Roberts Elementary: Lesson Plan Guide

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Alexandrea Vuotto

Upper Merion Area School District

Roberts Elementary
Lesson Plan Guide

Grade Level: K-4th Grade

Type: Multiple Disabilities Classroom

R4.A.1&2.2 Identify and apply word recognition skills.

R3&4.AA.1&2.2 Identify and apply recognition skills, including
 orienting, matching, demonstrating phonemic awareness, naming and reading

R3&4.AA.1&2.1 Identify the meaning of vocabulary, including

 relationship, category, function, and definition.

2.1. A, B, & C Numbers, Number Systems and Number Relationships

2.2. A, B, & C Computation and Estimation
A. Count using whole numbers (to 10,000) and by 2's, 3's, 5's,
10's, 25's and 100's. (2.1.3.A)
B. Use concrete objects to count, order and group. (2.1.3.G)
C. Demonstrate an understanding of one-to-one
correspondence. (2.1.3.H)
E. Represent equivalent forms of the same number through
the use of concrete objects, drawings, word names and
symbols. (2.1.3.C)

16.1.K.A: Distinguish between emotions and identify socially accepted ways to express them.

The student will be able to:
 select his/her name in field of 6 other names.
 identify the month, day of the week, and date.
 locate the correct weather symbol, given 4 choices. He/she will also dress the weather bear according to the weather.
 match the correct amount to a given number.
 select a color and either use eye gaze, sign language or verbally communication to convey the color chosen.
 select a shape, identify the name of the shape, and match it to the same shape.
 distinguish between the emotions of happy and sad based on pictures.
 imitate motions when shown what to do.

Essential Questions:
Whole Group: Does the learner look in the direction of the instructor or at materials being used during the group activity?
Individual: NET Targets (see clipboard for data)

Lucas- Roll the dice/ Grab the basket (listener responder)

Jalen- Look at Mom (listener responder)
Vene- Look at Kana (listener responder)
Parry- Touch switch independently (listener responder)
Inspiring excellence in every student, every day.
Alexandrea Vuotto
Upper Merion Area School District
Roberts Elementary
Lesson Plan Guide

Learning Intention:
Student will be able to clearly and appropriately communicate across settings and individuals through use of: (everything that is done
during and IT session, performed in a slightly different format for morning circle in order to make it group appropriate)
-Motor Imitation
-Listener Responding

Relevance: (creating exposure to the following items)

 Knowing how to identify his/her name within a group of other names
 Knowledge of calendar- months, days, dates, and year allow for student’s to follow a schedule
 Knowing what different emotions look help to create an awareness of how others are feeling
 Knowledge of letters, counting, shapes, and colors build a strong base for IT sessions
 Understanding the weather and how to dress accordingly helps with functional daily living of dressing oneself
Success criteria:
Data is taken on 20-second intervals to see if each student is exhibiting the target behavior. In this case, the target behavior is defined
as paying attention by looking towards the instructor or materials during the lesson. This is done daily to see how attentive each
student was during the lesson (See Group Data Clipboard).
 Smartboard
 Morning Meeting Program (made in smart notebook)
 Musical Instruments (maracas, bells, etc.)
 Step-by-Step Communicators
 Interval Group Data Sheet
 Pictures of student’s family members
 Calendar
 Internet access (youtube)
 Dice
 Pointer

(Students who are in a wheel chair with limited mobility will use a pointer to help assist them in touching the board)
I will begin morning circle by having the students taking turns clicking his/her name on the board to check in for the day. Each student
has a step-by-step communicator with his/her name recorded on to it. After he/she clicks on his/her name, the device is placed in
arm’s length of the student. The student then touches the switch to activate the voice saying “hello my name is ___.” Once everyone

Inspiring excellence in every student, every day.

Alexandrea Vuotto
Upper Merion Area School District
Roberts Elementary
Lesson Plan Guide
has had a turn, I will move on to the next slide, which is the calendar. In order for students to better obtain the information, calendar
is done in 3 forms. The students take turns going through the calendar activities on Then, one student puts up the date
and we listen to the “days of the week” song on youtube ( Another student
comes up and selects the day of the week by moving the arrow to the correct day. From there another student comes up to chose the
weather and dress the weather bear according to the weather outside. Next, is counting. One student comes up to roll the dice and
maneuver the heart shapes according the number shown on the dice. The next slide is a spinner that automatically lands on a number.
The student chosen comes up and counts out the correct number of circles. From there, a short video about feelings is shown
( Then, each student has a turn to come up to the board to pick how he/she
feels and match it to the correct feeling on the feeling tree. Some students are asked to repeat the feeling name and/or demonstrate
the feeling. The next series of slides become more individualized to meet specific student’s needs and individual NET targets (listed
above). Then, the students each take a turn to come up to the board and identify how he/she feels today. Each student will either
verbally identify the feeling or use sign language. All the students participate in the next slide, which is singing and using instruments
to the song ABC rock ( Students are expected to imitate what the instructor is
doing. To work on identification of colors, each student comes to the board, choses a color, and signs or says the name of the color
chosen. This video is also used to help students learn the names of the colors-
The last slide of morning meeting includes shapes. A shape song is shown using youtube- Each student takes a turn to come to the board and chose a shape and match it to
the same shape. Some students are expected to try to say the shape name or beginning sound as well. Once this slide is complete each
student has access to an individual reinforcement for about 5 minutes.

Data is collected on 20-second intervals. The data collector looks up and records a yes for a student who is looking in the direction
of the instructor or at the materials being presented and a no for a student who is not looking in the direction of the instructor or at
the materials being presented.
Cold probe data is taken on the first trial that an item is presented for each day (NET Targets). For a correct response to be scored the
student must emit the correct response behavior. Once they have the information for three days it is considered mastered and we can
then pick new targets.
The student is being assessed ongoing throughout the lesson through constant monitoring to ensure the students are actively engaged
in the lesson
This information will then be translated to his VB MAPP when appropriate under the Group section.

Preparation and Extension: (Homework/Reflection)

 Reinforce skills in natural environment
 Generalizations of skills across settings and individuals
End instructional sessions with positive reinforcement. Each student will be asked, “what do you want to do?” Once he/she requests
what he/she would like, it is given to him/her. For those who cannot answer, they will be given something that the staff knows he/she
finds reinforcing.

Potential Barriers: All students who take part in this lesson are non-verbal. Students are limited to the
preselected choices I give them on the board to determine their feelings. Also, some of the students require full
physical prompting to complete tasks such as counting, choosing feelings, matching shapes, and accessing the
communication devices. In order to help reduce the amount of potential barriers in this lesson, youtube videos
with songs are added to numerous slides to keep student’s attention and also meet their academic needs on their

Inspiring excellence in every student, every day.

Alexandrea Vuotto
Upper Merion Area School District
Roberts Elementary
Lesson Plan Guide
level. The use of individualized targets helps each student to have his/her own learning goal. Sign language is
included as a way for students who are unable to speak to communicate in a contrived setting so it can be
utilized in the natural teaching environment. Communication devices (step-by-step communicators) were used
in this lesson to help give students a voice and to practice using assistive technology.

Group Data Collection

Target Behavior: Paying attention to the instructor or materials during the lesson:
Does the Learner looking in the direction of the instructor or at materials being used during group activity?
Interval of data collection: Every 20 seconds-Use motivator, only look up and record yes or no when the timer
indicates that the 20 second interval has expired.

Date: Trial Vene Jalen Parrys Lucas

1 Y N Y N Y N Y N
2 Y N Y N Y N Y N
3 Y N Y N Y N Y N
4 Y N Y N Y N Y N
5 Y N Y N Y N Y N
6 Y N Y N Y N Y N
7 Y N Y N Y N Y N
8 Y N Y N Y N Y N
9 Y N Y N Y N Y N
10 Y N Y N Y N Y N
Cold Probe Data (Net Targets)

Name: Target:
4/16/18 Yes or No
4/17/18 Yes or No
4/18/18 Yes or No
4/19/18 Yes or No
4/20/18 Yes or No

Inspiring excellence in every student, every day.

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