MCO-7 June17

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of Printed Pages : 6 MC0-07

Term-End Examination
June, 2017 00500

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) What are basic financial decisions ? How

do they involve risk-return trade off ? 10, 10
(b) What role should the financial manager play
in a modern organisation ?

2. (a) Explain the method of calculating present

value of cash flows. 10, 10
(b) Explain the concept of valuation of
securities. Why is the valuation concept
relevant for financial - decision making
purposes ?

3. (a) What is payback period method ? Despite

its weakness, it is a very popular method.
What are advantages and disadvantages of
the same ? 10, 10

MCO-07 1 P.T.O.
(b) Find payback period of the following
machines :
(i) Machine 'A' costs Z 50,000 and
generates a cash flow of Z 18,000 per
year for four years.
Machine 'B' costs Z 75,000 and
generates Z 20,000 per year for six
Suggest which machine is better and
why ?

4. (a) A company issued a 10% perpetual debt for

Z 15,00,000. The company is in the 40%
tax bracket. Find the cost of debt after tax
(i) at par (ii) at a discount of 15% and (iii) at
10% premium. 15, 5
(b) Distinguish between explicit cost and
implicit cost.

5. Discuss the concept of financial leverage, 20

operating leverage and combined leverage. How
are they calculated ? Explain their significance
in the planning of a firm.

What is Optimum capital structure ? 5

Critically examine the Net Income and Net 15
operating Income approach to capital
structure decisions.

7. (a) What are the main determinants of a

dividend payout ? 10, 10
(b) Why do firms follow a policy of stable
dividend ?

MCO-07 2
8. (a) 4R -clICI'l "c49h TIfT t? i 4 1 CI tt MciAT t rci
, 1 f-*7:r -9--*-R -1:7--- ui t ? 10, 10

(b) Ili 1c-1 t4' Hes1 44 14 -ttirf — 51c-qlq t .-1 44,T1-1

oql.,;q1 --1•1-77 1

9. r-ii-irc-A5cf 14 ftt tiTT tccruff fff rIUR: 10, 10

(a) k.eicti •51-4K 7Wtt
4 1.1■711
(e) -1 4 14 Rill .1-114-1 .14fl4 A-ir fag

(d) Li<.df °it g-1

MCO-07 6
8. (a) What is an operating cycle ? How is it
important for the management of working
capital ? 10, 10
(b) Explain the risk-return trade off in working
capital management.

9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10, 10

(a) Techniques of inventory management.
(b) Venture Capital
(c) Corporate finance Vs. Project finance
(d) Lease financing

MCO-07 3

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T4, 2017

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m‘z- : fez sal/ dru -rz57"/ gsfr 't 3.1w wit/ gi

1. (a) 31P-IRT f-4817 fTr qzrr t ? zff ichr .)1(

10, 10
7r1j14 -1 4-1•11 eilicft?

(b) 31119'W 441 ,3-1 14fdfT474- OTTI


2. (a) tE*7 •t ROT

cqRseir""Ir— l I 10, 10

(b) -gfulf-a-t .411(Ni

1--A71 4t-qichl 44)(-,1-11 f-49-1-4 f9-crtzr


3. (a) -4 .ct> 31-4N F4cT WIT t? TIt icIRT

. wrch-1. dlmfFluti 7F4T Err
t? 10, 10

MCO-07 4 P.T.O.
(b) tqc-1 Trtt aiqfq ql R1 :

(i) 1747 'A' cvid 50,000 t 3Tp:1"-*-T

t*T5E4T7TTW*Fm3Ifff 7'q 218,000
4-R11 'B' outo 75,000 t PR-TT
ms's mcit WI'*Fri•gfff 7t4Z 20,000
ct;11-7t 4-14-1 t67 t 70,
73-417 qr7R I

4. (a) tT W=qt 10% 1:17 15,00,000 * ft-ER Itur 15, 5

rntd1 tl*Tcit40%*"( 41 4-11(alit tI
'tau' rII ici (i) 7:114 te-ti 1:17, (ii) 15%
*Etal' 7R1T (iii) 10% 3ficTIzrzitiT 7tin 7I
(b) 717 ripict F-Aci opicf -44 4q"Wi771

5. frffizr 7Tht73T Ti-awr 20

44)(s.4-if Wf auk W1771 79-*l' rebq Mcf)R
,711C11 t? i714 T1. 41 ,71-ir mt qzrr t?
v-11(9,41 wlf-A7

6. (a) *tdc-144 ‘t.f Wt .? TW4' Fc4c1•11 I 5
(b) fffufzi*t4-0 31717q'f9-q7 4R -cno -1 15
31-rqtrr 3Trtqa-Frr- ---1-f-A7

7. (a) -a-r91-fvr TraT7 31-13Z azrr ? 10, 10

(b) F ft 71.941t 41rd 04' 3719Tt t ?

MCO-07 5 P.T.O.

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