How They Voted

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For the

April 13

Relaxing Volcker Rule: The House voted,

Y Y O Y 300-104, to exempt “community banks” --
depository institutions with assets under $10
billion -- from the Volcker Rule, which bars
banks from making risky investments that
could endanger their solvency. A yes vote
was to pass HR 4790.
Balanced Budget Amendment: Voting 233
Y Y N N -184, the House failed to reach a two-thirds
majority for passing a constitutional
amendment requiring U.S. budgets to be in
balance unless House and Senate
supermajorities vote to waive the standard. A
yes vote was to pass HJ Res 2.
Protecting Social Security: The House
Y Y N N killed, 231-186, a Democratic bid for floor
debate on a measure that would protect
Social Security and Medicare from likely
budget cuts under a balanced-budget
constitutional amendment (HJ Res 2, above).
A yes vote opposed the Democratic motion.
Relaxing Financial Rules: The House voted,
Y Y N N 297-121, to make it more difficult for the
Financial Stability Oversight Council to
regulate non-bank financial institutions such
as insurance firms and mutual funds under
the 2010 Dodd-Frank oversight law. A yes
vote was to pass HR 4061.
Andrew Wheeler Confirmation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 53-45, Andrew R. Wheeler, a coal
lobbyist and critic of limits on fossil-fuel
emissions, as deputy administrator of the
Environmental Protection Agency. A yes vote
backed Wheeler to serve immediately under
EPA chief Scott Pruitt.
KEY VOTES AHEAD ©2018 Voterama in Congress
The Senate will conduct confirmation votes on judicial and executive-
branch nominees in the week of April 16, while the House will take up a
budget-rescission bill.

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