the results are summarized in Table 5.2. After comparison, it is found that the

cable self-weight does have an effect on tension and sag in some cases and ignoring cable self-

weight in the analysis doesn’t seem to be a good shortcut. Not only taking the cable self-weight

into consideration but also analyzing it in an accurate way should be the correct direction to


Table 5.2 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Single-span HHLL System
with Simplified Method

Cable Cable tension & sag Cable tension & sag Difference
No Load self-weight Layout (w/o cable self-weight) (w cable self-weight) (to no s-w)
(lbs) (lbs) (lbs, inch) (lbs, inch) (%)
T af 1176.23 T af 1215.42 3.33
S1 900 34.58 T sf 7213.94 T sf 7373.58 2.21
ft 124.22 ft 124.94 0.58
T af 1288.59 T af 1374.06 6.63
S2 900 69.15 T sf 9653.69 T sf 10076.47 4.38
ft 111.80 ft 113.06 1.12
T af 1176.23 T af 1195.85 1.67
S3 900 17.29 T sf 7213.94 T sf 7294.08 1.11
ft 62.11 ft 62.29 0.29
T af 909.90 T af 935.50 2.81
S4 900 28.81 T sf 6077.53 T sf 6191.14 1.87
ft 85.35 ft 85.78 0.50
T af 1542.28 T af 1576.23 2.20
S5 900 23.05 T sf 8644.97 T sf 8771.63 1.47
ft 91.52 ft 91.87 0.38
T af 1286.35 T af 1357.44 5.53
S6 900 57.63 T sf 9642.49 T sf 9994.92 3.65
ft 112.03 ft 113.09 0.95
T af 1286.35 T af 1321.96 2.77
S7 900 57.63 T sf 9642.49 T sf 9819.82 1.84
ft 56.01 ft 56.28 0.48
T af 989.17 T af 1038.95 5.03
S8 900 57.63 T sf 8091.91 T sf 8361.44 3.33
ft 76.63 ft 77.30 0.88
T af 1691.00 T af 1746.60 3.29
S9 900 57.63 T sf 11573.78 T sf 11826.45 2.18
ft 82.82 ft 83.30 0.58
T af 1177.73 T af 1230.05 4.44
S10 900 46.10 T sf 7220.11 T sf 7432.74 2.94
ft 124.04 ft 124.99 0.76
T af 1288.59 T af 1331.44 3.32
S11 900 34.58 T sf 9653.69 T sf 9866.74 2.21
ft 55.90 ft 56.22 0.57
T af 1177.73 T af 1203.93 2.22
S12 900 23.05 T sf 7220.11 T sf 7326.97 1.48
ft 62.02 ft 62.26 0.39
T af 910.35 T af 941.09 3.38
S13 900 34.58 T sf 6079.55 T sf 6215.84 2.24
ft 85.30 ft 85.81 0.60

5.3.2 Single-span HHLL system with refined method

Considering the practice of setting up systems on the site, two cases are examined. Case

A (Known unstressed length) assumes that the unstressed across cable length before setting up

the system is known. Case B (Sag control) assumes that the known sag under the cable self-

weight, often 1/120 of the unstressed across cable length, is applied as a control to set up the

system before use. This stage is to analyze the single span systems with above configurations and

to pre-select several configurations with better performance. Cable self-weight is taken into

consideration and accurately calculated.

Prior to the analysis, calculation of the cable sag under self-weight for a single cable is

established. The model is shown in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5 Establishing the Parameter Relation

From Section 4.3, it is known,

pS 2


 8 
L = S 1 + n 2  and
 3 

L = L0 + ∆L

HS  16 2 
= L0 + 1 + n 
AE  3 

So it is derived,

8 HS 16 HS 2
S + n 2 S = L0 + + n
3 AE 3 AE

8 f2 pS 3 16 pS 3 f 2
S+ S = L0 + +
3 S2 8 fAE 3 8 fAE S 2

64 AEf 3 − 16 pS 2 f 2 + 24 AES (S − L0 ) f − 3 pS 4 = 0 (5.3.7)

In the following, three states of the HHLL system are considered. In the initial state,

components of the HHLL system, i.e. side cable and across cable, are treated as independent

systems subject to self-weight loading only. In the intermediate state, the HHLL system is still

subject to the self-weight loading only but the self-weight of the across cable is calculated as the

external force exerted on the side cables. In the final state, the HHLL system is subject to the

working load as well as the self-weight loading and analyzed as a whole.

1. The across cable in the initial state:

This initial state is represented in Figure 5.6. Two cases are considered: Case A when the

initial unstressed length is known; Case B when the initial sag is known.

Case A: Known unstressed length

In Case A, Sa0 is known but the span of the parabolic curved cable, Sa1, depends on the

sag of the side cable. i.e.,

S a1 = S a 0 − 2 f s cosθ ai

The effective weight per foot over the span is,

pa0 S a0
p a1 =
S a1

Assuming θai is known and substituting the above into Equation 5.3.7 gives,

64 AEf ai3 − 16 p a1 S a21 f ai2 − 48 AES a1 f ai f s cosθ ai − 3 p a1 S a41 = 0 (5.3.8)




≈ θai

connection point fai

fsi Lai

Figure 5.6 The Across Cable in the Initial State (Single-span)

From Equation 5.3.8, fai and then θai can be calculated using equations in Section 4.3. The

assumed θai is compared with the calculated θai, and a new θai is assumed. The steps are repeated

until θai converges (The assumed equals the calculated).

Case B: Sag control

 S 
In Case B, Sa0 and fai  = a 0  are known. Sa and pa1 are calculated in the same way as
 120 

Case A,

S a1 = S a 0 − 2 f s cosθ ai

p a 0 La 0
p a1 =
S a1

Assuming θai is known and substituting the above into Equation 5.3.7 gives,

64 AEf ai3 − 16 p a1 S a21 f ai2 + 24 AES a1 (S a1 − La 0 ) f ai − 3 p a1 S a41 = 0 (5.3.9)

From Equation 5.3.9, fai and then θai can be calculated. Similar to those in Case A, the steps are

repeated until θai converges.

2. The across cable in the intermediate state:

This intermediate state is basically the same as the above initial state (A) and the

calculation procedures are no different.

3. The across cable in the final state:

This final state is represented in Figure 5.7. If the concentrated load P is much greater

than the total distributed load, the final shape is sufficiently represented by a V-shape and the

curvature is neglected. Similar to the above initial state (A), either the unstressed length or the

sag may be known.



faf θaf

connection point P

Figure 5.7 The Across Cable in the Final State (Single-span)

Case A: Known unstressed length

As the applied concentrated load is 900 lbs, the solution may be well approximated using

the load plus the self weight assumed to act at a point. Then,

P = 900 + p a 0 S a 0


 P 
θ af = sin −1  

 af 

Assuming Taf is known gives,

(Taf − Tai )S a 0
Laf = Lai + (5.3.10)

2 2
 Laf   S a0 
f af =   −  − f sf cosθ af  (5.3.11)
 2   2 

Taf = 2
2 f af

= (5.3.12)
4 f af

Here, Taf may be estimated, then Equation 5.3.10 to 5.3.12 are solved to obtain a new Taf, which

is, in turn, used in Equation 5.3.10. The steps are repeated until Taf converges.

Case B: Sag control

If the sag, rather than the unstressed length, is known,

P = 900 + p a 0 La 0


 P 
θ af = sin −1  

 2Taf 

Assuming Taf is known gives,

(Taf − Tai )La 0

Laf = Lai + (5.3.13)

2 2
 Laf   S a0 
f af =   −  − f sf cosθ af  (5.3.14)
 2   2 

Taf = 2
2 f af

= (5.3.15)
4 f af

Similar to Case A, Taf may be estimated, then Equation 5.3.13 to 5.3.15 are solved to obtain a

new Taf, which is, in turn, used in Equation 5.3.13. The steps are repeated until Taf converges.

4. The side cable in the initial state:

This initial state is represented in Figure 5.8 and the calculation for the side cable in this

state is the same whenever the across cable is in Case A or Case B.





Figure 5.8 The Side Cable in the Initial State (Single-span)

Simply applying L0 = S to Equation 5.3.7 gives,

64 AEf si3 − 16 p s S s2 f si2 − 3 p s S s4 = 0 (5.3.16)

Then, fsi can be calculated from Equation 5.3.16.

5. The side cable in the intermediate state:

This intermediate state is basically the same as the final state except the loading is only

the self-weight. The calculation procedures are no different from those in the final state (F)

below. So to avoid repetition, only the calculations for the final state are presented.

6. The side cable in the final state:

This final state is represented in Figure 5.9 and the calculation for the side cable in this

state is the same whenever the across cable is in Case A or Case B. If the concentrated load P is

much greater than the total distributed load, the final shape is sufficiently represented by a V-

shape and the curvature is neglected.


θsf fsf

Lsf /2 P

Figure 5.9 The Side Cable in the Final State (Single-span)

The solution may be accurately approximated using the load plus the self weight assumed

to act at a point. Then,

P = Taf + p s S s sin θ af

Assuming Tsf is known gives,

sf − Tsi )S s
Lsf = Lsi + (5.3.17)

2 2
 Lsf   Ss 
f sf =   −   (5.3.18)
 2   2 

Tsf = 2
2 f sf

= (5.3.19)
4 f sf

Here, Tsf may be estimated, then Equation 5.3.17 to 5.3.19 are solved to obtain a new Tsf, which

is, in turn, used in Equation 5.3.17. The steps are repeated until Tsf converges.

Again, Microsoft Excel is applied to carry out the repetitive task and the calculations can

be found in Appendix B. It is noted that the adjustments of parameters may cross affect each

other but convergence can be reached finally.

The results are summarized in Table 5.3 and Table 5.4 and the comparison of the results

for single-span system by the refined method is shown in Table 5.5.

From the comparison, it is observed that doubling the side cable only or doubling the

across cable only has the same effect on the sag, but the former decreases the tension per cable

which otherwise approaches design strength limit. Besides, in Case A (known unstressed length),

not only the strength of cable is not fully used, but also the sag is too much to be of any practical

use. Therefore, it is decided to choose the systems with double side cables and single across

cable which seem to have better performance. Four layouts, S6, S7, S8, S9, with sag control will

be further adopted in the later analysis.

Table 5.3 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Single-span HHLL System with Refined Method
(Known Unstressed Length)
Side Cable Across Cable Total
No Layout Initial state Intermediate state Final state Initial state Final state Sag
Ls0 Lsi fsi T si Lsm fsm T sm Lsf fsf T sf La0 Lai fai T ai Laf faf T af θaf ft

S1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.2104 7.9455 757.50 602.04 24.77 7352.06 600.00 600.0084 57.0194 31.74 600.33 115.33 1201.25 0.3943 124.84

S2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 726.25 600.2104 7.9456 1515.02 601.39 20.43 10006.58 600.00 600.0084 57.0173 63.48 600.19 105.66 1343.57 0.3598 112.85

S3 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.0687 3.2114 495.01 301.01 12.33 7283.17 300.00 300.0023 25.8512 17.37 300.17 57.54 1188.75 0.3935 62.27

S4 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.1461 6.6205 525.97 601.71 22.69 6167.92 300.00 300.0017 35.7962 12.95 300.13 74.44 918.81 0.5190 85.69

S5 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.1141 4.1376 821.62 301.22 13.54 8782.56 600.00 600.0114 42.0681 42.16 600.44 87.93 1575.79 0.2972 91.90

S6 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 726.25 600.1527 6.7688 1099.59 601.37 20.27 9854.62 600.00 600.0091 52.9762 33.96 600.36 105.53 1312.77 0.3592 112.66

S7 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 457.44 300.0494 2.7210 710.76 300.68 10.08 9748.79 300.00 300.0025 23.9274 18.66 300.18 52.64 1299.57 0.3583 56.17

Table 5.3 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Single-span HHLL System with Refined Method
(Known Unstressed Length) (Cont'd)
Side Cable Across Cable Total
No Layout Initial state Intermediate state Final state Initial state Final state Sag
Ls0 Lsi fsi T si Lsm f sm T sm Lsf f sf T sf La0 Lai f ai T ai Laf faf T af θaf ft

S8 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 726.25 600.1168 5.9190 840.87 601.15 18.55 8252.78 300.00 300.0018 34.0917 13.52 300.14 68.55 997.71 0.4744 77.03

S9 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 457.44 300.0785 3.4311 1130.09 300.82 11.08 11767.04 600.00 600.0125 38.4849 45.90 600.48 80.22 1727.32 0.2705 83.18

S10 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.2993 9.4771 1077.59 602.07 24.96 7463.99 600.00 600.0078 61.7542 59.05 600.17 115.51 1228.92 0.3951 125.12

S11 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 457.44 300.0688 3.2115 990.06 300.68 10.13 9830.99 300.00 300.0023 25.8483 34.74 300.09 52.62 1316.13 0.3583 56.17

S12 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.0985 3.8433 708.90 301.02 12.38 7342.65 300.00 300.0021 28.0762 32.19 300.08 57.55 1203.37 0.3936 62.29

S13 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.1935 7.6204 696.79 601.73 22.77 6215.26 300.00 300.0016 38.0379 24.58 300.06 74.49 929.51 0.5196 85.80

Table 5.4 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Single-span HHLL System with Refined Method
(Sag Control)
Side Cable Across Cable Total
No Layout Initial state Intermediate state Final state Initial state Final state Sag
Ls0 Lsi fsi Tsi Lsm fsm Tsm Lsf fsf Tsf La0 Lai fai Tai Laf faf Taf θαφ ft

S1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.8255 15.7426 2971.99 602.54 27.63 9138.73 568.57 568.6504 5.0000 310.67 569.01 78.54 1669.62 0.2797 86.17

S2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 726.25 600.8256 15.7431 5943.81 601.85 23.60 13341.34 568.57 568.6501 5.0000 621.35 568.84 64.47 2081.72 0.2286 69.82

S3 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.2638 6.2920 1899.49 301.19 13.38 8579.09 287.46 287.4812 2.5000 158.81 287.66 43.07 1521.26 0.3041 47.08

S4 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.4998 12.2472 1799.24 602.02 24.65 7279.64 275.56 275.5822 2.5000 145.95 275.71 53.04 1183.43 0.3949 62.52

S5 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.4274 8.0097 3077.28 301.49 14.98 10742.33 584.02 584.1039 5.0000 327.78 584.59 63.22 2132.27 0.2180 66.46

S6 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 726.25 600.5285 12.5939 3805.02 601.69 22.54 12173.29 574.86 574.9427 5.0000 317.58 575.34 73.19 1812.15 0.2572 78.92

S7 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 457.44 300.1684 5.0264 2424.78 300.79 10.92 11437.77 289.99 290.0105 2.5000 161.62 290.21 39.94 1654.97 0.2789 42.95

Table 5.4 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Single-span HHLL System with Refined Method
(Sag Control) (Cont'd)
Side Cable Across Cable Total
No Layout Initial state Intermediate state Final state Initial state Final state Sag
Ls0 Lsi fsi Tsi Lsm fsm Tsm Lsf fsf Tsf La0 Lai fai Tai Laf faf Taf θaf ft

S8 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 726.25 600.3232 9.8482 2327.19 601.35 20.14 9720.78 280.36 280.3761 2.5000 151.06 280.52 49.68 1285.70 0.3621 56.81

S9 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 457.44 300.2714 6.3817 3907.96 300.99 12.21 14281.07 587.27 587.3576 5.0000 331.44 587.90 58.64 2312.10 0.2009 61.08

S10 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 601.2860 19.6519 4629.48 602.79 28.95 10034.79 560.76 560.8388 5.0000 604.40 561.01 68.81 1922.18 0.2478 75.91

S11 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 457.44 300.2638 6.2920 3798.98 300.85 11.27 12178.81 287.46 287.4812 2.5000 317.63 287.58 36.44 1819.28 0.2562 39.30

S12 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.4124 7.8682 2969.62 301.27 13.82 9144.65 284.31 284.3314 2.5000 310.71 284.42 39.15 1674.44 0.2789 42.95

S13 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.7696 15.1996 2770.62 602.16 25.45 7759.88 269.67 269.6835 2.5000 279.54 269.75 47.62 1303.85 0.3609 56.61

Table 5.5 Comparison of the Results for the Single-span HHLL System with Refined Method
U nit: lbs , in D iffe re nc e is re lative to the kno wn uns tre s s e d le ngth.
Kno w n uns tr e s s e d l e ng th Sag c o ntr o l
No L ayo ut R e s ul t R e s ul t D i ffe r e nc e (% )
Taf 1 2 0 1 .2 5 Taf 1 6 6 9 .6 2 3 8 .9 9
S1 Tsf 7 3 5 2 .0 6 Tsf 9 1 3 8 .7 3 2 4 .3 0
ft 1 2 4 .8 4 f t 8 6 .1 7 -3 0 .9 8
Taf 1 3 4 3 .5 7 Taf 2 0 8 1 .7 2 5 4 .9 4
S2 Tsf 1 0 0 0 6 .5 8 Tsf 1 3 3 4 1 .3 4 3 3 .3 3
ft 1 1 2 .8 5 f t 6 9 .8 2 -3 8 .1 4
Taf 1 1 8 8 .7 5 Taf 1 5 2 1 .2 6 2 7 .9 7
S3 Tsf 7 2 8 3 .1 7 Tsf 8 5 7 9 .0 9 1 7 .7 9
ft 6 2 .2 7 f t 4 7 .0 8 -2 4 .4 0
Taf 9 1 8 .8 1 Taf 1 1 8 3 .4 3 2 8 .8 0
S4 Tsf 6 1 6 7 .9 2 Tsf 7 2 7 9 .6 4 1 8 .0 2
ft 8 5 .6 9 f t 6 2 .5 2 -2 7 .0 4
Taf 1 5 7 5 .7 9 Taf 2 1 3 2 .2 7 3 5 .3 1
S5 Tsf 8 7 8 2 .5 6 Tsf 1 0 7 4 2 .3 3 2 2 .3 1
ft 9 1 .9 0 f t 6 6 .4 6 -2 7 .6 7
Taf 1 3 1 2 .7 7 Taf 1 8 1 2 .1 5 3 8 .0 4
S6 Tsf 9 8 5 4 .6 2 Tsf 1 2 1 7 3 .2 9 2 3 .5 3
ft 1 1 2 .6 6 f t 7 8 .9 2 -2 9 .9 5
Taf 1 2 9 9 .5 7 Taf 1 6 5 4 .9 7 2 7 .3 5
S7 Tsf 9 7 4 8 .7 9 Tsf 1 1 4 3 7 .7 7 1 7 .3 3
ft 5 6 .1 7 f t 4 2 .9 5 -2 3 .5 4
Taf 9 9 7 .7 2 Taf 1 2 8 5 .7 0 2 8 .8 6
S8 Tsf 8 2 5 2 .7 8 Tsf 9 7 2 0 .7 8 1 7 .7 9
ft 7 7 .0 3 f t 5 6 .8 1 -2 6 .2 4
Taf 1 7 2 7 .3 2 Taf 2 3 1 2 .1 0 3 3 .8 5
S9 Tsf 1 1 7 6 7 .0 4 Tsf 1 4 2 8 1 .0 7 2 1 .3 6
ft 8 3 .1 8 f t 6 1 .0 8 -2 6 .5 7
Taf 1 2 2 8 .9 2 Taf 1 9 2 2 .1 8 5 6 .4 1
S1 0 Tsf 7 4 6 3 .9 9 Tsf 1 0 0 3 4 .7 9 3 4 .4 4
ft 1 2 5 .1 2 f t 7 5 .9 1 -3 9 .3 3
Taf 1 3 1 6 .1 3 Taf 1 8 1 9 .2 8 3 8 .2 3
S1 1 Tsf 9 8 3 0 .9 9 Tsf 1 2 1 7 8 .8 1 2 3 .8 8
ft 5 6 .1 7 f t 3 9 .3 0 -3 0 .0 4
Taf 1 2 0 3 .3 7 Taf 1 6 7 4 .4 4 3 9 .1 5
S1 2 Tsf 7 3 4 2 .6 5 Tsf 9 1 4 4 .6 5 2 4 .5 4
ft 6 2 .2 9 f t 4 2 .9 5 -3 1 .0 5
Taf 9 2 9 .5 1 Taf 1 3 0 3 .8 5 4 0 .2 7
S1 3 Tsf 6 2 1 5 .2 6 Tsf 7 7 5 9 .8 8 2 4 .8 5
ft 8 5 .8 0 f t 5 6 .6 1 -3 4 .0 3

5.3.3 Multi-span HHLL system

In reality, a working or operation area in many cases is very large. Although using a

single-span system to cover a large area is theoretically possible, its performance and efficiency

are not good enough to meet the need of fall protection. So multi-span HHLL systems are highly

recommended in this situation.

There may exist several ways of connecting cables in the multi-span HHLL systems. Two

of them are analyzed here. One system is composed of several single-span units set up in the way

that side cables are multi-spanned. Each single-span unit may work either dependently, i.e. side

cables cross all spans and can slide over the supports; or independently, i.e. the side cables in

each unit will transfer tensions to the supports directly and no force interaction of cables in

neighboring units exists. Considering the fact in the former scheme that the fall in one unit will

transfer tension to the cables in neighboring units and the cable elongations incurred in the

neighboring units will add more sag to this unit, the latter scheme where single-span units work

independently will be taken, As shown in Figure 5.10, the analysis of this system is not much

different from that of the single-span system.

The other system is also composed of several single-span units, but the side cables are

connected in an overlapped manner, as illustrated in Figure 5.11. In this system, two cases are

assumed. In case 1 (Clamped), the sliding connector will clamp on the two side cables during the

fall and permit no sliding movement of itself relative to the cables. In case 2 (Free), the sliding

connector can slide frictionlessly on the two cables at any time.

Figure 5.10 The Simple Multi-span System

Figure 5.11 The Overlapped-cable Multi-span System

Calculation procedures for the multi-span system, especially for the across cable, are

quite similar to those for the single-span system with sag control.

1. The across cable in the initial state:

This initial state is represented in Figure 5.12. Sag control is assumed and the initial sag

is known.




≈ θai

connection point θai fai

fsi Lai

Figure 5.12 The Across Cable in the Initial State (Multi-span)

 S 
Here, Sa0 and fai  = a 0  are known but the span of the parabolic curved cable, Sa1,
 120 

depends on the sag of the side cable. i.e.,

S a1 = S a 0 − 2 f s cosθ ai

The effective weight per foot over the span is,

p a 0 La 0
p a1 =
S a1

Assuming θai is known and substituting the above into the Equation 5.3.7 yields,

64 AEf ai3 − 16 p a1 S a21 f ai2 + 24 AES a1 (S a1 − La 0 ) f ai − 3 p a1 S a41 = 0 (5.3.9)

From Equation 5.3.9, fai and then θai can be calculated using equations in Section 4.3. The

assumed θai is compared with the calculated θai, and a new θai is assumed. The steps are repeated

until θai converges (The assumed equals the calculated).

2. The across cable in the intermediate state:

This intermediate state is basically the same as the above initial state (A) and the

calculation procedures are no different.

3. The across cable in the final state:

This final state is represented in Figure 5.13 and sag control is assumed. If the

concentrated load P is much greater than the total distributed load, the final shape is sufficiently

represented by a V-shape and the curvature is neglected.



faf θaf Laf/2

connection point P

Figure 5.13 The Across Cable in the Final State (Multi-span)

Now the initial sag is known,

P = 900 + p a 0 La 0


 P 
θ af = sin −1  

 2Taf 

Assuming Taf is known gives,

(Taf − Tai )La 0

Laf = Lai + (5.3.13)

2 2
 Laf   S a0 
f af =   −  − f sf cosθ af  (5.3.14)
 2   2 

Taf = 2
2 f af

= (5.3.15)
4 f af

Here, Taf may be estimated, then Equation 5.3.13 to 5.3.15 are solved to obtain a new Taf,

which is, in turn, used in Equation 5.3.13. The steps are repeated until Taf converges.

4. The side cable in the initial state:

This initial state is represented in Figure 5.14. Sag control is assumed and the initial sag

is known.

Simply applying L0 = S to Equation 5.3.7 gives,

64 AEf si3 − 16 p s S s2 f si2 − 3 p s S s4 = 0 (5.3.16)

Then, fsi can be calculated from Equation 5.3.16.






Figure 5.14 The Side Cable in the Initial State (Multi-span)

5. The side cable in the intermediate state:

This intermediate state is basically the same as the final state except the loading is only

the self-weight. The calculation procedures are no different from those in the final state (F)

below. So to avoid repetition, only the calculations for the final state are presented.

6. The side cable in the final state:

This final state is discussed considering different situations: outer span fall or inner span

fall may happen in Case 1 (Clamped) or Case 2 (Free). If the concentrated load P is much greater

than the total distributed load, the final shape is sufficiently represented by a V-shape and the

curvature is neglected. So, the solution may be well approximated using the concentrated load

plus the self weight assumed to act at a point.

Case 1: Clamped

a) Outer span fall:

This outer span fall in the clamped case is represented in Figure 5.15.

Ss Ss

θsf11 outer span inner span θsf22

Tsf11 Tsf12 fsf

Tsf21 Tsf22

clamped here P

Figure 5.15 Outer Span Fall in the Clamped Case

With the above approximation,

P = Taf + 3 p s S s sin θ af

Supposing that the connector at O will let the two cables work independently and

assuming fsf is known gives,

2 S s2
L sf 11 = Lsf 12 = Lsf 21 = f sf +

9 2
L sf 22 = f sf2 + Ss


(Tsf − Tsi ) L0
L sf = L si +


AE ( Lsf − Lsi )
Tsf = Tsi +

and substituting it with

L si1
L si11 = L si12 =

Lsi 2
Lsi 21 ≈

Lsi 22 ≈ Lsi 2


2 AE ( Lsf 11 − Lsi11 )
Tsf 11 = Tsi1 +
Ss (5.3.20)

2 AE ( Lsf 12 − Lsi12 )
Tsf 12 = Tsi1 +
Ss (5.3.21)

2 AE ( Lsf 21 − Lsi 21 )
Tsf 21 = Tsi 2 +
Ss (5.3.22)

2 AE ( L sf 22 − L si 22 )
Tsf 22 = Tsi 2 +
3S s (5.3.23)

Then a new fsf can be calculated from,

f sf f sf
(Tsf 11 + Tsf 12 + Tsf 21 ) + Tsf 22 =P (5.3.24)
Lsf 11 Lsf 22

In turn, this new fsf is treated as another new assumed and the above calculation is made

again. The steps are repeated until fsf converges.

b) Inner span fall:

This inner span fall in the clamped case is represented in Figure 5.16.

With the above approximation,

P = Taf + 4 p s S s sin θ af

Ss Ss Ss

Tsf12 Ts21
Tsf11 Tsf22 fsf

clamped here P

Figure 5.16 Inner Span Fall in the Clamped Case

Supposing that the connector at O will let the two cables work independently and

assuming fsf is known gives,

9 2
Lsf 11 = Lsf 22 = f sf2 + Ss

S s2
Lsf 12 = Lsf 21 = f sf2 +


(Tsf − Tsi ) L0
L sf = L si +


AE ( Lsf − Lsi )
Tsf = Tsi +

and substituting it with

Lsi11 = Lsi1

Lsi12 = Lsi1

Lsi 21 = Lsi 2

Lsi 22 = Lsi 2


2 AE ( Lsf 11 − Lsi11 )
Tsf 11 = Tsi1 +
3S s (5.3.25)

2 AE ( Lsf 12 − Lsi12 )
Tsf 12 = Tsi1 +
Ss (5.3.26)

2 AE ( Lsf 21 − Lsi 21 )
Tsf 21 = Tsi 2 +
Ss (5.3.27)

2 AE ( Lsf 22 − Lsi 22 )
Tsf 22 = Tsi 2 +
3S s (5.3.28)

Then a new fsf can be calculated from,

f sf f sf
(Tsf 11 + Tsf 22 ) + (Tsf 12 + Tsf 21 ) =P
Lsf 11 Lsf 12

In turn, this new fsf is treated as another new assumed and the above calculation is made

again. The steps are repeated until fsf converges.

Case 2: Free

a) Outer span fall:

This outer span fall in the free case is represented in Figure 5.17.

With the above approximation,

P = Taf + 3 p s S s sin θ af

Ss Ss

θsf11 outer span θsf12 inner span θsf22

Tsf11 Tsf12 fsf

Ts21 Tsf22
free movement here y

Figure 5.17 Outer Span Fall in the Free Case

As the connector slides frictionlessly on the cable, it is true that,

Tsf 11 = Tsf 12

Tsf 21 = Tsf 22


∑F x =0

Tsf 11 (cos θ sf 12 − cos θ sf 11 ) + Tsf 22 (cos θ sf 22 − cos θ sf 11 ) = 0


∑F y =0

Tsf 11 (sin θ sf 12 + sin θ sf 11 ) + Tsf 22 (sin θ sf 22 + sin θ sf 11 ) = P (5.3.31)


(Tsf − Tsi ) L0
L sf = L si +


AE ( Lsf − Lsi )
Tsf = Tsi +

and substituting it with

Lsf 11 = f sf2 + x 2

f sf2 + (S s − x )
Lsf 12 =

Lsf 21 = f sf2 + x 2

f sf2 + (2 S s − x )
Lsf 22 =


AE  f sf2 + x 2 + f sf2 + (S s − x ) − (Lsi11 + Lsi12 )


Tsf 11 = Tsi1 +   (5.3.32)


AE  f sf2 + x 2 + f sf2 + (2 S s − x ) − (Lsi 21 + Lsi 22 )


Tsf 22 = Tsi 2 +   (5.3.33)

2S s

Substituting the following equations,

cos θ sf 11 =
f sf2 + x 2

f sf
sin θ sf 11 =
f + x2

Ss − x
cos θ sf 12 =
f sf2 + (S s − x )

f sf
sin θ sf 12 =
f sf2 + (S s − x )

2S s − x
cos θ sf 22 =
f sf2 + (2 S s − x )

f sf
sin θ sf 22 =
f sf2 + (2 S s − x )

into Equation 5.3.30 and 5.3.31 gives,

   
 SS − x x   2S S − x x 
Tsf 11  − + T − =0
2  sf 22  2 
 f sf2 + (S S − x ) f sf + x   f sf2 + (2 S S − x ) f sf + x 
2 2 2 2
   


 f sf f sf   f sf f sf 
   
Tsf 11  + + T + =P
2  sf 22  2 
 f sf2 + (S S − x ) f sf + x   f sf2 + (2 S S − x ) f sf + x 
2 2 2 2
   


Here, iterative method is used in Equation 5.3.34 and 5.3.35 to solve x and fsf : a fs is assumed

and it is substituted into Equation 5.3.34 to get x, which is then substituted into Equation 5.3.35

to get a new fsf which may be substituted into Equation 5.3.34 again. The steps are repeated until

fsf converges. Equation 5.3.32, 5.3.33 will also be used to resolve Tsf11 and Tsf22.

b) Inner span fall:

This inner span fall in the free case is represented in Figure 5.18.

Ss Ss Ss

Tsf12 Ts21
Tsf11 Tsf22 fsf

free movement here P

Figure 5.18 Inner Span Fall in the Free Case

With the above approximation,

P = Taf + 4 p s S s sin θ af

As the connector slides frictionlessly on the cable, it is true that,

Tsf 11 = Tsf 12

Tsf 21 = Tsf 22

Assuming fsf is known gives,

9 2
Lsf 11 = Lsf 22 = f sf2 + Ss

S s2
Lsf 12 = Lsf 21 = f sf2 +


(Tsf − Tsi ) L0
L sf = L si +


AE ( Lsf − Lsi )
Tsf = Tsi +

and substituting it with

Lsi11 = Lsi1

Lsi12 = Lsi1

Lsi 21 = Lsi 2

Lsi 22 = Lsi 2


 9 1 
AE  f sf2 + S s2 + f sf2 + S s2 − Lsi1 
 4 4 
Tsf 11 = Tsi1 + (5.3.36)
2S s

 9 1 
AE  f sf2 + S s2 + f sf2 + S s2 − Lsi 2 
 4 4 
Tsf 22 = Tsi 2 + (5.3.37)
2S s

Then a new fsf can be calculated from,

f sf f sf P
Tsf 11 + Tsf 22 − =0 (5.3.38)
9 1 2
f + S s2
sf f + S s2
4 4

In turn, this new fsf is treated as another new assumed and the above calculation is made

again. The steps are repeated until fsf converges.

The same as before, Microsoft Excel is applied to carry out the repetitive task and the

calculations can be found in Appendix C. It is noted that the adjustments of parameters may

cross affect each other but convergence can be realized finally.

The results are summarized in Table 5.6 - 5.9. The comparison of the results for the

multi-span systems by the refined method is shown in Table 5.10.

From the comparison, it is observed that, compared with the overlapped-cable multi-span

system having similar configuration, the cable tension capacity is used to more extent and the sag

is more reduced in the simple multi-span system. This can also be explained from another

perspective. Of the double cables on one side, the length of at least one cable in the simple multi-

span system is less so that the sag tends to be smaller and cable tension tends to be higher.

Another concern might be the free case, inner span fall, in the overlapped-cable multi-span

system, in which the loading tries to find the point with the lowest potential energy before it

stops. This increases the sag for about 20% more than that in the simple multi-span system.

Table 5.6 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Multi-span HHLL System with Refined Method
(Overlapped Cable, Clamped, Outer Span Fall)
S ide C a ble A c ro s s C a ble To ta l

No La yo ut Init ia l s t a t e Int e rm e dia t e s t a te F ina l s t a t e Init ia l s t a t e F ina l s t a t e S ag

Ls0 Ls i fs i Ts i Lsm fsm T sm (L) T sm (R) Ls f fs f T s f (L) T s f (R) La0 Lai fai T ai Laf faf T af θaf ft

c1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.6326 2277.48 2277.48 601.99 7173.04 7173.04

S6 13.78 24.47 572.49 572.5727 5.00 314.97 572.95 75.34 1752.88 0.2661 81.78

c2 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.4218 2277.58 253.32 1201.33 7173.13 798.33

c1 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.2018 1452.86 1452.86 300.93 6730.42 6730.42

S7 5.50 11.85 289.04 289.0592 2.50 160.56 289.25 41.18 1600.00 0.2887 44.55

c2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.1345 1452.90 161.54 600.62 6730.45 748.92

c1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.3864 1391.19 1391.19 601.59 5737.87 5737.87

S8 10.77 21.88 278.52 278.5370 2.50 149.09 278.68 51.07 1242.32 0.3753 59.09

c2 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.2576 1391.28 154.77 1201.06 5737.96 638.44

c1 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.3255 2343.49 2343.49 301.17 8406.31 8406.31

S9 6.99 13.25 586.05 586.1435 5.00 330.07 586.66 60.43 2238.81 0.2075 63.16

c2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.2170 2343.53 260.57 600.78 8406.34 935.71

c1 is the left cable and c2 is the right cable

Table 5.7 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Multi-span HHLL System with Refined Method
(Overlapped Cable, Clamped, Inner Span Fall)
S ide C a ble A c ro s s C a ble To t a l

No La yo ut Initia l s ta t e Int e rm e dia te s t a t e F ina l s ta t e Init ia l s t a t e F ina l s t a t e S ag

Ls0 Lsi fsi T si Lsm fsm T sm (L) T sm (R) Lsf fsf Tsf (L) T sf (R) La0 Lai fai T ai Laf faf T af θaf ft

c1 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.5403 324.51 2917.57 1201.67 1002.05 9000.59

S6 15.60 27.42 568.86 568.9407 5.00 310.99 569.30 78.38 1673.84 0.2790 85.93

c2 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.5403 2917.57 324.51 1201.67 9000.59 1002.05

c1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.1726 207.27 1864.24 600.78 938.45 8430.93

S7 6.23 13.27 287.58 287.5989 2.50 158.94 287.78 42.93 1526.91 0.3029 46.88

c2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.1726 1864.24 207.27 600.78 8430.93 938.45

c1 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.3291 197.68 1777.28 1201.34 803.01 7215.16

S8 12.17 24.54 275.71 275.7331 2.50 146.11 275.87 53.00 1184.88 0.3944 62.43

c2 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.3291 1777.28 197.68 1201.34 7215.16 803.01

c1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.2789 334.90 3011.78 600.98 1173.12 10534.79

S9 7.92 14.83 584.19 584.2756 5.00 327.97 584.77 63.00 2140.65 0.2172 66.19

c2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.2789 3011.78 334.90 600.98 10534.79 1173.12

c1 is the left cable and c2 is the right cable

Table 5.8 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Multi-span HHLL System with Refined Method
(Overlapped Cable, Free, Outer Span Fall)
S id e Ca b le Ac ro s s Ca b le T o ta l
No La y o u t In itia l s ta te In te rm e d ia te s ta te Fin a l s ta te In itia l s ta te Fin a l s ta te S ag
Ls0 Lsi fsi T si Lsm fsm T sm Lsf fsf T sf La 0 La i fa i Tai La f fa f Taf θa f ft

c1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.7343 2642.24 602.28 8218.67

S6 14.82 26.15 570.42 570.5037 5.00 312.70 570.87 77.10 1706.55 0.2735 84.16

c2 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.4692 844.30 1201.46 2626.62

c1 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.2345 1686.97 301.07 7707.05

S7 5.92 12.66 288.21 288.2283 2.50 159.64 288.41 42.20 1556.75 0.2970 45.90

c2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.1498 538.96 600.68 2462.98

c1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.4473 1609.69 601.83 6574.23

S8 11.56 23.38 276.93 276.9518 2.50 147.40 277.09 52.18 1208.91 0.3862 60.99

c2 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.2858 514.37 1201.17 2100.92

c1 300.00 300.0318 1.8903 228.72 300.3785 2725.78 301.34 9632.73

S9 7.52 14.16 584.99 585.0749 5.00 328.87 585.58 61.92 2180.81 0.2131 64.92

c2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.2418 870.89 600.86 3078.65

c1 is the left cable and c2 is the right cable

Table 5.9 Summary of the Calculation Results for the Multi-span HHLL System with Refined Method
(Overlapped Cable, Free, Inner Span Fall)
S id e C a b le A c ro s s C a b le To ta l

No La yo u t In it ia l s t a t e In t e rm e d ia t e s t a t e F in a l s t a t e In it ia l s t a t e F in a l s t a t e S ag
Ls 0 Ls i fs i Tsi Ls m fs m Tsm Ls f fs f Tsf La0 Lai fai T ai Laf faf T af θ af ft

c1 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.9294 1673.09 1202.75 4946.55

S6 20.46 35.21 559.15 559.2254 5.00 300.47 559.54 85.26 1511.93 0.3097 95.99

c2 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.9294 1673.09 1202.75 4946.55

c1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.2983 1073.99 601.28 4624.61

S7 8.19 17.02 283.66 283.6787 2.50 154.64 283.84 46.93 1377.29 0.3370 52.56

c2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.2983 1073.99 601.28 4624.61

c1 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.5591 1006.60 1202.21 3970.68

S8 15.87 31.54 268.33 268.3521 2.50 138.39 268.47 57.15 1069.11 0.4398 70.57

c2 1200.00 1200.3202 12.0042 576.56 1200.5591 1006.60 1202.21 3970.68

c1 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.4851 1746.26 601.61 5788.37

S9 10.45 19.05 579.14 579.2246 5.00 322.33 579.66 68.99 1937.17 0.2403 73.53

c2 600.00 600.1009 4.7636 363.13 600.4851 1746.26 601.61 5788.37

c1 is the left cable and c2 is the right cable

Table 5.10 Comparison of the Results for the Multi-span HHLL System with Refined Method
Overlapped-cable multi-span (Clamped) Overlapped-cable multi-span (Free)
No Layout Simple Outer span fall Inner span fall Outer span fall Inner span fall
multi-span Cable 1 Cable 2 Cable1 Cable 2 Cable 1 Cable 2 Cable1 Cable 2
T af 1812.15 T af 1752.88 T af 1673.84 T af 1706.55 T af 1511.93
S6 T sf 12173.29 T sf 7173.04 7173.13 T sf 9000.59 9000.59 T sf 8218.67 2626.62 T sf 4946.55 4946.55
ft 78.92 ft 81.78 ft 85.93 ft 84.16 ft 95.99
T af 1654.97 T af 1600.00 T af 1526.91 T af 1556.75 T af 1377.29
S7 T sf 11437.77 T sf 6730.42 6730.45 T sf 8430.93 8430.93 T sf 7707.05 2462.98 T sf 4624.61 4624.61
ft 42.95 ft 44.55 ft 46.88 ft 45.90 ft 52.56
T af 1285.70 T af 1242.32 T af 1184.88 T af 1208.91 T af 1069.11
S8 T sf 9720.78 T sf 5737.87 5737.96 T sf 7215.16 7215.16 T sf 6574.23 2100.92 T sf 3970.68 3970.68
ft 56.81 ft 59.09 ft 62.43 ft 60.99 ft 70.57
T af 2312.10 T af 2238.81 T af 2140.65 T af 2180.81 T af 1937.17
S9 T sf 14281.07 T sf 8406.31 8406.34 T sf 10534.79 10534.79 T sf 9632.73 3078.65 T sf 5788.37 5788.37
ft 61.08 ft 63.16 ft 66.19 ft 64.92 ft 73.53

Cable 1 is the left cable and Cable 2 is the right cable

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions

The analysis of the single-span, simple multi-span and overlapped-cable multi-span

HHLL systems were carried out based on the basic cable theories. Considering the complexity of

using mathematical methods to solve equilibrium equations and derive variable expressions in

the cable calculation, iterative methods tend to be more straightforward and simpler. Here

spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) is used to complete these repetitive calculations.

The cable self-weight has an effect on the cable tension and sag in the system. To get

better results, the influence of the cable self-weight on the cable tension, elongation and sag

needs to be pre-determined with accurate calculation method before the working load is applied

to the system. However, the calculation of the self-weight can be simplified while still reaching

satisfactory results when it exists simultaneously with the much bigger working load.

For the system itself, the configuration of double side cables and single across cable is a

better choice as the total system sag is minimized and the cable tension is closer to the tensile

capacity. Different ratios of the side cable length to the across cable length (1, 0.5, 2) have pros

and cons and may be decided based upon the actual situation.

When the fall protection area is small, the single–span HHLL system is good and

simple. But when the area is large, the multi-span HHLL system is obviously a better scheme.

However, the simple multi-span system with independent units is highly recommended to

increase the system performance.

6.2 Recommendations

The iterative method with Microsoft Excel, though simple and straightforward, has

limited general applicability and is time consuming. Thus, deriving mathematical expressions to

establish parameter solutions, while using appropriate simplifications, might be helpful in the

general analysis of the HHLL system with various configurations.

In this thesis, specific cable lengths of 25’ and 50’ were used. Whether systems with

other cable length behave similarly or not is still unknown. More research on a general basis to

establish the influence of cable length on cable tension and sag in the system is needed.


American National Standards Institute, ANSI Standards, A10.14-1991 Requirements for safety

belts, harnesses, lanyards, and lifelines for construction and demolition use, June, 1991.

American National Standards Institute, ANSI Standards, Z359.1-1992 Requirements for personal

fall arrest systems, sub-systems and components, September, 1992.

Ellis J.N., Introduction to Fall Protection, 2nd Edition, American Society of Safety Engineers,

Des Plaines, IL, 1994

Gimsing N.J., Cable Supported Bridges — Concept and Design, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons

Ltd., New York, 1997.

Irvine H.M., Cable Structures, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1981.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA Regulations

(Standards - 29 CFR), Part 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart I, Subpart


Occupational Safety & Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA Regulations

(Standards - 29 CFR), Part 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Subpart M,

Subpart X, Subpart R and Subpart L.

Scalzi J.B., Podolny W.Jr., Teng W.C., Design Fundamentals of Cable Roof Structures, United

States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, 1969.

Sulowski A.C., Fundamentals of Fall Protection, International Society for Fall Protection,

Toronto, 1991.

Utku S., Norris H.C., Wilbur B.J., Elementary Structural Analysis, Chapter 11, McGraw-Hill

Book Co., Inc., New York, 1948.


Calculation for the Single-span HHLL System

with Simplified Method

S1 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.135
Sa 600.00
La 600.33
θa 0.39
cos(θa) 0.92
fa 114.84 ft = 124.22

Derived Ta 1176.23 Ta = 1176.23

Assumed Ta 1176.23
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1176.23
A 0.135
Ss 600.00
Ls 602.00
fs 24.54

Derived Ts 7213.94 Ts = 7213.94

Assumed Ts 7213.94
Ts difference 0.00

S2 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Side Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.27
Sa 600.00
La 600.18
θa 0.36
cos(θa) 0.94
fa 104.80 ft = 111.80

Derived Ta 1288.59 Ta = 1288.59

Assumed Ta 1288.59
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1288.59
A 0.27
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.34
fs 20.07

Derived Ts 9653.69 Ts = 9653.69

Assumed Ts 9653.69
Ts difference 0.00

S3 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.135
Sa 300.00
La 300.16
θa 0.39
cos(θa) 0.92
fa 57.42 ft = 62.11

Derived Ta 1176.23 Ta = 1176.23

Assumed Ta 1176.23
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1176.23
A 0.135
Ss 300.00
Ls 301.00
fs 12.27

Derived Ts 7213.94 Ts = 7213.94

Assumed Ts 7213.94
Ts difference 0.00

S4 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.135
Sa 300.00
La 300.13
θa 0.52
cos(θa) 0.87
fa 74.22 ft = 85.35

Derived Ta 909.90 Ta = 909.90

Assumed Ta 909.90
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 909.90
A 0.135
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.69
fs 22.52

Derived Ts 6077.53 Ts = 6077.53

Assumed Ts 6077.53
Ts difference 0.00

S5 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.135
Sa 600.00
La 600.43
θa 0.30
cos(θa) 0.96
fa 87.60 ft = 91.52

Derived Ta 1542.28 Ta = 1542.28

Assumed Ta 1542.28
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1542.28
A 0.135
Ss 300.00
Ls 301.20
fs 13.43

Derived Ts 8644.97 Ts = 8644.97

Assumed Ts 8644.97
Ts difference 0.00

S6 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.135
Sa 600.00
La 600.36
θa 0.36
cos(θa) 0.94
fa 105.01 ft = 112.03

Derived Ta 1286.35 Ta = 1286.35

Assumed Ta 1286.35
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1286.35
A 0.27
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.34
fs 20.06

Derived Ts 9642.49 Ts = 9642.49

Assumed Ts 9642.49
Ts difference 0.00

S7 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.135
Sa 300.00
La 300.18
θa 0.36
cos(θa) 0.94
fa 52.51 ft = 56.01

Derived Ta 1286.35 Ta = 1286.35

Assumed Ta 1286.35
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1286.35
A 0.27
Ss 300.00
Ls 300.67
fs 10.03

Derived Ts 9642.49 Ts = 9642.49

Assumed Ts 9642.49
Ts difference 0.00

S8 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.135
Sa 300.00
La 300.14
θa 0.47
cos(θa) 0.89
fa 68.27 ft = 76.63

Derived Ta 989.17 Ta = 989.17

Assumed Ta 989.17
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 989.17
A 0.27
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.12
fs 18.37

Derived Ts 8091.91 Ts = 8091.91

Assumed Ts 8091.91
Ts difference 0.00

S9 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.135
Sa 600.00
La 600.47
θa 0.27
cos(θa) 0.96
fa 79.90 ft = 82.82

Derived Ta 1691.00 Ta = 1691.00

Assumed Ta 1691.00
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1691.00
A 0.27
Ss 300.00
Ls 300.80
fs 10.99

Derived Ts 11573.78 Ts = 11573.78

Assumed Ts 11573.78
Ts difference 0.00

S10 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.27
Sa 600.00
La 600.16
θa 0.39
cos(θa) 0.92
fa 114.66 ft = 124.04

Derived Ta 1177.73 Ta = 1177.73

Assumed Ta 1177.73
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1177.73
A 0.135
Ss 600.00
Ls 602.01
fs 24.55

Derived Ts 7220.11 Ts = 7220.11

Assumed Ts 7220.11
Ts difference 0.00

S11 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.27
Sa 300.00
La 300.09
θa 0.36
cos(θa) 0.94
fa 52.40 ft = 55.90

Derived Ta 1288.59 Ta = 1288.59

Assumed Ta 1288.59
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1288.59
A 0.27
Ss 300.00
Ls 300.67
fs 10.03

Derived Ts 9653.69 Ts = 9653.69

Assumed Ts 9653.69
Ts difference 0.00

S12 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.27
Sa 300.00
La 300.08
θa 0.39
cos(θa) 0.92
fa 57.33 ft = 62.02

Derived Ta 1177.73 Ta = 1177.73

Assumed Ta 1177.73
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1177.73
A 0.135
Ss 300.00
Ls 301.00
fs 12.27

Derived Ts 7220.11 Ts = 7220.11

Assumed Ts 7220.11
Ts difference 0.00

S13 (w/o cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 900.00
A 0.27
Sa 300.00
La 300.06
θa 0.52
cos(θa) 0.87
fa 74.16 ft = 85.30

Derived Ta 910.35 Ta = 910.35

Assumed Ta 910.35
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 910.35
A 0.135
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.69
fs 22.52

Derived Ts 6079.55 Ts = 6079.55

Assumed Ts 6079.55
Ts difference 0.00

S1 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 934.58
A 0.135
Sa 600.00
La 600.34
θa 0.39
cos(θa) 0.92
fa 115.41 ft = 124.94

Derived Ta 1215.42 Ta = 1215.42

Assumed Ta 1215.42
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1215.42
A 0.135
Ss 600.00
Ls 602.05
fs 24.81

Derived Ts 7373.58 Ts = 7373.58

Assumed Ts 7373.58
Ts difference 0.00

S2 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 969.15
A 0.27
Sa 600.00
La 600.19
θa 0.36
cos(θa) 0.94
fa 105.83 ft = 113.06

Derived Ta 1374.06 Ta = 1374.06

Assumed Ta 1374.06
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1374.06
A 0.27
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.40
fs 20.50

Derived Ts 10076.47 Ts = 10076.47

Assumed Ts 10076.47
Ts difference 0.00

S3 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 917.29
A 0.135
Sa 300.00
La 300.17
θa 0.39
cos(θa) 0.92
fa 57.56 ft = 62.29

Derived Ta 1195.85 Ta = 1195.85

Assumed Ta 1195.85
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1195.85
A 0.135
Ss 300.00
Ls 301.01
fs 12.34

Derived Ts 7294.08 Ts = 7294.08

Assumed Ts 7294.08
Ts difference 0.00

S4 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 928.81
A 0.135
Sa 300.00
La 300.13
θa 0.52
cos(θa) 0.87
fa 74.50 ft = 85.78

Derived Ta 935.50 Ta = 935.50

Assumed Ta 935.50
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 935.50
A 0.135
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.72
fs 22.73

Derived Ts 6191.14 Ts = 6191.14

Assumed Ts 6191.14
Ts difference 0.00

S5 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 923.05
A 0.135
Sa 600.00
La 600.44
θa 0.30
cos(θa) 0.96
fa 87.91 ft = 91.87

Derived Ta 1576.23 Ta = 1576.23

Assumed Ta 1576.23
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1576.23
A 0.135
Ss 300.00
Ls 301.22
fs 13.53

Derived Ts 8771.63 Ts = 8771.63

Assumed Ts 8771.63
Ts difference 0.00

S6 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 957.63
A 0.135
Sa 600.00
La 600.38
θa 0.36
cos(θa) 0.94
fa 105.89 ft = 113.09

Derived Ta 1357.44 Ta = 1357.44

Assumed Ta 1357.44
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1357.44
A 0.27
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.39
fs 20.42

Derived Ts 9994.92 Ts = 9994.92

Assumed Ts 9994.92
Ts difference 0.00

S7 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 928.81
A 0.135
Sa 300.00
La 300.18
θa 0.36
cos(θa) 0.94
fa 52.73 ft = 56.28

Derived Ta 1321.96 Ta = 1321.96

Assumed Ta 1321.96
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1321.96
A 0.27
Ss 300.00
Ls 300.68
fs 10.12

Derived Ts 9819.82 Ts = 9819.82

Assumed Ts 9819.82
Ts difference 0.00

S8 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 951.86
A 0.135
Sa 300.00
La 300.14
θa 0.48
cos(θa) 0.89
fa 68.75 ft = 77.30

Derived Ta 1038.95 Ta = 1038.95

Assumed Ta 1038.95
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1038.95
A 0.27
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.16
fs 18.67

Derived Ts 8361.44 Ts = 8361.44

Assumed Ts 8361.44
Ts difference 0.00

S9 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 934.56
A 0.135
Sa 600.00
La 600.49
θa 0.27
cos(θa) 0.96
fa 80.33 ft = 83.30

Derived Ta 1746.60 Ta = 1746.60

Assumed Ta 1746.60
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1746.60
A 0.27
Ss 300.00
Ls 300.82
fs 11.11

Derived Ts 11826.45 Ts = 11826.45

Assumed Ts 11826.45
Ts difference 0.00

S10 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 946.10
A 0.27
Sa 600.00
La 600.17
θa 0.39
cos(θa) 0.92
fa 115.41 ft = 124.99

Derived Ta 1230.05 Ta = 1230.05

Assumed Ta 1230.05
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1230.05
A 0.135
Ss 600.00
Ls 602.06
fs 24.91

Derived Ts 7432.74 Ts = 7432.74

Assumed Ts 7432.74
Ts difference 0.00

S11 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 934.58
A 0.27
Sa 300.00
La 300.09
θa 0.36
cos(θa) 0.94
fa 52.66 ft = 56.22

Derived Ta 1331.44 Ta = 1331.44

Assumed Ta 1331.44
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1331.44
A 0.27
Ss 300.00
Ls 300.69
fs 10.14

Derived Ts 9866.74 Ts = 9866.74

Assumed Ts 9866.74
Ts difference 0.00

S12 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 923.05
A 0.27
Sa 300.00
La 300.08
θa 0.39
cos(θa) 0.92
fa 57.52 ft = 62.26

Derived Ta 1203.93 Ta = 1203.93

Assumed Ta 1203.93
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 1203.93
A 0.135
Ss 300.00
Ls 301.02
fs 12.37

Derived Ts 7326.97 Ts = 7326.97

Assumed Ts 7326.97
Ts difference 0.00

S13 (w cable self-weight):

For Across Cable Unit: inch, lbs

P 934.58
A 0.27
Sa 300.00
La 300.07
θa 0.52
cos(θa) 0.87
fa 74.50 ft = 85.81

Derived Ta 941.09 Ta = 941.09

Assumed Ta 941.09
Ta difference 0.00

For Side Cable

P 941.09
A 0.135
Ss 600.00
Ls 601.73
fs 22.78

Derived Ts 6215.84 Ts = 6215.84

Assumed Ts 6215.84
Ts difference 0.00


Calculation for the Single-span HHLL System

with Refined Method


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 14937696000 =0
Cable Number 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 1
Initial state
ps 0.0384
As 0.1350
Ss 600.00
fsi 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079
θsi 0.0317
Hsi 362.94
Tsi 363.13
Lsi 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 40.11 311.48
Assumed Tsm 757.50 2971.99
Lsm 600.2104 600.8255
fsm 7.9455 15.7426
Derived Tsm 757.50 2971.99
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1210.11 1675.99
Assumed Tsf 7352.06 9138.73
Lsf 602.04 602.54
fsf 24.77 27.63
Derived Tsf 7352.06 9138.73
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 1
Span coeff 1

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 1.38E+08 *fai - 215837.88 *fai - 4.49E+11 *fai-
Initial state 13858847431 =0 -1.08E-01 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.3715

S1 (cont’d):

Sa1 585.19
pa1 0.0394
fai 57.0194 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0974
Derived θai 0.3716
Hai 29.57
Tai 31.74
Lai 600.0084
θai Difference 0.0001

Final state
Paf 923.05
Assumed Taf 1201.25
θaf 0.3943
Laf 600.33
faf 115.33
Derived Taf 1201.25
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: 1.39E-03 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 568.57 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0342
Sa1 568.53
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0088
Derived θai 0.0352
Hai 310.48
Tai 310.67
Lai 568.6504
θai Difference 0.0009

Final state
Paf 921.84
Assumed Taf 1669.62
θaf 0.2797
Laf 569.01
faf 78.54
Derived Taf 1669.62
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 2.76E+08 *fsi - 442598.4 *fsi - 29875392000 =0
Cable Number 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 1
Initial state
ps 0.0768
As 0.2700
Ss 600.00
fsi 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079
θsi 0.0317
Hsi 725.89
Tsi 726.25
Lsi 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 80.22 622.97
Assumed Tsm 1515.02 5944.28
Lsm 600.2104 600.8256
fsm 7.9456 15.7431
Derived Tsm 1515.02 5943.81
Tsm difference 0.00 -0.47

Final State
1 2
Psf 1359.80 2092.17
Assumed Tsf 10006.58 13341.34
Lsf 601.39 601.85
fsf 20.43 23.60
Derived Tsf 10006.58 13341.34
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 2
Span coeff 1

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 2.76E+08 *fai - 431676.592 *fai - 8.98E+11 *fai-
Initial state 27717853366 =0 8.82E-02 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.3717

S2 (cont’d):

Sa1 585.19
pa1 0.0788
fai 57.0173 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0974
Derived θai 0.3716
Hai 59.15
Tai 63.48
Lai 600.0084
θai Difference -0.0001

Final state
Paf 946.10
Assumed Taf 1343.57
θaf 0.3598
Laf 600.19
faf 105.66
Derived Taf 1343.57
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: 7.29E-04 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
La0 568.57 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0347
Sa1 568.53
pa1 0.0768
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0088
Derived θai 0.0352
Hai 620.96
Tai 621.35
Lai 568.6501
θai Difference 0.0005

Final state
Paf 943.69
Assumed Taf 2081.72
θaf 0.2286
Laf 568.84
faf 64.47
Derived Taf 2081.72
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 1.38E+08 *fsi - 55324.8 *fsi - 933606000 =0
Cable Number 1 1.43E-06 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5
Initial state
ps 0.0384
As 0.1350
Ss 300.00
fsi 1.8903 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063
θsi 0.0252
Hsi 228.65
Tsi 228.72
Lsi 300.0318

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 21.19 159.22
Assumed Tsm 495.01 1899.49
Lsm 300.0687 300.2638
fsm 3.2114 6.2920
Derived Tsm 495.01 1899.49
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1193.17 1524.72
Assumed Tsf 7283.17 8579.09
Lsf 301.01 301.19
fsf 12.33 13.38
Derived Tsf 7283.17 8579.09
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 1
Span coeff 0.5

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 1.38E+08 *fai - 54207.152 *fai - 9.23E+10 *fai-
Initial state 878160381.6 =0 -8.26E-03 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.3375

S3 (cont’d):

Sa1 293.94
pa1 0.0392
fai 25.8512 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0879
Derived θai 0.3383
Hai 16.38
Tai 17.37
Lai 300.0023
θai Difference 0.0007

Final state
Paf 911.53
Assumed Taf 1188.75
θaf 0.3935
Laf 300.17
faf 57.54
Derived Taf 1188.75
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: 5.02E-05 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 287.46 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0340
Sa1 287.42
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0087
Derived θai 0.0348
Hai 158.72
Tai 158.81
Lai 287.4812
θai Difference 0.0007

Final state
Paf 911.04
Assumed Taf 1521.26
θaf 0.3041
Laf 287.66
faf 43.07
Derived Taf 1521.26
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 14937696000 =0
Cable Number 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 1
Initial state
ps 0.0384
As 0.1350
Ss 600.00
fsi 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079
θsi 0.0317
Hsi 362.94
Tsi 363.13
Lsi 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 23.21 146.78
Assumed Tsm 525.97 1799.24
Lsm 600.1461 600.4998
fsm 6.6205 12.2472
Derived Tsm 525.97 1799.24
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 930.24 1192.30
Assumed Tsf 6167.92 7279.64
Lsf 601.71 602.02
fsf 22.69 24.65
Derived Tsf 6167.92 7279.64
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 1
Span coeff 0.5

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 1.38E+08 *fai - 53138.183 *fai - 1.77E+11 *fai-
Initial state 827225985.5 =0 -1.40E-02 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.4613

S4 (cont’d):

Sa1 288.14
pa1 0.0400
fai 35.7962 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.1242
Derived θai 0.4612
Hai 11.60
Tai 12.95
Lai 300.0017
θai Difference -0.0001

Final state
Paf 911.53
Assumed Taf 918.81
θaf 0.5190
Laf 300.13
faf 74.44
Derived Taf 918.81
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: -3.01E-04 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 275.56 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0363
Sa1 275.52
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0091
Derived θai 0.0363
Hai 145.85
Tai 145.95
Lai 275.5822
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 910.59
Assumed Taf 1183.43
θaf 0.3949
Laf 275.71
faf 53.04
Derived Taf 1183.43
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 1.38E+08 *fsi - 55324.8 *fsi - 933606000 =0
Cable Number 1 1.43E-06 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5
Initial state
ps 0.0384
As 0.1350
Ss 300.00
fsi 1.8903 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063
θsi 0.0252
Hsi 228.65
Tsi 228.72
Lsi 300.0318

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 45.31 328.17
Assumed Tsm 821.62 3077.28
Lsm 300.1141 300.4274
fsm 4.1376 8.0097
Derived Tsm 821.62 3077.28
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1579.17 2134.77
Assumed Tsf 8782.56 10742.33
Lsf 301.22 301.49
fsf 13.54 14.98
Derived Tsf 8782.56 10742.33
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 1
Span coeff 1

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 1.38E+08 *fai - 218363.39 *fai - 2.44E+11 *fai-
Initial state 14351045574 =0 -9.41E-03 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.2770

S5 (cont’d):

Sa1 592.04
pa1 0.0389
fai 42.0681 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0711
Derived θai 0.2769
Hai 40.55
Tai 42.16
Lai 600.0114
θai Difference -0.0001

Final state
Paf 923.05
Assumed Taf 1575.79
θaf 0.2972
Laf 600.44
faf 87.93
Derived Taf 1575.79
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: 1.47E-03 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 584.02 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0338
Sa1 583.99
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0086
Derived θai 0.0342
Hai 327.59
Tai 327.78
Lai 584.1039
θai Difference 0.0004

Final state
Paf 922.44
Assumed Taf 2132.27
θaf 0.2180
Laf 584.59
faf 63.22
Derived Taf 2132.27
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 2.76E+08 *fsi - 442598.4 *fsi - 29875392000 =0
Cable Number 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 1
Initial state
ps 0.0768
As 0.2700
Ss 600.00
fsi 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079
θsi 0.0317
Hsi 725.89
Tsi 726.25
Lsi 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 49.61 319.19
Assumed Tsm 1099.59 3805.02
Lsm 600.1527 600.5285
fsm 6.7688 12.5939
Derived Tsm 1099.59 3805.02
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1328.98 1823.88
Assumed Tsf 9854.62 12173.29
Lsf 601.37 601.69
fsf 20.27 22.54
Derived Tsf 9854.62 12173.29
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 1
Span coeff 1

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 1.38E+08 *fai - 216602.25 *fai - 3.88E+11 *fai-
Initial state 14006608263 =0 -8.50E-03 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.3462

S6 (cont’d):

Sa1 587.27
pa1 0.0393
fai 52.9762 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0902
Derived θai 0.3463
Hai 31.94
Tai 33.96
Lai 600.0091
θai Difference 0.0001

Final state
Paf 923.05
Assumed Taf 1312.77
θaf 0.3592
Laf 600.36
faf 105.53
Derived Taf 1312.77
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: -4.29E-03 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 574.86 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0341
Sa1 574.83
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0087
Derived θai 0.0348
Hai 317.39
Tai 317.58
Lai 574.9427
θai Difference 0.0007

Final state
Paf 922.09
Assumed Taf 1812.15
θaf 0.2572
Laf 575.34
faf 73.19
Derived Taf 1812.15
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 2.76E+08 *fsi - 110649.6 *fsi - 1867212000 =0
Cable Number 2 3.58E-06 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5
Initial state
ps 0.0768
As 0.2700
Ss 300.00
fsi 1.8903 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063
θsi 0.0252
Hsi 457.30
Tsi 457.44
Lsi 300.0318

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 25.78 162.41
Assumed Tsm 710.76 2424.78
Lsm 300.0494 300.1684
fsm 2.7210 5.0264
Derived Tsm 710.76 2424.78
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1307.66 1661.32
Assumed Tsf 9748.79 11437.77
Lsf 300.68 300.79
fsf 10.08 10.92
Derived Tsf 9748.79 11437.77
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 1
Span coeff 0.5

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 1.38E+08 *fai - 54370.28 *fai - 7.91E+10 *fai-
Initial state 886112360.6 =0 6.92E-02 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.3140

S7 (cont’d):

Sa1 294.82
pa1 0.0391
fai 23.9274 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0812
Derived θai 0.3139
Hai 17.75
Tai 18.66
Lai 300.0025
θai Difference -0.0001

Final state
Paf 911.53
Assumed Taf 1299.57
θaf 0.3583
Laf 300.18
faf 52.64
Derived Taf 1299.57
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: -3.09E-04 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 289.99 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0341
Sa1 289.95
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0086
Derived θai 0.0345
Hai 161.52
Tai 161.62
Lai 290.0105
θai Difference 0.0004

Final state
Paf 911.14
Assumed Taf 1654.97
θaf 0.2789
Laf 290.21
faf 39.94
Derived Taf 1654.97
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 2.76E+08 *fsi - 442598.4 *fsi - 29875392000 =0
Cable Number 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 1
Initial state
ps 0.0768
As 0.2700
Ss 600.00
fsi 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079
θsi 0.0317
Hsi 725.89
Tsi 726.25
Lsi 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 33.17 152.71
Assumed Tsm 840.87 2327.19
Lsm 600.1168 600.3232
fsm 5.9190 9.8482
Derived Tsm 840.87 2327.19
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1018.78 1302.03
Assumed Tsf 8252.78 9720.78
Lsf 601.15 601.35
fsf 18.55 20.14
Derived Tsf 8252.78 9720.78
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 1
Span coeff 0.5

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 1.38E+08 *fai - 53349.364 *fai - 1.61E+11 *fai-
Initial state 837127880.3 =0 -2.63E-02 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.4397

S8 (cont’d):

Sa1 289.29
pa1 0.0398
fai 34.0917 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.1178
Derived θai 0.4405
Hai 12.23
Tai 13.52
Lai 300.0018
θai Difference 0.0008

Final state
Paf 911.53
Assumed Taf 997.71
θaf 0.4744
Laf 300.14
faf 68.55
Derived Taf 997.72
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: 9.25E-04 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 280.36 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0364
Sa1 280.32
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0089
Derived θai 0.0357
Hai 150.97
Tai 151.06
Lai 280.3761
θai Difference -0.0007

Final state
Paf 910.77
Assumed Taf 1285.70
θaf 0.3621
Laf 280.52
faf 49.68
Derived Taf 1285.70
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 2.76E+08 *fsi - 110649.6 *fsi - 1867212000 =0
Cable Number 2 3.58E-06 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5
Initial state
ps 0.0768
As 0.2700
Ss 300.00
fsi 1.8903 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063
θsi 0.0252
Hsi 457.30
Tsi 457.44
Lsi 300.0318

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 51.69 332.22
Assumed Tsm 1130.09 3907.96
Lsm 300.0785 300.2714
fsm 3.4311 6.3817
Derived Tsm 1130.09 3907.96
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1733.47 2316.70
Assumed Tsf 11767.04 14281.07
Lsf 300.82 300.99
fsf 11.08 12.21
Derived Tsf 11767.04 14281.07
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 1
Span coeff 1

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 1.38E+08 *fai - 218848.74 *fai - 2.04E+11 *fai-
Initial state 14446952896 =0 -1.42E-01 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.2530

S9 (cont’d):

Sa1 593.36
pa1 0.0389
fai 38.4849 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0649
Derived θai 0.2538
Hai 44.43
Tai 45.90
Lai 600.0125
θai Difference 0.0008

Final state
Paf 923.05
Assumed Taf 1727.32
θaf 0.2705
Laf 600.48
faf 80.22
Derived Taf 1727.32
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: -4.90E-03 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 587.27 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0341
Sa1 587.24
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0085
Derived θai 0.0340
Hai 331.25
Tai 331.44
Lai 587.3576
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 922.56
Assumed Taf 2312.10
θaf 0.2009
Laf 587.90
faf 58.64
Derived Taf 2312.10
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Cable Number 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 1
Initial state
ps 0.0384
As 0.1350
Ss 600.00
fsi 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079
θsi 0.0317
Hsi 362.94
Tsi 363.13
Lsi 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 68.05 605.22
Assumed Tsm 1077.59 4629.48
Lsm 600.2993 601.2860
fsm 9.4771 19.6519
Derived Tsm 1077.59 4629.48
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1237.80 1927.84
Assumed Tsf 7463.99 10034.79
Lsf 602.07 602.79
fsf 24.96 28.95
Derived Tsf 7463.99 10034.79
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 2
Span coeff 1

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 2.76E+08 *fai - 429726.77 *fai - 1.05E+12 *fai-
Initial state 27343953919 =0 3.13E-01 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.4012

S10 (cont’d):

Sa1 582.55
pa1 0.0791
fai 61.7542 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.1060
Derived θai 0.4010
Hai 54.36
Tai 59.05
Lai 600.0078
θai Difference -0.0002

Final state
Paf 946.10
Assumed Taf 1228.92
θaf 0.3951
Laf 600.17
faf 115.51
Derived Taf 1228.92
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: -8.56E-03 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
La0 560.76 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0348
Sa1 560.72
pa1 0.0768
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0089
Derived θai 0.0357
Hai 604.02
Tai 604.40
Lai 560.8388
θai Difference 0.0009

Final state
Paf 943.09
Assumed Taf 1922.18
θaf 0.2478
Laf 561.01
faf 68.81
Derived Taf 1922.18
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 2.76E+08 *fsi - 110649.6 *fsi - 1867212000 =0
Cable Number 2 3.58E-06 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5
Initial state
ps 0.0768
As 0.2700
Ss 300.00
fsi 1.8903 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063
θsi 0.0252
Hsi 457.30
Tsi 457.44
Lsi 300.0318

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 42.38 318.43
Assumed Tsm 990.06 3798.98
Lsm 300.0688 300.2638
fsm 3.2115 6.2920
Derived Tsm 990.06 3798.98
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1324.21 1825.13
Assumed Tsf 9830.99 12178.81
Lsf 300.68 300.85
fsf 10.13 11.27
Derived Tsf 9830.99 12178.81
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 2
Span coeff 0.5

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 2.76E+08 *fai - 108414.83 *fai - 1.85E+11 *fai-
Initial state 1756346152 =0 -6.54E-02 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.3383

S11 (cont’d):

Sa1 293.94
pa1 0.0784
fai 25.8483 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0879
Derived θai 0.3382
Hai 32.77
Tai 34.74
Lai 300.0023
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 923.05
Assumed Taf 1316.13
θaf 0.3583
Laf 300.09
faf 52.62
Derived Taf 1316.13
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: -9.88E-04 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
La0 287.46 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0340
Sa1 287.42
pa1 0.0768
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0087
Derived θai 0.0348
Hai 317.44
Tai 317.63
Lai 287.4812
θai Difference 0.0008

Final state
Paf 922.09
Assumed Taf 1819.28
θaf 0.2562
Laf 287.58
faf 36.44
Derived Taf 1819.28
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 1.38E+08 *fsi - 55324.8 *fsi - 933606000 =0
Cable Number 1 1.79E-06 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5
Initial state
ps 0.0384
As 0.1350
Ss 300.00
fsi 1.8903 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063
θsi 0.0252
Hsi 228.65
Tsi 228.72
Lsi 300.0318

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 36.31 311.11
Assumed Tsm 708.90 2969.62
Lsm 300.0985 300.4124
fsm 3.8433 7.8682
Derived Tsm 708.90 2969.62
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 1207.79 1677.62
Assumed Tsf 7342.65 9144.65
Lsf 301.02 301.27
fsf 12.38 13.82
Derived Tsf 7342.65 9144.65
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 2
Span coeff 0.5

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 2.76E+08 *fai - 108002.7 *fai - 2.18E+11 *fai-
Initial state 1736392631 =0 -9.67E-02 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.3664

S12 (cont’d):

Sa1 292.82
pa1 0.0787
fai 28.0762 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.0959
Derived θai 0.3662
Hai 30.05
Tai 32.19
Lai 300.0021
θai Difference -0.0001

Final state
Paf 923.05
Assumed Taf 1203.37
θaf 0.3936
Laf 300.08
faf 57.55
Derived Taf 1203.37
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: -1.89E-03 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
La0 284.31 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0342
Sa1 284.27
pa1 0.0769
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0088
Derived θai 0.0352
Hai 310.52
Tai 310.71
Lai 284.3314
θai Difference 0.0010

Final state
Paf 921.85
Assumed Taf 1674.44
θaf 0.2789
Laf 284.42
faf 39.15
Derived Taf 1674.44
Taf difference 0.00


E 1.60E+07

3 2
Side Cable Equation b: 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 14937696000 =0
Cable Number 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone
Span coeff 1
Initial state
ps 0.0384
As 0.1350
Ss 600.00
fsi 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079
θsi 0.0317
Hsi 362.94
Tsi 363.13
Lsi 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

1 2
Psm 35.39 280.39
Assumed Tsm 696.79 2770.62
Lsm 600.1935 600.7696
fsm 7.6204 15.1996
Derived Tsm 696.79 2770.62
Tsm difference 0.00 0.00

Final State
1 2
Psf 940.96 1311.99
Assumed Tsf 6215.26 7759.88
Lsf 601.73 602.16
fsf 22.77 25.45
Derived Tsf 6215.26 7759.88
Tsf difference 0.00 0.00

Across Cable
Cable Number 2
Span coeff 0.5

3 2
1. Known unstressed length Sa0 Equation c: 2.76E+08 *fai - 105683.68 *fai - 4.00E+11 *fai-
Initial state 1626926197 =0 -3.30E-01 <- fsi calculation zone
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.4877

S13 (cont’d):

Sa1 286.54
pa1 0.0805
fai 38.0379 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
nai 0.1328
Derived θai 0.4881
Hai 21.71
Tai 24.58
Lai 300.0016
θai Difference 0.0004

Final state
Paf 923.05
Assumed Taf 929.51
θaf 0.5196
Laf 300.06
faf 74.49
Derived Taf 929.51
Taf difference 0.00

2. Sag control Equation d: 1.39E-04 <- La0 calculation zone

Initial state
pa0 0.0768
Aa 0.2700
La0 269.67 <- find this value to let equation d equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0371
Sa1 269.62
pa1 0.0769
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0093
Derived θai 0.0371
Hai 279.34
Tai 279.54
Lai 269.6835
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 920.72
Assumed Taf 1303.85
θaf 0.3609
Laf 269.75
faf 47.62
Derived Taf 1303.85
Taf difference 0.00


Calculation for the Multi-span HHLL System

with Refined Method

S6 (clamped, outer span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c1) 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 600.00 1200.00
fsi 4.7636 12.0042 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079 0.0100
θsi 0.0317 0.0400
Hsi 362.94 576.10
Tsi 363.13 576.56
Lsi 600.1009 1200.3202
Intermediate state under across cable self-weight
cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 317.39
Assumed fsm 13.78
Lsm (left part -1) 300.3163 300.3163
Lsm (right part -2) 300.3163 900.1055
Tsm (left part -1) 2277.4834 2277.5760
Tsm (right part -2) 2277.4834 253.3191
Derived fsm 13.78
fsm difference 0.00

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1771.07
Assumed fsf 24.47
Lsf (left part -1) 300.9962 300.9962
Lsf (right part -2) 300.9962 900.3326
Tsf (left part -1) 7173.0408 7173.1334
Tsf (right part -2) 7173.0408 798.3272
Derived fsf 24.47
fsf difference 0.00

S6 (clamped, outer span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation c: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 1

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 572.49 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0341
Sa1 572.46
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0087
Derived θai 0.0349
Hai 314.78
Tai 314.97
Lai 572.5727
θai Difference 0.0008

Final state
Paf 922.00
Assumed Taf 1752.88
θaf 0.2661
Laf 572.95
faf 75.34
Derived Taf 1752.88
Taf difference 0.00

S6 (clamped, inner span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c1) 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)
S 600
Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 1200.00 1200.00
fsi 12.0042 12.0042 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0100 0.0100
θsi 0.0400 0.0400
Hsi 576.10 576.10
Tsi 576.56 576.56
Lsi 1200.3202 1200.3202
Intermediate state under across cable self-weight
cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 314.23
Assumed fsm 15.60
Lsm (left part -1) 900.1351 300.4052
Lsm (right part -2) 300.4052 900.1351
Tsm (left part -1) 324.5053 2917.5685
Tsm (right part -2) 2917.5685 324.5053
Derived fsm 15.60
fsm difference 0.00

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1699.23
Assumed fsf 27.42
Lsf (left part -1) 900.4175 301.2501
Lsf (right part -2) 301.2501 900.4175
Tsf (left part -1) 1002.0536 9000.5932
Tsf (right part -2) 9000.5932 1002.0536
Derived fsf 27.42
fsf difference 0.00

S6 (clamped, inner span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation c: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 1

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 568.86 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0344
Sa1 568.82
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0088
Derived θai 0.0351
Hai 310.80
Tai 310.99
Lai 568.9407
θai Difference 0.0007

Final state
Paf 921.86
Assumed Taf 1673.84
θaf 0.2790
Laf 569.30
faf 78.38
Derived Taf 1673.84
Taf difference 0.00

S7 (clamped, outer span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 55324.8 *fsi - 933606000 =0
Span coeff(c1) 0.5 1.79E-06 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 300.00 600.00
fsi 1.8903 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063 0.0079
θsi 0.0252 0.0317
Hsi 228.65 362.94
Tsi 228.72 363.13
Lsi 300.0318 600.1009
Intermediate state under across cable self-weight
cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 161.76
Assumed fsm 5.50
Lsm (left part -1) 150.1009 150.1009
Lsm (right part -2) 150.1009 450.0336
Tsm (left part -1) 1452.8643 1452.9011
Tsm (right part -2) 1452.8643 161.5359
Derived fsm 5.50
fsm difference 0.00

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1609.85
Assumed fsf 11.85
Lsf (left part -1) 150.4674 150.4674
Lsf (right part -2) 150.4674 450.1560
Tsf (left part -1) 6730.4167 6730.4535
Tsf (right part -2) 6730.4167 748.9176
Derived fsf 11.85
fsf difference 0.00

S7 (clamped, outer span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation c: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 289.04 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0346
Sa1 289.00
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0087
Derived θai 0.0346
Hai 160.47
Tai 160.56
Lai 289.0592
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 911.10
Assumed Taf 1600.00
θaf 0.2887
Laf 289.25
faf 41.18
Derived Taf 1600.00
Taf difference 0.00

S7 (clamped, inner span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c1) 0.5 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)
S 300
Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 600.00 600.00
fsi 4.7636 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079 0.0079
θsi 0.0317 0.0317
Hsi 362.94 362.94
Tsi 363.13 363.13
Lsi 600.1009 600.1009
Intermediate state under across cable self-weight
cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 160.55
Assumed fsm 6.23
Lsm (left part -1) 450.0432 150.1295
Lsm (right part -2) 150.1295 450.0432
Tsm (left part -1) 207.2717 1864.2429
Tsm (right part -2) 1864.2429 207.2717
Derived fsm 6.23
fsm difference 0.00

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1540.67
Assumed fsf 13.27
Lsf (left part -1) 450.1955 150.5855
Lsf (right part -2) 150.5855 450.1955
Tsf (left part -1) 938.4481 8430.9263
Tsf (right part -2) 8430.9263 938.4481
Derived fsf 13.27
fsf difference 0.00

S7 (clamped, inner span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation c: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 287.58 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0347
Sa1 287.54
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0087
Derived θai 0.0348
Hai 158.85
Tai 158.94
Lai 287.5989
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 911.05
Assumed Taf 1526.91
θaf 0.3029
Laf 287.78
faf 42.93
Derived Taf 1526.91
Taf difference 0.00

S8 (clamped, outer span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c1) 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 600.00 1200.00
fsi 4.7636 12.0042 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079 0.0100
θsi 0.0317 0.0400
Hsi 362.94 576.10
Tsi 363.13 576.56
Lsi 600.1009 1200.3202
Intermediate state under across cable self-weight
cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 151.57
Assumed fsm 10.77
Lsm (left part -1) 300.1932 300.1932
Lsm (right part -2) 300.1932 900.0644
Tsm (left part -1) 1391.1855 1391.2780
Tsm (right part -2) 1391.1855 154.7672
Derived fsm 10.77
fsm difference 0.00

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1267.66
Assumed fsf 21.88
Lsf (left part -1) 300.7969 300.7969
Lsf (right part -2) 300.7969 900.2660
Tsf (left part -1) 5737.8664 5737.9590
Tsf (right part -2) 5737.8664 638.4399
Derived fsf 21.88
fsf difference 0.00

S8 (clamped, outer span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation c: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 278.52 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0367
Sa1 278.48
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0090
Derived θai 0.0359
Hai 148.99
Tai 149.09
Lai 278.5370
θai Difference -0.0008

Final state
Paf 910.70
Assumed Taf 1242.32
θaf 0.3753
Laf 278.68
faf 51.07
Derived Taf 1242.32
Taf difference 0.00

S8 (clamped, inner span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c1) 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)
S 600
Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 1200.00 1200.00
fsi 12.0042 12.0042 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0100 0.0100
θsi 0.0400 0.0400
Hsi 576.10 576.10
Tsi 576.56 576.56
Lsi 1200.3202 1200.3202
Intermediate state under across cable self-weight
cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 149.45
Assumed fsm 12.17
Lsm (left part -1) 900.0823 300.2468
Lsm (right part -2) 300.2468 900.0823
Tsm (left part -1) 197.6841 1777.2790
Tsm (right part -2) 1777.2790 197.6841
Derived fsm 12.17
fsm difference 0.00

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1220.31
Assumed fsf 24.54
Lsf (left part -1) 900.3345 301.0021
Lsf (right part -2) 301.0021 900.3345
Tsf (left part -1) 803.0109 7215.1624
Tsf (right part -2) 7215.1624 803.0109
Derived fsf 24.54
fsf difference 0.00

S8 (clamped, inner span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation c: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 275.71 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0367
Sa1 275.67
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0091
Derived θai 0.0363
Hai 146.01
Tai 146.11
Lai 275.7331
θai Difference -0.0004

Final state
Paf 910.59
Assumed Taf 1184.88
θaf 0.3944
Laf 275.87
faf 53.00
Derived Taf 1184.88
Taf difference 0.00

S9 (clamped, outer span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 55324.8 *fsi - 933606000 =0
Span coeff(c1) 0.5 1.79E-06 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 300.00 600.00
fsi 1.8903 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063 0.0079
θsi 0.0252 0.0317
Hsi 228.65 362.94
Tsi 228.72 363.13
Lsi 300.0318 600.1009
Intermediate state under across cable self-weight
cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 331.25
Assumed fsm 6.99
Lsm (left part -1) 150.1627 150.1627
Lsm (right part -2) 150.1627 450.0543
Tsm (left part -1) 2343.4885 2343.5253
Tsm (right part -2) 2343.4885 260.5714
Derived fsm 6.99
fsm difference 0.00

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 2245.94
Assumed fsf 13.25
Lsf (left part -1) 150.5838 150.5838
Lsf (right part -2) 150.5838 450.1949
Tsf (left part -1) 8406.3067 8406.3435
Tsf (right part -2) 8406.3067 935.7072
Derived fsf 13.25
fsf difference 0.00

S9 (clamped, outer span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation c: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 1

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 586.05 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0341
Sa1 586.03
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0085
Derived θai 0.0341
Hai 329.88
Tai 330.07
Lai 586.1435
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 922.52
Assumed Taf 2238.81
θaf 0.2075
Laf 586.66
faf 60.43
Derived Taf 2238.81
Taf difference 0.00

S9 (clamped, inner span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c1) 0.5 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)
S 300
Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 600.00 600.00
fsi 4.7636 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079 0.0079
θsi 0.0317 0.0317
Hsi 362.94 362.94
Tsi 363.13 363.13
Lsi 600.1009 600.1009
Intermediate state under across cable self-weight
cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 329.55
Assumed fsm 7.92
Lsm (left part -1) 450.0698 150.2091
Lsm (right part -2) 150.2091 450.0698
Tsm (left part -1) 334.9038 3011.7805
Tsm (right part -2) 3011.7805 334.9038
Derived fsm 7.92
fsm difference 0.00

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 2150.58
Assumed fsf 14.83
Lsf (left part -1) 450.2444 150.7316
Lsf (right part -2) 150.7316 450.2444
Tsf (left part -1) 1173.1222 10534.7891
Tsf (right part -2) 10534.7891 1173.1222
Derived fsf 14.83
fsf difference 0.00

S9 (clamped, inner span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation c: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 1

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 584.19 <- find this value to let equation c equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0341
Sa1 584.16
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0086
Derived θai 0.0342
Hai 327.78
Tai 327.97
Lai 584.2756
θai Difference 0.0001

Final state
Paf 922.44
Assumed Taf 2140.65
θaf 0.2172
Laf 584.77
faf 63.00
Derived Taf 2140.65
Taf difference 0.00

S6 (free, outer span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c1) 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 600.00 1200.00
fsi 4.7636 12.0042 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079 0.0100
θsi 0.0317 0.0400
Hsi 362.94 576.10
Tsi 363.13 576.56
Lsi 600.1009 1200.3202

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 315.12 Equation c: 0.00 <- calculation zone
Assumed fsm 14.8152 Equation d: 0.00 <- calculation zone
x 318.40 <- find this value to let above equation c equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 318.7412 318.7412
Lsm (right part -2) 281.9928 881.7278
Tsm 2642.2443 844.2972
Derived fsm 14.8185 <- find this value to let above equation d equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 318.7413 318.7413
Lsm (right part -2) 281.9929 881.7278
fsm difference 0.00
Next assumed fsm 14.8160

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1725.23 Equation c: 0.00 <- calculation zone
Assumed fsf 26.1459 Equation d: 0.00 <- calculation zone
x 318.46 <- find this value to let above equation c equal to 0
Lsf (left part -1) 319.5319 319.5319
Lsf (right part -2) 282.7511 881.9273
Tsf 8218.6655 2626.6220
Derived fsf 26.1452 <- find this value to let above equation d equal to 0
Lsf (left part -1) 319.5318 319.5318
Lsf (right part -2) 282.7510 881.9273
fsf difference 0.00
Next assumed fsf 26.1457

S6 (free, outer span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation e: 0.01 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 1

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 570.42 <- find this value to let equation e equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0341
Sa1 570.39
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0088
Derived θai 0.0350
Hai 312.51
Tai 312.70
Lai 570.5037
θai Difference 0.0010

Final state
Paf 921.92
Assumed Taf 1706.55
θaf 0.2735
Laf 570.87
faf 77.10
Derived Taf 1706.55
Taf difference 0.00

S6 (free, inner span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c1) 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)
S 600

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 1200.00 1200.00
fsi 12.0042 12.0042 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0100 0.0100
θsi 0.0400 0.0400
Hsi 576.10 576.10
Tsi 576.56 576.56
Lsi 1200.3202 1200.3202

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 303.76 Equation f: 0.00 <- Calculation zone
Assumed fsm 20.4600
Lsm (left part -1) 900.2325 300.6969
Lsm (right part -2) 300.6969 900.2325
Tsm 1673.0890 1673.0890
Derived fsm 20.4624 <- find this value to let above equation f equal to 0
fsm difference 0.00
Next assumed fsm 20.4606

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1540.03 Equation f: 0.00 <- Calculation zone
Assumed fsf 35.2122
Lsf (left part -1) 900.6886 302.0594
Lsf (right part -2) 302.0594 900.6886
Tsf 4946.5518 4946.5518
Derived fsf 35.2118 <- find this value to let above equation f equal to 0
fsf difference 0.00
Next assumed fsf 35.2121

S6 (free, inner span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation e: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 1

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 559.15 <- find this value to let equation e equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0358
Sa1 559.11
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0089
Derived θai 0.0358
Hai 300.27
Tai 300.47
pa1 559.2254
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 921.48
Assumed Taf 1511.93
θaf 0.3097
Laf 559.54
faf 85.26
Derived Taf 1511.93
Taf difference 0.00

S7 (free, outer span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 55324.8 *fsi - 933606000 =0
Span coeff(c1) 0.5 1.79E-06 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 300.00 600.00
fsi 1.8903 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063 0.0079
θsi 0.0252 0.0317
Hsi 228.65 362.94
Tsi 228.72 363.13
Lsi 300.0318 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 160.84 Equation c: 0.00 <- calculation zone
Assumed fsm 5.9183 Equation d: 0.00 <- calculation zone
x 159.20 <- find this value to let above equation c equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 159.3140 159.3140
Lsm (right part -2) 140.9203 440.8357
Tsm 1686.9707 538.9641
Derived fsm 5.9208 <- find this value to let above equation d equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 159.3141 159.3141
Lsm (right part -2) 140.9204 440.8357
fsm difference 0.00
Next assumed fsm 5.9189

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1566.87 Equation c: 0.00 <- calculation zone
Assumed fsf 12.6588 Equation d: 0.00 <- calculation zone
x 159.23 <- find this value to let above equation c equal to 0
Lsf (left part -1) 159.7294 159.7294
Lsf (right part -2) 141.3410 440.9547
Tsf 7707.0523 2462.9821
Derived fsf 12.6581 <- find this value to let above equation d equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 159.7294 159.7294
Lsm (right part -2) 141.3409 440.9547
fsf difference 0.00
Next assumed fsf 12.6586

S7 (free, outer span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation e: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 288.21 <- find this value to let equation e equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0347
Sa1 288.17
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0087
Derived θai 0.0347
Hai 159.54
Tai 159.64
Lai 288.2283
θai Difference 0.0000

Final state
Paf 911.07
Assumed Taf 1556.76
θaf 0.2970
Laf 288.41
faf 42.20
Derived Taf 1556.75
Taf difference 0.00

S7 (free, inner span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c1) 0.5 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)
S 300

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 600.00 600.00
fsi 4.7636 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079 0.0079
θsi 0.0317 0.0317
Hsi 362.94 362.94
Tsi 363.13 363.13
Lsi 600.1009 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 156.27 Equation f: 0.00 <- Calculation zone
Assumed fsm 8.1951
Lsm (left part -1) 450.0746 150.2237
Lsm (right part -2) 150.2237 450.0746
Tsm 1073.9928 1073.9928
Derived fsm 8.1939 <- find this value to let above equation f equal to 0
fsm difference 0.00
Next assumed fsm 8.1948

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1392.54 Equation f: 0.00 <- Calculation zone
Assumed fsf 17.0222
Lsf (left part -1) 450.3218 150.9628
Lsf (right part -2) 150.9628 450.3218
Tsf 4624.6084 4624.6084
Derived fsf 17.0223 <- find this value to let above equation f equal to 0
fsf difference 0.00
Next assumed fsf 17.0222

S7 (free, inner span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation e: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 283.66 <- find this value to let equation e equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0352
Sa1 283.62
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0088
Derived θai 0.0352
Hai 154.55
Tai 154.64
pa1 283.6787
θai Difference 0.0001

Final state
Paf 910.90
Assumed Taf 1377.29
θaf 0.3370
Laf 283.84
faf 46.93
Derived Taf 1377.29
Taf difference 0.00

S8 (free, outer span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c1) 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 600.00 1200.00
fsi 4.7636 12.0042 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079 0.0100
θsi 0.0317 0.0400
Hsi 362.94 576.10
Tsi 363.13 576.56
Lsi 600.1009 1200.3202

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 149.90 Equation c: 0.00 <- calculation zone
Assumed fsm 11.5621 Equation d: 0.00 <- calculation zone
x 318.40 <- find this value to let above equation c equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 318.6066 318.6066
Lsm (right part -2) 281.8406 881.6791
Tsm 1609.6932 514.3693
Derived fsm 11.5649 <- find this value to let above equation d equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 318.6067 318.6067
Lsm (right part -2) 281.8407 881.6792
fsm difference 0.00
Next assumed fsm 11.5628

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1234.96 Equation c: 0.00 <- calculation zone
Assumed fsf 23.3799 Equation d: 0.00 <- calculation zone
x 318.44 <- find this value to let above equation c equal to 0
Lsf (left part -1) 319.2999 319.2999
Lsf (right part -2) 282.5263 881.8672
Tsf 6574.2257 2100.9206
Derived fsf 23.3801 <- find this value to let above equation d equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 319.2999 319.2999
Lsm (right part -2) 282.5263 881.8672
fsf difference 0.00
Next assumed fsf 23.3799

S8 (free, outer span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation e: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 276.93 <- find this value to let equation e equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0370
Sa1 276.89
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0090
Derived θai 0.0361
Hai 147.30
Tai 147.40
Lai 276.9518
θai Difference -0.0009

Final state
Paf 910.64
Assumed Taf 1208.91
θaf 0.3862
Laf 277.09
faf 52.18
Derived Taf 1208.91
Taf difference 0.00

S8 (free, inner span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c1) 1 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 885196.8 *fsi - 2.39E+11 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 0.00E+00 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)
S 600

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 1200.00 1200.00
fsi 12.0042 12.0042 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0100 0.0100
θsi 0.0400 0.0400
Hsi 576.10 576.10
Tsi 576.56 576.56
Lsi 1200.3202 1200.3202

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 141.83 Equation f: 0.00 <- Calculation zone
Assumed fsm 15.8666
Lsm (left part -1) 900.1398 300.4193
Lsm (right part -2) 300.4193 900.1398
Tsm 1006.6026 1006.6026
Derived fsm 15.8682 <- find this value to let above equation f equal to 0
fsm difference 0.00
Next assumed fsm 15.8670

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1108.36 Equation f: 0.00 <- Calculation zone
Assumed fsf 31.5398
Lsf (left part -1) 900.5525 301.6534
Lsf (right part -2) 301.6534 900.5525
Tsf 3970.6833 3970.6833
Derived fsf 31.5373 <- find this value to let above equation f equal to 0
fsf difference 0.00
Next assumed fsf 31.5392

S8 (free, inner span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation e: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 0.5

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 268.33 <- find this value to let equation e equal to 0
Sa0 300.00
Assumed θai 0.0382
Sa1 268.29
pa1 0.0384
fai 2.5000
nai 0.0093
Derived θai 0.0373
Hai 138.30
Tai 138.39
pa1 268.3521
θai Difference -0.0009

Final state
Paf 910.31
Assumed Taf 1069.11
θaf 0.4398
Laf 268.47
faf 57.15
Derived Taf 1069.11
Taf difference 0.00

S9 (free, outer span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 55324.8 *fsi - 933606000 =0
Span coeff(c1) 0.5 1.79E-06 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 300.00 600.00
fsi 1.8903 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0063 0.0079
θsi 0.0252 0.0317
Hsi 228.65 362.94
Tsi 228.72 363.13
Lsi 300.0318 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 330.05 Equation c: 0.00 <- calculation zone
Assumed fsm 7.5239 Equation d: 0.00 <- calculation zone
x 159.20 <- find this value to let above equation c equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 159.3819 159.3819
Lsm (right part -2) 140.9966 440.8600
Tsm 2725.7835 870.8869
Derived fsm 7.5226 <- find this value to let above equation d equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 159.3819 159.3819
Lsm (right part -2) 140.9966 440.8599
fsm difference 0.00
Next assumed fsm 7.5236

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 2188.13 Equation c: 0.00 <- calculation zone
Assumed fsf 14.1553 Equation d: 0.00 <- calculation zone
x 159.24 <- find this value to let above equation c equal to 0
Lsf (left part -1) 159.8669 159.8669
Lsf (right part -2) 141.4710 440.9883
Tsf 9632.7270 3078.6474
Derived fsf 14.1550 <- find this value to let above equation d equal to 0
Lsm (left part -1) 159.8669 159.8669
Lsm (right part -2) 141.4709 440.9882
fsf difference 0.00
Next assumed fsf 14.1552

S9 (free, outer span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation e: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 1

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 584.99 <- find this value to let equation e equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0341
Sa1 584.96
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0085
Derived θai 0.0342
Hai 328.68
Tai 328.87
Lai 585.0749
θai Difference 0.0001

Final state
Paf 922.48
Assumed Taf 2180.82
θaf 0.2131
Laf 585.58
faf 61.92
Derived Taf 2180.81
Taf difference 0.00

S9 (free, inner span):
E 1.60E+07

Side Cable
3 2
Cable Number(c1) 1 Equation b(cable 1): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c1) 0.5 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c1)
3 2
Cable Number(c2) 1 Equation b(cable 2): 1.38E+08 *fsi - 221299.2 *fsi - 1.4938E+10 =0
Span coeff(c2) 2 3.81E-05 <- fsi calculation zone(c2)
S 300

Initial state
cable 1 cable 2
ps 0.0384 0.0384
As 0.1350 0.1350
Ss 600.00 600.00
fsi 4.7636 4.7636 <- find this value to let equation b equal to 0
nsi 0.0079 0.0079
θsi 0.0317 0.0317
Hsi 362.94 362.94
Tsi 363.13 363.13
Lsi 600.1009 600.1009

Intermediate state under across cable self-weight

cable 1 cabel 2
Psm 323.92 Equation f: 0.00 <- Calculation zone
Assumed fsm 10.4518
Lsm (left part -1) 450.1214 150.3637
Lsm (right part -2) 150.3637 450.1214
Tsm 1746.2567 1746.2567
Derived fsm 10.4537 <- find this value to let above equation f equal to 0
fsm difference 0.00
Next assumed fsm 10.4523

Final State
cable 1 cable 2
Psf 1948.14 Equation f: 0.00 <- Calculation zone
Assumed fsf 19.0499
Lsf (left part -1) 450.4030 151.2048
Lsf (right part -2) 151.2048 450.4030
Tsf 5788.3710 5788.3710
Derived fsf 19.0497 <- find this value to let above equation f equal to 0
fsf difference 0.00
Next assumed fsf 19.0498

S9 (free, inner span) (cont’d):
Across Cable (Sag control)
Cable Number 1 Equation e: 0.00 <- La0 calculation zone
Span coeff 1

Initial state
pa0 0.0384
Aa 0.1350
La0 579.14 <- find this value to let equation e equal to 0
Sa0 600.00
Assumed θai 0.0353
Sa1 579.11
pa1 0.0384
fai 5.0000
nai 0.0086
Derived θai 0.0345
Hai 322.14
Tai 322.33
pa1 579.2246
θai Difference -0.0008

Final state
Paf 922.25
Assumed Taf 1937.17
θaf 0.2403
Laf 579.66
faf 68.99
Derived Taf 1937.17
Taf difference 0.00


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