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Cleeiv s-pv~l/\,gs HigVl Se,~ooL

ISM- Mentorship Activity Log, ,week ;_) 7~ min

Student', Name, i%tqo.J l'x!Jl Vvlil.VL --1:!:_
Pe,iod, Total ActNm! " 0 " " 0 1ir~ " _ min.

Week ot. d / S / , 'c, Total Ho,cs w•h - ,.;;eriior

. M•ntorforWeek: ~ -Signature

__ --:-----:-~-:-:-=-::-:---- -TiAct~ivvtit~y~
Detail of Mentorship Activities Hours




j Time~ - : - : - - - L __ _ _



Date: J/'t; / l'c;


Date: ~/1 /IV,

Time: -'.\',Ob ._ t,'\






e:__ _

Always round you r time
. to
~ sign or a
f the
st h1If hour (30 mins.)
orshl hours.
t _,

·. day s/hours (see sample page); Activity Locs mlssinc the required mentor sicnature(s) will

• Your mentor for credit towards ment ; "mentorship" (at least 3 hours) and "activity" (2 hours)
not be acxaptedd t document and total §Q_ ( Spoints each day late, ZERO after 2 days)
expecte o EVERY Monday. . 2 ed' I
• You are . ·ty Logs are due ~ sh' • hours per week for course er 1t
hip Activi f 3 "mentor IP ·h t If hi · h
• Mentors Must show an average o _ hi log each week, even if you are unable to meet wit • your . .menh or. t s 1st e case, please
• student s = - to turn
You are expected youinplan
a mentors
to makePup the hours. You should still document at least 2 act1v1ty" ou~.
• docume nt wt;en/hOW -- - - - - - -- - ~
~tudt•1H 's N Jlll e
s rmrn rr1
Week of
Total Hour s wi t h Mentor for Week ~ 5

MONDAY entorsh1p Activities Activity Mentor Mentor Signature

- -~~;y------ Hours Hours (r<EQUIRED )
~ - - -~ D~e~t=a ~il~o:f~M : : :: ·~ : : :~ = = = ]~ ; ~J ~ ~ ~J =: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ J

, Da t e

_/ . ______ _ -- -----!-----+-----+--

Drt t c> ~, IS C"'.,,. Y't V\ " 'c, Y(J/\,"

Time '1



Date . g/ jt.,

D~A Y- - - -1 - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - ~ - - - - t -- - _ L I

LJat f'



T11 ne

IMPQ~T!l, NT :
; ; ;, , " ,.d , ,.,m, w "'°"'"" h•lf· ho,< (JO moo, I
,.1 / 7, -=- -
U\ . l O j •{ ];{
Yo ur rrtL• nt o r MUST~ ~1gn fo r ac tu al men tur~h 1p. day~/huu r, (we sam pl e P.1"l') • ,., , Act 1v,ty Logs m _ ' _
nut be accepted for credit towards · d mentorsh1p
I BOTH " hour s. " ,ss ing th e re quired me ntor signa. tu re( ·) ii
fuu .ir e l! Ap<'c t,•d to documen t ,in tota _ _ mer1t or~h 1p (.it lcJs l 3 ho ur 5 ) and ., Jct1v1 1 " (2 s w1
Mi•nlO• ·,tup Ac11v ty Logs ,ne due EVERY Monday ( 2~po,n t~ each d,iy l,l! c ZERO f 2 y hour s)
J u.,, · rot·, MUST ~t, ow Jfl ,1ve r:1gc of -3 "rn e ntor;h 1p" ho urs pt' r wi, e k fur co,urse cred J tcr
it! days)
y,tu J fl! r• ,pr>c ted to turn ,n J m •ntu rsh1p IDC heach wt•ek, evL•n 1f you ' re. unab ll' IO me e t With V 1
111 c nt wh en /h ow you pla n to make up t e hours You sho uld still docume,
dolum 11t ~ least
our 2 ., ~ tivitme., ntor If thi s s t 11c c.ise,
. plpa q•
CLe~v s-pv[~gs H{gvi scviooL
Student's N - ~~ j ISM- Mentorship Activity Log
arne:---"t!?( CJai Isl- 1
w -~:rlo..!._-J::rJ2.:!t~IT4~~L.:lA11A~~----- Period:__-_ Total Activity Hours for Week: _d_ _hours min.
I I d °I I I'b
eek of;
- - Total Hours with Mentor for Week: ~ ours min.

- Detail of Mentorship Activities Activity Mentor Mentor Signature

M<>NOA_Y Hours Hours (REQUIRED)



Date: 1/%/t'o Criool se,r-+l~ ~c:F, v·,~

Time : 'f )


Time :




~(UK$~ i p
Date: )/2,J l'o
Time : u.,
~ ~f · ~0-





Time :

• AJways round your time to the nearest half-hour (30 mins.).
xrV . l T~x_to,k
Your mentor MUST sig · n for actual mentorshi P days/ hours see sam Pe
I page), Activity Locs mlsslfll the requlr.d mentor ., _ _
• not be accepi.d for credit towards mentonhtp hours.
-•-ture(s) Will
You are expected to document and total llQ!li "mentorship" (at least 3 hours) and "activity" (2 hours)
• Mentorshlp Activity Logs are due fim! Monday. (-25points each day late, ZERO after 2 days)
• Students MW show an average of} "mentorship" hours per week for course credit!

You are expected to t urn In a mentorshlp log each week. even if you are unable to meet with your mentor. tf this Is th
• _._ • case, please
ctocum•nt wttenfhow you ..-n to m•k• up the hours. You should still document at least 2 "activitv: hours.
Mid 1e rm Outline Pres ~~tt,L~ - -- V
r Peer Check Rubric , i ·uu . /'(''')/ 11.dJll' J,J,. <1I<' ·
l , 111 .r c/u,s111ul< • . . r, ,.,,, ~
, //
/lt'l' I' ,·ua/11,111' tlw l'rJW1'rl'oi11t/ l're.'Wlllu/u111 ()11//llll' 1!1 u

, · Ill' /JuC'k o) 1/11., 1°
111" 111111 tlus ,,,,,,,. f'iwl'k l1tJ1wtly c111d w ith eJ)iJI'/. Jk sur,· /0 co/7/Jllf'l< 1

l'"u /uulor 's Nume /3-,'1 ~\IU

ll '/w 's l 'ow<'rl 'oin t W '<' you dt('ckilly?
~ r f t ~ ffeV~ ~t,~
J'eriod . -

c ,,,,1,teted.
lkm s l u Clwek/ Confir m '

, Vir,t ~lid(•· l'rL ,l'lll.1 l1011 I op1c


• \\ a, a Wl'Wlllal1ll11 1up1r 111k pn" itkJ'.'

• """a, i\ LI ul lhl' lollo11111g 111lunna1,011 prm 1Jt·J

. 1 , 11.J L,.,• s,
llll Im · u L
J ·nt', full 11an1t·
• ,
., .,
I llul'pt:nut:111 . . II
Stud) ,\k111or,h1p- \ l'llll'~lt·r& Yt·ar ti·, I a - , u 17) • a IL"tcla:r
. nJ ,
, n.1111L ✓
(Mr, . C'lid,/ • r~ off ti'v-sr- vv..-..:
/\ k11to r lnlrotl11l'liu11 ~li1k
• ~knlor \ nantl' (11 11h umt'Cl 111111,d, alla 11a111t· I, i\ 11 >. I{\ t'll' /. lllt'llll>r\ plat·t·
-~-'51:~ "k-"1011 ;111J or thl' rart·t·r of ,111J~
• i\ ph11111 ol II t·1 r 1nt·11111r \ll '- I ht' 111tl11Jt·d \\ Js .i plw1,, 1ncllllkd ' -✓
All \huul J~ '\I
• V. ;" thrrt· ;1 ,1 ,dt· lu \uul 1•,\t ~ :mcf-tht' t'UUP II rc·•plin.·111 t·11h 1hru11gho111
J'l.1111111" ✓
1ht· Wlll l',,d'
l'rojel'I ·1 opil' Slidl'
0 T m \.,(ch
L,..J orc1:_D
• V. a, 1h,Tl' ,1 ,l1dt· 1h;it npla111, I\ hat tht· prnjl'l'I t11pit· " · 11 h;il " II :ibo111. ,mJ 11h: J
!he· , tudc·nt d10,.: 11' 1 ~~ ~,V'l. L,J ()rr;L S
f,. t•, Poi11h/B111h Slidl'(!,)
• ,......,,,,,_,;111111 1ht·1t· ,ho11IJ ht· J , l1dl lkJ t,llnl
1<1 lht· /.. t·~ po111h \\ ht'll' lht·rt· di

lfr~t·a rd1 ~li1k

• IJ1J lh l' , 1uJ,·111 lisl ,II kc1,1 ~ 111p1t , 1ht·_1 lllll'lld lo r1111d11c1 l't',l',irt h <>J I l.11 ,·1 111 tht·
, t'llll'',ll r'' ✓
('urn•nl Evt'nl
• l)1J !ht· , 1uJl'11I h,11 t: a Tl'lll t'I t'lll "

l'rotl ul'I Slitk
W," :1 bulkll'i.1 ,11111111 lht· l'IIITl'lll t'l l'lll 111l'111,kd''

• !Jid 1hi.: ,1 udt·n1 Jdl'rminl' 11hl'11 111 lh l'1r prl',c !ht·~ 11 ill J1,uis, h1!!.hl ,!!.hl lht·

1'1<<Jl)l C I ( i\f.:J\ 1h.: , 11ppk111t·111,il 111111g lht·~ art· lrt',llln.l! ) ,111d thl· 1r tll ;rt·iit
,f;W/1 1, 1 p l,111: ---=
( '011du,1011 41,dc
• h 1'1c:r,· ., to11dthllHI ,lidl' IIIJI d 1,ru,, 11'1;111'1,·_1 liorw lo k·.irn trurn lhl·

I h:111~ \ 1111 ",lidt·

ll ll'Jil11r, lt1p l'\Pc'lll.'llll' ,llld h~ n1rnpk1111µ lht· ,c:111l', ll'l' protl'l'I •

\,\ , 1
• h lhl'rt· a
p,!rl'/lh. l'l •L
rl,, Cil n l / l frfrrl'IH'.L''
, !,de: 1a1 1ha11l-., lhl' llll' lllo r. gr;1dl·r, c:1 alu;il or,. lt:,it·hn.
• \II , 11urL t''l 11 1 JII) I ulil11c:d .ii 1111., pollll / ,\ 1\/Y I 111 1\(i no! IIJl·ir 111111 , rc',l',trl'l i.
,11J1 lt' ' ,111) 1111.ii 1l',lplto10, n111 lht·ir 011111111 \II t\ ti,rm,11· 1
• /1 , 11 l'l' ,111_1 !111111,' lh.11 \I l(JI JI I> hl' llll'd. pk'.hl' 11r11c 11 hcrl' .

~ l· \ I I' \t , I·.
C-Le[;l y S-py[V\,gs. HLg ~ Se,~ooL
sNarn .
e ._ @ 1~(,If·f ISM- Mentorship Activity Log
Wee k of· '). . fy,~/Yav\ Period :_ !_ Total Activity Hours for Week: _l_~ __ min .
~- -1---IB_
Total Hours with Mentor for Week: _a__:_ ours min .

Detail of Mentorship Activities Activity
Mentor Signature


Time :


Date:~ /1.QP 0-ts, eo. r L- f)~d-

Time ·. q ,Ok-. l


Time :

~t...~L r~c,J-
Date: ~/-i.'2..
Time : (q(v-,,......



Time :



Time :



Time :

tMPORTAN~ t the nearest half-hour (30 mins.).
ur time o .
x di . r0J.,rk J
Always rou nd VousI sign for actual mentorsh1p days/hours (see sample page), Activity t.ocs mlssmc the required mentor slcnature(s) will
• vour mentor~ ,edit towards rnentorshlp hours.
• not be accapted for c ent and total DQTI! " mentorship" (at least 3 hours) and "activity" (2 hours)
d to docum .
y u are e~pe ct ~ . Logs are due fYERY Monday: (~25points each day late, ZERO after 2 days)
• 0
M entorsh•P Activity verage of 1 "mentorsh1p hours per week for course credit!
• ud ents ~
• ""'T show an a
a mentorship log each wee , even if you are unable to meet with your mentor. If this Is the case please
• vou are expecte
d to turn in
plan to make up the hours. You should still document at least 2 Hactivity" hours.

• doC"m• nt
wt,enfho"' you
CLe~Y Spv~V\,g.s H[gltl scJ100L
Stud,nr rn, m. l+hin ~ ISM- Mentorship Activity Log
Wel'k of: _J Jc:t
- ~(!\ ~ 0:N-~ _
Penod:_ Is..t
_ Total~ Hours for Week: ~ ours _ .
--/TimO ~ I_ I ;_A/tJ. Total Hours w;th M,ntodor Wee kc 2 /hours _ m;n

- Detail of Mentorship Activities Activity Mentor Mentor Signature

Hours Hours (REQUIRED)

Date :

Time :


Date: J/ nJ/tti

Time · L1
. lfM,
















(30 mlns.). .. ~~
\'f.. T
X 4"I (
fi)xh,,':'--ou, J ,-
• Always round your time to the nearest half-hoyr
.C' ==:::)_____J

• Your me ntor MUST sign for actual mentorship days/hours (see sample page);
not be ecc,apted for credit towards mentorshlp hours.
Acttvi. .~locs

.:;;::~,~~:==~,·~ ~v& ~,t

mlssln1 the required mentor si1nature(s) will

You are expected to document and total BOTH "mentorship" (at least 3 hours) d an ,..act·. ,, 2
• M ento rship Activity Logs are due EVERY M onday. (-25points each day late, ZERO after 2,v,ty ( hours)
• !,tu dents MUST show an average of~ #mentorship" hours per week for course cred'tl days)
• You are e,cpected to turn in a mentorship log each week, even if you are unable to ~e .
• cJoc:;um•nt wttenfhow you plan to make up th• hours. You sboyld still doc:yment at Ieast 2 "activity"
et Wllb h If this Is th• case, please
yoyr mentor.
.b) }UP JjP-§/flN\-) M!Yu / PJA .
;st -10
Snowboarder Markus Schairer breaks his
neck in scary crash at Winter Olympics '-
211s1201s ~

) urim.1. thl' llll'n·s SllLl\\board crnss L]ll'lrl•·i· I· . I · ;\ . h .. 1 • . l\,hilus Schain:r lost

. - . . ' " llld s. ustnan sm>v. o.1ru1.: 1. • '
ert1l'.al nmtrnl ol lus hnard and h 11 .1,.d <>ll 1•. h I S . . . ;;111 ClT\ ic,tl , crh:hra,:
. . ' u,. 11s a1.:" .. c11:urer 1radurcL1111 l ·
, nd sus1a1neJ \\ h1p-b sh durin11e the r·ill I) (JI,;.1()J.S. l1lat l'\J uall'l.I l ll' lllJllf:
. • "'l' tlicrl' ,, di lllll he
. ' ' 1 1
an, -..lTH>us pcrmancnt Jama111..• JnJ tli·it 11 . .11 u ·1,. the crash had
ma,.;1..· a ljUll'I\1 fl'C(l\ el) . V\ 1'- 11
1. • ·•
• ' • c:- ' l \\ I ' .

• •
\\as ahk to earn •
• '-
ti 1· . I 1· I
() 1( 111) S 1 ) )11,.' \\ 1 ) L
•' I •
\\,h ,,a1llng 10 tah·
him 10 1\ us1na lor lrcalmcnt • . ·
is nc>t h .· S .. . . .
1.:111 g . c11airer s l1rs1 acc1l1en!. au, 111 -
b· .1 · ,(JI() · 1111..·
SllLl\\ boardcr brokc nhs· durinne th"-. X - c·iamcs.

~ s article relates tu my project because it is bused on adult treatment li,r broken hone,. rh,·

~ :llment or Sch~ircr·s injuries inlercsts my proj1..·ct topic \\'ith thl· x-rn) s anJ hu\\ thl': " _ill _
chon~1..· _to treat him . I h1..· treatment for hi s neck inj ur: mighl he different than 1ha1 or a chilJ"
ncd, 111_Jttr:, · _DL>Ctors l_1ad told rncJia that the injurics he had suslaincd ,,ould no! c.ws_e p-.:rni:tl1l'lll
I\.~ damage to hi s ,,cllbc111g and ,.,.ill not paral)ic him . With research. I could use 1h1..· 1n lon ,1a 111111 10
\f cducalc m:, sl'II' 1rn the 1r1..·atmrn1 of major accidcn1 s in sporting c,cnts. rill' r1..·( 1)\L'r: !illll' nu:,
alsu impal:I ho\\ the:,. lrl·at the athkll'. Jul· 10 him nc1..·ding 10 he ahk to compl'll' in !hL.· l'utur1..·
2022 Beij ing Ol ympics.

In r1..·aJing 1his anick. ii made llll' kl'I kar rm till· s1111,,huard1..·r. 1·0 he 1>11 the \lTgl· ,i!'dL.·ath and
pussi hi:, 111..·, er hL.·i ng ab k tu pursue ) our drcams l'\ cr:, again is a scar:, thought. I k niu Id ha, L.'
h1..'l'll paral:- 1eJ !'or 1hc rl·st Ill' hi s lik. hut lud..i l:, hl· \\as not gi ,rn that l;.1tc. \\ hat had maJl· him
lose cLin trol in the tirst place'.' I Im, hard had hi s hl·ad hit thL.· ground that it ,,as 1..·nuugh tn hr-:al..
hi s ccn i1.:al ,·ertchrac'! In the anick it had slated that during 1111..· impact he had als\1 :-..ustain1.·. d
Sl'\l'rl' \\hiplash that \\ Otild prnhahly causc ,,orse pain than thc of his nl·cl.. . II \\a:-.. ,ilsu
a miracle that he \\US abk 10 stand up on hi s O\\n. hoarding the rcst ufth1..· ,, a:, d\1\\111111..·
mountain. and tini shing thc rnmpdilion bdorc being thmn back tu !\ustria IL> rl·cei,L.· trl\llllll' lll .
lost inj uries result in paralyza1ion and if not immcdiall'. thcn para!:, 1ation al'!cr
!110\ cment. I !is accident ,,as a mi rack and hc got super luck:, that 11u1hi11g ,,,ll.SL.' had happl·n1..·d .

Kc, •
,n ..... 1 •
·"'"1,er I·c·h I). . -' ()18 · ··Srnrwboardcr t\1arkus Schairn
, lhL.·al..s I lis \J l'l'k in Scan. Cr,isl
. , ,.11
\\'intl'r )hmpi l:~ ... C/J.\ .\jmrts.co111. 16 l·ch. 2018. .
",,",, s/s111m boa·al..s-his-,1l'L-l..-in-scar:, _
fl erasb-aH,intcr-olympics'L uu.-e. 1/\u ) Y\ U\lttt v.u -
Utt r- Ji!!; :t/:r:,sD%) @ sPf1bJJf .
~~~t(c~i0 -s
Mid ~erm Outline Prese_ntation ~
Final Draft Rubric /'criod t ~!

'' "'"'" l Itel11.s to Check/Confir11l - - -

rtt;.\JOJ? f) r.?1,1 I~
r Co mplcl<'tl'! I

__ l~,sJ ~(,__
Fi rst Slide- Presentation T o ic
5 Presentation topic 'tit I,,: providl.'d
) /~ 0 tp,,~\.;
5 ALL of the fo l owing informati on pro~ idcd on thi s sli,k: Student ' s full, nam e,
Independent Study Mentorship- Semt:ster & Year ( Ex : Fa ll 20 17) , and teacher s na me
Mentor Introduction slide ~
5 Mentor' s name ( \\ ith correct initial s a tier name. l:x: MD, R . t.:tc .). mentor' s pl,11.:c or
I _ businc~ 1ent~r~ rofession and1or the career ul'~t ud y. _ _ _ _ __ _
\0 !\2hyt9 oft~ stu~t ~ ilh th.: ir~to r M__LlSJ !?e i11cl uJl~d . .

1A ll -- 'J ~·:?--) ,)t fv;, ttv }tJ,{± \"' 6r h ✓lti) _1

About IS__M
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
I A slide explaining ,,hat ISM is and the course requirements throu ghout the
I If I' I\._ -\ ' \<.. "

~urrcnt Event I '

S Slide dt:drcated to hi sthe: current event ·~ v \ , J Lv ¼ ·G

~ 5 l3ullt:tcd urnmary ( ~ a paragraph/cs ay of the current event im.:ludcd
Product Slide
Cj A slick to disc uss, highli C'I (AKA the supp lementa l thing the, an:
5 creating) and th.: · re nt pro uct plan. ) - _ S ·
f"conclusion Slide -L

I - C....
I __} Di scuss~s what the student l~o pes to learn from the mcntorsh ip expe ricm;c and b,
com_p_lctrng the semester rroJect.
Thank You Shde

c-.J A ··Thank You·· sli<lt: that thanks the mt:ntor. grauers/c valu ·nors t ... 1 •
, 1.: ,1c.: ll! I , parents.
l!IC .
Works Cited/References Slide

Final (;radc
CLeci y S-pYt-V\.-g.S Ht-g Vl ScviooL
udeo t', Nam, _4 ,,~a.l ~ M- Mento rsh ip Activity Log
W ee k of · 1
_ _ _-_1 9 _ _ ;
GJUU/J Y:::: Per iod : / >J Tot al Activity Hou rs for W eek : 5 hou _Q__min .

Day/Time --.J.!c_ Total Hours w ith Mentor for W eek : ~ o urs ~ m i n .

r:-:-::-- Detail of Mentorship Activities Activity Mentor Mentor Signature

MONDAL!Y' ._ _ _ _ _ t ;;--;:-:;---- - ;_=~=~===-----UH
Date : J/n 1/lt,J,1. hY -eMA a if
Ti m e : l) : ot _ I : 1;iO

Date :

T i me :


Date : I /Jut.
Time : "t : )'{) - 1;3 ·. YO


Dc1t e

T im e I
- ~ - - - - - - -----,

Da t e

T ime :

J11M{?}rShif '2Lf.
Dat e : //'J 1 S /)~"A, J
T ime : '.t..\<"_'_t;_:_oo_ i--- -- - - - - - - - - l- l -- l -UJA
I\ ___ f.AJ__{J 1P_
Date :

Time :

L - - - -A- N- T :
IMPORT Always und your t,me tot
he nearest half-hou r (30 mons.). S{9. Cl~aa,u.""1 x~ ~. ( Q1 y Jo )
torshtp days/hours (see samp le page), Activity logs massing the r equired mentor sagn atur e(s) wall
ro for actua l men
• mentor MUST s,gn ards mentor sh1p hours.
• Your pte d for cr e dit tow BOTH " men t orsh,p" (at least 3 hours) and "act,v,ty" (2 hours)
ot b e acce nt .ind tota I ~ -
n cted to docurne Y Monday (-25po ,nts each day late, ZERO after 2 days)
dr e ex pe due EVER
Yo u Ac tivity Logs Jre ~ torship" hours per week for course cred ,tt
Me n tor shtP age of 3 men bl
MUST show an aver to~sh tp log each w eek, even ,t you are una e to mee t with your m entor If this as th e case, pl ease
Stud e nt s -~ d to turn ,n a m e n k the hours You sh o uld stdl documen t at least 2 " act1v1ty" hours
'f u u ar e ex p cc t c /h w y o u pl an to m a e up
docu m e n t whe n °
e acher N
IP PoSter 'Project- Grading RU bric
anie · M
Student N .IJLL.
anie · -El2tJw., ~,
....~ ' - - - - - - - - - - P e riod Is+
CreatiVi-cy 2 1 0
One or two of the One or two graphics or The student did not
graphics or Objects objects were made or make or customize any
used in the poster customized by the of the items on the
reflect student creativity student , but the ideas poster
in their creation and/or were typical rather than
display creative.
Titles, Text 4-
Fonts Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and/or te xt are
written clearly and were written clearly and were hard to read even
easy to read close-up . easy to read close-up . when the reader 1s
Text vaned 1n color There was little close
size and/or style fo; variation 1n the
different text elements appearance of text.

TJrne and Effort Some class time was Class time was not
Class time was not
<use of Class time used. Student could always used wisely , but used wisely and the
to complete ave put in more time
' nd effort at home/in
student did do some student put in no
add1t1ona l effort.
add1t1onal work at
POSter) lass home.

Attention to The student gives a The stude nt gives a The studentl' s

easonable explanatio n fairly reasonable explanations are weak
Thetne (Project f how most items ,n explanation of how and illustrate difficulty

the poster are related most items in the understand ing how to
to the theme/proiect poster are related lo relate items to thr.
topic the )Pl'A&jQiQ~t...l.l;!P
_!JI theme'project topic

~- Tht;> poster includes

seve ra l 1tPrn ( , h oto
1 he pester includes e poster includes The poste r does not .-. ('

more tnan one one photo w/ m entor
( A"Pnoto wl-tll w/ 111ont!l[ ~ :e.clip art/ photo/clip art to but fai ls to illustrate and
t o ,du~lratc i:nd c on •, ey ,11 str ate and con vey / convey the career ar
'--... mentor requi red, the c arl' CI a11tJ !11.:i caree r and \ mento rsh,p site
mento1sh1 ~.:e m ntorsh1p s,te

-r, 0
· ALL re q uiroJ
components are ✓
,~ r~·~mponents
s,ng 1
Components are
Several co n ,ponents
are m1ss1ng \ V"-\A"
ol'\. l) '(

_ ~~CO<E
fnpOOeOtS included
h 1ghlight1ng mentor are included
missing h19 hl1gh1ing
rofess,onal mentor
professional men tor ~

w/ •
(education , crede nt, s , professional mentor, areer proiect top,c caree r proJect topic ~~ ...

'-~5 work history) career , reer, proiect topic, and mentorsh1p and mentorsh,p
~~ project top1c.~a~n-'~ - - ~nd mentorsh1p s,te/facll,ty s1te/facll1ty

t ~~~~
~~PrOfe-s s_J_o_n_a-,,- -~~~t!fiYE: t,eifac,lity. ac1l1tyN/A


~ ouegiate Leve © ®
~ prodUCt

CLrn r Sf f"~t,'\,g_c; H~g VI S GViool
ISM- Mentorship Activity Log
s Name:Jtb1 0d l1zWjl1A4\c:: pedodc
J:_ Total Activity "°"" foe Week, _ l'!;'j_o/,,s _ min.
Week of·
9 / f} Total Hours wit h ~ for Week __l2_Yo°urs~_min .

Activity Mentor Mentor Signature

Detail of Mentorship Activities Hours Hours {REQUIRED )


Dat e:






Time :


Date : 'b/ 7-Cf

Time: '1 -1-.o

Dat e:


Date :

Tim e:

- - ---

~ , 1..
I .:e:. LJ/.~
Tim e:

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• ''"' m'"' f .,,,, ""'"''
1 m,,.oc,t"P """· "'""' meow
not be accepted ~: ~ocurnent and total ~ "rn entorsh,p" (at least 3 houri) and "act ,v,t ., (

y u are expect ed are due EVERY Monday (-2Spointl each day late, ZERO afte dY houri )
• t,,10 e ntorsh1P Act1 v1tY Logs erage of 3 " rnentorsh1p • hours per week fo r cou rse cred tir ays)

shOIN an av
t ed t o turn In a rne ntorsh1p log each week, even 11 you are unable tom eet wi th you r
•• st ude nt s ~ tJST - I
,V plaO ,O makeOP '"' hOOO y00 ' """ Id >< ,II doc ,meolalle meow
• y" " a ,e " I' wheo/ho•
y an l , " ""''V" h If <h ' " " ' " ' "' PIme

'""'"" '""
J\rea of Study _tr\.l¼~~ V\,it~ Grade I 1oint11

R .
5 .
u mu turn tn this rubric un the assignment due date. You w1'/ submrt_your research documentatwn 97
sheets to ftsLearning by 2:30pm. Plagiarism Ch~ck w,/1 be achve.
Any student found 10 have plagiari::ed will be reported for academic dishonesty/
*Note: Each So
urce must be Sources Quality of Bulleted List of Opinion Sentence
~cutmented on a separate (Valuable source Information Facts or Quotes (Only one sentence
ee a no longer than one professional) ' (Detailed, pertains (minimum & it must be last)
g. directly to product) 1/2 page, single-
Source 1

Source 2

Source J

Typed, Proofread
(punctuation, spelling, etc.) 4
Font ( 12Pt Times New Roman Many errors Several errors Few errors
Cited in Proper MLA
0 3 7
Format Too Many errors
(Hanging Indention, Double-Spaced) Many errors Few errors
Each entry on a separate 0
page with its own typed 5
no yes
bibliographical information
at the top of the page
-~ "
On single-spaced line
skipped between heade-r, 2
MLA bibliographical yes

~~ ~,~(J\~-
information, bulleted list of
information, and opinion

Student- Mark the types of sources you used below and indicate which source # it corresponds with:
(l:-'x: ,",'ource I, Source 2, etc.)

/: Subscription to database/professional organiz.ation

f-_'_ __ _ Trade/Professional magazine .
Full text print newspaper or magazme article
-::--- A-t
Journal for professionals
) ) College/Professional textbook
· Reference book for professionals
Source of government or professional organiz.ation


Other source provided by mentor: ====~---------------

- - - - - Other Source (not on list): - - - -- -- - - - -- -- - -- -- - - ==


!{~vised: Fall 201 7

Du~ Date: FRIDAY 4/13/18


StLH.knt Nam1.: : Jth¥1 ~~ ______ ____ _

(Please Print Neall) in Hlad, or Blue In\,..)
Class Peri o<l : _
Presentation Topic/Title: '""\.,1..N{ ~+~
Final Presentation: Date: ~~ 1t~ __ T ime: _3~ ® ~--

Location : )()_ CSI IS Room 11 -OR- Other I ocation:

*** ' ********w****#
** ******* ***************************** ********************** ************~**** #

S tudl'nl Rl'mind e rs :
,, All l~ M ,tudenb " ill he RU.)l llRl-.1> In u, c their I aptop or other per.onal de, icc lo record their prc, e1 11;111 1111
,,. l'.lcase ha,e )llllr Pl' r pre~c11tatio11 ,aved 011 a lla, h dri,c. and/or 011 )llUr c-nwil as hack-up. . .
,,. Studcms arc rcsponsihlc fur cu111irmi 11 g date. lime. localmn. and ancndancc of mcntnr and 2 e, alua111r, PR I( JI{ 10 the planned pn.:,cnt ati on
-,. Prc..;:ntations "hot~ld be schcduh:J h> occur !)Ollll.!limc hct\\ccn thl! dates of ~1ay 5- 20, 2018
,. .'\II Imai _pn.:~e_n_lallon_s must he crnnplcled and c, aluation papen,,lrlJn.:cordings submincd by: ~ londay, \ lav 2 l , 20 I II b, 2_:JOpm
;,,. l:\IP()lt f .\ I : 2 ot your 3 pn.::,,cntntiun evaluators ~1 lJSl be 1n alh:ndancc at )Our final prc~cntau,m umJ '1pp1.:;.1r 111 )Our \ 11.Jco rc~o mg..
Ir 11Cl:Cssar) . th.: J•J c, alualor can , IC\\ the presentation , idco al J l;itcr Jalc. hut the c~aluation must bc com pie led Jnd ,uhmnted l'I\ the
5/21118 Due Dalc1 o h,ccplion,!

Mentor's Name f;}A_V-1Jv_ SAA'\W 1_______ __ __ _ _ ___ Occupation ~ _ _ _

Add ress 1_'1,~ l) __GvJ1 ~ j . __ City_Lf~\AQ Cd~ l ip llSl?>

Work ti iJ1-0_D_'2 - 213-r -

Cell ' I \J,)me/ Pager r/ -
Wi ll your mentor be in attendam:e a l the presentation? ~ YES _ NO
~J.1-1-2Jl;- Ci?iv4
If NO, please provide a reason : ____ ___ _

baluator #I Name ~ ~~ I.(, St~--_ ___ (kcupation 1W.CW ···· ·······

Addre~'- .fD l -~~ ~ UA-- City kt9~ Cl~

work Ii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cell / 1lomc / Pager #
Relationshipto Student / Student's Parent(s) ---4~
'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••

C1.AU - ~A.I
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••
En1luator #2 Name ~ ~~ '!:\,!_~.=:....- - - - - - - Occupation _1"..f O,,_~
_ City ~v--<uhj
Cel l / 1lotni.: 1 Pager 11
Wor\,.. 11 . . . 1 St~Je-;;-t's l'are~t(s) - ~
1-1. elationsh ip tu Studi.:nt -
••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••
1U:Q lJ IREl>: .
ISM Studi.;nt /\ss1stant1 a
P· rtncr (Timing/Video): -~awfu1.i:L~v-\--t~
lctcd entirl'ly, including full names and all contact inform ·,r .
"" •·n,is form must be comp . must be made ou must u date this form Tl . - ... • 111~~ ('.1ddn•ss, pho11l', etc.).
If an d 1an cs to this info~~at1on . us is .111 olt1nal ilocumcnt and "ill
hl' ad 1ktl to your .,tudcnt tilt:.

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