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This tool is only designed for training purposes onl

Changes can only be made to Green fields

Ericsson Employees should be using the offical tools found on the link below:
purposes only

Green fields

d on the link below:

Elastic Dimensioning Tool

Traffic parameters R99 HS

Number of Subs (N_subs)
Target average user rate [kbps]
User traffic requirement [KB/h]
Dimensioning Factors
Soft Handover (F_SHO)
IP Transport Nwk Overhead (IP_TN_OH)
Channel Efficiency Factor (F_EFF)
Ethernet data rates
TargetAvgxx [kbps] #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Max TargetAvg [kbps] #DIV/0!
AvgLoad [kbps] #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Total AvgLoad [kbps] #DIV/0!

Elastic Requirement #DIV/0! kbps

Limited Internal
E 4 (7)

Elastic dim & KR rem

QoS RABs Speech CS64 SRB R99 PS & HS
Number of Subs (N_subs) 0
Traffic per sub [mE] 0
Soft Handover Factor (F_SHO)
K-R Dimensioning Tool
Rates of services [kbps] 0 0 0 #DIV/0!
Load [Erlang] 0.00 0.00 0.00
Target Blocking Probability 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Resulting blocking probaility 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 9.995%

GBR + Elastic Requirement 2415.90 kbps


Date: 2005-11-09 No: ETH/RT-2004:0045

Sheet: Elastic dim & KR rem Rev: D
Limited Internal
E 5 (7)

From Elastic Dimensioning

Speech + CS64 Traffic

Elastic Requirement
N_Subs X mE X F_SHO

Date: 2005-11-09 No: ETH/RT-2004:0045

Sheet: Elastic dim & KR rem Rev: D
End RBS Iub Dimensioning Tool
Traffic Requirements [kbps]

Elastic dim & KR rem #NAME?

Traffic Model #NAME?

Max A #NAME?

CCH & Node Sync


Single user HSDPA peak [Mbps]

SingleUserRateHS 0.00

Iub Cap [kbps] #NAME?

BS Iub Dimensioning Tool

Based on Mpole and service rate including IP TN overhead

From Elastic dim & KR rem sheet

Ncells X 74, 140.4 or 280.8 kbps
Elastic dim & KR rem + MBMS

max(GPR_peak, Elastic dim & KR rem + MBMS)

0 for more than 1 Priority

Single user HSDPA peak including IP TN overhead

max[(Max A+CCH&Node Sync+O&M+NBAP), SingleUserRateHS]

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