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Escuela Básica Cristiano Jerusalén

Asignatura: Inglés
Profesor: Nayareth Cheuquelaf Montecinos.
Verbs of the present simple
6th grade
Name and last name: Grade: Date:
6th grade ____/_____________/2018

General instructions:
 Work in silence.
 If you have any doubt, ask your teacher.

Ítem 1: Translation.
Instruction: Translate the following verbs.

Verb Meaning Verb Meaning

Arise Build
Awake Give
Become Go
Begin Grow
Bend Hide
Blow Hit
Get Hold
Hurt Drink
Keep Drive
Know Eat
Lay Cry
Leave Love
Let Call
Sing Ask
Sit Think
Sleep Feel
Speak Steal
Spend Do
Spread Remember
Stand Write
Steal Believe
Choose Answer
Forget Work
Fall Clean
Come Read
Draw Watch
Escuela Básica Cristiano Jerusalén
Asignatura: Inglés
Profesor: Nayareth Cheuquelaf Montecinos.

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