Noblex+14TC612G 20TC613G 21TC621G

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MODELOS: 147C612G, 20TC613G y 21TC621G 44TC6126 20TC6136 24TC621G Alimentaciéi ‘100 a 240 VCA AUTOMATICO ‘Consumo: Saw. TOW EW. Pantalla: i# [34m] 20° [51 om] 27 [53 om] Sistema de TV: Pai N, Pal M, NTSC o/ automatico Canales de recepcion: 181 CATV norma M ‘Audio: ‘Wino Mono) Sistema stereo: MTS con SAP [Potencia de audio: 25WRms 2.5 WRms 25 W Rms por canal 400 mV, 47 K Ohms: 1 Vpp, 75 Ohms. Dimensiones: 462 x 333 x 366 596 x 440 x 460 602 x 453 x 476 | Peso: 40K9 6 Kg 207 Kg | La Empresa se reserva el derecho de modificar total o parcialmente las especificaciones de este producto. H-613NX CHASSIS SERVICE MANUAL 14",20"21” COLOR TELEVISION *FS(Frequency Synthesizer) Tuning System * CATV Available * Audio/Video Input Terminal *** ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION = *** Antenna Impedance : 7Sohm unbalanced type Tuning Range VHF SECTION : CH.2- W+11 UHF SECTION : CH.W+12-69 Power Input : ac 110¥/220V,S0/60Hz Color system : NTSC Power Consumption : 65Watts(14"),75 Watts(20"21") Cabinet : Plastic Portable CONTENT *#* safety Instructions General Alignment Instructions Method of Adjustment For chassis Trouble Shooting Charts Circuit Diagram Exploded View Block Diagram of IC Replacement parts list Change Parts List Per Inch *** WARNING ¢ ++ In order to prevent electric shock, do not remove cover. No user-serviceable parts inside, Refer servicing to qualified service personal SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IM SAFETY PRECUTION WARNING : Service should not be attempted by anyone unfamiliar with the necessary precaution on this receiver. The following are the necessary precaution o be observed before servicing 1. Always discharge the picture tube anode to the CRT conductive coating before handling the picture tube, The picture tube is highly evacuated and if broken, glass fragments will be violently expelled. Use shatterproof goggles and keep picture tube away from the body while handling. 2, When replacing chassis in the cabinet, always be certain that all the protective devices are put back in place, such 48; nonmetallic contol knobs, insulating covers, shield, isolation resistor-capacitor network, etc. 3. Before returning the set to the customer, always perform an AC leakage current check on the exposed metallic parts ofthe cabinet, such as antennas, terminals, screw heads, metal overlays, control shafts ete, to be sure the set is safe to operate without danger of electrical shock. Plug the AC line cord directly onto a 110/220V AC outlet. Use an AC voltmeter having 500 ohms per volt or more sensitivity in the following manner. Connect @ 1500 ohm 10 wat resistor, paralleled by a 0.15 mfd, AC type capacitor, between a known good earth ground (water pipe, conduit etc.) and the exposed metallic parts, one ata time, Measure the AC voltage across the combination of 1500 chm resistor and 0.15 mfd capacitor. Reverse the AC plug at the AC outlet and repeat AC voltage measurements for each exposed metallic part. Voltage measured must not exceed 0.3 volts RMS. This corresponds to 0.2 milliamp, AC. Any value exceeding this limit constitutes a potential shock hazard and must be corrected immediately AC VOLT METER Bic robe cn aach supose Cooseum gina ouhee Pipe, concn te FIG! MI PROODUCT SAFETY NOTICE Many electrical and mechanical pars in his chassis have special safety-related characteristics, These characteristis are often passed unnoticed by a visual inspection and the protection afforded by them cannot necessarily be obtained by using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc Replacement part which have these special safety characteristics are identified in this manual and its Supplements : Electrical components having such features are identified by shading on the schematic diagram and the part list. Before replacing any of these components, read the parts | in this manval carefully. The use of substitute replacement parts which do not have same safety characteristics as specified in the parts list ‘may ereate shock, fire or other hazards. I SERVICE NOTES 1. When replacing parts or circ boards, clamp the lead wires to terminals before soldering. When replacing a high wattage resistor (metal oxide film resistor in the circuit board) keep the resistor min I/2inch away from circuit board 3. Keep wires away from high voltage or high temperature components GENERAL ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS ‘THIS RECEIVER IS TRANSISTORIZED SPECIAL CARE MUST BE TAKEN WHEN SERVICING, READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES BEFORE ATTEMPTING ALIGNMENT, Alignment requires an exacting procedure and should be undertaken only when necessary. ~ The test equipment specified or its equivalent is required to perform the alignment properly Use a equipment which does not meet these requirements may result in improper alignment. Correct matching of the equipment is essential. Failure to use proper matching will result in responses which cannot represent the tre operation of the receiver + Use of excessive signal from a sweep generator can cause overloading of receiver circuit overloading should be mn of markers from the marker generator should not cause distortion of avoided o obtain a true response curve. nse: the response. + The AC Power line voltage should be kept within from 100 to250 volts while alignment, + Do not attempt to connect of disconnect any wire while the receiver is in operation. Make sure the power cord is disconnected before replacing any parts in the receiver. I TEST EQUIPMENTS Digital voltmeter ‘National Model VP-2600A or equivalent. OsciMOSCOPE arn «o.: Tektronix Model 2215 or equivalent Direct’Low-capacity probe... Tektronix Model P6120 or equivalent. (Accessory of escilloscope) Color-Bar/DovCrosshatch generator... Tektronix Model 146 or equivalent. ‘Nihon Tsushinki Model 4723, Pif sweep marker generator. or equivalent. Grey scale pattern Generator -PMSS15/ 5518 or equivalent I CONVERGENCE MAGNET ASSEMBLY POSITIONING Convergence magnet assembly and rubber wedges need mechanical positioning following figure 2. DEFLECTION vere CONVERGENCE ‘Temporary MAGNET ASSY MOUTING user WEDGE nusser , : weoces 7 AOHESIVE Gass cLoTH TAPE PICTURE TUBE FIG 2 Rubber Wedges Location MW COLOR-PURITY-ADJUSTMENT NOTE : Before attempting any purity adjustments, the receiver should be operated for at least 15 minutes. |. Demagnetize the picture tube and cabinet using a degaussing coil 2. Turn the CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS controls to maximum. 3. Adjust RED and BLUE Bias controls to provide only a green rather. 4. Loosen the clamp screw holding the yoke, and slide the yoke backward to provide vertical green belt(zone) in the picture screen, 5. Remote the Rubber Wedges, 6, Rotate and spread the tabs of the purity magnet(See figure 3) around the neck of the picture tube until the green belt isin the center ofthe sereen. At the same time, center the raster vertically. 7. Move, the yoke slowly forward until a uniform green screen is obtained. Tighten the clamp screw of the yoke temporarily. 8. Check the purity of the red and blue raster by adjusting the BIAS controls. 9. Obtain a white raster, referring to "CTR GRAY SCAL ADJUSTMENT”. 10, Proceed with convergence adjustment, ADJUST THE ANGLE (ercaines). norare nwo rage SY sortase Ta Conc) CONVERGENCE MAGNET ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT OF MAGNETS. FIG3 I CONVERGENCE ADJUSTMENTS NOTE : Before attempting any convergence adjustments, the receiver should be operate for at least 15 minutes, MM CENTER CONVERGENCE ADJUSTMENT 1. Receiver crosshatch pattem with a color bar signal generator. 2, Adjust the BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST Controls for well defined pattern. 3. Adjust two tabs of the 4-Pole Magnets to change the angle between them (See figure 3) and superimpose red and blue vertical lines in the center area of the picture screen. 4. Tum both tabs at the same time keep in their angles constant to superimpose red and blue horizontal lines at the center of the screen, (See figure 4.) 5. Adjust two tabs of 6-Pole Magnets to superimpose red/blue line with green one. Adjusting the angle affects the vertical lines and rotating both magnets affects the horizontal lines 6. Repeat adjustment 3, 4 ,5 Keeping in mind red, green and blue moment, because 4-Pole Magnets and 6-Pole Magnets interact and make dot movement complex. BLU RED REDIBLUE GAN 4Pole Magnets Movement 6 Pole Magn Movement incline the Yoke up(or Incline the Yoke rightlor let) down) Conter Convergence by Convergence Magnets Circumference Convergence by DEF. Yoke HI CIRCUMFERENCE CONVERGENCE ADJUSTMENT NOTE : This adjustment requires Rubber Wedge Kit. 1. Loosen the clamping screw of deflection yoke to allow the yoke to tlt 2, Place a wedge as shown in figure (2) temporaril (Do not remove cover paper on adhesive part ofthe wedge.) 3. Tilt front ofthe deflection yoke up or down to obtain better convergence in circumference (See figure 4) Push the mounted wedge into the space between picture tube and the yoke to hold the yoke temporarily. 4, Place other wedge into bottom space and remove the cover paper to stick 5. Tilt front of the yoke right or left to obtain better convergence in circumference.(See figure 4), 6. Hold the yoke position and put another wedge in either upper space. Remove cover paper and stick the wedges, recheck overall convergence. 7. Detach the temporarily mounted wedge and put it in another upper space. Stick it on picture tube to fix the vyoke, 8. After placing three wedges, recheck overall convergence. Tighten the serew firmly to hold the yoke tightly in place. 9. Stick 3 adhesive tapes on wedges as shown in figure 2 ESPECIFICACION DE AJUSTE RECOMENDACIONES Leer cuidadosamente las siguientes indicaciones antes de realizar los ajustes correspondientes: A) Antes de realizar cualquier ajuste, el aparato debe permanecer en calentamiento durante veinte minutos, exceptuando los ajustes de TRC los cuales deben hacerse despues de por Jo menos 90 min de encendido. B) Los ajustes requieren que se realicen de la manera y secuencia que se describe en este procedimiento. ©) Utilizar calibrador de LUCITE 0 CERAMICO para el ajuste de bobinas. D) Utilizar un transformador aislador para evitar descargas eléctricas en el manipuleo del aparato. E) No cambiar el método de ajuste por que se podria obtener un resultado equivocado, EF). Respetar los niveles especificados para no sobrecargar las etapas, si esto sueediera podrian aparecer distorsiones en la curva de respuesta. G) Las pruebas de seguridad deben efectuarse con el equipo ya tapado, SECCION RF AJUSTE VCO Equipamiento: * Digimarscope (nivel de salida de RF ~ 90 dB nV.) * Oscilador de 45,75 MHz. (nivel de salida de RF ~ 90 dB pV.) * Voltimetro de alta impedancia, * Puntas de prueba directa. * Fuente de alimentacién 11 Volt. * Fuente de alimentacién variable de 0 a 10 Volt * Calibrador de lucite o ceramico. Procedimiento: A) Conectar la salida del digimarscope a la salida de FI del sintonizador, bome negativo a masa B) Conectar la entrada del digimarscope a pata 10 de I101 (LA7565), borne negativo a masa C) Conectar borne positivo de la fuente de alimentacién de 11 Volt a L405, borne negativo a masa, D) Conectar bore positivo de la fuente de alimentacién variable a pata 17 de 1101 (LA7565), borne negativo a masa E) Regular la tensién de la fuente variable hasta que la curva quede completamente plana (4 Volt aprox). 45.75 MHz. +: G) Desconectar el digimarscope y conectar el oscilador a la salida de FI del sintonizador, bome negati- vo a masa, H) Conectar el voltimetro a pata 13 de 1101 (LA7565), borne negativo a masa. Reajustar L101 hasta obtener un valor de 4,2 Volts F) Ajustar L101 hasta posicionar la marca en 45.75 Mhz. (ver figura), FUNCIONES ESPECIALES DE LA TECLA “F2” En en el menti que se presenta al presionar la tecla “F2” los dos iiltimos items corresponden a dos tipos diferentes de reset, USER RESET mantiene todos los ajustes efectuados en fabrica y borra todas las funciones que hayan podido ser seteadas por el usuario, como ser: Timer, Reloj, Memoria de canales, etc. FACTORY RESET coloca todos los pardmetros de ajuste de fibrica al centro, Es recomendable su utlizacion tinicamente si es necesario efectuar ta totalidad de tos ajustes del equipo ya que su uti- lizacién resetea todos los ajustes efectuados con anterioridad. AJUSTE DE AGC Equipamiento: * Sefial pattern Philips. * Atenuador resistivo de 75 Ohms. * Control remoto para ajuste. Procedimiento: A) Ajustar el nivel de la sefial de entrada a 74 dBuV. B) Presionar la tecla F1 del control remoto para ingresar al menti de ajuste, seleccionar con las teclas CAN AY “AGC”, C) Ajustar con las teclas VOL > el valor a 12 D) Aumentar la sefial de entrada 20 dB (94 dBuV) y verificar que no haya saturacién en la imagen. E) Disminuir 40 dB (54 dBuV) y verificar que no se observe lluvia en la imagen F) Sino se cumplen los puntos D o E modificar el valor hasta que esto ocurra G) Presionar la tecla FI para salir del meni de ajuste. SECCION SINCRONISMOS AJUSTE DE CENTRADO HORIZONTAL Equipamiento: * Sefial pattern Philips. * Control remoto para ajuste. Procedimiento: A) Sintonizar un canal con sefial pattem Philips, B) Presionar la tecla F2 del control remoto para ingresar al mend de ajuste, seleccionar con las teclas CAN AY “H CENTER”, ajustar con las teclas VOL > hasta centrar la imagen en forma hori- zontal en la pantalla C) Presionar la tecla F2 para salir del menu de ajuste CENTRADO VERTICAL Equipamiento: * Idem punto anterior. Procedimiento: A) Sintonizar un canal con sefal pattern Philips, B) Presionar la tecla F2 del control remoto para ingresar al menu de ajuste, seleccionar con las teclas CAN AY “V CENTER”, Ajustar con las teclas VOL > hasta centrar la imagen en forma ver- tical en la pantalla 10 C) Presionar la tecla F2 para salir del ment de ajuste AJUSTE DE ALTURA Equipamiento: * Idem punto anterior. Procedimiento: A) Sintonizar un canal con sefial pattern Philips, B) Colocar el normalizado de imagen en la condicién NORMAL. C) Presionar la tecla F2 del control remoto para ingresar al menii de ajuste, seleccionar con las teclas CAN AY “V SIZE”, ajustar con las teclas VOL D> hasta que desaparezca el damero en la parte superior e inferior de la imagen y el circulo quede proporcionado. D) Presionar la tecla F2 para salir del meni de ajuste AJUSTE DE SCREEN Y BALANCE DE BLANCO. Equipamiento: * Generador de sefial de campo blanco 100%. * Analizador 6ptico para TV color. (coordenadas de cromaticidad X=29: * Control remoto para ajuste. '=297), Blanco Noblex. Procedimient A) Conectar la sefial de campo blanco en la entrada de antena, B) Presionar la tecla F3 del control remoto para ingresar al menit de ajuste, con las teclas CAN &Y evar todos los parametros a su valor central (127). C) Seleccionar “SERVICE” y presionar la tecla P, ajustar el control de screen en T401 hasta vi- sualizar una tenue linea de color. Volver a presionar la tecla P D) Variar el nivel de brillo y contraste hasta lograr un nivel de luminancia de 10 Fl. y ajustar los parametros R DC, G DC y B DC hasta ajustar el blanco normalizado en bajo brillo. E) Llevar los controles de brillo y contraste hasta lograr un nivel de luminancia de 28 Fl y ajustar los parémetros R DRV y B DRV hasta ajustar el blanco normalizado en alto nivel de brillo (se utiliza ef caiion verde como referencia fija). F) De ser necesario repetir los pasos D y E hasta lograr un perfecto balance de blanco en todos los niveles de luminancia. G) Presionar la tecla F3 para salir del menii de ajuste AJUSTE DE FOCO Equipamiento: * Seiial patter Philips, " Procedimiento: A) Sintonizar un canal con sefial pattern Philips. B) Presionar la tecla “NORM.” del control remoto hasta seleccionar la condicién NORMAL. C) Girar el control de FOCO en T402 hasta que las lineas de barrido (raster) se vean mas nitidas. AJUSTE DE SUB BRILLO Equipamiento: * Generador de sefial de campo blanco. * Analizador éptico para TV color. * Control remoto para ajuste. Procedimiento: ‘A) Conectar la sefial de campo blanco en la entrada de antena. B) Ajustar los pardmetros de brillo y contraste para la condicién SUAVE y Hevar el brillo a minimo. C) Presionar la tecla F1 del control remoto para ingresar al menti de ajuste, seleccionar con las teclas CAN AY “SUB BR”, Ajustar con las teclas VOL & W hasta obtener 34 Fl en el modelo 14TC612G, 26 Fl en modelo 20TC613G y 24 Fl en modelo 21TC6216. AJUSTE DE MODULO ESTEREO Equipamiento: * Modulador de canal con entrada de sonido de banda ancha * Modulador de sonido banda base MTS estéreo * Milivoltimetro de dos canales * Control remoto factory Procedimiento: 1) Ajuste del nivel de entrada A) Sintonizar un canal con sefial Estereo con los siguientes parametros de ajuste: Canal L+R (mono) ‘con 300 Hz. 100 % de modulacién. B) Conectar ¢] milivoltimetro en la linea de salida a pata 15 (LOL) o pata 38 (LOR) de S1601, negativo a masa C) Presionar la tecla F1 del control remoto para ingresar al ment de ajuste, seleccionar con las teclas CAN 4 “SOUND INPUT”, ajustar con las teclas VOL > hasta obtener 500 mV. RMS. 2 Ajuste de separacién (método manual) 2-1) Ajuste AL A) Modular en canal izquierdo 300 Hz. 14 % de modulacién, B) Conectar una entrada del milivoltimetro a pata 15 (LOL) y la otra entrada a pata 38 (LOR) de $1601, negativo a masa. C) Ajustar ALII hasta que LOL tenga indicacion maxima y LOR indicacién minima, (maxima sepa- racién). 12 2-2) Ajuste AL2 ‘A) Modular en canal izquierdo 3 K Hz. 14 % de modulacién. B) Conectar una entrada del milivoltimetro a pata 15 (LOL) y la otra entrada a pata 38 (LOR) de 1601, negativo a masa. C) Ajustar AL12 hasta que LOR tenga indicacién maxima y LOL indicacién minima, (maxima sepa- racién), 3 Ajuste de separacién (método automatico) A) Modular canal de audio izquierdo con 300 Hz., canal derecho con 3000 Hz, 14 % de modulacion B) Colocar a masa las entradas de audio L y R cortocircuitando CA101 y CA102 C) Presionar la tecla F1 del control remoto para ingresar al mend de ajuste, ajustar con las teclas VOL 4) PALI Ly ALI2aun valor de 15. D) Seleccionar con las teclas CAN W “STEREO AUTO ADJUST”, y pulsar la tecla VOL Pe, cuan- do se visualice una variacién en la indicacién de ALI 1 y ALI 2 el sistema habra quedado ajustado en forma automatica. 13 PRUEBA DE SEGURIDAD RIGIDEZ DIELECTRICA Equipamiento: * Medidor de Rigidez dieléctrica Puntos de conexin: Conectar el medidor entre los dos polos unidos del cable de alimentacién y masa. Procedimiento: A) Llevar la tecla activado a la posicién “ACTIVADO”. B)Realizar el ensayo de la siguiente manera * Procedimiento de linea 3.6 KV AC durante Iseg. * Control de Calidad 3.0 KV AC durante Imin En ambos casos debe resistir la prueba con una corriente maxima admisible de 5 mA, RESISTENCIA DE AISLACION Equipamiento: * Medidor de resistencia de aislacién, Puntos de conexidn: * Idem punto anterior. Procedimiento: A) Llevar la llave activado a la posicion “ACTIVADO”. B) Medir Ia resistencia de aislacién a 500 VCC. La misma debe estar comprendida entre 5 y 8 MOhms. CORRIENTE DE FUGA Equipamiento: “ Medidor de corriente de fuga (R=2000 Ohms). 15.2- Puntos de conexién: * Entre cada uno de los polos de la linea y masa. Procedimiento: A) Conectar el aparato a la red de alimentacién y encenderlo B) Medir la corriente de fuga entre un polo de la linea y masa. C) Medir la corriente de fuga entre el otro polo de la linea y masa En ambos casos la corriente de fuga no debe superar los 500 uA. 14 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART! POWER FAIL TO TURN ON (NO RASTER, NO SOUND) NG (CHECK FUSE F801 D801 SHORT CHECK NO CHECK MAINB+ | NG | Q402 COLLECTOR 1601 #1 - #2 SHORT CHECI uy OPEN (123V) No R810 OPEN CHECK. ok (402 REPLACE NG D805 CHECK L NG 1701 vCHECK _}—+{ 1701 #34 OPENGSV) DEGAUSSING COIL, ox | no CHECK ABOUT S0HM ok [1701 REPLACE D809 CHECK NG 1 NG F801 REPLACE POWER ON THEN 808 12V CHECK CHECK TO 1701 #15, xc [1603 #2 OPEN (12) ok (sv) OK No 1603 REPLACE D807 REPLACE NG 1501 #3(9V), #38(5¥),#8(8V) --——A[_Q803 CHECK OK OK | (9801, 9802 CHECK [isores (HDRIVE | NG waverorm) _}———[x501 CHECK oK + 1401 WIRE OPEN |__ check ok J J 401 CHEC Feel 63uSEC 15 NO PICTURE (DARK PICTURE, SOUND Ok) NG (CHECK TO HEATER LIGHTING} cc To R419 _| IN CRT NECK BY SEEING NG OK NG CHECK TO CONNECTOR uivB+cneck _|——{_Ra16,0403 CHECK NG OK NG HEATER PLUS CHECK 1501 #41 SV CHECK, 1501 #41 OPEN (SV) NG ox | No oK CHECK TO CRT HEATER 1501 REPLACE D406 CHECK = GND RESISTANCE OPEN —L NG 1501 #17 9v CHECK _|—[1501 #17 OPEN (ov) CRT REPLACE oK | NG ok L 1501 REPLACE D4ll CHECK (Q404 ABL/ACL CHECK Ok 1501 #6 FRP IN CHECK [Woot CONNECTION CHECK ox 1501 #9, #10 DATA.CLOCK CHECK 16 NO PICTURE (NOISE ONLY) CHECK TO ANTENNA JACK ok 1 CHECKING TUNER DATA, CLOCK CHECK }+— PATTERN CONNECTION CHECK FROM 1701 TO TUNER (1701 #38:CLOCK #39:DATA] OK pd TUNER B+ CHECK (33V,MB,5v) | —[33V : D101, MB : D410, SV : D102 OK AGC VOLTAGE CHECK (ABOUT 7.5V AT WEAK SIGNAL) OK DATA VARITATION CHECK BY 1701 CONTROL OK TUNER CONTROL (1701 #38,#39) AGC CONTROL BY IIC BUS (1701 #39,#41) 1.103 ADJUSTMENT CHECK ok 1101 #14 VOLTAGE CHECK AT STRONG SIGNAL /— HICH @.svy LOW G-5V) TUNER REPLACE, 1501 REPLACE "7 NO VERTICAL SCANNING (HORIZONTAL LINE ONLY) OK DY CONNECTOR CHECK ABOUT 20 OHM - 30 OHM DY VERTICAL COIL RESISTANCE CHECK} 1301 REPLACE, OK 1 NG 1301 #6 25V CHECK R45 CHECK OK NG 1501 #53 VERTICAL OUT. NG__) 1501 #2 CHECK D404 CHECK WAVEFORM CHECK 1501 #52 CHECK NG 1501 #54 VERTICAL FEEDBACK WAVEFORM CHECK 1301 #6 OPEN THEN '25V CHECK NG NG 1301 PIN INPUT. [19301 CHECK. WAVEFORM CHECK 1301 REPLACE OK R308 CHECK ok 18 NO SOUND (NORMAL PICTURE) CHECK TO SPEAKER CONNECTION OK CHECK TO SPEAKER IMPEDANCE OK. NG CHECK TO SOUND B+ AT 1601 #2 (ABOUT 12V) 1603 #2 OPEN THEN CHECK OK 601 CHECK OK 1101 #2,#23 WAVEFORM CHECK OK 101 REPLACE NO COLOR 1501 #42 COLOR SIGNAL INPUT CHECK. OK. S01 CHECK 12V0K 1603 REPLACE Ok 1501 #30 CHROMA APC FILTER CHECK OK. VCO ADJUSTMENT(L101) A 45.75MHZ | \ | VCO ADJUSTMENT RECHECK ok 1501 REPLACE 19 NO ON-SCREEN DISPLAY 1701 #26 (HD), #27 (VD) CHECK, ok NG 1702 #28,#29 OSD OSCILLATOR CHECK. L701,C709,C710 CHECK OK 1702 #22, #23, #24, #25 OSD OUT WAVEFORM CHECK oK 1501 #3 9V CHECK [* 1501 REPLACE 20 EXPLODED VIEWCDCT-14,20,2162S) BLOCK DIAGRAM MAIN CHASSIS BLOCK DIAGRAM not quoi TUNER PREAMP. SFIOI n02 1603 SAW FILTE IFIC SOUND IC |: cvs 1WAY 2SPEAKERS 12s BUS CONTROL GW 16ohmx2) EXTAV as BUS + CONTROL 1106 1701 1501 REMOCOM MICON Ic MAINIC cer PREAMP 450) TB12294N sp 1702 Issv E2PROM ry]. qor 101 2sv worive | {vertical raz [— Ic | Rv sen + + rer [| 4 Quon HEATER 4 nour LI py ne iv Lo L801 J 123,33 Line [~ 1801 1, 12v FILTER POWER IC + 9VSV 22 TB1229AN TOSHIBA A 1 et a ee a Yq ay sae an 1 ove yo gy mom Bey 2 Daves 305 ce 21D aE AD a B-2-~O-O-O-O-9-O-0-O-O-D-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-€ 7 26 ng aa) et) rr a GE Oi @ O-O-O-O-W ( seo 8) Gm Hane tno ane ATE INT 2h oF MY | amo. 9405 up Gary yn aM gD 10. cleo Dek BE Gee AL Jee Ad TA SEL ANE MTSI 3A 2 O/A AL suv bes "A285 TAA ad oom 23 Pin Connections and Functions! Block Diagrae Ee an ame atoms, L. THERMAL PRorecrion Lb anatt SLLHEANT Mg AAT KOH A gO¥AS nano nung 2>8 any LA7841K 24 our seasirmy ONO our oh we 3 a ous [ Sr 100 330 oof, TP yee tes od 4 i oar L 2 3 4 5 & z 8 B 0) Tat zi if | HPF! —_ 7 LY | VIDEO) 1ST a] Bay TF FM | AGC] AGC] GC, DET} Tt a sd 13) Wy 4 O11 po fo 01 oe 1 Pow 3 Foote Ses fe om & ABE ota wat * ‘ORS Joos ioe sc OUT rrxoc dneatoun ASTSIFIN mgse B LA7565BN 25 2x2 W stereo BTL audio output a TDA7057Q amplifier 205 Ye aie 13 est cut inoue 3 12 ' signal ground t+ = 1" gave oumus 1 TOA7057Q tet 2 agave ouput 2 cot 2 +t 1 signal groune 2 +f satel £1 postin ous? 1 Ja i : * * Fig.t. Block diagram. 26 3 Watt mono BTL audio output amplifier TDA7056 ToATO58 1 = ow caret pein 5B = seal poons (1) This capacitor can be omitted if the supply electrolytic capacitor is placed closer to pin 2. Fig.2 Test and application diagram. 27 STR-S5707 28 (siseuivazed uy yur 99g) wWesBeIp 1s01 pUE ojsaIdde “y2018 1 544 TDAS855 vot ver ova + tik (°C-bus controlled BTSC stereo / SAP decoder and audio processor 29 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST SECTION:3 SYSTEM(NTSC, PAL M/N) CHASSIS:H~6138C1NX(NOBLEX 21° STEREO) PARTS NAME DESCRIPTION LOC PARTS NAME DESCRIPTION 2001 CRT "ASTJSW9IXO1 ITC MT6 C408 C CERAMIC 5 SOOV 1000pF K’ 2002 CRT GND ASSY 16/4/0.12-970(H) C409 16V 470uF RSS 2003. + DEGAUSSING COIL CD-0200A Cato ‘35V 470uF RSS 2004 + FRONT MASK HIPS BK PAINTING 4588 D,C412 C ELECTRO —250V 4. 7uF RSS 2005 LEO HOLDER NYLON 66 BK C413 CCERAMIC — B SO0V 1000pF K 2006 SPEAKER GRILLE E.G.1 70.6 4588 D/G C414 CELECTRO 16 100uF RSS 2007 INDICATOR PMMA C45 CELECTRO 16 100uF RSS 2008 © BUTTON KNOB ABS D/G C417 CCERAMIC — B S00V 2200pF K 2009 RETAINER BACK HIPS NC C418 CELECTRO 16 220uF RSS. 2010 MARK BRAND AL(NOBLEX) C419 C MYLAR 100V 1000pF K 2011 SPRING sus304 C420 C MYLAR 100V 0.022uF k 2012. MASTER SWKNOB ABS D/G C421 C ELECTRO —16V 100uF RSS 2013 SCREW CPT SWRM+SK-5(L=30) C422 C ELECTRO — 16 220uF RSS. 2014 SCREW TAPPING. T2S WAS 3x12 MEZN C423 C ELECTRO — 16 100uF RSS. 3001 SPEAKER F2035C-3224 8-OHM 3W C424 CELECTRO SOV 10uF RSS 4001 BACK COVER HIPS BK C425 CELECTRO SOV 0.1uF RSS 4002 SPEC PLATE OCT2162M(NOBLEX) C501 C MYLAR, 100V 0.tuF K 4903 SCREW TAPPING T28 TRS 4x16 MFZN(B) C502 CELECTRO —SOV TuF RSS 5001 MAIN PCB 330x246x1.6T(H-613M) C504 CELECTRO —SOV TuF RSS. 5002 STEREO PCB SM-01 C505 CELECTRO SOV 4.7UF RSS 7001 SILICONGREASE G-600 C806 C CERAMIC — F SOV 0.01uF Z 7002 QUICK BAND BST-3A, C507 CELECTRO 16 100uF RSS. 7003 TIE CABLE DA 100 C508 C CERAMIC CH SOV 12pF J 7004 TRANSMITTER REMOCC HRF—05A C509 CELECTRO SOV 10uF ASS. 7005 BATTERY ROS(AAAM) 1.5V C510 C MYLAR 100V 0.1uF K 7010 BOND SILICON KE4asT C511 C MYLAR, 100V 0.1uF K C101 C CERAMIC F SOV 0.01UF Z C512 C MYLAR 100V 0.1uF K C103. 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C106 C CERAMIC F SOV 0.01uF Z C517 CCERAMIC — F SOV 0.01uF Z 107 C CERAMIC F SOV 0.01uF Z C518 CCERAMIC =F SOV 0.01uF Z C108 C CERAMIC F SOV 0.01UF Z C519 CCERAMIC — B SOV 100pF K C109 C CERAMIC F 50V 0.01uF Z C520 CCERAMIC — B SOV 100pF K cid C MYLAR 100V 0.022uF K C521 CELECTRO — 50V 10uF RSS C111 C ELECTRO 50V 4.7uF RSS C561 C ELECTRO SOV 10uF RSS C115 C ELECTRO SOV 0.47uF RSS (C562 CCERAMIC —B SOV 470pF K C120 C CERAMIC F 50V 0,0tuF Z C563 C CERAMIC — 8B SOV 470pF K C301 C MYLAR 100V 0.047uF K C584 CCERAMIC 8 SOV 4700F K 302 C ELECTRO SOV 1uF RSS C585 CELECTRO — 50V 10uF RSS C303 C ELECTRO SOV 2.2uF RT C566 C CERAMIC — 8 2KV 1000pF K C304 C ELECTRO 25V 1000uF ASS C601 CELECTRO SOV 1uF RSS C305 C CERAMIC SL 500V 10pF K 602 CELECTRO SOV 1UF RSS 306 C ELECTRO SOV 100uF RSS C603 C ELECTRO —16V 100uF RSS. 307 C MYLAR 100V 0.047UF K C646 C MYLAR 100 0.047uF K 308 C ELECTRO SOV 2.2uF RSS. C647 C MYLAR 100V 0.047uF K C309 C MYLAR, 100V 0.1uF K C650 C MYLAR 100V 0.18uF K C310 C MYLAR, 100V 1500pF K C651 C MYLAR 100V 0.01 5uF K Cait C ELECTRO 50V tuF RSS (0654 C MYLAR 100V 0.01 5uF K C313 C MYLAR 100V 10000F K C655 C MYLAR 100 0.18uF K C401 C MYLAR MPP 200V 0,39UF J C704 C CERAMIC F SOV 0.01uF Z C402 C ELECTRO 160V 1UF RSS C708 CCERAMIC — 8 SOV 1000pF K C403 C MYLAR 200V 0.01uF K C708 CCERAMIC CH SOV 47pF J C404 C MYLAR PP 1.GKV 7500pF J C710 CCERAMIC CH SOV 47pF J C405 C ELECTRO 50V 10uF RSS C711 CCERAMIC CH SOV 22pF J C406 C MYLAR 100V 0.1uF K C712 CCERAMIC CH SOV 22pF J C407 C CERAMIC 8 500V 10000F K C713. C MYLAR 100V 0.1uF K 30 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST SECTION:3 SYSTEM(NTSC, PAL M/N) APPLEIED CHASSIS:H—6138C1NX(NOBLEX 21" STEREO) LOC PARTS NAME DESCRIPTION LOG” PARTS NAME DESCRIPTION Cra C ELECTRO T6V 470uF RSS 101 1c TATS658, C716 C CERAMIC 8 50V 100nF K I102 TUNER-F/S US TUSH8—C90E C801 CLINE ACROSS AC250V 0.1uF K 1108 IRPREAMP = GPIU781Q 802 C ELECTRO 400V 220uF FHS 1301 Ic Lareatk 803. C ELECTRO SOV 10uF ASS I901A HEAT SINK —_ WJ-HTSEO1 C802 C ELECTRO 16V 330uF ASS 19018 | SCREW TAPPING T2S WAS 3x10 MFZN 805 C MYLAR 100V 10000F K 1501 IC TB1229AN 808 | C ELECTRO 25V 220uF ASS 1606 IC TDATOS7Q C807 C CERAMIC~AC E ACAOOV 2200pF S.400V I602A HEAT SINK MH9212-B4 808 © C ELECTRO 16V 1000uF RSS 18068 SCREW TAPPING T2S WAS 3x10 MFZN Caos C ELECTRO 160V 100uF RSS 701 IC u=COM —* 29020306PSCR3450, cet! C ELECTRO 16V 100uF RSS \702 IC S~24C028. cei2 C MYLAR PP 1.6KV 10000F J 101 IC STR-S8707 c8t3. C ELECTRO 16V 220uF RSS 101A HEAT SINK WJ-HTSEO1 814 C ELECTRO 16v 100uF ASS 1801B SCREW TAPPINGT2S WAS 3x12 MEZN 81s. C ELECTRO 160V 100uF ASS JOO! WIRE COPPER —AWG22 1/0.85 TIN COATIN' C816 C ELECTRO 16V 100uF RSS J002 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN: cai7 CG ELECTRO 16V 100uF RSS 4003. WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN' C818 C. CERAMIC~AC. BACAOOV 470pF §.400V JO04 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN: CAi01 GC CERAMIC B SOV 1000pF Kk JOOS WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.85 TIN COATIN: CAI02 CG CERAMIC B SOV 1000pF k JOOS WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN' CAI03. C ELECTRO. SOV 1uF RSS J007 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN' CAI0a C ELECTRO SOV 1uF RSS JOO8 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATINI cvi01 C ELECTRO 50V tuF ASS JO09 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATINI Dior Ic Kaasy JO1O WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN' REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST SECTION’3 SYSTEM(NTSC, PAL M/N) APPLEIED CHASSIS: H~613BC1NX(NOBLEX 21" STEREO) LOC. PARTS NAME DESCRIPTION TOC PARTS NAME DESCRIPTION 052 WIRE COPPER, "AWG22 170.65 TIN COATINATI7_R CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J 44083 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R118 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 150 J 4058 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R119 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN' JO56A WIRE COPPER ‘AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R120 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 5.6K J JOS7A WIRE COPPER, AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R121 R CARBON FILM 1/6WW 100 J J058° WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R201 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J J059 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R202. R CARBON FILM /6W 1K J J060 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R301 R CARBON FILM 1/6WV 3.3K J 061 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R302 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 470 J J082 WIRE COPPER AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R303. R CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J J083 WIRE COPPER ‘AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R305. R CARBON FILM 1/6W 11K J J064 WIRE COPPER, ‘AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R306 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 15K J J068 WIRE COPPER. ‘AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R307 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 2.7K J J067 WIRE COPPER ‘AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R308 R CARBON FILM 1/20 2.2 J 4069 WIRE COPPER, ‘AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R309_R CARBON FILM 1/6W 8.2K J 4070 WIRE COPPER, ‘AWG22 1/0.65 TIN COATIN R311 R CARBON FILM 1/2W 560 J JAVOt_ PHONE JACK YSCo3P—4210-118, R312 R CARBON FILM 1/2W 2« J L101 COIL-CHOKE 4800-183K R313. R CARBON FILM 1/6W 2.2K J (102 COIL PEAKING ROL 12uHJ R401 R CARBON FILM 1/2W 2K J L103 COIL-TRF TRF ~1066 R403. R CARBON FILM 1/2W 18K J L401 COIL=LINEARITY TRL-64 R405. R CARBON FILM 1/6W 390 J L408 COIL-WIOTH TRW=a14M R407 RMOX FILM 2W 10K J L408 COIL PEAKING AX 10uH K R408 RMOXFILM — 2W 10K J L581 COIL PEAKING ROL 180uH J R409__R CARBON FILM 1/4W/ 2.7K J L701 COIL PEAKING ROL 13uH J R410 R CARBON FILM 1/4W 75 J Leo! FILTER=LINE LF-303 R412. R CARBON FILM 1/4W 33K J Loz COIL—CHOKE AZ~9004Y R413. R CARBON FILM 1/6W 2.2K J L803 COIL-CHOKE AZ—9004Y Raia A CARBON FILM 1/aW ik J P801 POWER CORD ASSY —_JP-900H Rais RMOXFILM TW Q101 TRNPN kscgeac—y Ra16 RMOXFILM = 1W3d 301 TRINPN KSC945C-¥ R417 CARBON FILM 1/4W 22K J 402. TR NPN 2801878 Rie ARMOXFILM = 1W3J 4024 HEAT SINK MH9212-C. Rio RMOXFILM = 2W4.7J 4028 SCREW TAPPING T2S PAN 3x10 MFZN Re20 RMOXFILM — 2W56J 0403 TR NPN K802330-Y Raz RMOXFILM — 1W 39d 2404 TRNPN. Kscg4sc-Y Ré2a_R CARBON FILM 1/4W 27 J 405 TR NPN Ksc9asc-Y R425 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 22K J Qsoi TR PNP KSA733C-Y R426 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 620 J sei TR NPN KS02390-Y R427 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 10K J 562 TR NPN KS02330-Y R428 RMOXFILM — 1W 224 563. TR NPN KSC2330-Y R430 RMOXFILM — 1W 39d 801 TR NPN ksc9a5c-¥ R431 8 CARBON FILM 1/6W 47K J 9802 TR PNP KSA709C-Y 432A CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J as03 Ic KIA7BO9PI R433. CARBON FILM 1/6W 10K J Pi0i CARSON FILM. 1/2W 100 J 450 R CARBON FILM 1/2W 820K J F103 R CARBON FILM. 1/6W 100K J A501 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 2.2K J R104 R CARBON FILM. 1/6W 5.6K J R502 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J R105 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 1.8K J R503._R CARBON FILM 1/6W 1.2K J 106 A CARBON FILM 1/6W 220 J A504 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 7.5K J A107 A CARBON FILM 1/6W 33 J R505 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 240K J A108 CARBON FILM 1/8W 330 J S06 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 27K J R109 CARBON FILM 1/8W 100K J R507 A CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J RI10 A CARBON FILM 1V6W 2K J R508 A CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J Rill CARBON FILM 1/6W 330 J R509. A CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J Ri12 CARBON FILM 1/6W 10K J 510A CARBON FILM 1/6W 1K J R113 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 820K J S11 R CARBON FILM 1/6W 10K J R116 A CARBON FILM 1/6W 390 J 512. 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