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Mathematics in the Olympics

A WebQuest for 9th Grade

Designed by

Brandon Gowans

The Olympics is a world-wide sporting event that occurs every two years. One year
will be the Summer Olympics and then in two years will be the Winter Olympics.
Athletes from around the world gather to compete for gold, silver and bronze metals.
In this quest, you will be learning how math is involved in different sports within
wither the Summer or Winter Olympics.

The Task
In this quest, you will need to gather basic information on the Olympics and connect
them to mathematical concepts. You will need a pen/pencil, paper, and a calculator.

The Process
You will be placed in groups of four. Once you have been broken up into your groups,
you will decide on two people to research the information on the Summer Olympics
and the other two will do research on the Winter Olympics.

Learn about the Olympics. A website for the Olympics is given. Find a website that
provides a brief history of the Summer and Winter Olympics and the significance of

1. -
Next, do some research on how math is incorporated into the different sports in the

1. Maths and Sport: Countdown to the Games

2. Olympic Measures
3. The Maths behind the Olympic Games -

Third, come back together in your group of four and present to each other how math
is used in your branch of the Olympics that you researched.

Last step, decide on one sport from summer and one from winter to demonstrate to
the class how math is used in that particular event.

You did it! You learned a real life math application in something that the whole world
participates in.

Credits & References

Google images

Describe to the learners how their performance will be evaluated. Specify whether
there will be a common grade for group work vs. individual grades.

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score

1 2 3 4
Information is
Information is
either there
Information is there and
Knowledge of No information and not
there but not present in a
History provided. presented or is
presented well. well-organized
not there and

Information is
Information is
Knowledge of Math either there
Information is there and
in the Olympics No information and not
there but not present in a
provided. presented or is
presented well. well-organized
not there and
Information is
Information is
either there
Information is there and
Demonstration No information and not
there but not present in a
provided. presented or is
presented well. well-organized
not there and

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