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International Conference

Computer Games / Players / Game Cultures:

State and Perspectives of Digital Game Studies

At the same time: Spring Conference of the Media Education Commission

of the German Association for Educational Science

Conference Location: Building 05, University Campus, Universitätsplatz 2, Magdeburg

Conference Office: Room G05-116


Wednesday 18 March 2009

Arrival: From 7:00 p.m.: pre-conference get-together of speakers,

presenters and participants in the Restaurant Bistro Le Cochon
(Hegelstraße 39) in Magdeburg

Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Department for the Humanities, Social an Educational Sciences
Institute for Educational Science
Head of Pedagogical Media Research and Adult Education

In Cooperation with
Media Education Commission of the German Association for Educational Science
Centre for Social Worlds Research and Methods: Health – Profession – Media
Thursday 19 March 2009

from Registration in the conference office, Room 116

Forum for PhD-students Forum for PhD-students
(Track 1: English) (Track 2: German)
Chair: Johannes Fromme Chair: Heinz Moser
Room 209 Room 205
9:15 Susanne Eichner (Potsdam, D): Brigitte Gasser (Zürich, CH):
Involvement through Agency in Video Die Rolle von Empathie in der Realität und in
Games, TV and Film virtuellen Welten
10:05 Betty Li Meldgaard (Aalborg, DK): Niklas Schrape (Potsdam, D):
Ecological Perception, Game World Layout, Die Rhetorik der Computerspiele am Beispiel
Players’ Perceptual Situatedness von PEACEMAKER
10:55 Coffee break, Room 210
11:10 Patrick Ruckdeschel (Erlangen, D): Anja Hawlitschek (Erfurt, D):
Video Games as Functional Platforms Spielend lernen in der Schule. Serious Games
zwischen Entertainment und Education
12:00 Souvik Mukherjee (Nottingham, UK): Christoph Eisemann (Ludwigsburg, D):
EgoShooting in Chernobyl: Identity and Audiovisuelle Selbstdarstellung auf YouTube
Subject(s) in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R Games
12:50 Lunch Break, Room 210
1:15 p.m. Official opening of the conference - Welcome Notes:
• Vice Chancellor (Rektor) of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Prof. Dr. Klaus
Erich Pollmann
• Dean of the Department for the Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences, Prof. Dr.
Winfried Marotzki
• Chair of the Media Education Commission of the German Association of Educational
Science, Prof. Dr. Heinz Moser
• Department for Politically Less Interested Target Groups, Federal Agency for Civic
Education, Bonn, Arne Busse
2:00 p.m. Keynote 1: MMO Morality
Richard Bartle (University of Essex, UK)
Chair: Ben Bachmair
Room 205 (plus live Video-Stream in Room 209)
3:00 p.m. Coffee break, Room 210
Panel 1 (German): Pädagogische und Panel 2 (English): Users and uses of
lernorientierte Zugänge computer games
Chair: Sven Kommer Chair: Alexander Unger
Room 205 Room 209
3:30 p.m. Konstantin Mitgutsch (Wien, A): Dorothee M. Meister & Jörg Müller-
Lernen Sie noch oder spielen Sie schon? Lietzkow (Paderborn, D):
Computer games in the context of young
people’s media activities
4:20 p.m. Dominik Petko (Goldau, CH): Malin Sveningsson Elm (Karlstad, S):
awwware – Ein komplexes Mini-Game zur “Pity there’s so few girls!” Attitudes to female
Förderung von kritischer participation in a Swedish gaming context
5:10 p.m. Coffee break, Room 210
5:30 p.m. Franz Lehner (Passau, D): Jan Keilhauer (Leipzig, D):
Computer- und Onlinespiele zum Training Online-Gamers: Empirical data about modern
von Sozialkompetenzen – Versuch einer media worlds of young people
Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung
6:20 p.m. Matthias Bopp (Tübingen, D): Steve Dahlskog (Malmö, S):
Zentrale Gegenstände und Aufgaben der Playing Together: Revisiting Rules and
Computerspielpädagogik Repertoire
7:10 p.m. End of panel sessions
8:00 p.m. Meeting for dinner at the L~Be (Mediterranean Restaurant on the river Elbe, Schleinufer
30) – the buffet is included in the conference fee, drinks for one’s own account.
Supporting programme: MillerJazzBand

Friday 20 March 2009

9:00 Keynote 2: The Challenge of Measuring the Use of Computer Games

Christoph Klimmt (University of Mainz)
Chair: Winfred Kaminski
Room 205 (plus live Video-Stream in Room 209)
10:00 Coffee Break, Room 210
Panel 3 (German): Panel 4 (English):
Computerspiele und Gesellschaft The player-game-relation
Chair: Lothar Mikos Chair: Christoph Klimmt
Room 205 Room 209
10:30 Rolf F. Nohr (Braunschweig, D): Daniel Pietschmann & Georg Valtin
(Chemnitz, D):
Die Produktion gesellschaftlichen und
subjektiven Wissens im Computerspiel am The effect of authentic input devices on
Beispiel von Strategiespielen computer game immersion
11:20 Sven Jöckel (Hannover, D) Elke Hemminger
& Leyla Dogruel (Berlin, D): (Schwäbisch Gmünd, D):

Aber die anderen spielen das doch auch – Mergence of Spaces. MMORPG User-Practice
Medienwahl, Restriktionen und and Everyday Life
Regulierungsstrategien bei Computer- und
12:10 Lunch break, Room 210
1:00 p.m. Christian Swertz (Wien, A): Monica Mayer (Bamberg, D):
Computerspielesucht. Eine Annährung aus Why playing games is better than living lifes
pädagogischer Perspektive – Motivation, emotion and cognition based on
digital games
1:50 p.m. Serjoscha Wiemer (Braunschweig, D): Katharina Stephenson (Wien, A):
Interface-Analyse und strategisches Immersion into Intermediate Areas – Danger
Wissen in Echtzeitstrategiespielen or Developmental Challenge?
2:40 p.m. Coffee break, Room 210
3:10 p.m. Keynote 3: The strange case of the disappearance of sex in video games
Tanya Krzywinska (Brunel University West London, UK)
Chair: Richard Bartle
Room 205 (plus live Video-Stream in Room 209)
4:10 p.m. Coffee break, Room 210
4:40 p.m. Keynote 4 (per Videokonferenz): Simulations, Games, and the Next Generation of
Eric Klopfer (MIT, Boston, USA)
Chair: Tanya Krzywinska
Room 205 (plus live Video-Stream in Room 209)
5:40 p.m. Break
6:00 p.m. Poster-Session, Room 208
until Poster-presentations from Ravi Purushotma (Boston, USA), Steffen Malo (Rostock, D) &
7:30 p.m. Thorben Wist (Bonn, D), Rolf Kretschmann (Stuttgart, D), Dominik Härig (Marburg, D),
Eva Duven (Mainz, D), Karsten Wolf (Bremen, D), Regina Friess (Berlin, D), Ralf Biermann
(Magdeburg, D), Stefanie Krauel (Leipzig, D)
Chair: Anja Hartung, Bernd Schorb
7:00 p.m. Meeting of members of the Media Education Meeting AG Games
Commission Room 209
Room 205

Saturday 21 March 2009

Panel 5 (English): Panel 6 (English): Computer games and

Game and player cultures game analysis
Chair: Ralf Biermann Chair: Britta Neitzel
Room 205 Room 209
9:00 Tanja Adamus (Duisburg, D): Aki Järvinen (Copenhagen, DK):
E-Sport – in search of an educational Emotional analysis of computer game designs
explanation for a new research field
9:50 Judith Ackermann (Bonn, D): Connie Veugen (Amsterdam, NL):
Playing computer gaming as social Computer Games as a Comparative Medium:
interaction. An analysis of LAN-Parties a few cautious remarks
10:40 Coffee Break, Room 210
11:00 Jutta Zaremba (Frankfurt, D): Felix Raczkowski (D):
The Gender-Offensive: Female Gaming “And what do you play?” Games and Genres
Cultures between shooters and marketing – Considerations for a Genre Theory of
Computer Games
11:50 Jeffrey Wimmer (Bremen, D): Daniel Martin Feige
(Frankfurt a.M., D):
Digital game cultures as prototypes of
mediatisation and individualisation Computer Games as Works of Art?
12:40 Lunch break, Room 210
1:30 p.m. Keynote 5: Growing Game Worlds
Michael Nitsche (Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA)
- Chair: Johannes Fromme
Room 205 (plus live Video-Stream in Room 209)
2:30 p.m. Coffee break, Room 210
Panel 5 (continued): Game and player Panel 6 (continued): Computer games
cultures and game analysis
Chair: Ralf Biermann Chair: Britta Neitzel
Room 205 Room 209
3:00 p.m. Caja Thimm (Bonn, D): Stephan Günzel (Potsdam, D):
Second Life – Computer Game or Virtual The mediality of computer games
3:50 p.m. 4 p.m. Paolo Ruffino (Bologna, I):
Press conference
The videogame that never was
Room 116
4:40 p.m. Break
5:00 p.m. Panel-discussion: “Computer game addiction” – the description and handling of excessive
Chair: Bernd Schorb
Participants: Bernward Hoffmann (Münster, D – GMK: Association for Media Education
and Communication Culture), Heinz Moser (Zürich, CH – Media Education Commission of
the German Association for Educational Science), Kai W. Müller (Mainz, D), Jens
Wiemken (Vechta, D)
Room 205 (plus live Video-Stream in Room 209)
6:30 p.m. End of the conference

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