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BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mke Carberry, Chairperson Kurt M. Friese Lisa Green-Douglass, Vice Chairperson Janelle Rettig Rod Sulivan pi, 2018 ‘lla R Peterson, Exseutive Director lowa tate Association of Counies 5500 Westown Parkway, Sue 180 ‘West Des Moines, IA 50266 Dear Mr. Peterson, “Te Johnson County Board of Sspervisors i concemed as to the potential consequences of SF4B, the so- called "Sanctuary Ces" bil, wich the governor recent signed into la, We ae contacting you to ask that 'sACreach out tots memberstp tose if ther counties share this concern and have interest in discussing actions that we may elaborate onto show our oppastion to ths aw. This aw is lscriminatry,dvsve and willhave a ching effect on our immigrant communities. wil damage the trusting lationship that local law enforcement offical have Bu with immigrants who Ive ‘and work within ther jurisdictions. ls these trusting relationships which have helped to create asafer "nvirnment forall communities, The fet ofthis in will make communities les safe by making Immigrants fearful of reporingerimes or acting as witnesses because oftheir immigration status, “Ther ae no sanctuary cities or counties in ow, The Johnson County Sheri and Board of Supervisors previously released a pint statement explaining that the Sheriffs Office would not honar voluntary detsines Feauests or asst in CE immigration enforcement ras. Additonal, the Board of Supervisors has comtted ‘to participating in the Welomg ities and Counties Cohort in an effort to create an environment that = receptive to immigrants, and that unlocks the fll potential fall members ofthe community, ‘This new aw s another ina sare of encroachments upon loca contol by the Sate, As lca elected ofa, we belive that we ae best able to represent the interest of our constituents regarding mates of local ‘concern, We ae accountable forthe safety and welfare of cur communities We believe the ably of {governments below the state level to make their own decison, forthe benelt oftheir consttents ‘we are hopeful thatthe SAC rembership shares our concer and ae intrested In entering into dlogue to find eoutions forthe concequerces of thisil-consiered lv. Please contact me if you have any questions. sake Carberry Chairperson ‘03 Sou Dubuque Sret + lowa City, lowe 62240» 318.266-6000 "wrung coun com + Joeoncountya nom

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