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Nicholas Cook

Module 9

1. A. The class is struggling with subtraction, with the class averaging just 66% of subtraction
questions correct, and addition might still need a little work too with a 75% average
B. The range between best score and lowest is extreme, from 100 – 40, which might signal that
Luke especially didn’t understand, but the mode at 53% tells me he wasn’t alone in not

2. Juan did well in both addition and subtraction, achieving perfect scores in both.
Holly got every question on addition correct, but got just 60% of subtraction, similar to Molly
getting 80% in addition and 20% in subtraction, further telling me subtraction is a huge problem
Cody was one of the few students to do better in subtraction, getting 100% and just 80% in
addition – while getting a total at 93% with a perfect division section

3. Luke struggled. 40% on both addition and subtraction tells me he might need some special
Nathan got a total of 47%, but did okay on addition with 60%, his score drug down by his
subtraction issues at 20%
Patrick, Molly, and Claire made the mode of the class with 53% each, and all 3 suffered from
their subtraction and division scores after displaying some skill at addition with 80,80, and 60%

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