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Administration Department

Lt. Col. (R) Muhammad Riaz, DGM (HR & A) being the head of the department
supervising administration department. He act as Liaison Officer for the Mills and
responsible for all kinds of administrative works. The administration department has
following sections in it:-

i. Security & Safety Section

Maj. (R) Zia Ahmad Khan, Chief Security Officer is incharge of Security and
safety section. The main responsibility of this section is to provide the
security to the Mills assets and safety guidelines to the Mills employees. He
had arranged Rescue 1122 Training Programme on Safety Measures to
educate the Mills employees. He also acts as number two of DGM (HR &
A). In the absence of DGM (HR & A), Chief Security Office officiates as head
of the department. He is reported to DGM (HR & A)

ii. Civil Works Section

Syed Munir Hussain Shah, Civil Works Supervisor is responsible for all kind
of civil works directed to him by the DGM (HR & A). He himself alongwith
his team comprising of Clerk, Masons & Labourers complete all civil jobs
assigned to them. He is direct report to DGM (HR & A)

iii. Establishment Section

Mr. Muhammad Amjad Jam, Deputy Personnel Manager is incharge of this
section and he is responsible for keeping personal files record of the
employees, all other record like PESSI (Pakistan Employees Social
Security Institution) record, EOBI (Employee’s Old-age Benefit Institution)
record, Labor Department record and all other kind of office record. He is
direct reported to DGM (HR & A).

iv. Transport Section

Syed Niaz Hussain Shah, Transport Incharge is handling all the matters
related to Transport. He also supervises the auto workshop’s staff. He
maintained all vehicles record. Presently, the company own Seven
Tractors, One Bus, Two Toyota Hiaces, One Pajero, Three Corolla Cars,
Two Honda City, Ten Suzuki Cultus Cars, Two Shahzor Mini Truck, Sixty
Yamaha Motorcycles, etc.

v. Masjid
There is very beautiful Masjid constructed by the Company which is enough
for 1000 persons. The staff for Masjid is one Khateeb / Imam Masjid, one
Moazzan, One Khadim Masjid and one Helper Masjid.

vi. Horticulture
Mr. Muhammad Hanif Ramey, Incharge Horticulture is supervising the
section and he also working for the landscaping in the Mills. He and his
team comprising of ten Baildars and Malis is doing look-after of the plants
of the Mills.

vii. House Keeping (Hostels)

As this project is newly established, its colony is under approval session
from the Chairman, and there is only three hostels according to the status
of the officers (i) HODs Hostel, (ii) Officers Hostel (iii) Labour Hostel. The
hostels are being handled by Mr. Muhammad Asif Saftain, Incharge General
Administration, who is directly reported to DGM (HR & A)

The HODs hostel (luxury type) consisting of 25 Rooms, AC fitted, Single

Beds with Mattresses and Bed Sheets, attached bath. The Mess for HODs
is in the hostel. There are 05 Guest Rooms also for the guests to stay at
night, who visit the Mills.

The officer’s hostel is the hostel, where Foremens and Officers level
employees are residing. In the officer’s hostel, there are 32 rooms. These
rooms are also of high standard, but less than the HODs. Two Mess
containing two dining hall, kitchens are included in this hostel.
The Labour Hostel is like a simple hostel, where total number of rooms is
16. These are big rooms and about 30-35 employees are residing in a room.
Their standard like a army barrack, where 30 iron cots are laid down.

viii. Time Office

Time office is a section, where attendance of all mills employees are
maintained and keep it recorded on daily basis. Mr. Shahid Pervez,
Incharge Time Office is doing supervision and the time office is functioning
with 03 time keepers and 03 time office clerks. The time office inchagre is
answerable to DGM (HR &A) in coordination with Deputy Personnel

ix. Telephone Exchange

Mr. Muhammad Abdul Jabbar, Senior Telephone Operator is supervisor of
telephone exchange. Total 4 personnel are deputed in telephone exchange
round the clock shift-wise (03 operators and 01 lineman). He is also
answerable to DGM (HR & A)

x. General Administration
Mr. Muhammad Asif Saftain, Incharge General Administration is directly
reported to DGM (HR & A). In the general administration, he looks after
cleanliness of the Mills, and perform routine general duties. All the sweepers
and their supervisor are under is command. He is responsible for all general
administrative issues.

Administration Department

(Site Office)
This is very important department of the organization as the name shows; this
department has to administer all the operations of the organization. This is headed by
the G.M (General Manager) of the company. Sections of this department are divided
into offices as follow:

 Labour Office
 Security Guard Office
 Gate Office
 Time Office

Labor Office

As required by the labor department of the government of Pakistan, this office has been
set up to deal with all the matters that are related with labour. The dept. is headed
by the labor officer. He is responsible to resolve all the disputes, conflicts,
misunderstandings and any other kind of matter which may arise from time to time b/w
the labor and the immediate supervisor or with any other person in the organization.

It is the duty of the labor officer to inform the legal requirements concerning the labor
and company affairs. It is also the duty of the labour officer to satisfy himself regarding
payment of bonus, gratuity, and other benefits to labor and to keep their morale and
motivational level high. It is also a requirement to be a successful labor office that he
should keep his knowledge up to date regarding the rules and regulations of the labor

Security Guard Office

The main objectives of the security office are to safe handling of the goods from/to the
mill premises. For the achievement of such objective a team of security guards has
been employed by the Company. All the keys relating to the mills office, labor colony,
(quarters) are lying into the responsibility of the security officer.

* No out side visitor can come into the Mills premises without the permission of
the security guards.
* Whenever any visitor wants to enter into the mills, security guard firstly contact
with the authority in the Mills to grant the permission to enter into the Mills
* Security guards can check each and every person before coming in or going out
of the Company gate for the security purposes.
* They see and check the OUT WARD GOING PASS of the certain things when these
ought to bring out of the Mills premises.
* They have certain uniform of blue shirt and light brown pent.
They are the guardian of the every thing of the Company.

Gate Office
This office has been made to keep the record of each and every thing coming into and
going out of the Mills gate.
For this purpose gate office clerk maintains two types of registers called:

1- Outward going pass register

2- Inward going pass register.

When every thing including raw material, stores supplies, or any other thing comes into
the Mills premises a document named as I.G.P is made in which information like date
of supplies, description, quantity of the material and any other remarks are written.
In the same way, D.G.P is prepared for out going things etc.
 This office keeps and maintains the time record of all the workers on time
cards and pay register for the final costing of the workers salaries.
 It keeps the attendance records, which is than used to calculate the salary
to be paid to the workers on monthly basis.
 It keeps the records of the overtime, leaves, number of days worked of
all the workers and than calculate their overtime on the basis of the basic
salary of each worker.

Social Security Benefit

According to Social Security rules all the factories are bound to contribute @ 7% to the
social dispensaries for handling the medical aid to the workers. The social security
department has opened different dispensaries in factories and at district and divisional
level. Social security benefit is provide to the workers whose salary is less then Rs.
3000/-. This facility is not provided to employees with salary more than RS. 3000/-.

Employees Old Age Benefit (E.O.B.I)

According to Employees old age rules, all the factories are bound to contribute @ 5% to
the Old age Institution. So, due to the compulsion by the Govt. FEL also contribute in
the employees old age benefit institutions.

Gratuity to Workers
According to labour law when any permanent employees leaves the service and his
service period is one year. He is entitled to get gratuity equal to 30 days salary another
six months besides one year he will also get one year salary.

Financial Year
The financial year of the company starts from October 1, and ends on September 30,
of the next year.

Ginned cotton is used as raw material in Fatima Enterprises Limited (Textile Unit #2).

Labour and Technical Know-How

The textile industry, being the oldest and largest industry in the country, there is
abundant labour available both skilled and unskilled. The company has an experienced
team which is engaged in the running of existing manufacturing facilities.

Building and Civil Works (Production Unit)

 Main Production Building

 Labour and Staff Colony
 Time Office
 Security Office
 Store Room (Spare Parts)
 Store Room (Finished Goods)
 Canteen
 Mills Offices Building
 Residence etc.


The project has a connected load of 1988 KW provided by WAPDA, which is sufficient
to meet the present and future requirements. The present consumption is 1200 KW.
In addition the company has procured two diesel generators set of 2000 KVA to be
utilized in case of power failure.
Fuel required for the project is procured locally.

Water pumps, Tube wells, and Water Tank are the main sources of water supply of
Fatima Enterprises Limited (Textile Unit # 2).

Count (A Yarn Measurement Scale)

Count is a scale, which is used to measure the thickness of yarn.

Any sort of thread which is prepared for weaving purpose is named as yarn. The yarn
can be following types:

Cotton Yarn
Cotton thread is prepared which is twisted in the form of yarn.
Salary Administration
Salaries of Sales Force

1). Fixed Salary

Fixed salary is given to helpers and apprentice salesmen/managers during their

first six months of training period.

2). Fixed Salary and Commission

All the salesman who have passed the test and the managers who have completed
six months training are paid according to this plan.

Employees Services


After the completion of two years of service, salesmen and helpers are entitled to
bonus (if any) to be paid at the end of each year.

Provident Fund

After completion of one year's service, a Manager will be entitled to become the
member of Provident Fund.

a). The Manager will deposit every month 6% of his actual pay to his PF.

b). After five years of continuous contribution by the manager, he will be entitled
for 100% of company's contribution.

Annual Leaves
An employee after completion of one year of service w ill be entitled to the
following leaves:

a). Casual Leaves 10 days with pay

b). Sick Leaves 14 days with pay

c). Privilege Leaves 10 days with pay


The manager on transfer from one station to another will be entitled to the
following allow ances:

a). Actual transport fare for him and his family.

b). One day dail y allowance for himself.

c). Average salary for the period in between handing over and taking over of
the charge.


An employee may be demoted on showing bad performance. Not onl y the low
level employees but the managers are also demoted if the required targets are not
achieved in repeated year.

Commission and Salaries

The administration department deals with the salaries, commissions and other
fixed benefits of the empl oyees. In this way, FTChas its own system of evaluating
the salary and commission for individual employees in the organization. The basic
salaries of the employees of FTCis very l ow, however, a good package of salaries
come into existence after adding the house allowance, conveyance allowance and
commission. Schedule of salaries and commission is as under:

Personnel of grade "1" gets 2000/- Rs.(B.P)

Personnel of grade "2" gets 2800/- Rs.(B.P)

Personnel of grade "3" gets 4600/- Rs.(B.P)

The above employees get more in form of a percentage share in net profit. Salaries
of managers are also varies work wise ranging from 430/ - Rs. to 3150/ - Rs. The y
enjoy, too, the commission ranging from .09% to 3% of the net profit.

System of Communication

Formall y defined a Company structure is the system of communication and

authorit y that links people and groups together to accomplish tasks that serve the
organizational purpose.

Structure can be described in the form of an organization chart. FTC's

organizational chart shows that it has functional structure.

Negotiating With Union

Labor Union do alter the work environment. The personnel department is deepl y
involved with decisions that effect compensation, work hours and other terms and
conditions of employment to ensure uniformit y of treatment. In FTCone labor
union member is granted the status of collecting bargaining agent (CBA).
Management wants effective work performance through good relationship with
CBA. The union is onl y for rank and file workers.

Union management meetings are held every month. At the end of the year, Annual
meeting is held with the employees.

A reasonable agreement is reached which is workable for both the management

and the work force. Management always wants to provide a conducive and
congenial work environment for the work force.

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