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Veterinary Health Requirements for Importation of Cattle / Buffalo

1. Australia is free from foot and Mouth Disease (all strains) , Vesicular Stomatitis, Rinderpest,
Contagious Pleuro Pneumonia, Lumpy Skin Disease, Rift Valley Fever, Rabies, Screw Worm,
Bovine Brucellosis, Bovine Tuberculosis , Malignant Catarrhal Fever (AHV-1 wildebeest
associated/sheep associated), Theileria (Parva), Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis/ IPV (
BHVI.2a) , Trypanosomiasis, and Bovine spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and vaccination
against these afore mentioned diseases is not practiced in exporting country.
2. Herd of Origin
The herd of origin has had no reported cases of Anthrax, EBL, Johnes Disease (
Paratuberculosis), Bluetongue, Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Mucosal Disease( BVD/ MD ) Infectious
Bovine Rhinotrachitis/ Infectious Pustular Vulvovaginitis (IBR/IPV)
2.1 Bovine Babesiosis and Bovine Anaplasmosis for the last twelve (12) months.
2.2 No animals in the herd have shown any clinical signs of the following diseases for at least
three (3) months prior to export : Leptospirsis, Q Fever, Bovine Dermatopholosis, Genital
Campylobacteriosis and Trichomoniasis.
3 Details of the Animals
3.1 The animals have been identified by a visible ear tag
3.2 The animals have been kept since birth in exporting country.
3.3 The animals have never been fed ruminant protein except milk protein.
3.4 The cattle have been kept in quarantine station for the last 30 days prior to shipment and
were subjected to a diagnosetic test for IBR.IPV on a blood sample on two occasions with
negative results, at an interval of not less than 21 days.
3.5 The Animals have been examined with in 72 hours of shipment and showed no clinical
of infectious or contagious disease and are fit to travel .
3.6 The animals should be virgin heifers which have only been AI mated in order to protect
them from possible infection with Campylobacteriosis or Trichomoniasis or they have been
tested for these diseases by agent identification while in pre-export isolation.
3.7 The animals have been vaccinated against Babesiosis and Anaplasmosis, not less than thirty
(30) days and not more than 3 months prior to embarkation.
3.8 The animals show no clinical sign of Infection with Epizootic Haemorrhagic Disease (EHD)
and were protected from attacks from Culicoides in a Vector –protected Establishment for
at least 28 days prior to shipment and during transportation to the place of shipment, and
were subjected to serological test to detect antibodies to EHDV group, with negative results
during that period, carried out at least 28 days after introduction into the vector protected
3.9 The animals have been vaccinated against Leptospirosis (Pomona and hardjo) not less than
twenty one (21) days and not more than three (3) months prior to embarkation.
3.10 The animals have been vaccinated with “5 in 1” for Clostridial diseases not less than twenty
one (21) days and not more than 3 months prior to embarkation.
3.11 The animals have been treated for internal and external parasites within seven (7) days
of embarkation.
3.12 The animals should be originated from a property free of Anthrax for at least twenty (20)
days prior to export and the animals showed no clinical signs of Anthrax on the day of
3.13 The farms where the animals have been selected have had no reported cases of EBL for the
previous two years.
3.14 The cattle have been sourced from farms that have no reported cases of BVD and
Salmonella Dublin for the last 12 months immediately prior to shipment.
3.15 The cattle have been tested for antigen against BVD using the ELISA within 21 days prior to shipment.
Health protocol may vary from time to time according to the disease status reported to OIE and
health status of the exporting country.

Dr. (Mrs.) HMTK Ratnayake

Director/ Veterinary Regulatory Affairs

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