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The New Government Accounting System of the Philippines

....By Flerida V. Creencia

(The author, an Assistant Commissioner of the Philippine Commission on Audit,

is in Charge of the Commission's professional development program. A certified
public accountant, she is a member of the committee that conceptualized,
designed and developed the NGAS and is also a member of the steering
committee that is overseeing the computerization of the System. She is a holder
of a master's degree in public administration from the University of the


It is said that accounting is �the language of business.� It is a means of reporting the financial facts of a
business life, whether in government or in the private sector. It is for this reason that the users of the
information must understand the financial reports, which the accounting system produces. The INTOSAI
Accounting Standards Framework identifies these users. And to address their needs, the Framework also
identifies the following objectives:

1. To the extent practicable, government financial reports should provide users with the information
they need;
2. Government financial reports should help users understand the size of the government, the
nature and scope of its activities and its financial position;
3. Government financial reports should help users understand and forecast how the Government
finances its activities;
4. Government financial reports should help users understand and forecast the effects of the
government activities; and
5. Government financial reports should help users determine whether the government did what it
said it would do and the costs of its activities.

When these objectives are met, we can rightfully say that government accounting is the �language of


During the commonwealth period, administrative officials accountable for government funds and/or
property in the government were guided by the Revised Manual of Instructions of Treasurers (RMIT) 1939
edition for the local government sector and by the National Accounting and Auditing Manual (NAAM) for
the national government sector. The former was revised in 1955 when the then General Auditing Office
(GAO) issued the Revised Manual of Instructions to Treasurers of Provinces, Cities and Municipalities
which took effect on the 1st day of July of that year. On the other hand, the NAAM was revised in 1963.
The government employed at least three major accounting systems. The national government used the
government system prescribed by the NAAM. Accounting in the local government was governed by the
RMIT. Some government-owned or controlled corporations adopted the system prescribed by the NAAM
while others adopted the systems used by similar entities in the private sector. The accounting systems
were also governed by the rules and regulations issued by the then General Auditing Office, the Budget
Commission, the Department of Finance and the applicable rules issued by the Central bank of the
Philippines where appropriate. (GOPEZ, 1977).

Since 1900 the supervision over accounting was changed at least ten times from the Insular Treasurer to
the Auditing Office to the Budget Commission then to the various departments, bureaus and
instrumentalities. (Please refer to Annex 1.) These changes in supervision may have caused the
problems in coordination, consistency and orientation that plagued the system. (Gopez 1977) When
Francisco S. Tantuico, Jr. was appointed Chairman of the Commission on Audit (COA formerly the GAO)
in 1975, he initiated reforms to address these problems starting with the issuance of Presidential Decree
898. This Decree provided for the restructuring of the COA and lodged supervision over accounting with
the Commission. (Please refer to Annex 2.) It may be of interest to note that Section 2(2), Article IX-D of
the 1987 Philippine constitution affirmed this authority where it provides that:

�The Commission shall have exclusive authority, subject to the limitations of this Article, to define the
scope of its audit and examination, establish the techniques and methods required therefore, and
promulgate accounting and auditing rules and regulations, including those for the prevention and
disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or unconscionable expenditures, or uses
of government funds and properties.�

The development of a standard government chart of accounts (SGCA) was undertaken. It was prescribed
for use on November 14, 1978 by the national government sector (NGS), the local government sector
(LGS) and the government-owned or controlled corporations (GOCCs) except for government
corporations with unique accounting systems and the use of the Chart may not be feasible. The SGCA
was designed to ensure (1) uniformity in accounting and reporting; (2) facility in consolidating financial
reports; and (3) adaptability to computerization (Tantuico, Pobre and Magno.) Although a number of
account titles were introduce, some practices which �defy normal accounting logic� (Carague, 2001)
have remained.


The accounting system with the SGCA served the needs of the times. But the functions and
responsibilities of public managers had become increasingly more complex They needed a more
management-focused and understandable information to help them in managing the resources which
have become scarcer and scarcer while the needs for them have grown by leaps and bounds. The public
managers need information from the accounting system for a more effective financial management. Their
needs have to be addressed taking into consideration that many of them lack technical knowledge in
accountancy, hence the need for simplicity and understandability. And to ensure commonality in the
interpretation of the information, there is a need for the System to follow the policies and procedures set
by standard-setting organizations.

In a speech he delivered in a convention of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants

(PICPA), the new Chairman of COA, Mr. Guillermo N. Carague, said:

�I believe that to a certain extent, government inefficiency is due to the inability of the present
accounting system to provide the information needs of government managers and supervisors. To them,
therefore, accounting is not a tool of management and a partner in effective governance, but is simply a
necessary adjunct, tolerated by them because it is required by law, even if it sometimes makes life
miserable for them because of the red-tape it entails.�

Because of these concerns, when he assumed office on February 21, 2001 Chairman Carague
immediately embarked on two main projects: the government Accounting Simplification &
Computerization Project for the design and development of the New Government Accounting System
(NGAS) and the COA Organizational Restructuring. The manual version of the NGAS was prescribed
under COA Circular No. 2001-004 dated October 30, 2001 to take effect January 1, 2002 for use by the
NGS and the LGS after an intensive and nationwide training in November and December. The
organizational restructuring took effect on July 1, 2002.


The objectives of the NGAS are: (1) simplify government accounting; (2) conform to international
accounting standards; and (3) generate periodic and relevant financial reports for better monitoring of
performance. We will discuss the policies to achieve these objectives. These policies are embodied in
separate manuals of the NGAS for the NGS and for the LGS and for the LGS. Because of the difference
in some of the requirements, it was decided that two manuals should be prepared embodying the policies
for each sector. However, there is only one new chart of accounts and there are policies that are common
to both.


The development of the NGAS started with the revision of the SGCA. The coding structure was simplified
by changing from six-digit codes to three-digit codes with a capacity for responsibility centers, which may
be an organizational unit, location/place or a project. There are more account titles because
categorizations were made to make them more descriptive of the nature of the account. This will facilitate
analysis and determination of accountability and ensure accuracy and appropriateness of information. For
example under the old system, petty cash fund, cash for the payroll fund, cash to an employee for travel
expenses and cash transferred to an implementing agency were all recorded as Cash � Disbursing
Officer. The account was not properly classified and categorized resulting to inappropriate information.

Under the fund accounting concept followed in the past, each fund is an independent accounting entity
with self-balancing group of accounts. The NGAS adopts one fund concept. Separate fund accounting
shall be done only when specifically required by law or by a donor agency or when otherwise
necessitated by circumstances. Although it may not be practical for the manual system, the concept will
need only one set of books of accounts with the appropriate ledger accounts for specific projects using
the project or the responsibility center code.

The National Treasury is the bank of all government agencies. It maintains its own account with a
depository bank. The NGS remit their collections to this account. It also maintains accounts when
transferring cash for the use of the different agencies through the Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA). The
NCA is an advice that cash is credited to the account of the agency in an authorized depository bank.
Both the National Treasury and the NGS maintained reciprocal accounts. Records of the commission
show that the national clearing account have remained not reconciled. Under the NGAS, collections
which cannot be used and which have to be remitted to the National Treasury are recorded separately.
They are taken up as a liability of the agency to the treasury. The NCA is taken up as Cash-National
Treasury, Modified Disbursement System (please see also next topic).

Under the old system, the COA in pursuant to its mandate to �keep the general accounts� journalized
appropriations. Upon receipt of the advice, allotments were journalized by the NGS. Obligations were
recorded in the books as soon as the obligations were incurred whether or not the goods were delivered
or the services were rendered. Accountants tended to issue �blind� certifications to record obligations,
which have not actually been incurred to avoid the reversion of the unused allotments to the national
treasury which was required at year-end. This resulted in the overstatement of the liability account shown
in the balance sheet. This practice will be stopped although the NGAS still follows obligation accounting.
Appropriations, allotments and obligations incurred are no longer journalized but are recorded in separate
registries. The commission, the Department of Budget and Management and the national Treasury
maintain these registries where appropriate to monitor the appropriations, allotments and the NCA
released and utilized. Also, the liability will only be recorded when the goods are accepted and/or the
services are rendered.


Under the old system, the receipt by the NGS of the NCA was not journalized but disbursements were
entered in the journals. Hence, the ledger showed a cash account with no debits but with credits for the
disbursements. Now, upon receipt of the NCA, the account Cash-National Treasury, Modified
Disbursement System is debited while the account Subsidy Income from National Government is
credited. This in effect records the share of the agency in the income of the national government.

Under the new accounting system, the matching principle will be applied. Recording of disbursements
when expenditures apply to more than just the accounting period will use the asset method. The expense
shall be recorded upon utilization/consumption. Purchases of supplies and materials for stock, regardless
of whether or not they are consumed within the accounting period, shall also be recorded as Inventory
following the Perpetual Inventory Method. Under this method, the moving-average unit cost is used; this
provides a new unit cost after each purchase and/or when items are issued/used. As in prepaid
expenses, the expense shall be taken up upon utilization/consumption. These methods of recording are
not only in pursuant of a generally accepted accounting principal, they will also strengthen controls over
the assets.

Since the purchase/construction of plant, property and equipment such as, computes, motor vehicles,
buildings, etc., were recorded in the past as expense there was a need for a �corollary� entry taking up
the fixed asset account while crediting invested surplus. Under the new system, these fixed assets are
immediately recorded as such, whether the asset is paid for in cash or received on account. And because
of the need for showing the true financial condition of the agency, depreciation accounting is followed.
Matching principle is applied through the gradual allocation of the cost of the use of the property, plant
and equipment for the accounting period.

The matching principle is also followed for accounts receivables. In the past, the books of accounts
showed receivables, which have remained unadjusted for years. Now, regular adjustments to bad debts
expense will be made although the actual condonation of the accounts will follow the existing law, Section
36, presidential Decree 1445, authorizing the COA to settle claims or liability to any government agency.

The construction period theory is applied. All expenses such as interests license fees, etc., during the
construction period are capitalized. This ensures the accounting for the true cost of the construction. And
so that the financial statements will be reflective of the operations of the agency, the balance sheet
statement will show only the property, plant and equipment of an agency that are used for its operations.
Thus infrastructures that are for public use such as roads, bridges, waterworks, etc. shall be transferred
upon completion of the construction from the books of the agency which constructed these assets to
separate registries. A summary of these public infrastructures is prepared annually to be included in the
notes to the financial statements. Likewise, obsolete and unserviceable assets as well as assets no
longer used are reclassified to �other asset� account. These will not be subjected to depreciation.
It was the practice to immediately take up the in-progress accounts when obligations were incurred upon
the agency�s entering into contract although there was no actual construction being undertaken. This
will be stopped and the in-progress account will be recorded only when bills are received and
accomplishments have been determined.

Recording of income uses the accrual and/or modified accrual method. In the LGS, accrual method is
used in recording its share of the internal revenue collections since the amount is already determined at
the start of the year. Although the cash method is used for taxes, fees, charges and other revenues due
to the impracticality of the accrual method, the modified accrual method is used in recording real property
taxes. This will facilitate the evaluation of the performance of property tax collection by the LGS.

In the old system, the proceeds from borrowings and loans were taken up as income. The rationale was
the fundamental principle which requires that �No money shall be paid out of any public treasury or
depository except in pursuance of an appropriation law or other specific statutory authority.� (Section 4,
PD such proceeds can only be used when the amount is included in the appropriation law passed by
Congress or by the local government legislative body. Thus the fundamental principle is adhered to
despite the change in the policy.

Surplus accounting was adopted under the old system. The difference between the current assets and
the current liabilities was categorized as the current surplus. This represented the equity of the
government available for appropriation. When the appropriation bill was approved, the account is charged
and a credit to appropriation surplus was made in the commission�s books of general accounts. The
difference between the fixed assets and fixed or long-term liabilities was categorized as invested surplus.
This government�s equity was not available for appropriation. Under the NGAS, these two surplus
accounts are classified as Government Equity, a generally accepted account title.

A two-column pre/post closing trial balance, or the trial balance of balances, is adopted in lieu of the four-
column trial balance, or the trial balance of totals, that was prepared in the past. The change also made
unnecessary the practice in journalizing adjusting and/or correcting entry by enclosing in parenthesis the
same debit or credit as the original entry to indicate deductions. The entry called negative or �red�
entry was originally used to ensure that the ledger footings for the allotments and obligations as shown on
the four-money column trial balance did not go beyond the authorized amount. It was, however, applied
indiscriminately for all corrections/adjustments. (Gopez, 1977).

Generation of Periodic and Relevant financial Reports for Better Monitoring of Performance.

The best feature of the NGAS, which addresses this objective, is the capacity of the System for
responsibility accounting. The new chart of accounts was so structured that codes for responsibility
centers have been identified. This will enable the collecting, summarizing and reporting of accounting
data relating to the responsibilities of segments/individual units of the agency identified as the
responsibility centers. Responsibility accounting is a management accounting concept that enables the
System to provide information needed to evaluate the performance of a segment or a unit of the agency
as to income and expense over which the manager of that segment or unit has full control and
responsibility. It will also provide the facilitative accessibility to cost information and will enable cost
monitoring any time. For practical reasons however, responsibility accounting will be implemented by an
agency when its accounting system is fully computerized.

In the past, the accounting system produced the balance sheet statement and the statement of
operations. The NGAS produces the balance sheet statement the statement of income and expenses and
the statement of cash flow. Since the matching principle is followed and depreciation accounting is in
place, the balance sheet statement and the statement of income and expense will fairly present the
financial condition of an agency at any given time and the results of its financial operations for a period.

The statement of cash flow (SCF) is a new requirement. It summarizes all the cash activities of an agency
that include operating, investing and financial activities. It provides information on the cash receipts and
payments during the period. It�s primary objective is to give relevant information on the agency�s
overall cash position, liquidity and solvency. Using the SCF, managers and other concerned parties could
easily assess if the agency could meet its obligations.

Although, these statements and other reports needed by public managers and other concerned parties
can be produced by the manual system it will be when the system is computerized that they can be
available at the click of the �mouse�.


1. Eduardo C. Gopez, GOVERNMENT ACCO

2. presidential Decree No. 898, March 3, 1976
3. The 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article IX-D
4. Francisco S. Tantuico, Jr., Hermogenes P. Pobre and Araceli B. Magno, Government Accounting:
A SELF-INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH, ABA Publication, Quezon city, 1980.
5. INTOSAI Accounting Standards Framework, September 1995.
SYSTEM, a speech delivered during the convention of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public
Accountants, July 16, 2001.
7. Presidential Decree 1445, June 11, 1978.
8. Manuals on the New Government Accounting System (For the National Government Agencies
and for the Local Government Units), September 2002.

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