People Soft Enterprise HCM 91 Release Notes

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Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise 9.

Release Notes
PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Capital Management 9.1
Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Release Notes for PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Capital Management 9.1

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Introduction ..................................................................................................1

Purpose of This Document ............................................................................1


Related Resources .......................................................................................1


Executive Summary ........................................................................................3


HCM Extends Beyond the Walls of HR to Deliver Business Value ......................... 3


PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 Business Drivers............................................... 4


Oracle’s Ongoing Commitment ......................................................................5


Strategic Applications - Integrated Talent Management........................................ 6


Profile Manager ...........................................................................................6


Recruiting Solutions ................................................................................... 17


ePerformance............................................................................................ 54

Enterprise Learning Management ................................................................. 82


Plan Careers ............................................................................................. 82


Plan Successions ....................................................................................... 91


eCompensation ....................................................................................... 105


eCompensation Manager Desktop .............................................................. 117


Service Delivery Applications – Self-Service, Help Desk, and HR Portal............... 122


Employee and Manager Self-Service ........................................................... 122


PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1 – Enabling Employee 2.0 ............................. 123


PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources 9.1 ............................................ 124


PeopleSoft Workforce Communications 9.1 .................................................. 125


Foundational Applications – Core HCM, Global Extensions, and Workforce


Management ............................................................................................. 126


Human Resources .................................................................................... 126


Payroll for North America .......................................................................... 132


Global Payroll Core .................................................................................. 155


Global Extensions for HR and Payroll .......................................................... 158


Absence Management .............................................................................. 207


Time and Labor ....................................................................................... 217


Pension Administration ............................................................................. 233


Oracle Workforce Scheduling 5.0.4............................................................. 235


Business Intelligence .................................................................................. 237


Oracle Human Resources Analytics 7.9.6..................................................... 237


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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Enhancements That Are Common to Multiple Applications ................................ 238


Application Integration Framework ............................................................. 238


Approval Framework ................................................................................ 239


Desktop Integration ................................................................................. 239


Find Object Navigation ............................................................................. 240


Events and Notifications ........................................................................... 240


Upgrade Framework ................................................................................. 241


Enhanced Product Information ..................................................................... 242


New Information Portal............................................................................. 242


PeopleBook Improvements........................................................................ 242


Researching PeopleBooks.......................................................................... 243


User Productivity Kit (UPK) ....................................................................... 243


Conclusion ................................................................................................ 244


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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009


Purpose of This Document


This document provides an overview of the new features and enhancements planned
for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Capital Management (HCM) 9.1. It is a road
map intended to help you assess the business benefits of upgrading to PeopleSoft
Enterprise HCM 9.1 and plan your IT projects and investments. “HCM” is used
throughout this document as a means of grouping our extensive family of products.
More information about all our products can be found

This document is only a preliminary version and is not subject to your license
agreement or any other agreement with Oracle. The final version will be the PeopleSoft
Enterprise Human Capital Management (HCM) 9.1 Release Notes. This document
contains intended developments and functionalities and is not meant to be binding on
Oracle to any particular course of business, product strategy, or development. Please
note that this document is subject to change by Oracle at any time without notice.
Throughout this document, you will find examples of Oracle’s ingenuity at work. In
each section, we provide detailed descriptions of exciting features, functions, and
products in PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1, along with business benefits that you will
be able to achieve.

Note. Only those products that have significant enhancements are mentioned in this release

Related Resources

This section discusses four publications that provide in-depth technical and functional
information for new and enhanced functionality in release 9.1. In many cases, the content
in this document may have originated in the referenced documents.

Statement of Direction

The statement of direction typically is published 9 to 12 months prior to a release. It

provides a high-level overview of the major focus of product development efforts, enabling
high-level business decision makers to begin preliminary upgrade planning.

Release Value Proposition


The release value proposition provides more functional details than the statement of
direction, identifies major enhancements, and articulates the expected business benefit.
This document is designed to help you determine whether new product features warrant
either upgrading from an old release or embarking on a new implementation. With this
information, managers can initiate preliminary budget planning and begin putting together
a project team to evaluate specific products.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Prerelease Notes

Prerelease notes provide more functional and technical details than the release value
proposition. This document describes how each enhancement functions within the context
of the greater business process. This added level of detail should enable project teams to
answer the following questions:

• What out-of-the-box functionality will change?

• What customizations may be affected?
• How will an upgrade or new implementation affect other systems?
• How will these changes affect the organization?
After the project team has reviewed and analyzed the prerelease notes, business decision
makers should be able to determine whether to allocate budget and initiate implementation

Release Notes

Release notes are published at general availability (GA) and validate the final scope of the
release. The release notes discuss the features and enhancements that are available with
the GA release of each product, describing the finalized functional and technical details that
will enable project teams to confirm budgets and complete implementation plans.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Executive Summary

Today’s business challenges center on an ever-changing, increasingly mobile asset:

the workforce. With talent management emerging as a critical issue from the
boardroom to line managers, organizations must move towards an environment of
total employee engagement, linking individual skills, goals, and competencies to those
of the organization. In recognizing this important trend, Oracle has worked with our
customers to develop automated, business process-based solutions to help
organizations not only deploy but also achieve a successful talent management
strategy. Today, we take human capital management to a new level in which
employees, organizational objectives, and processes are linked together through
technology to enable mission-critical success.
Through Oracle/PeopleSoft’s 20 years of HR thought leadership, human capital
management is recognized as the de facto method for releasing the total value of your
workforce. With people at the heart of every business process and every transaction,
you must not only retain key talent, but also reward both employees and the
organization through measurable, defined successes. By leveraging a comprehensive
talent management strategy, you can improve operational efficiencies while turning
employees into knowledge workers—and competitive assets.
PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Capital Management (HCM) is a world-class, HCM
solution for organizations of every size, region, and industry. Only Oracle has a global,
web-based, single-system HCM solution that covers every aspect of the HCM road
map—from core human resources (HR) transactional functionality through service
automation and delivery to integrated enterprise management solutions.
With the introduction of PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.0 in December 2006, we
provided broad support for holistic talent management, while continuing to focus on
streamlining core HCM business processes and increasing the value of customer
investments through the introduction of new tools and technologies.
PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 builds on those themes by offering increased
configuration options, coupling transactions with analytics and further aligning talent
initiatives with business operations and human resources.

HCM Extends Beyond the Walls of HR to Deliver


Business Value
PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Capital Management (HCM) is the enterprise-wide
strategy to manage, optimize, and leverage the workforce for positive business
outcomes. Managing and optimizing people and processes requires that organizations
look beyond traditional HR solutions to increase performance throughout the
enterprise. PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 enables organizations to achieve improved
business results through technology that can be leveraged within and outside the
enterprise to increase workforce performance.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

The PeopleSoft market-leading Human Resources Management System (HRMS)

solution is the core of its HCM solution. Building upon that core are unique workforce
solutions such as HelpDesk for Human Resources, Workforce Communications, and our
Web 2.0 capabilities delivered through the Enterprise Portal and PeopleTools. The HCM
integration to other enterprise systems enables an unparalleled end-to-end HCM
solution. Enhancements throughout the PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 release extend
Oracle’s leadership in the HCM arena. Only Oracle offers a complete HCM solution that
supports workforce initiatives to drive overall enterprise performance. To learn more
about the complete Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM solution, please go

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 Business Drivers


Changes in workforce demographics, rapid adoption of collaborative technology tools,

and an increased focus on leveraging talent as a competitive differentiator present
unique challenges and opportunities to organizations today. Human Resources
professionals are being asked to provide more strategic guidance to businesses today
than ever before, yet many industry professionals lack the tools and skills necessary to
provide that guidance. Also, the addition of “Generation Y” or “Millennials” to the
workforce is driving changes in management approaches while highlighting the need to
integrate new technologies, giving this new generation the tools they need to be
PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 is designed based on extensive customer feedback,
industry best practices, analysts’ research, and knowledge from Oracle’s human
resources industry thought leaders.
This release represents our continued commitment to our Applications Unlimited
promise of continued investment in our market-leading PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM
software products and centers on three themes:
• Flexibility

• Intelligent Business Execution

• Organizational Effectiveness


Software applications must be flexible to adapt to changing business needs. Whether

your business is changing due to restructuring, acquisitions, or divestitures, or you
simply don’t want to follow the herd when it comes to innovative business practices,
you need software applications that you can easily tailor to address your unique
situation. PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 offers additional flexibility enabling you to
configure your applications to fit the way you do business, seamlessly integrate with
other applications, and take advantage of an array of tools including next-generation

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Intelligent Business Execution


Human Resources activities must be aligned with business objectives. Whether

strategic decisions are made by managers, executives, or Human Resource
professionals, PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 enables you to put more decision-support
tools in the hands of the decision makers, enabling them to make informed
recommendations and take appropriate action.
PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 and integration to Oracle Human Resources Analytics
7.9.6 enables you to put more decision-support tools in the hands of the decision
makers, enabling them to make informed recommendations and take appropriate
action. Employees, managers, and recruiters can see metrics as part of a business
process instead of a separate report that is run after the fact.

Organizational Effectiveness

Maintaining optimal efficiency continues to be an important objective for organizations

today. In a tightening economy and increasingly competitive environment,
organizations must streamline their business operations. With PeopleSoft Enterprise
HCM 9.1, we continue our focus on process efficiency and usability. Delivering
applications that are more intuitive facilitates broader adoption throughout the
enterprise, while enhancements to core business process functionality minimizes
administrative responsibilities throughout the organization.
In addition, with PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1, we are adopting the approvals and
delegation framework in the Absence Management, Time and Labor, and
Compensation products, and adding delegation functionality to Talent Acquisition
Manager. The approvals and delegations framework, first introduced in PeopleSoft
Enterprise HCM 9.0, provides a flexible approach to delegating user security to a
particular process as well as maintaining an audit trail.

Oracle’s Ongoing Commitment


PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 represents Oracle’s ongoing commitment to investing in

our existing suite of applications, enabling customers to make choices that best fit
their business needs. Enhanced functionality in PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 delivers
on that commitment by increasing the value of your existing investments and
providing more time to determine the upgrade strategy that makes sense for your
The PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 Release Notes are organized by application
• Strategic Applications - Integrated Talent Management
• Workforce Service Delivery Applications – Self-Service, Help Desk, & HR Portal
• Foundational Applications - Core HCM, Global Extensions, & Workforce
• Business Intelligence

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Strategic Applications - Integrated Talent


Talent Management applications enable you to understand your current workforce—
what skills you have available and where they are being used. Employers today want
to understand what skills are critical to their organizations and how well people with
those skills are performing and to anticipate where shortages of people, skills, or both
are likely to occur. Armed with that information, you can take action to acquire,
develop, and retain your best workforce. And Oracle’s PeopleSoft talent management
applications are delivered in a totally secure, integrated environment with the global
core HCM system, workforce management, and workforce service delivery solutions to
create the best solution for any organization.
Key areas of planned enhancements within Talent Management in the PeopleSoft
Enterprise HCM 9.1 release are described in the following sections.

Profile Manager

We introduced Profile Manager in PeopleSoft Human Resources 9.0 as the central

component of our integrated talent management solution. Part of core PeopleSoft
Human Resources, Profile Manager is a key element in the execution of any integrated
talent management process. This highly configurable tool enables your organization to
capture critical talent information, such as education, languages, skills, abilities,
experience, and any other attributes relevant to your organization, as well as to define
success criteria and requirements for roles within your organization. You can compare
employee and job or organization profiles to identify new career and development
opportunities, highlighting where gaps exist between employee skills and job
requirements. In PeopleSoft Human Resources 9.1, we continue to expand this
functionality as well as the talent management process integration.
For many organizations today, an integrated talent management strategy is required
to ensure the most efficient and effective processes to better attract, retain, and
engage talent. This requires that all individuals responsible for talent management
including recruiters, HR professionals, and compensation analysts, as well as
managers, have access to consistent information in order to most equitably recruit,
measure, develop, advance, and ultimately reward their talent. PeopleSoft Profile
Manager enables organizations to accomplish this.

Enhancements to Profile Manager in release 9.1 include:

• The ability to manage profile types and profile group types as well as an automated
process for maintaining profile group populations.

• Usability improvements in the area of profile maintenance, providing better

navigation and a more intuitive page design for both administrators and self-
service users.

• A redesign of the compare process as a pluggable module, integrated with Plan

Successions, Plan Careers, and Interest Lists.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

• Enhancements to Profile Type, including the ability to designate a default profile

type to retrieve and update data for person and nonperson profiles, and the ability
to give integrating products more flexibility in the profile content that is retrieved
and updated.

• New integration that inactivates the person profile when you terminate the
person’s employment.

Profile Types and Profile Group Types


To facilitate profile type creation, PeopleSoft HCM 9.1 enables you to copy an existing
profile type through the Clone Profile Type process. You can then modify the new
profile type using the Profile Types component.

Clone Profile Types page

In PeopleSoft HCM 9.1, the enhanced ability to manage profile groups provides you
with an automated process for maintaining group populations.
You can utilize the Group Build feature for Person profiles to create user-defined
groups of people based upon various person- and job-related data by selecting the
group build group ID on the Profile Groups – Group Definition page.

Profile Groups component for a Person profile group type using a Group Build ID to define
a profile group
You can group Non-Person profiles according to any attribute associated with the
selected Profile Identity Option source table. For example, if you select a group
identity option of job code, you could actually create a profile group based on
company, since the company field exists on the job code table.

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A Non-Person profile using a profile identity option to define a profile group

Click the Populate Profiles button to automatically launch the new Build Profile Groups
Application Engine process and have the system populate the Group Members page.
After you have defined the profile group definitions, you can maintain the groups by
using the Build Profile Group component. This enables your organization to maintain
the profile groups with a frequency that fits your environment.
Use the Group Members page of this component to view, modify, or add group profile
members manually.

Group Members page

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Administrator and Self-Service User Enhancements


With the usability improvements, your employees, managers, and administrators can
more easily maintain profiles. These improvements include:
• Better navigation and a more intuitive page design.

• Enhancements to submitting an item for approval.

• Current and historical components to maintain personal and team profiles.

• The ability to create and maintain profiles for jobs, positions, and other business

The Person and Non-person Profile pages use a cleaner page design. The pages now
use the Mouse Over Popup functionality with which you can view additional information
about a person, such as an employee photo or job information. Enter comments or
create a printable page of the profile by selecting icons on the page. Select the Update
Profile Groups option in the Profile Actions field to have the system open the Update
Profile Groups page to associate profile groups with a profile.

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Administrator - Non-Person Profile page

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Administrator - Person Profile page

You can now define which roles require approval to update items in a content section
when defining a profile type. This enables you to require that a role, such as an
employee, get approval before updating a content section in their profile, while the
administrator can update the same content section of the profile without approval.

Define which roles require approval for a content section in a profile type
When you save a profile that requires approval for a content item, the system now
presents you with the Summary of Changes page instead of requiring you to click the
Submit button. If you choose not to submit a change for approval, the profile page
then displays the Submit button near the top of the page, where you can access the
Summary of Changes page later to submit the item or items for approval.

The Submit button appears when you have items awaiting submission for approval

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In self-service, you can now view historical person profile information separately from
current person profile information.

Employee Self Service, My Current Profile page

Use the historical profile pages to have your employees and managers view
information without updating the profiles.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Employee Self-Service, My Historical Profile page

Employee Self Service, View Historical Items page

Managers can create and maintain profiles for jobs, positions, and other business
entities through the Maintain Job Profiles page.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Manager Self Service, Maintain Job Profiles page

Integration and Search and Compare


To further support talent management business processes, we’ve continued to invest

in tighter profile integrations throughout the PeopleSoft talent suite. We have
enhanced the profile compare process. This delivered pluggable module is tightly
integrated with new Career and Succession Planning functionality. There are new
interface views to retrieve people who have added a specific job or position profile to
their interest list. A new integration point with event management allows person
profiles to be inactivated when an employee is terminated.
You now maintain Mobility profile items on a person’s profile instead of the career plan.
The PERSON profile type now supports tracking a person’s mobility information on the
Mobility tab. You can track a person’s current location or travel preferences, which you
can use as part of your filters in the Search and Compare process.

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New Mobility content section as part of the PERSON profile type

The Search and Compare process uses the mobility information to filter the target
profile candidates, but does not have this information contribute to the overall search
score. For example, you can specify that you want to find people with certain
qualifications located in the Paris office. The search results return those people in the
Paris office who meet the job qualifications you have specified. The system returns the
candidates’ scores based on how well the profiles match the job profile, not the current

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Search and compare filters can now include current location and travel preferences

Primary Profile Type


With Release 9.1, several applications need information stored in various profiles in
Profile Management. New features for Career Planning, Succession Planning, Talent
Acquisition Manager (TAM), and Oracle Workforce Scheduling (OWS) require the use of
consistent definitions. Your organization can designate primary profile types to be used
by interfacing applications to retrieve and update data.

Assign primary profile types

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Recruiting Solutions

Recruiting remains a key function in maintaining your current workforce, supplying

successors, and growing new initiatives. In today’s business environment, recruiting,
like most other key organizational functions, faces the challenge of improving
efficiency without compromising quality. As workforce dynamics continue to fluctuate,
recruiters and hiring managers need to be able to quickly identify the top candidates
for their positions and engage them quickly.
Recruiting Solutions 9.1 extends the Talent Acquisition Manager and Candidate
Gateway applications, deepens the reach of existing features, and introduces
innovations that enhance usability and productivity.
The introduction of new features such as integration with Microsoft Outlook 2007
enables end-users to complete transactions using familiar desktop applications.
Expanded functionality in applicant screening and in profile search / match enables
organizations to further leverage the rich content in existing person and non-person
profiles. Updated capabilities for applicants and employees, such as online job offers
and electronic acceptance, provide job seekers with the tools they require to
effectively manage their career search.
New features for Talent Acquisition Manager and Candidate Gateway include:
• Improved interview scheduling and calendar integration.

• New online job offers.

• Expanded applicant screening capabilities.

• Tighter integration with Profile Manager.

• Optimized printing for job openings and applications.

• Recruiter alerts that support new 9.1 features.

• Additional enhancements and usability improvements.

Interview Scheduling and Calendar Integration


This release offers several enhancements to the interview scheduling process.

Foremost among these enhancements is integration with Microsoft Outlook 2007
calendaring, which enables interview participants to manage interviews using their
everyday desktop productivity tools. Partial calendaring integration offers a more
generic calendar integration option for organizations that use other calendaring
systems. Additional usability enhancements for interview scheduling improve your user
experience regardless of the calendar integration option you choose.

Calendar Integration Options


In this release, you can choose from three available levels of calendar integration. The
most robust option is full integration, which relies on Microsoft Outlook 2007 for
interview scheduling. Partial calendar integration provides one-way scheduling
assistance through delivery of iCalendar appointments. The third option is no calendar
system integration.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Configuration options for calendar integration

Full Calendar Integration with Microsoft Outlook 2007


When you choose full calendar integration, Talent Acquisition Manager uses the
PeopleSoft Enterprise Desktop Integration framework to pass interview data to
Microsoft Outlook and to receive updated information when changes occur in Microsoft
When you schedule an interview in the Talent Acquisition Manager, the system sends
relevant information to Microsoft Outlook. This information includes email addresses
for all internal participants, including interviewers, venues (which correspond to
resources in Microsoft Outlook), and internal applicants. External applicants are not
included in the original meeting invitation, but after all internal participants have
accepted the invitation, the PeopleSoft system sends an email with an iCalendar
attachment to the external applicant.
Talent Acquisition Manager also sends message text for Microsoft Outlook to use for
the meeting invitation. The default message is template-based; you can preview and
modify the message before submitting the interview. You can even create separate
messages for the interviewers and the applicant.

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When Microsoft Outlook receives the PeopleSoft data, it creates a meeting invitation
and sends it to all participants. As Microsoft Outlook receives replies to the meeting
invitation, it sends the information to the PeopleSoft system, which updates the
Interview Schedule page to show participants’ responses. When all participants have
accepted the invitation, the system updates the overall interview status to show that
the interview is considered confirmed.
If you need to make changes to the meeting information, a link on the Interview
Schedule page enables you to open the Microsoft Outlook meeting invitation directly
from the PeopleSoft system.

Partial Calendar Integration Using iCalendar Attachments


When you choose partial calendar integration, Talent Acquisition Manager sends
interview schedules to participants as iCalendar attachments.
The iCalendar file contains only the information that is required for creating a meeting
request in an external calendar. The participant can import the iCalendar meeting
request and act on it. Talent Acquisition Manager does not get any response back from
the participant.
As with full calendar integration, the system uses templates for the message that
accompanies the invitation. You can preview and modify the message before
submitting the interview, and you can compose separate messages for the
interviewers and the applicant.

Additional Usability Improvements for Interviews


This release introduces a number of usability enhancements that make managing

interview scheduling much more convenient.

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You can now schedule interviews for more than one applicant at a time.

Schedule interviews for multiple applicants without leaving the Interview Schedule page

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Additionally, you can now generate and print a preformatted printer-friendly summary
of the information on the Interview Schedule page.

Printing interview lists

Online Job Offers


Today’s applicants depend on online resources to effectively research and manage

their career moves. The demand for online interaction extends beyond identifying
opportunities and submitting applications. Hiring professionals expect to be able to
extend offers online, and applicants expect to be able to receive and respond to these
online offers.
In this release, recruiters can post offer letters and supplemental documents to the
applicants’ Careers page. Applicants receive email notices that direct them to log on to
their Candidate Gateway accounts to review the offer and then accept or decline the
offer electronically.

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Online Offer Configuration


The online offers feature is optional. Use the Recruiting Installation component to
enable this feature for specified regulatory regions and to define the default number of
days that new offers are valid.

Configuration options for enabling online offers and setting the default validity period

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Offer Creation

After you submit a job offer, use the new posting capabilities to make the offer
available on Candidate Gateway. The default expiration date comes from your default
validity period, but you can override that value when you create the offer.
After the offer is posted, you can unpost it as long as the applicant has not yet
accepted the offer.

The Prepare Job Offer page includes new posting options

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Offer Attachments

The Prepare Job Offer page also includes new attachment capabilities. You can add a
variety of attachments and links to the offer to make them available for candidate
review in the online offer on Candidate Gateway.
When you generate an offer letter, the system automatically adds it to the
attachments list for the offer. You can also manually add additional attachments,
including both applicant-specific attachments that you upload and generic documents
that your organization has made available. When you select generic documents, you
choose from a list that shows only documents that are valid in the context of the
current job opening (for example, documents related to a specific company, business
unit, or department.)

Add the offer letter and other generic or applicant-specific attachments to the offer

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Offer Notification

Applicants receive email notifications whenever an online job offer is posted to their
Careers home page. Applicants click the URL included in the email to access the logon
page for the Candidate Gateway.

Email notification of online offer

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The Careers Home page includes several indicators that a job offer has been posted.
The My Career Tools summary indicates how many outstanding offers exist, and the
offer notification appears in the Notifications grid.

The Careers Home page shows that an offer has been posted
Click either the My Career Tools summary or the job offer notification to access the My
Career Tools page, which now lists each offer. The offer summary includes links to the
offer details and to the original application for the job.

The My Career Tools page includes this list of current offers

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Careers Page Offer Review


Applicants can view complete offer details online. They can review the offer letter and
any other attachments, and they can upload documents such as forms that you have
asked them to complete and return.
Applicants also accept or reject the offer directly from this page. The Accept action is
available only after the applicant completes the acknowledgement section.

Applicants can review the offer then accept or reject it online


Recruiting, like most functions within an organization, has the ongoing need to
accomplish more with fewer resources. Changing business conditions can dramatically
increase the volume of active applicants, requiring recruiting organizations to quickly
identify those who are best qualified for further consideration.

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This release introduces several new screening capabilities, including:

• Prescreening of applicants.

• Online screening.

• Open-ended screening questions.

• Multiple correct answers for screening questions.

• Question ordering.

• Requests for questionnaire completion.

• Improved access to screening question responses.

• Screening notifications.

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Prescreening of Applicants

Prescreening automatically filters out unqualified applicants before they reach the point
of completing the online application form. Prescreening is based entirely on
questionnaires, because no other application data has been collected at this point.
Prescreening questionnaires can contain one or more multiple-choice questions.

Prescreening questions

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Applicant responses to prescreening questions are immediately evaluated, and

applicants receive instant online results. Applicants failing to meet minimum
qualifications are prevented from completing the application process; they receive an
online message as well as an optional email stating that they are not eligible to apply.
Successful applicants are allowed to continue through the application process.

Online notification that an applicant passed prescreening

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You can set up prescreening questions for specific job openings using a screening
level. Screening level definitions now include a check box for identifying a prescreening
level, along with new fields for selecting messages to present to applicants after they
pass or fail prescreening.

Using a standard screening definition for prescreening

When your prescreening questions are not job-specific, you can associate them with
resume templates. This provides two benefits:
• You can screen applicants who do not select a job opening.

If an applicant applies without selecting a job opening, the system invokes the
prescreening definition from the default resume template for the site.
• The system automatically loads your standard prescreening questions into the job
openings that use the template.

The questions are then available for use as screening criteria in the prescreening
level for the job opening.

Online Screening

Online screening filters out unqualified applicants after they complete the online
application process. Online screening evaluates applicants based on their application
data, including preferences, qualifications, and questionnaire responses. You can use
online screening in conjunction with prescreening or on its own.

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You can present applicants with immediate screening results both online and through
email. Your message informs applicants whether they have met your basic
requirements and are being considered further or whether they have not met those
requirements and therefore will not be considered further.

Online screening feedback to applicants who applied for multiple jobs

Open-Ended Screening Questions


Screening questionnaires can now include open-ended questions. Open-ended

questions allow applicants to provide a text response rather than selecting from
predefined response items. Applicants can be limited to a specific number of words per
question; the system calculates and displays the word count on demand.

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Open-ended question
Open-ended screening questions require manual scoring by one or more assigned
evaluators. (They are thus excluded from use in automated screening processes for
prescreening and online screening.) When there are multiple evaluators, the system
calculates an average score, ignoring unsubmitted evaluations.
Evaluators use self-service to access and evaluate open-ended questions. At no point
during the evaluation process does the evaluator see identifying information about the
applicant or job opening.

Evaluators review a list of answers to be evaluated

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When evaluating a question, evaluators see the complete question-and-answer text,

the word count, and the maximum number of points that can be awarded.

Evaluators review the applicant’s answer and award points

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Multiple Correct Answers for Screening Questions


Questions can now have multiple correct answers, with separate point values for each
possible answer. The applicant’s score for the question is the sum of the points for all
selected answers.

Multiple correct answer scoring

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Question Ordering

In this release, you can define the order in which questions appear to applicants.
Questions that are loaded from question sets bring in the default order from the
question set; you can override the default when you configure the complete set of
questions for a job opening.

Set the order for questions in a job opening

You also have the new option to present questions, answers, or both in random order.
Randomization reduces the opportunity for applicants to collaborate on answering the
screening questions.

Configure the system to randomize the order of questions and answers

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Requests for Questionnaire Completion


Recruiters frequently link applicants to additional job openings. In this release, when
you link an applicant to a job opening that requires the completion of an online
questionnaire, the system sends an email to the applicant requesting that he or she
complete the questionnaire. A link in the email takes the applicant to Candidate
Gateway, where the applicant can sign in to an existing account or create a new
account that will be automatically associated with the existing applicant record.

An email asks the applicant to complete the questionnaire

Improved Access to Screening Question Responses


In this release, you have greater flexibility to review responses to screening questions.
Applicant responses are now accessible directly from the application details. With this
enhancement, you can now access all pertinent applicant data throughout the entire
selection process.

The Application Details page now includes links to completed questionnaires

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Screening Notifications

You can now identify members of a screening team for the job opening. Add recruiters,
hiring manager, or other interested parties to this list so that they can receive
automated screening notifications.
The system sends these notifications when the screening criteria for the job opening
changes and when the screening process runs for a screening level that is not
prescreening or online screening.

Identify users who will be notified of screening activity for a job opening

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Profile Manager Integration


This release strengthens the integration with Profile Manager, enabling you to leverage
profile content to create job openings, search for qualified applicants, and compare

Profile-Based Job Openings


When creating job openings, you can automatically load requirements that match
selected profiles. For example, when replacing a key employee, you can copy
attributes such as skills and attributes from the employee’s profile into the job
opening. Similarly, you can pull requirements from a job profile. You can even combine
requirement sources by selecting multiple profiles from which to load requirements.

Leverage existing profile content when creating a job opening

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Profile Updates

You can also update job profiles from the job opening. For example, when you are
create a job opening, the hiring manager might provide updated requirements that you
can then transfer back to the job profile, maintaining consistency and eliminating
redundant work efforts.

Profile-Based Searching

The profile search and match functionality introduced in PeopleSoft HCM 9.0 is now
more tightly integrated with Talent Acquisition Manager. Use this robust functionality
to compare job, applicant, employee, and non-person profiles. (The system
automatically creates profiles for all applicants when they submit their applications.)
The ability to view a detailed gap analysis from within Talent Acquisition Manager
enables recruiters and hiring managers to quickly and easily identify qualified external
applicants as well as internal talent that otherwise might not have been recognized or
considered for the opening.

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The example pictured here illustrates a search for employees whose profiles match
that of a specific job opening. This search identifies potential passive candidates who
could be a good match for the position. When you use this search functionality to
identify promising candidates, you can send the employee an email with an invitation
to submit an application for the position.

Invitation to apply
Searches that compare profiles for employees and jobs are also available to employee
self-service users. Employees can perform searches to identify internal opportunities
that match their qualifications, interests, or both, and they can compare their current
skill set to the specified requirements.

Optimized Printing of Job Openings and Applications


You now have enhanced printing capabilities for job openings and applications. Printer-
friendly formatting gathers data that normally appears on multiple tabs and puts
everything onto one long print-ready page.
The ability to choose which sections to include on the final printout makes this feature
a valuable tool both for personal use and for efficient presentation of information to

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Enhanced Printing for Job Openings


The new printing option for job openings is available via a Print Job Opening link on
pages throughout the system.

The printing option appears on many job opening-related pages

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After clicking the link, you can choose which sections of a job opening to include in the
printout. Sections that do not contain any data do not appear in the final printed
document, even if you select them for inclusion.

Choose which job opening details to include

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When you preview the printer-friendly format, you can further control how much
content is printed by collapsing or expanding sections (for example, you can collapse
subsections within the higher-level Job Information section). When you print the page,
all section headers are printed, but detailed content appears only for expanded

Job opening information in a printer-friendly format

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Enhanced Printing for Applications


Formatted printing of applications is available for one or many applicants via the Print
Application Details action.

Print application details for individual applications or as a group action

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When you print multiple applications, the system uses a batch process to produce the
formatted printouts.
When you print a single application, the system displays a preview of the printer-
friendly format. You can control how much content is printed by collapsing or
expanding each section of the application before printing. When you execute the print
command, all section headers are printed, but detailed content appears only for
expanded sections.

Printing applicant details

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Recruiter Alerts

The Recruiter Alerts pagelet has three new alerts to complement new functionality for
interviews, online job offers, and open-ended screening questions.

New recruiter alerts enhance the user experience

Unconfirmed Interviews

The Unconfirmed Interviews alert indicates how many of your scheduled interviews are
unconfirmed. If you use full calendar integration with Microsoft Outlook 2007, the
interview is automatically confirmed when all internal interview participants accept the
meeting invitation.

Recruiter alert details for unconfirmed interviews

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Online Job Offers


The Online Job Offer alert indicates how many of your online job offers will expire
within a time period that you choose when you configure the pagelet. An associated
detail page lists the offers along with their offer dates and the expiration dates. The
detail page also indicates whether the applicant has viewed the online offer yet.

Recruiter alert details for online job offers

Unevaluated Answers

The Unevaluated Answers alert indicates how many incomplete evaluations for open-
ended screening questions exist for your job openings. An associated detail page lists
the applications with unevaluated questions and provides a button for sending
reminders to selected evaluators.

Recruiter alert details for unevaluated answers

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Questionnaire Requests

The Questionnaire Requests alert indicates how many applicants have not completed
the requested questionnaires for job openings to which they are linked. An associated
detail page lists the applicants and provides a button for sending reminders to selected

Recruiter alert details for questionnaire requests

Additional Enhancements

Additional product updates have been introduced in this release to provide a more
efficient and effective experience for recruiters, managers, employees, and external
applicants. These updates include but are not limited to the following:
• Rich text formatting to enhance job postings.

• Optional transfer of offer letters to HR.

• The ability to withdraw a hire request.

• Approval delegation capabilities.

• Enhanced integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

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Rich Text Formatting to Enhance Job Postings


You put great effort and considerable investment into establishing your branding and
marketing presence on career portals. In this release, rich text formatting is available
to enhance the presentation of job opening content, providing an option for more
creative, professional presentations of job opening content.
Here is a sample job opening posting enhanced with rich text formatting:

Job posting with rich text formatting

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Optional Transfer of Offer Letters to HR


When preparing an applicant for hire, you can now forward the offer letter to HR. This
proactive push of offer details ensures that HR personnel have timely and accurate
information as they complete the hire process.

Prepare for hire

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Withdrawn Hiring Requests


Sometimes, you must withdraw an applicant from the hiring process after you have
already submitted the hiring request. You can now withdraw the hiring request using
the new Withdraw From Hire action.

Applicants who have been prepared for hire can be withdrawn from hire
If the applicant has been partially or completely processed in HR, then the HR Manage
Hires page shows that the applicant requires attention, and the Manage Hire Details
page includes a message that alerts the HR administrator to the situation.

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Delegation of Approval Authority


Talent Acquisition Manager has adopted the HCM common delegation framework so
that you can now authorize another user, known as a proxy, to temporarily act on your
behalf to approve job openings and job offers.
The delegation framework manages the proxy's authority over a delegated transaction
by temporarily assigning the proxy a unique role that is specific to the transaction. The
role enables the proxy to access the components and pages associated with the
transaction. When the proxy no longer has delegated authority, the delegation
framework removes that role and thus prevents the proxy from performing the

Integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement


Enhancements to this prebuilt integration provide additional automation when you fill
job openings with candidates from PeopleSoft Services Procurement.
In this release, when a Services Procurement candidate fills a requisition originating
from a Talent Acquisition Manager job posting, Talent Acquisition Manager sends post-
hire employee data to Services Procurement, giving Services Procurement the data it
needs to later send a termination message directly to HR when the work order is

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This diagram illustrates the integration process flow in release 9.1:

Process flow for integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement


Organizations continue to focus on gaining a competitive advantage through the use of

effective talent management practices to help them address a variety of business
challenges. These challenges include concerns over the loss of top performers and key
leaders due to retirement, changing workforce demographics, and related challenges
of managing multiple generations, attracting and engaging Generation Y workers, and
a desire to create a performance-driven culture.

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Performance management, the process of setting employee goals, identifying

individual development targets, and assessing progress toward achieving those
objectives, continues to be a critical foundational element of a solid talent
management strategy, evolving from an administrative process to a strategic business
Effective performance management facilitates communication between business
leaders and employees, provides clear direction on organizational priorities, incents
and encourages desired employee actions, enables the identification and reward of top
talent, and can ultimately drive organizational performance to higher levels while
reducing operating costs.
To accomplish these goals, ePerformance 9.1 includes significant new functionality
designed to help organizations more effectively align business objectives with
employee goals. Business Objectives Management covers the following areas:
• Create and Publish Business Objectives

• Display Objectives in an Organization Chart View

• Link Individual Goals to Business Objectives

Other enhancements in ePerformance 9.1 include:

• Simplified ePerformance Document Creation Processes

• Additional Document Configuration Options

• Support for File Attachments

• Electronic Document Sign-off

• Document Archival Template

• Targeted Performance Notes

Business Objectives Management


Organizations need to clearly define and communicate business objectives to

employees in their organization. Additionally, senior leadership wants to ensure that all
individuals within the organization are working in some fashion toward achieving those
objectives. One of the best ways to accomplish this is for employees to align their
individual goals with defined business objectives.
Alignment of an organization's workforce activities to its enterprise strategy is critical
to ensure the execution of the strategy and to enable organizational success. This
alignment can be realized through effective communication that ties individual goals
and activities to the goals and initiatives of their department, business unit, and
ultimately the overall organizational strategy.
Having this alignment in place can help heighten employee commitment and
motivation, increasing the likelihood of individuals achieving enterprise goals.
Correspondingly, when goals are aligned across the organization, management can
monitor achievement against these goals in a methodical manner.

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In ePerformance 9.1, users can display business objectives in a Home Page that can
be presented to employees and managers in a hierarchical structure that reflects the
department or position structure used in the organization. Depending on their security
access, employees and managers can navigate a hierarchical chart to find published
business objectives that are relevant to their roles. Employees and managers can
adopt business objectives into a performance document or link newly created
individual goals to these objectives.

Create and Publish Business Objectives


Typically, the process of defining business objectives starts with senior management
setting direction by defining high-level strategic objectives for the organization. These
objectives are then shared throughout the company, with employees defining
supporting goals that will help the company achieve the objectives defined by senior
management. Ultimately, these individual goals become part of the criteria against
which employee performance is measured. By associating supporting goals with the
broader initiatives that they support, clear alignment is established between individual
goals and the overall organizational strategy.
With ePerformance 9.1, users can create a Business Objectives home page for specific
organizational entities, such as a department or position. Depending on their access,
employees can view these objectives online and create supporting individual goals that
are linked to business objectives.
Setup Business Objectives: ePerformance Administrators follow a process similar to
what is used to set up other ePerformance documents today. The steps include
defining the Objective Plan, Objective Section definition, and Objective Template
Objective Plan page
This page enables you to define at a high level a period to which you want to link
Objective pages. The Objective Plan also identifies the hierarchy method. For
department hierarchies, the Objective Plan identifies the tree that you need to link
organizational Objectives pages for a particular period to a predefined hierarchy that is
created in Tree Manager.

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Objective Section Definition page

You use this page to define the sections that make up an Objective Plan, such as the
name of the section and rules for the section. You can also select the content type
from which content items (job attributes) are pulled when you define the business
objectives. Valid options are any content types defined in the content catalog in the
Manage Profiles business process.

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Objective Template Definition page

You use this page to define the layout of the Objective pages. You can also specify
which sections to include and what the sections look like to end users and managers.
The Include Picture, Picture Name, and Picture Title check boxes enable you to create
a space for a picture, name, and title on Objective pages. When the system renders an
Objective page in view-mode only, it inserts a picture of the Objective page owner.
Create Business Objectives: After the ePerformance Administrators define an
objective plan, they can use the following pages to create business objectives for
departments or positions.

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Create Business Objectives – Select Objective Plan page

This page lists the objective plans that have already been created. It also lists the
begin and end dates of each plan. To create new business objective pages, click the
link associated with the Objective Plan.

Create Business Objectives page

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Use this page to enter the criteria to be used to create the business objective pages.
Select the template that you want to use to create Objective pages. The system
displays only templates that are effective as of the Objective Plan date.

Select Page to Publish page

Use this page to enter search criteria to locate the Objective pages that you want to
publish. You can use the SetID, Department, or Position field to search for specific
pages that you want to publish to the managers and employees in your organization.

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Business Objectives home page

You can build Business Objectives home pages from templates that the ePerformance
Administrator sets up and assign owners—typically department or business unit
leaders—who define objectives that are shared with employees.
Change Notification: Administrations can set up email notifications to alert
employees and managers when individual performance goals are created or changed
through cascading or adoption functionality.

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ePerformance General Settings – Objective Pages page

Before you create the objective pages from the templates, you may want to define the
email notifications that will be sent when various steps in the business process are
triggered. To enable this functionality, you need to configure email notification options
on the ePerformance General Settings – Objective Pages page. On this page the
system lists the email notification options that an administrator can select to enable
certain functionality. By default, the system selects all notification options.
Create/Maintain Business Objectives Pages: Responsibility for creating and
maintaining Business Objectives pages can be shared between the ePerformance
Administrator and organizational leaders who own the pages, typically the executive or
manager responsible for meeting objectives at a particular level of the organization.

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Update Objective page

Use this page to update or add precoded or free-form items to the sections and align
them to the objectives listed on the page. After making changes, you can also save,
cancel, preview, submit for publication, send messages to the owners of the Business
Objectives pages, and view different objectives by launching an organizational chart to
locate departments that have established business objectives.
Administer Objectives Pages: ePerformance Administrators can administer multiple
Business Objectives pages at once. By selecting an action, the administrator can
complete various tasks such as locking pages from updates, unlocking locked pages,
inactivating pages (so that they can’t be viewed or updated), deleting inactive pages,
and reviewing pages by status.

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Reopen Document page

Use this page to select documents for status change. To change a performance
document's status back to In Progress, select the check box next to the employee's
name and then click Continue. Only documents that are in the Available for Review,
Review Held, or Acknowledged, status with an approval status of Submitted or
Approved can be changed back to In Progress.
Objective Alignment Chain: Create a line-of-sight alignment chain between multiple
business objectives to ensure clear visibility of business strategies and the objectives
supporting them.

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Business objectives alignment chain

Select the Alignment Chain icon on the Update Objective page to access the Objective
Alignment Chain page, where you can compare the manager's objective or corporate
objective with your own objective.
Business Objective Metrics: Graphical reports enable organization owners or
administrators to review the number of employee goals aligned to a business objective
as well as completion progress details.

Display Objectives in an Organization Chart View


The Business Objectives Chart is used by administrators, managers, and employees to

navigate the hierarchy of objectives home pages. Available data depends on the role
and security access assigned to each user. Features of the business objectives
organization chart include:
Employee and Manager Self-Service: Employee and manager access to published
business objectives is through self-service. The business objective page closest to the
user’s department or position in the hierarchy is displayed automatically to users upon
View Different Objectives: A link is provided to enable users to easily navigate the
chart to view or search for additional objectives associated with different
Access from Within Performance Documents: Employees, managers, and
administrators can access the objectives chart from either a business objectives page
or from within an ePerformance document.

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Quick Search: Embedded quick search capability enables you to find different nodes
on the chart by entering search criteria based on person, department, or hierarchical
position without leaving the chart page.
Embedded Links: You can easily link to an Objectives Home Page from the
Objectives Chart.
Multiple Jobs Support: Employees with multiple jobs in different departments or
employees that report to a supervisor in a different department can navigate the
organization chart to view business objectives for each department or supervisor

Business objectives organization chart

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Link Individual Goals to Business Objectives


Once you have created and published Business Objectives, employees and managers
can create individual goals that align with, or are linked to, the higher-level objectives.
This enables senior leaders and organization heads to ensure that critical objectives
are being acted upon and to track progress toward achievement. New features added
to ePerformance to support goal alignment include:
Goal Alignment: Managers and employees can align an individual performance goal
to a business objective.

Goal alignment within performance document

Use this page to select a business objective to which you want to align your own
Copy Objectives: Managers and employees can copy Business objectives into
individual performance documents.

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Stretch Goal Indicator: You can mark individual performance document content as
stretch goals

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Private Goal Option: Managers whose goals are made available for employees to
copy can elect to mark certain goals as private to prevent sharing with others.

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Template Definition – Content page

Goal Adoption: Employees can copy available goals (those not marked private) from
their manager’s performance document or the manager can choose to copy goals from
their document to one or more employee performance documents.

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Copy from Manager Document page

Select the Copy Manager's Items check box on the Template Definition - Structure
page to enable individuals with a specific role to copy items from the manager's
document into the documents that are generated for the role.
Cascading Objectives: ePerformance administrators can cascade or push objectives
to one or more employees in the organizational hierarchy. Individual performance
documents to which objectives are cascaded automatically display alignment to the
source objective.

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Objectives page showing cascaded objectives

Objective Syndication: When a modification is made to an objective that was

cascaded, the update is pushed to all in-progress individual performance documents.
Employees and managers cannot update or modify goals created through the
cascading objectives process.
Objective Status Changes: Visual indicators are displayed in individual performance
documents to reflect dates and changes, such as modification or inactivation, to
related Business Objectives.
Goal Change Audit: History of the individual creating or modifying individual goal
criteria and the date of the change are maintained. Information regarding the most
recent change are displayed within the individual performance document with the
option to link to a full modification audit history.
Objective Details: From within the performance document, you can view details of
linked Objectives to which individual goals are aligned. The objective details contain
information such as a description, measurement, due date, status, and percent

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Objectives Detail page

Use this page to update item details such as title, description, due date, owner,
supports, status, reminder date, percent complete, and flags indicating critical items
for the objective.

Other Enhancements

Simplified ePerformance Document Creation

As employees are hired or transferred within the organization, administrators often
need to create individual performance documents on an ad hoc basis. In ePerformance
9.1, administrators can create a document for an employee who does not currently
have a manager due to a position vacancy simply by selecting the manager ID that will
be used, rather than relying on the current manager selection method. Similarly,
administrators can elect whether to create documents using the existing group build
process or by entering an employee ID.

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Additional Document Configuration Options

Configurable Document Headers


Administrators can select additional fields that appear in the headers of various
performance documents they create. New functionality slated for delivery in
ePerformance 9.1 allows additional employee data to be defined on a document
template. Available header content includes Employee ID, Department ID, and
Description; Work Location and Description; Salary Grade and Step, Years of Service,
Time in Job, Compensation History, and Rating History.
You can define unique header content for various document types that can also be
based upon the role of the document user. For example, an administrator may choose
to include limited compensation history in an annual performance document, but will
want to make that available only to managers, preventing any peer raters from
accessing that data.

Template Definition - General page

Display Evaluator Names in Manager Documents


Users elect whether to display participant evaluator names in the manager’s version of
a performance document, providing managers with a quick overview of all participants
in the evaluation process. The current option to maintain anonymity for additional
review participants continues to be available as well.

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Template Definition - Process page

Limit Content Items by Group


On a performance document or within a performance template, you can now limit

available content items to those within a defined content group. For example, many
customers define competencies that are then grouped into categories, such as
leadership competencies or groups related to certain work classifications. By your
associating a competency content group with a performance document, the list of
available competencies is limited to those contained in the identified group, making it
easier for users to find relevant content for inclusion in the performance appraisal.

Define Content Group page

Performance Criteria Level of Difficulty


Customers can now associate a level of difficulty of Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced

with performance criteria established for an individual.

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Template Definition - Content page

Collapsible Sections

Links allowing you to collapse or expand all sections are accessible from within
performance documents.

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Example of a page on which the expand and collapse options have been used

Support for File Attachments

Administrators can now enable or disable document attachment capability within the
manager document, allowing managers to attach documents when the evaluation is in
progress. The attachment section is visible to any user having access to the manager
document; however, only managers can add or delete attachments. Managers can also
determine whether the attachment is accessible to both the employee and the
manager, or available to the manager only. If you select the manager only option, only
the manager, his or her superiors, and performance administrators can view the
attachments. Once a document is no longer in progress or is canceled, additional
document attachments are not allowed.

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Electronic Document Sign-Off

As technology continues to evolve, organizations and individuals are becoming more
comfortable executing various transactions online, rather than using a paper-based
approach. In ePerformance 9.1, we deliver a new eSignature section that enables
employees and managers to sign off electronically on performance and development
documents, allowing organizations to capture document acknowledgements without
needing to generate paper copies. This optional process enables organizations to
capture the date and time that a performance document was acknowledged by
employees, managers, or both. For those wanting to generate paper copies,
eSignature information is added to the signature block on any printed versions of the
document that are generated.

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Document Archival Template

Many organizations use ePerformance to create multiple documents for each
employee, including manager, employee, and peer review documents, as well as
individual development documents and, periodically, performance improvement plans.
This can result in a high volume of documents accumulating in the system. Release 9.1
includes a new data archive template for ePerformance documents.
Organizations can select from six queries to define the documents that they want to
archive. The delivered queries define archive populations based on combinations of
country, document type, document usage, document end date, and employee ID.
Once populations are defined, organizations can use the Data Archive Manager to
archive performance documents and all associated pages or components, such as
evaluation criteria, employee self-evaluation, and manager evaluation.

Manage Archive Templates page

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Targeted Performance Notes

Performance Notes created by managers and employees can now be associated with a
specific item within a performance document rather than simply associated with the
performance section in general. Managers and employees can record performance
notes that are relevant to a specific item within the performance document, then
retrieve those notes when completing the comments for that item in the performance
evaluation process.

Performance Notes page

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Enterprise Learning Management


Leading organizations today implement talent management practices designed to

ensure that their employees have the skills and competencies required to meet
corporate objectives. Learning is an integral part of ensuring that all employees can
access the training tools needed to improve their skills and meet those corporate
Enterprise Learning Management (ELM) 9.1 delivers a number of enhancements
covering a wide variety of customer needs by expanding industry and business
processes such as Talent Management Integration and Learning Portfolio Management,
as well as protecting the customer’s investment by improving the usability of
Notifications, Catalog Management, and other features. These customer-driven
enhancements have resulted in an improved offering that is easier to manage and to
use. In addition, ELM 9.1 offers even more integrated business processes with Talent
Management applications, such as Career and Succession Planning and ePerformance.
For more information, please see the PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management 9.1
Prerelease Notes.

Plan Careers

Retaining and motivating employees are important aspects of an organization's

success. Use the Plan Careers business process in Human Resources to ensure that the
organization uses employee talents to their fullest. Career planning enables you to
assess and rank workers, record job preferences, create career paths, develop long-
term goals, assign mentors, identify competencies, devise training plans, and create
development plans.
The career planning process enables you to retain and motivate employees by
providing the structure for developmental activities focused on advancement. The Plan
Careers business process in Human Resources ensures that organizations use
employee talents to the fullest and provides important data for succession planning.
Supporting employee-based career planning and ultimately increasing the integrity of
the succession planning process helps employees identify their career needs, plans,
preferences, and interests.
The following enhancements are included for all HCM 9.1 customers:
• Manager and employee self-service access to career planning, including defining
and developing career paths.

• Ability to review career paths through a graphical user interface.

• Ability to generate customized or personalized resumes to apply for open jobs or

positions within the organization.

• Integration with ELM to review learning needs and enroll in related courses.

• Integration with ePerformance to review development plans.

• Integration with Profile Manager to support the matching and identification of skills
gaps between potential job code or position profiles and employee or current job

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• Integration with Recruiting Solutions to support the identification of skill gaps

between open jobs or positions and employee or current job profiles.

Career Planning Self-Service for Employees


In release 9.1, self-service functionality enables you to review and amend your current
profile and add career path information.
Using the Career Planning self-service pages, you can identify your current job profile,
view the requirements of profiles in various paths, and compare your current skills,
competencies, and qualifications with those in targeted profiles. You can incorporate a
profile into your development plan and quickly create goals and actions based on gaps
between your current profile and the imported profile.
Alternatively, you can place specific areas identified by the comparison into your
development plan. For a particular job profile, you can identify open positions,
nominate yourself, apply for a position, or send an email regarding the position.
You can also review active performance and development plans, and link career plans
to performance and development plans. When you have completed actions, you can
update the career plan and associate notes and experiences with the plan.

My Profile Page
The My Profile page enables you to manage all of the attributes of their personal
profile. You can enter your willingness to relocate to another state, region, or country.
You can also enter precompany information, such as fluency in languages, professional
certifications, memberships, experience, and other competencies and skills.
Using the My Profile page, you can view your current profile content, including:
• Performance history, ratings, and manager reviews.

• Development plan and current status.

• Current role competencies and proficiency levels and gaps between desired and
actual proficiency levels.

• Relevant personal and job information such as name, location, birth date, job title,
job code, time in position or job, compensation rate, cost center, organization unit,
email, phone, and a picture, if one is available.

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My Current Profile page

Career Path Page

You can view and update your career path by selecting the desired positions or roles.
When one or more roles are placed on your career path, you can see the required job
skills, competencies, and experiences for each position or role, and the gap between
your current profile and the profile requirements for the desired position.
You can define multiple career paths, operational or personal, and identify the single
path that the organization uses in evaluating your potential and creating a
performance and development plan based on this path.
Use the Self Service Career Path page to define your career path; modify a default
career path and configure a job progression.

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Self Service - My Career Path page

Career Goals Page
You can view your current job profiles, view the requirements of profiles in various
career paths, and compare your current skills, competencies, and qualifications to
targeted profiles. You can import a target profile into your development plan to jump-
start the creation of goals and actions based on gaps between your skills,
competencies, and qualifications and those in the target profile.

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Self Service - Career Goals page

Career Mentoring Page
Career mentoring is a key to creating a top-performing workforce. Plan Careers 9.1
enables you to identify people as mentors that are internal or external to the
organization, and identify goals related to each mentor.
Use the Career Mentoring page to assign career mentors and to link goals and
completion dates to each mentor.

Self Service - Career Mentoring page

Career Development Areas

A strength-based development philosophy allows for identification of personal strength
types and self-ratings. This information is available to the manager to facilitate
development documentation and discussion. As an employee, you can add
development areas, documenting the areas on which you want to focus.
Use the Career Strength/Developmental Areas page to record and evaluate your career
strengths and developmental areas.

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Self Service - Career Strengths/Developmental Areas page

Career Training Plan Page

The modern workplace requires continuous learning from employees. Plan Careers 9.1
enables you to add training courses or programs based on data from either Training
Administration or Enterprise Learning Management.
Use the Career Training Plan page to enter or update your training programs, and use
or modify the default training program for your job code.

Career planning - My Career Training Plan

Career Development Plan page

Career development is a goal-based process, driven by both learning events and goal
setting. The development action plan enables you to create date-driven goals, and
provides easy access to learning.

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Use the Career Development Plan page to guide your improvement in developmental
areas before your next performance review or career planning session.

Self Service - Career Development Plan page

Career Progression Chart

Plan Careers 9.1 enables you to visualize your career path and enables you to perform
a profile comparison between yourself and any role in your career path. This
comparison generates an overall Total Match, which can be a combination of required
background, skills, and competencies.
Use the Career Progression Chart page to view your career paths and non-person
profile summaries to perform a competency gap/fit analysis.

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Self Service - Career Progression Chart page

My Internal Resume
To consolidate all work-related information, you can generate a personalized resume.
You can use this internal resume to apply for an open job or position within the

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Self Service - My Internal Resume page

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Career Planning Self-Service for Managers


Managers can perform the same activities for their direct reports that employees
perform for themselves. Except for the employee’s personal career path, managers
can access an employee’s profile and career plans. Managers can also enter ratings of
potential and forced ranking for employees by using the manager self-service career
planning pages.
Managers use the Manage Career Plans page to perform career-planning activities for
their direct reports.

Manager Self Service - Manage Career Plans page

Plan Successions

Succession Planning is the process of identifying long-range needs and cultivating a

supply of internal talent to meet those future needs. The process anticipates the future
needs of the organization and assists in finding, assessing, and developing the human
capital necessary to successfully carry out the strategy of the organization. Plan
Successions 9.1 enables your organization to develop multiple succession plans.
As talent shortages emerge and employers become increasingly concerned about the
impending departure of employees from the workforce, succession planning has taken
on new importance in organizations. Plan Successions, part of the core HRMS
application in PeopleSoft HCM 9.1, includes the following enhancements to reflect
recent trends and best practices:

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• Ability to develop succession plans with and without position management and
to create plans for individual employees, job codes, and positions.

• Ability to identify, track, and manage employees in talent pools.

• Real-time hierarchical visualization of incumbents and successors, including

relevant profile data.

• Configurable X-Y grids for rating box, or 9-box, which tracks user-defined
criteria such as performance, potential, readiness, and so on, and to rate talent
pool members or successors.

• Integration with Profile Manager to support the matching and identification of

skill gaps between potential successors and incumbents or job profiles.

• Ability to search internal and external candidate pools.

• Intuitive, graphical user interface with drag-and-drop capabilities.

Maintain Succession Plans

Succession planning traditionally occurs once a year by a small committee of
individuals who may include line managers. Some succession plans are evaluated more
frequently or when major changes are made to the plan due to mergers, acquisitions,
loss of key talent, and so on. The company needs to be able to identify the plan
frequency and data but also to allow for documented and tracked updates. You can
define succession plans for job codes, individuals, or positions.

Succession Plan Page


Use the Succession Plan page to plan dates and select succession candidates.

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Succession Plan page

Searching for Candidates


Within a specific succession plan, you can search for and analyze candidates. Use
career path information to plan successions and indicate candidate readiness to move
into a new position on the Candidates page.

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Candidates page
From the Candidates page, you can create a list of potential successors, using
PeopleSoft Profile Manager and ad hoc SQL-based search methods. The search results
pages enable you to select employees and automatically include them in the
succession plan candidate list.

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Search Results - For People with Profile Matches to Plan Incumbent page
Once you have selected a group of candidates, you can perform a side-by-side
comparison of the candidates’ readiness for a position with the plan incumbent by
clicking the Compare Profiles button.

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Compare Results page

After you compare the candidates’ profiles, click the Add to Succession Planning button
to add the selected employees to a succession plan. The following screen displays the
Candidates page, listing the potential successors with the new candidates, where you
can perform further analysis and succession-related processing, such as defining
succession readiness, updating plan status, defining succession order, deleting
candidates, adding more candidates, adding individual notes, reviewing job and salary
plan date, and so on.

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Candidates page – displaying new candidates added to the succession plan

Rating Successors

Plan Successions 9.1 enables you to rate successors using configurable X-Y grids for
ratings boxes, or 9-boxes. You can use ratings boxes to track custom-defined criteria
such as performance, potential, readiness, and so on.

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Ratings Box page

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Manage the Slate of Candidates


The Succession Planning business process enables you to manage the slate of
candidates. Create successor ranks, successor plan status (active or inactive), and
successor rating box assignments. The Slate page enables you to view the roster of
candidates whom you manage on the other pages in the Succession Plan component.
The Slate page is updated when you add or delete candidates on the Candidates page.

Note. The Slate page displays candidates added to the Candidates page who are in the
succession order and have an active status.

Slate page

Succession 360˚

You may want to use a talent review process centered on a person or role when you
initiate succession management planning. The Succession 360˚ page enables you to
visually review and manage a person or role within the context of the organization.
Use the Succession 360˚ page as a planning tool or reviewing tool. The page highlights
the completed portions of the succession planning process or any unfinished business
in the succession planning process.
The Succession 360˚ feature gathers and displays a variety of pertinent HR data. You
can perform the following functions:
• Search for people, succession plans, and positions or job codes.

• Create graphical representations of reporting hierarchies.

• View profile summaries.

• View succession plans for people, positions, or job codes.

• Edit succession plans.

The Succession 360˚ component exchanges succession plan data from the underlying
succession plan record. For example, in the Successor Details region of the Succession
360˚ component, the system retrieves the Ratings Box information and the candidate
list from the Succession Plan ID specified on the Successors tab.
The system updates the information in the plan record as you make changes in either
the Succession 360° component or the Succession Plan pages.

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The Succession 360˚ workspace has two primary sections:

• An organizational chart or reporting hierarchy appears on the left side of the page,
based on your search criteria. This information focuses on a person or a role and
you can navigate to another person or position of interest.

• Details regarding the person or role in focus on the organizational chart appear on
the right side of the page. This workspace also enables you to compare the
succession candidates to the job profile or incumbent. You can expand or collapse
this information to optimize the workspace for a particular task. For example, when
focusing on succession information, you can collapse the incumbent details section.

Succession 360˚ page

Succession candidates with assigned ratings that are listed in the Successor Details
region of the Succession 360 ° page appear in the applicable ratings box quadrants on
the Ratings Box tab. Each successor displayed in a Rating Box quadrant has a
Succession Readiness icon associated with his or her name.

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Succession 360˚ page – displaying the Ratings Box tab

Within the Ratings Box, you can drag the name of any successor displayed in one
quadrant to any other quadrant. For example, in the previous screen, Derek Holsinger
has a Medium/Medium rating. Dragging Derek’s name to the High/High rating box
updates the record. Derek’s name now occupies a new position in the rating boxes as
shown in the following example.

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Succession 360˚ page – displaying the Ratings Box tab and illustrating the Drag and Drop

Talent Pools

Talent pools provide flexibility in the selection process for a leadership team. Creating
a talent pool rather than choosing one employee with key competencies is more
effective and efficient for an organization.
A talent pool is a group of individuals, generally identified as the top talent within an
organization. To prevent attrition and provide motivation, you place individuals in a
pool based upon their role or position once they have met certain criteria for success.
For example, a championship athletic team usually finds the best available athletes
based on a predetermined talent pool, and then determines where to fit those athletes
into the team lineup. This is in sharp contrast to the traditional business approach, in
which companies begin by assigning employees to more limited career paths.
An integrated approach identifies and grooms candidates for increasingly demanding
leadership positions and prepares the organization for demographic trends that sharply
decrease leadership ranks.
The majority of high-potential development programs encourage cross-functional
rotations to develop breadth of knowledge in future company leaders. Many companies
focus on identifying and promoting talent within the organization as a whole, often
seeking to deploy this talent across business units. Making cross-functional
development training part of the job prevents disruption in the flow of business.

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Managing Talent Pools

You can manually add internal and external individuals to talent pools based on
nominations, process-based recommendations, or performance and potential analysis.
Add internal individuals automatically using Profile Manager’s search and match
feature. Depending on your organization’s practices, readiness is a key monitor factor
for talent pools. You can manually specify each employee’s readiness based on criteria
established by your organization.
Using the talent pool feature, your succession planning team can identify, track, and
manage key or pivotal employees in talent pools.

Talent Pool page

As with succession plans, your organization’s administrators can use configurable X-Y
grids to place individuals into different quadrants of the ratings box to track user-
defined criteria such as the performance, potential, and readiness of the talent pool

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Talent Pool – Ratings Box page

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Career and Succession Planning in HRMS 9.1 provides new and enhanced integration
points to exchange data with Profile Manager, Recruiting Solutions, ePerformance, and
Enterprise Learning Management. These are the specific integration points:
• Integration with ELM enables you to review learning needs and enroll in related
courses, plus associate learning programs with talent pool members.

• Integration with ePerformance enables you to review development plans.

• Integration with Profile Manager supports the matching and identification of skills
gaps between potential job code or position profiles and employee or current job

• Integration with eDevelopment enables you to review additional items such as

mobility preferences, career plans, and experiences.


Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise eCompensation is the solution for administering

compensation programs for workers, either individually or by configured groups. Cycle-
driven processing of multiple pay components is used for compensation planning,
processing, and allocation. With improved integration to performance, the company
can easily calculate target compensation based on workers’ performance, which can be
a valuable retention and progression tool for the organization.
Enhancements available in eCompensation 9.1 are:
• Streamlined Administration of Compensation Cycles.
• Utilization of Common Functionality:
o Group Build
o Tree Manager
o Configurable Matrix
o Approval Workflow Engine (AWE)
o Delegation of Authority
• Automated Rounding and Proration Rules for compensation plan funding.
• Automated updates to Job and Variable Compensation for approved changes
• Integration with PeopleSoft ePerformance.
• Integration with Variable Compensation for the allocation of cash, stock, or
other types of bonus payments.
PeopleSoft eCompensation Manager Desktop 9.1 improves the efficiency and accuracy
of the compensation process for managers by providing easy online access to update
their global workforce’s compensation.
Enhancements available in eCompensation Manager Desktop 9.1 are:
• Manager alerts page providing notification of critical activities.
• Multiple pay proposals easily entered in a grid like table

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• Decision support through embedded metrics.

• Manager view of current and historical compensation data.

Compensation Plan Funding Calculations


You calculate Compensation cycle salary plan funding by entering a fixed minimum,
target, and maximum percentage or by defining a configurable matrix to look up these
values based on specific employee data and criteria.
Variable Compensation plan funding can use the existing calculations and funding rules
or you can manually enter the funding allocation directly into eCompensation.
Proration and rounding rules are enforced to ensure that the allocation funding
balances are manageable and easy to use. Currency conversion is supported to ensure
that your eCompensation data is relevant and easy to use for all global Manager Self-
Service users.

Compensation Cycle Definition – Salary page

To incorporate performance data into the compensation process, eCompensation
provides a tighter integration with ePerformance.

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Compensation Cycle Definition – General page

Source Data: If you are integrating information from eCompensation with a
Performance application, select the appropriate application. You can choose PeopleSoft
ePerformance, Other, or None. If you select Other, it is the your responsibility to
populate the PS_WCS_EP_APPR table.

Manager Alerts
eCompensation Manager Desktop enables you to define and configure compensation
alerts for use within the eCompensation Manager Self Service functionality. You can
access the Maintain Text Catalog page to configure compensation cycle alerts to notify
managers of critical activities.

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Maintain Text Catalog page

Compensation Administration
eCompensation provides you with the tools to streamline the administration of
compensation cycles including process monitoring and automated status updates for
compensation cycles, group proposals, and individual proposals.

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eCompensation Administer Cycle Dashboard

eCompensation Administer Cycle Summary page

Tree Builder Utility
eCompensation Manager Desktop provides a Tree Builder Utility that uses application
classes to derive the organizational basis for the tree. The system uses a series of
programs written to a standard interface to build the various hierarchies and
navigational methods that are tied to the trees.
Each program encapsulates the fixed supporting elements needed to expand a specific
hierarchy's data model into a tree. The selection of a hierarchy method is a setup item
on the Tree Builder run control page.

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This type of setup provides for consistent functionality.

Tree Builder Utility page

Rounding and Proration Rules
To enable automated processing of business rules for compensation updates,
eCompensation enables users to define rounding and proration rules.

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Define Rounding Rules page

Use this page to set up rounding rules to determine calculated funding amounts for
funding adjustments and proposed amounts for variable compensation and salary
eCompensation Desktop Manager enables you to configure proration rules to suit your
business needs. A prorate rule is used to apply a formula to calculate a percent value
that represents the employee's eligibility for the compensation cycle.

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Define Prorate Rules page

Use this page to set up rules for proration analysis and factor calculation. The system
calculates the proration factor by reviewing the employee's job history for the eligible
period and accumulating the number of periods that meet the specified proration rule

Load Salary Updates and Awards

The Load Salary Updates and Awards process validates the run control parameters,
populates configuration rowsets, creates direct report group rowsets, processes salary
increases, processes variable compensation awards, and updates the group status to
The Load Salary Updates and Awards process can be run from the Administer Cycle
page when the cycle status is Open and one or more group statuses are set to Ready
to Load.

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Load Salary Updates and Awards page

Manage Cycle Transactions
Use the Manage Cycle Transactions page to enter the compensation proposal changes
for your direct reports or navigate into any of your indirect groups to review their

Manage Cycle Transactions page

eCompensation Integration

eCompensation provides an integrated compensation solution including the allocation

of bonus, equity, and noncash bonuses, in addition to modification of base pay.
Variable Compensation plans and their payout periods are fully supported in
eCompensation with the flexibility to have the funding calculations determined by the
existing process or by your manually entering the data into eCompensation directly.

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Once the manager recommendations have been submitted and approved,

eCompensation loads this data into job and Variable Compensation tables for a
seamless data exchange between enterprise applications.
In addition, compensation history and the most current performance data is available
to the manager to make educated decisions on their compensation recommendations.

Manager Self-Service Compensation Planning and Allocation


Organizations are continuing to empower their managers with talent management and
specifically compensation planning and processing to effectively and equitably manage
global compensation. PeopleSoft eCompensation enables managers to view budgets
and manage the allocation of multiple pay components. Because PeopleSoft
compensation solutions are global, managers can view them in multiple currencies and
languages to accommodate the global compensation process in one single tool.

eCompensation Manager Alerts

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Manager Self-Service showing multiple plans with direct and indirect reports
Application messages are triggered when the plan calculated limits are not met. The
manager has the opportunity to change the proposal data or continue with submission

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Transactional Metrics

Compensation metrics provide managers with a graphical depiction of the underlying

compensation data for their group as well as historical salary and variable
compensation information. These metrics provide managers with the critical
information needed to make informed compensation change recommendations for
their employees and help ensure a more efficient, equitable process.
Managers can personalize their eCompensation desktop by configuring, previewing,
and selecting the compensation chart pagelet format in which they prefer to view
compensation data.

Manager Self-Service page: Delivered Transactional Metrics

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Delegation of Authority

eCompensation enables Manager Self-Service you to authorize others to perform

managerial tasks on their behalf by delegating authority to initiate or approve
transactions. Leveraging the Approvals Workflow Engine, you can manage the
creation, acceptance, rejection, and deletion of delegation requests. Administrators
can use the delegation setup center to access the components necessary to configure
the delegation.
You can delegate authority to:
• A direct or indirect report in your reporting hierarchy.
• A manager or another superior in the reporting hierarchy.
• A peer within either the same division or a different division within the reporting
The delegation solution enables managers to authorize a proxy to work on their behalf
for a defined or undefined period of time and a specified group of transactions.

eCompensation Manager Desktop


Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise eCompensation Manager Desktop is the manager's

solution for administering compensation programs for workers, either individually or by
configured groups, through compensation planning, processing, and allocation.
Managers can also provide a view of compensation history to their workers, which can
be a valuable retention and progression tool for the organization.
PeopleSoft eCompensation Manager Desktop improves the efficiency and accuracy for
managers to address compensation issues including variable compensation planning
and allocation as well as salary modifications. Managers can have easy online access to
the compensation information of their global workforce.
In the 9.1 release, PeopleSoft Enterprise eCompensation Manager’s Desktop provides
new enhancements and additional transactions.

Viewing Current and Historical Compensation Data

In release 9.1, eCompensation Manager Desktop enables you to view employee’s
current and historical compensation data through manager self-service. On the
Compensation History page, a manager can view an employee’s salary history, plus
any cash or noncash variable compensation that they may have received within a
specified time frame.

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Compensation History page

eCompensation Manager Desktop integrates with Variable Compensation for the
allocation of cash, stock, or other types of bonus payments.

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Integrated Compensation Planning and Allocation Tool for Base


and Variable Compensation

Organizations are continuing to empower their managers with talent management and
specifically compensation planning and processing to effectively and equitably manage
their global talent’s compensation. PeopleSoft eCompensation Manager Desktop
enables managers to view budgets and manage the allocation of multiple pay
practices. Because PeopleSoft compensation solutions are global, managers can view
compensation information in multiple currencies and languages to accommodate the
global compensation process in one single tool.

Transactional Metrics

Transactional Metrics provides needed information to the manager during the planning
and allocation process. This enables a manager to make educated decisions on the
compensation process without contacting the compensation analyst or human
resources professional, thereby making the process more efficient and equitable.

Counts by Midpoint Chart page

Delegation of Authority

Delegation of Authority and the Approvals and Workflow Engine are features that were
introduced to PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM in 9.0. eCompensation Manager’s Desktop
has adopted this feature in 9.1, enabling compensation users to authorize other users
to perform managerial tasks on their behalf by delegating authority to initiate or
approve transactions.

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You can delegate authority to:

• A direct report or another person lower down in the reporting hierarchy.
• A manager or another person higher up in the reporting hierarchy.
• A peer either within the same division or in a different division within the
reporting hierarchy.
Specifically, the Delegation solution enables you to authorize a proxy to work on behalf
of the delegator for a specific or open-ended period of time and group of transactions.
Users can maintain this delegated authority for as long as it is defined in the system.

Create Delegation Request page

The Delegation solution integrates with the Approvals Workflow Engine (AWE) solution.
This integration makes the AWE framework aware of delegated authorities in the
system. Internally, the Delegation framework uses the AWE framework to manage the
acceptance and rejection of delegation requests.
Delegation administrators can use the convenient Delegation Setup Center to access
the components necessary to set up the delegation.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Integration with Performance Applications


With the release of PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1, Oracle continues its leadership in
the integrated talent management space. The introduction of the manager self-service
process for Pay for Performance and providing an integrated compensation solution
demonstrate this continued leadership in providing an integrated talent management
Combined with PeopleSoft 9.1 talent management enhancements to our leading core
HR application, PeopleSoft 9.1 enables organizations to deploy end-to-end talent
management best practices across their enterprise. PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 is
focused on integration, standardization, and leveraging new technology.

Enhanced Ability to Review and Implement Compensation

The enhanced eCompensation Manager Desktop provides an integrated compensation
solution including all of the pay practices; the allocation of bonus, equity, and noncash
bonuses, and modification of base pay as well as modification of other components of
This enables a manager to view all of the various pay practices in one program and to
understand and ultimately carry out the most equitable compensation
recommendations. In addition, with the introduction of the integration to Performance
for the manager process, the manager can make these educated decisions on their
compensation recommendations based on the most current performance information.

Organization Summary Data section from the Manage Cycle Transactions page

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Service Delivery Applications – Self-Service,


Help Desk, and HR Portal

Oracle’s PeopleSoft Workforce Service Delivery solutions can help cut HR
administrative costs, increase employee satisfaction, and boost workforce productivity
through a single sign-on interface for all HCM transactions, HR-specific help desk
technology, and a multitude of self-service HR functions. Self-service, HR help desk,
portal, single sign-on, and workflow technologies give employees and managers
control over processes, eliminate inefficiencies, and save all parties valuable time.

Employee and Manager Self-Service


Employee and manager self-service has proven to be one of the greatest time savers
for HR over the years, and continues to improve with each release of PeopleSoft HCM.
Self-service has been shown to significantly reduce the cost of service delivery and
improve productivity for organizations.
The PeopleSoft HCM 9.1 product release further enables self-service functionality in
support of specific business processes. These enhancements enable our customers to
increase efficiency, streamline their processes, and put self-service tools in the hands
of those who are best able to manage the required information.
Employee, manager, and candidate self-service enhancements have been made in the
following areas. You can find detailed explanations of these changes by following the
provided links to the relevant sections in this document.
• Profile management

• Online job offers


• Goal alignment to business objectives


• Electronic sign-off on performance documents


• Career planning self-service for employees and managers


• eCompensation manager tools


• Payslips for new Global Payroll extensions


• Leave donations

• Extended leave management


These new capabilities will drive higher levels of employee engagement and improve
employee retention through the use of robust tools that facilitate more effective
interactions between employees and their managers, as well as the HR support staff.

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PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1 – Enabling


Employee 2.0
For today's employees, using Web 2.0 tools is a part of their daily routine. Workers are
tapping into instant messaging, chat rooms, blogs, and even virtual worlds. Until now,
these services have led employees to sites or applications outside their work
environment. With PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1, Oracle provides additional tools to
help enterprises add value to their business by bringing Web 2.0 within their secure
enterprise. Employee 2.0 enables employees to interact with each other using Web 2.0
tools such as instant messaging, chat, blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, newsfeeds,
and virtual worlds. By using Web 2.0 tools with their HCM system, organizations can
keep employees productive, focused, and engaged.
The PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1 release continues Oracle’s strategy that began
with release 8.8: that of providing functionality beyond just a portal framework.
PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal offers a rich set of functional Web 2.0 features, which
distinguishes it from conventional framework portals. In addition to new framework
improvements and benefits accrued from PeopleTools 8.50, we have added functional
features to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal—especially in Collaborative Workspaces—
that enable you to introduce Web 2.0 concepts and practices into your enterprise with
a resulting improvement in effectiveness, efficiency, and profitability.
A Complete Collaboration Footprint
Portal 9.1 Key Features Portal 9.0 Key Features
• Wikis • Discussion forum
• Blogs • Document management
• Tagging (Social Bookmarking) • Community Calendaring
• Feeds (ATOM) publishing • Action items
• Related Discussion service • Polling
• Related Tag service
• Related Links service
For more information, please see the Release Value Proposition for PeopleSoft
Enterprise Portal 9.1

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PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources 9.1


HelpDesk for Human Resources provides a collaborative framework to maximize

productivity and lower costs by optimizing HR support operations through the full HR
life cycle (hire to retire). This solution was introduced in the 8.8 release, offering
unique value over other HelpDesk solutions in the market due to delivered integration
with PeopleSoft HR.
With the 9.1 HelpDesk for Human Resources release, new capabilities for Case
Management, Case Configuration, Knowledge Management, and Email Response
Management are delivered improving agent productivity, enhancing application
configuration, and enabling HR organizations to provide more consistent service across
service delivery channels.
Enhancements include:
• Case Management improvements focused on increasing agent productivity and
contact center efficiency, and improved SLA adherence.
• Better PeopleSoft Multichannel Communications email response management
system (ERMS) integration with the Case Management processes including the
automatic creation of a case from an inbound email, enabling contact center
agents to manage all work regardless of channel in a common user interface.
• Knowledge Management enhancements including rich text knowledgebase
solution content, solution security, and searching of solution attachments
providing increased search accuracy and relevancy benefits for both self-service
and contact center agents, reducing your contact center costs.
• Case Category, Specialty Type, and Detail administration pages that are
redesigned and enhanced to make the task of creating and modifying far less
data-entry intensive.
For more information, please see the Release Value Proposition for PeopleSoft
Enterprise Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 9.1

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PeopleSoft Workforce Communications 9.1


HR organizations are under growing pressure to produce better results at a time when
budget, personnel, and other critical resources are limited. Success in this
environment can be challenging and requires organizations to focus resources on the
most strategic initiatives—those that provide the greatest value to the organization
and align with organizational goals and objectives. PeopleSoft Workforce
Communications 9.1 is a comprehensive solution for planning and delivering HR
programs and surveys to the workforce and can help HR organizations address these
Offered as part of the PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management product suite,
PeopleSoft Workforce Communications complements and improves your organization’s
strategy by helping to reduce or contain workforce costs, engaging the workforce and
improving productivity through a better understanding of workforce needs.

For more information, please see the Release Value Proposition for PeopleSoft
Enterprise Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 9.1

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Foundational Applications – Core HCM,


Global Extensions, and Workforce

Global workforce trends today require that organizations follow an effective Human
Capital Management road map to enable their HR systems to comply with local and
federal regulations, automate the use of systems to reduce administrative costs, and
attract, retain, and motivate top talent through effective talent management. Oracle’s
PeopleSoft Core HCM applications are a robust HR, Payroll, and Benefits system that
can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively, providing a strong foundation for
organizational growth, cost reduction, and savings, and improved productivity and
performance. Core HCM capabilities combined with country-specific capabilities and
international data formats enable global operations and compliance while using a
single system of record for reporting, maintenance, and lower total cost of ownership
Oracle offers a number of payroll options to meet the various needs of our customers.
For organizations running payroll operations in North America only, we offer Payroll for
North America. For organizations with global operations, we offer Global Payroll Core
plus country-specific extensions. Finally, for organizations with outsourced payroll, we
offer a payroll interface from our core HCM system to the third-party payroll.
Oracle’s PeopleSoft workforce management solutions can help you forecast labor and
workload demand; define and assign schedules to meet business objectives; capture
time worked, absences, and other labor data; track adherence to schedules and
productivity; and adhere to labor laws and pay rules. Together, these activities are the
foundational elements necessary to achieve a strategic, efficient, HCM system.

Human Resources

PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources has a functional range and depth, which
includes processes that span the entire worker life cycle. It includes feature-rich,
global modules, comprehensive reporting, and extensive employee and manager self-
In 9.1, we continue to expand the features to further enable and support our industry-
leading, integrated talent management solution.
PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.1 focuses on global and talent management
integration requirements. Ultimately, it enables organizations to manage their entire
worker population holistically by using one system of record, regardless of worker
classification or geography.
In addition to the new functionality described above for Profile Manager, Plan Careers,
and Plan Successions, PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.1 delivers
enhancements in these areas:
• Military Rank Change

• SmartHires (Template-Based Hires)

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• Integration of Human Resources with Oracle Workforce Scheduling

• HR for China

• HR for the UK

Military Rank Change


In PeopleSoft Human Resources 9.0, we introduced Military Rank Processing to enable

military organizations to capture and report on rank-related information of its service
members. Customers can maintain the necessary level of information about a person’s
military background and skill area to identify, track, and move the most qualified
individuals for critical deployments and designated assignments.
We expand upon this functionality in PeopleSoft Human Resources 9.1 by providing
enhancements in the following areas:
• Increased functionality to support the Military Rank Change business process as
the service member progresses from being eligible for a rank change to the
actual execution and triggering of a processed rank change.
• Ability to add new rank change transactions or amend (correct) or cancel an
existing rank change transaction.
• Use of templates to provide by default military rank change details.
• Use of Approval Framework to notify reviewers and approvers of rank change
• Ability for stakeholders to approve or deny rank change requests.
• Ability to generate official single or multiple rank change documents.
• Automatic update to service member’s Job Data to reflect the rank change
when approvals are required.
After you have set up the various military and rank change tables, you can add,
amend, or cancel a rank change request using the Rank Change MIL component.
When you select a template for use in the Rank Change MIL component, the system
automatically enters any field values defined in the Military Rank Change Template
component for the specified template.
If you know the date that the rank change should be applied to the employee’s Job
Data, enter an application date on the Military Rank Change page.

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Rank Change MIL component

The system also enables you to identify stakeholders, reviewers, and approvers that
you want to notify of the rank change request. If you have enabled approvals and
prenotification on the setup tables, the system sends emails to start the approval
process as well as sending prenotification emails when the rank change is about to
take place.

Rank Change MIL component – Stakeholder page

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Those defined as approvers approve or deny the rank change request in the Review
Rank Change Request MIL component in the manager self-service pages. If the
stakeholders approve the rank change, the system then routes the information to the
candidate’s unit commander for final approval.
If your organization has elected to require approval processing for rank changes, then
upon completion of the last approval, and when the application date of the rank
change arrives, the system inserts and records this rank change row in the Job Data

SmartHire (Template-Based Hires)


In PeopleSoft Human Resources 9.0, we also introduced the SmartHire process, or

template-based hires, that enabled organizations to expedite the hiring of individuals.
Using a template-driven approach, you can streamline the repetitive data entry of a hire by
reducing the current data entry on the Personal Data and Job Data pages.
Enhancements to the SmartHire feature in release 9.1 include:
• New section information to support the integration with Oracle Workforce
Scheduling (OWS).
• The addition of address, ethnic, and religious information to support China and
Thailand data that you track in the Personal Data component.
• The ability to include a link to the Contract pages from the Template-Based Hire
When setting up a hire template, you can select to have an Update Contracts link
appear on the Template-Based Hire Confirmation page. This link enables you to access
the Contracts component after completing a template-based hire and to enter contract
information for a new hire.
This link appears on the Confirmation page when Automatic Database Updates and
Show Update Contracts Link check boxes are selected on the template and the hire is
saved successfully.

Hire template enabling the Update Contracts link on the Confirmation page

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Integration of Human Resources with Oracle Workforce


Oracle Workforce Scheduling (OWS) offers companies a comprehensive solution to
forecasting the demand for labor and scheduling to meet customer service and cost
objectives. OWS is a simple-to-use system that can reduce overstaffing and
understaffing, increase customer service, and reduce payroll costs. The powerful
optimization routines take into account factors such as demand, employee
preferences, skills, availability, labor laws, payroll budgets, workplace rules, best
practice, and seasonality. OWS is a standalone product that does not require data from
another system in order to function. Integrating OWS with PeopleSoft Human
Resources, Absence Management, and Time and Labor eliminates duplicate data entry.
OWS can operate as a standalone system. It has data maintenance pages and data
structures for all the personnel information that it needs, such as employee name,
contract details, availability details, absences, and so on. The purpose of the
integration with Human Resources is to eliminate duplicate data entry and the need to
maintain multiple sources of worker data.
PeopleSoft Human Resources 9.1 integrates with OWS through the PeopleSoft
Integration Broker, which is a messaging system that enables you to synchronize data
from one application or system with another. You can publish Human Resources
messages to OWS using batch functionality when multiple employee events occur (for
example, an employee has a change to person data and to job data). Integration
Broker facilitates synchronous and asynchronous messaging among internal systems
and trading partners, while managing message structure, message format, and
transport disparities.
The following diagram illustrates the Human Resources integration with OWS process

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OWS Integration with PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS process flow

When PeopleSoft Human Resources products and OWS are integrated, the applications
asynchronously exchange the following information:
• PeopleSoft Human Resources sends an employee’s personal, job, contract, and
profile information to OWS.

• PeopleSoft Absence Management sends absence data to OWS.

• PeopleSoft Time and Labor sends employee schedule preferences, updates to

schedule preferences, and approved or submitted reported time to OWS.

• OWS sends employee-optimized punch schedules back to Time and Labor.

PeopleSoft Human Resources publishes an employee’s personal, job, contract, and

profile information to OWS. The system uses the HCM Event Manager to publish the
information to OWS via the PeopleSoft Integration Broker messaging. When any of the
fields required by OWS in the Personal, Job, Contract, and Profile contributing
components are updated, the PERSON_OWS_SYNC message is published to OWS.
The following table describes the HCM Event Manager trigger points for sending
information to OWS:

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Event Name Trigger Point Comments

PersonUpdated Updating an employee’s personal This event is triggered when any of
data. the Personal Data fields are updated.
JobUpdated Adding or updating an employee’s job In Add or Update mode, this event is
data. triggered if any of the Job Data fields
are updated.
JobOWSFlagTurnedOff Updating an employee’s job data. In Update mode, this event is
triggered only if the OWS flag is
ContractDetailsUpdated Adding or updating an employee’s In Add or Update mode, this event is
contract data. triggered if any of the Contract Data
fields are updated
JobProfileDataUpdated Adding or updating an employee’s job In Add or Update mode, this event is
profile data. triggered if any of the Job Profile Data
fields are updated

For more information about integrating with Oracle Workforce Scheduling, see
the Absence Management and Time and Labor sections of these Release Notes.

Payroll for North America


PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America combines an innovative approach to

payroll processing with a full-featured system designed to ensure that you are always
in control, on time, and processing payrolls with maximum efficiency. Whatever the
size and diversity of your workforce, Payroll for North America provides all the tools
you need to run an efficient payroll operation. You can calculate earnings, taxes, and
deductions, maintain balances, and report payroll data.
In this release, new features for Payroll for North America include:
• Additional contract pay options.
• Field and array size expansion.
• Enhancements to the paysheet load process.
• Increased flexibility for retro pay.
• Support for multiyear encumbrances.
• Real-time budget checking.
• More complete ChartField integration.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Contract Pay

Individual contracts typically govern the compensation models in education (K-12,

community colleges, and colleges and universities) as well as some segments of the
public sector. Employers in higher education often process payroll and benefits to
level payment over a payment term that may differ from the employee’s contract
In this release, we are delivering a more flexible Contract Pay solution tailored to the
requirements of the K-12 and higher education industries.

Flexible Contract Pay Calculation Options


You now can calculate contract pay using earnings for actual workdays. The Contract
Pay Type page has several new fields to support this calculation method.

The new Actual calculation method

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You can configure whether holidays and school breaks are considered workdays for the
purpose of this calculation. The new School Schedule page enables you to set up a
school schedule, which works in conjunction with your holiday schedule to determine
the number of workdays in a contract.

Define your school holiday schedule

Contract-Level Annualization Options


When you create employee contracts, you can now annualize taxable gross and
imputed income for contract pay employees who are paid over less than a 12-month
period. The system calculates earnings using an annualization factor from the contract.

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Enter an annualization factor in an employee contract

Balloon Payments

Some K-12 organizations and colleges pay their contract pay employees as though
they were paid over 12 months, except that the summer pay is paid as a balloon
payment at the end of the school year. The Contract Pay page now includes a Last
Payment Date field that you use to indicate that there should be a balloon payment.
All payments after the last payment date are rolled up and paid on the last payment

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Enter a last payment date to generate a balloon payment

Contract Change Proration Options for Retro Earnings


In the Job Data component, the Contract Change Prorate Option page now provides
these additional options:
• Prorate Using Effective Date.

• Prorate Using Effective Date with Lump Sum Retro Payment.

These options support the new Actual calculation method by determining how to
prorate retro earnings when a contract rate is changed.

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Additional contract change proration options

Projected and Actual Payment Summaries


This release includes a new Contract Payment Details page, which gives you a
complete overview of the Contract Pay calculation for your employees, including
projected earnings as well as actual earnings.

View projected earnings on the new Contract Payment Details page

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View actual earnings on the new Contract Payment Details page

Contract Pay Discrepancy Reporting


A new Contract Pay Discrepancy report is also delivered. This report identifies any
projected payments that are not equal to actual payments.

Run a report to find discrepancies between projected payments and actual payments

Additional Contract Pay Enhancements


Additional contract pay enhancements enable you to:

• Process back-to-back contracts within the same pay period.

When the end of one contract’s payment period and the beginning of the next
contract’s payment period (for the same employee and same employment record)
occur in the same pay period, the new contract pay process allows payment for
both contracts to be paid in the pay period in which the overlap occurs.
• Specify multiple funding sources for Contract Regular pay.

On the Job Earnings Distribution page, you define what percentage of the Contract
Regular pay is distributed to each source.
Settings on the Contract Pay Options page enable you to either choose separate
funding sources for Paid-not-Earned and Earned-not-Paid earnings or use the same
funding sources (in the same percentages) as for Contract Regular pay.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Field and Array Size Expansion


Compensation packages have become larger and more comprehensive with the
inclusion of stock options and fringe benefits, among other things. In this release, we
deliver the necessary modifications to the field and array sizes in Payroll for North
America. You no longer need to apply and maintain customizations for this purpose.
We have increased the size of our monetary fields for various balance tables and
reports. The previous maximum display amount was $99,999,999.99; it is now
$99,999,999,999.99 (11.2).
We have also expanded fields on the Paysheet so that you can have:
• More separate checks: up to 99 separate check numbers.

• More paysheet pages: up to 99,999 page numbers.

• More paysheet lines: up to 999 line numbers.

Based on your feedback, we have also increased the array size in several copybooks





Paysheet Load Process (PSHUP)


The Load Paysheets process (also known as the PSHUP or Load to Paysheets process)
provides the integration from other PeopleSoft HRMS applications and third-party
sources into Payroll for North America. In this release, we continue to enhance this
process to provide more flexibility.

Identification of Third-Party Sources


In this release, you can use Application Designer to add your own translate values for
other sources of paysheet data. This flexibility is helpful if you have multiple third-
party integrations. You can set up two-digit alphanumeric codes that start with O (for
example, O1 or OA) so that each third-party integration has a unique source code. You
can still use the delivered OT source code if you do not want to take advantage of this
new functionality.
We have also added Source Code to the paysheet tables so that all paysheet load
transactions are associated with the appropriate source. This data is visible on the
Paysheet pages and the Paycheck Data pages.

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View transaction source codes on the paysheet and paycheck data

The availability of the source code also gives you better auditing and reporting

Component Interface for Paysheet Load


You can now load data for the source type 0% (Other Source) into the PSHUP_TXN
table using a Component Interface.

Online Deletion or Inactivation for Transactions


You can now inactivate a record online. In prior releases, users found that removing a
record from the PSHUP_TXN table was a challenge. With this release, we are providing
a new Update Paysheet Transactions page so that you no longer have to use SQL to
update the record.

Change the transaction status to inactive.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Additional Paysheet Load Enhancements


Additional paysheet enhancements provide:

• The ability to load one-time garnishment overrides.

• Additional validations for the Load Paysheet Transactions process.

These include validations during data entry on the run control page as well as in
the Rapid Paysheet load process.
• A new CHECK_DT field for your manual checks.

In prior releases, we used CREATION_DT. The addition of the CHECK_DT field

eliminates the need for you to manually change the date on the paysheets.
• The ability to specify shift overrides for incoming paysheet transactions using
values entered on the field ADDL_PAY_SHIFT.

• The ability to override deductions for 0% (Other Source) transactions in limited


In general, you can specify these overrides for separate checks and off-cycle
• The ability to load negative earnings using the Paysheet Transaction process.

Configurable Retroactive Pay


In this release, we are enhancing the retroactive pay (retro pay) system so that you
have more functionality, flexibility, and control. At the heart of this solution is a new
configurable, user-defined trigger table. You can now determine what fields create a
retro request. We are also making significant usability and functionality changes
designed to provide a better business process for retroactive pay. You now experience
a clearer understanding of the retro transactions and calculations. In addition, we have
tightened up the retro process to provide more control, thus creating more accurate
retroactive pay payments.

Control Over Retro Triggers


The first step in the retro process is to define what fields trigger a retro request.
You have total control over what triggers a retro request, and you can prevent
unwanted retro requests. When you define your retro pay trigger values, you can
choose whether any change to a field triggers retro, or you can use the Dependent on
Field Value check box to configure the trigger so that only specific changes trigger

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Define your retro trigger values

Summary View for Retro Triggers


The next step in retro processing is to review retro requests.

A new Retro Pay Request and Trigger Summary page enables you to view detailed
information for every retro request. You can see who made changes to the trigger
fields, what changes occurred, and when they occurred.

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Review detailed information about a retro pay request

Retro on Retro

The Retro Pay Calculation Results page has been modified to address Retro on Retro
requirements. Retro on Retro refers to retro calculations on checks when retro
payments already occurred for the same period.
With the new design, the original values that appear on the page are always the values
in the original paycheck, before the previous retro processing occurred. If a prior retro
request was paid for this same period of time, this information appears in the Prior
Retro Paid section of the page, along with a link that takes you to the prior paid retro
The system uses the Retro Pay Process Flag to determine whether to include a prior
retro request in the current calculation. This ensures that no overpayment is made.

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Review your employee’s Retro Pay Calculation results

Additional Retro Data in Paycheck Review Pages


The Paycheck Review component now shows the Retro Pay Sequence number for all
retro payments and provides a link back to the Retro Pay Calculation Results Page for
that retro payment.

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Click the Retro Pay Sequence Number to access retro pay calculation results

Additional Retro Pay Enhancements


Additional retro pay enhancements include:

• Creation of a Retro Pay Message report that provides a record of the original
messages that you received.

The Retro Pay Message table now clears messages the same way as the Pay Calc
Message table does, so lingering Retro Pay messages are eliminated.
• Expansion of the field size for the Retro Pay Sequence to reduce the risk of reusing
Retro Pay Sequence numbers.

• Adoption of Component Interface technology to create the retro requests.

• Enhanced user experience, including modifications to reports and report selection

criteria for better usability.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Multiyear Encumbrances

In the Manage Commitment Accounting business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise

Human Resources, you use encumbrances to earmark dollars to pay salaries,
employer-paid taxes, and fringe expenses. A useful feature of the Commitment
Accounting business process is that you can post your encumbrance data from Payroll
for North America to PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials, ensuring that the two systems
are synchronized.
Encumbrance processing generates salary and fringe encumbrances on a fiscal year
basis. In PeopleSoft HCM 9.1, we have enhanced the system to support funding
sources that are not aligned with the fiscal year. You can now create encumbrances for
the entire length of a funding source, even when that time frame extends into
subsequent fiscal years. This process integrates with the new real-time budget
checking functionality as well as with the PeopleSoft Financials Commitment Control
Budget Processor. The existing fiscal year encumbrance functionality continues to be

Set the Default Funding Source End Date


In this release, a new Funding Source Information page enables you to set up a
funding end date for each general ledger (GL) Combination code.

Enter a funding end date for each GL Combination code

View Funding Source Information


Additionally, a link on the GL Combination code page enables you to view the funding
source information that you have defined for that code.

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Review funding source information for a GL Combination code

Use the Default End Date at All Budget Levels


To provide even more flexibility, multiyear encumbrances are supported at all budget
levels. For ease of use, you can use the default funding date from the Funding Source
Information page or you can specify the funding end date at the Department Budget
level. Select the Funding End Date Defaults from Funding Source check box to have
the system supply the funding end date from funding source information.

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Use the end date from the funding source

Use the Default End Date at the Encumbrance Definition Level


You can specify the funding end date on the Encumbrance Definitions page.

Specify funding end dates on Encumbrance Definitions.

Additionally, you specify funding end dates on the Department Budget pages.

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Specify funding end dates on Department Budget pages.

Set Salary Ranges for Encumbrance Fringe Processing


We have added two new pages for better encumbrance fringe processing. The new
Encumbrance Salary Range Code page enables you to define different encumbrance
percentages and additional deduction encumbrance amounts for different salary

Define a Salary Range code with a salary range and its encumbrance percent and amount
You then set up an overall Encumbrance Fringe Matrix code where you assign different
Salary Range codes to different groups based on companies, pay groups, employee
classifications, employee types, and full time/part time status. In the matrix, you also
set an overall default Salary Range code and company default Salary Range code for
employees who don’t fall into any of the classifications that you create.

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Attach the Salary Range code to a Fringe Matrix code

Finally, on the Encumbrance Definition page, you can specify a Fringe Matrix code for
any (or all) Combination codes. You indicate the Fringe Matrix code as an alternative
to entering a single percent. You can use Fringe Matrix codes for tax distribution as
well as deduction distribution encumbrances.

Attach the Fringe Matrix code to the encumbrance definition

Additional Multiyear Encumbrance Enhancements


These are additional enhancements for multiyear encumbrances:

• The fiscal year-end process can reverse the remaining encumbrance amount for
the current year and for all future year encumbrances.

• Reports have been modified to support multiyear encumbrances.

Real-Time Budget Checking


Organizations in the public services area must often operate within preestablished
budgetary funding levels from public agencies. Public institutions such as higher
education organizations must recognize the estimated cost of new positions, the salary
offerings to new employees, and changes in salaries for employees on an ongoing
basis, in real time.

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New real-time budget checking functionality enables you to send online budget
checking transactions to the PeopleSoft Financials Commitment Control Budget

System-Level Configuration

If real-time budget checking is appropriate for your organization, use the Installation
Table to activate it.

Select the Real Time Budget features required for your organization
Selecting the Comm Control Budget Processor (commitment control budget processor)
check box enables you to integrate HCM with Financials for real-time budget checking.
Selecting the Enforce Real Time Budget Check check box ensures that all critical
position data and job data transactions pass the budget-check process before being
The critical transactions for position data are:
• Creation of a new position.

• Position change from Inactive to Active.

• Change in Position Pre-encumbrance Indicator from None to Immediate or from

Requisition to Immediate.

• Increase in headcount for a position.

The critical transactions for job data are:

• New hire.

• Rehire (a new effective-dated row with the Action code Rehire).

• Add employment instance.

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Department-Level Configuration

You are required to configure real-time budget checking at the department level.

Depending on your Process Option and Automatic Budget Check settings, the system
• Automatically perform a budget check when you save a transaction without
displaying a pop-up window to ask for confirmation.

• Display a pop-up window when you save a critical position-related or job-related

change, and let you choose whether to bypass real-time budget checking or
perform a real-time online budget check.

Encumbrance Calculations

To support real-time budget pre-encumbrance and encumbrance calculations, the

Encumbrance Process Control page now requires you to select:
• The fiscal year for real-time budget checking.

• A setID for the Journal Template.

• A calendar ID for the calendar that will be used by real-time encumbrance


• A prorate option to determine whether the encumbrance calculation is based on

calendar days or work days.

To provide even more flexibility, you can specify these control parameters by

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The Encumbrance Process Control page with the fiscal year for real-time budget checking

Real-Time Budget Checking Review


Changes to the Budget Actuals page and the addition of new Budget Status pages
enable you to access the budget check data and review the budget check results.
These are the budget review pages:
• Budget Status by Job

• Budget Status by Position

• Budget Status by document ID

• Review Budget Actuals

In addition to the online pages, we have also created new reports to support the Real
Time Budget Checking process.

Project ChartField Integration with Financials and Time and Labor


Payroll expenses represent one of the largest operating costs within an organization.
Companies are constantly seeking ways to more accurately and efficiently post payroll
information to the general ledger.
In PeopleSoft Enterprise Release 8.9, we introduced the standard ChartField
configuration, which enabled the consistent use of ChartFields between General Ledger
and Payroll for North America. It allowed for the synchronization of ChartField
configuration between the two PeopleSoft applications, thereby providing the
information necessary for more detailed reporting of labor costs.
Now, we are enhancing this process. Payroll for North America is providing greater
synchronization and integration between Payroll for North America, Financials, and
Time and Labor with full Project ChartField Integration. To achieve this, we expanded
the integrations to include the five additional ChartFields for project costing:
• Project Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT_PC)
• Activity (ACTIVITY_ID)
• Source Type (RESOURCE_TYPE)
• Subcategory (RESOURCE_SUB_CAT)

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The key advantage of adding the five additional Project ChartFields to Payroll for North
America is that the payroll system can now report any adjustments and allow the data
to flow back from Project Costing to Time and Labor and General Ledger.
All ChartFields that you can use on the standard ChartField configuration are
subscribed to individually from the Financials database, and are available for both
Commitment and NonCommitment Accounting.

Five new ChartFields have been added to the standard ChartField configuration
The supported ChartFields in this release are Account, Alternate Account, Operating
Unit, Fund Code, Department, Program Code, Class Field, Budget Reference, Product,
Project, User ChartField 1, User ChartField 2, User ChartField 3, Project Business Unit,
Activity, Source Type, Category, Subcategory, Affiliate, Fund Affiliate, and Operating
Unit Affiliate.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Global Payroll Core


Making timely payments to your workforce while lowering your total cost of ownership
is a business goal that your organization can achieve with Oracle’s PeopleSoft
Enterprise Global Payroll Core. PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll Core includes
improvements to the efficiency of its processes to maximize the user experience. The
following sections describe the new features included for Global Payroll Core for
release 9.1.

Positive Input Enhancements


In release 9.1, you can configure simplified interfaces for more efficient and need-
based entry of positive input by incorporating all the common Positive Input
functionality. Configuration is enabled in a user-supportive manner with the flexibility
necessary to cover a wider range of use cases.

Positive Input Template Creation


The Positive Input Templates component fully supports all of the functions of the basic
positive input interface and enforces all the same rules.

Positive Input Templates page

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The enhancements to this page enable you to:

• Add elements that contain up to three calculation components.
• Define fixed amount components for elements that have other calculation rules,
such as units or rate.
• Define a default currency for a template. You can prevent or enable the
overrides to the currency for positive input instances when the template
specifies currency.
• Enable or disable the specification of a business unit for positive input

Positive Input Entry on a Template-Created Page


New options on the Positive Input by Template page enable you to control the input at
a payee level while offering the ability to set the level of entry validation.

Positive Input by Template page

You determine how the system handles new entries when it encounters existing
positive input for a combination of payee and element that you are trying to insert.
You can:
• Prevent multiple entries.

• Allow multiple entries with user confirmation.

• Allow multiple entries without user confirmation.

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Batch Updates to End Dates of Assigned Earnings and


PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll Core 9.1 enables you to update the end date of an
individual Earning and Deduction assignment using Global Payroll rules and to stop an
earning or deduction from being active in the system.

Element Detail page

By selecting the Allow Batch Update of End Date check box, you enable the system to
update the End Date field for an element assignment during payroll processing. Batch
updates to the end dates of assigned earnings and deductions are governed by the two
system elements SET ED END DATE and UNSET ED END DATE. You can create a
formula that activates these system elements and attach it as a post-process formula
to the earnings and deductions for which you want to update the end date. By defining
the formula yourself, you can choose how your system determines the criteria for
activating the system elements.
In addition, PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.1 includes a report detailing
changes in end date value made during a calendar run that helps you keep track of the
earnings and deductions assignment changes that the system makes during batch
processing. You invoke this report through the Query Manager just like other Global
Payroll reports.

Temporary Table Maintenance


PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.1 improves the way in which the system
maintains data in the temporary tables used during payroll calculation. When you run
the Initialize or Calculate process for a calendar group, the system preserves the data
stored in the temporary tables. This enables you to gather accurate statistics, which
facilitates system performance enhancement. In addition, this data makes debugging
SQL statements easier. The system clears the data in the temporary tables when you
run the Cancel or Finalize process on the calendar group.

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Global Extensions for HR and Payroll


The Global Payroll core application provides the flexibility to create country extensions
that are isolated from the core engine. We can bring the country extensions quickly to
market because of the independence of each country extension and our ship-when-
complete release strategy. Each country extension consists of statutory and customary
rules, such as payroll and absence rules, including earnings, deductions, absence
entitlements, and absence takes. Additionally, to best support our customers, we often
create country-specific features within our Human Resources product. These features
work in collaboration with our Global Payroll and Global Payroll country extension
products to form a cohesive and robust payroll solution that enables local compliance.
PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 delivers new or enhanced extensions for the following
• HR for China
• HR for United Kingdom
• Global Payroll for Argentina
• Global Payroll for China
• Global Payroll for France
• Global Payroll for Thailand

Human Resources for China


PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.1 delivers enhancements in these areas:

• Track Hukou Type and Location, and Working Life
• Update National ID feature

Update to Personal Data


Due to the requirements associated with PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for
China, PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.1 includes updates to the regional
information used for HR processes in China. These include the tracking of Hukou Type
and Location, and Working Life. These features are available on the Regional page on
the Personal Information component. SmartHire contains new sections for Ethnic
Group and National ID to make these fields available for inclusion in a hiring template.

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Regional page for China

National ID

PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.1 includes updates to National ID formatting

options for China to support the ability to track the Old National Identification Number
as well as the Pass Information.

Biographical Details page

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Human Resources for United Kingdom


PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.1 delivers these enhancements in the area
of Maternity Leave:
• Keep in touch (KIT) days
• Change in start days

Maternity Leave: Keep in Touch (KIT) days


In the UK, new legislation has come into effect regarding maternity leave. Employees
can return to work during maternity leave to keep in touch with the workplace without
revoking their leave status. Previously, if an employee came back to the workplace
while on maternity leave, that employee would revoke her rights to continuing her
maternity benefits. We are delivering new functionality to support this legislation
allowing users to enter KIT days. Error messages are displayed for KIT days entered
within two weeks of the child’s birth and only 10 KIT days can be taken.

Maintain maternity leave

Maternity leave - Keep in Touch Days

Maternity Leave: Change in Start Days


Prior to April 1, 2007, maternity leave could not start on any day except Sunday.
However, with the updates in the UK maternity leave policies, maternity leave can now
start on any day of the week.

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Global Payroll for Argentina


Global Payroll for Argentina delivers elements, rules, pages, processes, and reports
that work with the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll core application to form a
complete payroll package for companies doing business in Argentina.
The system includes the following functionality specifically for Argentina. It enables
you to:
• Define earnings.

• Define garnishments.

• Define income tax elements.

• Process terminations.

• Define and track absences.

• Generate reports.

• Generate payslips.

• Enter employee and dependent information.

This includes CAT (Clave Alta Temprana) information, health provider data, and
SIJP (Sistema Integrado de Jubilaciones y Pensiones) data.
• Enter default company information.

This includes entering CUIT (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria) information,

selecting family allowance rates for a location, and maintaining departments.

Defining Earnings

Global Payroll for Argentina supports several different types of earnings to meet
common processing requirements. This includes earnings such as the base salary,
Annual Bonus (SAC), overtime, nightly overtime, and net salary with grossing up.

Calculating the Complementary Annual Bonus


The system supports payment of the Complementary Annual Bonus to payees in two
installments. You can use an average of employee compensation to calculate the
bonus for employees who receive variable compensations, such as overtime. This
depends on how your company prorates additional payments for the SAC bonus.
Global Payroll for Argentina supports including the second bonus installment with
December’s salary or in a special payroll.

Viewing Complementary Annual Bonus Elements


Global Payroll for Argentina delivers several elements to process the Complementary
Annual Bonus.
The following table lists the delivered earning elements used to calculate the
Complementary Annual Bonus:

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Earning Element Description

SAC Calculates the amount of the complementary annual bonus installment. The
formula SAC FM CALCULO SAC calculates this earning.
SAC AJUSTE Calculates the bonus adjustment when the last month’s salary is the best and
the bonus was previously paid. This earning is calculated using the formula SAC
SAC PROPORC Calculates the pending bonus for terminations. This earning is calculated using
the formula SAC FM PROPORCION.
SAC IND PREA Calculates the bonus amount related to the notice payment paid to terminated
employees. This earning is a percentage of the Notice payment.
SAC INT MES Calculates the bonus amount related to the supplemental salary paid to
terminated employees. This earning is a percentage of the supplemental salary
SAC VAC NO G Calculates the bonus amount regarding the pending unused vacations paid to
terminated employees. This earning is a percentage of the pending unused
vacations amount.

Processing Net-to-Gross Payments


Global Payroll for Argentina enables you to assign a net pay salary to an employee.
Assign the delivered net pay code rate and net pay eligibility group to the employee.
The payroll process compensates the difference between the gross and the net
established in a special earning.

Defining Garnishments

Global Payroll for Argentina enables you to define and process two types of legally
required garnishments:
• Litis Expenses

• Writ of Garnishment

Entering Employee Garnishment Data


Use the Assign Garnishments ARG page to enter garnishment information for an

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Assign Garnishments ARG page

Defining Income Tax Elements


Global Payroll for Argentina enables you to enter and track information related to the
income tax deducted from an employee’s pay. You can define income tax elements,
enter taxable deductions, and process income tax and social security. Income tax
deductions include retirement, INSSJP (Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para
Jubilados y Pensionados), and Social Security.

Entering Income Tax Default Value Definitions


Use the Income Tax Parameters ARG page to enter income tax default value

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Income Tax Parameters ARG page


The Properties tab on the Income Tax Parameters ARG page enables you to enter the
element descriptions displayed on the Maintain Income Tax ARG page. You can also
specify deductible elements and elements that track previous fiscal year accumulators.

Income Tax Parameters ARG page: Properties tab

Entering Income Tax Deductions


Use the Maintain Income Tax Data ARG page to enter taxable deductions for employee
income tax calculation during a fiscal year.

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Maintain Income Tax Data ARG page

Processing Terminations

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Argentina addresses Argentina’s statutory requirements

for terminations with a set of termination processing rules. Depending on the
circumstances of the termination, the employer must make the following payments to
the payee:
• Unused leave balances.

• Prorated earnings and deductions.

Termination processing is a two-step process. Complete both steps to ensure that the
system correctly updates the payee records. To complete the termination process, you
must update the employee’s job data and then run the terminations payroll process.

Updating Job Data


Update retired or terminated employee job data using the Job Data page. The
PeopleSoft termination process uses the termination date that you enter to calculate
termination pay. The effective date of a termination is the day that the payee no
longer works for the company, that is, the day after the payee’s last day of work.

Terminating Employees

Create a template on the Positive Input by Template page to manage the positive
input required to terminate employees. Enter the elements and their corresponding
units to be paid in the termination payroll according to the defined business rules.

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Defining and Tracking Absences


Global Payroll for Argentina delivers predefined rules designed in accordance with
Argentina’s statutory requirements for processing absences due to vacation, illness,
maternity, work accidents, and other reasons. You can modify many of these rules to
reflect the absence policies specific to your organization.
Global Payroll has two types of absence elements:
• An absence entitlement is the amount of paid time off that a payee is entitled to
take for each category of absence.

For example, payees may be entitled to receive 10 days of paid time off each year
because of school exams.
• An absence take is the amount of time off that a payee takes.

Absence Entitlements

Global Payroll for Argentina delivers the following absence entitlements:

• Accident Labor Risks Assurance and Accident charged to employer

An employee takes one of these absence entitlements until he or she can return to
the workplace or until declaring a total, permanent work disability.
The employer pays for the first ten days of this absence type. Then the ART (Labor
Risk Insurance) Company handles the remaining payments.
• Sickness entitlement

The employee’s seniority and the existence of any dependents determine the
length of time that an employee can use this entitlement.
• Study entitlement

An employee can use a maximum of two days for each exam, and a maximum of
ten days per calendar year.
• Close relative death leave entitlement

An employee can use a maximum of three days for each qualifying event.
• Sibling death leave entitlement

Employees are eligible for a maximum of one day.

• Maternity entitlement

Employees can use up to ninety days for this entitlement. Commonly, employees
take forty-five days of this entitlement before childbirth and forty-five days
• Marriage entitlement

Employees can use a maximum of ten days for this absence entitlement.
• Birth entitlement

Employees can use a maximum of two days.

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• Vacations entitlement

The length of this entitlement corresponds to the number of years the employee
has worked.
• Leave Without Pay

The length of this entitlement varies depending on the authorization of the


Delivered Absence Takes


Global Payroll for Argentina 9.1 delivers the following absence takes:
• Accident Labor Risks Assurance

• Accident charged to Employer

• Sickness Leave

• Study Leave

• Close Relative Death Leave

• Sibling Death Leave

• Maternity Leave

• Marriage Leave

• Birth Leave

• Vacations

• Leave without pay

• Absence

• Leaves Exceeded Absence

Use this absence take when the employee takes more days than permitted by law.
The employer must authorize the exceeded days and the system generates a new
deduction for those days.

Generating Reports

Global Payroll for Argentina provides reports that support Argentina business
requirements including Form 649, Payment File Generation (EFT), SICORE, SIJP, Legal
Book, and Payslips. You can easily define the parameters for the SIJP and Form 649

Before running the SIJP Report ARG and Form 649 Report ARG in Global Payroll for
Argentina, define their corresponding parameters.

Defining SIJP Report Layout Parameters


Use the SIJP Parameters ARG page to define the layout parameters for elements in the
SIJP Report ARG.

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SIJP Parameters ARG page

Setting Up Income Tax Parameters


Use the Income Tax Parameters ARG page to define the income tax elements, labels,
and associated codes used in the Form 649 Report ARG.

Generating Payslips

You can generate payslips using Global Payroll for Argentina 9.1. If you purchase
PeopleSoft Enterprise ePay, your employees can view their payslips online.

Entering Employee and Dependent Information


PeopleSoft HRMS enables you to specify important information about your employees.
The PeopleSoft HRMS product enables you to:
• Enter CAT information.

• Declare health provider data.

• Manage SIJP data.

• Enter dependent information.

Entering CAT Information


Use the Additional Information ARG page to enter early registration code information.

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Additional Information ARG page

Declaring Health Provider Data


Use the Health Benefits page to declare the Social Security Plan and health provider
data for each employee

Health Benefits page

Managing SIJP Data


Use the SIJP page to manage the Integral Retirement and Pension System data
required by the government of Argentina.

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SIJP page

Entering Dependent Information


Use the Argentina section of the Dependent Information - Personal Profile page to
enter or update information about a dependent.

Dependent Information - Personal Profile page: Argentina section

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Entering Default Company Information


PeopleSoft HRMS enables you to define country-specific information about your

company that the system uses as default settings in other areas of the application. For
Argentina, the system enables you to:
• Enter CUIT (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria) information

• Enter family allowance rates

• Maintain departments

Entering CUIT Information


The system enables you to enter the CUIT as assigned by the AFIP (Administración
Federal de Ingresos Públicos). You can also specify the DGI (Dirección General
Impositiva) office number and the company’s main activity for the Form 649 (AFIP)
Use the Argentina section of the Default Settings page to set up default company

Default Settings page: Argentina section.

Enter Family Allowance Rates


The government in Argentina dispenses family allowances based on a geographical

zone. Use the Argentina section of the Location Profile page to select the geographic
zone assigned to a location.

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Location Profile page: Argentina section

Maintaining Departments

Enter the Cost Center code for the department using the Argentina section of the
Department Profile page.

Department Profile page: Argentina section.

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Global Payroll for China


Making timely payments to your workforce while lowering your total cost of ownership
is a business goal your organization can achieve with Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise
Global Payroll for China. This application gives you complete control over all aspects of
your payroll operation, including statutory payroll and reporting requirements.

Earnings and Deductions


PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for China 9.1 delivers a set of fully functional
earnings and deductions used for common business practices. These include:


• Monthly salary

• Overtime pay

• Variable bonus pay

• 13th Month pay

• House allowance

• Spouse allowance

• Commission

• Termination pay


• Public Housing Fund and Social Insurance contributions

• Taxes

• Termination deductions

Modifying and Creating Earnings and Deductions

The delivered earnings and deductions, along with their delivered supporting elements,
are based on practices that are common to many businesses in China. Although most
of the delivered elements are created according to common industry standards or
based on statutory requirements, PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for China 9.1
provides you with the flexibility to modify or create earnings, deductions, and
supporting elements to suit your company's specific business practices.

Tax Processing and Reporting


PeopleSoft Global Payroll for China provides functionality to meet legislative tax
recording, reporting, and processing requirements.

Tax Calculation

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for China delivers deductions for three types of tax:

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• Normal tax (NORM TAX)

• Annual bonus tax (ANN BON TAX)

• Severance payment tax (SEVERANCE TX)

These delivered tax earnings apply specifically to the Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and
Shenzhen tax regions. Global Payroll for China enables you to configure tax rules for
other tax areas.
During payroll processing, the tax section CN SE TAX calls each tax deduction
sequentially to perform tax calculation: NORM TAX, ANN BON TAX, and SEVERANCE
TX. It then calls a formula to insert tax values into the tax writable array CN WA TAX
REPORT after each calculation.

Note. For retro tax calculations, Global Payroll for China uses the forwarding retro method. It
supports both retro when earned, by which taxes are calculated based on current earnings and
retro when earnings and deductions are forwarded to current month earnings, and retro when paid,
by which tax differences of all retro periods are forwarded to the current month and the tax is
withheld in the current month.

Process Flow

This diagram illustrates the flow of the Tax Calculation process:

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Tax Calculation process flow

Tax Registration

You define tax registration details for each tax area within a pay entity.

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Defining tax registration information

Tax Reporting

Global Payroll for China delivers two tax reports:

• The Individual Income Tax Withholding Report is a summary monthly report of
income, deductions, and taxes for all payees that must be submitted to the tax
authorities within seven days after the end of the current month.

• The Tax Withholding Detail Report is a detailed monthly report of income,

deductions and taxes for all payees. It is a supplement to the Individual Income
Tax Withholding Report.

The reports are designed in accordance with Article 9 of the Individual Income Tax Law
of the People’s Republic of China. The State Administration of Taxation (SAT) issues
general formats for these tax return reports, but each province or city directly under
the central government can design its own format based on the regulations issued by
the SAT. PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for China 9.1 provides the general
formats as issued by the SAT.

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The system extracts data for both of these reports during payroll finalization using the
Report Data feature.

Process Flow

This diagram illustrates the flow of the Tax Report Data Extract process:

Tax Report Data Extract process flow

Tax Reports CHN Page

The Tax Reports CHN page enables you to generate the Individual Income Tax
Withholding Report, the Tax Withholding Detail Report, or even both reports

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Generating tax reports


PeopleSoft delivers predefined rules for processing absences due to vacation. You can
easily modify many of these rules to reflect absence policies that are specific to your
organization or to labor agreements that may be in force for your employees.
We deliver sample values for the vacation absence take (VAC) and absence
entitlement (VAC ENT) as well as predefined sections and process lists for absence
processing. You can use them, modify them, or create your own.

Public Housing Fund and Social Insurance Contributions


The Public Housing Fund and Social Insurance (PHF/SI) are statutory deductions to
which both employees and employers contribute, although not all of them are
mandatory in each area. They are:
• Public Housing Fund

• Voluntary Public Housing Fund

• Basic pension insurance

• Basic medical insurance

• Supplementary medical insurance

• Unemployment insurance

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• Work-related injury insurance

• Maternity insurance

The delivered PHF/SI contribution rules apply specifically to the Beijing, Shanghai,
Tianjin, and Shenzhen contribution areas. Global Payroll for China enables you to
configure PHF/SI contribution rules for other tax areas.
Global Payroll for China enables you to define PHF/SI registration details, assign and
disable PHF/SI deductions for payees, and generate PHF/SI reports.

PHF/SI Registration

You enter PHF/SI registration information at the pay entity level. You enter registration
details for each combination of contribution type and contribution area. For example,
you define registration information for work-related injury insurance contributions in
Beijing separately from the registration information for the same type of contribution
in Shanghai.

Defining PHF/SI registration details

PHF/SI Deduction Assignment


You can assign PHF/SI contribution deductions using the Element Assignment By
Payee page.

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Assigning PHF/SI contribution deductions

You can define processing details for PHF/SI deduction assignments using the Element
Detail page.

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Defining PHF/SI deduction details

PHF/SI Reporting

Global Payroll for China delivers three PHF/SI reports:

• The Annual Base Report declares annual employee and employer contribution

• The Eligibility Report lists monthly requisition/loss of PHF/SI eligibility.

• The Monthly Contribution Report lists monthly employee and employer contribution

Because no particular legal format is provided by the local PHF/SI Management centers
for PHF/SI reporting nor any provision for data being delivered in a magnetic format,
PeopleSoft provides general formats for PHF/SI reports for the reporting authorities.
Companies can use these reports as an aid to completing the preprinted report formats
supplied by the local PHF/SI management centers.
The system extracts data for these reports during payroll finalization using the Report
Data feature. It produces the reports in both PDF and CSV file formats.

Process Flow

This diagram illustrates the flow of the PHF/SI Report Data Extract process:

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Payroll Run Control Page

Select 'GP_PAYE' Job process

instead of 'GPPDPRUN'
COBOL process

Don't run
Is payroll being finalized? No
Contribution Extract


Prepare GP Report Data

Call Contribution Extract
parameters to call
GPCN_PHFSI Report Data

Report Data will populate Call Report Data (EXTRACT

TMP Record section of GP_RPT_DATA AE)

Is there any existing Delete existing Data from

Contribution Data? Contribution Extract


Create Contribution Extract

Data from TMP table

PHF/SI Report Data Extract process flow

PHF/SI Reports CHN Page

The PHF/SI Reports CHN page enables you to generate the Annual Base Report,
Eligibility Report, and Monthly Contribution Report.

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Generating PHF/SI reports


Global Payroll for China enables you to make salary payments by direct deposit, in
cash, or by check. Global Payroll for China takes advantage of Global Payroll core
functionality for basic banking setup. The banking process for Global Payroll for China
consists of three steps:
Calculate absence and payroll.
Run the payment preparation process.
Generate the EFT payment file.

EFT Payment File Generation Process

This diagram illustrates the EFT Payment File Generation process flow:

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EFT Payment File Generation process flow

Global Payroll for China delivers the EFT file format of the Shanghai Branch of the
China Construction Bank. You can configure other EFT file formats if you bank with
another branch or bank.

Create Payment EFT CHN Page

Use this page to create the EFT payment file for direct deposits.

Generating the EFT Payment file


Global Payroll for China enables you to design, generate, and print payslips for your
payees. By leveraging Global Payroll core payslip functionality, you can have the data
used in the production of the payslips generated by the pay calculation process and
stored in various result tables.

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Payslip Setup

This diagram illustrates the Payslip Setup process:

Payslip Setup process

Payslip Templates

Global Payroll for China delivers a generic payslip template that you can modify or use
as a starting point to design a new one that suits your payslip reporting requirements.
The payslip template enables you to create and control payslips so that they display
the data that you want and in the format that you want.

Template Setup & Accumulators Page

You can use this page to define which accumulators and accumulator labels appear on
payslips, and specify delivery options and departments or locations to be excluded
from payslip generation.

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Specifying accumulators and accumulator labels for a payslip template

Earnings and Deduction Page

You can use this page to create sections containing earnings or deduction elements
that appear on the printed and self-service payslip.

Creating earning and deduction sections for a payslip template

Absence Details Page

You can use this page to specify the absence elements that appear on the printed

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Creating absence sections for a payslip template

Payslip Template Details Page

Use this page to link a payslip template to a pay group.

Linking payslip templates to pay groups

Payslip Messages

Global Payroll for China enables you to define text messages that appear on the
payslip for a payee or a set of payees. The Add Payslip Message CHN page enables you
to specify:
• Who gets the message.

• What message text is used.

• When the message is available.

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Defining payslip messages

Payslip Delivery Options

The default delivery option for all payslips is the method specified in the Delivery
Option field on the Template Setup & Accumulators page when you defined the payslip
template. You can use the Payslip Delivery Option CHN page to set an effective-dated
override of that delivery option at the payee level.

Overriding the payslip delivery option

Payslip Generation

You can generate payslips for:

• An entire calendar group ID.

• Individual payees for the selected calendar group ID.

• Groups of payees in the selected calendar group ID by pay entity, pay group,
department, or location.

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Generating payslips


When an employer terminates an employee, the employee’s payout consists of a

severance payment and a termination payment. Termination payments may also
include pay in lieu of short notice and a payout to compensate for the employee's
annual leave balance. Global Payroll for China delivers all the necessary rules to
calculate the types and amounts of pay that a terminated employee receives.
Global Payroll for China taxes severance payments in accordance with Beijing,
Shanghai, Tianjin, and Shenzhen severance tax rules. Also, we apply the legislative
requirement to cap the years of service (used in the calculation of severance
payments) at no less than 12 years.

Support for Archiving Data


To help you archive your result data using the Data Archive Manager, PeopleSoft
Global Payroll for China delivers a predefined archive object (GPCN_RSLT_ARCHIVE)
and archive template (GPCNRSLT). The delivered archive template uses queries that
select data by calendar group ID (CAL_RUN_ID field).

Report Generation Through XML Publisher


PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for China 9.1 enables you to generate tax reports
and Public Housing Fund and Social Insurance (PHF/SI) reports using XML Publisher.
XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise is a template-based reporting solution that
separates the data extraction process from the report layout and allows the reuse of
extracted application data into multiple report layouts.

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Global Payroll for France


The PeopleSoft HCM French Country Extension team developed the Application
Framework feature for Global Payroll for France release 9.1 in response to the
legislative changes related to social declarations in France. The performance and
flexibility of the Application Framework tool provides you with substantial gains in
productivity while processing DADS-U and DUCS, as well as helping your organization
remain in compliance with complex and changing regulations.
The Application Framework is a set of menus designed to provide performance
enhancements and greater flexibility when you are processing DADS-U and DUCS
social declarations. The Application Framework offers the following capabilities:
• For each piece of information to be produced, you can selectively adopt the
standard content delivered by Oracle, or replace it with your own content,
according to your business needs.

• You can associate all kinds of payroll elements, not only accumulators, with the
records receiving amounts.

• You can select the desired companies, establishments, and pay groups to define
extractions IDs to be used for data extraction and file generation.

• You can check the data and make updates, if needed, which are stored in the
extraction table after the data extraction and before the final file generation.

• You can import data from other sources and enter data that is not managed in
HRMS through flexible parameters.

• You can launch the extraction on a limited sample of employees or data to validate
the setup before real production.

Application Framework Setup


Application Framework relies primarily on new components. The Application

Framework also uses two standard features from the HRMS application to process
• List Set, for Payroll elements and S46 periods management.

• Report Data, for Payroll results management.

Applications and Node Sets


An application defined in Application Framework corresponds to a declaration in a

given norm release for a given country. Inside this application, the monthly DNA and
the termination specific DNA are node sets, or messages, while the annual DADS-U is
another application.
Application Framework enables you to produce any DADS-U norm message, based on:
• The dynamic design of the message structure.

• The association of an object, called a Data Object Name (DON), to each record of
the message.

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Each application has node sets, nodes, and attributes. For a given application, you can
define the labels for these data levels on the Application Definition page. These labels
appear dynamically in the transactions related to the application.
The Define Parameter Template page defines parameters, grouped into functions, for a
given application. You can add parameters to existing functions and create new
functions and parameters to customize the setup for Application Framework, especially
to create scoped Employee Event data, to populate employee data that is not managed
in your payroll and HR application.
The Node Set Definition page lists all of the possible node sets.

Application Definition page

The Node Set Details FRA Component lists nodes or structures, and attributes or
records, related to one node set or message. This determines the structures and
records processed while you are running a DADS-U or DNA message.

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Node Set Nodes page

Nodes and Attributes


The Define Node FRA component contains all of the data used for the processing of
structures and records. However, you can override some parameters at the Run
Control stage.

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Define Node FRA page

SQL Entities and Data Object Names (DONS)


PeopleSoft delivers a number of SQL entities and data object names to manage the
main DADS-U and DNA records. Although these objects cannot be modified,
Application Framework enables you to:
• Duplicate a PeopleSoft object, such as an application, SQL Entity, or DON, into a
custom object, and then modify this custom object.

• Associate an attribute or record with a custom DON, without removing the

PeopleSoft-delivered DON associated with the record. The custom DON definition
automatically overrides the PeopleSoft-delivered DON definition during record

Application Framework Processing


To accommodate monthly DNA and DADS-U processing, the French Country Extension
PeopleSoft HCM Development team designed the Application Framework processing
using the payroll processing model.
After you define an extraction ID in the Define Extraction Data FRA component, enter
data on the Input Payee Data FRA page
The functions and parameters for a given application are defined in the Define
Application / Node Set FRA component, on the Define Parameter Template page, with
the Employee Data Event Scope.

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Enter data for each employee ID and each employee record number on this page, but
with an appropriate script you can also populate data en masse.
Finally, launch the Run Extraction FRA process for a given extraction ID.
When the process has successfully completed, the GPFR_AF_EXTRACT table is
populated based on the Extraction ID definition and the Run Control parameters.

Global Payroll for Thailand


Global Payroll for Thailand delivers elements, rules, pages, processes, and reports that
work with the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll core application to form a complete
payroll package for companies doing business in Thailand.
The following functionality is specifically developed for Thailand:
• Defining earnings and deductions.

• Managing social security fund and provident fund contributions.

• Calculating personal income taxes.

• Setting up and generating payslips.

• Generating reports.

• Generating data media files.

Defining Earnings and Deductions


Global Payroll for Thailand supports several different types of earnings and deductions
to meet common processing requirements. This includes earnings for basic salary, as
well as overtime, car allowances, termination earnings, bonus, and some template
earnings elements for nontaxable incomes. Global Payroll for Thailand also delivers
many common deduction elements, such as those for social security contribution,
provident fund contribution, leave without pay, and personal income tax.
Global Payroll for Thailand income is either regular income or irregular income. Regular
income is the amount paid to the employee during a sequence period. Irregular
income is the payment of overtime, bonuses, or special payments in any period. In
addition, the system also delivers different types of income for terminated employees.

Regular Income

The basic salary earnings element is a flat amount that is paid only at the earnings
level. Basic salary is paid regularly for permanent employees, in the first period for
new hires, and in the last period for terminated employees.
Global Payroll for Thailand supports two types of assessable income under section 40
of the Revenue Code in Thailand. Income under section 40(1), or basic salary, is
income derived from personal services rendered to employers, or employment income.
Income under section 40(2) is income derived by virtue of a post, office of
employment, or service rendered. Section 40(2) regular income is calculated in the
same way as basic salary, or income under section 40(1).

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Irregular Income

Irregular income is the payment of overtime, bonuses, or special payments in any

Global Payroll for Thailand delivers the following irregular earnings elements:
• Leave without pay.

Global Payroll for Thailand provides an earnings element and a deduction element
for leave without pay. These elements act as integration elements to obtain
absence input data from PeopleSoft Absence Management.
• Overtime.

Overtime is considered irregular income for payroll calculations. Global Payroll for
Thailand provides the following overtime rates:
• 1.5 times the hourly rate for work outside of the normal work schedule.
• 2.0 times the hourly rate for work performed during standard work hours on
the weekend.
• 3.0 times the hourly rate for work performed outside of standard work hours on
the weekend.
• Bonus.

• Car allowance.

• Meeting allowance.

• Commission.

Global Payroll for Thailand provides earnings elements to calculate bonuses and car
allowances as irregular income under section 40(1) in Thailand. Meeting allowances
and commissions contribute to section 40(2) income.

Termination Income

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for Thailand provides different types of

termination incomes and processing methods, based on the employee’s length of
service (LOS).
PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Thailand provides the following termination incomes for
terminated employees who have a LOS of five years or more:
• Government pension.

• Provident fund/government pension fund.

• Severance pay.

• One-time payment.

Global Payroll for Thailand processes the termination income for employees who have
a LOS of less than five years as normal irregular income.
For either LOS category, the system enables you to choose the termination tax
calculation type.

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Managing Social Security Fund and Provident Fund Contributions


Global Payroll for Thailand enables you to set up and maintain payee-level and
company-level social security and provident fund data.

Social Security Fund


The Social Security Fund feature supports the calculation, reporting, and recording of
contributions for the social security fund collected by the Social Security Office.
The system:
• Collects employer and employee data needed for calculations and reports.

• Determines the social security contribution eligibility and scheme type.

• Defines the earnings used for social security.

• Calculates social security contributions for the actual tax allowance.

• Checks the deductions limit.

• Prepares the legal reports.

Global Payroll for Thailand enables you to process social security contributions in
monthly, semimonthly, or weekly payroll runs. The system supports social security
calculation base amounts between 1,650 THB (Baht) per month and 15,000 THB per
Use the Maintain SSO Data THA (Maintain Social Security Office Data Thailand) page to
set up the payee's social security contribution rate:

Maintain SSO Data THA page

Employee Provident Fund


The Global Payroll for Thailand system calculates and records contributions to the
Employee Provident Fund as collected by the Provident Fund Manager for the

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The system:
• Supports employee and employer payments to the Provident Fund in accordance
with the calculation of eligibility rules for provident fund legislation.

• Calculates monthly contributions.

• Calculates the provident fund contribution for the actual tax allowance.

Use the Payee Provident Fund Setup THA page to enter payee-level provident fund

Payee Provident Fund Setup THA page

Calculating Personal Income Taxes


Global Payroll for Thailand provides all of the elements required to calculate personal
income tax.
Global Payroll for Thailand provides payroll rules and elements to support the following
tax calculation features:
• Weekly, semimonthly, and monthly payroll period types for tax calculations and
payroll runs.

• Tax calculation using the Accumulative Calculation Method (ACM) and the
Calculation in Advance Method (CAM).

• Multiple tax calculation types for each payroll period.

• Termination tax processing.

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Tax Calculation Methods


When calculating personal income tax for declaration to the Revenue Department, you
can choose from two tax calculation methods: the Calculation in Advance Method
(CAM) and the Accumulative Calculation Method (ACM). CAM is the method that the
Revenue Department recommends that employees use. Most companies use ACM to
calculate taxes, but governmental organizations still use CAM to calculate the taxes for
their officers. Global Payroll for Thailand enables you to choose either calculation
method. Both ACM and CAM follow the same high-level processing flow.
The following diagram shows the high-level processing flow for tax calculation:

Tax calculation process

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Tax Calculation Types


Global Payroll for Thailand supports the use of only one tax calculation type during a
single payroll period for both section 40(1) and section 40(2) regular income.
However, you can use a different tax calculation type for subsequent payroll periods.
PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for Thailand supports the following tax calculation
• Withholding (WH).
The employer, or entity that pays the income, withholds the tax at the source and
identifies the condition of payment in the ITF1 and ITF1 A reports as Deduct at

• Gross Up One Cycle (GUPO).

The employer, or entity that pays the income, pays the tax for the payee for one
cycle of the tax calculation and the payee pays the tax for the remainder of the
cycles. The employer, or pay entity, identifies the condition of payment in the ITF1
and ITF1 A reports as Company Paid Once.

• Gross Up All Cycles (GUPA).

The employer, or entity that pays the income, pays the tax for the payee for all
cycles of the tax calculation and the payee does not pay any taxes for that income.
The employer, or entity that pays the income, identifies the condition of payment
in the ITF1 and ITF1 A reports as Company Paid All.

For example, assume that you process your payroll monthly. In January, you process
all regular incomes using the withholding tax calculation type. Then, in February, you
can change the tax calculation for all regular incomes to the gross up all cycles tax
calculation type.

The system supports applying multiple tax calculation types to irregular earnings
within a single payroll period.

Tax Log

Global Payroll for Thailand enables you to create a Tax Log report that payroll
administrators can use to track the process of tax calculation in detail.
The following steps describe the Tax Log process:
1. Set up the Tax Log flag for each payee, pay group, or pay entity.
2. Run the payroll process.
3. The payroll process checks the Tax Log flag for every identified payee, and then
stores the Tax Log data in writable arrays.
4. The system uses the following records to store the detailed tax calculation data
from the writable arrays:
• GPTH_TAX_G_LOG is used for the TAX WA G LOG writable array.
• GPTH_TAX_D_LOG is used for the TAX WA D LOG writable array.
• GPTH_TX_G_T_LOG is used for the TAX WA G TER LOG writable array.
• GPTH_TX_D_T_LOG is used for the TAX WA D TER LOG writable array.

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5. Run the tax log reports.

The Tax Log SQR report process retrieves the detailed tax calculation data and
then prints the information into a PDF file. The Termination Tax Log Report process
uses the PeopleTools XML Publisher to print the Termination Tax Log report into a
PDF file.
The following diagram illustrates the overall Tax Log process flow:

Tax Log process flow

Termination Tax Processing


Global Payroll for Thailand supports the use of the withholding, gross up one cycle, and
gross up all cycles tax calculation types for termination tax processing. You can also
easily track the termination tax calculation using the Termination Tax Log functionality.
The termination tax log is similar to the tax log reporting used for normal payroll

Off Cycle and Retroactive Processing


Global Payroll for Thailand provides an off-cycle payroll run and off-cycle tax
calculation process for unscheduled payments that do not fall within the normal payroll
run. For example, a bonus is paid on the 15th of this month while the normal payroll
run is made at the end of each month.
Retroactive processing enables you to go back and recalculate prior calendars due to
changes made after the original calculation. Global Payroll for Thailand uses a
forwarding method for retroactive processing that calculates the differences between
the original and recalculated pay runs. These differences are carried forward to the
current calendar period as an adjustment to elements that you specify. The system
uses the same tax calculation method for the forwarded amount and the retroactively
processed section 40(1) and section 40(2) regular income.

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Use the Retro Process Overrides page to select the elements to be forwarded:

Retro Process Overrides page

Segmentation Processing

Segmentation is the process of calculating all or a subset of elements in a process list

in separate slices or segments. You can segment components of pay based on events
such as changes in compensation or employee status during a pay period. The
following events trigger period segmentation in Global Payroll for Thailand:
• Hire.

• Rehire.

• Termination.

• Termination with pay.

Changes in an employee’s compensation trigger element segmentation for basic


Tax Allowances

Global Payroll for Thailand provides pages to set up and maintain tax allowances for
tax calculation.
The system supports:
• Expense allowances.

• Personal and spouse allowances.

• Child, child education, parent, and parent health insurance allowances.

• Personal and spouse life insurance allowances.

• Provident fund, mutual fund, long-term equity, and social security fund allowances.

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• Mortgage interest allowances.

• Donation, education donation, and sport donation allowances.

• Tax exemptions for employees who are over 65 years old.

Use the Tax Allowance Declaration THA page to enter payee tax allowance information:

Tax Allowance Declaration THA page (1 of 2)

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Tax Allowance Declaration THA page (2 of 2)

Setting Up and Generating Payslips


PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for Thailand enables you to create and control
payslips through payslip setup pages so that they display the data that you want. You
can override parts of payslip templates at lower levels, so you do not have to create
multiple templates to cover every payslip scenario.
PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for Thailand enables you to view payslips online
using the ePay Self-Service Payslip feature provided by PeopleSoft Global Payroll.
The following diagram describes the process for creating and viewing payslips:

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Global Payroll for Thailand Extension

Set Up Add
Set Up ePay in Link Payslip Payslip Override
Payslip Template Messages to
PeopleSoft Template to at Payee Level
(Print elements on Print on
Global Payroll Pay Group (Optional)
Payslips) Payslips

Create and Print

Run Payroll

View Payslip in
Self Service

Payslip Creation and View process

Payslip templates are very flexible and contain definitions for accumulator column
headings, row labels, earnings and deductions, element descriptions, and delivery
option overrides. You can also select whether to have the absence entitlement appear
on the payslip. Finally, you can create special payslip messages (such as ”Happy
Holidays”) and link the templates to pay groups. In other words, you can create
payslips that are unique to a particular pay group.
You can set up payslip templates and accumulators on the Payslip Template
Accumulators page:

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Accumulators page for payslip templates

Generating Reports

Global Payroll for Thailand comes with a full set of reports that you can use to support
your business requirements. Reports included in Global Payroll for Thailand enable you
to fulfill the reporting requirements for the Thailand Revenue Department, the Thailand
Social Security Office, and your own business reporting needs.

Tax Reporting

The Tax Reporting feature in Global Payroll for Thailand enables organizations to
capture, generate, and maintain both employee and company identification and
biographical data that supports auditing and the reporting requirements of the
Thailand Revenue Department.
The tax reports included in Global Payroll for Thailand are:
• Tax Calculation Log.

• Termination Tax Log.

• Income Tax Form 1 (Por Ngor Dor 1).

• Income Tax Form 1A (Por Ngor Dor 1A).

• Income Tax Form 1A Special (Por Ngor Dor 1A Special).

• Certificate of Tax Deductions (50 Bis).

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• Allowances Declaration Form (Lor Yor 01).

• Parent Allowance Declaration Form (Lor Yor 03).

• Personal Income Tax Form 91 (Por Ngor Dor 91).

• Attachment Personal Income Form 91 (due to termination).

• Personal Income Tax Return (Por Ngor Dor 90).

Social Security Reporting


The Social Security Reporting feature in Global Payroll for Thailand enables you to
produce the following reports for the Social Security Organization:
• Social Security Form 1-10.

• Summary Report (SSO 1-10 Part I).

• Detail Report (SSO 1-10 Part II).
• Social Security Form 1-10/1.

• Social Security Form 6-09 Employee Resignation.

• Social Security Form 1-03/1 Employee Registration.

• Workmen Compensation report.

The Workmen Compensation form is a legal report that employers must submit to
the Social Security Office quarterly or annually. This report details the total
monthly amount of different kinds of earnings.
This report is generated using XML publisher, which is a template-based reporting
solution that separates the data extraction process from the report layout and
allows the reuse of extracted application data into multiple report layouts.

Other Reports

Additional reports included in Global Payroll for Thailand are:

• Payroll Register reports.

• Payslips.

Generating Data Media Files


In addition to the reports delivered with Global Payroll for Thailand, the system
provides a set of data media files to support your business requirements. The data
media files included with Global Payroll of Thailand are:
• Data Media File ITF1.

• Data Media File PIT91.

• Data Media File SSO 1-10.

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The data media file feature supports employee salary direct deposits and recipient
payments using an electronic file format. PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Thailand
generates electronic file outputs to credit employee salaries and reports this data to
the recipient.
In addition, you can submit the ITF1 report to the Thailand Revenue Department
through the Internet using the provided data media file format.

Absence Management

Absence Management enables organizations to plan and manage absence events

within a single, customizable, rules-based application. Simplify and optimize the
absence tracking processing for your organization with these Absence Management 9.1
• Integration with Oracle Workforce Scheduling

• Extended Leave Framework

• Leave Donations

• Time and Labor Timesheet integration with Approval Workflow Engine

In Absence Management 9.1, you can record absence start and end times. Then, using
the delivered integration, you can send them to the Oracle Workforce Scheduling
The Extended Leave framework tracks information related to an extended absence
request through manual entry, electronic entry using attachments such as PDFs and
Microsoft Word documents, or both. Extended Leave integrates with the Approvals
Workflow Engine and the Attachment Framework PeopleSoft HCM common
The Leave Donations functionality enables you to automate the administration of your
Leave Donations programs. Using self-service, participants in a Leave Donation plan
can request leave, donate leave, and return unused leave, as well as stop their
participation in voluntary Leave Donations programs.

Integration with Oracle Workforce Scheduling


To meet customer service and cost objectives, OWS uses employee absence
information to forecast the demand for labor and to schedule the right people for the
right activities at the right time. PeopleSoft Absence Management uses Integration
Broker to send asynchronous, one-way messages to OWS with employee data and
absence dates and times.

Publishing All Absence Data to OWS


Initially, you must send all active and approved absences to OWS using the Absence
Full Sync Application Engine process. Absence Management sends absence event data
to OWS when all of the following conditions are met:
• The system has OWS installed.

• The employee’s HR status is active

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• The employee is enrolled in OWS.

• The absence is approved and active. Canceled and void absence information is not
sent to OWS.

• The absence start date or end date falls on or after the date specified in the
Process As Of Date field on the Publish Absence Data to OWS page.

Use the Publish Absence Date to OWS page for ongoing synchronization with OWS.

Publish Absence Data to OWS page

Ongoing Synchronization with OWS


After synchronizing the Absence Management and OWS systems, Absence

Management publishes absence events for active employees who are enrolled in the
installed OWS system. The system publishes the following changes or additions to
absence events for enrolled employees:
• Add a new, approved absence event.

• Delete an existing, approved absence event.

• Change an approved event to Not Approved.

• Change an absence event to Approved.

The absence event takes place from the process date onward.
• Modify a date, time, or status field in an approved absence event.

Use Cases

The following table describes the actions you might take in Absence Management and
lists the information received by OWS and the actions that OWS takes in response to
the received data.

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Use Case Description Information Received by Action Taken by OWS

Initial Synchronization OWS receives multiple absence event Update the OWS schedule with the
records. new data.
You approve an absence event. OWS receives an approved absence Update the OWS schedule with the
event record. new data.
You change an absence event from OWS receives an unapproved Remove the absence event from the
Approved to Not Approved absence event record. OWS schedule using the record
You change a non-key field in the OWS receives the approved absence Update the OWS schedule with the
absence event for example, the Start event record where the changed field new data.
Time has the attribute IsChanged.
You change a key field in the absence OWS receives two records: Use the old record key field to access
event for example, the EmplID, the The AUDIT_ACTN = N for the old the old employee schedule and
begin date, or the end date. record remove the old data, then use the new
record to update the OWS schedule
AUDIT_ACTN = K for the new record.
with the new data.
The changed field has the attribute
For example, if the you change the
begin date, then OWS changes or
removes the absence from the
schedule using the old begin date and
updates the schedule with the new
begin date.
You change key fields and non-key OWS receives two records: Use the old record key field to access
fields in the absence event. For The AUDIT_ACTN = N for the old the old employee schedule and use
example, you change the begin date record the new record to update the OWS
and the start time of the absence schedule with the new data.
AUDIT_ACTN = K for the new record.
event. For example, if you change the begin
The changed fields have the attribute
date then OWS removes the absence
using the old begin date from the
schedule and updates the schedule
with the new begin date.
You delete an absence event. OWS receives the deleted absence Remove the related delete absence
event record data from the OWS schedule.

For more information about integrating with Oracle Workforce Scheduling, see
the Human Resources and Time and Labor sections of these Release Notes.

Extended Leave Framework


The Extended Leave Framework enables you to request, preauthorize, check eligibility,
approve, and track data related to extended absences. This feature optimizes the
implementation to global requirements such as FMLA in the United States, ESA in
Canada, Education Leave in Germany, and SSP/SMP in the UK.

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The Extended Leave Framework enables employees and administrators to use intuitive
self-service transactions designed to minimize the complexity associated with
extended absences. Using the attachment framework, you can deploy documents in
compliant formats, provide access to frequently asked questions, and view HR and
extended absence policies. This framework empowers end users with a one-stop-shop
for extended absence, freeing administrators and help desks from the task.

Requesting Extended Absences


The Request Extended Absence page provides information and links to other Absence
Management 9.1 features.
In the Extended Absence Request Details region, your employees can enter all of the
data needed for you to track their absence. When employees access the page, the
system provides a link to the configurable section, which enables you to track almost
any kind of leave-related information that you have configured.
The Related Links region of the Request Extended Absence page enables you to deploy
documents in compliant formats, provide access to frequently asked questions, and
view policies regarding extended absences.
The Absence Requests region displays all request activity included in the extended
absence Start Date and extended absence Expected Return Date fields.
Using self-service pages, you can enter requests for extended absences using the
Request Extended Absence page:

Request Extended Absence page (1 of 2)

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Request Extended Absence page (2 of 2)

Tracking Extended Absence Leave Data


The configurable sections feature in Absence Management 9.1 enables you to track
almost any kind of extended leave-related information. You can set up configurable
sections to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements and define all of the
fields in your preferred format to track additional data for reporting. Configurable
sections eliminate the need for customizations and make the upgrade process more
efficient, reducing the total cost of ownership.
In the following page, the configurable section has been set up to obtain FMLA
eligibility information for U.S.-based employees:

Extended absence template form (configured as FMLA Eligibility page) (1 of 2)

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Extended absence template form (configured as FMLA Eligibility page) (2 of 2)

Leave Donations

The Leave Donations feature in Absence Management improves the administration of

your Leave Donations programs. Leave Donations enables employees to request
donated leave, donate leave, return unused leave, and stop their participation in
voluntary Leave Donations programs all through the self-service interface.
Administrators can perform the same tasks on behalf of employees. Leave Donations is
fully integrated with the PeopleSoft Approvals Workflow Engine, which means you can
define any type of approval rule for self-service requests. Administrators can perform
mass approvals, making the Leave Donations process very efficient. The setup is
configurable, you can define multiple Leave Donations plans, and you can tailor the
self-service request pages via Self-Service configuration. Leave Donations plans
support days and hours.
A leave transfer program enables employees to donate their accrued leave hours to
other employees who have exhausted their own leave due to a qualifying emergency.
Managing leave transfer request programs consists of four major functions:
• Program definition and page configurations.

• Employee self-service requests to donate leave, request leave, terminate

participation, return unused leave, and view a request history.

• Administrative actions that define program recipients, manage and approve

employee self-service requests, adjust program bank balances and employee
balances, initiate payee requests, and view transaction histories.

• Ability to process all employee and administrator requests and inserting input data
for Global Payroll core processing using the Leave Transfer Process
(GP_ABSLVDNPI ) Application Engine program.

The following diagram illustrates the process flow and relationship of the pages used to
configure and manage the leave transfer request process:

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Leave Transfer Request process

Defining New Leave Transfer Entitlements


To set up a leave donation program in PeopleSoft Absence Management, you must

define at least two frequency-based entitlements: a donate entitlement and a receive
entitlement. Many programs consider all donations from a donor irrevocable. However,
if your leave transfer program enables participants to return unused leave time back to
the program or donor, you must also create a return entitlement. You must create a
leave transfer entitlement for each originating, or eligible-to-be donated, entitlement.
For example, if your leave transfer program enables donors to contribute time from
both sick leave and vacation time, you must define donate entitlements, receive
entitlements and, if applicable, return entitlements for both sick leave and vacation
Use the Leave Program Definition page to define the parameters for a leave transfer

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Leave Program Definition page

Receiving Donated Leave Time


You can use self-service pages to:

• Donate available leave time

• Receive donated leave time

• Return unused leave time

• End participation in a leave donation program

• View leave donation request history

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Request to Donate Leave page (1 of 2)

Request to Donate Leave page (2 of 2)

Other self-service pages enable you, or your proxy, to request donated leave hours
from a leave transfer program.
Requests to receive donated leave hours from leave transfer programs with a Bank
program category must be approved by a leave transfer administrator. Leave transfer
programs that use the Individual program category do not require a request to receive
donated leave.

Returning Unused Leave and Ending Leave Program Participation


Using self-service pages, you can return any unused leave time back to the donors or
the leave transfer program and end participation in a banked leave program in which
the donation occurs on a recurring basis.
The system does not return any donated leave time when an employee ends his or her
participation in a leave transfer program. The return of unused leave time is set up at
the program definition level and is controlled by the Request to Return Unused Leave

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Termination of enrollment occurs during the next available calendar run after approval
of the termination request. Terminating leave program participation and returning
unused leave time are auto-approved requests. The system automatically approves
these requests without input from a program administrator.

Time and Labor Timesheet Integration with Approvals Workflow


For release 9.1, Time and Labor uses the Approval Workflow Engine within the
timesheet processing function. Absence Management 9.1 enables you to set up
approval rules and use them when reporting absences in the timesheet. You can
request absences that require multiple levels of approvals on the timesheet.

Absence Management Records Updated from Timesheet


Absence Management 9.1 enables you to use the Time and Labor timesheet to modify
absence events entered in Absence Management Self Service. Time and Labor
supports the same Submit, Approve, Deny, and Pushback actions that Absence
Management supports. This means that, in Absence Management 9.1, actions taken in
the timesheet update the Absence Event, Absence Self Service Data, and Absence Self
Service Status Absence Management records.

Absence Management Approvals Versus Time and Labor Approvals


In release 9.1, you can modify absence events entered in Absence Management Self
Service with an existing Absence Management approval path on the Time and Labor
timesheet. When you use the timesheet to change these events, the Approval
Workflow Engine terminates the Absence Management approval path and the system
creates a new approval instance using approval values provided by Time and Labor.
The system uses the following logic to determine the approval path used:

Source application for Absence modified in the Approval path used for the
absence timesheet? absence
Absence Management No Absence Management
approval path
Absence Management Yes Time and Labor approval
Time and Labor N/A Time and Labor approval

Approval Status Monitor and Pushback


Absence Management 9.1 now displays the status monitor when you take any actions
for absence events following a Time and Labor approval path.
Absence Management retrieves the Approval Process ID, Definition ID, and header
record data from Time and Labor and passes the data to the Approval Workflow Engine
in order to display the status monitor reflecting the status of the Time and Labor
Approval Path.

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In addition, Absence Management 9.1 recognizes the new pushback functionality on

the timesheet. This enables you to send absence transactions back to the originator to
make changes or rework their reported time or absence.

Delegations Support

The HCM Delegation Framework enables you to authorize other users to perform
managerial tasks on your behalf by delegating authority to initiate or approve
managerial transactions.
Absence Management 9.1 supports delegation of managerial transactions on the
timesheet. To support delegations for timesheet actions regarding absence requests
and absence approvals, you must also delegate the defined Manager Absence Request
and Manager Absence Approve transactions in the Absence Management Delegation

Time and Labor


Labor is typically an organization’s largest expense and workforce management

applications are critical to an organization’s accounting and monitoring of their labor
expenditures. To affect the financial bottom line of your organization, you need to
track and monitor absences and adherence to work schedules and use approvals to
control expenditures such as overtime. The need to reduce labor costs while improving
productivity, efficiency, and service levels has never been more critical.
For Time and Labor release 9.1, the new features and integrations improve usability
and increase workforce productivity.

Approval Workflow Engine and Delegation Framework


Adoption of the PeopleSoft Approval Workflow Engine enables your organization to

specify multiple levels of approvers and define specific approval criteria with integrated
worklist and email notifications.
Depending on your requirements, you can configure time approvals for reported time,
payable time, or both reported and payable time.
You can also set up email notifications for particular events. For managers, these
include reported time needing approval, payable time needing approval, exceptions
that have been generated, or a scheduled event that has been modified. For
employees, email notifications include approved reported time, approved payable time,
denied reported time, or modified reported time.
The Approval Workflow Engine (AWE) is the engine that provides capabilities for
creating, running, and managing the approval processes. The engine uses a series of
database objects combined with application component configuration settings to
determine how to process approvals using workflow. The AWE is a common component
shared across multiple PeopleSoft applications within both HRMS and other application
By adopting the Approval Workflow Engine and HCM Delegation Framework, Time and
Labor provides you with the flexibility to set up sequential or parallel paths for
multilevel or single-level approvals.

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New Approval Process Definitions


Time and Labor 9.1 delivers eight Approval Process definitions to support common
organizational hierarchies such as Supervisor ID, Department Manager, and Position
Management, as well as multiple levels approval. The process definitions route the
approval request using the approval user list based on the HR Direct Reports structure
or TL Groups.
The eight Approval Process definitions in the 9.1 release are:

Approval Process Definition Approver User List Final Approval Status

TLByDeptManager TLByDeptManager Approval is needed from the

(assigned at step 1) department manager before the
approval request final status is set to
TLByPosnDeptMgr TLByPosnDeptMgr Approval is needed from
(assigned at step 1) PosnDeptMgr before the approval
request final status is set to approved.
TLByPosnSupervisor TLByPosnSupervisor Approval is needed from
(assigned at step 1) PosnSupervisor before the approval
request final status is set to approved.
TLByPosMgmt TLByPosMgmt Approval is needed from PosMgmt
(assigned at step 1) before the approval request final
status is set to approved.
TLBySupervisorID TLBySupervisorID Approval is needed from supervisor
(assigned at step 1) before the approval request final
status is set to approved.
TLGroupSingleStageALL TLUserList1 (assigned at path 1/ step All approvers at path 1/step1 and all
1) approvers at path 2/step1 must
TLUserList2 (assigned at path 2/ step approve the request before the
1) approval request final status is set to

Note. The approvers on path

2/step 1 can approve the
request at the same time as
the approvers on path 1/step 1.

TLGroupMultiStageSOME TLUserList1 (assigned at stage 1/ Some approvers at stage 1/ path 1/

path 1/ step 1) step1 must approve the request, and
TLUserList2 (assigned at stage 2/path then some approvers at stage 2/ path
1/ step1) 1/ step1 must approve the request,
before the approval request final
status is set to approved.

Note. The approvers on stage

2/ path 1/ step 1 cannot
approve the request until the

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Approval Process Definition Approver User List Final Approval Status

approvers on stage 1/ path 1/

step 1 approve the request.

TLGroupMultiStageALL TLUserList1 (assigned at stage 1/ All approvers at stage 1/ path 1/ step1

path 1/ step 1) and all approvers at stage 2/ path 1/
TLUserList2 (assigned at stage 2/ step 1 must approve the request
path 1/ step1) before the approval request final
status is set to approved.

Note. The approvers on stage

2/ path 1/ step 1 cannot
approve the request until all
approvers on stage 1/ path 1/
step 1 approve the request.

Use the WorkGroup – Approval page and the Time Reporting Code – Approval and
Comment page (formerly the TRC 2 page) to activate approvals in Time and Labor.

Time Reporting Code - Approval and Comment page

Approval Actions

When the system sends a notification to the approver indicating that a reported time
or payable time is waiting for approval, the approver can:
• Approve the time request. The system sends a notification to the next person in
the approval process.

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• Deny the time request. The system terminates the approval process. The originator
of the time request receives a notification indicating the denial of the time request.

• Push back the time request. The originator of the time request receives a
notification indicating that the time request needs his or her attention.

Adding Approvers or Reviewers to the Approval Process


During the approval process, approvers can add other approvers or reviewers to the
current or a later stage of the approval process. For example, if you want input from
timekeeper, you can add the timekeeper as an approver or reviewer.
This action applies only to the approval instance in which the addition occurs and does
not affect the underlying process definition used for other requests.
You can insert ad hoc approvers and reviewers in serial or parallel with existing
• For serial approvals, each approval in the process is sequential. You can add
approvers and reviewers only after the current step.

• For parallel approvals, the sequence does not matter. You can insert an ad hoc
step in any pending or subsequent stage.

If you have an ad hoc approver user list defined in the transaction registry, you can
add only the users within that list as an ad hoc approver or reviewer. Time and Labor
9.1 provides an Ad hoc Users List configuration on the WorkGroup – Approval page
and the Time Reporting Code – Approval and Comment page.
Ad hoc reviewers are users whom an approver or requester want to review a
transaction. The system notifies ad hoc reviewers and provides a link to the
transaction in a Worklist entry or email, depending upon your configuration.

Associate Comments with the Approval Process


In release 9.1, the system passes comments entered on the comments page to the
AWE. The AWE saves the comments and adds them to the approval status monitor
constructed by the AWE. The comments displayed within the approval status monitor
show the following data related to the person who entered the comments:
• User ID

• Date entered

• Time entered.

The comments are display-only within the approval status monitor and cannot be
By leveraging the Approval Workflow Engine, the system produces an Approval Status
Monitor to display the pending approver. The system automatically sends the approver
an email notification and generates a worklist item.

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Approval status monitor

Adoption of the PeopleSoft Delegation Framework


Time and Labor 9.1 supports the HCM Delegation Framework, which enables you to
authorize other users to perform managerial tasks on your behalf by delegating
authority to initiate or approve managerial transactions. The system uses email and
worklist notifications to notify the delegator and specified proxies.
The HCM Delegation Framework supports the following types of delegation:
• Downward delegation of authority to a direct report or a person lower in the
reporting hierarchy

• Upward delegation of authority to a manager or a person higher in the reporting


• Lateral delegation of authority to a peer within the same division or in a different

division within the reporting hierarchy

Time and Labor 9.1 has added three delegation transactions to the Create Delegation
Request function:
• Manager Reported Time

• Manage Approve Reported Time

• Manage Approve Payable Time

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Create Delegation Request – Delegation Detail page showing Time and Labor 9.1
delegation transactions
These Time and Labor delegation transactions provide the proxy with access to the
following Time and Labor summary pages:
• Reported Time Summary

• Approve Reported Time Summary

• Approve Payable Time Summary

For each active delegation, the Approval Workflow Engine and HCM Delegation
Framework work together to initiate the approval to the correct approver based on the
delegated authority.

Integration with Oracle Workforce Scheduling


Accurate labor forecasting and efficient workforce scheduling is critical to optimal

workforce performance. Organizations want to achieve a balance between the need for
labor and the labor budget in order to meet the demand. An organization needs to be
efficient with labor spending by not overstaffing or understaffing.
Oracle Workforce Scheduling (OWS) provides labor forecasting and schedule
optimization to aid organizations in determining where, when, and who they need to
deploy to any given shift, assignment, job, project, task, and so on, based on historical

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PeopleSoft HCM Release 9.1 integrates data from PeopleSoft Human Resources, Time
and Labor, and Absence Management with OWS, which enables you to monitor and
manage schedule assignments, achieve optimal project tracking, and track absences.
PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides a bidirectional, near real-time integration
between PeopleSoft Enterprise Time and Labor and OWS. Time and Labor sends
employee schedule preferences and reported punch time to OWS, and OWS returns
optimized punch schedules to Time and Labor.
Time and Labor sends and receives information from OWS for employees who meet
the following criteria:
• The system has OWS, Human Resources, and Time and Labor installed.

• The employee is enrolled in OWS.

• The employee’s HR status is active.

• The employee has a schedule with either a punch or a flex shift type, regardless of
the rotating schedule status on the Defining Schedules page.

Publishing Schedule Preferences to OWS


Your employees set up their schedule preferences for the workweek. For each day of
the week, employees enter their preferred shift or start and end times. PeopleSoft
Time and Labor publishes this information to OWS as the employee’s preferred
The schedule preference data from Time and Labor enables OWS to forecast the
demand for labor and to schedule the right people to the right activities at the right
time to meet customer service and cost objectives.

Note. Time and Labor publishes to OWS only for each day that the user enters a Shift ID or a Start
Time and End Time. Some employees may not establish a preference for each day. Time and
Labor does not publish time for days for which the shift ID is set to Off.

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Publishing Report Time to OWS


PeopleSoft Time and Labor publishes reported punch time to OWS.

Time and Labor publishes the first in and the last out punch times associated with a
shift ID. For example, an employee has the following punch times:
1. 8:00 a.m., punch in.

2. 10:00 a.m., punch out for morning break.

3. 10:15 a.m., punch in.

4. 12:00 p.m., punch out for midday meal.

5. 1:00 p.m., punch in.

6. 3:00 p.m., punch out for afternoon break.

7. 3:15 p.m., punch in.

8. 5:00 p.m., punch out for end of shift.

The system publishes the 8:00 a.m. punch in and the 5:00 p.m. punch out to OWS.
Use the Publish Reported Time page to publish punch times to OWS.

Publish Reported Time page

Receiving Optimized Punch Schedules from OWS


Using information such as planned absences, employee’s schedule preference, and

reported punch time, OWS produces an optimized schedule for each employee. OWS
publishes the optimized schedule into PeopleSoft Time and Labor. You can view the
schedule, and the schedule information is entered on an employee’s timesheet. The
schedule information also aids in schedule resolution.
Time and Labor receives optimized employee schedules from OWS through Integration
Broker web services. Time and Labor inserts the received data into the SCH_EXT_STG
staging table. You use the SCH_EXTVALID validation process to perform basic schedule

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For more information about integrating with Oracle Workforce Scheduling, see
the Absence Management and Human Resources sections of these Release Notes.

Enhanced Project Costing ChartFields


ChartFields are fields used to report General Ledger charts of accounts with
transactional data. These accounts determine the logging of transactions and the
tracking of information for General Ledger purposes. ChartFields enable you to report
up to 21 charts of accounts when entering transactional data. Both Commitment
Accounting and Non-Commitment Accounting customers can utilize the ChartField
functionality for their business processes.
The enhanced ChartFields integration in Time and Labor 9.1 includes all of the Project
Costing ChartFields. Components for Project Costing business unit, project, activity,
source type, category, and subcategory from the Time and Labor menu group appear
under ChartField Values.

Configuration and Integration


You can configure and activate all or a subset of the 21 ChartFields using the Standard
ChartField Configuration page. The Standard ChartField Configuration page enables
you to activate ChartFields, change the order of display, relabel the fields, and change
the field length displayed for individual ChartFields.
When you press the Apply button and the application engine runs, the pages
displaying ChartFields reflect the configured display.

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Standard ChartField Configuration page

Impact on Task Template


After you press the Apply button on the Standard ChartField Configuration page, the
impact to Time and Labor (TL) begins with the task template. The task template
reflects the activated ChartField values when combo code is an enabled field. For
example, if the Standard ChartField Configuration has activated the GL account,
department, and project, enabling the combo code field on the task template also
enables the GL account, department, and project as individual ChartField values.
Use task templates to select the types of task information that you want taskgroup
members to provide when reporting time. For example, if a group of time reporters
does project work, such as developing software, you might want to create a task
template that captures the project and product they're working on, the department,
and individual tasks.
The following example shows the Task Template page in Time and Labor 9.1:

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Task Template page (1 of 2)

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Task Template page (2 of 2)

In the HR Task Elements, Time & Labor Elements, Performance Mgmt Element, and
General Ledger Elements group boxes, select each type of task data that you want
time reporters associated with this taskgroup to report. For each field you choose,
select either Required, Optional, or Not Used in the drop-down list box to the right.
If your organization uses commitment accounting, Project Costing (PS/Projects), or
Enterprise Performance Management (PS/EPM), some of the task fields may be
selected automatically or made unavailable.

Uploading ChartField Combinations


To improve usability and ensure consistency between Time and Labor and Payroll for
North America, PeopleSoft Time and Labor uses the ChartField Validation Search. By
leveraging the ChartField Validation Search, you can reduce the need to employ the
Upload ChartField Combinations process to load new ChartField combinations into the
Transaction Table from an external file.

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The Upload ChartField Combinations feature in Time and Labor 9.1 enables you to
insert data into Combo Code task elements. The system loads the contents of a file
that contains combination code information into a temporary table. Then an
Application Engine program reads the temporary table, validates the data, and inserts
the data into the ACCT_CD_TBL and ACCT_CD_TBL_GL tables. The system generates
two reports: an upload summary report and a detail report that lists any bypassed
records, and the reason for discarding the records.
The data file must be a comma-separated value (CSV) file with the ChartField
information for each combination code listed in a specific order. If you do not use all of
the available ChartFields in a specific combination code, you should leave the unused
columns empty and keep the formatted sequence of ChartFields.
Use the Upload ChartField Combinations page to upload ChartField data into Combo
Code task elements.

Upload ChartField Combinations page

Import, Export, and Recompile Rules


Time and Labor 9.1 enables you to migrate rules across databases, which means that
you can easily transfer rules created in an isolated testing environment into your
production database. This feature eliminates the need to reenter rules. You can also
recompile rules after importing them.
To move rules from one database to another, use the Rules Export (TL_EXP_RULE)
component to export rules and the Rules Import (TL_IMP_RULE) component to import
rules. Use the Rules Recompile (TL_RULE_RCMP) component to recompile Time and
Labor rules.

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Moving Time and Labor Rules from one environment to another includes three distinct
• Selecting rules for export and exporting all of the required rule elements.

• Importing rules from a rules export file.

• Recompiling rules for PeopleSoft templates.

Time and Labor uses PeopleTools DataMover and two DataMover scripts to complete
the migration of Time and Labor rules from one environment to another. The system
uses an Application Engine (AE) process to create the DataMover scripts required to
export and then import the selected rules. The AE process then packages the rules and
scripts into a DataMover DAT file in a location that you specify from the run control

Note. You can move only rules created from PeopleSoft-delivered templates.

Exporting Rules

The Rules Export page lists all of the rules to export from a source database, initiates
the processes that select the listed rules, and creates a DataMover DAT file for
exporting the rules.

Rules Export page

Select the Include related Rule programs check box to include the most current
effective-dated rows for the Rule Programs associated with the selected rules in the
export file. If you do not select this field, then you must manually associate each
imported rule with the corresponding rule program.
Click the Create Scripts button to perform the following steps:
• Verify that the indicated script location path is correct.

• Analyze the content of each row in the Rules Export area of the page, resolve the
selection of rules, and store the results.

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• Write the DataMover scripts for both the Export and Import rules processes.

Click the Run button to perform the following steps:

• Initiate a DataMover process scheduler request to generate the rules DAT file
based on the Export script created by the Create Scripts process.

• List each rule that is selected and processed in the message log file and indicate
the completion of the DataMover process.

The Script Location field specifies the location used to store the DataMover scripts and
DAT file created by the Export process.
The Export process does not change any existing structures in the environment. You
can safely select rules and export the required rule elements at any time.

Importing and Recompiling Rules


Use the Time and Labor 9.1 Rules Import process to import the files created by the
Export process. Access the Rules Import page and enter the location of the DataMover
DAT file created by the Export rules process in the Script Location field.
Run the Import and Recompile rules processes when the processes do not conflict with
existing Time Administration processes. Do this because the Import rules process
transfers shared objects from records where a separation from the rule itself was not
possible. In addition, any template modified during the Recompile rules process can
affect existing rules, and a conflict with a Time Administration batch process would
cause the batch process to crash.
You should run the Import and Recompile rules processes in your Production
environment when you run the existing Refresh Dynamic Groups process. Do this
because the Refresh Dynamic groups process is run daily and has the same potential
Access the Rules Recompile page to recompile rules that you have imported.

Rules Recompile page

Select the Recompile All Rules check box to recompile all existing rule templates.
Clearing this check box enables you to view the Rules Recompile region of the page.

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The Rules Recompile region enables you to specify rules to recompile, or recompile the
rules associated with one or more templates, or template types.

Enhanced Mass Time Reporting


Mass Time reporting in Time and Labor 9.1 filters common time reporting codes
availability based on select groups of employees. This prevents invalid Time Reporting
Code exception generation for reported time via Mass Time.
Use the Mass Time Reporting feature to save time and keystrokes when reporting
time. It enables you to report different attributes of time for a period rather than
having to enter them manually for each day in the specified period. The Mass Time
Reporting feature enables you to report time in several different ways by using a
template type format. You enter the period of time for which you want to report time
and select the method that Time and Labor uses to generate reported time.
Each person enrolled in Time and Labor is associated with a set of time reporting
codes, based on the time reporting code program derived from the workgroup
information. Managers using Mass Time Reporting generally use a group of employees.
In Time and Labor 9.1, the system filters the list of time reporting codes so that the
only displayed time reporting codes are valid for all of the employees belonging to the
Access the Mass Time - Report Time page (select Self Service, Time Reporting, Report
Time, Mass Time; click the Next button on the Mass Time - Select Time Reporting
Method page).

Mass Time - Report Time page

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Mass Time - Report Time page when Specify one or more transactions to be applied to
each day in the time period is selected
Enter a time reporting code in the Time Reporting Code field to specify which method
to use for processing the time worked. Every active TRC that is valid for the employee
appears here. However, rules-only TRCs are used only in processing rules and do not
appear on the time reporting pages.

Pension Administration

While ensuring compliance with changing Federal requirements, Oracle’s PeopleSoft

Enterprise Pension Administration maintains its flexibility and its ability to help its
customers perform accurate and configurable retirement benefit calculations.
Beginning in 2008, the Pension Protection Act (PPA) of 2006 introduced new funding
requirements for single-employer defined benefit pension plans. The PPA replaced the
30-year Treasury bond interest rate as the interest rate for calculating lump-sum
distributions from defined benefit plans. Plan sponsors must now calculate lump-sum
distributions using a three-segment interest rate yield curve, derived from the rates of
return on investment-grade corporate bonds of varying maturities. The interest rates
correspond to the length of time until the obligations are due to be paid. Actuarial
calculations adjust benefit amounts to an equivalent amount for a different
commencement date or for a different form of payment. The conversion is based on
specified assumptions about mortality, interest, and payment frequency. Together
these assumptions constitute an actuarial assumption set.
In PeopleSoft Enterprise Pension Administration 9.1, we are introducing segmented
interest rates to comply with the change in interest rate factors and enable users to
define these segmented rates and apply them in an Actuarial Assumption set.

Copyright 2009 Oracle. All Rights Reserved Page 233

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A new calculation table is available for setting up segment rates

The Actuarial Assumptions component now includes a Use Segment Rates option

Copyright 2009 Oracle. All Rights Reserved Page 234

Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Oracle Workforce Scheduling 5.0.4


Oracle Workforce Scheduling (OWS) provides a comprehensive solution to forecasting

the demand for labor and scheduling the right people to the right activities at the right
time to meet customer service and cost objectives. Controlling labor hours, and hence
cost, is one of the biggest problems facing labor-intensive industries. Oracle Workforce
Scheduling is a simple-to-use system that can reduce overstaffing and understaffing,
increase customer service, and reduce payroll costs. The powerful mathematic
optimization routines fully support 24/7 working and take into account factors such as
demand, employee preferences, skills, availability, labor laws, payroll budgets,
workplace rules, best practice, and seasonality.
OWS is currently targeted towards solving employee-scheduling problems
predominantly within the retail sector, but the underlying technology can be applied to
many other industries. OWS is a standalone system; however, Version 5.0.4 (released
coincident with PeopleSoft 9.1) delivers bidirectional integration between OWS and
PeopleSoft HR, Time and Labor, and Absence Management as described in the relevant
section of this document.

Schedule Display
Version 5.0.4 also includes Long Term Scheduling, allowing the optimization of
resources across a whole year. Long Term Scheduling applies the same sophisticated
optimization process as used in weekly scheduling to match employee weekly hours to
the weekly demand for the 52 or 53 complete weeks of a year. Long Term Scheduling
can be used to manage annualized hours contracts and facilitates compliance with
labor laws in some countries.

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Long-Term Schedule
For more information, please visit the Oracle Workforce Scheduling page on at

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Business Intelligence

Oracle Human Resources Analytics 7.9.6


Oracle Human Resources Analytics helps organizations improve overall workforce

performance and managerial effectiveness while reducing costs. With more than 300
metrics and 600 dimensional attributes, Oracle Human Resources Analytics provides
the workforce information foundation that integrates data from HR functional areas
and Finance. Oracle Human Resources Analytics also delivers 9 dashboards and over
200 reports to provide your human resources (HR) professionals and front-line
managers the best tools available to analyze workforce staffing and productivity, to
better design compensation that rewards performance, to better source high-quality
applicants, and to reduce employee retention and absence costs. Oracle Human
Resources Analytics is part of the Oracle Business Intelligence Application Suite and is
delivered with integrations to PeopleSoft HCM.

Employee performance dashboard

For more information, please visit the Oracle Human Resources Analytics page on at

analytics.html UH

Note. PeopleSoft HCM 9.1 certification with Human Resources Analytics 7.9.6 is in development as
of the date on which these Release Notes were published. Human Resources Analytics 7.9.6 is
currently certified with PeopleSoft HCM 8.9 and 9.0.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Enhancements That Are Common to Multiple


This section discusses new enhancements that are common to multiple applications.
PeopleSoft continues to deliver enterprise-wide features and frameworks that enhance
your ownership experience and help you run your business more efficiently and
profitably. With the release of PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1, PeopleSoft delivers:
• Application Integration Framework

• Approval Framework

• Desktop Integration

• Find Object Navigation

• Events and Notifications

• Upgrade Framework

Application Integration Framework


Application Integration Framework extends PeopleSoft Integration Broker functionality

to provide a standard way to represent, classify, store, query, publish, acquire, and
invoke data that maps element names, structures, and values between PeopleSoft
Messages and external system messages. Two important features of Application
Integration Framework include; the Domain Value Mapping (Static Cross-references)
and Dynamic Cross-referencing. These two mappings enable PeopleSoft Values to be
mapped to other applications. Also, there are various APIs being provided as part of
this framework to access the Domain Value Mappings and Dynamic Cross-references,
such as PeopleCode APIs, XSLT Extensions Functions and also WebService calls. These
APIs can be used in supplement with PeopleSoft Integration Broker to send and
receive messages with other PeopleSoft systems or third-party systems. If the
message structure differs between systems, transformation programs are used to
transform the incoming or outgoing message to a message format that the PeopleSoft
system understands.
The primary purpose of Application Integration Framework is to create integrations
with other Oracle Applications using the Application Integration Architecture without
requiring an application upgrade. The framework is generic enough that is could be
used for PeopleSoft integrations with any external system or with other PeopleSoft

See Also

Application Integration Framework PeopleBook

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Approval Framework

Approval Framework is a user configurable tool that utilizes Pure Internet Architecture
and PeopleTools Workflow to create dynamic approval processes that fit the needs of
each organization. Approval Framework replaces Virtual Approver and puts most
configuration control in the hands of the business analyst.
In the PeopleSoft Enterprise 9.1 release, Approval Framework focused on Flexibility,
Configurability and Control.
These enhancements help to streamline configuration tasks and provide additional
details and functionality for approvers.
• Flexibility: Three areas were the main focus: Notification, Timeout and User Lists.

• Additional configuration options:

ƒ The administration monitor has added a layer of configurability that allows

actions to be enabled/disabled for each Transaction Registry.

ƒ The Monitor Configuration page controls both the Search and the Actions page
of the Monitor Approvals.

ƒ The information displayed on the page can now be specified. In prior releases,
only the transaction keys were displayed.

• Control: Two new features are meant to provide control to the user:

ƒ The first one is a new User Monitor. It is intended to be a “one-stop shop” for
the user to review transactions that he either initiated or is a designated
approver on.

ƒ The other new area of control is in reporting. Approval Framework has

provided an audit report that provides details on Approval Transactions.

See Also

Approval Framework PeopleBook

Desktop Integration

Desktop Integration is a completely new feature providing seamless integration

between Microsoft Office and your PeopleSoft applications, enabling your organization
to schedule and track appointments, meetings, tasks, and corresponding
The Desktop Integration framework allows PeopleSoft applications to extend
functionality into the Microsoft Office 2007 suite. Providing the ability to launch
Microsoft Outlook from a PeopleSoft web page and pass the application data to Outlook
(Calendar or email). A two-way communication is established between the PeopleSoft
application and Microsoft Outlook, with Outlook receiving the information from and
sending updates to the PeopleSoft application. Oracle delivers this functionality as part
of the PeopleSoft Enterprise Components that are available with all PeopleSoft

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Powerful integration scenarios include interview scheduling without leaving your

PeopleSoft application, delivered tasks and dynamic displays that are customizable to
suit your particular user groups and business needs. Address books that enable you to
leverage PeopleSoft data to update Outlook users’ local address lists or to control the
email addresses available within the PeopleSoft Outlook Meeting Scheduler.
The Desktop Integration framework consists of the following components:
The Microsoft Outlook and Word add-ins contain all the pieces necessary to send
information to and receive information from the PeopleSoft applications. Microsoft
Office add-ins invoke functions in this layer for user authentication, launching web
services to receive and send data from the PeopleSoft application. On the PeopleSoft
side, services and app-classes exist that accept the requests from Microsoft Outlook
and Word and perform the necessary actions and data retrieval.
Oracle uses the Integration Broker to connect Microsoft Outlook and Word to the
PeopleSoft applications. Oracle delivers predefined interfaces and security classes.
The Desktop Integration layer creates, updates and moves the data in and out of the
PeopleSoft system and is responsible for responding to all events. As events are
processed, control is optionally passed to the PeopleSoft Application Layer for
Any application-specific functions are contained within the PeopleSoft Application
Layer. When you create new integrations or customize existing ones, all application-
specific code is contained within the application layer.

Find Object Navigation


Use the Find Object Navigation utility with any PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture
page to locate the navigation path for a component, page, content reference, or portal.
When you select your search criteria and click the Find Navigation button, the resulting
navigation paths appear with links that enable you to navigate directly to the page that
you specified in your search. Frequently, several ways are available to access a page.
Reviewing all of the navigation paths may help you find the page in a more intuitive
Additionally, when used as an internal tool, this utility can be very helpful during
PeopleTools and application upgrades.

Events and Notifications


Events and Notifications is a framework that enables you to define, implement and run
business logic for business events. The Notification Dashboard is a central location to
view information related to notifications, warnings, and alerts that occur within many
batch or online processes throughout the system. You can receive notifications using
email, worklist or XML messages when an event occurs. PeopleSoft Query can be used
in combination with the Events and Notifications Framework feature to generate alert
messages based on data within one or more PeopleSoft tables.
The Events and Notifications framework was created to combine existing Event
functionality from HCM and Events, Warning, and Notifications in SCM to be a common
framework that could generate multiple kinds of notifications, required a very light API
to implement and had a minimal set of required registry data. This combined
framework is now available in all PeopleSoft Applications.

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See Also

Events and Notifications Framework PeopleBook

For Email collaboration, please note the following limitations on BlackBerry and
• BlackBerry does not allow its delivered applications to override the default
application for attachments. Currently, the BlackBerry email application opens the
HTML attachment as a text document. If the user is using a 3rd party email
application, then the HTML displays properly.

• Currently, iPhone OS 3.1 does not support any Email Approval options. You must
use a 3rd party application that supports javascript in the email.

Upgrade Framework

The Upgrade Data Conversion Analyzer is a new Application Engine (AE) program. For
a given upgrade path, the Analyzer gathers a list of AE Sections required for data
conversion and stores these in a new repository. Each SQL statement (including SQL
Statements within PeopleCode) is then analyzed to derive a list of tables that are
manipulated or queried during the execution of the SQL. Once all the SQL is analyzed,
the information is used to derive section dependency information which is then saved
in the repository.
The Upgrade Data Conversion Runtime is a new Application Engine program. The
Runtime uses the information generated by the Upgrade Data Conversion Analyzer to
improve the execution of the data conversion. Optimization is achieved through
increased parallelism at runtime. Execution timing data is written to the repository,
and can be used for analysis and further optimization of subsequent runtimes.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Enhanced Product Information


Oracle continues to enhance the user experience with our products by improving the
quality and ease of access to vital information.

Note. The links provided in this section may change over time. If a link does not take you to the
proper location, should produce a more current link.

New Information Portal


The PeopleSoft Enterprise Information Portal provides customers with a single entry

point to locate the documentation, training, and other useful information they need to
help with their implementation process and improve their daily experience with our
PeopleSoft Enterprise software offers many information solutions to help our
customers succeed. By using our popular PeopleSoft Enterprise Information Solution
data sheets, customers can easily access information and links to PeopleBooks,
Documentation Updates, Instructor-Led Training, Online Classes, User Productivity Kits
(UPK), Self-Study CDs, Certification Programs, and other helpful information.

PeopleBook Improvements

Several enhancements have been made to the PeopleBook documentation in the areas
of content breadth, organization, and usability.
• Hosted PeopleBooks. Starting with this release, our new Hosted PeopleBook
solution provides the option to access your context sensitive PeopleBook help
directly from our hosted server. The hosted documentation is updated on a
regularly scheduled basis ensuring that you have access to the most current
documentation. This reduces the need to view separate maintenance
documentation postings on MetaLink 3 because that documentation is into the
hosted PeopleBooks content. We also offer updated installable HTML PeopleBook
Libraries for those who prefer to have the documentation installed on their local
servers. Updated PDF versions of PeopleBooks are posted on OTN, based on the
content update schedule. The hosted and updated installable PeopleBooks are
available in English only. Translated PeopleBooks are still offered in their original
GA state via ePD.

• Installed PeopleBook Organization. You’ll notice a big change as soon as you

install PeopleBooks. We now deliver PeopleBooks logically grouped by product line
and functional area so that books are easier to find when accessed online.

• Improved Application Page Navigation Documentation. Navigation to an

application page is now displayed wherever a page is defined in our
documentation. Now, in addition to the navigation being listed in the Page

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Introduction Table, the navigation is also listed at each location in the PeopleBook
where the application page is discussed in detail. This eliminates the need for
customers to look elsewhere in the book for the page navigation.

• More Examples. Throughout our documentation, we have added real-life

examples of application setup or business process tasks to help customers envision
the documentation in our PeopleBooks. When an example is more extensive or
does not easily fit into a suitable section of the documentation, we may also
include a Scenarios appendix that contains standalone examples of how our
products are best implemented and used.

• Helpful Hints. Sometimes a useful bit of information or troubleshooting advice can

mean a big difference in how easily a product is set up or used. In certain
situations, we have included such information in a note or warning within the
documentation itself. If the information is too lengthy to include in a note or
warning, it may be included in a Helpful Hints appendix.

• Enhanced Cross-References. Using a new formatting capability within our

PeopleBook authoring tool, we can now insert a useful cross-reference link within
standard paragraph text. This puts appropriate cross-references closer to the
documentation to which they apply, making them far more useful to our

Researching PeopleBooks

We have created a free, short, online course titled Researching in PeopleBooks that

gives our customers:

• A better understanding of the documentation structure and organization.

• Techniques for finding information more quickly and easily by using search
functionality, best practice search strategies, and indexes.

Take this brief course to help you more quickly find the information you need in

User Productivity Kit (UPK)


The User Productivity Kit (UPK Developer and content) is the PeopleSoft end-user

training solution and provides a single source development and customization tool to
enable rapid content creation and customization. UPK also may provide system process
documentation, user-acceptance test scripts, training materials, role-based
performance support, and documentation.
For this release, we’ve broadened our UPK footprint with more UPK content offerings

than ever before. Leverage this powerful end-user training solution to improve your
organization’s productivity in a highly cost-effective manner.

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Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009


Today’s business environment calls for Human Capital Management to extend well
beyond HR basics to enable sophisticated, yet easy-to-use workforce-related business
processes. Organizations must be able to compete in the global economy and to
attract, retain, and motivate their top talent. Concurrently, they must maintain
regulatory compliance and control costs and have access to business performance
metrics that demonstrate clear ROI.
PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 is designed to meet customer needs, industry best
practices, and thought leadership recommendations. HCM 9.1 is a testament to
Oracle’s commitment to Applications Unlimited, the customer base, and its own
leadership in the HCM arena.
This document is intended to provide early information about the major areas of
enhancement to the PeopleSoft HCM application. These enhancements represent a
significant investment by Oracle to both our customers and the industry and show that
we are serious about the importance of Human Capital to the organization and
committed to retaining our leadership in this area. We believe HCM 9.1 is a compelling
release for our customers and look forward to your success going forward as you
implement this major release.

Copyright 2009 Oracle. All Rights Reserved Page 244

Release Notes for Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 September 2009

Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 9.1 Release Notes

October 2009

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This document is provided for information purposes only and the
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This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any
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