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Name: Abarracoso, Jeffre A.

I. Objective

1. Differentiate a trend from a fad. (HUMSS-MCT12-Ia-b-3)

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic

Trends and Fads

B. References

C. Materials

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Attendance

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation

Before we proceed to our

formal discussion, we’ll have first a
group game which I called “Pictures
Speak Louder Than Words”.
You will determine what is
being emphasized in the pictures that
I will show.
(Teacher will show pictures.)

Do you have any idea as to what These pictures refer to trends

is being referred by the pictures? and fads.

Very good! So what we will be

talking today is all about trends and

2. Activity

Before that, let us first

categorize the words that you When we speak of fad, it is short-
answered in the previous activity. lived. It typically last for a total of one
Categorize it as trends or fads. season, but can also last less than a

3. Analysis A fad is often referred to as

“catching on” with the larger
Very good! Based on how you population but will often fade as
categorize the words, what is now quickly as it appeared.
being meant by fads?

Examples of this are fidget

spinner, Rubik's Cube, mood rings,
yoyos, virtual pets, Pokemon, etc.
Very good! What else?

Trends have a much longer life

span than fads. In fact they can
continue to be fashionable for years
Can you give other examples of and even decades.

Very good! On the other hand,

what is a trend?

Very good! The primary difference

between a trend and a fad is that
trends have potential to be long term.

4. Abstraction
Based on the graph, how is a fad A fad is short-term while a trend
different from a trend? is long term. Fad disappears as
quickly as it appears.
5. Application
As a student and as a member of a
community, what do trends and fads Trends and fads imply to us
implies to you? students that …

IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment

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