Physiology Topics

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Physiology Topics

Based on past papers from 2010 – 1987

1. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

2. ARDS*
3. Physiological response to trauma and hypovolemia
4. Describe how the body achieves haemostasis*
5. Physiology of bile
6. Factors affecting BP control*
7. Physiological changes of the body in response to major surgery and
steps taken to minimize adverse changes*
8. Discuss gallstone formation
9. Haemostasis and disturbances that occur with massive transfusion*
10. Interpretation of the usual blood gas determinations
11. Discuss the digestion of fat*
12. Describe the functions of the spleen
13. Phaeochromocytoma, biochemical investigation and pre-op
14. Acute renal failure and management of same
15. Describe protein digestion, absorption and utilization by the body
16. Discuss the physio-anatomical principles determining faecal
17. Calcium homeostasis and management of a patient following total
18. Indications for oxygen therapy, methods of oxygen administration
and assessment of efficacy of therapy
19. physiological basis accounting for diabetes insipidus following head
injury, investigation and management of the same
20. Functions of the skin
21. Regulation of gastric empyting and how you would correct it when it
is disturbed
22. Causes and management of abnormal bleeding as seen in your
surgical practice*
23. Effect of hypoventilation on acid-base balance and how the body
maintain homeostasis
24. Factors governing cardiac output
25. Physiology of the lower oesophageal sphincter
26. Pre-op assessment of chronic emphysema secondary to smoking,
pulmonary fibrotic disease and thoracic scoliosis (pulmonary function
27. Factors that interfere with normal digestion and absorption of food
28. Control of body temperature and application of temp control and
29. Physiology of shock
30. Investigations of Jaundice
31. Factors that may cause and compensate for derangement in sodium
and potassium levels in the body
32. Functions of the hypothalamus
33. Pre-op assessment of a patient by pulmonary function test and their
use to ensure a smooth post-op course
34. Factors that come into play in post-op patient leading to sodium and
water retention (post op renal failure)*
35. Physiology of myocardial contraction
36. Functions of terminal ileum and management of patient without
37. Causes of hypoxia and management of the causes*
38. Pathophysiology of ischaemic reperfusion injury
39. Factors that may interfere with normal production of urine
40. Describe normal mechanism of swallowing and how this might be
41. Metabolic acidosis, aetiology and compensatory mechanism
42. Physiology of thyroid hormones and importance of this knowledge in
surgical management
43. Effects of truncal vagotomy and management of a patient who
develops symptoms related to the procedure*
44. What is fever? Discuss beneficial and harmful effects
45. Physiological principles involved in pain management
46. Causes and management of urinary incontinence*
47. Hormonal derangements seen post bilateral adrenalectomy
48. How is tone maintained in a voluntary muscle?
49. Functions of normal RBC and effects on storage at 4 degrees Celsius
50. Physiological basis of acute and chronic changes seen post T4 spinal
cord damage
51. Functional derangement seen in hypothermic patient and body’s
mechanism to offset hypothermia
52. Hormonal effects following a total hypophysectomy and steps that
can be taken to ameliorate the effects
53. Role of convoluted tubules in the formation of urine and use of this
information in the investigation of oliguric patient
54. Formation, circulation and function of CSF
55. Mechanism of control of gastric acid production and surgical
56. Metabolic derangement post total pancreatectomy and management
57. Functions of adrenal cortex and how can they be tested
58. Nutritional requirement of a surgical patient
59. Formation and circulation of lymph and discuss causes and
investigation of lymphatic obstruction
60. Describe neural control of respiration and how it is commonly
61. Functions of the colon
62. Function of ant. Pituitary gland
63. Structure of the bladder in relation to its function.

* - Indicates repeat topics

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