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Enquiries-Fast Path-Images


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Copyright © 2010 Temenos Headquarters SA
Conventions Used

 Applications in T24 are represented in BOLD UPPERCASE letters

 The fields in the applications are mentioned in UPPERCASE letters

 This learning unit is workshop based

Slide 2

After completing this course you will be able to -

 Create Drill Down Enquiries in T24

 Understand Context Based Workflow in T24

 Create Fast Path Enquiries

Slide 3
Drilldowns Enquiries

 ENQUIRY application fetches reports from the applications in T24

 Can you view the customer information of a particular customer from an

enquiry based on the LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS application?

 In T24 you can navigate from one enquiry to another

 The process of linking two or more enquiries is known as drilldowns

Slide 4
Task 1 - Drilldowns

 Create an Enquiry based on the LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS application

with the following fields - @ID , CUSTOMER.NO, CURRENCY, AMOUNT,

 Using this Enquiry invoke another Enquiry which is based on the

CUSTOMER application. The Enquiry based on the CUSTOMER application
has the following fields – CUSTOMER.NO, MNEMONIC, SHORT.NAME &

Slide 5
Drilldown Enquiry

Slide 6
Drilldown Enquiry

Slide 7
Drilldown Enquiry

Field in the child Enquiry Field defined in the parent Enquiry

Slide 8

Parent Enquiry

Child Enquiry

Slide 9
Workshop 1

 Create an Enquiry based on the ACCOUNT application and display the


 Create an Enquiry based on the FUNDS.TRANSFER application which

displays the following fields – TRANSACTION.TYPE, DEBIT.ACCT.NO,

 The user should be able to view the FT details of a particular account

from the account enquiry

Slide 10
Task 2 – Context Based Workflows

 Create an Enquiry based on the CUSTOMER application and display the

following fields @ID and SHORT.NAME.

 Using this Enquiry invoke a Version that creates Account for the Customers.

 Can you invoke a Version from an Enquiry ?

The ENQUIRY application in T24 allows you to invoke the other
applications . This is known as Context based Workflow.

Slide 11
Context-Based Workflows

Slide 12
Amend the Version

Slide 13
Amend the Enquiry

Slide 14
Amend the Enquiry

Slide 15

Slide 16
Task 3 – Fast Path Enquiry

 Create an Enquiry based on the FUNDS.TRANSFER application and

display the following fields @ID,TRANSACTION.TYPE, DEBIT.ACCT.NO,

 The Enquiry should also allow you to perform the following function on
records displayed
 (A)uthorise
 (D)elete

Slide 17
Create the Enquiry

Slide 18
Creating the Enquiry

Slide 19

 Use the check boxes, to select one or more records

 Choose the appropriate fast path action and click on the push button.

 The green flag denotes that the action on a record is successful

 The red flag denotes that the operation on the record has failed for some

Slide 20

 Note that all the transactions have been successfully completed, however the
display will show the message with the last transaction ID

Slide 21
Task 4 – Fast Path Enquiry

 Create an enquiry for the CUSTOMER application with the following two
fields - @ID and SECTOR .Make the field SECTOR editable

 In the enquiry output screen, meaning the person executing the enquiry is
allowed to change the value displayed on the screen for the field SECTOR
and then save the changes to the database. Use CUSTOMER live file.

Slide 22
Create the Enquiry

Slide 23

Slide 24
Workshop - 2

 Create an enquiry for the SECTOR application with the following two fields –
DESCRIPTION & SHORT.NAME. Make the SHORT.NAME field as editable

 The Enquiry should also allow you to perform the following function on
records displayed
 (A)uthorise
 (R)everse

Slide 25
Task 5 – Images in Enquiry

 Create an enquiry based on the LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS

application that displays the fields
 ID

 The enquiry must display an image in the first column (indicating

critical) if the amount is above 100000

Slide 26
Create the Enquiry

Slide 27
Create the Enquiry

Slide 28
Create the Enquiry

 These are the fields that are actually going to be displayed after the ID

Slide 29

Slide 30
Context Sensitive Enquiries

 Context sensitive enquiries supply context sensitive data from an

application to an enquiry.

 Replaces the need to specify enquiry selection criteria via the enquiry
selection screen.

 Application Level Context Enquiries are loaded when an application is


 Field Level Context Enquiries are triggered when the user tabs out of a
particular field.

 The CONTEXT.ENQUIRY application in T24 allows you to create

context enquiries.

 Can be setup to auto-launch another ENQUIRY, APPLICATION or a


Slide 31
Application Context enquiries -Task

 Context Enquiries can be triggered in a number of ways.

 On opening a particular application, version or enquiry
 On entering some data in a field
 On committing a record.

 Application Context Enquiries is made available in the ‘Deal Menu’

dropdown in browser

Attach a pie chart enquiry as a context enquiry for the

LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS Application in T24

Slide 32

Slide 33

Slide 34
Auto-Launching Field Level Context Enquiries - Task

 Field Level context enquiries are attached to certain fields in an

application or a version.

 Fields that have Auto-Launching context enquiries have the icon

next to field label.

Attach the pie chart enquiry created earlier to the ‘CURRENCY’

field of the LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS application. When the user
tabs out of the currency field, the pie chart enquiry has to be

Slide 35

Slide 36

Slide 37

Slide 38

Slide 39

 Drill-downs in enquiries lets you to link an enquiry to a version – True /


 In order to use the fast path enquiry function, the ATTIBUTES field need to
be set to FAST PATH – True / False

 A field in an enquiry record can be edited if the field FIELD.DISP.TYPE is

set to EDIT for the specific field – True / False

 In the enquiry the field FIELD.DISP.TYPE is set to IMAGE to display an

image if the given condition is true - True / False

 NO.AUTO.LAUNCHES attribute disables auto launch of a context based

enquiries in T24.

Slide 40

 An Enquiry is a ‘SELECT’ executed in order to fetch data from T24

 ATTRIBUTES field is set to FASTPATH to create Fast Path Enquiries

 FIELD.DISP.TYPE field is set to EDIT if the fields value can be edited

in the enquiry output

 FIELD.DISP.TYPE field is set to IMAGE to display an image.

Slide 41
Enquiries-Fast Path – Images - A Review

In this learning unit you have learnt drilldowns, workflows, fast path
enquiries in T24.

You will now be able to,

 Create Drill Down Enquiries in T24

 Understand Context Based Workflow in T24

 Create Fast Path Enquiries

Slide 42
Thank You


These training materials are the copyrighted work of Temenos Headquarters SA and other companies in the TEMENOS group of companies
(The Copyright Owner). The training materials contain protected logos, graphics and images. Use of the training materials is restricted solely for
use by licensed end users, partners and employees. Any un-licensed reproduction by any means, redistribution, editing, transformation,
publishing, distribution, or public demonstration of the training materials whether for commercial or personal gain is expressly prohibited by law,
and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible. Such training materials shall
not be represented, extracted into or included in part, or in whole, as part of any other training documentation without the express permission of
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clear and prominent notice must be displayed on any and all documentation accrediting the Copyright Owner with having copyright over the
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Without limiting the foregoing, copying or reproduction of the training materials in part or in whole to any other sever or location for further
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Copyright © 2010 Temenos Headquarters SA

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