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1. https://sdsafadg.


Dear Prof XYZ,

Your paper titled, “Market reaction in European Capital Market….” really fascinated me. I
found it very inspiring. (you can also talk which part are inspired you or about his other
paper) My name is Ersa Tri Wahyuni from Indonesia and I am really interested to pursue my
PhD next year in this area too. I had my master degree from Melbourne University and
currently an accounting lecturer at Padjadjaran University in Indonesia.

I have written a research proposal and I am wondering if you are keen to provide me some
feedback on my research proposal. Your feedback and inputs to my research proposal would
be very much appreciated. And I also wonder if you are recruiting PhD students in my area of
research interest.

Attached are my research proposal and my CV. Looking forward to your reply at your most
convenient time.

Best regards,

Interested in Research on Environmental Geochemistry

Dear Prof. Stephan M. KRAEMER,

Your paper titled, “Iron isotope fractionation in oxic soils by mineral weathering and
podzolization” really fascinated me. I found it very inspiring. My name is Misbahudin from
Indonesia and I am really interested to pursue my PhD next year in this area too. I had my
master degree from Institute of Technology Bandung.

I have written a research proposal and I am wondering if you are keen to provide
me some feedback on my research proposal. Your feedback and inputs to my research
proposal would be very much appreciated. And I also wonder if you are recruiting PhD
students in my area of research interest.

Attached are my research proposal and my CV. Looking forward to your reply at your most
convenient time.
Best regards,



e-mail Subject: International Graduate Program Tokyo Institute of Technology

Dear sir,

This is to introduce my self Mokh. Sholihul Hadi. I am an academic staff at Dept of Electrical
Engineering, State University of Malang.

I would like to Pursue Master degree in Nano electronics at Tokyo Institute of Technology start from
Oct 2008. Enclosed, please find draft of my research proposal as well as my curriculum vitae.

I am hopping that my research topic is relevant to the research area in your department and you are
willing to supervise my work. However, if the research is not related to your research interest, I do
not mind changing the research topic to your research interest.

FYI, the Indonesian government through Department of National Education will provide funding for
academic staff to study overseas. The conditions is by 30 March 2008, the academic staff need to
have valid offer letters from overseas university (Based on the letter of Mr. Fasli Jalal –General
Director of Higher Education, no 707/D/T/2007 dated 14/12/2007)

Soon after I receive your confirmation as my supervisor, I will lodge an official application. I am
waiting for your advice. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Mokh. Sholihul Hadi

Dept. of Electrical Engineering



Phone: +6281*********

website: [contoh]


Email subject: Interested in research on nuclear energy technology

Prof. Hanz Schmidt

Head of the School of Energy Engineering

TU Berlin


Dear Professor Schmidt,

I am Syeilendra Pramuditya, I graduated from Department of Physics

(Reactor Physics Research Division), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB),


I finished my bachelor program (B.Sc) in 2005 and master program

(M.Sc) in February 2007, and I am very eager to continue my study for a

higher degree.
My thesis topic was related to development of neutronic and thermo-hydraulic computer

code for preliminary design study of PWR nuclear reactor. In my research,

I developed two dimensional (R-Z geometry) multigroup diffusion computer

code which is combined with simple thermo hydraulic module to calculate

temperature distribution, which then is linked to steam generator and turbine

calculation modules to calculate thermodynamic efficiency, based on

Rankine steam cycle. I also built an interface so that I can utilize SRAC

code results (macroscopic cross sections) as nuclear data for input to my


Currently I am interested in advanced nuclear energy systems under the

Generation IV framework, especially the concepts of nuclear energy systems

for hydrogen production, but of course I can be flexible in conducting


My academic supervisors were Prof. Zaki Suud <szaki[at]> and Prof.

Abdul Waris <awaris[at]>, they recommended me to continue my study

abroad. I am looking for possibilities for conducting research in your


I should be grateful if you would send me information concerning

application and entry procedures, and any relevant information.

I enclose a Curriculum Vitae, please contact me if you

require any further details or documents.

I hope to hear from you in the near future.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best Regards,


Syeilendra Pramuditya

Laboratory of Nuclear Reactor Physics

Department of Physics

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Email : s.pramuditya[at]

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