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Timbre My Observations:
• Quality of tone
• Range/Variety of
• Appeal/Appropriateness
of sounds

2. Expressiveness My Observations:
• Interpretation
• Style
• Phrasing

3. Technique My Observations:
• Performer’s skills in
bringing the sound to

4. Presentation My Observations:
• Choice of music
• Appropriateness of
• Whether performance
meets your

5. Impact My Observations:
• Artist’s charisma
• Familiarity/newness of
what you hear
• How performance
compares with similar
performances you
have heard
Criteria for Evaluating Musical Performances
Concert Information
Venue (Ex: Cricket

Venue Capacity:
Location (City):

Stage (Size, layout, and contents. Is the whole space utilized for the show?)

Atmosphere (Mood, vibe. What creates this mood? Are people quiet/loud during the concert?)

Sound Quality (Are there speakers? Where are they? Comment on the volume level- is it
comfortable? Too loud/soft? Is the sound balanced well?)
Performers (How many? What are they playing/doing? Do they connect with audience? How are
they dressed?)

Songs (What is the set list [i.e. order of songs]? Does the audience seem to like some songs more
than others?)

Other Information (Good/bad experiences; impressions; interesting stories from the show)

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