2014 EGYA3002 EnergySystemUtilizationAndStorage December 2014

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Course Code and Title: EGYA3002 _ Energy System Utilization and Storage

Programme: B.A.Sc. Utilities Engineering

Date and Time: Monday 15th December 2014 (1.00 pm – 4 .00 pm)

Duration: 3 hours



Instructions to Candidates

1. This paper has THREE (3) pages and FIVE (5) questions.
2. You are required to answer all questions.
3. Begin each question on a new page.
4. Unless otherwise stated, all parts of a multipart question are equally weighted.
5. A formulae sheet is provided.
6. This question paper is to be returned with the answer script.

Key Examination Protocol

1. Students please note that academic dishonesty (or cheating) includes but is not limited to
plagiarism, collusion, falsification, replication, taking unauthorised notes or devices into an
examination, obtaining an unauthorised copy of the examination paper, communicating or
trying to communicate with another candidate during the examination, and being a party to
impersonation in relation to an examination.
2. The above mentioned and any other actions which compromise the integrity of the academic
evaluation process will be fully investigated and addressed in accordance with UTT’s
academic regulations.
3. Please be reminded that speaking without the Invigilator’s permission is NOT allowed.

The University of Trinidad and Tobago

December 2014 Final Examinations
(EGYA3002) Page 1
Question 1
a) Explain the terms ‘cogeneration’ and ‘tri-generation’ with reference to energy.
(4 marks)

b) Discuss the process and the dangers of using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to extract oil
and gas from shale. (4 marks)

c) How would you change the use of energy in Trinidad and Tobago to make it more
sustainable. (4 marks)

Question 2
a) Describe geothermal energy. (6 marks)

b) Design a geothermal heat pump system to provide all heating and cooling needs for your
home. State all assumptions made. (6 marks)

Question 3
a) Discuss ocean wave, tide, current, and thermal energy conversion. (6 marks)

b) Large underwater single-stage multi-blade turbines are to be installed in the ocean

currents off the North coast of Trinidad. Design a system to generate 100MWe. State all
assumptions made. (6 marks)

Question 4
a) Determine the battery requirements for a 4kW 120/240V on-grid photovoltaic system.
State all assumptions made. (6 marks)

b) Design a regenerative braking system using supercapacitors to handle a 1000kg car which
must be stopped from 100km per hour in 10 seconds. State all assumptions made. The
datasheet for the K2 Series Ultracapacitors is appended. (6 marks)

The University of Trinidad and Tobago

December 2014 Final Examinations
(EGYA3002) Page 2
Question 5
Design your home to utilize solar energy for heating and cooling. You must include the
following: site orientation, shading, window selection, overhang, storage, ventilation,
sealing and insulation, heat storage, heating, airconditioning, and cooling. State all
assumptions made. (12 marks)

The University of Trinidad and Tobago

December 2014 Final Examinations
(EGYA3002) Page 3

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