Tulsi's Letter To Trump On Syria

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SLiisczc.. Congress of the United States SEE eae ‘Wouse of Representatives cea ona on cee aren ‘April 11, 2018 President Donald Trump “The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW ‘Washington, DC 20500 Dear Presideat Trump: ‘The people of Syria want peace more than anything els inthe world. Attacking Syria will not, bring their war-torn country any closer to peace. U.S. military action against Syria will simply ‘escalate and prolong the war, resulting in more senseless death, destruction, and suffering AUS. mltay attack against Syria will certainly reinvigorate and resurrect the terrorizing forces of jihad and inrease the flow of refugees into Europe and the United States, Ifyou are truly concemed about the suffering ofthe Syrian people, then you must do all you can to bring abou peace. A U.S. military attack against Syria will expand and escalate this war, {increasing their suffering and causing more death, more refugees, and fewer resources to invest in rebuilding our own communities right here at home. ‘Here is the bottom line: If our desire is for peace and stability in Syria and t mitigate the suffering of the Syrian people so they can begin to rebuild their homes and communities and ‘enable refugees who have let Syria to return home, then we should work fer peace, rather than expanding and escalating the war through a military atack against Syria. {call upon you to resist the loud calls of war and instead wield the power ofthe Presidency to help bring peace to the people of Syria, their devastated country, and the region. SI GABB. ‘Meanber of Cor Sincerely, ta 7 Ags Gr

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