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Aadhaar Enrollment Center


UIDAI Regional Office, Mumbai

7th Floor,MTNL Exchange, GD Somani Marg,
Cuff Parade, Colaba,
Mumbai - 400 005

Sub : Setting up Aadhar Enrollment Center In Government Premises.

Sr. No. Details Description

1 Name & address of Govt.


2 Full Address of Center

3 Government Officials Details.

(Responsible for proper
working of the center)

a) Name of Governemnt Official a) _______________________

b) Designation b) _______________________

c) Mobile c) _______________________

d) Email d) _______________________

4 Working hours of the center On Weekday _____AM to ____ PM

(Timing) On Holidays _____ AM to ____ PM (in case open)

5 Operator Detail

a) Name a) _______________________

b) Mobile b) _______________________

c) Email c) _______________________

d) Aadhaar No. d) _______________________

Center will be run directly supervison by Government official and according the UIDAI guidelines.

(Gazaetted Officer)

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