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ISM- Mentor;hip Activity Log week 1- tiours

:fal ,e l?~".70M\i\.-
r'J:: •
St o n 's Name ~\?-IQ · 11
Period:~ Total~
Hours for
for week
Q ti r~
\ ' t' o _L_J ~_j_f}_ Tota l Hours with ~ - r.,1;ntor Signature
Day/Time Mentor (r<E0~0~~ )
Detail of Mentorship Activities ~-



TUESDAY- - - -+ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - + - - - r - -


Dat e


Dat e g/ Iv


Dat t'

r rne

Ddt t'

IMPORTANT:_ _ _ .-1.-----------------~==n~==j
Al wJy1 round your t ,me to the nearest half-hour (30 mini ). (
Yuur mentor -MUST- 1,gn for . JCtUJI mentor1h1p. days/ hours l1ec IJmplc PJgc ), Activity L
nut be accepted for credit towards mentor1h1p hours.
. .
ogs missing the r equired
. mcnt .
vuu Jr!' e,pectl'd to document Jnd totJI BOTH "mcnt or1h1p" l at leJi t 3 h or signature(s) will
ours) and "a t ..
Ml'ntor1h1p Ac t1 1ty LOi!I Jr e due EVERY
,. Monday (., 25point 1 car h da' Y I,He, ZERO aft c2ivny
d (2 hours)
~1uder1 t1 MUSl 1how Jn JveraKe of J mentorsh1 p houri per week for course crediterI ays )
vuu Jrc cxp!'ct cd to turn rr1 a mentor1h1p log each week ' even ,t Ou arc unable t ·
dolument when/how you plan to make up the hours You ~ i hould st iII d ocumcnt at
leastw ith
7 ., o ur m cnto r . If this is th
' activity" hou~ c case, pl eJsc

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