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By Mohamad Muhidin Patahol Wasli

Extended Abstract
Reality TV is the most popular genre of television programming and with the rise of 'Popular
Islam' give birth to Islamic reality television in Malaysia. It is created to cater niche market for
Malaysian Muslim. This Islamic reality TV is seen as an alternative to give fresh approach
portraying Islam in media. For example, talent-based show; Akademi Nasyid and Akademi al-
Quran (TV9), Qari Junior (TV3) and Tahfiz Muda (Astro Oasis), character development-based
show; Imam Muda, Ustazah Pilihan and Pencetus Ummah (Astro Oasis), Muslimah (TV Al-
Hijrah) and Daie Pendakwah Millenia (TV3), and Game show; Family Sarjana (Astro Oasis).
Thus, the emergence of these TV programmes raised issues regarding content productions and
audience receptions of manifested Islamic content in Islamic Reality TV show. Therefore, this
study aims to understand the process of negotiating judgments on Malaysia Muslim viewers
towards Imam Muda Islamic Educational reality show.

The need for research

Imam Muda Islamic Reality TV show caught world attention when first premiered in 2010.
Then studies emerged about Imam Muda started from the study of the non-verbal
communication analysis of the Imam Muda champion (Mat Rahim, 2012) to the perception
and acceptance of Islamic reality TV by Malay community (Wok, 2012; Abdul Manaf 2013).
These studies resulted in the essential capabilities of Imam Muda that give positive impacts to
the viewers. Further study of audience reception by Abdul Karim (2013) contested the
manifested content in the show whereas the ideas of Popular Islam does not portray Islam. It
is understandable that in an hour show of 13 episodes may not represent the holistic view of
Islam in Malaysia. Nevertheless, a content analysis revealed that the manifested content in
Imam Muda portrayed Islamic Educational messages that may enrich the informal Islamic
Education settings (Patahol Wasli, 2015). Since the viewers disengaged with the whole idea of
popular Islam and it is seen just like other reality TV programmes, this study is essential to
observe how Malaysian Muslim viewers reflect during Imam Muda Islamic Educational reality
TV viewing.

Significance of the research

Imam Muda is a platform to portray a fresh look of young Imams with adapted Malaysian
modern lifestyle. It is an alternative cultural representation that allows the viewers to judge,
reflect, negotiate and interpret in their life. The significance of conducting this research is to
be able to understand the mechanism that causes an observable phenomenon; as such, the
process of judgements is revealed through viewers reflections interacting with the stimulus that
generates such response.
By conducting observation and individual interview, the study attempts to show how viewers
employ their spiritual judgments and deal with their reflections. Three participants were
selected in this pilot study. They are Malaysian Muslims and were educated with Islamic
Education during their schooling period. They came from different family and education
history. They were invited to participate in the pilot study and asked about their willingness to
share their opinions about the research. It is essential to obtain their consent before the pilot
study. The participants are identified with pseudo-names to ensure anonymity. The written
backgrounds based on their expressions, willingness to answers the questions and the
researcher’s interpretation.

As for setting up the research observation and interview, the participants agreed to conduct it
in the bedroom as they were comfortable watching television in the bedroom. The researcher
briefed them the consents and acquired their permission to record the viewing session. The
researcher placed two cameras on each side and a voice recorder nearer to them in case their
voice is inaudible. The researcher played the recording of Imam Muda season 3 episode 5 on
their television. Observation ran for 45 minutes without commercial breaks and individual
interview after the viewing session.

The findings categorised into the empirical reactions and response recorded during TV
viewing, the actual explanation of their attitudes and the real manifested content portrayed in
Imam Muda season 3 episode 5. This stratification of ontology shows that the existences of the
real are not dependant on what the viewers know about the manifested content. It is based on
the viewer's personal experience and knowledge which is relative and fallible.

For future research, it is beneficial to conduct an observation and focus group discussion to
understand the dynamics of viewers reflections of their experience and knowledge while
watching Imam Muda. It is also suggested that, this research to be expanded to non-Muslims
viewers watching Islamic Education content and understand the way they reacted toward
manifested Islamic educational content especially in Islamic TV programmes.

(750 words)

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