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DELOS REYES V REPUBLIC accordance with the by-laws.

Shares of stock so issued are personal property

FACTS: and may be transferred by delivery of the certificate endorsed by the owner or
600,000 shares of stock of the Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co., Inc., his attorney in fact or other person legally authorized to make the transfer. No
(Lepanto), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the transfer, however, shall be valid, except as between the parties, until the
Philippines. Originally, 1/2 shares of stock were claimed by Apolinario de los transfer is entered and noted upon the books of the corporation so as to show
Santos, and the other half by Isabelo Astraquillo. During the pendency of this the names of the parties to the transaction, the date of the transfer, the number
case, the Astraquillo allegedly conveyed and assigned his interest in and to de of the certificate, and the number of shares transferred.
los Santos.Vicente Madrigal is registered in the books of the Lepanto as owner
of said stocks and whose indorsement in blank appears on the back of said No shares of stock against which the corporation holds any unpaid claim shall
certificates. They nowcontend that De los Santos bought 55,000 shares from be transferable on the books of the corporation.”
Juan Campos, 300,000 shares from Carl Hess, 800,000 shares from Carl Hess for
the benefit of Astraquillo and delivered to stock broker Leonardo Recio stock Certificates of stock are not negotiable instruments consequently, a transferee
certificate No. 2279 55,000 shares to see Mr. DeWitt, who, probably, would be under a forged assignment acquires no title which can be asserted against the
interested in purchasing the shares. true owner, unless his own negligence has been such as to create an estoppel
DeWitt retained the shares reasoning that it was blocked by the US and against him. If the owner of the certificate has endorsed it in blank, and it is
receipt was burned at Recio's dwelling. By virtue of vesting P-12, dated stolen from him, no title is acquired by an innocent purchaser for value. Neither
February 18, 1945, title to the 1,600,000 shares of stock in dispute was, the absence of blame on the part of the officers of the company in allowing an
however, vested in the Alien Property Custodian of the U. S. Plaintiffs filed their unauthorized transfer of stock, nor the good faith of the purchaser of stolen
respective claims with the Property Custodian and Defendant Attorney General property, will avail as an answer to the demand of the true owner. The doctrine
of the U. S., successor to the Administrator contends, substantially, that, prior to that a bona fide purchaser of shares under a forged or unauthorized transfer
the outbreak of the war in the Pacific, shares of stock were bought by Vicente acquires no title as against the true owner does not apply where the
Madrigal, in trust for, and for the benefit of, the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha a circumstances are such as to estop the latter from asserting his title. One of two
corporation organized in accordance with the laws of Japan, the true owner innocent parties must suffer by reason of a wrongful or unauthorized act, the
thereof, with branch office in the Philippines. On March, 1942, Madrigal loss must fall on the one who first trusted the wrongdoer and put in his hands
delivered stock certificates, with his blank indorsement thereon, to the Mitsuis, the means of inflicting such loss. Negligence which will work an estoppel of this
which kept said certificates, in the files of its office in Manila, until the liberation kind must be a proximate cause of the purchase or advancement of money by
of the latter by the American forces early in 1945; that the Mitsuis had never the holder of the property, and must enter into the transaction itself. The
sold, or otherwise disposed of, said shares of stock; and that the stock negligence must be in or immediately connected with the transfer itself. To
certificates aforementioned must have been stolen or looted, therefore, during establish this estoppel it must appear that the true owner had conferred upon
the emergency resulting from said liberation. The CFI are in favor of plaintiffs, the person who has diverted the security the indicia of ownership, or an
hence the defendants appeal. apparent title or authority to transfer the title. So the owner is not guilty of
Hess, during that period, operate as broker, for being American, he was negligence in merely entrusting another with the possession of his certificate of
under Japanese surveillance, and that Hess had made, during the occupation, no stock, if he does not, by assignment or otherwise, clothe him with the apparent
transaction involving mining shares, except when he sold 12,000 shares of the title. Nor is he deprived of his title or his remedy against the corporation
Benguet Consolidated, inherited from his mother, sometime in 1943. because he intrusts a third person with the key of a box in which the certificate
are kept, where the latter takes them from the box and by forging the owner's
ISSUE: WON the plaintiffs are entitled to the shares name to a power of attorney procures their transfer on the corporate books. .
Nor is the mere indorsement of an assignment and power of attorney in blank
on a certificate of stock, which is afterwards lost or stolen, such negligence as
HELD: NO will estop the owner from asserting his title as against a bona fide purchaser
The burden of proof is upon the plaintiffs. Section 35 of the Corporation from the finder or thief, or from holding the corporation liable for allowing a
Law says that: transfer on its books, where the loss or theft of the certificate was not due to
any negligence on the part of the owner. Stock pledged to a bank is endorsed in
“The capital stock corporations shall be divided into shares for which blank by the owner does not estop him from asserting title thereto as against a
certificates signed by the president or the vice-president, countersigned by the bona fide purchaser for value who derives his title from one who stole the
secretary or clerk and sealed with the seal of the corporation, shall be issued in certificate from the pledgee. And this has also been held to be true though the
thief was an officer of the pledgee, since his act in wrongfully appropriating the
certificate cannot be regarded as a misappropriation by the bank to whose
custody the certificate was intrusted by the owner, even though the bank may
be liable to the pledger. Hence, as the undisputed principal or beneficiary of the
registered owner (Madrigal), the Mitsuis may claim his rights, which cannot be
exercised by the plaintiffs, not only because their alleged title is
not derived either from madrigal or from the Mitsuis, but, also, because it is in
derogation, of said rights. madrigal and the Mitsuis are notprivies to the alleged
sales by Campos and Hess to the plaintiffs, contrary to the latter's pretense.

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