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7 ok ASS las ™ aUAdURGW Cloni oO Ths Asourcé of Magical Knowledge for vampire: The Masquerade aa Gis PANT NON) By DEAN SHOMSHAH AND ARI MARMELL Vampmes cnesren mM ani Rew @ Hscex Crenrrs OverHeARD Written hy: Dean Shomihak andl Ari Marmell "They're covering my mullet.” Vampire ara the World of Darkness created by —Chad Brown Mark Reine Hagen “They fill the cherry pies with magna Storyteller Game System Design: Mark Mike Chany Reine Hager “Go home, Ken" Dewsloped by: Justi Achill — Ken Cliffe Michelle Lyons Art Directors Richand Those ecky Jolleniten “ eheughe tha was an ore." Ria Thomas “Hey, shur up, Were listening to banjo music.” —D Burnham: Front Cover Art: David Leri "Thee a fin ec yous Boat” Front & Back Cover Designs Becky Jollensten q — Laura Four: DEAN'S SPECIAL THANKS, My special thanks go to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the greatest game supplement ever py lished, and to all the foiklotists whose research suplied inspiration for Blood Sacrifice. Ase Speci THANE To Dean, for having the patience wo be a guiding handon top of everyting: else he bad to deal with, sana to George, for not theottling me. 735 PARK NORTH BLVD, © 2002 White WolF Publishing, Inc. Al rights reserved. Repmo> dhuctiom without the written permission of the publisher expres Sue 18 leben. cxepton he rons eves anor Han charter sheess, which nla he reprodiced fer personal use only, White Wel CUURKSTON, CA 90021 Varupire, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampice the Dank Ages, Mage the Ascension, Hunter the Reckoning, World of Darkress and USA Aberant are reaiten eran of White Wolf Publishing ; Ail sghts texctved. Werewolf tie Apocalypse, Wench tne Obivic GAME ST UNO Changeling the Dreaming, Werevelf the Wik West, Mage the Sorcerers Crusade, Wenith the Great War, Trinity, Blow Si The Thoin Companion and Blood Magic Secres of Thaumatuegy ane trademarks of White Wolf Publshing, Ine-All sights enpeved All characters; antaes places ana nt heratn are copys iste by White Wolf Pulling le i mtention of we relerence to any company or preduct in these ayes is nota challenge to the trademirk or copyrighy bumcerned. This book uses the supernatural (or settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements ane cetuaityment purposes only. Thisboole conuuns marureconcent, Reeser discretion isanly Wed 11 free White Wolf catalog call 1-800-454-WOLF. Check out White Wolf onlme at brepullwww.white-wal PRINTED IN USA, com: altgameswhitewolf and nee gutnes fap storyteller ‘icen Sica T Tx Canon a CONTENTS Daetupe: Venpetta xR IntRopucTION: In Vitae VERITAS, HH CHaptTer One: AKHU— THe Divine Imace HER Crapter Two: Dur-An-Ki— Tie Demon-Haunten WORLD RK Cnyapter THREE: SAMHANA—A MeprraTion UponBroop XK CuHapter Four: WANGA—L eGAey OF THE CARIBBEAN HR Appenprx: MysTertous WAYS KH Cons 3 {cannot just heave everything iknow into the abyss. But know itis nO MMe aU PSM Arcee eT Cee RSC Uses a st 4 TEN OSAMA etc PCC eR a cs MTL ONC rnacic vill eel once again tke a creative contributor to this mysterious TL Ce Me eect SMC Me OST CATE CURSE kc rae’ magic ea ac scence is strong and religion weak, men mistake ron lor LUT SS OEE Theitchy sensation of omethingerawiingactosstheback ofherhand — something unseen; omethingstall:something with far, far ox any legs — fant greeted het ret sonscicusmess. She fel: only cold, an oblivion that souldhave lod ars eternity — and then this Hold ca! Uno momenta, por favor! She couldn't be ‘wakingup. Her kind didn't fall unconscieus, Torper, yes. The hs though, didn’t feel like the end sudn'thaveboen ‘Could she! ‘She secrned unable to rmove her amma les. She teu, vu tel, Instead, her entice bay bfiered from some inexplicable larguor, her libs refusing respond tuiher commands, Eyes still squeezes shuxt — mame to decieve wayonewhornight be wanchingand revelingin her strange and helpless state into thinking her sill aslesp than because she feared what she might see — Carlora stretched forth herother ener. Sounds, scents even curren in the mall ee anu nore painted detailed portrait of the com sround her. Her heightened! senses were a gt taught her by one of the Tremere ‘who'd un with bee puck in the righ before every last one cf the blasted Warlocks had heen. well, blasted “The spider (she know now, thatit was spider, as er skin ful become sensitive enough ep coune es} scared dawn he tourer elge of her hand, ile its way acto her palsy and ilisameared onto the cold sone floor Theclovins, sckeninety Sweet scent OF mold ching vo the wal like a coat of paint. The room, was not tembly lange, of so she jodged by the feel of the slush i curents that rusted past her face. Ie was probably somewhere between three and five meter om msde. I Mure de Dis! She wasntabme. Rasher shermigh bealone now, bur someone haa been thete recently encugh. The feeble epping ound ofa wick and the ever eft teh of waerth suggested caridle bumingsomewhere across the chamber, Where the fick was sie? Flow dae hell ad she gottes Carloca tried w relax, and remembered... They'dgnerokllebatfacking Tremere someCamila stooge who netualydheghthe cauldactupshoy nthe ungle of Peru, just lnk his Sabbar terme. Infect Leavin: Antonis her pack priest, to guard the periteter ae nthe rst of he Muerte Repentins pick burt though dlr of the mayan’ ramshackle hu — the Warloek's wands proved simple enough for Catkta to shatter — and thi starred to 20 wrong almost instantly “The Tremere didnt lok like much, A yourg (or atleast yoting-leoking) black man with features that seamed ban America.cladin jeans, T-shirrand md-caked Air Jordans he could have been one of theustins of portadolescent inner city thugs. The Warlock, though, Was undoubtedly motethan immediately met the ee. Arcane siyils and linge overed the Inside of the shanty. In all her years, Carloty had never seen the likes of such ‘Thiumarrgical rites andl ruses. He was definately more powerful than he locked — and the fucker knew they Fe was Javier it had to be. No! woride the litle basoxdo hhada't come hack: He'd gotten hime emught, probably ila, anil he'dratted the reseof them oat mthe proces, Fuck! Well serve her right for using n hoo! in the fist pce, the onbesy ‘would nodoubt tellher she should ave done mere than broken ts writ the Last tme he'd fucked up Bemardowasthe fist ofthe Muerte Repentina tall. The Pander'sskin abrupely raidened, hiseyesbubbling. Hescreamed ‘ons before he belingblood in hisweins bust through biseyes and mouth to dreneh the open sorway and the tres nearest the Wanlock's hovel, filing the air widh cimsce stead a singed, metallic tang. laabella died next.Sheleaptar the Tremet,lecing bose an ear-plitting primal shriek from her throat even as her Iideou elm but fron her fingertip. Carlota ad acon the Pru: Vat, 7 Gangrel — newly womuited afverso many af that besial clan fac finly sen the Camaila fcthe eof lend that ewas nfrenzy before She hadno doubearall thatthe Tremere swapabouk to become lide mcrethaniquivenngelunisaf meat suntered eros the ere floorbonrds A susder gestured owhiaperedword fom the Warlock St abel’ clothes and ha aflame. When last Carlota saw hr, the Gangrel was sripped inthe depths of the ted far, icing nco the jungle and serearaingas labs of roasted tes Loughe off her smoldering bey Eitie Antonis sill waned ouside, despite she tc tt thinys were cleslygoingtobell nahin bisket or supething urplesiane hod befallen hits ns well. Tht le Carlota lone ngainst imagen who, ina matter wxomentshad put down ‘wot the escest Cainites she'd ever aim with That was just fine by her. A grin spitting her fice We a «car, the Lascmbraraised both armshefore her, he asene 1 human shinbone wrapped mn hick rags — clasped in her eft Jura. Foc the frst time, the Tremete sexpression changed he looked ever slightly paraded Wher Carlota called on Santisins Muerte, shen he at hiranierel and a obscenely lange ecssbow suckle ecupicel ‘hols paclemeneshifteslakrupdy topancc The wooden bolt nangorh temthe wenn ike asrikingadderaliostbeore the dared magusecogpizedhnh'drseen wasn aren onthe Pic of Conhuting Ie was w perfect shot, one that should have ended the ht specially surprise —aathe projectile disinvegrared mere tnches From impact the fie ene, the Treinete stabbed two Carlotacholed aru ornt of vitoop th rom bee gaping je, lawingthrexgh the ai ike scrim river unt it struck — nnd was ubserhed by — the mag hand, The Hunger gnvweda belly, at her ‘mind lea caged animak sheruthlestly crushed the risin frenay wel ane thet lost her capacity fr ational ght ih the face ofa hostile loo mich was tanamou th suicide He treqyriasd too watchingastheLassmnbracurted inward, nenty toppling aves wh che sucker weakness and the tin of nosing tency, fan smile crated the lie of the Tremere, revealing sta hinc of extend fry Stupel Sahar chic," he Ihe, purtingadelibenitelytuocking eda on the Spanish, “Yeu‘re adabblern thes Youshould have kranembetter than wie Hews cocky ron haga depping. Helen —asshe did these ddr have the hed to san cure acs Carlon, however, was no mere thauunaturge — and a luamaweieprctictedin thefuith of Palo Murombennd Frcored f the Enkisi had more wols ar her disposed than some hhidebonnd Hermetic blood wisard could possibly camgue hen, Hiklen fom the Tremere’ sight asshe doubled ever, the Lascabras fgets snaked forth fram the leather satchel he wore at her she, trailing shredded tobacco leaves and los whice pander in theit ke. Magic urge ebnough her m abe drew on the power intrinstc wo dhe plants and minerals f the work! anourv! her, supplem sang her depleted store ‘ose San Tit Tham Conn 8 The Tremere handy had the time to seream ashe, lke Carlota’s feral companion moments before. erupted in 3 being pill of fre. Caripar staggered dough the open doorway and watched from outside as fit the Tremere, and thet the erie hut, burned to so rmuch fering ash She remembered a sifting of the aie bebind het, a though someone uppwched; she bean to mm, expecting Antonio, ane there. Then — nonin Nothing. The battle with the Warlock wav the Las sméemoty she cond dredge up. Obvicualy someting happened ts her in that jungle clearing, She just needed figure ou what it know youre ike, Senorita Carta ‘The Lasombm’s eyes popped open. Sh knew thie woe! Javier!" Carla ried leap tober fet o lunge vod ber erane ghia, bu she four thather inky sil refuved 10 tbey her. “TYE you), you Tee pct? se shrickes at iy smarting impeneuly. The souncot her grinding fangs everher ite eghout the rom. "Touts this" he told her gent Now tht ie eye weve epee Castais dicrnyanal ee walittle enough tose. The single candleshe'dsensed wasthe oam's nly source of mination, She could make nr the truest outline offster’ form, patch of movingdasknes thax reflected the fecble glimmers of lisht. Javier —a skinny. readentlike many wih heawy moustache and a notable overhite — toed across the mom, beside the only dost. Something ly in sacophugusor temigh before him, though ot ould rot, from her ane see what it might be. secon igi atcod Bev ham, nomex 0 deeply the thadowstha: the Lasembra could barely dete its presence all. She realied too, ever v9 gradually that she lay not on the floor, ashe fin believed, bur instead cn sone sor of cat ot plastic ucla sry Hae pl "You 'tedead," she barked furlouly, her lips curled, "No> boy hetrsys—" “Oh, please. Senorita. This, {have heand before. Have yo non ral ene fale eae for alinoat a year now? Nobody betrays the Sabbt! ‘Nobody stands against the Ssbbit!” Be sractl ie Sabhar saw fir alla you wserve, rather than senting you lke the comida you are’ Ihave anew master now, Senorita, ara you nookonger frighten me” Cortona felt herself gasp in sstcnishment — 9 habit she despised 2s a holdover ftom her weak, moral ie — as Javier repped foward neo the Hg, hs left and Weld before hi, (ingers gether sel palm upwarel as though offering hersemne okene(Tusexteem. Fat oad adn worked omy ever since Carlota sep the wri and relies tall bis ta have ns. I: should hve heen 4 permanent deformity — bye There it was, oud as new Sh ncticed only Une Javier's abbomnal palloe, walled col den that ne race of abearbeat reverberate theo the cdenber, tal the understovd "5 Javier sud simply, eaing her expresion as ely sv aweersign “They were pinygio ill meat fine. They hate us — you —with a passion J have neverseen, Barthey saw that Iwasnota willine servant, and decided that my knowlediof the Sabbar could work totheir advantage: They permite ‘Tremere to claimahaven inthei territory, Seforita, because they knew — becnuse I told ther — it woul dn your attention. And I — 1 was mone than happy to stad beside them against...” His sptle lea watery crimaon ateak down theside of herfnce, a markof shame that she enuld not even raise a hand to wipe off "Against you" “"Youwillhelpussaswell “The voice was rough, simehow dase Te igsne bein vier meppe forward thc and ‘Carbota woull have been amused were her situation et 90 precarious The erangerwore simplerobe ct unteeated wx feathered braceletsclangled froma his wrists and ankles, ada obsidiancbladed knife ung at his waist. Hair the Black of rmocnlessmiight wasswepx back frombistaceandneck vith, a silver clasp, He ste! before her, barefoot n Central Amesica's ancient pat "Who the hell ne you supped temprunnsly, am Javits" he old her roughly, his accent strangely archaie."And am yournew master You willserveus well nthe rine you fave mmsinig i this won” (Garota wanted to laugh would have Lange except that Javier, asifon cue, misoda second obsidian Kade high and thaws itdownnte whatever lay inthe trough heforehin. Aline of aginy ripped through Caritas stn Incipable of any mone mnt beyond mpeech chs evukin'reven dor swe a chic inthe Trettere's hovel. raid shes clenchst her wet, rnesly ervey them in her determination ta bite back the scream thar welled up insider hee. How fad he danse th she akiad eon Y Hal javier somehow created bale dall or some other mparheni efit didnt sect liketys her own knowledge of weadoum was fr oo lite to allow uch 9 thing. andl javier cul tpesbly have surpased Iher i only tv nats as a Cainice Hs master might have created it, but “Look down, Sefioicay” the former ghoul tameed. Caoea tate esptte herself-— and fain tharsheeumidndoeven that [Nothing moved, except her mouth and her eyes "What have you done tome" Anger roe like te, sweepingnway thecreepingrendrilsoffearthat hunk chreugh the back of Carlon’s mind, Howdare they treat her tus way? Javier and hiss silently turned the stone nuh abot, 9) iby CasToun sould ally see ise She could only tase, eyes wide and weeping blondy rears ‘Falwolite cei at here elles dy where it ny ner the mor, animate and twitching ypasieabcally Tessie sn arch ke Tryna into et aashell,usimple shelf burelylarge rough to old — het Abhead thar opainstallsense, gains alllogi, wasstilundesd, still animate, sil eapable oy feeling every cu, every Huta tuve-filleformeratoul could inflicrpombier bey x histamoesha blade. Oh Dios, ts cane happening, rhc’ eral, krit en, pease Tt as nthe en, despite desperate prayers to « Gio she hadn't spoken to since her Fanrace- Ie was merely the beginning Prue: Vea Tohuar che warpire-uizands of Clan Trennere tell it theyall hur invented Thaumacurgy. A few yampites prac ticed cide bload-sorceries before ther, but this wis no what you would eall real Discipline. When the clan's foundesstransformed themselves torn mortal wizards into the undead, they rendered all other bleod magicobsolece That'sucerbosh, Few among he Kindred woulddeny < powcr and versatility of Chae Tremexs'sragics but veal other schools of Thaumarurgy flourish as well wads of che inser todos date Wak ko the deur history. Theicpractiioners:tll wield formidable power Blood Sacrifice explores these alrernate styles of “Thaumnaturgy: their origins, histories and oocule practices, aswell as many new paths and ritual Wuat'sINTHIs Boon Blood Sacrifice describes four styles of Thaumacurgy in detail. Chapter One describes Akh, the blood sorcery thot the Fellowers of Set preserve from ancient Biypt Chapter To provides in‘ormation about Dur-An-Kiy the blood magic of Middle Eastern vampires, cluding —buc not limited to — the Assamire clan, Chapter Three introduces Sadhana, the strange magical art of India's ‘vampires. Chapter Four expands spon Wega the veo doortospired Thaunatumyy practiced in the: Caribbean and South America. The Appenilix providesseveral new rituals for Necro: mancyand KaldanicSorcery.lethen desceihes Nahullotl the hloxd sorcery of a secretive Narive American lineage errogpling ack from dhe bvink af extinerion. The aren dix condudes by discussing spontaneous tallsnans — magic items that seem to anse without anyone deliberately ‘etcating them and puit the lie to. anyone who thinks they understand the supernatural World of Darkness Enchchurterinchuesthreenewpathsandsereralatualifor that parcubs style of Thaumaturgy. Just ae poetry, each charter explains the concepss underlying: the Thouraturpcal style, ani describes the tooled procechires used in its rituals Along the way, the chapter raids story and how the mage style ares in te modem nigh For Gon’s Saxe, Wuy? ‘Why write another hook akout Thaumaturzy? Haven't Wwedoneenensls dange already? Let's fice iy Thanusingy has a reputation as a way for poweramers 10 et aur with “amyehing Once you Tooke at Thasrmsatargy in detail. hough, ‘¢ hecomes rather less ofa hangain, Thaumatarey is perhps the mostdiffilrofall Diselinesralearn.. huts make great hooks for sones! Tue Srupent’s Quest Hiv doy Th maturay? Youcsninait tke nigh classes in blooxl magic at the Joel elle fou care Rom MyteachesMocst ease Jourstesan eh oor arg ova ue \ See econ ted mache own, wed Dood magicians do nor adver sete Newcoucaoe WY Vamas What does the teacher demand in retum fer lesions? =A hers and performing domestic hoes forthe drain of het apprenticeship! Ob, and perhaps etching afew adkkments, suchastheslallofCantinlRichelewandasimpleattheprince’s Witte? Asa helgegainst besyal a teacher may ak inastchat the stant accept Hoexd bend or some other supernatural ompulion Sooner of liter, a studerit moves beyond her fist teacher sresourees. Suppo you want toleam the Pavis of Fool Presence and your teacher- mentar does not know i You have to find someone elie whe: daes. Your mentor might not Hke you consulting other thaumarurges and psthapspassing om herttade secrets. The otherthaumaturge ‘might not like you pasingon hs path, ritual or other fits of his mystical labors to your regular teacher. Studying luncet more thun one master demands either great dere tion or great diplomacy. A thaumaturgecanalsoseek therareand hidden texts thatreveal secrets of loodmagic. Perhaps youcanfindthe tomb ofan ancinin Honlwncerer and rad his stash oF sgrimuites,..and hoperhat he realy sstillintorporand did ve foo nuany oecult guardians, Peckaps a bid cult {aged he rsroctonsforuporentspell onthe walls hidden temple. Once in a while = book of blood magic a elite auctions of art and antiquities, wich f London, provoking whislwinds of intngue among Cainite sorcerers nd ituals based on the legends and theories of her ovcult tradition, The Tremete excel beyund all other clans at the srsanon of new Thaumarungy, but otber blood magicians ‘may innovates well. Research t ec can even try woresearch her own paths cont fil, as illustrate by the Famous story of The Sorcerers Apprentice Both rescarchand rqwiloftericallfor pecial ingredients ther challenges. Merefinaisialeosts are es protlem, though if a rican aeesedlamond every ime yet ya snight have to work on your cash flow. Ingredients may be Inerinsically rare, such ws wood from a 1000-year-old tree: angetons or illegal to collect, such asa human chills heart; co come with mystical conditions, such is St. John's Wort athered ot the dark ofthe mann, Even the closest substita- tedlice ritual’ effectiveness ‘The social burmters between inneages of vampires:and schools of Thaurmaturgy magnify cther difficulties, The ‘Tremereseldimm teach their ermeticstykeof Thaumaeurgy to vampires outside their clan, Some Tremete hunt sich bunsidens, to preserve theie secrets and supremncy, The Thaunaaturgical styles in Blood Sacrifice lack such close awochations with a single lineage, but clan, ethnicandl religious barriers remain, Theprowl A.sarites, for instance, often view other vampires as unworthy of theirmagic. The Native American vampires wha practice lend of folklore and fantasy — the legends and ficeis re ure ce 9, ay well as their actual ‘occult beliefs, Thiseinfonees the Hlision cha the WorllofDatknes couldbeahhlensidetocures see tacpossee'ny ay alate yeu sae bare material than we could ever publish. Librantes anc bookstores hold treasuries of lore — everything fom collections of folktales scholarly anthropa- logical studies — that can inspite: more Paths. ‘itil, charicters andl stories. Rememtser,thotigh, that blood magic never precisoly imitates the lorms of moral occult: be religious belies. Don’t feel too xan by “realism” adodgy concepe fora gume tout vampires) Filter thems and egeeds hang the vanghupstndl. tion and the rules for Thauiatuegy to make ‘something nev chix works within your game. Nuhualloel tend to mstrux vampires who da not share their moral ancestry. Students of Wanga generally must ddevowe themselves a one ofthe Affo-Canibhean tigions Sadhanss masters rputclly cach their art only to fellow undead brahmins. The Followers of Set care less for ances wry than members of many clans, but many will ins that would-be stuclenes of their sorcery also devore themselves vw the Dark God. An “outsider” may have to pass aueling tests of loyalty and devotion from a prospective mentor. or ele perpetmte an exceedingly dangerous frau. We urge playersand Storytellersto view these restric- thonsts opportunities, The search for magic waitin, lore ‘nd ingredients can justi el sorts of stores, Does s bucklingadventure—"Indiana jones By Night" —appeal tt you! Search for that loot remple or comb. Do you prefer eepy, Lovecraftian horror full of hideous secrets and Slimy Unspeskables? What luck, reclusive vampire savant ina decaying backwoods vllige is said to know the ritualyouseek... and whatan al stannette he keeps on his mantelpiece, If you enjoy racnr-odged intrigue, the chal lenge of opposed mentors should provide plenty of opportunities. Players can certamly take their fil of per- sonalhorrar as their characters leatn just how fie they will sp for the sake of magical power Tre Car rence rkom Bevonp ‘The styles of Thaumaturgy described {Blood Sor ‘eery come from regions outside the “developed world” that most players aad charaererskriaw. As Western vam, rires meet their wanterpars in (and from) other lata, they encounter unfamiliar blood magic as well, Even in the Western sturld, the Tremere riow face mina (but szowing) challonge to their long-assumed monopoly ont Thaumaniny: For cenuries in the Camarilla, a vampire who sought sorcerous aid had to pay whatever price the Buocn Sicarc: Tx Tax Cosi 2 local Tremere charged, and smile. The Tremere antirib had the Sabbat over a barrel in much the same way. Upheavals in both sects and among independent clans have broken that monopoly. The destruction of the “Tremete antitribu forces the Sabbat to shop for alternative magical resoutees. The civil war among the Assamites has Jaunched a diaspora of their blood magicians who petition both the Sabbat and Camanila for protection. The Fol- lowers of Set vend their ancient occult prowess for theit ‘own obscure reasons. Foreign princes court the blood- bealwnin jut eo mortal corporations reeruit computer programmers from India. In both fear and fascination, the Tremere seck to master thesccretarsof these other thaumacunges. Longrestrcted to Europe and its colonies, Clan Tremere now seeks to its base. Globalization is the new buzwond aro the chantries. Everyone else isdoingit,and the ever-competitive “Tremere vow nex to be let behind. In Africa and India, the Middle East and Central America, Tremere swans ponder obscure clues within ancient myths and excavate long-lost temples and tombs. Students kneel before undead sages, begging to lear their mystic lore, and cunning elders weave vicious schemes to ‘Caper theme winesuges metrics acres eee Other Tremere expand their clan beyond its Euro- pean roots more directly, by Embracing childer from amon these foreign populations fiom Mexicancuranderes tolndian holy men. Such childer bringan insider's view of their culture's magical traditions. The Tremere hope they «can adapt native spells and conjurations just asthe clans {Gonder ape the Hermerc agi of medieval Europe. ‘Thus will Clan Tremere asserible and synthesize all the rmugic in the world — or so they hope. ‘Some among the Tremere doubt this world-spanning program. The foreign Thaumaturgy may be too, well, foreign. To learn another culture's magic, Tremere stu- dents find they mustiearn andaceepe that cultures belts Then, however. are they sill Tremere? Can the clan elders trust them? In secking 0 encompass al sorcery within itself, will Clan Tremere shatter itself beyond hope of reunion! BLoop SAcRIFICE Many impediments to learning non-Western Thaumanurgy boil down to religion. The Tremere clan culture isnot very religious. Since ancient times, the West has denigrated and demonized magic. The Romans, 10 omicoeay tolerant of fori telgons, equenc waves of suppression against astrologers, for- tine-tellen and all sort of mapeane. The Jewish Law likewise condemned all sorcery except the mystical Kabbalah. Christianity inherited a suspicion of magic fromboth sources. St. Augustine of Hippo declared chat an appeal to any supernatural power other than God Al- mighty forged an implicit pace with Satan. When European scholars rediscovered Greek and Roman leaning in the later Middle Ages, they recovered theancients' astrology, mysticismand magic —chiefly the Hermeticum — along with Greco Roman law, ine, math and rhetoric. Scholars pursued this oc Joreat their peril, Pioneering Heermeticsadopted a vanity of dodges to forestall the inquisitor. Some wrapped their isn prayer, and proclaimed chat all magic worked by ‘he slerance of God. Others denied the mystical aspect of their opell, describing em aa “etural soagic™ that exploited subtle forcesof the planets, theelementsand the human spirit. The founders of Clan Tremere came from thisculture. Both as mortals and vampites, they saw theit magic axa peactical craft with no Notevery culture separates and opposes magic and reli sion, Egyptian press, Hind brahenirs and vnadoun hourgans ‘combine the oles of priest and magician. Some anthropsko- sists say that," priest has x congregation; a magician bas a Sietele” Many eccult pracisaner have both A practical, diligent Tremere must make significant conceptual leap to lear the forms of sorcery described in Blood Sacrifice. Each magical tradition interewines with ‘religious tradition, A student whosays, "Never mind the sermon, just teach me howtocast the spell” does not learn much. A bokkor or brahmin believes his magic works because of hisconnection tothe divine. He couldn diwonce hie magic from hiefwith hn he could right side of his body from his left. Some Tremere do make that lea. They lear to believe inthedivine power behind the Hoodsorcery.Norallofthem retum to their can to explain wha they have leamed Game MECHANICS Alll these divergent styles of Thaumaturgy consist of paths and rituals, jst ike the Hermetic Thauraturgy ol the ‘Tremere, and mostly obey the same rules. All Thaumaturgy derives from the supernatural power within vampire vitae. Schools of blood magic hold different beliefs about how to role ane shape that lntrinels magic Ianrever, end thax beliefs explain their variations in magicalstyleandcontent, Tremere paths generally do net require any material ingredient to operate. The vampire might whisper a few magic worch to herself of tice a brief gesture to aid her concentration. Some ofthe non-Hermetic paths, however, involve a small amulet or other material component (0 trigger or direct the magic. Hermetic Thaumanuryy uses a Willpower rll fr all path powers. This reflects the systematic and homogeneous nature ofthe Tremere's magic. Other forms of Thaumaturgy ‘may use a different rollfor each path, generally an Attribute + Ability roll Every ritual callstoraninteligence +ccult rol, but the cultural milieusthae underlie xyes of Thaumaturgy make diferent assumptions about what Oxcultmeans. A Hermetic ‘magus, a Santerta wangatem and a Hindu sad possess very different bodies of esoteric knowledge and ritual practice — but the Storyteller Sytem files them all under the blmket label of Occult.” Players may want ro note these differences ‘on the character srecord sheet by adlinga word to Occult beaoocao: Vie Yas thus, “Occult, Egyptian’ or “Occult, Wanga.” Characters who have Occult 4 orhigher cin treat this asa specialty, Learninc Times Justbecuen thoumaeurge finds a teacher orgriebire does nice mean she gains new Thaumaturgic powers siontly, Under remonable conditions — ‘no. ma) distractions or interruptions, but normal nightly hurtin, andsocial ities — learning anew'ritual takes this length of time Ritual Level One Two Three Four Five Sixt Estimated Learning Time One week (One month, nie wean (thkes icin) Two seasons One yen Scorytellee’s disretiont Unaer optimal conditions «an devote every waking mome can cur thes when the thaumarurge To study —a character times in half. Major diseuptions (such as val sects) iiyeceane Lewes rime, CREATING New Rrruars Beforeircharicrer has change to inventa new ritual, the player and Storyteller must agiee upon exactly what theritual does. This inchides defining the ritual’ level. IF a proposed ritual s beyond character’sability, the player of Sturyteller cam suggest ways to reduce its power. The ritual might have a weaker effeet, or difficult conditions (such as Willpower expenditure of exotic ingredients) may attend its use To create a ritual from scratch, a character needs an Occult Trait of 5 and 4 Thaumaturgy Trait one level Fugher than that ofthe mtu she hopes to create. rst the chaneser mus research the ritual by whatever means her tradition defines asa souree of occult wisloru, A mystical sadhu right read Hindu scriptures and meditate on their hhidson meaning: In conemst, « wangateur would eall to other priests and the spirits of his faith, Then the player makes i extended action roll of Intelligence + Cleeule (diftculey 5-+ the ritual’ level, to a maximum of 10). To successfully create the ritual the player must accumulate three tives the ritua’s level in successes. Rollinga botch means the character has t6 start over, assuming that nothing mote heinous than a mess it the lab takes place Each increment: of research and development takes level Sets the duration ct each icement same length of ime given in the table above for a character learinyg the finished nual Each time the player makes the R & D rol, the character must expend two blood poimes per level of dv rtwal Thus ia characterssughrto invent anew secand-level would fave to spend one iionth researching the ‘tual The player woukd make Inelligence + Occult rolls at dificuty 7, accumulating sie successes. She would nocd to ‘pend four blood pomts per rill, and each roll woul! repre= senr another manth of effort. Creatinc New Datis Creating a new path sane of the most challenging feats blood magician can attempt. A character needs minimum Occult Trait of 5 and Thaumaturgy Trait of 5, aswell as. laboratory that might ako see use as a haven during the intense research. First, of course, the player and Storyteller must agrce upon the powers within he path. The player dest have to devise all the powers ar once. In tact, it's a good ides to leave a slot ortwo vacant, in cae you think of something becter or more suitable at later thine, To devisecaclilevel ofthe new path, the thaumaturre’s player mustaccumulace five successes on an extended Intel- ligence + Oceult roll (ditficulty 5 + the level sheresearches). Bach roll represents. full year of research and experiment tion. The character also expends five blood paints per level of the power, For mast characters and most path levels, tis ears external reserves of blood. Rolling abotch raeans the character loses all accurnulated successes and must begin ‘work on that level of the path from the beeinnina — ar something more terrible, at the Storyteller’s discretion. A character must develop che powers in ordet —no skipping levels The character’ player must also spend the necessary experience points actully toleam the path, The first power levelin tae puch cess seven experience posits subsequent levels cost four times the curren level BLoop Macic ERRATA The Level Five power for the Setite Sorcery path The Snake Intnwseiulerrenyamited ean Ble Mages Sceretsof Thaumaturgy. Hare itis, and Ti a bugdaminy, # © Tempenance ‘The final power af the Snake Inside puzzles Setites who do not fully understand their clan's seductive was ‘Whats the paint of preventing addictions? Forcing an alder to abstain, however, van shatter many habits and force a complere lifestyle (or unlifestyle) change — not just an easily visible uddiction, Temperance rendetsa victim unable to take pleiisure fron satisfying diction, The physical or psychologl cal craving still exists, but the substance or behavior that once gave such pleasure now provokes pain and disuse. System: While the character is near the target, the payer rolls Manipulation + Seduction. (difficulty of the target's Willpover) ancl spend a bliod pont. The number of successes determines the durarion of the Temperance effect. Isuecess 1 scene 1 night Iuccesses I week Farcoesses 1 month Ssuveesses 1 year Shoo Suen TH Thay Cogan a ‘The victim ius one health levelof hashing damage froin the nauser snd pain of satisfying. her addiction. Storytellersimay impose ether prablems, too, based on the nature ofthe victim'saddiction. Fer instance, analeohs owed to gocoldturkey might tee successful Willpo rall to avoid vomiting when he drinks, Storytellers ray alo wish to imipoe witherwal ayrspecmscn those whone sdictisns would likely proxtuce such a result for “coming ofthe junk" ‘The sovcerer's player mist sleet one and only one seiving hip Terpparenee tonlfoen Th alana the power more than once, however, to block multiple addictions. Temperance dloes not work aginst true physiological necessities such as food (for martals) oe ‘ood Gar vampires), GLOSSARY Blood Sacrifice introduces derive tro py new termk thr jus culural traditions. Most rerms are hin the chapters in thie they anpear. For conventence, however, we nlso define the most mportant terms here. This glossary also explains basic terms related 0 Thnuchnrigy fs general ‘Akhu: Egyptian, "Spells," orthe innate magical power posessed Ly the sul of the dead. The blood magic trodition of ancient Egypt, now practiced chiefly by the Followers of Set Amulet: A magical object that continuously and passively protects a person, place or thing. ‘Achipu: Babylonian, “Magician.” A. practitioner of Dur-An-Ki Dur-An-Ki: Sumerian, “MasterofHleaven-and Earth." ‘The Middle Easter tradition of blood magic, derived fom Mesopotamian, Persian, Jewish, Islamic and many other ‘mortal religious and magical rradiions. Formula: The instructions for performing a ritual, pplus any ingredients of incantations required by chose instructions ‘Hermetic: Pertaining co the tradition of Wester ceremonial magie andl occultism, Incantation: Wordlsthata magician speaks, chants or sings as part of magic, Incancations can include prayers, recitation oflegends,commands, namesof powerful spieis ‘orunineelligile wonds. Ingredient: A materiel item required to performariaual The magie rte might carsuime the ingneclient (Hike aster fice), but a magician can use some ingnedients many times Uke a magie werd) Sormacienos ali ealled Lector Priest: A prictitioner of Akhu. Nahuslli: A practitioner of Nabuallot Nahuallotl A rire form of blocs! magic bused upon Aree, Magn and ator native Oantral Aryirican religion: Orisha: A Wang term for the powerful spits wor shipped in vincloun, Santeria and other Afro-Caribbean ponent religions, Other terms include lng, saint, mystére, endokt and enkis Path: A codified sequence of magic powers united by 9 shared concept. A path mayfocus on an effect (example:the Lare of Fiames), component (the Path of Boel), purpose (Hands of Destruction) or any other ideal. Path, magic toually requites litle or no preparathon or ngieshients Relic: An object associated (perhaps loosely) with & ‘sinc or prophet thar carries a kit a divine power because of iss connection to the holy man. The peiuerice uf mo used to pextixi blood matic Ritual: A secqience of yctians that produce w magical effect. A ritual requires time to cast, as well as some phyvicalcompontent and (usually) an incantation tose andl direct the magic to « desired tak Sadhana: Sanskrit,"Attaining.” The Indian tradition of blood magic, chiethy ftom Hindu roots. Sadhu: Sanskrit, “Achiever * Sadhana, Sending: The magic that results from a rin, spe: cially when directed st 9 specific person, place oe thing Sorcery: A catchall en for traivionsi blood mavie other thin Tremere Thawmaturgy; thus, Koldunie Sor ery, Setite Sorcery, etc Subject: The reciplent of a magical effect that does not cause dinect harm, Talisman: An abject that confers some active, non: Continuous magical power on a pesan, place oF thing. A, talisman may he an ingredient in ritual, or an item of “stored magic" thar other people ean use Larget: The recipient of amagical etfect, usuallyone meant to cause harm, Also called a victim, ‘Thaurmaturgy; Greek, "Wonder Working," Locsely defined any blood magic, Mone specifically, Thnmacargy refers wash tningiet Das ipfinet Cha Ticaycie (andr ‘other hlood magicians in the Wester world), paths and riruals usually calls the Tremere art Hermetic Thamatrgy ‘Tradition: A systema or style of nupical practice A thaumaturge’s tradition describes both the favored proce: dures of her magical style and the inner logic tharexplains the magic. True Name: A name that holds the matical essence of aperon, spint or thing. Wanga: A blood magic tradition inspired by andother Afsican and fro-Coribbean religions ‘cal beliefs. Also, this tradition ellocamalet ‘Wangateur: A practitioner of Wanga, Somemay al. themselves huungens, hor, ruyemberas ce other titles Working: A less-used variant of sending, expecially used for necromantic magic and magic with no clearly defined subject. For irstance, summoning n spiritto atmack fan enemy 1s a sending; summoning a spirit to answer questions iss working A practitioner of ymca in Ys 5 Get back, 27 cocoate of the West, who lives on the Urwecrying Star! Detestrion of yonts ry bells, fo Thane tbnonbel the power of Onin, saad Tan Seth —The Book of Comng Forth by Day, Spell 32 Nocafew vampires know that the FullowensofSecclaim anancient magicquitedistinctiromthe Thaumarurgy ofthe Tremere, Most of these Kindred simply call this *Setite Sorcery." This magi wmactual name of its ov though The Seed Akram ae not thecal my vampires whe proctice this ar ‘Unlike Europeure,thesneient Egypriasianynales ringic roku legtimareare A sorcerer dno tkpheme eee at mecey Sale Tis Gerona magic ts humanity asa gilt, and each spell reaffirmed this bond between ‘hel and the divine. Priests doubled as cemmuniry ageing The Egyptian sm oo fur diference between a rite conical in a temple for the benefit of Phamoh and the state and a spell cast at a client's howe for personal bench The ancient Egyprians also did not distinguish be- ‘tween “black” and “white” magic. All magic was ethically Pee ee tet eeamr atin Wesco ae tanger of a curse, any more than a modem person Tikes beng ot ty; bot aa Eyptinn responded wo Howtc gic Rycomultnghs lel prestoapean frspeleto protest him —and to let him shoot back. Historians find only ane remand lar yptien tl fovriinal sores, trcae ofan off attempted 4 sorcerous coup using magic Stas henole ora Phata’s teary he hcl ome howeve: and the assassination werempe — Bon ie nave Ine The Egyptians had several words fr mage. The most imporrant were Heka, “Magic,” and Akhu, “Spells” The ancient textsuse these words ierchangeahly. As eath as 1000 BC, however, Ezyptian vampires used Heka co refer co mortal sorcery abel Akh to refer co their Blood Me Except forthe use of vitae, Heka and Akhu used much the same tools to cant similar sells Eyptian atrins changed din Romans forbade priests to cast spell, though the practice ‘continued in seeret. Egype scoversicn to Christianity coc pleted the transition, Aftercennuresctdeckneameng mora, only varrpitestemembered and proceivesd the ancient yore, ies. Hele apparently di, while Alchu went underground In the ancient world, Egyptian priests enjoyed tation as the world's preatest sorcerers. Thanks to the Followers of Set anheried this reputation. Suspicion of the “pagan” Setites and of “Satanic” sorcery ed Gn. enth other tetas Chiirtinn seal Maclin wala Some urwlead historians angue that the Setites themselves same ta believe the buleful ramorsspread about themand their sorcery, and that many Sevite practices grew from these centuries of propaganda. Tn the Middle Ages and Renaisance, Clan Tremen rephiced the Follows of Set as the healt purve tage inEurope. A dreadful Inquisition sntherrrab further reduc Setite power and destroyed meses from oxher canes Egyptian sorcsry bere a nee Gan Oe As Ti De ce a Hea. AiisANDTHEMinases | Actually, Het (ot Hea, he url form) a. The Egyptian Murumis, also known as the Reborn, preserve the ancient artin something clove to its pureform, This doesnot mean thot the cage easy toacuuire, though Few mutes exit ~ though theie umbels now increase — anid they seldomt become renilywith vampires, Thus hiely jnyone ele knows abour rummy’ Hekauy and the tnanamcsknuy lientout yarapielcA, Drea oftheir common roors, however, thetwourts retain | serong similarities dexpite thouanads of yearcotaepe: | | rate development Interested renders cs lene ope wboie Hela in Mummy: the Resurrection rareat Relacively few Sette (or Exyptian vampires ofother uns) bothered to fear Akhu— nat least hecause so fee Kindted could read che uncient papyrus grimoites. ln the 19dh century, however, Champoilion’s trans tion of Feynman hieroglyphs ed to renewed interest in all sdungs Egyptian among: Rmdnet and kine. Some Lremere became interested in the magic of thetrold rivals and seught olearn Akh. A laggepercentngeof hse Warlocks rebelled agiunst theirclan’s hierarchy ana be rculests them solves. In 1930, the Coumeil of Seven banned research into Akh In 1973, Muharram Rasul thn Baha, Pontifex of Antioch, persuaded theCounei of Seven ta hitthekan. The Pens, kronor hi ed of dhe Sette aud that House and Clan needed to master the Seqpents’ magic in fonder to detnd gine tt. The however stil Took askance it any Warlock who shows too much interest aie TH ave lov Co many decrees because of defectors. Maaicat THEORY AND DRACTICE From canmet with the Stites and stuly of atvient ropyet, Tremere scholars can reconstruct the Egyptians’ theory ef magic. Akhuscems to posses an almost ameanny continuity with the magic af morral Egyptians. Even the ‘obvious diferentes conceal subtle magieat properties, IMAGesAND IMITATIONS, essence of whatever i epicted thegod itrepresented.A tomb fora te ake needles ol carried the power of ntingof foes hecame real Sheweringaywaz effigy of person with edacurseupentheactual persons A spelleould briniga mode animal to hfeto attacka magictan’s mem, oF made! ship could becomes real ship, An mage of the god Honus: trampling upon erxconkles, snakes and scorpions priwecte the ewener from thove actual beasts. ‘The power off images reaches to the very heart of tian hic an religioe, Pharaoh a he livin a cof Horus and raledin the god's name. Pharaoh was alse arc] prieg, but since Pharash could not conuluct every rite in every temple, the pricsts conducted nites as the Pharaoh. In later millennia, when Romans and Christians mibeears de Egger telgton, pucly alee opens ast spell and offre sacrifices in tton pists The gods themselves used! magic. Thoth and isis bore particular reputations as patrons af magic but the supreme rl of runic nm Hale tho henonshed nagiecte Whos {ipeiestmagician cast pels, he Mlenified himself with one ot more sls his incantation, usally inching Hika. Many spells include a hstoriola, a brief recounting ota myth, mca go performed the se fears the magician "Ax Hons did thusandao,1 do the sme" Worpsanp Names, A name was another sor of image. Naming something gavepowerover it Thesexrct TrueNamectapenonor thing guve total power over it. When a priest hurd the writen fame of the chaosserpent Apep, he bumed Apep isl When the gocklessletsextorted hs True Name fiom hesun vod Ra. she wok possesion af hs lereistible mish The Egyptians also saw writings intrinsically magical Hieroglyphic writing was expecially magicsl,hecause i cm- sisted of pictures — combining the poweraf the Word and Name with the power of images. Hieroglyphics carried #0 muuch power chae the Egyptians wrote the syns for evt rowers such as Apep cur in half or pierced with knives, «0 render them less angerous, Akhu pretiioners claim the ancient title of “lector priest” (Hherheb, literally “the ene with the hak’). Some spells owed thet effect to being written, The functary spellsrharguiged the deceased through the Linder world and made him 2 goal —from the eatly Pyramid Tests (0 the later Bek ofthe Decal —nuseded na livinw person to read them. Their writen presence in the tora sufficed. Every Akl vital therefore, includes an incyneation Most rituals incorporate writing in some way: the weiter tame of gor short mcantacion or command, 0: mis sword and Symbolsof obscure tusstng Tue Murt-Part Sour The Egyptians belived chat the beady or khan, cated more than one spiritual forew. Various parts ofthe toul net only powered magi, they coull be affected by magica wel These multiple soals (ov aspects of the soul) perfosmest aria etn and separated fom the Mt at death indred magicumsinterpret these ancient religiouscancents wthelrown mage = " * The kais the isa double" of the body — a ghost, The ka separates from the boy at death, Tr also acts as the ‘ehicle for consciousness during astral projection, * The bacr iveath" the lifeforce animating the bay aunpiteshave no ba: they seal it from the living as blo *Theabor ‘heart sthesource ofgoo or evil thoughts. The ab carried a record ofall a pecan's deesk anid moral character. The godk consulted the ak when they judued retsonafter death. Vampiresconsiderthis their" humanity.” ‘0 San: Tt Taman Cowan 18 he self structive evilaspectotthesoul. Some Egyptianvanpirescll the Benet cher Maa (though some weaths tad jracetio nets of other mage ans say the Teast actually 9 quite diferenepychic fnce). *# Thernisupersn's trae mame. theesence al identity *# The sekhemis a persen's piri vty and magical povier. Vampires have no sothem of their ov as with Ba they sel it rom the living "Ta ints el wri nul sence incomupible which can ascendeo Fleavensandjointhe ods after dear * The kksor‘shinings the aura, isle wo beings with spinal perception ‘THe AFTERLIFE To the Exyptians, as long as sorneone remembered the bleed dead and made offerings at their graves, the could ren with blesings forthe living — or curses for mortals who mistreated them. The Egyptians buned food, furniture, household goods and treasures in their tombs hecause they expected the dead to use them, in the next od not In hiro Thesoulsfree ravel hetween thelandsofthe hvingand the dead depended, however, on preserving the Mat. The cadkver' desruction brought tue death to the soul, or a leas ceneted the bo and ka unable ta vist the living word. Mummification preserved the bod, ensuring the soul's immortality, and Egyptian aristocrats bail hidden tombs in bopes ofprotecting their mummies irom grav robbers. ‘The Egyptians believed in wo realms af the dead. The Western Larus, of Ament, revetved the souls that Orit found worthy. The god Anubis conducted cach soul to the judgrient-hatlof Osiris. There the doseased made the" neg. tive conéession,” proclaiming his innocence of 42 standard crimes. Aruhic weighed the nemon's heart, ar conscience: aganst afeather that symbolized Maat, or truth, justice and thecasmnic ender. the peron’ssins weighed morethan the feather, however, a monster called the Eater of Hearts tou ready th devourhim, tithe decease erly had sinless heart —or tthe properspelljiggered she scalesofj udgment— the gral Thoth wrote she person's nae in the Book of Life. The soul then pased co the Western Lands, The alferlife in ‘Ament resemble life on art, but magic made it mote rlessine For mseance, the decease plant and harvest just as they had could arumatektele statues calle did the work instead Before the Beyptians conecived of Amentiy however, they believed in agrimmerunderwotld, whichthéyreraned for the dead who faild the test of Orns, The Eaypiuns telieved thataftr it sailed acrossthesky during the day, the boat of Ra sailed under the Earth ihrawgh the eaverns of Dat, the River of Death. Serpents; monston anal derions haunted Dt: although parts of Duat Furned, the nightly pasage of Ra gave the only light. The dead consigned co Duar existed without food, light, air or motion, The most ancient spells and prayers sought to deliver the dead person from. thi bleak halt-cxistence by adding them to the sun- boat's crew, who enyojed an eternal afterlife with Ra *# The kiaibit or "Shalom," however, war se hina ro arta, uta magic spel habe ito labsrers whe (Corer One AT 9 Eccipe fin Dui, pegs to Ament na vist the rural woe allequind magic ell Thedead needed sells brehe, spells torent, spell take Oe or, spel fr venthingt dd pesonmigh want to door doing At fine only the phitnoh cere thsdvine prove He eee pyramid with the equsite pal and prayers chiseled en the wall ofthe rods chur (che Papamid Teas). Wha the Fayprians fend pyramids uneconomical they inscribed the nex sels ch the suriace of the sacophags (the Coffe Tes} Thame revert de nin hw Erion deed i was more practical sly write all the Eating ec onstorrechng Ua i1asroll and laces copvintheyenen’stomb, The Epransciladthistinenl tet The Bok of Comme Forth Diy. Marker folk often calli Fe Exypan Bok of theDed. Each copiers teeta bt the Roskof he DadrevoirerhemeaseneyclopedicgadewEeyaan magi et krone —to morale tease Naturat Macic Jalsoemploys*nariral magi" —the occult peer verb, stonesand other substances. Many AKiurituals use some srt of material object orangredien's. Mose camronly, curneritualrequir thacthe magician possesscomething that came from the victim's body, such as hair or spittle. Other sulyrances bear tational asaoeutuons fom Egyptian My thwleyy, region or funeral practice. For instance, the Egyptions favored green mone for amulets dedicated to (Our, who begnn as a god of vegetation. Raininc THE WesteRN Lanps Unfomzutely forte Kindred the Epypeienieligion ddnce seat then ie beneftso divine magic. Vampires lacked breath ‘nd vital ores their ishment tomthesanslohryanckimed ‘her arathasna to thegeds No divine contract gave them the Fight 1 cast spells Just as vampires stole Bie ram the living, hhomeves the ancient Egyptian Kindres! found ways to steal imac fom the gos 2 the Egyptian boos magctans crew thelr charter leet mph olSet and Osis When team ~ookltountinie: © ape ; (Ohi brother Se. The saamor god reminded Ra of hic righels battling the chacs-sepent Apep so thesun-boxt coukt av heya of dawn but Ra would not charg his Seuwokrevengeby musering Oxrisanddlismersbennghis brady Ini, the sster-wite of Osiris recovers his boy, umn fied anal magically conceived ason ty ber dea sand This son, Hons, nsw up to avenge hes father and beceme the next Ling of he aos, hile Ose became the king ofthe dead Fora tue, hove, Sersucesfilly sured the powers ih and i Inthesameway allbloodmagicians fic theirspels withthe lieloreetheystearomthe living PractitionerscfAkhuigoeven funier, They ackitionally seal power from the dead by re snacting the dismemberment of Onnis, the greamse act of ‘apleny ir Epypei legend. The Bak of Gong Font by Night, atexturitten by Sethinsel, accominygtlegenc!—tellsihem burindt:Taepoweetunsathermape Ler psscan ait many spells wthour ‘ae, relying entire thepowertlen fn dhe oul ear Ourshinaele BLASpHeMy-SremiNes ‘As the Eeypeians condense! their finernry magic from the Pyramid Texts to the Book of Coming Forth by Day, they: allowed more people w enjoy the afterlife privileges once restncted to phartohs.By Hellenistic tineh, the Egy an ptiests: opened the Western Lands to any commoner who Soul afoed due munication proves ud 9 copy atte Book of de Dead. All these people joined the Kingrlom of (Ositis, By emulating the god's mursimification, they ims cally ectme Ost (Cher of Seale thi hin aro. “They snmp “becoming Osiris’ to mean thar these souls become exten sions of the god and feed his power through 1 spntual vampirism. Even tonight, they believe, souls can find them. selves in Amenti and hocome the happy, deluded slaves of thegod. The Egypuan religion nay have dedout but pepe still seek immortality chrough extravagant burials, mon: ments or a cadaver preserved for the ages Since people pass to Amenti through obsession with, shee cndererce de por of baal ecayneomtr them from the Western Lands by reversing these conn ‘They desecraze the body by breaking bones, spliting epen, the ribcage and using! eee oon topull hermseiite a temureis nite, Br matting thecorse hes ite Sertmuner and dismemberment of Osis "The Sette magica lkewse mocks and perver Brave goods, Ina full Egyprian burial, the viscera went in (i special “canepic jars” placed in a specific arangement. A Sie teyeesitin lingam pang herorten grin the south andthe eastern jar in the west. Other gr: ave goods join the tableau after suitable defilement. The magician, ‘ight load a beautiful coffin with maruire nur tn a ‘mushroom farm. Rich clething hecomes a rag-rug far he ‘magician to wipe his feet upon. 1s book supliesinntingusestor casi Eayian grave goods such ab amulets and jewelry, wshabt ftures, furniture, weapons and vases for unguents. Setites dealing vo lriraey Wuias mist extrcke the nent fed instance, given a person who sought immortality by endow: ing a libmry, museum or hospital, a Setite right steal and deflethecammersratve lage deiner and Other objects ron dae bulee The Book of Geing Forch by Night says that thindesece tion withers che oul in the Western Land an inet etemal torment upon it; At least, partat thiesoul writhesand, howls in pain, Some Setitesbelieve that the wailing spirit is merely the persons ka or “astral double” The imperishable true soul, the sah, slips fre of che broken ka like a snake sloughing its skin, xsecond death to agenuine and vanscen. dentnewife. Other Setesomitthispsintaf doctrine, They ey cae cayere wince Colltean vesetranit cr tonite. Alferll, He etuted caver eventual asap, ‘no anatter how carefully 2 Setite preserves und thet the soul's torment ends, Mewphyics aide, an Aku practitioner aks must perform this nte of desecration in order towork magic. Thebroken codaverand rorturedka pull magical power from Ament tthe lecne priests unl charuber A lect ont can perfeem magic ehewhere, Fut mast conduct meu rites to honor Set in the blasphemy shrine. If some ill luck: Bioon Sacre: TH Thain Cana n destroys the blasphemy-sbrine, the lector-prest can no longer perfor even the simplest magic situa (The Secte Sorcery ritual of “Opening the Gate" per mits a Jectocpriest to gain even greater henefit fr blasphemy shrine. Once pet night, escrcerer ean actually tise herblous or Willpower pool by drawing upon thestolen energy of Arent, See the Sente Sorcery section of Blood Magic forthe details of this ritual.) Tie BooKorGorG Forti ny Ntort Set’s book gives full ‘pipucrions ie “Or iti ie ae Te Bik fan om aha et iw mabe cenmectred apy tha tikes other mgs ne By wo succeed, and howto brew a vito ace sacramental beer (sec Fel en fl dextpion ofthese tae The Bok of Go Tekin Nessim ate nun Ny Adu tin copy leg te nrpes xg Soe erulingsderand the physical preence of acony. A tradinon. Seed nirupmacopye Tink Gorgon by Nik nine inhi rons eenine pop jets accept printed ess formal ete smadern book (scrolls Fests emi oc Coptic stipe Stars hve nerd the Ferdinto Grek, Aube Enghand sever rhet lr gungesfor Aes eta tac beat dese lave ni vei nie Toors AND TECHNIQUES Jat addition ve) the blisphemy-shrine, 4 leetor-prlest eral wide vary foo Som: are nigh cmniesent inspellsancl Storyellerscan assume thet presence in nearly every ritual, Others are mone specialized. AKhu practitioners notonls ust these tools in thei rituals, they often enchant them as alisninns Eayptian magic a inl a variety of sanuandprocesunesthatcanappearina wide vaieryufspells Amuners “The Boyprians surrounded themselves with dovens of \ifferentamuets, which they called stor moket. Bach amulet secured specific Hessings for its owner, The mest coromon anwletswere the ankh, whote namemeant "life; the ded ot “backbene of Osiris"; the searab, a symbol of Ra; and the sul, o"eye of Honus" They also wed animal forms ascei- ate With Vanousgads Amuletogneraly re hietoslphi loseriptions The Egyprians made many amulets out gl and semnipreciou stones. Maoic ops cian magicians employed a vatiety of magic reas, ad tates aren eames casera crossharatthe top, calledthesuas, began asappriest-architect’s mesuring-rod and became a general syinkol of grisly authority, Phest-magicians also used siete te roxls with Figures gods, animal and hicroglyrbe carved on the ides, rods topped with the ankh or the ded, ar rods shaped Tike serpents Sette sorcerers combine the uss wit the sempent Headed ral by having the erosskar clenched in the serpent’ 1 cornmponly es the rd to trice magic Circle Belore casting aricual Wrrnnc Toors A leetor.priess uses ree per-and a variety of colored inks to prepareamulets written onpapyrusand ro write word and rames upon figurines. 4 priest alko needs. 9 burn and tthertools em engrave woudlsandlsymbulscinanwletsat tenes and ether took. Fu CRARY PARAPHERNALIA Because stealing power trom the deal plays such an impomtantrole in AEhuitspracticonersoften eaploy funeral gauipment in their epell: Canosa, rnlatine fr fll sed) sucophagi, namen (i natural alkaline salt used in siurnmification), ancatherparaphemaliamay find tse in rituals especially for magic dealing with the dead. ‘STeLavann OTHER Monuments, ‘Astelaisastone table carved with picturesand inscrp tions. Theycommemoraredeverychingfmomamiltary sictenes tadeveaed peng, Selae auld leat spells well Mage cian could ali carve spells on u pyramidon (a miniature ytanukd) ora munisture obelisk, ln Heltenste tes, mag dans built whole portable, miniature shrines to which they ade suitably tiny, symbol offerings Frouniwes, An Exyptian magician-priet must on icone of het favontegids The Bgyprimsphacedrgicalfigurinesin thel tombsand used sraructtesasatferings, Whole pathsof Akh steal with the magic of images amd figurines San ‘The Niles imindajion lefe banks of sand bela. Hes sonnection with the Nie made this ind sicred. The Ep ian also used sand for senubbing, making ie 9 yyinbol of physical cleantinessas wel as spiritual parity. The Eeyprians| szrewed sand in theictemples andpriest-magicionsscatteed sand to exarche hoinéle spirits fore cating their spell Akhu practicionersdo the sume THeCmcte Eyyprian magicians offer dew a mage ciele eo hild forces in or out. A lector-priest often walks anunxl a etre He itieates Ra, who circles the entire world none cay, snd thus clains the goss mastery aves all he fxces of Heaven Earth smal Underworld, Sprenixo, Liciaxa anp Swatrowino ‘Theserelared acts couldeitherblessercurse. Ra'spat out his fst children, bur spittle could also eary the potson ot nnalice.Swallowingsomethirycoul bean nigressive thre oF a way Co assimilate a diving oF magical power, e Eqyptian spell involueddrawing thefigue ofa yexton onetedllin then Licking off KM riers oe lbine reapynas that the and drank, cea srson drank beer rhat the magician poured aver j stela caring the spell. Notasie Gops A pretitionerof Akhurmust know about the Egyptian gods. Thar is no small feat. In the course of 3000 yet the Fxypions believed ny rnary gts, with numerous local variations, ‘To complicate matters even mote, te priests (Gyna Oe:Aa Te Dat Ie TRansniienation af Oifferent sources transliterme Egyptian words: inunes in very diferent ways. Inthe rel world no one actually know haw t4 pronounce Ancient Egyptian: | The writen guage leaves ove mosc vowel Thus, er Hgyptian Were of name presented hete — oF | wher else — tsp guess. Thisis one reatomhy we often use the Greek namesof Egyptian gods Atleastwe ‘kniow how 00 pronounce them! In de World of Disknes, the Folowersot@éeand few Methuselahsof other clang meserye knowledge of trie Fuyption peorinctition, Shice Alu depend 3 much upen words, a would-be practitioner needs to find vampire willis impart this vital Enomedge fe fed xs to composited tiepriest identified Curiswith Ap crentorsed Pea, he row dey Hellenis: sctisand crap. We lise ply few of rhe more fimous gous, cr those mast often invoked in mua © Ra, the mn-gad, was the move anciene ruler of the sods, The ness af Ris declared hin sele-bewotten and ancestor all othr spels. Over Gv: cencuris, howwever Ra becume more distant and les active—a remote symbol of alneniet,univera power — while ether gods caminated sly inl Faprtin poten relia, The Eegians {so Ri retained enough prommence thar pha: inely ilentified thew favonte goxls with him, For nce, the ramchenfed warged Amun, whose priests powerful in the New Kingdom, was often imal include the flea the eator lon, * Osiris oragrallya eat esgationand tert, became ‘one af themesterahurnuly popu goxs Afr hismunderly Set, ‘Snr teva she kang or the deel whe prombed a Bist atcrlte and eventual fay resurrect, Osinsis most often represented as a mummy holding a crak and Gil. Site sorceren donot mvoke Otis, except to cuse him, * Tis. she ster and wife of Osiris, evertvally became ‘ne ofthe mast popular god= in the ancient wild. She was both a mighty magician and a paragon of fitful wives. bia reanhily chart the schemesof Ser Seite sorcerersrevile her as awother enesny of their divine ancestor, but Tremere students of Akhu find that her mention in an incantation does net doom the spell to fal * Horus theson of bisund Osis, avenged is father’s murder sod became the next king of axis and men. The Jie ke the fe p tnd anne ale ent ftom him, Mystcally the pharach eimbedied Hons in Iennad Ohans inde, Confusingly, che Egyptians ils bwlieved iu second, colle Fharus— fc Ra. Horns the Elder was the patron sedofLovter Egypt, whileSetwasthe patron of Upper Egypt. Hono hudmanyther Horusthe Avenger cenemy, but Tremersexperimentersfind wal setheraypects in rites. Many of wy their symbol * Set ako called Seth or Sutebhy naturally ssumes primary place in Scrice coreery. Only liter im Eeyprinn istary did See become the gol of evil. Early legend place hhimon the sun-boat with fa, batrling monsters so the Sun could ris each morning. He was the Cox! cf the Desert however, and of sorms, earthquakes, feigners and every. thingelse thatcanld upset the pricey onder ot Egypte ‘Moral magicians reguarlyinveked Set i their exorcisms, fn the principle that the Dark God was fearsome encaigh deity to frighten any dernon, Belin uy, et eaeincatbue ges whch the Eggrtians considered scrange and sinister. Se’ tern animals eicluded the hippopotamus, the crocedile,the black Pigand the "Typhonic Beast," strange creature wich slong sour an square-iopped ears * Thoth, chegodet writing, the Moon, calendarsand all scholarlyatts surmsses even Iisasa god of mage. Fhsong was obscure: The Euyptianssornerimes esc begotten, like Ra. Fis totem arumals were the dogheaded babown. Althea gh mthstroquentls sii, is and Horus, ne ts central te Bgypeians mage thot the Serites could never exeise him from AL ‘Many rinuals mvoke Thoth, = Holes ineaneatons| etn! worship, # Pah, represented asa mummified man with ashaved heal, vos the vol of craftsmen, engines and sists. His hhome city of Memphiselevated him to creator, and al Egyptians regarded himasi.grcat magician. Inspiteot Puah's frequent idereification with Osis i ner Parson and Hells tines, Sette sarees invoke Pah eve ime they craft and corseciate ported Maple tll The 5d epptat fraewas abst thathe never enjoned much alco rati-pal, became nationally prominent in the 26th dynaaty THe Bayi represented Kinnam asa atn-headed man who shapel the bods ef the Iinburn on hie vier shee Lecmoriprise often invoke hmm i spells thar afec the hod. * Amun, the chicgol of the New Kinalom, al locked liked rahe man. Amn lanely replace fa tye wal Kanghip andthe at; hogs eal Arun th ano evervother ja ssinall- purpose deity Late peestit wok the salary of Anu in spells cf cramtand and ater. nat AUB seBeTevajaleramanwaeal a eM an imporean role inl sors of mage. He ude nil betwcenthe verkk of living chedea nid gat Diviners appealed to Anubis for visions. Exorciss called “Anubie to amy hostile spits back to the Urderworl he calato rele dares lie ene ox all his benign roles in many mth, the comme Eavntars Seen to have feared the Jackal tthe Gites of Leth Sets wife Nephthys hore Anubis, but Se: was not his father. at least, notin the offical legends. Myths say that Nephthys seduced Osiris bya ticks Anubis ernie hic leptin es 5 de ise manny. Phe Followers of Set Sispute this sory, but prefer to invoke the Jackal under the name of a similar god wolf healed Wepwinvet, who the Sette claim ae Sets child (or child) * Scbek (oe Sobek or Bacher) began ss wermcoile gd ofthe Faiumcegion, but became pole troughout Egipt Bicon Sac: Te Taquariiy Caen 2 Some Coffin Textsof the Middle Kingdom paint Sebek san evil monster of the Underworld. In most periods, however, the Egypriansadmired his terociry. The crocodile-god eve achieved identification with Ra or Horus. Setites prefer to, emphasize Sebek socstonal dentifcaton with Se, base upon the crocadile-god’s ferocity, tovem animal, and temple at Ser's “home city" af Ontbos * The hipporocamus-goddess Taweret held asa sions with both ehildbieh and sorcery. The the hippo as adangerous beast. Exorcists inv [dive tony beste tts bus eagion cau ba te lay cures, aswel. Some legends rake her a wife of Se, whichadded to her sinister reputation. The Setites claimher as one of Seti chiller as well as his consere, and invoke her in many rituals. * MagiciansinvokedBes, adwacish gxiwith lion face, in exorcises and all yorts of protective spells. He particuliely sasined weinen. in chillin’ anc protected newborns. He also became a pi of music, dancing and teveley, Albu soreeter invoke him fv all these roles * Sekhmet, 2 lioness, presided over disease, wat and sire. A special cliss of "Sckhmet- priests” worked as physicians and magical healers. Sekmet could ako case diseaw:. however: The Evyptians called! plagues and fevers “the arrows of Sekhmer.” Lecnor-priests call upon Sekhmet tw cause or cure dkease, or in spells of magical murder. She was the consort of Ptah. # Scker (or Sokar or Socharis) wasaveryancient god of death, Heruled the dark Underworld of Dust and fed upon the hears of the dead; unlike Osins, Seker ofiered no reaurectin. The Osits cult lentes alworbed every other death-god, including Scker, but the Followers of Set serve the myths and ritec ofthe Heaker, older god. The Eayptians represented Seker as a spatrovhiawk orn hawk: headed mummy, Notull Sctite vampiresactually worship Set directly, A. large minority of Setites identify the Dark God with deities ftom Other pantheons One prominent cult ior tstanee, identifies Ser with the Greek morster Typhon and the Roman gods Mars, Bacchusand Phato. Angchercultactually inks Set to Jesus through some truly amazing “secret doc trines” A haulflofleetorprieas relate Aku to exploit these other pantheons Most Settes who Jearn Aku simply move beyond the “mask” of the other pantheon to worhifi Set directly and use the old Egyptian forms, So far, 1) ‘anpie one any other clan has eared any of thes hybrid fom of Akh Norall lector-priests come from the Followers of Set clan. ‘They: ality ese ewe pietheDackt et but asignificant) -come from other lineages— such asthe ‘Tremere dotcom un ier chilis: Pov Kinde ofies ans avlogctheSetite faith, but the Fallewerscf Sex reel thea Aku aw feely a they teach their ow chide. DEMONS AND MESSENGERS The Egyptians believed in several clases of spirits. The shouts of the blessed dead were called akhu (singular kh). Spellssometimesppealed to them forhelp. Mut were evil or at east unredeemed ghosts. Gods could projectpirt-images Uftheroselvescallaau (singular ba), tosetveneacengers sd convey blessings orcurset. Dusthelda variety of den tad monsters Apo, theCret Sementof chace bene he ‘most natoious Egyptian funerarytest dese other te ers too, though, such as Maki, a flin-amored nnd Inifealishingserpent SOfeeth sibau serve Se, Ther chi, ‘ich (2 humnhewssproutingtiem seen, calles or ch ofthe rats wth human Fats “The Blessed soul lic ayn the teach of Alu but iba pee sat elias lous mile Sete eros sgeatl prefer the ska: Some SetitesPelieve that clanmaves Iho sulier Fal Dest beccme sebau. rranformed by the ower of Set yell can efervo the Vampire: The Masauerale (op.282:5) for quickanddirty” wraithtemplates:Theacean ales serve mele for hau tend set, The Sunn Seba Zualevotesademen comparable tothe Recently Deceased saith, Only the mose owesful eter priests can summon ghiis Conpunble wile OM Soul Divinerenengers posses Pplincsor Tamang srdhssultable forthe ge thar emanates then hao Pah nnghtpossessthe Patho Conuring, while aaof Schism Tats Rlecmmncy parks onthe una of king go rec as Amun or ons wouldhave Prexnce, Asche have Serpe (wells ther Diep) and donot veto expend ther analog of blood points to fie these power GAME MECHANICS ‘The same mechances ef Abhu differ from Hermetic Thaumanirgy in several imperean: ways, Most immer, Serine Sorczty pithsdosnctall use x Willpener roll Some paths callforan Artritute- Abiltyrll—alwsthesane eolloreach ower inthe path, All rinmlsuse an Intelligence + Occult roll Difiulties are usually the pawer or rials level + 3, toa maximum of 9. ln sume cases, however. a power or icul iht Use the vienm’s Willpower isthe dificult instead ‘Most Aklupath powersdo not require expending vite “The lector-prest draws upon her blasphemy -she instead. Vitae expenditures within Sette Soncery 9 of sacrifices to Set or another xox Alector priestcharacrerness arleastoneder fecal and one dot of Linguistics vs know the requsite mysteries of Faypiinn myth, magic and language. Ach the migiclin posses 3¢ least one dot sf Med racter lacks least onedt cf Cat, # all rituals that involve written spells, en- sraved amuletsor uther inscriptions increases by one Storyiellem may impose other dificulty pen bonuses upoma player ely depending onto nought the character to the full pomp of Exyptian priesly tmdition, For instance, rituals that involve weicing assume that the character employs an aurhentic ree pos, wok und pipyns. She could alo draw her inscription on a moist clay tabletandbake irhard. Chiselingthe spell nto astone stela and painting the hieroglyphs would merit reducing the sificulty by-1 Conversely, scribbling spellswath a allpoint Renonathree-by-fivenotecart wouklinereasethesendins’s Adificulty by "1 Other factors chat could reduce diffcultien ‘Gham Ou: Ams Te De ae THe Boow of THorn The Baskof Going FonhbyNightisnoc theory Akh agmmorte. The Setites have writen many offers Cut al. their grimoires: betore the Back of Thoth, Exyptian legend describes the ook of Thoth as the mightiest pnmetre in the world, written by the god of smigic himself. No one ever copied the manuscript. The legendh say th the spells inscribed nthe Book of Thath gels onc seseh mle GieeaoaPearts and the spirit workis. Anyone who tead the book's hnerog’yeh sept could chreaen the gods themselves, ‘The Followersuf Ser helieve in the existence of the Fea oe See laters the Bovkay Thothtocall the 1Oplesupon| e telieve it llsigcre fom bore te Kelana of te yvorld, from worlds and cycles of existence. thar died Ieflorethe yadowere horn. These Sctitesadd that thes of theae dead worl oll ent in sie sees bur dat ‘only a fool ora madman would call on these malign’ primandial powers Fortunately for the world, the Book of Thoth seems femurkably clive Bath moral andl undead mngicsns hive chased ruiors ofthe famous tome foe more chan 3,000 years For instances the moral pest Na-nefer-ka- path found the Book of Thosh, but lost bis life, Centuries lit the priest Serme Khannuas stole the grmoice frm repo Jnckide the use of genuine Nite water, ancientzitudl tools o¢ ivcongregaticn fellow Sercultsts (such a a personal boca wal. factors inclide wearing synthetic or animal sleviyed dabcin (Egyptian priests wore linen), or mmprovised ritual tools, We recommend thar Storyellers nae adjuse difficulties up or down by monet Some Akhu paths require the seo matetal cus, In rnst enue, che path-requiter only rnall met si reno jewely. A fow paths requirens much timend preparation as ritusls — bur they are. fundamensal to Akhu that phiyers spend espetience points for their characters to lean them. SermeArcnomy Akh chides a subset ofits that create ral salves, uunguentsind potions. These an collectively snes Milkot Set Unkssthervise mennioned takes ne weekpe evel thertualt brews single dose ofanalchemical preparation. The salve, unguentorpotionretans ts poteneyfera number weeks ssl othe ples ote lle + Osea AKHU PATHS ‘Blood Ma Secrets of Thaumaturgy presented two ths of Setite sarvery: the Dry Nile and the Snake 3k ak empl, ete pt sed in various Varapiresepplemnts bt ofr aves them other names, Each relates in some way to Sec or ivines, This list does nyt exclude Akhu ver~ sinnsof otherparhs, but we recommend that Storytellersnot import tun pathtromotharstyks asthineah dite the tnqtiue of exch achool of Blood meg ooo Sci ‘Na-efer-ka-ptastomb, bu che ghests ofthe slain priest miles eerste ncn The Book ith eemsto reappear every few cents ‘ics. Abouthal the time, the supposed grimoite ums cit ty bea hoax — the Setices' reac teple archive at the House ofthe Eclipse bods fess tunel fl nko ‘Thoth Other times the magician meetsa gray endand his too mime disappenns fone nyorss ele can sean ‘whether it was the Bookof Thoth or not. Alleged Books of “Thoth have heer hued i lanl, fllen int the sea, ane caried off by demons. Seite legen insists however, thwiemothmg can-ever destroy the Bouk of Thach, A few (Cainite jore-mastess reviewing the histury of disaster, upto the Storyteller to decide whether these dup cavadpethereqire sector fe icsimpler to use each path exactly as written, then do so. jou find it ess confusing to rule that the blsphiemy-shrire's owes removes the need for spending blows points, fallow that plan instesd. Discus it with your players —and mul sure that every lector priest character-m. your chronicl follows the same rule. Divine Hann This path deals with sympathetic magke. What the ‘ragician does tora mode! ofan object happens in eruth rote sak chjcct Moce frighteningly, the Divine Hand ein afct reople, too. The Divine Hand ignones disaner: usm this Tath,a magician can aflect targets arcu the worl “The composition of w model object dees not matter — ‘antboardworks aswell asanything—bur the mor shill ieatro expend vitne. Ifyou find Tear Connon m4 resemble the object as clowely-ax possible. (Realistic sale twodel cars, nicky and other tye are a hoon to, magicians with Divine anu) The lector priest must hand-craft mod tlsof peonke, animals orspintsout of beeswax. The magician inscrbes words cf power on the model while chanting inyocationsta the goals. What the magician then does tothe novel, happens o the eal object withan che next 24 heurs ‘Aso magician hecomes more powerful, he can affect layer objects and at wider varlety of vicris, Lector priests typicaliyuse te Divine Hand to destroy oi niank For instangs, burning nmedelote house males the betual house catch fre Snapping off a dolls arm makes the real penon break his arm, The magician can abo cause instantaneous, "real tise” damage tava tanget, bt any ifthe magician can sectually see the target The Divine Hand has more subtle uses, though, A thick off the rad by pushinga model thick, of stop i imaged boat from sinking by supporting « similarly damaged model foot with his hand, A magician ould even fis edamaged oes Ty repaling a Gonsweratedh adentically damages model ‘System: Every application of the Divine Hal eals for a sccelll rice + Occult roll (dificulty of the alow spell oaeneatethe Divine Handakes atleast five minutes @ eax. Makinganadesquite modelofa persen orabject calls for a Perception + Crafts ol (difficulty 6-8, basedon the derail. ofthe target). The player nisedsa single sceess. Ifthe model isespecially socal (thany successes rolled the Storyteller may grant asenallrchuction of difficulty tothe rol forthe actual Conversely, if the magician did not try very hed to 4 ((ar instance, not panting a cardboar )che Storyteller may ease che © HaNnor Drak Atfirst, hie magician can afect only small objects with the {aytne Hand "200 poxands at roe: Typeal ge ‘might he w suoden support beam, an iter of furniture o 3 Sina storcyele: The lector priest klentifes nlf with the aricat-god Dea System: Themagician canintlice (or repair) twohealth: levels of diunage on the ebject, or exert a force equal ro a Strength of 3, *° Fann or unum At thivlevel of mastery, asian gains dhe pewee to afect wortal beings — humans and anim — with the Divine Hand The magician takes on the power of Khun, divine shaper of lif, Innagely supernatural crearures such i wompers dea wstewalves, however, retain immune, TocastheHandof Khnumuponamorul,temapician jnccribes thepenon'sname onthe wax doll and incorporates bits uf the penn in the doll — » snippet of hair, say, or fingemail clippings. A supernanaral “Tie Name” removes the nea! forbwaly relics, but mext modem people da otha a True Name, ort least they do not know it The nugicin canalaoaflct more massive objdets up ty 1,000 pounds, such it celephone pole, stee! support beam, rele or dumpster. Opriexat: ARHUAND NecROMANCY ‘Aku has strong necromantic aspects, bur it is not a complete subseiture for Neeromainey. Pract ticners who want to lear: Necromuaney Paths must learn thems asasepucite Discipline, notas secondary jpachs of Akhu, At the Storvteller’s option, Akhu oes include its ovm versions of pirticular Necro tmancy rituals; the Storyteller snould increase horrowed ritual’s level by one, however, to tellect thar Abu isn't os pond aedoathemnagic’ ne Neves ancy ie ‘System: For each access the player rll, ie mag can inflict one health level of lethal damage upon a moral victim, Alternatively, she can exert Strength 2 apart the persen for each succes rolled —for instance, the magician ould wrap hier hand eigatly around ad immobalize the Aggie inanuimareobjects, the magician inflict four health levels of damage ot exerts Strength of 5 098 HanporAnunis Athi esl the mica guste power io nence chargelings and other ach creatures of mixed natiges. The character callsupot Anubis, the mediator between worlds, Hecannor affect waits or ether sortsof spirits As vith the Hand of Khnurn, the mayician reel the victim's Truc Name ora sample of her body and hermundane name. The ngician must muke an extraocdinary effort, however, ovemower the innate magic ofthe vitim's beg. ‘Themagktancan alo nawaflect inanimateshjecs wes Ang up 15.000 pena uch as aca ofa ang speed System: To aft asupematural vietim, the magician's player spendstwo blood points and evo points of temporary Willpower (that da not add successes to the dice roll) For _svery museca tolled on the litelligunes « Occvle check: the magician iiliets one health level of lethal damage 1 supernatural tamer, The magician can inti up to six health levels of duraige on inanimate objects, orexerta Strength of 9. This application does not cast vitae ar Willner eee FasporTHotH At this level of mastery, the magician eas employ the Divine Hand aginst all sores of sprit, inelisling wrath Sincespitsdonet havecorporea fexms the magicannceds thespini’s Trae Name or (in thecaseo yiths) arelicolthe Acceases's Khao sone object (called 2 Fetter) that was supremely teportant tothe pero in life. The leior priest Eanalsoaftect pee that ste ses drecty, The magic ony affects opirts who manifeston Earth, or at hawt inthe spit ‘word very close to Ear, The Fiano Thothieannit each spins in thier awn ceals ‘At this level the mopielan can vee the Divine Han against inarinnate objects weighing wp t0 20,000 pound, such as an amored lipousine, a semi, ora Learjet. ‘System: Themagecan's player sperus rwo blone point and svonointsoftemporary Wilporer to afect a spi, rnakes te Intelligence + Occult ral, For every sus Gir Ove Aca Ta Di rnc magician inflicts one health level of lethal damage to the spint. The maggie only affects spirits who manifest on Earth prin: the Penumbra or Shroud! The magictin cxn inflict up to eighr health levels of drnaige oan inanimate object, or exert a Strength of 12, ‘without expending vitae ar Willpower. © Haspor Henn A aver of the Divine Hand can transmit magical Powers to affect target anywhere in the workd by calling tino Hela personified Mastic tae The rranamittedl magic can bea Discipline effector another path orritual power For Instance, akctor-priest could makea person fallin love with her by pouring a love potion aver a consecrated doll, or by using the Present power Entrancement upon the doll, The Hand of Iden cemnoctransasiepurely physi effects such ss 1 Feral Claws or Quictus artac, bur the Hand ean transmit non physical effsets ta objects, mores, and spit, Arthislevelofmastery the magician canalsodamage ur rmunipalaceinanimateabyects weighing yy 100,000 pans Examples include a small house (or a section of a larger enaraeil besos balding) lange yacht, apassenerplane,a boxeurceagocd: sioed tee ‘System: The magician’ player spencls ro blood points and t¥9 Willpower points to affect supernatural or spsitual targets Theplayer abo expends whatever vitae the transmit- ted magic dermal, anid males rolls tor the hand of Hees sn che tsrsmieed nage Eisher the Huard ortho other magic might ail. To ifluence orl oc compe real ters, che maggcian needs the victim's True Name ot sormething rom the victim's body. Affecting spins reuites posession of thespini’sT abodes of Fete for fweaths, oe line of sight. The magician can inflict up 10 10 health levels of damage to an abject, or exert a Strength of 15. PatnorDuar Through the Path of Dang, « practitioner of Akhu conjures the otiributes of the Exyptien ncthervould and inflicts them upon an enemy. The effects are mental and Heute etothon hil a enero ee phy cube forthe viet’ Each power with th calls for'a Chariama + Occult roll Exespr forthe lsc power, the efter lasts a lor the magciin concentrates upen maintaining it, Ths fncans that the magician emmnot engage in-any violent physical activiny or etsplay her pach oF ritual avg. The however, use passive sits. None of the pesos bos pois Thematcian relies uponee zeyalaten’s ues To use the Path of Dust che magician. must carry a talisanic gem of blick onys carved with the image of 1 eximuan—the formofSokar, the godof Duar. A few minutes before usin the nth. the’ mabe. gmiears the snd whispers a short prayer The fypnexic aspects ofthe Pa of Dui ea tha al powers operate at +1 dlificuly i the leetor-peiest does tot acc the vitin’sartencio using the darkly littering tal sna on the turn when she mitites the magic. The victim. does tiatneed tosee the magician on subsequent tum character does not feel the need to areract the arention, the Path of Dune can affect any vietim that the ‘magician cance with his cwn eyes. Once the magician can te bg soe the vet, Ph of Dat tacks end © A SoxpieorSenpexrs Serpents the spawn of App, taunt the 12 cavern of Dut. They svim in the river and coil about the limbs of the unredeemed dead. Through this power, che magician makes ber ict Fllnate about sakes. The vit ars by scetng a single agp slither nearbe. No matter what the victimdses the snake comes closer. Fhe nuns, anothersnke dropsdewn before him orslithem from bebund the furniture Ieatcks he ake, vanishes ut another sent kes dey place, Bete long inate asapcnit appear anal oe shan austocail amuidhistowy... Aldhough the snakes look real ipa Hheyneweraesiy te They eon eten Other poeple of course. donor see these phantom serents and might assume that a frightened victim is on chugs or has lost is md System: The Charisma + Occult coll hasa dificulty of 405 ifthe vietim didnot see magician and the talisman of Sokar when the attack been °° Dannnessor Duat The dead in Duarexistin diskness, relieved only by the nightly paswoe of the ship of Rat This power casts the darkness of Duar inte a vietim’s eyes, rendering him blind. The victitn ago hear the sft lapping of the Riverof Death tise flows through the Underworld System: If the Chariania + Occult roll sucoveds, the victim sees nothing fors langas the mayrcian concentrates upen er. Blinded characters are at ~2 diffculty on Dexter- ity-bwed nctiorsvortasesthar involvesight (suchas searching for an abject, typing ata keyboard, ete,), These who attack alin chamcrer receive + dies ta thatr attack walle #88 Surrocation ore Toma Along. with thet other torments, the dead in. Duat cannot breathe ot speak. The “Opening of the Meuth! furry itl wos maser to deliver dhe deceased fom ein unhappy conditicn, Through this power magician renders 4 victims Ereathless nd mute asthe dend. stom: Ifthe player succeeds inthe dice tll, the victim can neither breathe tor speak for as long as the vunpite conventrates upon hee. Fer vampires, muteness tsa minoe inconvenience; they do not, of course, need to reathe. Fara tnt, oseath cantalland deliver him wo thenetherwerid in truth ifthe magician persists long enough, Mortals can survive afew minutes of suffocation Dut hameduaely rap Injured. For each tum of energetic aetiar chat a mortal attemprsvhile suffocating, the playerrollsStarina+ Athler- ics (ifiaity6) Fulkte meas tha the cham fers ancthet heals level of bashine damage, Onicea mortal loses as her Stamina Trait rating before suffocating to death, #99 ° THe NaRnowHouse Thedead in Duatrestia coffins thatopen onlywhes thie san-god Ra makes his nightly passage. At this evel, che iow Sons Ta Tuadunay Couns 6 magician anakes her vieui fee thar hei rapped ina coin, unable to move System: A succesfully pardyzed vietim can take no setien at all longas the magician concentraes upon her, anles her phyer spendsa Willpower pain is that ease, the sietim can act for that single rum, ata dice penalty equa to the numberof mueceave the ragici’s player vied. This power affects yarpites, other corporeal supertural entities and weiths, bur other sores of spirits. Consignment to Duat “Thealtimate pose orthuspurh sends he victims entire “conselousriest toa For amoral, this sacoqs death Fora fampire it metely mes torpor — but since the victim sat the magictan’s mercy, in all likelihood Final Death soon System: Unlike the other powers In this path, the magician's player spends a Willpower point. This does not @ success to the Charistna + Occult roll. The victim, ing himsel die canalso expend Willpower ta stay acti another tum. Whlledoingth,the victim sillersa-2dice penalty to all dice pools, as if artempring to do two things at ice. The vicim’s player spends ancther Wlnower pine cach curnto keep the characteralive (orundead. at least), but is 2s pliner dc not fave ne capes sipre Will power points to continue the attack, To survive the attack, he victim needs some way to hreak the magician’s cancen- tration or escape her line af sight Tornor nuduced by Consignments Dust lass thermal duration set by the victim's Humanity or Pach of Enlighten- nent rating — barring further action by the muagielue, UsHanir The name of the path comes fram the figurines that osperous Egyptians had buried with them, In the Aft ce figuines upset becameservants lo wold woskfor entered pesen's soul Images abject abo became real in load a! Bg pia mit tikas Losier sv this werd One old tle tell ofa magica who creat a raga sean hn nd bears eho kdeenped a king frm and returned him the same night, Varpite cian cannot perform such magnificent ea, but masers 1 Usian athcan sl hese my wera Exch use ofthis pth reuitesa veparate figurine. Thuy magician who warts to cteate a crocalitefhuons a mel tocreatea falcon, he wes a mod akon. Arnal can we afigurne oaly once. Inevery cae the mean makexthe len oe chy mixed wih Bal poe wor ir wn vine, The Uremerie artes rw of prereset e same mn Expean iereighies —"tegen ulloxks pal or the Hike. Then she inthe the figure 1 hency an beer and fumignescin te smoke of varicusheths. System: Whenactivating an hab, the mageiananoints the figurine with one bo points worh of ier own wie atl ‘mcantation, At this point, the player makes an intelligence + Cras rll to determine whether the succes Ite magic works, the watuette eepants Tithe ployer rollen beh, he ssevette (Coarae Oe: Aum Tax De ice u smumates bur an evil pire posses the tshabirand set beat smoking the character's unhifermserale shabricrearureshave Arrbutesimd Abilities Aterbutes se hit colby chemageianssmasceryofthepach, A leetor pest cannot give an ushal any Abit chat she heesel does hot panes, nd eannoc grant ari Abity ratingubove her own, ‘Gnlyatthe highest level of mastery anus ave Virtes, Humanity ce Welpower, because they hive no gerwine minds ‘or tree will, Mowt wshabt can only felowr orders They eannct dh fo c their on existence An soledni Tats Weal Revels Aleta 9 b vampire. They seok both bashing and lethal damage full Stamina ar ciffculty 6 Although habe car esses the physical abilities intrinsic to snanimal form, suck 2s fight fer vin ora lis's claws and reeth, they canna awe any or tragic powers Lihatt: mange ftom obvious animate mannikins ny comulocr almost indistinguishable foe ie. The narober of suscesesftonntepverlnteligence + Crasraindcates the cealism of the animate figure ne succes Obviously chryorwax. crudely fore Two secemes A fainlyrealitic mannukin, like was- works ora china doll. Moverately like; comb! footw cae sual viewer (Perception + Alermesy dlificuty 6, to detect as fale). Incredibly lifelike (Uificulty Bio de- tect as ake) Indistinguishable from life An ushabe's"relism rating” can never exceed the level vr thor created it. Thus, a Gaunt could never look n anoderately lifelike An sahil creature retin active for one hmar menth, © tog I ha conta ith mur my al st vwehin the varmpire’s haven. At the endl of this perio, the ‘magick can extend the ashal?s exstenee for another harur thonth by feeling ie another blood pore. I an habs inverse seth ontinary huis curse its ewances haven, the mag dlegrcks rapidly: sith ar hour the tshabreverstewaxor cay andl becomes i crurabling stmuerte agin. A, “shin” what becomes feurine tthe momen of is death.” Ushabe figurines re alvays made for use bya specific person: noone else can empley them. Most ofthe time, che Tucan makes ab for sow use, bare can pe Thece wiceme Five suxceises tushabuforanother penon to use arsame later time Thiscoats the magician a post of Willpower. Ihe other person act vate thesshaingthereqstemag: won, budsesnet nocd to expord vitae *Lanoren , is, magician can prexlace only simp, nel mindless servants, These wshubt can perform simple, repet- tive tmks such as digring, weeping, pulling and camying Laborers cannot fight. Syotem: Whether human or animal, these basic ushalt have twa dots in each Physical Artribute, one dor i each Mental Atribite and no dows in thet Social Arras (Ushaka can be emuciful, if their rakerfishionsther 9. A 0 Apneurancerepresentsan ushaheisinbilieto perform ary nk requ ial Attributes) They have no Abilities © *Scaviion A wore skilled magician tary produce shal vith gseiter intelligence and usefulness. Servitors can periorm rmoderarly complex tusks thar requice some: small cegree ot common sense System: To the hisie Laborer, add three devs of At tributes but ne Social Attributes, al n@ Mental A tribute canrivetbove2). Alsoaddtwodotsol Abilities At thislevel, these cannot be combar Abilities © 80 Curann At this level, the magician can create ushabst with simulated minds that work quickly enough to handle com bat, An ushabt creates with this level of mastery docs not have co be an actual guard, but #62 coramon application, System: To the basic Labowr, all sixdots of Artesbutes andfourdotsof Abilities, Guandscanhave Socal Attributes, ruc Social or Mental Arerbute cay have svat ihe than 2; neither ean any Abii © 08 POVERSEER A mulyskiled agian cam ere formidable shai — powerful beats, orsenvantstbote skilled thun sianyhumans Suck an ushabté can command lesser habs, and pecionm Cmples sks without supervision System Ta the hasic Lakorer, wd nine dees of At trittes anu sie dots of Abilis. Ne Social or Mental Attribure cain rise above dors, neither ear any Ability. 99080 Girror Kuru Theancient gyptians believed that the god Khinumn shaped fouman beings in tke wor, asi potter shapes clay. A maser of (Ushabn can create servants of remarkable sill orpower whn are cately Uap Tan ho vna Kany do dey never re cemarkahly, amagcian can craft abel for asp aralhit iit ane boely wall eruly live, as a free-willed being from then on. Thrghthe Git Kivu, ables sree cn iste ar relene deren ot the wer Sysem: Tothe have Lares, ad 12 deesof Atsnbutesand eight dotvof Ablities, The wshaba ukso has Vimues, Humanity and. Willpowerlikeastarting Vampire character. [rca thinker sell, turremvins emotionally bound to is creator as 4 bod bound Alsat he magcen can snr halyard ise witha pre-eskeingul:echerawmthersome ctherst ofp: The usb then fir whatever Aisi, Virsa aber a thespirithoed. The mugician can create whateverbody he pleases, tucthe sit musragrec a sow fee wil cecpyte hay The Gvof Khu costs two Willer pois The player can spend iaice Willpower Pins for aul sess om he Anneligence + Craksrolto increase thechanceatalighlyieike ven, she wants. Anvshalicrenedy the GiftofKhnum does net de thepreanee of oadiinyhutens orat de end mcth ell dlegade within minutes, however, if someone challenges i identity and convinces it that it i nota real persin. One Setire legsndllofs ficholuee whoservedescearerforalwundced yeanbefineitsawitseectionatuleaslton twas pect one of itsriaster'ssmnues. Ander story tellsit a perfectly lelike: ustabd whe mamed and bore children to her husband. She crumbled ta dust, however, when her husband sousht w discover ‘herpast and found that she did not have one. Bo Sc Taser Compan B Rigruars Lever One Reouars TypHon's Brew Mow preparauans of Sette alchemy Ign wth this snagical, vitie-lcel beet. Alectar-prest who does rat now bow to ereate Typhon’s Brew can forget about pursuiny futherknowlalgeof alchemy. This eer sustains ghouls si ir err mie vampire vitae: Vomnpeer can deine, coo. By inelf, Typhon's Brew has no other properries. It cannot be used to Embrace a meal, nor blood bord the tmbiber: The brewing process negates this aspcct cf vite System: Brewing the Typhon’s Pew tkess full moath, teuinnnyanderalingarthe darko themoen. Fe every gon tweed thealchemst includes one blood points wort of his gmt Th ewig prow mls ie ie at ‘shoul can gain one blood point per quae of the mag heer Vache oneet) ia ey re Biel pola ee Blo ‘ommamel —thesane ate asin brewing the beer. Forvamites, the beersmagicislimted theft that they ean drink taal without hewingitypseecndslaer They can evengetdzunkon, ita se shane er knee Inscrine THE Book oF Set Many Alu sil ioive roading peje fom The Book of Geing Ferthty Night. Forsome purposes, the words themselves sfc: Pewerfil tals however demand che use f grey ‘consecrated scroll. A sorcerer hand-copiies the book: in hier: yphic spt. on ase of authentic papas sing rant vitae for ink, This generally takes a few year, No ane else may handle the cory unt tiscomplete, ana the copys mast avoid chr, seins, blow or other imparts Censccrated copies of he Beek Gir Fort by Nigh are worth linge amet of money rsgrfican Foot Serie wetmple parr from their absolute necesity in some powerful sins w Gorworaited Boole of Sa rosess & hesar plese chance of success ot other riruals through its mere presence. Asaihinal magial effect, sunlight burns such scroll to ash. A. sercerer may ult use this highly extended ntual to inserbe ether texs In this ase, the resulting ook burs im daylight buchas no otbermagial properties The Setitesusethis axpestot the ritual to koxp thet ssed texts autof moral hams System: Inscebing the Book of Set tequlce the isual Inceligence-+ Occur dificuley4). Failure inditesthathe Tuner dk! rox observe some ritual enalton while copying, the ext, cemune tar many eres The copysc does nat have 10 ake his ce wits, athena thi ack prestige ton copy Sear te Garesor Bion Fayptian doctie prestsprescobed an amulet of Set to prevent miscarriageandexcessive menstranl bleeding asthe Diark Gals fratal masculinity frightened the womb into shutting right Egyptian Setites till venel the chara, though hey do not el eles abou one of ks powers System: The amulet requires no special effort to scribe and conseernts. A vinnian who wear the amulet does ot sniscury, and her rmensesaregreadly reduced. The mental blood. however. actually nasses to the leeroepries: ane ‘Sood point, ances! month bur nevermore than thit. ifthe recipient does not wear the amulet through one menstrual crcl, the spell breaks The spell otherwise lastsomse marsh Persixees rolled Lever TwoRruars Operno tue Mourn ‘This magic ritual imitares one of the smuruland Egypiany ‘tes performed hefore burial. The funerary rite enabled the deceased tobreathe andspeak in the Undervorld The Aku ‘tual enables dead person tospek through hisewn eadaver. (Opening Mouth werksony ite hay reosnan et headand tongue. Themagicuunsprnklesthe cadaver with water cand natron (a natural salt used in mummification), pliaces three snlescatheln) ad cna fray thee Teagan aches dhe cadaver tt wt sce ‘while conamanding it to speak Symtoms IF the price comely perm the taal the deat can hears ypeak er ne tute, bu ke nce tetten Theva dea cevcrntal os decaf oa ule perspec apne darko Hesannspcakeftheafrlieorlcderwoel hoa (hacked ‘he says that Osiris forbnds him to speak ofsuch things. .even if the parson never head of Osiris in life. Magic ts mysterious) pang te ath works oer are age pon a gven poser DreamyorDuat By invoking Set, the magician cues a vietim ta soe terrifying dreams. The magician needs some part of her vietin's body, such as hair or nat lippines She seals them inside a wax figurine thar she inseribes with the person's same (as closely ay hieroglyphic script can approximate it) Wl recht te curse he wg tuthes che fgrtoetn warermade bitter with natronand declared ts came fram the riverof Phat, The victim then dreams of Duats har System: Unlike mont rituals this one wses the virin Willpower ns the cificuley. Far each might in wish ‘ragician succesfully cures her with nightmares the victim Twes one point of temporary Willpower Ifthe magicians player ever rolls botch, the vet has a diferent cream. Into the nightmare of darkness, menaters and death sails 2 shining bout statis by arumal-headd men and women, An ibit-healed man — the geal Thoth — tll the heamer how the meicean finy cura! him, and gives the ‘mggicti's ume. (Religions maglc has the problem that goes swrongintoligious ways Byacsepringthc ealityot one exh Ste magicians abo accept the power of other gosto meric) Lever Timee Riuars Linnie Sour CLUE ‘This magicil drugconsistvof Typhon's Brew mused with juices and resins from sever herbs, including hashish, opium and mandrake, Before administering the Linked Soul Elixir, the magician pours the brew over 0 sel hes aL prayerto Anubisandeollectsthe liquid matasin, Theprayer tecalls the gods role in judging the dead and demands a similar power to see inti the hears of other. People who drink the elixir fel each other's sensations and emotions, vs long they remain within line of she of (Caer Ove: ArT De 9 cach other. Italo renders the imbiber completely unable to tesist sy sort af mip contrat: The deus opens his soul ans he ean no longer tell which thoughts ae hsower, Varpites hae wortals can drink Linke Sel Elise Sywtem; Eich prepaation of the Linked Soul Elxt creates two doses, A person under the elixir's influence thepleasre, pan, thoughesuttemationsit every otherelxt user within sight. For inance, if one elixir-user suffers 9 wound pent ll she otherelixiruserssfferthe sans woursd penalty, [f one wer's player must roll fiae the character to resist frenay or achreel all ee choractee!pleyor mon nso, he the other andl ee characters one by Linked Soul Elixt n use each other's Abilities asi they were their vn An imbiber of Linked Soul Elxcir cannot resist Domi nate, Presence ce any other sort of mind control magic. Every tse obsch Disciplines oemagicon the tagetreceves it let ‘one guaranteed success that no number of 1s rolled can eancelout. Thetarger playercannat expend Willpower to rest the rangic. What's anors, every biked character re csiveshe eisetofthe mind contial mogie. Every hou after drinking the elixir, 1 subject receives « Stamina roll (diffi- culty 6) to chrow off the effects. Sconpros Senpino Setdispatchedascorponcostingthe intent Hors This vst eruates te mth by creating s magieal scorpion thae attacks single predeterruned victim. The acorpinn’sinasd calvenom hisinexeellencchance of killings moral andcan “Tho magician makes a model seorpion oat of wan, incorporating hei, nail clippings, spite or something ese thin came fon the vctin’shody. She writesthe nameot Set cio the waxseorpion i green ink and rectesthe myth of the posoningot toni (though notthe yo shea), [ben she aves the model scompion in a place trequenied by the victim. The neat time the victim comes near the msl, i Feconnes teal carpio) and wings him. Sateen Ths compan’ ven elite Ile vl of lehul damnaye every 15 minutes The damage ends if the vietim’s plover makes a successul Stamina roll atdifficulty7 (check ar every incremenc af damage). The venom harms both mortals and vampites (although Kindred cin expend vie co increase thelrStamana inelheal the damage). tt also fects Lupines, changeligs and ather supernatural races who have physical bodies. The vicnim might see the scomplon before st strkes (a Perepoon * Aime cll, dfcuky 7 dac to the scepion's sual se, or 9 if the ctim-to-he isnot actively looking). Ifthe tanger kills the scorpion before it stings im, it reverts to wae rnoael Iftheseompion diesoterseining, ests real seorpien, Lever Four Rimuars Severino Saxp A hanuful of cansecratel Nile sind ean force all sors of pints renin funy whence they eaune. fede, ee Severin Sand porseses i I saperatural creatures, mn esed Nile sand to peewent a magical sgn soake from re-joining its severed halves. The magician muse obrain authentic Egyptian river sand, washed absolutely clea. art dried in sunlight. She sprinkles the sand with perfumes, natronanda few drepsof herown vitne, and chantsa litany of praise to the Nile ‘When using the Severing Sand, the magician invokes an appropriate Egyptian gost coonter to whatever spirit or Supernatural creature he Faces, Against wraiths, 9 mayen init eal on Anubis to pull the ghost back to the Under: world; Ka or Set work equally well to banish the demons ot Dat, Seker affects vampires. A wise magician intuitively knows what god works bes for particular circumstances System: A magician may enchant Severing Sand in isdremes, The sore remina its power ul unrine: An exer ise sprit returns to itshome; the magie sand works aginst all piri, norjust Egyptian ones. The spit cannotrenuen to Ear until the next nigh Arnie, werewol ot afer superna retire temporaily loses whatever healing powers it may posses. Theron, SUMMON Senaur A lector priest ean ach model rssurmmon sehen — thedemons of Duat—and sens them to hany her enemies co perform orher asks. The magician must make the moe! vat iow hand sng ly mixed wh one lod oi Systeme: Ifthe ritual succeeds, rhe magician can come rman! ne service fim the sebateflend that the demon can accomplish in one night. If the player rolls a botch, the demon attacks the magician. If the migicin wants the sehuefiend wares a specific enemy, he need the vicim's ‘True Name or some part cf the victim's boxy. Lever Frye Rivuat WARpING C1ppus ‘Theancient Eeyptiansptised stetie cared with the figure of theingue Houseranplingonencallenndsnghing ener sconpions in his fats. Such starues —called capo — sere as ‘uoulsesn fel shen bureulcavonursaend ere generally allche magn bncesafthewortd. TheFollywenotSesallerathesecipp jn mareoorasions Serres dom yefineesofHonsin their mai, Fratthe ooverof i erent isstill pow. ‘Thisenchunted sea peotectsaguinstspiis. not material animals. A consecrated cippusbarsall but the mest pencerful or determined demons of Dat from its proxinty, The Tremere possessaeveral Winking Cippi, and chantres compete Fortheit pasesion insegons where the Setitesmestrong. The spec ox of manufcturing’s Wording Cigpus i these later right ensines that the Tremere never have ennugh to go around, Syatem Spits of Dat enema approach within 100 fet ‘of Waning Cipqus. f they try, they vanish back 19 Duar Mp pte sendin soply ve the carving athe spp Enchanting the stea requires several hours of pravers, exor- isms with sand and water, incense, and bathing the sclz in hhoney, beer and the blood of a croctaile, an asp abd rushed scorpions, Atthe end, the magician lets the rising sum bum his Fhanetoash while ittestsupon the csppus. Completing thefinal priyer while burning off one's own hand costs a point of permanent Willpewer, Note that chi alo means tale. one health levelof aggravated damage. The WardingCippus works by melfirors then on, continuonely- Some Waring Cpr are thousands of yeas old ‘Bioon Sacece Ta Truman Canon 30 Lever Sr RiruaL Hynnin Mummy A ngiian ca stitch togetber ys of human an nial cealavers mummy dhemand inviteaspint to ecetpy and animate the patchy Kt. Typical hybrid manny forms inluded sm sue men and women an anueion (or pata) of the Egyptian goa or beasts given hima hex a hans. Creating hyrid mummy rsquies stitable human aed sscial body parts ana pical mune equipment, The [hysical prone tales AB doy, jue ena rondo sppertel Turmny, and inches vanenisubsciny rials Ar the end the rmgeian conducts an heurleng invocation to Apep and edher dreadful, desl powersof the Underworld while snaking the vwmipped, patchwork cadaver ver a noxious and stinkin fe Few normal ghosts convent to oecupy such a butchered, composite carver, Insta, dase lector priests call upon cv snd inane ghostscalld ectem who semrehoneacoped jacent ad theEstero( Henn ondemonsoiDuscthatwereneverhursan sal few powenfal Satie magica employ bead munis as their servnt System: Althcugh the Hybrid Mummy spell reqies the ‘ronal leelligmce * Cecult rll (difficulty 8) wo succeed, the foawiclans liver ni spends vale ruamber of point of Willpower ite tna rte. Hid rauramis are mone durable than Necomanticzmbies: They can endure for thes of Jyearaslongasthey reman in sulgermem crypts! babys Merely, the sey aly when eg to slg smerefulens inccern world The magician’ player defines » hybrid mummnys Tris beforehand. A hiybed mamamy stam with cme fee dot in each Physical ead M A lectarprest ean make a hybrid smn wit 3vhile Snerypand Stain an 59 a high asthe maeician wants the sacerer js uses bigger, stoner pats. Hybrids can abo have up to two dots each in lovee, Wits and Abilities. (They hiveno Socal Arbus, though.) Farevery three doesin Armbutes ce Abilities the yr suummy receives the magician expenisane Wilposser pOANt. A ‘ewliybrkimuraniescunnot baveany Abily that screstor des Hybrid rammies can lean though experience, however, ses raise their Chuarma, Manipulation, Mental Attbutet or Abilities Traits Raiinga Tritccetsfurrimesss many experience pins 6 wou ft vampire ‘The hybr! mummy sa chaacserinitsown ight tscrestor «ayn ell with rhe spelsorDscighies bat hebybradas mur wa inerestsu sone, Cues Oe: Avu:TaLOine an eT O eu Spirit, evil Demon, evil Ghost, ev Devil, evi! God, evil Pion? Be exorcised by Heaven! Be exorcised by Eartht Rabe Dur-An-Ki sans" Master of Heaven and Barth” inthe fengue of arciern Sumer, smd this well describes. the ambition of a practivoners, From Tashkent to Tangier vampite sorcnters arsed betwee the jerve ad th drawingpower fromborh. Through anciencspirit« and ecstatic trae, they commund the unssen legions of ddermons wh plague the world. I they gain sufficient power, they may hore to storm Heaven ise anki hecamepraets and sunt eo the Damn. Practticneraf chisanclentarreall themselvesashij a Babylonian word fora sorcerer. Dur-An-Kihegan in ancictit ‘Mesopotamia anddays upon the myths, godsand practices Akad, Assyrian snd Babylon, Mesoporaania however, tormed pate of a widernervotk of Middle Eaxcer cultanes Millennia before written isiory began, people from townssueh as Jericho tnrvekad hundreds f miles rteade for lke, me mde ey ty nl carly askin borrowed practices fom the Hitrites, Egyptians, Grecks, Persiansand otherancienc civilizations When Alexander the Geentcongeredtheentie Mille Fas, he foraed even claser ties between the disparate cul: tues, In timesof Reman prominence, people and religans led e Atlantic 19 tndia. AS a typical example, Roman soldier worshipped he esiaa god Muias narempleon thebordrs ef Scotland. The clasteal erasaw tie genesis of many new religions — from mnatery Cults eo any incantation tablet Christianity — and Dur-An-Ki bormwed from n Islam sycpr through the Midklle Eat centustes later, the chip ikewise exploited this powerful new tel. Thun, the Dak Ages mat the Crusades progressively severed the links between the Bastern anid Wester works Dur-An-Ki, which prior t dar ume had hed uidispaned prominence among the undead, was isolated atl prevented from geod This why Dor An KE di nt hecome the magic of European varnpires. Until tcerily, ‘Western Hoodmagicianshad ver fewoppestunitics lear, abonat Darn Ki Inthe 19th centany, undesid savants as well as mol European schol sought to earn the wudorn of the Orient the mortals had better luck, Wester archeologists unwed ‘TroysBetbylonsnd UrefiveChaldees Fut han fine Assartes regarded any Western vampine in the Mik gimme Ouhier yannpres, wlvs sid grades Chisides, assisted the Assamite hunters The found thar they had to di agents: I Dur-An-Ki in the Brtsh west oftheie work thaongh moral J.the Tremere researchers fuseum than they did through, theirown fieldwork: At kesteseanchersssurvived trips tothe Muteam. The British Tremeze also leameda great deal from London's ancient Prince b (Gur Ta: Due Ak Te Derr Wot 3 shout Dur“An-Ki's Mithnaic ale practices because he in vented some of thet Inv he 20th cerry, the Tremere succeeded in recruit: ing a few askipu to their clan, The Assamites ren Implacably hostile, but fortunately, nor ull modern ship come ffom the Assamites'sorcerer Mlondline. Every clan in the Mille Ei nity own blood magicians. A Few ashpau came tn Europe along with mortal communities «& immigrant Laborers, One of the greatest successes in the Tremere recruit: let cannes 1074, The French Tremere dacovered ae Vacine, a Malkavian sorceress dwelling more the Algerian community of Lyon. They persunded her 0 ally with them, using the argumenr that while she obviously could not join Clan Tremere, Howe Tremere wes anather tnutter. Madame Yacine recently became a pemegen in Lyon and ison remaekably sympathetic terma with the regent of the city's chansry When persinsion and favor-trding fail, the Tremere willartenptto torturesecrets fom capturedathipus Theclan, also Embraces raocal practitioners of Middle Easter folk- ‘msigic in hopesthat they can adapt mortal oceule Fee into enine blood magic. While this last method is the least gran fe arguny Uae mee come The recent schism among the Assamite clan kes fish lwoency to the Tremere’s study of Dur-AneKi, Doren Axsumie torceres fll their Middle Bascers homelands to resde in Westem cities instead, and even the ones wha formally nknowkdgethe Camarillaby claiming membership ddon'e like the Tremere very much, Many Assamites still ae and fear the Tremere fir plicinga curse upcn cher long ga Several eites have already seen vicious contests af magic between Assamite andl remeresorcerers The Tremere lel cepaleo want desperately to know how the Assamires brake that cane afier $00 yeary, The Tremere have unprececenced ‘opportunities tostudy Our-An-Ki..andunprecedntedneed the enagle of thurs new sivas. Macicar THEORY AND DRACTICE Dur-An-Ki draws upon a dizeying array of influesices from Sumerian exorcismsto Platonic philoswphy. Indeed Due-An-Ki shines many of the sime roots a6 Hermetic Thaunnturgy: astrology, kabbalism, demonology, Greek tnystery cults and many otherelements besides, Dur-A\e Ki, honever, assembles these clementsin a very differant ese Hermetic sorcerers treat divine names and hernalia a abstract symbols of power, an shu believes that his magic depends upon the whints of spirits, He may master Heaven and Earth, bur musccon: stantly remind the spirits of their obligation to honor ‘THe COVENANTS The idea of pacts between humans and gods rans through Mudile astern religion and magic from the earliest times, Leng before the covenants of Abrahm, is and Mohsmrned, the myths of Sumeria cell how the people served the wo of thei city-state, tharthe god might bless and protect them in retum. Flumanity’s greacest defense against evil ay in covenaan’s with gods. Every witch-hunter who ever brandisbed a crossar seme eature follows a teadition more than five miller Frighten the demon by proclaiming your thew a srearer, more powerful sprit. Fach coverunt begins with a prophets pers elt Sonship tr ped olowch guide Abney Berks unde csc Babylonian prophet Atrahssis. Somerimes 2 prophet forged strebtionship tha: could endure after the prophets death ‘Abraham pledged the loyalty ofhisdescenclanss to Yahweh, while the Hitsite king Hamsilis Il derlicated his nation «9 the goddess Khtar. The yeu promises that he or she will protect the pevpleand promote thei interests lonysasthey follow certam fituals and standaeds of conhuct Covenimts were not necessarily exclusive; the seri of covenants that began with Abraham are somewh: ‘unusual in this respect. A covenant with Marduk didnot {orbid honoring Dagon when that seemed prackent. Mag tian keep this rtitude in spades. Some Jewish, Chriscian machi lenis dike moval pee. Fort nately for them, all peoples of the ancient Middle Bast believed in universal and supreme deity, addressed only ns "Lord" or "God" Muslin ashipa excuse calling upon Baal, Ishtar and ores pagan gods by clesing rele scar tations with Inshrah— "IF God wills it.” Seruprunes ‘Ashu call upon divine covenants through the holy books nd symbols of moreal slagisn. Modern sorcerers make cautious use of the Koran, the Torah and the Gospels: The cavenanes of Abraham and bis successors ary toammuch power of living faith for the Damned rouse satel. Theashinuorefer exploit older and more obscure Scriptures such asthe Zend-Atesta ofthe Zoroastrian tatth tor the Eni Blish epic of Babylon. The undead sorcerers can evenceay upon inythsneatly fest womercal ache gists such asthe ritesof the inttes the pre-Islamic Acabs hind the Greco-Roman mystery cults, The mortals never wrote down many oftheir eligiouspractices.FlderCainites remembered them, chough, Centurieslater, vampires wione down the faith’s doctrines and riuals and passed the lore to their childer, Notall seriprurescome direetly fromreligiounsoriees, Greco-Roman sorcerers esteemed the Had and Odysey as scriptures of Greek religion: a few sorcerers in Turkey stil suucte ftom Himer'senicsin theiespels. Other asin seek ussiges of magical power in Peesian epics such a the Shalnamah of Firdaust, or the mystical versesof Rum and other Sufi poets Revies A prophet gains spiritual power through his contact with # god, and this power spills into everything he touches. The Christian traditions of pilgrimage and yer cratim of saintly relicy are coo well known to require explanation Islam hassinlar traditions, Bveryone knows ‘Roce Scat: Te Than Covenon 34 about the hai to Mecca, bur devout Mustims abso visit wide range of shrines. and tombs associated with, the Prophet, is family and other salts of thet faith. Every year, thousands of pious Muslims visit the tambs of hay then. They circle the tomb, touch st, snd perhaps te 0 votive ribbon ro is railing or collec a pinch of ist Ire the floor as an armiler or magical medicine. In the came way, Jewsh sapplicants vist the toma f Rabbi Meir Baal Tells inet and prey hin for healing The ashipu filly belicve in the power of such relies, ultheystea’ iter their shells. The bloes magicinscfthe fiddle East conduct a thning nocturnal tride te tomb dust, leaves from irees where a holy man rested, and other such minor relies. Actual bone fagments oe other body pares from suints, however, genenilly cary tco «much power otfatth or undead sorcerersto witistand orconsteol ‘Ansthing associated with a bloody martytdom carries special value for ashius, For instance, sorcerers prefer fo craft amulets, and tablets from chy’ ftom the town of Kerbala, because Mohamed’ grandoom Husain wos be healed there, Theearth afKeehola stillearriestheapiricual essence of Husain's blood —a power that asoreeter cant usurp for his mage. mahi: x sorcerer carat cbiair event: minor selic of 2 dead saint or prophe. Feetunately, the Middle Eastholds thousands oflivingrelies:the Saiyids,ordescen: dinssof Mohammed hint. Those who carrythe Prophet's bloodline command great respect in the Muslim world, A Saiyi’s Mooduffices aa minorholyaclic ft lesser itu Jewish communities supply a mone dfuzed sacred blows! line from the kokanim, 3 class of hereditary priests. Christianity lacks such a saceed bloodline, bur apostolic suesession and the Euchariat fer aa adexjunte substitute Jesus pasied his divine power of salvation cohis disciples, tnd gave thee the right tn pave ston fo thet disciples an tum. The bread and wine of the Eucharist, consecrated by a legitimate priest. convey the, power af Chrler to the worrhipper. The actual blood of Christian priests camies fnospecial power, hut the Eucharist courts miner holy relic, equal to the blood at 3 Satyid, NiaserSansrsaxp Broon IMaxts Living prophets established the greateit pacts with the dive, Eat prercin eoniblah soverana os vel The Curse af Caine itself formsa helefl covenant: God curse suppl es thedivine power behind all vamnine magic. hough the paris of Spint Manipulation, Kindred ea rnake ofter deals with spirits, too. Indeed, the greatest tnaxers of Dur-An-Ki— the tue Masters of Heaven and Earth —establish such covenants as means to power Vaths and rituals often result from an. asapu’s cow enant with 0 god or sprit, Dur-An-Ki practitioners, for instance, know the Fath of Neprune’s Mightas the Path of Enki. They believe thar anancien Hoes srcerer founded the puth through a pact wieh the Sumerian ged of waves, The path of Spirit Manipulation lesa serceet ne tate moneorlensdirecily with solo eaeahbeh act bt this i not absolutely necessary. Ashi can also form covenanes through prayer and sacrificial offerings, and receive the god's messages through dreams or artistic ingpimtion, The best proofof a successful covenant comes from developing a path or tual related to the gow. Cun versely, contactinge spirit does nor excuse a sorcerer from the ume and effort of researching.» path or it excuse the player from spending the necesury experience tomes, An ahifas sinoply engages in differene sorts of research and libor than s Hermetic magus, ‘Covenants by vampire-sofcerers, however, carry no powerof aith.ttislikel tharnoashipu surpasses the power c pucteexablishel by the Ascamite Amr al-Adha. ino relte of his unlite or body would assise in. any ritual, In faith, asin many thing, the undead ine parasites. Dun-AX-Hianp Dank THaumaturcy Se how do dhe spire covenants of Dur-An-Ki dior from the demonic pact of Dark Thaumarurgy? Not aloe. Some ol juaths and eis appeal sgodssuch as Tiamat and Ahsinnan, Other magic calls up Syriac weal Phoenicfan goassuch ac Baal and Dagon, that modern infernalists know as demons These gods were nor demons when the old ashi taadiiedthennagie, hough More imparzanty, anastipn does ‘not offer eternal aad exchisive sera toa ist. A spi brelpran aihpulear a path oerituil, but does sohecase the sorcerer invokes covensnts che spitit (or a more power gull made wih meres tong ago Tesh sys, eet, “mer your condlitians, now pay up!" An infernalist rowel aed says, Tl give you orth, nascer. Asha can form long-term, personal covenants with lesser spirits. These are often mutual, however, oe the ‘magician dominates the relationship. Mesopotamian State ReLicion ‘The temples and inscriptions ct Mesopyitamin come fromstarereliionsthatdealwith ertiliy, social oner and var, The king needed to maintain order xo he and his People could properiy serve their gids. In return, they raed forthe gods to send them good harvests, abundant progeny for their animals (and themselyes), and victory against their rv of their gon a i tacy vere living people. The priests “woke” the suitue in the ‘arming, dresses itand offered itfood. The priests them ate the food offering as the god's “leitovers.” On special fceasions. they mounted the stame in a chariot to wee anc ts pele, Supplicants presented their equests tue, nd brought o gift ty show thedr respect. The Priests did not own any of the clothes, furniture ar other offerings made ro the gels they merely had use of thet as the god's lives servants Godsalso received sctifcial offering of annals fish cor other things. Sacrificial methods varied, but aften the triess bumed sacrificed animals in a descending tench, Mesopotumian religion certainly hid a sexual ele ment. The gods marned just as mortals did, amd their tunions helped erwure the fertility of the soll, animals and fumons. Starves of god and yoxkdess made conjugal visits Temple tablets ako tell of e ial ering” em be (Cina Two, DaAN Hs Toe DoH Wows 35 es hs King high pln (angi fon go and the god's high priestess. In some eases, the participants tnay ave cormummated tiesesacredimarnagesThe Greek historian Hemdonus claimed thar an odd sort of sacred prostitution took place at the temples of Ishtar, kine archeologistsdoubt his account. Certainly some forms of ‘crema intercourse tonk pace, but the Mesopocamtan, records do not discuss the matter in detail An ashipa who seeks toleama path orritual associ witha particular go spend period propitiating that in the proper wins. He mekeer octntus of the god, of sacrifices andl periorms suitable rituals. Like 2 pri stands infor the god in some ceremonies, such as consum- ing blood offerings in tue god's name. Of course a vampice cannot genuinely consummate a sacred! mariage (38 ther king, priest of priestess), but he can go through the ‘motions and that's enough for magic Mirna asp Mrtunas, The mast ancient Persian price, called mag), prop vated numerous gock. Their religion greatly resetabled that oftheir cousins the Aryans who invaded India. They worshipped Mithrassa godof the Sun and of oatheandthe social ordet, Their rituals involved fire and drinking sm intoxicating liquid femensed from the juice of a pint alle hac Some time between the 10th and 6th centuries BO he prophet Zarathustra, or Zoroaster, nidically reshaped che Magian religion. Zoroastrimis demores Mishra ‘o 2 yazaia, one of the second rank of spitits, after the amesha Spenias (“immortal holy ones") who personify virtues, and Ahica Masda\"Loed Wisdom”) the supremeveity of Light and Goal. Angra Marni or Sbriman, the spirit of Evil opposed Ahioa Mada iromthe beginning of time until its destined end, Zoroastrian worship continues ta center on ire, the earthly. symbol of Ahure Maza’ light, Haly books called the Zend-A\vesta and the Gathas preserve Zorcastrian doctrine. The Muslim conquest of Fersia in he Ttheentury nearly destroyed Zoreastianism, but stall pocketsel the faith survivein fran. Indishas another small community of Zoroastrians, called the Parsees, centered vn Pombay, The Paroes continue the Zorosstrian custom of ex- posing thetr dead on top ofdakhmas, or "towerscifailence, jor vultures to eat. Contact with the dead would defile arth, ire or wter” 20 Zoronstsians give thelr corsecs to the birds of the a. When the Persian Empite conquered the entite Middle Ear, spread Zoroastrian ideas. Some of these sucely influ 1 the Greco-Roman cult oF Mitheas, but achenlogsts tannot thie the line of influence wich cervainty. Classical Mithraism began in Avia Minor, It becameafavoredreligion of Raman soldiers, who spread itssubterranean empl the dander of Scotland to the Arabian Sea. Like other mystery religions, Mithrasm had no wetten goapel or book of rimals. Believers leamed its doctrines gradually, as they attained each ofthe fith's seven levels of initiation: Crow, Gryphon, Soldier, Lion, Persian, Helodromos ("Sun-Run: nee") nl Father ooo Sac: TT Conon 36 Thecertnal rice of Mithraism consisted of the taterociony. or “bull-slaying,” in which the blood of a sacrificed bull drenched an tite vio wt ta ech, Every Mithnuic temple includes a depiction of Mithras stabbing a bull (a mythology). This aspect of blood sacrifice arracted many Fes eed Mim ee ote ss inyportant souree of Dar-An-Ki ritual. Mithraiam ake bare a deep connection to astrology. ‘Many Mithraic temples include symbols of Zodiacal con Sellnione A pa at hee one oy andthe others lowered rorch —symibelsot the equi — frames the temple's taumeteny illustrarion, The teneroctuny scone often includes sturs; for instance, stars. sometimes apangle Mithras’ cloak. Mithnus looks very ‘nuh He Gl Sonal represneatons of Ves hols constellstion hovers just north of Taurus, the Bull. The iturin ase invurtblyineludes nero, anda scorpion — more constellations, Seine anf ereeste de Mithaicmipactes abide tavtmctony as part of their magic and training, A small sheet et esac abr ie enraace ea baie itso cers theough the Mithtaic mysteries as part uf their initial training. Thete rank fa the Michees Cole marchua chale level of Dur-An-Xt mastery. ‘The Mithraic mystories (as well as the Isis culrand other mystery religions) holds deeper significance as well for ashifr, a connection to the cosas thar promises salvation, bur godhood, ASTROLOGY From the beginning of recorded history, Middle East emfalk placed gos thesky. Most petlathc Arulgeds boar some religion to the Sun, Moon ot the planer Vern The Megpocainuns asoctared the Sun, Mon and plan cts with their lending gol For instance, Marduk lived in igs see tne Hula ed et okys oti planet Jup “The Surin balled it ci ad ci eae {yelled a dismal real underground. Later civilizations thoughttharthe gods mighe pull nvoredeouleinto thesey ve with themameng:the mars Ghink of Elia, caught tip ra Fleaven in'chartorof fire), Thisidea of a celestial ere ese eae popular Gch an Roman nes, The Neuplatonie philewopher Pomlyty tor nce. ggoted that souls welled inthe Milky Way ‘Anyone could see how the motion of the sim eon: srolied the seasons, and how the mon ruled the tees Meopotamin sstonomerpreste sought more subtle omens intemotionof theplaneds, Thevbelavea atthe seretnent of planes in the rodiac revealed the wil of the gn, and the canfiguration ata person's bith — his loniscope — firetakt his life. Astrokigy promised to iden oles bahind hal chaos snd alfrieg f fe, und provide wong und guidance Aamo firma in. impormar pire of TaicAre Ki Aku su the skies co find suspictogs nights for ther apells, The Mesopotamian lunar calendar stnplies 73,000-yeur eval of lucky nnd unlucky nighes seven hum: Many Dur-An-Ki rituals have ner fied, immutable form. The sorcerer adjusts the ritual to tions. For instance, Saturn's positionin netferea with a working, but Mats has favorae placement, a sorcerer incorporates abjecty and symbols fron ined with Mrs face cual Fut acropudeiy avoids any clement associated with Saturn Ashija als seek portents to events on Earth, Te astrology, however, demands intuition eather than caleu- Incion. blare moveal eaneslogers never loskon the tle Tey charrthe planets using an Ephemeris —a book of rables of planetary positions. True sorcerers know thar the celestial spirits do nat speak through charted numbers. The horoscope charts of conventional astrology have thei place, but only a person who communes with the stars sireevly can erly read then An ashipa can use a person's horoscope chatt a it sympathetic link to her, Some rituals cequire a mapet Fenon’shorascopectare, Inother cases, asorecrer can Use a vietinn'schart to target a lang-tange eerling, instead of someother sympathetic link. Sincea horoscope chart does ot Mdentify a person nt precisely as an actual sample uf thet blosd'o¥ body np eisund mogenel rhrsgh fee scope alone suffers + difficulty penalty Kindred hive two horscopes! one for their mortal birch.and one for their transition to undeath, These two charts together do uniquely identify a vampire out of everyone else in the word. Anasijmwhoknows the dares fF 3) vampire’s mortal birth and) Embra gerfece a syrapathetic link cf the character's blood or her True Name. (See Blood Magic: 8 “Thaumatargy fora discussion of True Nata Moder ship face a quandary since astronomers discovered three move planets. They know chat they used to east perfectly adequite horescopes without knowing ‘shout Urstey Nejtsne aad Phase Stull hey inelal the “new planets” now thar they know abut (1 1 Elder sorcerers frit say no, They insist that you eannt com: rune with the spit ofa planer thor you carmat cctually set in the sky. Some younger ashi are not 90 suns. CLIMBING THE LADDER OF Heaven Aseroloigy became wildly san age, Unfortunately, the motions of the heavens are too regular ond predictable. ‘The Babylonians, for in stance, could predict eclipses far no the furure. Di the relensless, unchanging machinery of the dees imply an sqqualy relentless predestination on Enrth? That was jst asad as cha, ‘Classical astronomy desetibed the comosisaseriesul concentric spheres. At the center fluated the motionless Entth. ‘The sphere ofthe stare formed ifs outermost limit. In beeween spun the invisible crystal spheres chat carried the se ae! planes Mystics of many traditions supposed thateach sphere and planet held sown spici-recln, growing more bese € Rresees, ets of ill i ee Cries (Guar To Due Ack Te Devon Haw Wann a the greater their distance from Earth, Some mystics be- Nieves thats soul required spectal posswouds und magic charms to clrab through the spheres. The philusopher Cebus described the path of ascent aslndder with seven gates and at the tpn eighth gate” through the sphere of the stars 10... beyond. If a5 the astronomer mystics sald, the planets took theie metich from che douly mening of the stellar sphere around the pivot of the Earth, what powered thar outermost sphere! What hut the e God, the Frime Mover who could thd the loins ged of dhe planets and the Eaith? Faiths a diverse as Juduism and the Cult of hs taught believers to seck salvation from this transcendent deity. Whether thraogh magic ritual, meditation, baptism or prayer, mys tics saught to climb the celestial badder and see. the Almighty faze toface. Success would mean liberation from the twin hells of elas and predestination, You would be like ano a god yourself For'more than two thousand yeas asta sought to suo Fencing chery meta hanty rere from priyer to flying machines: Over the centuries, they narrowed their quest to tance cechniquss. Modem science shows thatthe sorcerers cannot literally to Heaven, The Suet God dodsrsceccen ta nstas tel panyeia Dag and other secraments of mortal religions promise entry Heavenonlyafter death, Intrance, however, the mind seems two journey into the spirit world, Through ecstatic ances, therelene,t Heaven. They Kate Most of the As Heaven through casi wet cheir souls climbing the Ladder af return with magic. amie sorcerers climb the Ladder of drug called haf, hashish from mari juana plants mystically fed on vampiric vitue, Some sorcerers smoke the mystic resin themselves and force their blood to draw the drug frors their lungs, Others have mortal servants smoke tv kaif. then drink rhe servants Jrog,saturated blood. A few simply powder the resin an imix it with ashe of Hood, Burmose sorcerers fel that this method belitles sacrament. Kalf induces blistul hallucinations in untrained us: ers. Ashipt: know what to expect and shape the hallucinations into @visionary quest. Assamite sorcerers learn to follow aspeeific hallucinatory path, Burlsir True? Most Assumite sorcerers experience the Ladder «Heaven 4s describe ubeve. Orher ashi dono though chemes of strugsle and travel figure (all ther ance-usions. The spitteword fas no xed, bjectiveappencance, and aekery tend ra find what they expect. Nomodelofthespiat world eallroffes, auch advantage over any other. ‘Most ashi believe that inancksat mes, some fave opctes slink Hessen Laker othe top and thot they gained. power surpassing the Methuselahs, Maybeseibutiftheyexst these unde ayes are ax elusive a vampires in Gelednda. st the Assamite sorcerer sees the world fragment, tecede ancl vanish into a chaos of whieling cones, spas and other geometric shapes, Then they perceive theme selves standing at the foot of an endless stairway. As they limb the stairs, they experience doubts and feats This may take the form of actually re-living a traumatic expe rience rom their pst, or afullucinationofsomething that frightens them, or simply 3 waye of rer or despair AAs they climb, however, the sorcercr-may find te- spites, which the sorcerers call “stations.” These Talc iano yaxesies cy La a pte a bare rn wis apetion in achait,oran elaborate antasy-warkd Areich station, the asipu cant meet and bargain with sprite. The spiries seldom give straight answers, but afer months of armument. cajolery, riddles, dhveats unl tests, sarc may learn some ureful secret of magic — pecharps a path power, or the understanding of ritual At the top of the stairway the sorcerers found the Station of Ultimate Rapture, a warden of uneirhly d lights whose pleasures never galled. They thought they had indesd stormed Hea A few decades ao, some clever vorcerersasked themn- selves if the Station of Uleimate Rapture might be a dleylishiy clever trap. It scerted lke Heaven, but shpat did not etum bearingaew mage. These sorcerersresisted the station’ spleanates...aral found tha formed the base of a shoe new stairway. lp 2,000 years thet lineage had bed only the fist ep of fleaven'e Ladder, Prevail mang the Assamites holds thie the Seation ol Ultimate Raprure isthe gate of the Lunar Sphere, aspirit- realm of treacherous illusions, Asatrewate, the sotcerers setumed from the Station of Ulimate Raprure knowing the longsought inal pover for the Path of Hunter’ Winds: "Ghost Body "the power tobecome ss substan tial ay mage Over the years, Assimite sorcerers struggled up the Seon suurwy, encountered new selon a ew spt ats. Temptation, illusion and desire form che hallmark of thus second sais. At the end they found another station tha offered che teniprarion ofultimate knowledge To dheie aetciniahinent, dey Gourd thir the i Mercury connecti them ro the lcbal conimunieations network. In trance, they heat news updaces from rao ard TV stations, see images fom spy satellites an ghinpse the Aickering lace of electzonic fund anders. Beyond the Station of Reading the Sky, as they call they finda third suaitway that blocks their ascent with enigma. The spirits of itsstanions teach mie to tap ante # strange world of radio, computers and information, and powerful new rita aly ewe apace-andl annulate distance And beyond? The sorcerers have yet to reach the ‘piri-spheres of Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Sanam let alone the Final Gate. The sorcerers press on, more dru wink new lowhedge chan with half eager to storm Heaven a lose Davee Not all ashipu, or even all Assamite sorcerers, fuel theit visionary journeys with kal. Indeed, mast sorcerers ‘oon Sane Te Teac Commins B raerice several trance techniques, 46 ax to uncle trance and the spirit world more completely. Beside is not exactly eniy to produce or use. When conducting sual shi prefer ro enter trance thrush some more convenient metho Mystics around the world have danced their way te y= the Midille East, the so-called “whisting cer vish” sects seek communian with God in this anne. As thedervishesspin, they circle theirteacher andmaster, At theclimasafthedance, everyone Ieapshigh into thet air seeming alrnat weightloss in their flowing, dirtad robe Many ashipn find tranceadancing a useful adjunct t0 rivals. They need nothing burtheir awn bodies and some space. Through their training, with kalif or other trance rechniques, they enter a trance more quickly than rmorta dervishes ean. ali Paw Overwhelming fain and shock can push i perso heyomd torment into errange, Noting ecrtity. Te India both fakirs nod oxdinary worshippers show their holy immunity to psn by piercing their flesh with needles hooks and metal rods. The Assamite clan's Indian wing and the fur-wundering Rarnos introduced Middle Eastern loo sorcerers 19 these pan wees The nkead however, take a menos anbunt pain before the ‘A few needles stuck through the cheeks won't doth job Inscead an ehipu sight fay hicoself and rollin salt Ashpc who know Avspex inay deliberately heighten their senses before a stual ora hour of self-torture, jst 30 they can fee! enough pain to push beyond it, Other sorcerer take a'more dangerous eoumey arid use the patio fire to alter their consciousness, a6 part ef Zoroastrian Aame-rites. Only a sorcerer of iron will and awesome courage, however, cansuppressRowchreck reliably enaugh to make fire-rormre a viable technique Mepri ation Some myarics prefer to alter their consciousness through pure intellee. Jewish kabalists search the’ Torah for eerie meanings hidden in the text, in hopes of compreheruing divine myaceties. A vision of the Throne of God provided the ultimate reward. Muslim mystical groups such as the Brethren of Abstraction performed similar meditations inspited by the Koran. Most of these contemplative schools of mysticisry draw heavily on the Greek philosopher Plata. In Platonic thought, the physical world of the senses echoes a true snd perfect worldof pure ideas. In Platos mest famousanalogy fhe material world is ike a play of shadows ce the wall ol ‘vcave. Through reason and meditation, Plaro's followers hoped to estape the cave and see the real objects and the divine lighr thar create the shadows, Maat belies hat Gd ely ds rd ¢ ideas. In classical times, Plato's followers thought tee the tal rchecypes hy Ghats the chal ofthe stun, Modem sorcerers know thar the relationship is not spatial, in the conventional sense, but still believe in an intellectual realm beyand the marerial world and the various spirit realms. Some, like many Aswarnite surcerers, ZY approach ch archetypal werd fy sees ANC) ro find the archerypal world directly through my Eloguence and Are Muse, poetty ad other forma of ar chief the emettontso profoundly thar they inlice alired ites consciousness. Suft mystics place great emphasis upon poetyandaongas vehicle for mporin mt leased as-a product of mystic awarenes, Risitc ety plese ee atrance technique, though, Thepoct, Bald m danigeoun’eogieal powcr ever snus ont sul, The Prophet Mohammed himsolf said that, “Vetily, elo- quence includes sere The Arabs ind Persons cell oa ts ‘ot in and women who instantly fall in love tritha beautifully painted porta, or singers who cme istenerso fan: Ferm te Beary thelr song This power of hearts has never st easly with Isla, fr sonneChsians otf fr that mate. Ty Muslin lepalists ond theobsgns, ch artist challenged the Almizhitiness of ‘God. It dids't help that in pre-Islamic rimes, the Antbs believed rhar poets Feesiecd pion fears Wa antoch metal cane from God —why, itmust come from the Devil! Muslim mystics and pew, argued that perhaps ist cauld eceive inspiration fromCod. Oniy the rote the text Wed of God bar she ra ual al ‘arty a little divinity. A poet orartst could use syaibulsof the visible word ompareconceptsof the invite worl adding the audience ra perceive the archetypal world, the urtist led pecple closer to God, Macy es emply poctry, music, on painting or sculpture in their ¥ pour the powerot the Blood tntothelr ary mcreasag the power mnt te sl performumce. For mortal artist, "making the Invisible Fonte mans aapcripha, Sovctous tise do tise real. At the same time, ashupn who feel the focbidden nature oftheir magic most keenly tike comfort in the idew ofthe divinely inpiradarticrgiclan whose mage ewes ely af Gea AMULETSAND TALISMANS Al the cultures in the Lands uf Fuidh possess ch rradiions of ariulets and ealisiite The eylinder seal was Mesopotamia’ rot distin tive amulet. The ancient Mesopctimins weote on clay tablets. To sign his name to a contract, a Mesopotamian role} firlestaneevtinder across: tablet, and rhe carved cylinder stamped the siznarare ito the cy. Along with writing, eylinder seals carried pictures of kitys, gos, an imals,spinitsorwhatever ese struck che overs fancy, The power of writing ind the images of gods and spirits made ‘hese seals norutal candicates for ruraug it) ater. ‘The ype of sore cou! impart further power co the amulet, One tablet says thac seal madeof hematite helps nam cestry fils enemy; ascal of rock crystal races him fale tale] end josper orngr the gronceNon he pals (Guar Tro: Duel The Don Haarea Won v A cyliniler stl can just as easily write out a short prayer or incantation. Askipu ase them far many purposes th their cituals, Tdition slemands, however, that only eylinderseali inscribed in authenthe Mesopotamian Lan. swage and yeript have any value in mage. Incantation bowls come from Mesnpotamian Jewish communities from theeatly centunesot the Common Era Many Jewish homes from this perio’ have clhy bowls butied in their foundations. Each bowl carries a spell against evil spirits written in.» spyal around is inside or miside Ths epeal vl i to fusctnate nd confasetheespirts: The Jews of this period ako buried wach bewls sn their cemeteries. Ashipw use them to trap, repel or miesmerize spieits Plaques and tablets of stone remain popular in th Middle East after 5000 year. The Babylonians and Assyrians carved plaques with an image of the she-detnion Tamas on one side and an incantation aint bet on theother. Many Arband Persian amuletsconsit of alice Ofagateerehed with verses rom the Koran, names or tithes of God, fntricate borders nd geometrical designs. Similar amulets tide of liver or brassalso oceur. Hehrew versions nllets resemble the pentacles of Wester cet a gies Th svecklace or brooch, mount them on the sall of a house een them in her pocket or make them parr of other jects. Aslijae sometimes ttm other objects into talis- mans by mcorpavating these sortsof amulets For instance. an Asgamnite watiots enchanted sword might hear an incribed aygite plague in its hilt, 1 does not mater ifthe blade breaks because the magic rests in the plague ios nighe ele suchidceuleci ora Paper amulets consis af a strip or square of paper, frchmene or gacelle-skin, omamented with elaborate calligraphy. drnnmgsof samntsand other legendary figutes, feligious symbols animals. signs dhe Zodiac geomet cal figures, The amulet-writer ofen uses cotored inks ‘il of suice or sfiuins mond Gael hes the talisman with gold. The owner might use the amlet ty sor fold itup info a smal meral or Heather case oor voll ip inte a ube, Metal ammuletcases may them- selves. hear mageal figures and, inscriptions People soquetisnes make necklacesor bracelets of many such cases and tubes Holy Woks themselves can hevteme amulets. The advent of photolithography made a complete miniature Koni, held tna golden case with 4 powertul magnilyin, lens, rppular Muslim, charm. Nota few Christians carry tany pocket Bibles. ship cain carry more eoteric serlp tutes his way without exciting comment. The eumary o tie n apecifienlly Crise tvention, Muslims atl Hindus havetheirown versions. The rary’s stoups of beads help a person keep her place in a hig, repetitive series of prayers. The ascetation with payer y italia hay symbol, Askipu may devine arch a a 50-bead rosary for the 50 titles there own form of Marduk Figurines ofclay, stone or woed fund common use in Mewpetimiin magic. For instance, on exorcist-deetor ‘night sive a demon from. patient tats a clay dol of the patient, thensmash thedoll codestraythedemon. Assyrians, sometimes hurd figurines of dogs in the foundations of helt homes, to guard the house agauns spiritual intakes, The Mesoporamians used staserts of animals, gods, spiris, monsters and demons as amulets Hands oecurin many sorts of Middle Eastern amulets. {hey may be drawings or wctual handshaped amulets. Ashipu take particular interest in the little silver or brass hands that Iranians wear co show fulilment af « vow to God Forinstance,a mother ight promise God that het tick son cexorvers, he will iianly ta tbe seat lly day parade. In the parade, the child wears the meral hand to proclaim the vow, These Tirtle amulets. this represent succesiful, personal covenants with Ged, making them ‘mune holy relics. Ashipu steal hundreds of these hands Some ashipu themselves wear hand -amulets ro boast of fryers successfully bought from spirits and vows honor- ably-ompleted. Juniorsorcerersmay bragthattheirmaster has"70hands” These trinkets, however, haveno power in magic. Kindred magicians consume spiritual force more eal than they create i Middle Enstem folk employ many other sortsof amu: lets. Any sorvof jewelry can become an annulet, though rings seem especially popular. Gnostic amulets usually tok the form of cameo or intaglio gems hesring mogie words and figures of strange gods and spirits. Beads, rasels and brasies protect man and beast from the Evil Eye Animal claws and teech have a long history as amulets, too, Some peuple prepare actual "charm bracelets’ ot necklaces bearing many sort of simple arnulets OtHeR TRADITIONAL TOOLS The spells writen on Mesopotamian clay tablets often do nor call for fancy amulets or special ritual imple: ments. Many spells employ everyday materials: a stove or bauict: a fleck of wool, perhaps dyed red, goat's hair, ‘onions: abranch of dates; a tamarisk branch; reeds or reed matting; cedar or juniper woe salt sea wates, Magicians used flourta caw magic symmbos, asan offering to gods and spirits, asa buco for medical pastes, or in dough for making images. In many rituals, the magician stands within a magic circle of floar, whitewash or darkwash. Sweet odors mollify. the spits, so magicians wen burn incense or aromatic woods in thetr rituals Pictures af benevolent spies often show them held. ings bucket and a. large fir cone or date-palm spathe. Priests used these implements ca sprinkle a person cr area with pollen or holy water. Medical magic employed a wide range of herbal pout tices, potions, ointments and enemas. Priests anointed sick people with blessed ofl —a rite tharstll arvives in Romani Catholicand Orthodos Chris tianity. Anointings king wih oll conterced and confirmed, hisdvine right o rule. Magicians sought visions by garing inva handful of oil w salt crystal or a lange, polishes seed. je Mesaponmisns practiced many other sorts of divination, too. Diviness eoukl seck porteats dhivuch ooo Sai: TH Teac Connon 40 smoke, the entradbofsaeriicinnimals,through georvancy (tossing a handful of sand or flour and inteepreeing the pattems formed on the ground), or drawing lors, Most ot these customs sill survive. Modern folk also perform divination through dice, For itnmediate advice, Middle Easternpeolescmecimes:urn io biblioruaney, The werent opens the Koranvor the Bible at rardemandtakes the fist verse that catches her eye:as an omen ar advice Middle Easerr folk, like people in many other parts of the world, believe in the magic power of knows and title A macciens aked wieiiae ihe Pepi Muhammed by cying knots in a cord. ‘Middle Eastern tmditionucribes great powerto ypitele bath to bless and curse. skip aloo deaw upon the Mihdle East's tradition of alchemy. The medieval Arabsand Persians develope: the art to whighdegree. Some sorcerers still study the texts of medieval alchemists suchas Jabirsnd Rhazes. They stock ther labs with athanors,alemics and all the other classic paraphernalia. & few neonate ushp seek t incorporate modern chemical equipment and techniques into Dur: Av-Ki alchemy. They remain far behind Hermetic thaumatarges in this, hawever, aed these modern ahipn sometimes ty fo steal the sectets of Tremere alchemist “The numberseven has greae value in Middle Eastern magic: seven astrological planeta (counting the sun and moon); necklace with seven kira of heads cond with seven knots, or of seven color of thread; blowing seven lames; seven prayers; seven spices; a spell using seven scmpso¥ cloth, begged from sever homes; and soon. Three has less walue (except when a Christian sorcerer draws parallels with the Trinity). Twelveconnectsa ritual the signs ofthe Zodiac and the months of the year. Forry and 7Direquently appear sconventional waysa ying" many’ for instance, raining 40 days and 40 nights, or 40 keys attached 10 4 bos. Mmp te Gastern Sprrits AND Demons In the course of millennia, Middle Eastern cultures have believed in many sors of spirits, but some traditions continue frem earliest Sumeria to the present night. spirits haunt diy, slsolate on subjerrunean places, and filth attracts them. Other spirits act to help or hann at whim, or depending on whether mortals offend or propi tuate them. “Thadjinn hell's prominent plane in Arbon Ponies folklore. Gad cteated the djmmoucof black, smokeless ire Djinn come in several tribes or nations, each with dheir own king. Mohammed himself converted the wo kings ‘Abur-Rahman and Abdul-Kadie. Theking Masidhsrules over the Christian djinn, while Tucutash rules the Jewish djinrt. Other kines include Malile Afshan, Masitash ancl ‘Talu Khush. Eblis rules the evil djinn; he rebelled against God when he refused to bow before Adar creature [Groat life enn elay. Legend says chat most din dwell onorbeyond the Mountains Kaf that encircle the word esect, where they appear as dust-devil whirlwind Diing can change their form. Their favorite fer include black and white cats, or solid-calored «i sported dogs, They can also make themselves tiny and disease themselves us a hair in food. They tum mvisisle, but children, religious devorees snd sick people can see them In their rue forms, djnn have cloves fee, rtangulir and long. umkempe hss. Fey may have blac green ski AAs the Thouad and Ce Nigh show, dn cx mater ine treasures (or nasry anything elas) and move people sjects and thernselves arcana the world iy an insti Theevil Divsof Sin. Thay ne bag horns and heaves of cattle If that in recoznizesdiv by his protmaing forehed, sound, deepvsce eyes, fare nose, thick lipy and sported skin Mesoporarman’ le antation texts men. tion a prodigious variety of spints and monsters. Genet terme forspirits include Maskim, Rabohu, Galluan ub Theearhiest accinmtssiescnbe these spitits es ndifferent!) good orevil. LaterMesopiotamians rouatded these pints Evil and prone to cause storms and ise crsian legend have posters nwich li adi The strange Girtabhull or "Scoxpion-People" have a human head and! norso, the hinckyuarters and rls of a bird und the tail of a scompion. They guard svered pices stud drive away wher spirits Onber bern spirits include the seven Aphall or "Sages," who look like sued magn dressed in fish-sking; the Suhurmashi or "Guut-Fish associated with, En) i feral Lames, wha canappearashuinansiras winged, human: headed bulls or lions and che male Shed Several other sors of spines look like mixtures of buman and animal parts The gala ‘Creat Starr Beas’) has ahurnan bodywith a lion's head donkey ears ar bird tet. Phe Uridanmie (Mad Lion’) has a human head and torso with leonine legs, hindquaeters and. til. Mesopotamian ar and figurines ils shows merminide and memen,bull-men, wingedlcentaurs,hon-cenraury, stake: Tran sind heli Jewwsh tradition adds the Shedim, malevolent powers of the air that cause disease and all manner of il. The Lif, demon offspring of Lilith, prey upon childken like their morher. Not all demons bill, however. One tribe ff demans does nothing bur pass along sols. GaME MECHANICS Inrulesterms, Dur-An-Kigreatly resembles Hermetic Thivarnatargy. All Dut-An-Ki path powers call fora Wil: power roll. Al ritnly use the usual Intelligence + Occult roll. Powers and rituals have a difficulty of 1+ the power or rimat’s level, toa maximum of 9. AU Path pavets cust vitae. Dut-An-Kidermmndsno other special cand tion, in terms of game mechanics fon ashi Optionally Storyrellersmay rule that an ashige's evel of Dar Ack n not excerd her Stamina Trait (Cura Two: Dar AKT ko Haun hia Many of the trnce techniques used by these sorcerers place great strain on undead Inalien, Conversely, long proctice at dancing, slf-tarture, extended meditation and Peeping a clear head dete intoxication can Jus ‘yampite developing a higher Stamina. This optional tue plays up the physica as well as tnental challenge of Dur AwKi. It alss renders Hermetic Thoumaturgy slightly superior to te older art, emphasizing the Tremere’ tatus as the premier thaumaturges of che World of Darkness. Denson ar Covewawry ann Spm Annies Thaough the Path of Spirit Manipulation or vaciou rituals, ashe can fonge long-term paces with minor spirits. Asorcerer might winspiritminions through relationship with some greater spirit, orshemight bind spiritsand force ther ti ser pirts serve + willingly 0 ter to gain sone special favor. The Ame al-Ashrad, for inyance, commands cadre of powerful ajnts and jinn Sputes kept “on call” as minions count as Retainers Spwies char mssist an ashe in leser ways may become AlliesorCsntats, For instance, clairvoyant scer-demon ‘ot maygictan can summon and consule without danger would makea fine Contact. A greater spirit that willingly Storytellers should remember that characters never sain long-term spirit allies easly. Gaming a spirit ally or became the focus of an entire story. Firs the 1 his tend the spirit. Then the test truly stars haracter matches witsanal will with she siti. The an fry co tne favors an services, or or bully the spivit to serve. Pethips the magician must cutight defeat the sprit in bottle and ake fee . Somespirits se tests nd demand peculiar pitts and services beloe they aceept a pact reryteilery should also temernber that spit Allies, an & have penonalities and wills of sty vibes Ally, Contact ot Retatner citt have very strange priorities by mareal (oreven Kindeed) stunt ATHS The Mayters of Heaven and Earth know their own versions of common Tremere pathssuch as Lure of Flames, Spirit Manipulation and Conjuring. These cme fray common hetitage of orcery, Indeed anashipu aighticarn any path not specifically described asa Tremere invention snd liited wo rhat clan, Millenniaaf contact between the Mudie East, Exypt and India result na tewashipuknoming veinionut the Prat a Duin (yee Chaper One) onthe Path of Blood Nectar (ee Chapter Three). See also the distinc tively Aasamite paths of the Hunter's Winds in Blood agic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy, Awakening of the Steel the astrological Whispers of 11 Libellus Sanguinis 3: Wolves at the Door for Vampire: The Dark Ages Just heeauve these sorcerers asa whole know 9 wide variety of paths, however, dows ror mens that any particu. larsorceter can learnany path she wants, Many paths ate ‘Koon Sac: Ta Trane Contos a very rate and held in stticr seereey, known. only to one mater andl bis immediate disciples or childer. Fen al: Ashrad, arch-soreerer of the Assimites, could roe list every puth knovin to his own clanmates — ler alone all those known to all aii Middle Eastern blood sorcerer often give paths athier names than the ones Westen migicians know. We list some typical paths, their names in, Dut-An-Ki, and the supplements where playersandStorytellersmay find them. Pati of Blo (Li's Warer): Vampire: The Masquerade (Conyuring (Jnn’s itt): Vampire: Lhe Masquerade Farher’s Vengeanee (the Ailey ickal) Gide tothe Saat LureofFhimes(Hiandofhe Mag): Vampire: The Masquerade Neptune's Might (Covenant of Enki): Guide to the Camara Spicit Manipularion (Suleiman Lanes): Guide te the Camacila Covenant or NeRGAL Jn Babstontan mych, the war-god Nergal and hiswife Ereshkigal queen of the dead, had special commandover plasuesdemons. Theoush this pth, an ashgu cha ths Gilet power over diseasd, The path aloo gtadie Hite powers‘ abate sickness. All the powers this path affect Caines as well as mortals, which gives the path in evil ition umong the undead. Notes: Farris does nce afford tx normal defense against most Covenant of Nergalatracks, Each dt of Foti tude, however, gives the alicted Kindreds playerone more icon any rolls ty resist Nergal’s Wrath or ll Wind. Cov: enant of Nergal attacks aso do not work against vampires who have «higher eating an the path than the attacker. ‘Most of the powers in this ph eluce a victims Physical Aumbunes rather Strength, Destertyor Seaminadopta0 che characteris immediately Iecaacianed eles erste heal levels Stenguh or Dexwey cannot cup beow 0, An ack thor would reduce vie sStaminabelow Okino co deivera Kine into tempo. Mest Covenans af Nergal attacks do not accumulate with each orker, and higher level powers supersede lower Tevel powers Ill Wind lorms the excepeion. For instance, Meskim’s Touch and Breath of Ereshkigal cartmot affect Vietimn alrealy suffering from Nenza's Weuth. The last named paser would affect a person who already suffered from the lewerdevel powers, hur its effects woukd not become noticeable until they exceeded the lesser power's effects ar the lesser powers duration ended. fall the powers, only the Breath of Eeeshligal can ‘cause an increased efter trom mulliple uses. Covenant ot Nergal powers do accumulare their effecr with other attacks that cause Artribute loss such as the Quietus power of Scorplon’s Touch. *Masxim'sToucr By touching the subject — or at least gerting near enough to touch— the magicaan causes effects much lke influensa: fever, nawiea, sore joints und the like. This mnkes the target slower, weaker and more fa ‘Giee Too: Dav AW: System: If the Willpower roll succeeds, the vi lines one, doc each fom his Strength, Diexeerity and Stamina: This loss lasts for onescene. Multiple Mask’ Touch attacks do not accumulate effects, exther with each, other or with higherseve] Covenant of Nergal arracks, Effects will accumulate, however, with deleterious effects produced by other Diciplines, such i the Soorpion's Touch power of Quietus © BReaTH OF ERESHEIOAL Simply hy erawing a hroath, andl victim's direction, a vampire can inflictisease pon her target. The sickness.can afect victimssomnedistanse away. Uniike the Maskim’s Touch, a vampire can use the Breath of Exeshbigal more then once upon a target. unvane within System: The magicien any artack about S0feet Iftheattack succeeds, the Brea reduces each of the victim's Physic ‘The number of successes determines the duration of the tne ick One scene One night J auccesses Two nights ‘successes Fournighes Successes One wee! Multiplearrackscanaxcumulate,futherrediingthe victim's Physical Attribures, bur only af the subsequent amtack has at least as meny successes as the previous attacks. Thus, ifa vampires player rolled rhiee siccesien for the ashi’ fist artack, a second attack would strip inotherdot ftom each Physical Attribute only ithe playe rolled three or more siccestes for its effect. F the pl rolled four successes on the second attack, subsequent Breath of Ereshkigal artacks woul rveed ot keast fou inctease the effect A vampire ot whut cat raise Physical Attrutes by expending vitae, and so counter the Breath of Erik Raising all three Actributes hack to their starting valu completely cures the magical iliness. Then, however, the attacker can start overagain, Mortals rast simply wat for the curse fo nun Hs course. Nencar'sBressine Thispowercuresinild diseases, and st least rece the effect of vevere disease. The wer touches the target for about a minute. Nergal’s Blessing completely jeitls any healch or Attribute loss fren the Maskitn’s Hand or Breath of Ereshkigal. tt partly neyacesthe effects of higher-level Covenant of Nergal powers. ‘The Hand of Nergai cannot cure non-pathogenic diseases auch as allergies, deficiency diseases, cancer, at thritis or genetic disorders, although 1 alleviates their tects for a day. It also does nothing for purely mental iMlness (though ie may help is cases of mental Tiness with, organic causes) tries that lack modern hospital, askips still use Nergal's Blessing to bay favor. and yoodall from mortals. In “developed! evumeries, ashipa find tower traly fe Dewor-Haurio Won. desperate elients—bur chey do findthem. AIDSis nocthe ‘ony disegas vray ed System: Nergal’s Blessing can care erdinary infections ffomucne tapmeumonia, wth asingle use. Nomblysevere ot chnonve disease like hepatics or malaeia might require two ‘wesc thspanver atthe Si ‘sopra. Real nasty ot intrctatle dere ike ebula or AIDS require three wes ro cure. A single uke of Nergul’s Blesing always suffices for illness cause by other powers ln tis path Successful use of Neml’s Blesing keeps the subject alive (ut undead) or another hy tater How seven the disease, and palliates the symptoms. This applies 16 non-pithogente illness as wells Although che magician gan never prosuce tue etme in such cases, Nengal's Blessing may keep Jive Tonng encasg far the target t0 heal on 9 NeRGAL This whastly power induces severe diseise in the victim. Tiss teal infecticin — the appropriate micrbes ppear th the victim's bosly — bur the disease pragressen with unnatural speed. the ravagingplague takesthe form ‘of gangrene, leprosy oF same other relatively slow infee A cmpite whe) achieves this level of parh masery selects adivease whisperwoeual orniot Nerual's Wrath, Ar attack from one vampire might take the form of cholera uwhile-snothor uses yellow fever ro ill System: Nergal’s Wrath works by touch, Bor each success the attacker's player folls, rhe victim suffers five hous of thecuss's effect. A hotch means that the easter suflers the curseseffectsinstea,furfivehours per I rolled, ‘on opottheusual W lipenver lois, Ofcourse, the magician ‘can use Nergal’s Blessing (o try curinu herself, For each hour of the chanett's ines, the viin’s playermakesa Stanina +Survival rll (dificulty 8). Failure that the character foes une health level androne dot each from Strength, Doxterity and Stamina. If the-victum eceivesmedieal sre, the doctor cinsubstitute is Medicine Trait for the victim's Survival Tea, bur cmly the victim's Five wice Nexus Wath ends A vamnpite can counter the effects of the curse by ‘expending vite tohealthedantage. Thatean meanexyend nga goed deal of vitae —anul Nevgal's Wrath will norstop cause i's daytime and the vampire must sleep, o¢ ta Wisp A master of Nergal's Covenant simply. walks by a location nnd people yet sks Ths discon Te will not prowress any faster than norma fay be unusually virulent, anu it can affect Kindred too. The i Wind ignores most mundane barnens. Only magic ‘ot n airtight chamber can protect against the curse The lll Wind always rakes the form if disease: thar could plasty occur inthearewwhere thesnagician usesthe ‘curse Thus, an hp could attack a New York dinner party with ptomaine, E.Colior even legionsuite’ disease, bur not sinallpox (extinct) or bubynie plage (not native to the WRATH hes: a ene, ss beeoee d ‘Roca Sac: TT 4 ‘The IL Wind's wer has no contro over what disease sills, but every vistim contracts the same disease System: The lll Wind coststhe magician’s player Willpower point in addition tothe usual bloud point number of successes rolled by the ashipu’s player deter- mines the number af people affected I success Four people successes Eight people Jsuccesses 12 people A cionaieee 20 people Ssuccesses Everyone in the vampie’s immediate tre an entire auditorium, a rab) ifanareaholdsmarepeoplethan the vampitecan affet the IIL Winul infos the people with lower Stamina Teas, fist. The Ill Wind does nor haea the magician herell Thediseaserakeseffectslowty (growing tofullstrensth atabour one day perdotof Seamina fora victim). Once the curse takes effect, che victm loses three health levels and three dots from each Physical Attribute, ts munenuen of O—at this stage A victim as achanee af recovery foreach day of bed. test, or sleep for Kindred. The vietim's player makes 2 Deamnina + Survival rol (Aiticulty /)- If the toll sieceeds the victim recovers one dot of each Physical Attribute Failing the Stomina + Survival roll means losing another dt of Stamina, The curse ends when the victim recovers «ll hee Physisal Arcribues. As with Nergal’s Wrath, the playerof avictimunder medical carecan addthechanscter’s Statnina Trait and the doctor's Medicine Trait Unlike other attacks hased on Neral» Covenant, I Wind dees nor provece 2 victim trom the lower powers. Asick victim can suffer further Attribuce loss from, Maskim’s Touch, Breath of Ereshkisal or Nengal's Wrath, Tre Evi Eve Midile Easter peoplehave feared the Evil Eyesince time immemerial, To look upon a person ar object with malice orenvy may inflict cuse upon thera, Surprise or admiration may have the same effect, and so:2person who delivers praise exercises the potenti evil with a exeli mation of "God wy great!” or "Whar Goel wills!" Some people possess a powerful Evil Eye whether they wantit or fot. Such persons can kill numals with aca lance, chatter stone, or in extreme cana eyes explode our of their head Naturally, vampire sorceeers had te claim stich a formidable poveer. The Poth of the Bil Ere twilics « variety ofcalumities pam tx vierims. Althomoh the pow: ers take little time to use, the effects may take hours or nights to manifest, and the sorcerer often does no know or contral the exact nature of the curse. The powers of this path do not curmulate. While alee by a curse, victim becomes imate 1 further awe of that specif power by that specitie vimpice. For tmotanee, ifs mayeian inflicted 3 Feril on a victim, be could not eutse thar person with another Peril until she causes fe pul tunvever, scl ssor any orher Evil Bye power, Likewise, pre Coan another ashpuecould impose his own Evil Eve cue (mak: ing a very unlucky victim.) "The victim also has ways to remove an Evil Bye cunse before ic nuns its course. People with True Faith can remove the Evil Eye's effect through religious ritual and prayer. (Occultistscan work outritualsto weakenor void acurse with a Wits + Occult roll (difficulty 8). Each success ralled by che: player cancelsouronesuccessofthe Evil Eye attack Forsome powers however the exorcism worts only if performed very soon after the ashy kay the curse. No exorcism cam restore Pink de kuin bap ahealy kate *Hummiation Wieh a venomous glance, the vampire inflicts had luck upon his victim. This bed luck aricks the victim's social standing. The victim suffers some cerible embat ‘assent within the next few nights: Neither victim nor sctacker know what form thigemitarrasmese will cake 90 the victim has no way to defend against it. Will you say something incredibly stupid? Willawales tsp dacascls you wich soup? Will a childe or ghoul commit some hideous Blunder? You have no way to tell. The Huila tion infhitsno real harm, bur can fuina person's prestige cor credibility fora while Humiliation works. well againss Carrila vampines especially ifthe local Kirceed incluse a few really vicious haspes, but Sabar vampires can suffer humiliation too, Bexdesthecbviousphysical embarressments, aSabbarmigh inavertentiy help an enemy, or seem (o act "tow human.” System: The attacker's player makes the usual Will powertoll. the roll siceeeds, the vierimaiffers humilistion some time within thenexe week. Ifthe Storyteller uses the ‘optional Prestigs Background, the viewm might lose one dor af Prestige for every wo successes rolled (round up), until she does something to restore her reputation * Loss ‘This curse affects the victim’s property. Within a few nights ofthe curse, the victim lases both teal wealth arid some possesion of emotional value (asumung the victim hassucha thing), Lost property does ncr magically vanish; some "rarural explanation” (Sachasafre, accident, thet confiscation or unexpected legal fees) causes che loss Even the sorcerer who caste the curse has nv idea whar jon the loss may take. Loss is permanent, harring special exertions by the victim, Laer money and posessiane do ‘not magically reappear, either. ‘Systenr If the Willpower roll succeeds, the vicrim loses ‘one datof Respurces within the nexe week” The Stoeyeller dleides what sentianental lass the victim sues, If all bse {als che victim might losea Retainer of adoro! Fert Even ifs victim completely lacks Resources, the curse still finds something tostripaway. Perhaps the victim loses his wedding ring, the las: memento of a happier life, or an abandoned building used asa Haven mighe burn down, Penn ‘This power puts the victim directly in danger. Over the next few nights — neither victim nor attacker knows precisely when — the vietim finds herself in dangerous situations. The victim might cleverly escape the ul and Kindred ean probably Then again, they might no ‘System: The number roll ives the number or severity he pets One mild Peril (Example: a migyer) Two mild to-moderire Perils (a car crash) mild to moderate Peri! moderate toy fg huang, lacke sunrise) the Willpower 1 success 2 successes 3 successes 4 succeses vere Perils (acollap 5+succees Three Peril onectastrophic (meee Lupine pach, haven catches fie sunny the neki nial 4s 0% likely a brit Peril and the curse continues until all Perils have occurred (or the yietin finals a way 19 lifethe curse) ee ee ene This love of Bil Bye has the most farsrenching cece ‘onavictim, Friends turn away; enemies appear (ard may be former friends). Perhaps the victim ean recuves lost allies and placate new enemies, bur the Storyceller should not make i ets. System: For each roll, the victim eit Influence or Re ssn the attacker's Willpewer dot of Allies, Conn, ners oraninsan Enemy worth one point (asthe Flaw; see Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 300), For Inatance, with four secesses on theroll,the victim mht Jose two dows in Alles and gain a: two-point Enemy (peshape a former Ally), A vietim never gains mare ran ‘one Enemy from the curse; mone pontsof Enemy indicate from any single Background. Enemy takes time, The atuicker tight spend several hours in places where the victim bis inet esteand connecrinns, int example, spreading snails ana ‘innuendos — just like a normal sexe campaign, but the curse mukes sure the smeur campaign really works. The effects manifest within 4 week Tnipasinig Astin Zann The “Eye that Wounds” represents the most imme ately dangerous tse of the Evil Eye, Unlike the ather powers, this power acy immesiately. The magician expresses fl sowie praie, vic lus nil orutterasiomebmenryetive unt ppetsan orobjeet—andon thenext rum, semethinwnllybad happens to the System theplayer'sWillpoweralsa person orobject titers health evel ofa pet two successes tolled (toxin up). The mu stapes the form of the ds things about a penon’s whik praising person 'stennis backhand coul ed the eget ed age jinn s speech sayy could make the engine explale mnakeheesr instantly withes. Mortal victins generally sue amie perma nent maiming, Animsls alisctsl by dhe Chashin Zeb tsually drop dead ori the spot ‘Corr Two: Dae: Te Danica Worn 45 Musicorrie SpHEeRes The Neoplatonist philosophers taughr elint planets mdiated imusical pitches os they circled the Ear. Ordi- ‘oary people sould not lear dis" music of thesphetes,” but highly spiritual people cewld. The medieval Arabs yoined this lea to anise’ uncwrony punwer to lnflucee te jain id soul. [ny cheit quest to reach Heaven through tance, Asannine nud Toreador sorcerers listened to the missic a thespheres. They leamed occult melodies that powerfully affected the emotion of laters. The ofl specialized version of Preserce. So far, a vampire has ever been known to have leamed horh the Music of the Spheres and the “Melpomince” Discipline of the small and obscure Daweh ters of Cacophony bloodline, but it’s bound to happen ently, The uth and Discipline powers cannot aco sone other setfects ‘System: This path calls for the usual Willpower roll, tht he chaneter requires a Tralt eating of 3 in Pertor mance —eithersinging orplaying somesort of instrument — 10 cast the Music of the Spheres, The magician can activate the Music uf de Spheres through asingle tum af myeledy:burstoryone neu con tenet themusic. The magician can conceal the celestial melody. within ordinary music, bur this requires thar targets hear the music forar lear 4 full minute. Listeners also receive ‘Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 5+ the number f successes the perturmer’s player received on the Will power roll) to detect the unnatural force within the performer's music. Each power affeets a variable number of trgons de ny on how many successes che magician’ phyer as noted on the chart below: If more people are «than the charsctercan influence, the Music ofthe esaiffects those with lower Willpower scones fits. Twn peeple Six people resemble pen roll, pre phe 1 ani 4 successes 20 peop Everyone ti the vampice’ ramedhiane vicinity (an entire seater mob) The Music of the Spheres does noe enchant people who hear itn a recording, or ransiitied by telephone, television or other clecteleal oe mechanical mi Ivo charastersuse the Music of the Sphetesaageinst thesame target, the character whow player rolls the most successes has her effect take precedence + SoNGormencuRy The music of Mercury, the planet shat rulesubsmact thought, deadenws emotions, The swift cascades of notes distract listeners ard calm their souls System: In gun terms, che Song of Mercury negutes the effect of other Music of the Sphetes powers whale the netivite, hutthe effger continues as long isthe cluaracter keene singing or plying ‘The Song af Mercury locks sufficient power w counter frency oF Rarschreck ® © SONG OF Venus, The swect muicof Venus inspirenfeelings that an occult musician can direer as she w chanieter ean mike people like het, or anyone chooses — fora while. System: This powter acts like the Presence pow Awe, but the magician ean direct the victims waren feelings toward anyeme she wants, yo make sameane else seem incredibly charismatic. The magician rieads some way co indicate the recipient of the magical charisma, whether by wotds admiring glanceser Osher means, The effect laststherest ofthe scene, Affected people cin resist the Songof Verusby expending one Willpower for every affection the turn they remain with the target person's supematural charima. When a chancter's player spends a nuinbes of Willower points equal tothe successes to ter shake aff the Song of Venus completely the charnc- #¢* Sonor Mars The harsh chendsan driving shythias of Masinspire feelings of anger and ageression. The magician can nuke Ins mulience hare a particular target ce actually drive Usteners to fits of 1 System: This power Ga Have two-tfeets, The magl: tian can make a sudience despise_a target pesson ot Organization — like Awe In reverse. The tatget ees not have to be present. This effect lists a scene. Players can spend Willpower to have therrcharacten resist the uper- ‘tatu anger fora turn, Ifthe ashipa’s player aldiionelly expends » Willpower point, affected Kindred enter frenzy unless their pha succeed at Self-Control rolls a culty 7), This augmented power can induce frenzy-like tage m mortal ne well but etter at ficulty 3 #08 Soncorsuprren The strong, steady chords of Jupiter, the planet of fewer nnd sth, hooet courage and gevengeh of purpose Uistenersicel resolute and fearless be unto kings System: This power renders listeners immune to all cepts fo use Presence wile the masiccoraines it does or negate Presence uses that have aeady ten ple Any other mind canerol (such es Dominate, ocher Music ofthe Spheres powers, mortal magic or the powers of other supematural beings) against an audience meraber suffer +2 difficulty penalty (ta muxtmum of 10) for the res of The Songof Jupiter also strengthensshe Mano resist the Teast. For ehe rest of the seene, chorctere resisting Rotschretk or frenzy have the difficulty af theie Virtue wolleredyoed by 2 $0 98 ¢Soncor SATURN ‘The menacing chords of Sacur, planet of death and restriction, inspite tertor in those who hear them. People affected by the magical muste need all their courage snd will co resist the une to flee oF surtendes System: Affected Kindied immedisrely encer Réwichtock unless their players succeed at Conrage ralls (Gifficule sles (oud have the same difficulty to resi it), bur their terior may {coon Svc: Tr Taaunarecs Coonan % takeotherformsthan fighr,dependingomeach individual's Nature. Rrruars Mati of these rituals do not lit specific compan In these cases, ashipu are free to select their awh comp nents, tools or methods from the traditional elements Jescrihed above. Masters of Heaven and Earth do not hav {o use the same components esch time they cast rin Lever One Rituars Exorase Fever This ritual exoreites the spirit of fever from) a sick person, chus curing the disease. Ie only works agsinst liscases that cause lever, though, Ashipu haveother rituals for other common sorts of Middle Eastern disenses, Old forms of this siuaul that appeal exclusively to ancient pods no longer work, The magician uses the old incantations but must back them up with a minor holy relic from an Abrahamic faith. Syetom: A. single tele compan tively mld fever-causing diseases such as common influenza, More lethel and terucious diseases such as scarlet fever or typhoid may demand two orthree saccesses tw exorcise. Horoscope By inspecting the posi:ions of the stary nd plinets at a person's hirh (or Embrice), the magician can obtain simple information abour that person System: For each sueces, the ustroleger discovers one facr abour the target, such as her Nature, great apitod (such as Traics rated 3 or higher) or (in the most general sense) tedies in her pest. A Horoscope provides 1 spetific details akout a pewon’s history or goals, but can Sugigst routes for mundane investigation, Wanina Baprism Based on’ an Iranian rite eo provece children from seas, this ritual involves baptizing a subject with blooxl and water, poured from a metal howl with 40 keys ut tached. For the rest of the night, the subject becom: immune to oae Thaumaturgteal path, designated by the mageia System: The ashi does not have to use her own blood animal blood will do, The ritual protects onl ic that directly affects the subject. For instance, it woukt not protect against the Lute of Flames because the magica fire targets place, not the person wh happens to occupy that place. A person ennnot receive more than one Warding Bapeism at a time. Lever Two Riruars ASTRAL Portest By inspectingthe sate ofthe heaversiataperscn's arth (anefor Embrace) and at the present, nga eur cis (Que Two: Dur Adele The Devo Hour Woe a cover the meas powertul forces at werk ina person's life. The subject can ask tor a general foreeast, or seek: mone specific Jyice abeuthis financial ture, lovelifeaplanned jouney, tte. The astrologer can aso ask such a question about 3 subject who doesnot know he is beng ude, System Each success rolled irlicates one significant fact about the person's near furure— either in genezal ot in relation to. particular topie. Clues should be short and somewhat vague Example: A mortal asks abot his amoreus opporani ties The avcrologers player rolisthiee success, The three thie te “Travel by water," "Hleaven favors baldness," and "Venus a uniaverale From this (and disessions about the client's income and Ifestyle), the ssoloyer might suggest thar the elit take te ferry to work intent of eel aggressively pursue anyhinrthara woman likes hin, but ct to expert « happuly-ever-ater this tme around. Thsopen-endectrituel cartiesrik forabuse. Storytellers never give precisely detailed information — only clues that chanicterscan follow upon theirown, or warnings ‘outfor sigificantevents inthenearfuture, An «is especially useful when characters simply ave noidea whartodonest. The hewenly portents will not sive shemanansweron iver platter, buctheyean panne the ‘way te something interesting Achanieter can receiveonly one eadingof portent per story, Byactingon theit homscopes, characterschange their Frotetil futates in cyory yay. The mysteries webs Fate takes some time to ialst to the wlteted circumstances, Note: More powerful versions af this ritual enable an astrologer to cast horaseopes for lager greaps. A. Le Thiee rirual letsasercererteadthe portent lita c body, such awa coterie ora sitall business A Les version prodicesa horoscope far lage institutions such as ‘large business racity. ALevel Five vealscles to the future of an entire nation, National events have 30 mach momentum, amd result from sich broad causes, however, that thestarsacely give better information than 1 scent economist or political analyst These ntwals alsy have variant forms that employ jther div niin methoxts such as readingentrals, dream incerpretation or geomancy. Bip tae Heavens, This curse inilictsi month of drought upon aneniemy’s land. The magician paintsademkey’ skull ingnudy colors, \wealges papers bearing vituperative curses and the victim's ame terween ins ceeth, and throws i: dawn a well — preferably the well of the victim, This offendethespirits of uchiha wir, who respotkl by steertnugthe rath away from the victim's Lar System: Usinyy « well thar is not actually on the victim's Lina! increases the ritual’s difficuley by 2. Ifthe rituil succeeds; however, nu land owned by the victim Feceivesany rain for one per success culled by the ‘agtcum's player Fanti'sBroon Cry Mickile Bastem tradition holds chute murdered man's blooel cnes ous from the earth demanding vengeance, ats Abel's blood criedout against Caine: An ashipu gan mold arablet of clay and a murder victim's blood, and enchant it to scream when the murderer touches it. System: The magician needs at least one blaad peint!s worth of the murder vietin’s blood, collected afte lit’ no goo! having scmeone store « pint as ‘gains the pesibilty of murder), Once crafted, the magic tablet retainsitsenchantment for one mene, or until the murderer touches it. The tablet criew out only once. Lever Taree Riruary BuLt or Heaven The goddess Inara (also known as ishtar) once sent anenchantedbullekill he hema Gilgamesh, Tagrantthe bull sapematursl power, she bathed it in precious oils and coupled with it, An ashi can similarly: enchant any animal (not just byl lth uh instead of sexe bites the animal while feeding itsome of his own vitwe. The animal not only gains a ghouls strength, che magician girs 4 poyehie link to the animal for the test of the night System: The animal becomes i normal ghoul, with done dot of Potence and one cot of another Discipline ier Forivole or one possessed by che magician, at fhe magician’ opsion — though no sina i wise ensuagh to Dominate its foe or eat a Thaumaturgical ritual apn i, for example) Forche et ofthe mht the magician ea tie the animal's sensesand direct its actions whe wants. This itwal’seffect resembles the Animal Subse the Spin, bur has much less power. ORTRAL OF PASSION Peru ia secs ed Mabe isi ale of people who fallin jove witha portrait and obsessively sek out the real person. The mayicie paints seit sling her own vie and a small sample of the intended sicrim’s Node wittle inthe pine Hehe ritual mccsede, when the vietim sces the porttait he feels compelled to seek the person piztured, who for a while scems lke the most important person in the world. System: A magician tesjuires a Trait rating ofit hast ¥ iy Cr (Painting) to perform this ital or eich success rolled, the vietim spends one week «withthe subject ofthe portrait, She yperids every ‘pare moment seeking the pictured prion nul may n plect job, friend or fay for the quest. If shesuceeed in her search, she spends ns much time as possible wath the penven. The attraction may take the form of loye fiend ‘hip, admiration orany other form that ssems sulrable ‘Thee vieelm con vetas she consputaion Ror 24 bans by expending a Willpower point, but needs a pretty pod motivation to das. “The magician has ro conteol over whit happens wher the magiesl compulton ends. Boch vistisn andthe pleted yetsen ina find the experieice bafliny oe even revolting then again, i may he the star cf. tear lave wait Sornetimes a cruel hie paints an inxaginay person, Either the tnagic falls oupright, orthe victim actully fi a petion who matches che poftrait! Ashipu find ths i terion, hur sometimes useful ‘op Sac Te Tania Cosy 8 Lever Four Rituars upurau The Bubylonions used carved stone stelae called fauorw to mark boundaries sind tecond land grants, Any chant a set of kudurta to mark bis domain ge stones establish his claim. over the dara, rendering all his activities a itt bit easier. The magician needs o procure at east five matching telue carved with symbols representing himself and fates. Ele aay cals nang inn ay cities at him. The magician hides four kuciors along the bound: aries ofthe territory he wants to clu, ard ides the ffeh within a church or temple of some sere within thar do. rain. The actual ritual costs a permanent Willpower poine, and requites the use of at lease three minor holy relics (aich asa consecrated Host, kohanim blood and dust from an Lam's wim) Sys suffers nodifficulry pewultics due tothe environment when he attemptssitask ns hiskisherne- \wieded domain, For instance, Fhe foughe wntone in an alley crowded swith piles of slimy refuse, his opponent ‘would sutfer dificulty penalties for bad footing and a can establish this magical dominion over an atea equal to xeveral city blocks The krelurni wanding lass until sorneone find and borers one of the gtonen Kiudurra wardings cannot oveelap Ifa magichin tries coclaimany terstoryalready claimed by anothersorcenct, the working fils Tasman Taminah isan Arabic wor! foran amulet ortabiman. Toashin, itvefeistoaspesifickindof amulet thartheycan snake. A tamrimah cartes vampiric Discipline. Any Cite abel whe en haa thee Discipline, To craft a tammuh, however, thie ahipu naust succesfull dichlenze a vampire who knows that Discipline ro the Jevitedlevel. The Assamites once creared many tammah, fir cauld nor da this For the cervaries of the Tremere’ curse. Now that they can make: tarsmah the arrahmost fost among their elan System: Arashipucarvenshantacenénah eo earty any Discipline, but not paths of Thaamatungy (whether Her metic of any othe foem of sorcery). \ taminah ean carr) fvo fewer dors of a Discipline than the magician's Dur Aa-Ki m instance, w character with Tea ting of $19 Dur-An-Ki could enchant zamimah exrying of a slngle Discipline Faimah do nor curnilare with 9 characters existing Trait ting in a Discipline, For instance, if vampire who hhad Dominate 2 wote a tamimaah that carried Dominate 3 che would gain Dominate 4, not Dorninate 5 A sorcerer who i ly enchants a tamimith ein net reduce her generation from that particular diablerie All the vampiric unlife-force goes into the tamamah, (ws Tuce Dit Anke Tee Divo Hauera Wow cu Lever Five Riruars ApsuDorrat The peuple of southea Mesoporamia believed tha all likes und rivets connected to an undergroundocean ol ftesh ter called Apas. ‘Their temples symbolined. these life water with lane tank et ly water, wich they also called masa. Soresters can exploit this myth of the connection of al fresh waters to travel round the word ystem: This rind requires an aps tank, properly onsecratedthrough prayersandsacriiees con the god ol the subterranean sen and master of all magic. In the ritual inl, she magician pours pint of rox oll and one blood point’s worth ofher own vitae intocheapsu. She also ackis'a phinl of watee from another body of fredh water anywhere inthe world. Thea me person (the magician or anyone else} can ump into che apse and instantly emerge from that other body offresh water. The Assamites like to tell the story of an assassin who reached a well-guarded vafter he bribeda pool-cleanertobringhimva sample of water fromthe elder'ssubterranzan swimming pool, Lrurn’s Venarance nctent anid disputed lagend among the Kindeed says that Caine gained his frst Disciplines through a ccoveriant with the primal demon-queen Lilith —a cov- ¢enan that Caine then broke. This tual calls upon Lich Jereminds her of Caines treachery and grants her pernis- sion, in the name ofall che goss of aw and magi, to strip a given Kindred af the power he inherited from Caine System: This ritual requites the we of five separate Dooly relic, which che magician consumes in the course of the ritual: For instance, an asin might swnilow a conse erated Host a leaf fom i tree where Mohammed rested, blood from 9 Kalan, wn «small xblee of Kerbala clay stamped with the iinage of Manfule by an authentic Babylonian eylinder-eal Dimeting the perwer of Fale sgunst oneself this way inflicts one health level of unoakable aggravaredl damage upon themagician, whose player additionally spendya Willpower poine an roll for the chamcter to resist Rotschreek. The magician must he tere, however, t0 atone for Catne's cline anassume (abet faely) the powerof the Almighty. The ‘ashy also requitesassrong sympathetic link 10 the target CCainite, such as her True Name, hit of her hair, finger- full. oF vit, or die horcope clues ofboth het mortal birth and her Embrace Forevery suueess the aship’s player rolly the viecen losevone dotoitasingle Discipline cf thescrcerer'schoice If che ashiushoppeda w nme n Disepline dar the vstias sdoes moe possess, she wasted the ritual. The yleti’s Discipline remains reduced forafull month. Anackipucan, cure i victin this way only once ata time. The sorcerer eaannot curse the victim again until the Fusteuse wear of Lever Sm Riruar Jacon's Kays An old Midile Eastern legend soya that one kat capture s dying person's soul in his last breath and take on hispowerandknowledge;thar'swhy Jacob kised bis dying fhe Ina Wid wale epomtion af tes end prayer, an askipu can perform this feat. OF course, the eastese way co be on hand when a person dies is to kill her yourself. System: The magician can mainmitsthespectel rrance dace Born an hous, a no lenger and et ae he target exmctly om his last breath, If the ritual succeeds, the ashipccaptures and eatstherarget's soul, Jacob's Kiss works only upen victims wha breathe, 1 a sorcerer cannot conisame the soul of a just-lestroyed Cainite The magician gains a reserve of "space Willpower pines equal in number to the target's Willpower rat. Any Willpower expenditurs comes from this pool, as long ae it lasts those points never ceuuyver, The mugacian aloo gains all the targus Abilities, for a lung as the poo! of stolen Willponver lasts Lever Seven Riruar Turn Back THE Sates Theconstellationssymbotized within thebull slaying seene ind Mithnic remple all seem to connect to the precession of dhe equlnoxes—speciticaly, the transition, fromthe Ageof Taunustothe Ageot Aries. few puwerful ashipu can use the Mithraic rayiteries to nerd a soul back im time, from the present Age of Pisces to the twilight of the Age of Aries. This requites the sacrifice ofa ram in an authentic Mithraic temple, and an armillary sphere (a device that depicts the constellations and the zodisc, selestial equator: and other map-lines of the heavens). These ship send minions back in time to seek lons-bst secrets. Each use or the ritual can send several people back in time—a whole cotetie of characters in fac System: The maictan's player spends « point of permanent Willpower whilethe rams blood falls onto the subjects, and then turns the altoillay sphere fron the current heavenly confaguration ri the sky’ of the desiced time. The souls of che subjecte lash back in time and yossess the bodies of mortals undergoing Mitheaic initia tion mn that temple. Michraism flourishes! fre 68 B.C to carlyit the Sth century A.D. sa sorcerercan sendpeople to any time in that span. Those ashy who continued to practice the Mithraie mysteries after the decline of the nottal faith may provide lunited access to other times t the Storjtelle’s cption. The time ervelers spend one Janae month in their ssolen bois before automatically returning te theis own time, Ifa time traveler dies in his borrowed flesh, his sou! never returns. Tune travelers have nosupernutural powers (they are mortal now, afterall), bur retainall their Abilities. A time traveler can iso call upon one dor of any Abilities the possessed eran hu that he les not (This inci cal riathe irrlopergpea the pesere pss language) Any ashipu who know this spell varn rime travelers. avoid changing history, Causality can adjust to a tow Inocks, but murdering famous historical figures o reach: ing the Maccabees how to make gunpowder destroys the foolish character. If time traveler deliberately tries to ‘ocn Sac: Ta Thamar Comnen 0

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