Calculus 100

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Math Calculus 1 Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Lecture 4
Composition (quick review)

Math Calculus 1 Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Vertical and Horizontal shifts 
Suppose c>0

Teachers examples with simple function of y=x^2

Vertical and Horizontal shifts 

Suppose  c>1

Math Calculus 1 Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Recall from 1.2

Definition of exponential function is
f(x)=a^x (where a>0 is a positive constant)
-whats is the domain of (f)? (Negative Infinity to Positive Infinity)
-What is the rang of (f)? (Zero to positive infinity)
Laws of Exponents are:

Exponential Growth example 1

-Consider a population (p) at the time(t) of bacteria 

-Suppose the population doubles for every unit of time
-suppose the size of population at t=0 is zero.
Than give the mathematical model of exponential growth
p(t) = p0 . 2^t
Exponential Growth example 2
-Suppose a kind of bacteria starts with 120 bacteria and doubles every hour.
a) How many bacteria after (t) hours?
b) How many bacteria after 2 hours?
c) How many bacteria after 15 min?
(teacher gave us some hint so we can solve it for home and discuss more in next class)

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