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Subject’ e-mail from brother Hall dated April 11th, 2018 From: To: Ce: Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 9:22:18 AM EDT. GM Brother Hall : Thank you for your deep concems on our Local's issues, | will try again to answer questions that you have repeatedly asked, and have been answered by me. The Goldberg SRT Monetary Award dated January 16, 2018 was a National Award for the 13 SRT sites across the country, our National Officers and the USPS came to a agreement on a monetary award of 36 million dollars, further the Philadelphia Local was awarded 3.3 million dollars from that award, the details and the calculations of all documentation and arguments were discussed at the National level, the only thing that has been told to the local which | explained at the February G.M. Meeting was that Headquarters is looking at 4 to 6 months for disbursements , not exact but a approximation. The reason that PSE’S are not entitled to the settlement, is that the Union's case was based on , that the jobs were clerk jobs, and should have been posted, and you know being a ex-steward and your expertise on our Collective Bargaining agreement, that PSE’S are not permitted to bid on any jobs available on our general postings, PSE'S that were converted during the time that is included in this award , will receive a pro-rated amount, Again on the Monetary Grievance Awards, you were told by the NLRB, and the Oicers of this Union, that you are not entitled to see other members awards and payouts (confidentiality clause ), you are entitled to your own (individual ) and not class actions, that don't include your name. Brother Hall you sent a document on PostPlan Staffing Violation Remedy Agreement, if you read #1 and # 3 in the agreement, it states quite clearly in Level 4 or Level 6 and Level 18 offices, all offces in the Philadelphia Local are level 20 and above, but you already know that from my previous e= mails, Philadelphia is not entitled to the Remedy. Brother Hall please read before you inquire about issues that don't Involve our Local. One other thing Brother Hall in your EEO grievance’s statements, you make reference to having or at least taking thr. lunches and % hour breaks for many years, though | am happy that you have gotten away with a Contractual violation for so long, but to put it on paper as evidence for management to address, is not a smart Union tactic , just a helpful hint, Always a pleasure hearing from you , hope | answered all your questions and concems (again). In Solidarity Nick Cassel President [APWU Philadelphia PA Area Local 864 Main Street Darby , PA 19023 Phone: 610-522-4520 Fax: 610-522-4533 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL: Communications sent from this email address may contain sensitive information. This communication, including attachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, 1

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