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[iii] List of abbreviations and conventions


Edited by
Professor of English Literature,
University of Sheffield
                                         
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

          

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge  , UK
 West th Street, New York,  -, USA
 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne , Australia
Ruiz de Alarcón ,  Madrid, Spain

© Cambridge University Press 

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First published 

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

Typeface Ehrhardt / pt []

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data

Shakespeare, William, –.
As You Like It / edited by Michael Hattaway.
p. cm. – (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Includes bibliographical references.
     (hardback) –      (paperback)
. Fathers and daughters – Drama. . Shakespeare, William, –. As you like it.
. Exiles – Drama. . Hattaway, Michael. . Title.
.  
.¢ – dc -

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[v] List of abbreviations and conventions


List of illustrations page vi

Preface vii
List of abbreviations and conventions ix
Introduction 
Journeys 
Plays within the play 
Theatrical genres 
Pastoral 
Counter-pastoral 
The condition of the country 
Politics 
‘Between you and the women the play may please’ 
Gender 
Nuptials 
Stage history 
Date and occasion 
Sources 
Note on the text 
List of characters 

Textual analysis 
: Extracts from Shakespeare’s principal source,
Lodge’s Rosalind 
: The songs 
Reading list 

As You Like It [vi]


 The jester Tom Skelton page 

 ‘The Wheel of Life which is called Fortune’, c.  
 Hymen,  
 Lucy Harrington Countess of Bedford attired for Jonson’s Hymenaei,
() 
 Nicolas Poussin, Et in Arcadia Ego, c.  
 The Horn Dance: production by Mark Brickman, Crucible Theatre,
Sheffield,  
 Mrs Abington as Rosalind 
 Playbill for a revival at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,  
 ‘What shall he have that killed the deer?’: Stratford-upon-Avon,  
 Vanessa Redgrave (Rosalind), Rosalind Knight (Celia), Colin Blakely
(Touchstone): Stratford-upon-Avon,  
 Eileen Atkins (Rosalind), David Suchet (Orlando): Stratford-upon-
Avon,  
 The final scene: Stratford-upon-Avon,  
 Colin Douglas (Corin), Juliet Stevenson (Rosalind), Fiona Shaw
(Celia): Stratford-upon-Avon,  
 Patrick Toomey (Orlando) and Adrian Lester (Rosalind):
Cheek by Jowl, – 
 Anastasia Hille (Rosalind): Shakespeare’s Globe,  

Illustration  is reproduced by permission of the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-

upon-Avon; , ,  are reproduced by permission of the British Library;  by kind
permission of the Marquess of Tavistock and the Trustees of the Bedford Estate;  by
permission of the Duke of Devonshire and the Chatsworth Settlement Trustees
(photograph by Photographic Survey, Courtauld Institute of Art);  by permission of
Sheffield Theatres (photograph by Gerry Murray); , ,  (photograph by Angus
McBean),  (photograph by Zoe Dominic), ,  (photographs by Joe Cocks)
by permission of the Shakespeare Centre Library, Stratford-upon-Avon;  by per-
mission of Cheek by Jowl (photograph by John Haynes);  by permission of
Shakespeare’s Globe (photograph by Donald Cooper)


[.] Enter        and  

     As I remember, Adam, it was upon this fashion bequeathed

me by will but poor a thousand crowns and, as thou say’st, charged
my brother, on his blessing, to breed me well: and there begins my
sadness. My brother Jacques he keeps at school, and report speaks
goldenly of his profit. For my part, he keeps me rustically at home 
or, to speak more properly, stays me here at home unkept – for call
you that ‘keeping’ for a gentleman of my birth, that differs not from
the stalling of an ox? His horses are bred better for, besides that they
are fair with their feeding, they are taught their manège, and to that
end riders dearly hired. But I, his brother, gain nothing under him 
but growth – for the which his animals on his dunghills are as much

Act , Scene  .] This edn; Actus primus. Scœna Prima.   fashion] ; my father Warburton; fashion; my father
Hanmer; fashion he Dyce, conj. Ritson  Jacques] This edn; Iaques   manège] Oxford; mannage 

Title In the epistle dedicatory to ‘the gentlemen ), () upon. The hatred of Oliver for Orlando
readers’, Lodge writes ‘If you like it, so’ (Rosalind, recalls the hatred of Esau for Jacob after both had
p. ), and Rosalind may allude to the title in her sought the blessing of their father Isaac in Gen. .
epilogue (). There is no evidence that the phrase  breed educate.
was proverbial.  Jacques The middle son of Sir Roland appears
only in . to recount the news of Duke Frederick’s
Act , Scene  conversion.
[.] The play begins in the middle of a conversa-  keeps at school maintains at university. In
tion between Orlando and Adam. (In Rosalind Rosalind, Fernandyne ‘hath no mind but on Aristo-
Lodge includes the death of the father and the de- tle’ (p. ).
tails of his will.) Orlando’s anger leads to dislocated  report rumour, common talk.
syntax (unless there is textual corruption – see  profit progress (OED sv sb ).
collation), and we never learn why he may have  rustically in the manner of a peasant.
incurred his father’s displeasure and a niggardly  properly accurately.
inheritance.  stays detains (OED Stay v ).
– upon . . . will in this manner left to me in  unkept without the money and comforts I
[my father’s] will. expect.
 poor a a mere (for the construction, see Abbott  keeping A possible echo of Gen. . where
, OED A art d). Abel says of Cain, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’.
 crowns gold coins worth, during the reign of  stalling of stall for.
Elizabeth, five shillings (Shakespeare’s England, ,  fair handsome.
).  *manège paces and conduct (OED sv a).
 charged Unless we assume that ‘my father’ has  riders trainers (OED Rider a).
disappeared from the text (see collation), or was  dearly at great cost (OED sv ).
elided (Abbott ), this is an impersonal construc- – gain . . . growth under his tutelage re-
tion, i.e. ‘it was charged’. main poor and uneducated.
 my brother i.e. Oliver.  the which which (Abbott ).
 on () as a condition of receiving (OED sv prep  animals brutes.

.. As You Like It []

bound to him as I. Besides this nothing that he so plentifully gives

me, the something that Nature gave me his countenance seems to
take from me: he lets me feed with his hinds, bars me the place of a
brother, and, as much as in him lies, mines my gentility with my 
education. This is it, Adam, that grieves me, and the spirit of my
father, which I think is within me, begins to mutiny against this
servitude. I will no longer endure it, though yet I know no wise
remedy how to avoid it.
Enter      
  Yonder comes my master, your brother. 
     Go apart, Adam, and thou shalt hear how he will shake me
[Adam withdraws]
    Now, sir, what make you here?
     Nothing: I am not taught to make anything.
    What mar you then, sir? 
     Marry, sir, I am helping you to mar that which God made, a
poor unworthy brother of yours, with idleness.
    Marry, sir, be better employed, and be naught awhile.
     Shall I keep your hogs and eat husks with them? What
prodigal portion have I spent that I should come to such penury? 
    Know you where you are, sir?

 ] Collier subst.; not in   awhile] Eds.; a while 

 something . . . me Orlando in fact means  mar Generated by the proverb, ‘To make and
social status. mar’ (Tilley ; see line ).
 countenance () behaviour, () patronage  Marry A mild oath, ‘by St Mary’.
(OED sv sb  and ).  that . . . made Compare the proverb, ‘He is
 hinds farm-hands. (is not) a man of God’s making’ (Tilley ).
 bars For the omitted ‘from’, see Abbott – idleness . . . employed Compare the
. proverb, ‘Better to be idle than not well occupied
 as much . . . lies with all the power at his (employed)’ (Tilley ).
disposal.  be naught awhile Proverbial (Dent .;
 mines my gentility undermines my good OED Naught sb e), meaning something like ‘to hell
birth. with you’.
 grieves vexes.  husks scraps, refuse; this is the word used in
 spirit mettle. the Geneva Bible – the Bishops’ has ‘cods’ – in its
 avoid get rid of (OED sv c). narrative of the prodigal son.
 Go apart Stand aside.  prodigal wastefully lavish (OED sv adj ),
– shake me up abuse me violently (OED alluding proleptically to the parable of the prodigal
Shake v  f.). son (Matt. .–, Luke .–) who would
 make you are you doing (OED Make v eat the food (‘husks’) of the swine he was minding.
) – with the implication that Orlando should – where . . . orchard The sense of Oliver’s
not be in the orchard; Orlando in the next line question is ‘What do you mean?’ (Dent .;
deliberately misconstrues ‘make’ to mean ‘fashion’, compare .. and Ham. ..) but Orlando
commenting bitterly on his unproductivity. chooses to take it literally (compare  n.).
[] As You Like It ..

     O, sir, very well: here in your orchard.

    Know you before whom, sir?
     Aye, better than him I am before knows me: I know you are
my eldest brother, and in the gentle condition of blood you should 
so know me. The courtesy of nations allows you my better in that
you are the first-born, but the same tradition takes not away my
blood, were there twenty brothers betwixt us. I have as much of my
father in me as you, albeit I confess your coming before me is nearer
to his reverence. 
    [Raising his hand] What, boy!
    [Seizing his brother] Come, come, elder brother, you are too
young in this.
    Wilt thou lay hands on me, villain?
     I am no villein: I am the youngest son of Sir Roland de Boys; 
he was my father, and he is thrice a villain that says such a father
begot villeins. Wert thou not my brother, I would not take this hand
from thy throat till this other had pulled out thy tongue for saying
so: thou hast railed on thyself.
  [Coming forward] Sweet masters, be patient, for your father’s 
remembrance, be at accord.
   Let me go, I say.
    I will not till I please. You shall hear me. My father charged
you in his will to give me good education: you have trained me like
a peasant, obscuring and hiding from me all gentleman-like quali- 

 ] This edn; not in ; menacing with his hand / Johnson  ] This edn; not in ; collaring him / Johnson  villein]
Oxford; villaine   Roland] This edn; Rowland   Boys]  subst.; Bois Oxford  villeins] Oxford;
villaines 

,  know acknowledge.  *villein The context indicates that the mean-
 him he whom (for the usage, see Abbott ). ing here is ‘fellow of base extraction’ (Johnson),
 in . . . blood because of our noble breeding. although  does not make a distinction between
 so know me know me as a brother. villain/villein (see collation): another example of
 courtesy of nations custom (of primogeni- the way Orlando twists his brother’s words.
ture) among civilised peoples.  Roland As ‘Orlando’ is the Italian form of this
 tradition surrender (of rank) (OED sv a). name, it may be that Orlando is claiming the virtues
 blood () rank, () spirit. of his father.
– coming . . . reverence earlier birth en- – *such . . . villeins Compare the proverb,
titles you to the veneration he received (ironical). ‘Such a father, such a son’ (Tilley ).
 boy An insult that provokes Orlando to  railed on insulted.
‘manly’ behaviour.  be patient calm yourselves.
– you . . . this Compare the proverb, ‘He has – for your father’s remembrance in
made a younger brother of him’ (Tilley ), i.e. memory of your father.
even though you are older I am stronger.  peasant In the period more a term of abuse
 young inexperienced, weak. than a designation of specific rank.
 thou Oliver’s use of the singular pronoun is a  obscuring concealing (OED Obscure v b).
calculated insult. – qualities accomplishments, manners
 villain rogue. (OED Quality b).
.. As You Like It []

ties. The spirit of my father grows strong in me – and I will no

longer endure it. Therefore allow me such exercises as may become
a gentleman or give me the poor allottery my father left me by
testament: with that I will go buy my fortunes.
[He releases Oliver]
    And what wilt thou do? Beg when that is spent? Well, sir, get 
you in. I will not long be troubled with you: you shall have some
part of your ‘will’; I pray you leave me.
     I will no further offend you than becomes me for my good.
    [To Adam] Get you with him, you old dog.
  Is ‘old dog’ my reward? Most true, I have lost my teeth in your 
service. God be with my old master: he would not have spoke such
a word.
Exeunt Orlando [and] Adam
    Is it even so, begin you to grow upon me? I will physic your
rankness, and yet give no thousand crowns neither. – Holla, Denis.
Enter    
  Calls your worship? 
   Was not Charles, the Duke’s wrestler, here to speak with me?
  So please you, he is here at the door, and importunes access to

 ] Collier; not in   ‘will’] Wilson, conj. Furness; will   ] Wilson subst.; not in   grow] growl conj.
Collier  Denis] Oxford; Dennis  (throughout)

, ,  will have a mind to (OED sv v ). has hated me being slow and toothless’ (William
 exercises acquired skills (OED Exercise sb Bullokar, Aesop’s Fables in True Orthography (),
b). sig. r).
 allottery portion; a nonce-word not recorded  spoke For the form, see Abbott .
in OED, and probably a pun on ‘lottery’.  grow upon become troublesome to.
 testament his will. – physic your rankness cure your excessive
 buy my fortunes purchase an office (at exuberance or insolence; ‘rankness’ is a symptom of
court?). murrain, a disease of cattle, a condition that requires
 And . . . spent Another allusion to the prodi- bloodletting. OED Rankness cites Jon Fitzherbert,
gal son, disdained by his older brother. A Tract for all Husbandmen (), par. :
– thou . . . you in Orlando used ‘you’ in the ‘Murrain . . . cometh of a rankness of blood’ and
preceding lines; Oliver’s use of ‘thou’ is the lan- compare JC ..; there may also be an allusion to
guage of a master to a servant (Abbott ); the pruning a ‘rank’ or over-luxuriant plant (OED Rank
‘you’ that comes next, following ‘sir’, is even more adj ).
contemptuous.  neither either (Abbott ).
 will () wishes (see , ), () our father’s  Holla Come here (Cotgrave, cited in OED).
testament.  Charles, the Duke’s wrestler He may have
 offend assail (OED sv ). been thought of as the Duke’s ‘champion’, as in
– ‘old dog’ . . . service In Aesop there is a Rosalind (p. ).
fable of an old greyhound who, rebuked by his mas-  So please you If it may please you.
ter when he could not hold a beast he had captured,  door Perhaps to a walled garden or
responded ‘Thou has loved me catching game, thou orchard.
[] As You Like It ..

    Call him in.

[Exit Denis]
’Twill be a good way, and tomorrow the wrestling is. 

Enter       
    Good morrow to your worship.
   Good Monsieur Charles, what’s the new news at the new
    There’s no news at the court, sir, but the old news: that is, the
old Duke is banished by his younger brother, the new Duke, and 
three or four loving lords have put themselves into voluntary exile
with him, whose lands and revenues enrich the new Duke; therefore
he gives them good leave to wander.
   Can you tell if Rosalind, the Duke’s daughter, be banished
with her father? 
    O no; for the Duke’s daughter, her cousin, so loves her, being
ever from their cradles bred together, that she would have followed
her exile or have died to stay behind her; she is at the court and no
less beloved of her uncle than his own daughter, and never two
ladies loved as they do. 
   Where will the old Duke live?
    They say he is already in the Forest of Arden, and a many
merry men with him; and there they live like the old Robin Hood of

 ] Johnson; not in   Good] ; Good morrow, Walker  at the new] ; at the conj. Furness  at the] ;
at the new Lettsom  the] ; the old Hanmer  the] ; the new Hanmer  she] ; hee   her] ; their 

 ’Twill . . . is A short soliloquy or aside. – Forest . . . England Lodge (Rosalind, p.

 way i.e. of killing Orlando. ) wrote that the banished Gerismond ‘lived as an
 morrow morning. outlaw in the Forest of Arden’, ostensibly the Forêt
– new news . . . court Oliver’s supercilious des Ardennes in Flanders, although in his narrative
pleasantry offers Charles a cue for a passage of the girls start at Bordeaux and walk due east. The
exposition. Forest of Arden was an extensive tract of country
– new court It would seem from the refer- north of Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-
ence to Celia’s youth at .. that Duke Senior had Avon, although the addition ‘of England’ implies
been in exile for several years. that the forest of the play is in France (compare ‘the
 old Duke i.e. Duke Senior. stubbornest young fellow of France’ (..–).
 loving loyal (as in the proclamation phrase Shakespeare overlays these mythical locations with
‘our loving subjects’). another, the antique greenwood that figures so
 whose i.e. of the exiled lords. often in the Robin Hood ballads.
 good leave full permission.  a many The indefinite article makes numeral
 being they being (Abbott ). adjectives less definite (see OED A art ).
 ever always.  merry The word was often used to designate
 bred brought up. utopian equality in populist texts of the period;
 to stay by staying (for this usage, see Abbott compare ‘it was never merry world in England since
). gentlemen came up’ (H ..–).
 of by (Abbott ). – Robin Hood of England The phrase asso-
 loved loved each other (OED Love v b). ciates the exiled Duke and his companions with
.. As You Like It []

England. They say many young gentlemen flock to him every day,
and fleet the time carelessly as they did in the golden world. 
   What, you wrestle tomorrow before the new Duke?
    Marry, do I, sir; and I came to acquaint you with a matter. I
am given, sir, secretly to understand that your younger brother
Orlando hath a disposition to come in, disguised, against me to try
a fall. Tomorrow, sir, I wrestle for my credit, and he that escapes me 
without some broken limb shall acquit him well. Your brother is but
young and tender and, for your love, I would be loath to foil him, as
I must for my own honour, if he come in; therefore, out of my love
to you, I came hither to acquaint you withal, that either you might
stay him from his intendment, or brook such disgrace well as he 
shall run into, in that it is a thing of his own search and altogether
against my will.
   Charles, I thank thee for thy love to me, which thou shalt find
I will most kindly requite. I had myself notice of my brother’s
purpose herein, and have by underhand means laboured to dissuade 
him from it – but he is resolute. I’ll tell thee, Charles, it is the
stubbornest young fellow of France, full of ambition, an envious
emulator of every man’s good parts, a secret and villainous contriver

 came] ; come 

characters in a popular May-game (see Laroque, pp.  acquit perform.

–).  him himself (Abbott ).
 fleet while away (OED sv v d – the  tender immature (OED sv ).
first recorded instance of the verb used  love sake.
transitively).  foil () throw, defeat (OED sv v ), ()
 carelessly without cares. violate sexually (?; see OED sv v ).
 golden world The first age of the world,  withal with this (Abbott ).
described, for example, in Metamorphoses, , –  intendment intention (OED sv ).
. Duke Senior’s description of the bracing rigours  brook endure.
of the simple life in ., however, is unlike the  run into incur.
descriptions of care-free existence in classical ‘age’  thing of his own search plan of his own
texts. devising.
 What Oliver’s exclamation of impatience may  thee . . . thou Oliver changes to the intimate
be generated by Charles’ idealising description of form of the pronoun.
the rival court.  kindly requite appropriately reward.
 Marry Indeed.  by underhand means unobtrusively.
 a a certain (for the article used thus emphati-  it is he is (OED sv d).
cally, see Abbott ).  stubbornest fiercest, most ruthless (OED
 disposition inclination. Stubborn ).
 disguised It was not becoming for a gentle-  of France See – n., above.
man to fight with a common wrestler. – envious emulator malicious disparager.
 fall bout (OED sv sb ).  parts qualities.
 credit reputation.  contriver plotter.
 shall will have to (Abbott ).
[] As You Like It ..

against me, his natural brother. Therefore use thy discretion: I had
as lief thou didst break his neck as his finger. And thou wert best 
look to’t – for if thou dost him any slight disgrace or if he do not
mightily grace himself on thee, he will practise against thee by
poison, entrap thee by some treacherous device, and never leave
thee till he hath ta’en thy life by some indirect means or other. For
I assure thee – and almost with tears I speak it – there is not one so 
young and so villainous this day living. I speak but brotherly of him,
but should I anatomise him to thee as he is, I must blush and weep,
and thou must look pale and wonder.
    I am heartily glad I came hither to you. If he come tomorrow,
I’ll give him his payment; if ever he go alone again, I’ll never wrestle 
for prize more – and so God keep your worship. Exit
    Farewell, good Charles. – Now will I stir this gamester. I hope
I shall see an end of him, for my soul – yet I know not why – hates
nothing more than he. Yet he’s gentle, never schooled and yet
learned, full of noble device, of all sorts enchantingly beloved, and 
indeed so much in the heart of the world, and especially of my own
people who best know him, that I am altogether misprized. But it
shall not be so long this wrestler shall clear all: nothing remains but
that I kindle the boy thither, which now I’ll go about. Exit

 ] ; not in 

 natural blood (OED sv b).  prize This was often a ram (see Joseph
– I . . . finger At this stage in Lodge’s nar- Strutt, The Sports and Pastimes of the People of
rative Saladyne bribes Charles (Rosalind, p. ): England, ed. William Hone, , p. ).
handing the wrestler a purse would be an appropri-  stir this gamester torment this ‘athlete’
ate piece of stage business here. (see OED Gamester ).
 thou wert best For the construction, see – soul . . . he Like Iago, Oliver finds it diffi-
Abbott . cult to rationalise his jealousy to himself.
 look to’t be careful.  he him (Abbott ).
 disgrace injury or disfigurement.  gentle well born.
 grace himself on thee gain credit at your  learned educated (OED sv ppl adj ).
expense.  device inclinations, thoughts (OED sv ).
 practise plot.  of all sorts by all ranks.
 device trick.  enchantingly as if they were under his spell.
 but brotherly with the reserve of a brother  people servants.
– in the manner of the innumerable hostile brothers  misprized despised.
in Shakespearean texts.  clear all settle matters.
 anatomise him lay his character bare.  kindle incite.
 payment punishment (OED sv sb ).  boy an insulting designation for a man.
 go alone walk without aid.  go set.
.. As You Like It []

[.] Enter       and     

   I pray thee, Rosalind, sweet my coz, be merry.

     Dear Celia, I show more mirth than I am mistress of, and
would you yet were merrier: unless you could teach me to forget a
banished father, you must not learn me how to remember any
extraordinary pleasure. 
   Herein, I see, thou lov’st me not with the full weight that I love
thee; if my uncle, thy banished father, had banished thy uncle, the
Duke my father, so thou hadst been still with me, I could have
taught my love to take thy father for mine; so wouldst thou, if the
truth of thy love to me were so righteously tempered as mine is to 
     Well, I will forget the condition of my estate to rejoice in
   You know my father hath no child but I, nor none is like to have;
and, truly, when he dies thou shalt be his heir: for what he hath 
taken away from thy father perforce I will render thee again in
affection. By mine honour, I will, and when I break that oath, let me
turn monster. Therefore, my sweet Rose, my dear Rose, be merry.

Act , Scene  .] Eds.; Scœna Secunda.   of, and] ; of. /      And conj. Jourdain (Philological Society
Transactions, –, p. )  yet] ; yet I Rowe  Herein . . . see,] Theobald; Herein I see 

Act , Scene   extraordinary great (OED sv ).

[.] In Elizabethan amphitheatre playhouses en-  that with which.
trances were usually made from doors in the tiring-  so provided that (Abbott ).
house at the rear of the stage and it would take some  still constantly (Abbott ).
time for players to come forward to the front edge of  so wouldst thou you would do likewise.
the stage. This scene could therefore have begun by  so as (Abbott ).
the players walking forward as though they were in  righteously tempered properly composed.
mid-conversation, thus ‘quoting’ the entrance of  estate condition, situation.
Orlando and Adam in ..  I me (Abbott ).
– thee . . . you It is notable that Celia gener-  nor none For the double negative, see Abbott
ally uses the familiar form of the pronoun, whereas .
Rosalind employs the more formal ‘you’ to the  like likely.
daughter of the ruling Duke.  be his heir i.e. inherit his dukedom.
 sweet my coz For the construction, see Abbott  perforce by violence.
.  again back.
 coz Abbreviated form of ‘cousin’.  mine The form used before vowels and words
– show . . . merrier am less happy than I beginning with ‘h’ (Abbot ).
seem, and wish that you were more cheerful than  sweet Rose Either containing the abbreviated
that; Rowe’s emendation ‘yet I were merrier?’ has form of the name ‘Rosalind’ or a reference to the
been widely followed. Spanish words rosa linda, beautiful (sweet) rose,
 learn teach. from which ‘Rosalind’ derives.
 remember be mindful of, mention (OED sv
[] As You Like It ..

      From henceforth I will, coz, and devise sports. Let me see,
what think you of falling in love? 
    Marry, I prithee do, to make sport withal: but love no man in
good earnest – nor no further in sport neither – than with safety of
a pure blush thou mayst in honour come off again.
      What shall be our sport then?
    Let us sit and mock the good housewife Fortune from her wheel, 
that her gifts may henceforth be bestowed equally.
      I would we could do so: for her benefits are mightily mis-
placed, and the bountiful blindwoman doth most mistake in her
gifts to women.
    ’Tis true, for those that she makes fair she scarce makes honest, 
and those that she makes honest she makes very ill-favouredly.
      Nay, now thou goest from Fortune’s office to Nature’s:
Fortune reigns in gifts of the world, not in the lineaments of
Enter [ the] clown

 blindwoman] This edn; blinde woman   ill-favouredly]  subst.; ill-favoured Rowe   ] Theobald
subst.; Clowne 

 make sport pass the time pleasantly (here  benefits favours, gifts.
with a bawdy sense). – misplaced improperly bestowed.
 withal () with, () with all (men).  bountiful () liberal, () promiscuous
 with safety of without damage to (OED (?).
records this usage, but only from  (Safety c)).  blindwoman Compare the proverb, ‘Fortune
 pure shame-free. is blind’ (Tilley ).
 come off retire as from a field of combat;  mistake go astray (OED sv ).
there is a possible reference to orgasm, although – Compare the proverb, ‘Beauty and chastity
OED records the usage only from  (Come v (honesty) seldom meet’ (Tilley ).
); see, however, ..– n., Dekker,  Honest  fair beautiful.
Whore (), ‘a wench that will come with a wet  scarce seldom.
finger’ (..), and Middleton and Dekker, The  honest virtuous, chaste.
Roaring Girl (), ed. Paul Mulholland, ,  ill-favouredly of uncomely appearance; ‘ill-
... favoured’ (see collation) improves the balance of the
– Celia proposes a discussion on a set theme. sentence.
 housewife () mistress of a household, ()  office function.
hussy, whore.  gifts of the world material possessions,
 Fortune For the iconology of Fortune and power.
debates between Fortune and Nature, see Frederick – lineaments of Nature e.g. virtue, wit,
Kiefer, Fortune and Elizabethan Tragedy, , beauty.
pp. –; there is a set meditation on Fortune  SD *T O U C H S T O N E . . . clown Touchstone’s
by Adam in Rosalind, pp. – (Appendix , name does not appear in  until . (see .. . –
pp. –).  n.); it is also likely that he wears the fool’s uniform
 wheel By which Dame Fortune, commonly of motley only in this latter scene (see .. n.). His
depicted as wearing a blindfold, raised people into entrance, some lines before he speaks, is either evi-
prosperity and happiness and then plunged them dence of prompt-book copy, or perhaps it gives him
down again to misery – with a disparaging pun on a an opportunity silently to upstage his mistress and
housewife’s spinning-wheel (see plate ). her friend.
 equally justly (OED sv ).
.. As You Like It []

    No? When Nature hath made a fair creature, may she not by 
Fortune fall into the fire? Though Nature hath given us wit to flout
at Fortune, hath not Fortune sent in this fool to cut off the
      Indeed there is Fortune too hard for Nature, when Fortune
makes Nature’s natural the cutter-off of Nature’s wit. 
    Peradventure this is not Fortune’s work neither but Nature’s
who, perceiving our natural wits too dull to reason of such god-
desses, hath sent this natural for our whetstone: for always the
dullness of the fool is the whetstone of the wits. – How now, Wit,
whither wander you? 
    Mistress, you must come away to your father.
   Were you made the messenger?
    No, by mine honour, but I was bid to come for you.
     Where learned you that oath, fool?
    Of a certain knight that swore, by his honour, they were 
good pancakes, and swore, by his honour, the mustard was naught.
Now, I’ll stand to it, the pancakes were naught and the mustard was
good – and yet was not the knight forsworn.

 No?] Hanmer; No;   perceiving] ; perceiueth  – goddesses] ; goddesses, and Malone  ] Malone
subst.; Clown.  subst. (throughout)

– Nature . . . fire Compare the proverb,  dullness slowness, bluntness.

‘Shunning the smoke, he fell into the fire’ (Tilley – Wit . . . you Compare the proverb, ad-
). dressed to anyone too loquacious, ‘Wit, whither wilt
 Fortune Chance. thou?’ (Tilley ; OED Wit e).
 fall into the fire lose her virtue.  away along.
 wit intelligence.  messenger officer sent to apprehend state
– flout at rail at, complain about. prisoners (OED sv a); compare Prov. .: ‘He that
 argument () theme, discussion (OED sv ), sendeth a message by the hand of a fool, is as he that
() penis (Williams, pp. –). cutteth off the feet and drinketh iniquity.’
 there in that. – The jest of the man who swears by what he
 too hard more than a match. has not is also found in Richard Edwards’ Damon
 natural fool, idiot (OED sv sb ); compare and Pithias (?), –.
.. where Touchstone puts down Corin by call- – honour . . . mustard For a link with a jest
ing him ‘a natural philosopher’. in Jonson’s Every Man in his Humour, where a clown
 Nature’s wit the wit Nature has given us; buys a coat of arms and the motto ‘Not without
‘wit’ may refer here to the sexual organs (see mustard’, a possible reference to Shakespeare’s
Williams, pp. –). motto Non sanz droict (‘Not without right’), see
 Peradventure Perhaps. Samuel Schoenbaum, William Shakespeare: A
 *perceiving ’s reading (see collation) im- Documentary Life, , p. .
proves the sentence structure.  pancakes pancake, fritter, or flapjack are al-
– wits . . . wits Compare the proverbs, ‘X is ternatives or synonyms.
the whetstone of wit’ (Dent .) and ‘A whet-  naught bad, unsatisfactory (OED sv ).
stone cannot itself cut but yet it makes tools cut’  stand to it insist, swear.
(Tilley ).  forsworn perjured (with a possible allusion
 wits mental faculties. to the homily ‘Against Swearing and Perjury’
 reason discourse, talk. (Shaheen, p. )).
[] As You Like It ..

    How prove you that in the great heap of your knowledge?

      Aye, marry, now unmuzzle your wisdom. 
     Stand you both forth now. Stroke your chins and swear,
by your beards, that I am a knave.
    By our beards – if we had them – thou art.
     By my knavery – if I had it – then I were. But if you
swear by that that is not you are not forsworn: no more was this 
knight swearing by his honour, for he never had any; or if he had,
he had sworn it away before ever he saw those pancakes or that
    Prithee, who is’t that thou mean’st?
     One that old Frederick, your father, loves. 
    My father’s love is enough to honour him. Enough! Speak no
more of him; you’ll be whipped for taxation one of these days.
     The more pity that fools may not speak wisely what wise
men do foolishly.
    By my troth, thou say’st true: for, since the little wit that fools 
have was silenced, the little foolery that wise men have makes a
great show. – Here comes ‘Monsieur the Beau’.

 One that] ; One Collier  Frederick]  subst.; Ferdinand conj. Capell; Collier  ] Theobald; Ros.   him.
Enough!] Hanmer subst.; him enough   ‘Monsieur the Beau’] This edn; Monsieur the Beu 

 Stand you both forth Both step forward though my father may not have been an honourable
(OED Stand v a). man himself, his favour confers sufficient honour’
 By () In accord with, () By reason of. could just stand; however, the two ‘enoughs’ in the
 were would be. sentence are awkward, so Hanmer’s emendation is
– if . . . any Compare the proverb, ‘No man attractive.
ever lost his honour but he that had it not’ (Tilley  whipped Even an allowed fool might be
). whipped for overstepping the mark.
 The line may well be corrupt (see collation).  taxation slander (OED sv ); for a pun on
As the usurping Frederick was in fact the younger ‘tax’, the sound of a whip-stroke, see Hulme, p. .
brother, ‘old’ might be taken as a jocular and over-  troth faith.
familiar epithet that stings Celia into defending her  wit wisdom.
father. – since . . . silenced Either a reference to the
 Frederick It is conceivable that this is a decree of June  by the Archbishop of Canter-
compositorial misreading for ‘Ferdinand’ (see List bury and the Bishop of London to the Stationers’
of Characters, n. to Duke Senior, p. ), in which Company prohibiting the printing of satires and
case Theobald’s emendation of the following  is epigrams (see Introduction, pp. –); or a general
unnecessary. Alternatively ‘Frederick’ may have reference to attempts by the City to put down the
been the name of the knight (see collation). players.
 * Theobald’s emendation is justified by the  was has been (Abbott ).
fact that at .. and .. we learn that it is  *‘Monsieur the Beau’ Celia’s designation
Celia’s father who is called Frederick – although may draw attention to his foppish character and the
possibly Shakespeare himself made the error. The spellings (see collation) ‘Beu’ and ‘Boon-iour’ (,
line occurs in part of a stint set by Compositor B ) may mock his affected diction; in  the name
who made similar errors with speech headings in appears in the following  as ‘le Beau’, but in s as
.. Le Beu.
 *him. Enough ’s reading meaning ‘Even
.. As You Like It []

Enter  
      With his mouth full of news.
    Which he will put on us as pigeons feed their young.
      Then shall we be news-crammed. 
    All the better: we shall be the more marketable. – Bonjour,
Monsieur Le Beau, what’s the news?
  Fair princess, you have lost much good sport.
   ‘Sport’: of what colour?
  ‘What colour’, madam? How shall I answer you? 
     As wit and fortune will.
    [Imitating Le Beau] Or as the destinies decrees.
   Well said: that was laid on with a trowel.
    Nay, if I keep not my rank –
     Thou loosest thy old smell. 
     You amaze me, ladies! I would have told you of good wrestling
which you have lost the sight of.
     Yet tell us the manner of the wrestling.
  I will tell you the beginning and, if it please your ladyships,
you may see the end, for the best is yet to do; and here where you 
are they are coming to perform it.
   Well, the beginning that is dead and buried.
 Bonjour] Eds.; Boon-iour   ]   Eds.; Le Beu  (throughout scene)  princess] Eds.; Princesse   Sport]
; Spot Collier  madam] Eds.; Madame   ] This edn; not in   rank –] Rowe; ranke.   loosest] ; losest

 put force. verbal delivery (see OED sv sb ), or even straight
 crammed stuffed (bawdy?). row (of bricks).
 marketable Like plump pigeons.  The unemended line (see collation) could
 lost missed. mean that Touchstone fears that Le Beau could
 ‘Sport’ It is probable that Le Beau affectedly deprive him of his job, or, as emended here, means
pronounced the word ‘spot’ (compare  n. below; that the fool was going to aver that his gifts as a
Cercignani, pp. –); the word could mean clown were quite secure.
‘amorous dalliance’.  loosest release; Rosalind wilfully construes
 colour () kind, nature; this is the first re- ‘rank’ as foul smell, i.e. a fart.
corded use of the word in this sense (OED sv sb  amaze confuse, bewilder (OED sv ).
a), which may explain Le Beau’s response in the  lost the sight of missed.
next line, () hue.  the best . . . do Compare the proverb, ‘The
 Compare the proverb, ‘Little wit serves unto best is behind’ (Tilley ).
whom fortune pipes’ (Tilley ).  to do to be done (Abbott ).
 fortune good luck. – and . . . it In ‘reality’ Rosalind would go to
 Touchstone implies that Le Beau is foolish, a place for wrestling: the passage celebrates the
seldom fated to make a witty response. flexibility of the non-illusionistic stage by telling the
 decrees For the termination, see Abbott audience that the wrestling place is coming to
. Rosalind.
 laid on with a trowel Like mortar, ‘a bit  Come, then, tell us what has happened already
thick’, the first recorded use of the phrase (Tilley (the phrase ‘dead and buried’ occurs in the cat-
). echism in the Book of Common Prayer); Celia is
 rank social station or, possibly, fast rate of construing Le Beau’s ‘end’ () to mean ‘death’.
[] As You Like It ..

      There comes an old man and his three sons –

    I could match this beginning with an old tale.
      Three proper young men, of excellent growth and presence – 
      With bills on their necks: ‘Be it known unto all men by these
      The eldest of the three wrestled with Charles, the Duke’s
wrestler, which Charles in a moment threw him and broke three of
his ribs that there is little hope of life in him. So he served the 
second and so the third: yonder they lie, the poor old man, their
father, making such pitiful dole over them that all the beholders
take his part with weeping.
      Alas!
     But what is the sport, monsieur, that the ladies have 
      Why, this that I speak of.
     Thus men may grow wiser every day. It is the first time
that ever I heard breaking of ribs was sport for ladies.
    Or I, I promise thee. 
      But is there any else longs to see this broken music in his
sides? Is there yet another dotes upon rib-breaking? Shall we see
this wrestling, cousin?
      You must if you stay here, for here is the place appointed for
the wrestling and they are ready to perform it. 
    Yonder, sure, they are coming. Let us now stay and see it.
 sons –] Theobald; sons.   presence –] Theobald subst.; presence.  – presence – /  . . . necks:]  subst;
presence, with bills on their necks.     conj. Farmer in Steevens –         . . . -breaking?]  subst.;
 . . . -breaking? /         Cam., conj. anon  see] ; set Theobald, conj. Warburton

 comes For the singular form, see Abbott . began ‘Noverint universi per praesentes’: ‘know all
– Parents with three children provide a com- men by these presents’ – Rosalind’s line is an excuse
mon motif in folk stories – Rosalind and the pseudo- for a pun on ‘presence’.
Chaucerian Tale of Gamelyn are examples. This  presents () documents, writings (OED
nameless family is a figure of the de Boys family in Present sb b), () genitals (Rubinstein, p. ).
which there were also three sons, in their case re-  which the which (Abbott ).
united at the end of the play. The episode of the old  that so that (Abbott ).
man and his sons who are killed by Charles is nar-  dole lamentation.
rated in Rosalind (p. ) – in Lodge, however,  promise assure (OED sv v b).
there are only two sons in this inset episode, and  any anyone (Abbott ).
Rosader seeks to avenge their deaths.  see experience, attend (OED sv v a).
 match rival.  broken music Music arranged for more
 tale Celia may be continuing the bawdy puns than one instrument (Shakespeare’s England , ,
with a jest on ‘tail’. ), but here also referring to the sound of ribs
 proper honest, good-looking. being broken.
 growth stature. – Shall . . . cousin The line could express
 bills papers, writings. either desire to see the sport or repulsion.
– Be . . . presents Many legal documents
.. As You Like It []

Flourish. Enter   [        ], Lords,       ,

      , and Attendants
      Come on; since the youth will not be entreated, his
own peril on his forwardness.
     Is yonder the man?
  Even he, madam. 
   Alas, he is too young; yet he looks successfully.
  How now, daughter – and cousin: are you crept
hither to see the wrestling?
      Aye, my liege, so please you give us leave.
  You will take little delight in it, I can tell you: there 
is such odds in the man. In pity of the challenger’s youth, I would
fain dissuade him, but he will not be entreated. Speak to him, ladies:
see if you can move him.
    Call him hither, good Monsieur Le Beau.
  Do so; I’ll not be by. 
[The Duke stands aside]
  Monsieur the challenger, the princess calls for you.
    I attend them with all respect and duty.
     Young man, have you challenged Charles the wrestler?
    No, fair princess, he is the general challenger. I come but in
as others do to try with him the strength of my youth. 
   Young gentleman, your spirits are too bold for your years: you
have seen cruel proof of this man’s strength. If you saw yourself

          ] Rowe; not in  –] As prose, Pope; Duke . . . intreated / His . . . forwardnesse  –] As prose,
Pope; Du. Cousin: / Are . . . wrastling?   you:] Globe subst.; you   man] ; men Hanmer  ] Theobald
subst.; not in   princess calls]  subst.; princesses call Theobald  them] ; her Rowe

  Flourish Sounded on trumpets to signify family (OED Prince ); grammatically ‘princess’
the presence of authority. could be an uninflected plural (Abbott ) and
 Come on Approach. ‘calls’ a third person plural termination (Abbott
 entreated persuaded (OED Entreat v ). ); if, however, ‘princess’ was singular, ‘them’
– his own . . . forwardness his rashness meant ‘her and her entourage’.
has created the danger he is in.  is the general challenger will take on all
 successfully able to succeed. comers (compare Hulme, p. ).
 cousin Used indifferently for various rela-  come but in merely enter the competition
tives including, as here, nieces. (OED Come k).
– are you crept hither have you sneaked  try test.
here (for the use of ‘are’ for ‘have’, see Abbott ).  cruel proof Charles’ defeat of the old man’s
 odds in the man advantage in Charles (see three sons.
OED Odds a). – If . . . eyes Compare the proverb, ‘The
 In pity of Out of compassion for. eye that sees all things else sees not itself’ (Tilley
– princess . . . them The title ‘princess’ ).
could be applied to a female member of any ruling
[] As You Like It ..

with your eyes or knew yourself with your judgement, the fear of
your adventure would counsel you to a more equal enterprise. We
pray you, for your own sake, to embrace your own safety and give 
over this attempt.
     Do, young sir: your reputation shall not therefore be
misprized. We will make it our suit to the Duke that the wrestling
might not go forward.
    I beseech you, punish me not with your hard thoughts, 
wherein I confess me much guilty to deny so fair and excellent
ladies anything. But let your fair eyes and gentle wishes go with me
to my trial, wherein if I be foiled, there is but one shamed that was
never gracious; if killed, but one dead that is willing to be so. I shall
do my friends no wrong, for I have none to lament me; the world no 
injury, for in it I have nothing; only in the world I fill up a place,
which may be better supplied when I have made it empty.
     The little strength that I have, I would it were with you.
   And mine to eke out hers.
     Fare you well: pray heaven I be deceived in you. 
   Your heart’s desires be with you.
    Come, where is this young gallant that is so desirous to lie
with his mother earth?
    Ready, sir, but his will hath in it a more modest working.
 your . . . your] ; our . . . our Hanmer  your eyes]  subst.; your own Rowe  your own safety]  subst.; your
safety conj. Furness  wherein] ; Therein conj. Johnson  ]  subst.; Orla./Theobald

 your eyes . . . your judgement Hanmer’s  foiled thrown, defeated.
emendation ‘our’ is attractive, especially since the  gracious in favour (OED sv ) – politically
compositor might have caught ‘your’ from ‘your or with Fortune.
judgement’. But if the emphasis is placed on ‘eyes’  friends kinsfolk (OED Friend ).
and ‘judgement’, ’s reading can stand.  injury wrong (OED sv ).
 knew yourself The classical injunction  only merely; in modern usage the word
‘know thyself’ was often repeated (Tilley ). would come after ‘I’ (Abbott ).
 fear formidableness (OED sv sb c).  supplied made good (OED Supply v ).
– give over abandon.  eke stretch.
 therefore for that.  be deceived in you underestimate your
 misprized despised. strength.
– We . . . forward If the request comes – desirous . . . earth A sneeringly obscene
from the women, Orlando’s honour will be saved. version of the proverb, ‘Earth is the (common)
 might may (for irregular tense sequences, mother of us all’ (Dent .). It may also signal an
see Abbott ). identification with Antaeus, son of Tellus (Earth),
 go forward proceed. who could renew his strength by lying on the
 with your hard thoughts by thinking badly ground, but who was defeated by Hercules (see
of me. ); for biblical analogues, see Shaheen, p. .
 wherein in respect of which (OED sv adv ).  will () sexual desire, penis (Williams, pp.
 me myself (Abbott ). –), () intention.
 much very (Abbott ).  more modest working humble and less
 to deny in denying. wanton endeavour.
 fair () beautiful, () favourable.
.. As You Like It []

  You shall try but one fall. 

     No, I warrant your grace you shall not entreat him to a
second, that have so mightily persuaded him from a first.
     You mean to mock me after: you should not have mocked me
before. But come your ways.
      Now Hercules be thy speed, young man. 
    I would I were invisible, to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
[They] wrestle
      O excellent young man.
    If I had a thunderbolt in mine eye, I can tell who should down.
[Charles is thrown to the ground.] Shout
  No more, no more!
    Yes, I beseech your grace, I am not yet well breathed. 
  How dost thou, Charles?
  He cannot speak, my lord.
  Bear him away.
[Charles is carried out]
What is thy name, young man?
    Orlando, my liege, the youngest son of Sir Roland de Boys. 
  I would thou hadst been son to some man else;
The world esteemed thy father honourable
But I did find him still mine enemy.
Thou shouldst have better pleased me with this deed
Hadst thou descended from another house. 

 You] ; An you conj. Theobald   Charles . . . ground] Rowe subst.; not in  –] As prose, Pope; Duk. . . .
awaie: / What . . . man?   ] Capell subst.; not in 

 fall This ‘consisted in either the adversary’s  down fall (for the omission of verbs of
back or one shoulder and the contrary heel touching motion, see Abbott ).
the ground’ (Shakespeare’s England, , ).  breathed exercised, warmed up.
– Compare the proverbs, ‘Do not triumph  In Rosalind the champion is killed by the
before the victory’ (Tilley ) and ‘He who mocks heroic Rosader. Le Beau’s line may mean that
shall be mocked’ (Tilley ). Charles is dead, although .. suggests that
 come your ways let’s get under way. Charles was just ‘foiled’, i.e. victim of a trick ‘in
 Hercules See – n. which a skilful weak man will soon get the overhand
 be thy speed lend you success. of one that is strong and ignorant’ (Carew, Survey
  The wrestling ‘is a kind of popular tourna- of Cornwall, quoted in Shakespeare’s England, ,
ment, a ritual spectacle associated with the ballads ).
of Robin Hood, the legendary righter of wrongs of  The play’s first switch to verse registers the
Sherwood Forest’ (Laroque, p. ). way in which the formalities of power politics are
 thunderbolt in mine eye In Petrarchan used to cover the violence of the characters’ feelings
verse, the conceit of a woman having the power and emotions at this point.
to wound with darts shot from her eyes is fre-  still always.
quently found; here Celia craves the might of  Thou shouldst You would (Abbott ).
[] As You Like It ..

But fare thee well. Thou art a gallant youth:

I would thou hadst told me of another father.
[Exeunt Duke Frederick, Le Beau, Touchstone, Lords, and Attendants]
    Were I my father, coz, would I do this?
     I am more proud to be Sir Roland’s son –
His youngest son – and would not change that calling 
To be adopted heir to Frederick.
      My father loved Sir Roland as his soul
And all the world was of my father’s mind;
Had I before known this young man his son,
I should have given him tears unto entreaties 
Ere he should thus have ventured.
 Gentle cousin,
Let us go thank him and encourage him;
My father’s rough and envious disposition
Sticks me at heart. – Sir, you have well deserved:
If you do keep your promises in love 
But justly, as you have exceeded all promise,
Your mistress shall be happy.
      [Giving him a chain from her neck] Gentleman,
Wear this for me: one out of suits with Fortune,
That could give more, but that her hand lacks means. –
Shall we go, coz?
 Aye. – Fare you well, fair gentleman. 

 thou hadst]  thou’dst conj. this edn  ] Theobald subst.; Exit Duke   deserved:] Hanmer;
deseru’d,   love] Hanmer; loue;   justly,] Hanmer; iustly   exceeded all] ; exceeded Hanmer; exceeded
here conj. Oxford  ] Theobald (after coz in ); not in   Fortune,] ; fortune   could] ; would

 * In many productions Touchstone is  have well deserved are worthy of good
given Le Beau’s line at  and exits with Charles. reward.
 That Rosalind does not respond to Celia’s  But justly Exactly (OED Justly ).
rhetorical question suggests that she may be reflect-  Your mistress Celia probably means
ing not only on Orlando’s person but on the simi- Rosalind specifically.
larities between his fortunes and her own.  shall will surely (Abbott ).
 change exchange.  * .. indicates that it was a chain that
 calling name, vocation, station in life (OED Rosalind gave Orlando.
sv , a, ).  out of suits with Fortune no longer wear-
 given him tears unto entreaties wept as ing Fortune’s livery, i.e. enjoying success and hap-
well as begged. piness (see OED Suit sb d), although the phrase
 ventured put his person at risk. could possibly have to do with losing at cards as Dr
 Gentle Noble. Johnson thought.
 envious malicious (OED sv ).  could would.
 Sticks me at Wounds me to the (for the  hand () power (OED sb ), () possibly a
omission of the definite article in adverbial phrases, ‘hand’ of cards, although this usage is recorded only
see Abbot ). from  (OED sv sb ).
.. As You Like It []

[They turn to go]

     [Aside] Can I not say, ‘I thank you’? My better parts
Are all thrown down, and that which here stands up
Is but a quintain, a mere lifeless block.
      [To Celia] He calls us back. My pride fell with my fortunes,
I’ll ask him what he would. – Did you call, sir? 
Sir, you have wrestled well and overthrown
More than your enemies.
[They gaze upon each other]
 Will you go, coz?
     Have with you. – Fare you well.
Exeunt [Rosalind and Celia]
     What passion hangs these weights upon my tongue?
I cannot speak to her, yet she urged conference. 

Enter  
O poor Orlando! thou art overthrown:
Or Charles or something weaker masters thee.
      Good sir, I do in friendship counsel you
To leave this place. Albeit you have deserved
High commendation, true applause, and love, 
Yet such is now the Duke’s condition
That he misconsters all that you have done.
The Duke is humorous: what he is indeed
More suits you to conceive than I to speak of.

 ] This edn; not in   ] This edn; not in   ] This edn; not in   ] Wilson; not in   ] Eds.;
Exit   overthrown:] Rowe subst.; ouerthrowne 

 better parts spirits.  Or Either.

 quintain A butt used as a target by those  something weaker () a woman (the
riding at tilt, sometimes carved in the likeness of a ‘weaker vessel’ ( Pet. .), () the feminine part of
Saracen or Turk (see Joseph Strutt, The Sports and my nature.
Pastimes of the People of England, ed. William Hone,  deserved acquired (OED Deserve ).
, pp. –).  condition mood (four syllables: Cercignani,
 mere complete. p. ).
 He calls us back Rosalind’s overhearing of  misconsters misconstrues (the spelling
Orlando’s aside constitutes a kind of theatrical joke indicates the stress on the second syllable).
– or is evidence of her infatuation.  humorous ill-humoured (OED sv b);
 Will A subtle variation on Rosalind’s ques- headstrong (Furness).
tion at .  indeed in reality.
 Have with you I’m coming.  conceive understand.
 passion strong feeling.  I i.e. I choose (for the construction, see
 conference conversation, a rendezvous Abbott ).
(OED sv b).
[] As You Like It ..

     I thank you, sir; and pray you tell me this: 
Which of the two was daughter of the Duke,
That here was at the wrestling?
      Neither his daughter, if we judge by manners,
But yet indeed the taller is his daughter;
The other is daughter to the banished Duke 
And here detained by her usurping uncle
To keep his daughter company, whose loves
Are dearer than the natural bond of sisters.
But I can tell you that of late this Duke
Hath ta’en displeasure ’gainst his gentle niece, 
Grounded upon no other argument
But that the people praise her for her virtues
And pity her for her good father’s sake;
And, on my life, his malice ’gainst the lady
Will suddenly break forth. Sir, fare you well, 
Hereafter, in a better world than this,
I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
     I rest much bounden to you: fare you well.
[Exit Le Beau]
Thus must I from the smoke into the smother,
From tyrant duke unto a tyrant brother. 
But heavenly Rosalind! Exit

 taller] ; shorter Rowe; smaller Malone; less taller Keightley  other is] ; other’s Pope  ] Rowe; not
in   Rosalind] Rowe; Rosaline  (this spelling also at .. , .., , , .. )

 was The subject is ‘two’, treated as a collec- Shakespeare First Folio, , p. ). It is apparent
tive noun. from the text of MND that Helena and Hermia were
 manners moral behaviour (OED Manner sb played by one tall and one ‘low’ boy.
a).  whose Referring to both Celia and Rosalind.
 taller more spirited or handsome (OED Tall  gentle well born.
b,  which cites John Dickenson, Greene in Conceit  argument basis.
New Raised from his Grave (): ‘With her tongue  suddenly immediately.
she was as tall a warrioress as any of her sex’).  world times.
Editorial tradition detected error, with the word  knowledge friendship, intimacy (OED sv
bearing its modern sense: Rosalind describes herself a).
as tall (..), and at .. Celia is described as  bounden indebted.
being ‘low’. ’s reading could, it was argued, be  Compare the proverb, ‘Shunning the smoke,
either an authorial carelessness, or a compositorial he fell into the fire’ (Tilley ).
error, possibly for ‘smaller’ (i.e. ‘more slender’), or  smother smouldering or slow-burning fire
‘shorter’ which would give Le Beau a prissy rhyme (OED sv sb b).
with ‘daughter’ (see  n.); alternatively it could be  *Rosalind ’s ‘Rosaline’ is a compositorial
evidence that the text was revised to match the idiosyncrasy (see Textual Analysis, p.  n. ).
heights of a new set of boy players (see Greg, The
.. As You Like It []

[.] Enter     and        

   Why, cousin; why, Rosalind – Cupid have mercy, not a word?

      Not one to throw at a dog.
    No, thy words are too precious to be cast away upon curs: throw
some of them at me. Come, lame me with reasons.
      Then there were two cousins laid up, when the one should 
be lamed with reasons, and the other mad without any.
    But is all this for your father?
      No, some of it is for my child’s father – O how full of briars
is this working-day world!
    They are but burs, cousin, thrown upon thee in holy-day foolery: 
if we walk not in the trodden paths, our very petticoats will catch
      I could shake them off my coat: these burs are in my heart.
    Hem them away.
      I would try, if I could cry ‘hem’ and have him. 
    Come, come, wrestle with thy affections.
      O they take the part of a better wrestler than myself.
    O, a good wish upon you: you will try in time in despite of a fall.
But turning these jests out of service, let us talk in good earnest. Is

Act , Scene  .] This edn; Scena Tertius.   child’s father]  subst.; father’s child Rowe  holy-day] Malone subst.;
holiday   try]  subst.; cry Sisson, ‘New Readings’, , 

Act , Scene   coat petticoat, skirt (OED sv a).

 Cupid have mercy A literary variation upon  Hem () Tuck, () Cough (with a pun on
‘God have mercy’. ‘Bur in the throat’, i.e. ‘anything that appears to
 Compare the proverb, ‘He has not a word to stick in the throat or that produces a choking sensa-
cast at a dog’ (Tilley ). tion’ (OED Bur sb ).
 reasons observations, remarks (OED Reason  cry . . . him Probably proverbial (see Dent
sb ). .).
 Then there were If I did that there would be.  cry ‘hem’ attract [Orlando’s attention] with a
 mad without any infatuated, melancholy cough; utter the bawd’s warning if somebody comes
because she loves without reason. by during sexual activity (Williams, p. ; compare
 child’s father Orlando (by whom I hope to Oth. ..).
have a child); the expression seemed indelicate to  affections emotions.
earlier generations, who accepted Rowe’s emenda-  take . . . of support (OED Part sb c).
tion ‘father’s child’, i.e. ‘myself ’.  a . . . upon () bless, () may Orlando mount.
– O . . . world Compare the proverb, ‘To be  will are determined to (OED sv v b).
in the briars’ (Tilley ), i.e. to encounter diffi-  try . . . fall chance a bout even though you
culties or changes of fortune. may lose (by succumbing physically to Orlando);
 working-day () work-day, () work-a-day compare the Nurse to Juliet: ‘Thou wilt fall back-
(i.e. ordinary or ‘fallen’). ward when thou hast more wit’ (Rom. ..).
 burs sticky or prickly seed-heads of various  service () the condition of being a servant
plants, including burdock; compare the proverb, (including the chivalric service of adoring a lady by
‘To stick like burs’ (Tilley ). a knight in a romance), () sexual intercourse
 in . . . foolery as a festive ritual (responding (Williams, p. ).
to ‘working-day world’).

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