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GAVOICE © 9.1710 | Vol. 1, Pg Led Bidz tUe Three recent killings put . LGBT community on edge , He] Thousands celebrate > WR eact Seamer coer about coming out as | REALESTATE your home for fal Met aad 7 Teena ays ASST aT = Oo NALLEY BMW =, SUPPORTS GA VOICE. Driving Machine = | —_ 2010 BMW —s 2010 BMW 3 SERIES 1 SERIES 328i Convertible 2010 BMW 135i Convertible Msi X3 XDR30i us 9,920 $499 berinontn : $499 poriicin nlease, 10K miles plus tax 236 month ease, 10K miles oe SAGO Fr versear at doom frien seeaanee signing with approved credit. signing with approved credit. ITHAS TO BE I BM W 1-866-416-8811 | 1606ChurchStreet | Decatur,GA30033 | GAVOICE 09.17.10 iz ‘tanta pole respond to recent (aye sootigs, Page Cans oa: tanta poe faely imine Anta ale patrons Page 8 Former pole 68 aon ages sen crimination, age 8 Samat start Quer Pome March Pode et ata cede Page 10 State of ack Gay rid Suma calor ‘ors tebe cis Page 2 ‘Bon as abou coming out as trarsingaic eye Page Fede jude nes ADT ‘corte Page hing Out Readers debate ned for Bax oy Pie Page 6 ie ater Carton: Sees of Sie Page 16 ‘tanta oer Guts elect sigs Page 18 Design anlar Page 20 6 couples ee caution Joc hone ucts Page 22 Dg ay entetiigatare Page 24 Falisperetinetospuce ‘ome dcr Pape 27 ‘Tester ana Detar does Daly 9108, Page 28 a: Rai show rigs tack ‘ay sues Forte Page 29 Upcoming evens hgniot ‘ese rests Pog 30 Nort spit he eat Founeaton’ nau a Page 32 sires pti 80 Nat oor celebrates 30 yes Page 32 OUTSPOKEN tHe own worDs “Perez Hilton calld me douchebag so | had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his but still made me feel better.” “p50 Cet sonra ag on ecb, above en eet ihe {thenereg ma seen tomas BY THE NUMBERS 24,000 strated gay couples inthe US. tat elt ‘ot ln parte Te Ung ean Fars et wel alo hem tsar hae partes ration 11 million Estimated undecumented immigrants the Unted States. ether t inde gay ‘ups incorpretensve inmigaton| reforms under debate, Cant tree 1 9 Topher Payne is innit ppc ‘Domestically Disturbed’ ear et meron | mrt 2 Sener | Seat Seer | seemeheese (Shee: meet Geceseasicee | Serer seme serene” | Seater ‘Making light of violence against LGBT people ina time when vio- lent hate crimes are still regu: larly perpetrated against our community isnot only deeply offensive, but also potentially inflammatory.” iB (ton ‘And thank you to all the gays for remaking this video over ‘and over again. {encanta “think we should just try to make heterosexual divorce illegal” ieton casemate many Sores et Crime wave or coincidence? Atlanta police: No reason to believe three recent killings in LGBT community are related By Dyan Bagh haghyatingoce com In the span of evo weeks, tee people at leet sce wh the Anis LGBT com uy have bee ill And whe the Aa Pelle Department sees that ay peopl te rox being gee, dee fa baz fom some asking “Whats going on? Are wesafe™ Apes in, thee wee 62 mies ‘Adan ts ear with tee Knowingly ead 1a the LGBT population sad Major Kei endows, commander of the Aan Police Deparen’s Major Crimes Seton, dring at inervew Mont is ofice Pubic Sty Headqinrs on Pace Set ural Robson of Tin Aan, the py Deca glo and pay proton te, vs gunned down in che mille of Hdl efor ane fhe igs weekend of he year forex — Aan Black Gay Pie leven days Tt, on Sep 5,40 young men — Sambal Blizz, 21, a Georgia Sie Cavin Senter, 26 of Aaa — were fond Shot io death ina Riehnond Cele apartment in soutbeas Anta afer pice said hey Dad atepded Black Gay Pride evens. Police ofl are lk o poi ou tht ‘here no relhip between the shang and igh ow hee so rot ha sexe ‘nate o perceived sex renin layed Brolin nyo thls. Ards ple we hve at ben able ode vee a isi Meads, Busch vnet crimes impacingtheL GBT ‘community win dys ofeach othe. as wells ‘ete crimes nels open pe this yea, hve put some cites ot eae ‘Mesdows. saan ices In Avon's {LGBT population could be bend he nese inrepre crimes iveving LGBT vic, “Davis you hve an ces ary seg of sity you node a en In ‘me hess Tes abo more accepted now fr pie 1 sc the sea eenton of vcs han ‘APD 25 yas go, ead As faa an increas In he LGBT pop te In Ada, Mesfows sai the APD does athe sts to prove ts torecrch tas we move ford We ve tobe mid ht we move fra ok Inga ese asso Juge ther nial Mejor Keith Meade Ana Pace Depa si pace donot ve ay vie a ve ‘Suave Ph by Dyna Bay) ‘mei and na the ote” ad ‘Not much aes oa) for cata ow many LOBT pepe ive in Alara Bat the Willams Insite te UCLA School of Lam which tacks and reps same-sex couples In ‘ch ste bed on US. Conse day repre thar in 200 hte were 19288 samesex ca les ting inal of Georgia Tn 2085, he est mbes avaible, Gor ga same sex couples ined 24426, ely thetoa rowing wlingnesby gy and lan people dslose tha parmerspso the gov "nme Scot te Willams tine, "The Wiliams Insite aoe tht in 2 heer anes 27445 9, ke nan seal pea (glean cole) Inginallo Georg Notsupisingy he county ‘th the highest LGBT population wae Fo, ‘ih net 8 ame se copes. Police: We would tell if trend ‘Caras Campos, publica manages fr the APD, ntl ht there wre an vs thle the police woul be uc op tht Intmaton othe publi “I eurhemlcde people saw a wend in any thing emer again 9 community or ther fsreive tu geting tha inlomadon 10 Publi” Campo sald “Wehave noting gin in dying d's and everything tse Carp ade ‘Ant Meadows, who f ao stanger to the mela, aye aways wants to at mh = Formation poset the bic — witht ly tg ear mt geting that nor ‘maton oi and someone being victimized,” be ‘Si. "Espey with volt cies. “we want 0 do eveything we can wget ese ppl [rials] ot fear commu. It ecan do at ough eb, dant ave 2 problem” Meadows said if youre abl ale the pic show po- ‘etl danger everbody re its a pie ‘sofnfomacon, rm el bien pings furtere The mare information we puto he more we gt back" esa "Ya cn investigate 3 rer alone i Updates on recent cases Meadows provided updates on seve cen cassinvling Aana’s LGBT community Snel zz and (Calvin Sete kiled Sept 5: Paice continue oy to reac the tps of hese wo sue men, They wee den ‘rounds 10 the aad. Thee mas Sig Please see CRIME on Page 6 Atlanta police plan LGBT public safety seminars The Ata Poe Deparment continues tore out othe BT community nel ‘ole Seger ofthe cys popdan, nak or tah in og allen Cre Stoppers the Des ay og tp Topotce tose sone of ese canes eto Patel is Powel, te pole eparent' 8 aise wl conduc sees fl saley seis for LT pope ening Sep 23 Out Boake Sores ctesrase evel teed es aston tower ‘yor esse nanan emieanet hen possi se MS tetany Avi wag one tight tees abso ees. ep wl comment) tre ates. hl sis aca tetas, nak pres row were you aregarg prog roncrenae hid potently crs ston Aways pone wth youn case Younes tomate an emergeney cl Acre oan eergncy an appa tating ans be ree far everyting in arc. ané De anarect your suaundings. The aaa clas ercaryig a lecens cvs he pepe so Be careful who au itr wth on the inert on eal seo Contert simply chting wth apesan teers est rma | Ietodcal an patent ath Neston ad cane ou ito fei safe etre meeting n pubic and Then dtirg you carmting ater wilt at COSTA, BT Say ear Transat 2 ‘darn eat ‘aimee ata 9 ime steppes atta (areata Teatoones cia (estes Have your beer Fa and enjoy | it too: GENUINE |} DRAFT Recent cases with gay victims put community on edge ‘CRIME, conned from Page 4 Iie Meadows sad Blzzad ws fund dead nthe ving oom wile State was found ded in» bck room ths ee weed ae bsoom, There wee m0 Sigal astugge With he st vi ezad,hasel n dy postion, he was not under des, be ikaw twas coming” Meadows ad ‘Some of the withesses questioned id they had seen one the vici Stay, Black Gay Pride wih someone Hey did ow. Mesdows sald some information cat be dsclosed ght now as he Investigation ‘ines and leds ae racked down, He id Say the victims were not robbed afer hey were ile ‘Mesos sl call ata Pole LGBT Lisien Ofeer Paci Powll ote scene 1 alpine nso essere anf bcase of elena he ie “Oe Powel ends us eat dese stiviy and Reps wines navigate gh ‘he proces and lped us ge satenens,” Means si. alice reno even sar ifthe women were sy, be Ste wa see a Black ay re ‘he day btoe Meats didnt know where ‘lack Gay Pde the vii “The facta lst ee tm 38 at Back ‘ay Pride may’ ot playa ole the kl Ings, but al poses veto be elite, Mend. Tat Blizan's far Ive oot coftown sas an dale nesting the “thee sex oenaon ane he actual Officer Pin Powel wil coc a is of ue say semis forte LOBT commu (hon Dons a) ures theses — at his point pees tobe amr for us We have wo clinate Posies. Everhing they a ht yw Pay aol in saving the eas” esa Durand Reba, ke Ag 25: Mesos sad Rabinon wos a vicin of 2 ‘aang and ht eas shacousibe is Ford tockon Aug. 25 Police have song, eas inthis case, ‘Whether thelr made him et uo he ve Nl foe shot hime psd hi lle stotng him sat ea, howeve nthe ner fre we hope ot soe in ‘Bnotmevingalongas ike, bt weave tobe ly motical” Meadows said. ‘Wines said thy head showing sho ser I'am on Haack Steet and fen 6 aunshorwonto est “there were ote cumstances ate tothe ulumatesbooung,” Meadows did This lth a wh is se ‘nth pst elanships with peopl. Personal "ato." be si George Wall, atacked ly 10: ‘Ginger Johson A, confess othe uly 10 beating of Geage Walle, 31, an ofcer With the state Bea! of Pros 8 Paes Jotnson dl police he ook Walks ish and cellphone act. The wo ha et ste poi pir othe ‘cau, Jobeea tld investigatory” Carlos Campos, pb fais manager for the APD, ‘sidinastaeret king lac of th ga ar he Aaa Eg "Wale was beens severly ead Ben plac in medially ince coma and wat treed at ray Hosp He tah coms Campos said pice doa know Water's eval ventional have not lied the eating sa ae crime Transnde sex worker, attacked Jy: Pulce comin to uvesignt he ase of trrsginda sex water who was aacked 08 Jaly 3 by a ohn who did't want py be ‘The mae aacker shot tb, raring er an bff ne heres. Jesh bit, tached and robbed July 2 The gay socal jsice minister fom Sant Mak United Mets Church as tock and robe 3 inp in Pico ark eth Is end a they ee hina exer pi nie ly? ‘A goup of young men appoachd them and asked i they wee gy saying “shuld ‘shoop oa as fo tht” The rp walked {hay bar eomed ater and igh broke ot Bexween the young en and NBL al is fend: Somehow the vere atachrs called Ferbackp before police responded Semne seers ages 2-19 were aes, and vain in sy wing cal APD is ‘used hs an ot gay is cine Patrick Holand kil! May 28, 2008: wh as eft be a by his fay Yrs in Plednnt Pak ashes cig or ox He wasted ost here “We hd frat ths expe peop Tnives ok al howe caves sce she were velop. Unfoumtely i tbe murder case, there are oo wines al. Meadows si. ‘mo Pak hat ight We don’ knoe who. He ‘othr and is ca was parked na sprate Tocton, We proceeds veile — eon Pens ound were is” Meadows id There norman his pot ha he ating was elated othe throb chr thant a file wae te weapon al of he times, Meadows a Right no we've ck wall” esi Atlanta police report five anti-gay bias crimes for 2010 Sofa his yer, the Alama Pie De- partment has classed Hive reported res Ss anny bis eimes. A ol of 17 Bas ‘mes wich als Include race, gender ae religion, have been repred and lsd byAPD for 2010. 13 2009, toa of 20a rns, Ing ag bas ees, were repated tothe APD, In 2008, thre were lg at ay bias crimes reared ut ofa lof 24 bio crimes. 'A breakdown ofthe 2010 ay bas res rm APD eps + On June 19a 21-year od male ving on Lakeside Village Dive SE called police oreo tht srmeone had ow et hisear"TThe ic) satedthathe hasbeen having lots of problems ley with cag sin the complex. He sys the jveies ae tageing hm ands ends Deease they are openly ga" states an APD report On previous oecasons, [he victim) has ad arguments with some of the veils and they sed homosewal slurs aginst im and his fends" + OnJune24 a anonymous person called pice say he hd ard ror gay man ving wis andthe Ez 0 enue was the age of oi "The cll sted that. be ed ht there wasabi pot on ‘he young an. The eal also advised hat thet was placed on the young man de to his sex rentaton” No tnpects oF pos sible ici ou be ened. + Ina crime tht made local headline, eras in th aca wae marked with te ame fay men Rev. Josh Noblit 32, ad his kindof vandals. The pit was waste fend Tren Willams, 25, were robbed wih wero he vice was a dee. and eaten a gunpoint ia Pedant Park bya group af Young men. The young men + Also on ly 10, woman, age 3 r= asked Nobit and Willams, ae y'all gay pote to pie er ex-boytiend, Randal we should whoop yours for tha.” Po- Steenberg, wasting herald despite ize ested sb suspes shorty alr the court erer to hve calc th ber Inthe Incident. The suspects are ages L-19 and txt messages, Steenberg ep ang il al be charge as adults. They retain e was gon wo kl Rinse. He also vexed Incusay awating ial Ie was ging ill one of his ex iiends ‘ends ang the eda "ag" none et, +n uly 10,26¢ear old woman parked Serene sd he was atthe Kioge ot hex Chewy Tato on Spiller NE The Monee Dive. Plce wee the Kroge and ext dy she found vandal wih pai located him and aested him, charging hin ‘eth wardsuchas "Love Nigges”“TLove with errs thas no Pas” “ve Fag a wel a r= Ings of ale and female etal Seer —Dyuna Bagby

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