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A Project usually falls short of its expectation unless guided by the right person atthe right time.
Success of a project is an outcome of sincere efforts, channeled inthe right direction,
efficient supervision and the most valuable professionalguidance.This project would not
have been completed without the direct and indirect helpand guidance of such luminaries.
They provide me with the necessary recoursesand atmosphere conductive for healthy
learning and training.At the outset I would like to take this opportunity to gratefully
acknowledge thevery kind and patient guidance I have received from my project guide Mr.
.Without his critical evaluation and suggestion at every stage of the project, thisreport
could not have reached its present form. In addition, my internal guideProf., Faculty has
critically evaluated my each step in developing this projectreport.I would like to extend
my gratitude towards , Director,, for her technical and moral support required for the
realization of this projectreport.Lastly, I would like to thank all the members of BIG
BAZAAR and my colleagueswho gave me fruitful information to finish my project.
Summer Training is business organization in fuse among student a sense of criticalanalysis
of the real managerial situation to which they are exposed. This gins theman opportunity to
apply their conceptual theoretical & imaginative skills in a reallife situations and to
evaluate the results there of.BIG BAZAAR is a name renowned name in Retail. BIG
BAZAAR is now a brandi m a g e i n p r i v a t e r e t a i l s e c t o r . W h i l e m y t w o
m o n t h p r o j e c t , I w a s a t B I G BAZAAR to find potential of BIG BAZAAR on the
presence of other retail Stores.Practical training through experts of BIG BAZAAR gave me
actual input to fulfillmy real aim.This report is the written account of what I learnt
experienced during my
training.I w i s h t h o s e g o i n g t h r o u g h i t w i l l n o t o n l y f i n d i t r e
a l b u t a l s o g e t u s e f u l information.

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