Friday Fun Day

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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Phys. Ed. Unit: Badminton Lesson Duration: 33 Min

Date: March 9
Grade: 7


General Learning Outcomes:
Do it Daily for Life

Specific Learning Outcomes:

C7–3 demonstrate etiquette and fair play
C7–6 identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and
D7–3 identify, describe and follow the rules, routines and procedures for safety in
a variety of activities in all dimension

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Demonstrate fair play and respect for their peers
Demonstrate the ability to follow the rules, routines and procedures for safety

Observations: Key Questions:
Are the students demonstrating fair
Are the students following instructions?
Are the students being respectful to
their peers and teachers?

Written/Performance Assessments:

Matt’s assessment


Resource #1:


Hula Hoops
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:
“I need to talk to all of you again about my expectations. While I am here, I am
your teacher. You

Low-Management Time: Have hula hoops set up at the start of class; pre-made
teams to take out wait time; have dodgeballs and cones ready for the second

Transition to Body: have teams listed on the white board and what side they are
competing on.

Learning Activity #1: Tic Tac Toe Relay Race
“who has ever played tic tac toe?”

“we are going to have a relay race for a warm up.”

“there are going to be four teams (2 teams against each other on one half, 2 teams
against each other on the other half of the gym)”
“you are going to have to take your pinnie and run it down the gym to place in one
of the hula hoops. The goal is to get a line before your opponent’s team can”

“you cannot move your opponent’s pinnies and you can only bring one pinnie to
the board at a time.” “the next member of your team can race down with their
pinnie ONLY AFTER your team mate comes back and gives you a high five”


Transition: “everyone bring the hula hoops in and come sit around the centre

Key Questions: what safety precautions should we be taking? How can you be
respectful to your peers during the competitions? (i.e., cheering them on &
encouraging comments)

Learning Activity #2: Hungry Hungry Hippos Game

“We are going to be on teams that I have made already and we are going to play
hungry hungry hippos.”
“There will be one team on each side of the centre circle (one facing each of the
walls and the stage) there will be one player laying on their bellies on the scooter
and their teammates will push them inside the circle. The one on their belly will
try and grab as many dodgeballs as they can & we will go until all the dodgeballs
are picked up.”
“The team with the most dodgeballs at the end will win the round.”

“After each round, the one on the belly will switch with another player on their
“the groups of four will rotate in within their groups.”

Key Questions: What safety precautions do we need to be aware of? How can we
ensure we are being safe and respectful?


Transition to Next Lesson: Monday we will be back to badminton and we will be

learning how to Smash!

Good job today.

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