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Report, UF-Company of the year (Årets UF-Företag) 2017/2018, Nordenbergsskolan, Blekinge

Who are Chocogift UF? 4
Our year summary 5
Our economy 5

Our Product
The Product 6
Development potential
610+ sold boxes
Product overview 7 100% Love and Happiness
Our Team
Team development 8
Experiences 8
Teampresentation 9

Our Market
Market overview 11 “There is nowhere else in nature where there is a such a great
concentration of the most valuable nutrients in such a small
Social media 11
space such as the cocoa bean” - Alexander von Humboldt

Our Economy Chocolate is a way to enjoy life and indulge just that little extra
Pricing 12 bit. To have the opportunity to share chocolate with friends and
12 family elevates life to the next level. There is no secret that all of
Profit and loss statements
us that are behind Chocogift UF have a love for chocolate. Just
Balance sheet 12
as much as we are passionate about chocolate, we are passion-
Signatures 12 ate about caring for friends, acquaintances and strangers alike.
We are proud to have successfully developed a product that is
Our Goals
Spread love and hap-
able to spread happiness, love and consideration. As the VD of
piness Chocogift UF I am extremely proud of my fellow business col-
Reach a total revenue leagues that put in invaluable hours of time into our business,
34000 kr listened to each other and aimed for the stars. We are an amaz-
Build a strong brand
Chocogift UF ing team and I am forever grateful.
Be visible on social
Learn as much as Emila Nilsson
CEO, Chocogift UF
possible about
running a business chocogiftuf

2 3
Our Year in Short
26/8 - First prototype completed

Who are Chocogift UF?

13/9 - First order of chocolate
30/9 - First sales opportunity at a Farmers’ Market in
- an introduction - 18/10 - Won the competition “UF-Company of the month” in
Our business concept is to sell chocolate boxes that contain exclusive 27/10 - Elon in Karlshamn bought 80 boxes and invited us to
chocolate truffles in six distinct and wonderful flavours. The boxes are
covered with personalized messages such as “I like you” and “Congratula- their customer evening
tions”. Our product solves the common problem of not knowing what gift 9/11 - Sold chocolate boxes during open house in
to bring to a party, birthday or dinner. We have a personalized chocolate
box for every situation. Nordenbergsskolan
9/11 - Held a presentation for a “Dragons Den”
10/11 - Were featured in the newspaper 24 Blekinge
Our Product 17/1 - Hairdresser stocked our product and sold them to
Our product is a box of chocolates; but just At the start of september we had a finished customers
as important as the chocolate truffles inside product that we were happy with and start-
the box is the personalized message on the ed selling. On the 30th of September we got
18/11 - Sold chocolate in Lönsboda at the Christmas market
outside of the box. These personalized mes- our first chance to sell our product at a small “Granada”
sages are the basis of our business idea and farmers´ market in Olofström where we sold 20/11 - Launched latest chocolate box “Merry Christmas”
make our product stick out from the rest. The close to 50 chocolate boxes within one day.
messages can be varied infinitely and only Throughout the rest of the year we have sold
21/11 - BLT published an article about the company
your imagination can set the limit of what is over 600 boxes of chocolate and been fea- 3/12 - Christmas market in Tingsryd and Olofström
possible with our product. The text, color and tured in local newspapers, launched new per- 5/12 - Citybolaget bought 30 boxes of chocolate
pictures can be varied with just the click of a sonalized messages, participated in popular
button. Without the need to produce a com- competitions and gained a large following on 7/12 - Launched a new box of chocolate, “Happy New Year”
pletely new chocolate box for every variation social media. 15/1 - Hosted a competition that reaches over 1450 people
of our product, it is possible for us to change 30/1 - Launched our latest box of chocolate “Valentines day”
our product quickly and easily to adapt to the “We usually compare our team to a box
needs of the market. The latest change of our of chocolate. The best box of choco-
12/2 - Launched personalized messages
product is allowing the customer to select the late contains different kinds of choco- 17/3 - first page in “sydöstran”
text and color that they want on their person-
late where all the flavours complement
alized chocolate box. They can now create a
completely unique gift by just pressing a few
each other perfectly.”
buttons on our website.

Our Year Summary Our economy

Throughout the year we have experienced Today we can present a result of 17 429 SEK
both fun, tough, rewarding and challenging and a total revenue of 39 935 SEK. Our reve-
moments. We started developing our prod- nue is calculated for the period of September
uct early by creating prototypes and had a lot 2017 to March 2018. At the end of the period
of ideas before we settled on a product that our costs were 19 939 SEK. As of now, the
we were satisfied with. We spent a lot of time majority of our costs are connected to the
developing our product by trying different purchasing of our product as well as the costs
types of boxes, chocolate and different ways for event participation.
of putting our personal touch on the box. We
had to consider both pricing, quality and the
ease of putting the boxes together.

4 5
Our product
Personalized Message
To spread love and

- a closer look -
Our product is central to the success of our business and in this section
we will take a look at what our product looks like today, what compo- The lid
nents make up our product, how competitive our product is compared to Folded by us
other products and how we can further develop our product.

The product
Our product consists of different components; Finding the perfect personal message makes Flavor guide
some of which we make ourselves and oth- it memorable and valuable for the person Orange
ers that we purchase. We create the personal receiving the gift as well. The possibility to Neutral Silk Paper
messages and flavour guides ourselves as design your own personal message on the Mint to protect the
well as pack the boxes by hand. Our choco- boxes for a reasonable price also makes our Sea Salt chocolate
late boxes contains chocolate truffles in six product quite unique on the market. Not a lot Raspberry
wonderful flavours. of businesses offer a way to buy a personal- Caramel
ized gift without ordering a massive amount Chocolate truffles
The personal messages are just as import- of the product. the core of our
ant as our chocolate. The first nine personal product
messages we selected included both general
messages, such as “I like you” and “Instead
Developement potential
A development potential for Chocogift UF is
of a flower”, and more specific messages,
to reduce the time it takes to complete every
such as “Best friend”, “Mom” and “Dad”. Our
individual box, which limits our profitability
season-based messages, “Merry Christmas”,
the most. During the year we have succeed-
“Happy New Year” and “Valentines Day”, were
ed to reduce the time from three minutes colour coded bottom
all very popular and have their own unique
to approximately one minute per box. Fur- to be able to Insertion
colors to stick out from other similar gifts.
thermore, by investing in better tools for our
differentiate between To hold the chocolate
personal messages, outsourcing part of our
Completely personalized messages were
business to external factories or by develop-
the flavors in place
something that our customers asked for.
ing an automatic system to produce and print
Messages such as “Congratulations on your
the personal messages, we would be able to
20th Birthday” or “I love you Oscar”, are impos-
reduce the time for every box and in that way
sible for us to mass produce. Therefore, we
increase our sales.
decided to introduce personalized messag-
es. On our website it is now possible to order
Two further development potentials are the
personalized boxes and only your imagination
ideas of selling our product to retailers in
sets the limit for what is possible to write on
order to reach out to new customers and also
your box of chocolate.
emphasize the opportunity for customers to
design their own personal messages. Further-
Competitiveness more, another opportunity for our business
to grow would be by combining our personal
What makes our product unique is the abil- The bottom
ity for our chocolates to work as a personal messages with other similar products such
as gift baskets or flowers. The amount of gift Folded by us
and beautiful gift for any occasion. Nothing is
stopping the customer from purchasing a box products like these on the market are very
for themselves but our product really shines small, especially for individual buyers.
6 7
OUr team
“Emilia is our CEO and the most
important task she has is having a
long term and broad thinking that
- a closer look - will benefit the company long term.
Emilia is also responsible for manag-
The people that are behind the company are the key to success. Set- ing the group dynamic and making
backs encourage ingenuity and hard work, and passion and wisdom
create success. We are a team that works together, discusses ideas and sure that everyone feels comfortable
learns together as a group. We have gained knowledge about entrepre- Emilia Nilsson in the company.”
neurship and how a business operates. CEO

team development “Lukas has an eye for color, shapes

Trust, openness, dedication and responsi- solve different problems, be creative and al-
bility are the keywords to a well functioning low ourselves to compromise. and design while also being com-
team. The first thing our teachers told us when petent in several types of editing
we were about to start our business was to An example when we had to come up with
choose competence before friendship. We a different plan was in the beginning of our software, which is an important
chose both and it was the best decision we UF-year. Everything was ready to go and the part of our company”
made. We are four people who work incredibly supplier had been selected and the product
well together and at the same time have our developed. It was then that our truffle suppli-
unique abilities. We knew from the beginning er messaged us that they could not deliver
Lukas Holgersson
that it was us four who were meant to run this the truffles in the low volume that we had Product & Design
business together and that we would learn requested. A number of compromises, new
together, have fun together and succeed with propositions and ideas later we managed to
our business together. There are many ad- solve this dilemma and we were very pleased
vantages with cooperating and developing a with the product we could present to the “Elias can pitch our product
business with your friends. We have, for exam-
ple, noticed that it is easier to be more forward
community. while asleep and still close
and say what we think. It also became easier Initiative, courage and responsibility are only the sale, he is a professional at
for everyone to find inspiration in a team where
engagement is key. We usually compare our
a few of the experiences that we carry over
from this experience. For us it is clear that one
catching customers and reading
team to a box of chocolate - the best box of the most important factors in a business is their needs and desires”
contains different variants of chocolate where daring to reach out to new customers, sup-
every taste is different and complements each pliers and other potential partners. Behind Elias Wielgaard
other. success lies hard work, organisation and plan- Sales
ning. Even if it feels tough in a situation, hard
work always pay off in the long run; which we
Experience have experienced several times. Last but not “Yasmine is responsible for our
During the year we at Chocogift UF have
least, possibly the most important thing that
we have learned is that it is really fun to run a
economy, her responsibilites in-
gathered incalculable amounts of experience.
Our journey throughout the year has been far
business, to learn new things and to see your clude managing budgets,
product on the market.
from problem free and our knowledge has accounting and purchasing”
continually developed, as we have grown both
as a company and individuals. We have been
put in situations where we have been forced to Yasmine Gustafsson
8 9
Our market

Our first customer outside of

- a closer look -

Knowing our market is essential to increase sales and building a strong
brand. We will now take a closer look at who our customers are, how we
reach them and how they receive our product. UMEÅ

The market Leksand
The market for chocolate is very large be- company, events we are going to attend and
cause there are many brands and variet- competitions our followers can take part in.
ies to accommodate the many people that For example, we posted on facebook when
love chocolate. Trying to sell chocolate to we received the “UF Company of the Month”
The customer that lives closest
everyone who likes chocolate is unrealis- award in November. This gave us a lot of pos- Norrköping to stockholms inner city
tic. Therefore, we have decided to target a itive publicity. Facebook is a great marketing
specific group of people. Our target group is channel because it makes it easy for advertis-
middle-aged men and women who have a ing posts to spread, thanks to our followers, Halmstad
good financial standing. We believe that they families and friends. When our followers like a
are the people who are going to purchase post, the post is visible for their friends to see Växjö
our product the most and be the most loyal on their Facebook account’s as well. We also Olofström, Lönsboda och Ryd
customers because our product is a good use other social medias like Instagram and Our home towns, where most of our
gift for families.. Teenagers are also a smaller our website. We have been in contact with customers reside
potential target group because they can use local newspapers as well and several articles
our product to give to friends or family for have been written about our company.
different occasions such as parties or holidays.
Another large, but slightly different target
group is other businesses. It is very profitable
distribution Some of our successful posts on social media
for us when other businesses buy our product Chocogift UF:s product distribution has
because they can buy in large quantities for developed since the business start. During
their employees or customers. the start of the year the products were dis-
tributed personally at different sales oppor-
Marketing tunities. Later on, we published our webshop
and allowed for us to send our products by
Marketing is the key to success for Chocogift mail, which increased our ways of distribu-
UF. Thanks to marketing, Chocogift UF is able tion. Our webshop gave us the opportunity
to get a wide dispersal and to reach out to to reach out to even more customers all over
many potential customers. This hopefully re- the country, which is why shipping is a great
sults in a wider circle of contacts, an expand- alternative. The personal meeting with our
ing market and increased sales. Marketing customers is still very important for us and
can be used in many different ways, which we we are trying to maintain consistency with our
have chosen to take advantage of. Our main customers by giving them the opportunity to
marketing channel today is Facebook. We use pick up their product in either Olofström, Ryd
Facebook to publish different news about our or Lönsboda.

Our economy
The pricing of our product is based on different aspects such as purchasing costs, the time it
takes to complete the final product and answers from a performed market survey. The expense
price for the creation of our product is approximately 23 SEK for the small box and 37 SEK for the
large box. To create a profitability for our UF-business we have a relatively large markup, and
we have made the decision to add a few extra SEK due to the time it takes to complete the final
product. Before the decision of the price was made, we made a comparison between the an-
swers from a market survey and our own suggestions. The current price for our product today is
49 SEK for the small box and 89 SEK for the large box.

Profit and loss statement

Small box
Cost of production 22,7 SEK
For the period 2017/09/01 - 2018/03/20
Revenue Sales price 49 SEK
sales1 43 517,00
Profit 26,3 SEK
other Revenue2 ===335,90
in Total 43 852,90 Coverage ratio 54%
Purchasing costs3
Event costs4
21 994,37
Large box
Costs of production 36,8 SEK
other costs5 ===299,67
Sales price 89 SEK
in Total 23 213,99
Result 20 638,91 Profit 52,2 SEK
Coverage ratio 59%
Balance sheet For the period 2017/09/01 - 2018/03/20
Assets Liabilities Earnings
Cash 3 239,00 Private equity fund 5 200,00
Bank 22 599,91 Result 20 638,91 43 853
in Total 25 838,91 in Total 25 838,91 34 000

1. Sales of chocolate boxes

2. Income consisting of delivery costs, tips and interest
3. Purchasing costs of truffles, boxes and other components
4. Costs of event participation
5. Costs of delivery to customers Budget Outcome
I have examined Chocogift UF:s profit and
Olofström, 2018-04-08 loss statement, balance sheet as well as
the boards and CEO:s management for
the period 2017-09-01 to 2018-03-20. The
examination has been completed accord-
ing accounting praxis. I have come to the
conclusion that: the profit and loss state-
ment, balance sheet as well as the yearly
Emilia Nilsson Yasmine Gustafsson report has been made according to swedish
accounting law.

Carola Olofsson (UF-teacher)

Lukas Holgersson Elias Wielgaard 12

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