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By: Courtney Hearl

Shakespeare is believed to live
450 years ago which is why
somethings about his life are

Early Life unsure when and what really

happened. He is believed to be
born on April 23, 1564. He went to
Stratford grammar school. He was
the oldest child to survive.
Marriage and Children
William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway when he was 18. They had
three children. Shakespeare moved to London and it is not sure on why he
did. It is thought that him and his wife might have separated or he went to
London for theater. Anne Hathaway remained living in Stratford. The only son
of Shakespeare died at the age of 11.
London Theater
For more than 20 years
Shakespeare worked in the London
Theater. He gradually kept
becoming more and more famous.
He wrote plays, acted, and was a
businessman in the theater. Due to
Shakespeare living so long ago, it is
unsure what made him famous and
how he started his career.
Final Years
Shakespeare was very successful
with Lord Chamberlain’s Men and
invested in real-estate. He bought
the second biggest house in New
Place in 1597. He is believed to
have died on his birthday. His
brother-in-law passed a week
before him. It is uncertain the cause
of his death but some believe it was
due to diseases.
The globe opened in 1599. The
globe was one of the first
playhouses that Shakespeare
performed some of his famous
Playhouses and the plays. It later burned while one of
Shakespeare’s plays was being
Globe performed. This happened in
1613. In 1614, the Globe was
Theaters and Palaces
Playhouses like the Globe were
good when the weather was nice. If
it was windy, rainy, or the weather
is not right it is hard to have a play
outside. In 1609, Shakespeare and
his company opened an indoor
theater. Indoor productions
occurred more in the winter.
Audience Experience
A penny was the cost to stand in the playhouse yard with no shelter to watch a
play. If you paid two pennies you could sit on the balcony. Indoor theaters
costed more than outdoor theaters. Outdoor theaters held more people.
While watching plays, some would drink wine and eat snacks.
Actors, Costumes, and Staging
Shakespeare plays usually had men
playing the role of women. Actors
in the plays singed and danced.
Costumes were not typically
accurate to the time period that
was being acted out. There were
not many props used in the plays.
Stage exits were visible to the
viewers. Actors could exit the stage
from the front, back, left, or right.
Shakespeare’s plays have been
performed around the world
Stage and Screen after since Shakespeare lived. There
has also been hundreds of films
Shakespeare made of his plays.

Bulfinch, Thomas. “Pyramis and Thisbe.”, 2015. Web. 25 February, 2013.

Folger Shakespeare Library. Folger Shakespeare Library, 2015. Web. (February 5, 2018).

“Myths.” LessonSnips. LessonSnips, 2009. Web. 20 February, 2013.

“Romeo and Juliet Summary.” Shmoop University, 2014 Web. (February 5, 2018).

“Shakespeare’s Stage.” Shmoop University, 2014 Web. (February 5, 2018).

Standard Deviant School Shakespeare Tragedies: Module 1: Intro to Shakespeare. Discovery

Education. Cerebellum, 2001. Web. (February 5, 2018).

Standard Deviant School Shakespeare Tragedies: Module 2: What is Tragedy? Discovery Education.

Cerebellum, 2001. Web. (February 5, 2018).

“The History of Romeo and Juliet.” Greek and Roman Myths. Cranbury, CT: Learning Links, Inc., 2005.


“William Shakespeare.” A & E Networks, LLC, 2015. Web. (February 5, 2018).

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