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Conditional Acceptance and Debt Verification Notice

Don’t include the sections with the brackets. Adjust if necessary.

l refer to the default notice dated........and wish to advise that your negotiable instrument has been
accepted for value upon proof of claim which maybe be substantiated by forwarding the
following verification of debt details:

1) The full original signed contract/credit agreement along with the full terms and conditions
along with the forms to rescind the contract,

2) Proof of claim that you are the holder of the current original debt instrument and that it has not
been on sold to another party,

3) A copy of the actual accounting whereby (the council) has occurred an actual loss in the
alleged debt,

4) The documents that show that the council is the creditor and l the debtor. And the pathway of
the alleged credit showing that l received,

5) An invoice and not a statement for any alleged money actually owed to (council) by

6) Do you accept debt instruments for payment and setting off the account? (if they say yes?
send them a private promissory note) (if they say no then you can't pay them as a bank of
england note is also a private promissory note),

7) As the council is basically a company, your articles of association MUST provide a guideline
for what you accept as payment for any alleged debts owed to yourselves, it clearly states you
accept commercial instruments such as promissory notes and all other securities to settle any
alleged debts. Do you acknowledge this fact?

8) As the eu defines what cash and money is at this link,
htm cash is anything included within this definition and l have a choice of what l can offer as
currency. Do you acknowledge this fact?

9) The banking act 2009, section 14, defines securities. Subsection 3) E states “any other
instrument creating or acknowledging a debt”. My question is under what authority are the
council allowed to create such debt instruments (securities aka money) and is the council
monitored by the FCA, like it should be?

10) Not only do l have the private right to draw and create my own promissory notes. The
banking charter act 1844, section 20, also supports this right as every person is defined as a
banker and has the right to draw and create promissory notes. Do you acknowledge this fact?
(this is a trick question, if they say no that you can’t draw up any promissory notes? Then the
council can’t either as they are included in the definition of a person, council use double entry
book keeping and they do draw up their own promissory notes to other companies, so they are
screwed as well),

11) On the bank of england’s balance sheet return forms, BT forms, it states within section 26
that any commercial papers issued by any resident must be reported to the bank. .Thus, the
bank supports the notion residents can issue commercial papers to settle any alleged liabilities.
Do you acknowledge this fact?

12) The bank of england have stated that they can no longer keep the promise on their notes
(receipts). Meaning that my gold is no longer retrievable and these notes are worthless. Thus!
There is no difference if l create and provide you with my own currency on paper format. Do you
acknowledge this fact?

13) The council receive money from government that covers the payment for services within the
city. The council do not pay this money back to government. It is not a loan. Why are the council
billing the public when the council already have the funds in the 1st place? Doesn’t that mean the
council are being paid twice when they bill people?

14) The account is prepaid, who is the receipt of the funds? l want the documents that identifies
who are the receipt of the funds, for tax purposes of course as you or l may be in position of
undeclared funds to the inland venue,

15) The council tax (administration and enforcement) regulations 1992, not only provides
information on discounts and provides a non cash payment option within the billing section, part
26. l provided a definition of cash by the EU and banking act 2009 to you, what would you like
payment in? Non cash is non cash. (if they say digital currency? then send them a calculator and
tell them to take as much as they like),

16) The eu defines electronic money as “a digital equivalent of cash, stored on an electronic
device or remotely at a server" Money you can see but can not grasp until you print it out. I could
send you an electronic device such as a calculator and you could take what you require?

17) Local government finance act 1992, Amounts to be taxable, not only provides discounts but
also has a section regarding reducing the liability to zero. Under the current economic crisis the
country is going through, and regarding my economic, social and political rights, l believe this is
the perfect time to use this discretion?

18) Your notices of court orders are not court orders because they do not follow due process of
law, civil procedures nor the human rights act. The council openly admit that they create such
notices of alleged court orders. How is one to know if a court order exists if the order isn’t
exhibited? Nobody is above the law and everyone must follow due process of law and procedural
rules. l am also not on the court of record like l should be. Regina v Brentford ex parte Catlin,
in which Lord Chief Justice John Passmore WIDGERY – Baron WIDGERY, summed up as
court writs must go through due process of law, any other procedure is void.

19) Observance of due process of law (1368) is the fundamental backbone of fairness within law.
I was never sent court documents, nor given a trail date in order to defend myself. I want to see
the application made to the court and the court order that exhibits who the defendant is?

20) The council are registered on the largest credit reference agency in the world, and
are also registered on companyhouse, and the council clearly have shareholders. What are the
council trading?

21) For there to be taxable event, do we have any currency backed by anything with intrinsic
value? (HR have stated that the notes are not of value and that the coins are of value, however
the coins don’t have any intrinsic value as metal prices change every day, you where never paid
in coins, you where paid with worthless notes, therefore you can’t be taxed…HR openly stated
this on whatdotheynow).

22) In order to extinguish a debt? Gold is needed because if l issue you with a receipt stating that
l promise to pay you with gold, then doesn’t that just add more onto the debt? The government
confiscated the gold thus prepaying all present and future debts. I refer to the gold standard act
1925. Do you acknowledge that l can’t pay you with notes as the debt will still exist? (this is
trick question, if they say no it does extinguish the debt? Then refer to the banking charter act
1844 and send them a private promissory note, as you are defined as a banker),

23) We know that there is more than one method to pay. I am offering the only thing of value
which is my time and energy, and l could do something for the local community such as help
clean and tidy the local park (use your imagination for this one). Do you acknowledge that l can
pay via time and energy?

24) The council and government are just a business designed by man in order to take care of our
needs within the cities. I no longer require your services as being a member of a local
community? I/we can take care of ourselves. You are now dealing within the private realm with
this local community. However, l am willing to look at what you offer so please send me a list of
services that l may need so that l can pick and choose from.

Yours sincerely

By; (some people sate always use By; as this because it separates you from the fiction)

All rights reserved

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