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market geography...

DMA - Designated Market Area:

Nielsen Media Research television market
area consisting of 25 counties.

MSA - Metropolitan Statistical Area:

Federal government defined area based
on economic and social factors.

San Antonio Population

Bexar ............ 1,501,149
MSA ............. 1,863,789
DMA ............. 2,169,201
Bexar County encompasses 69% of the
population in the San Antonio DMA and
81% of the MSA.

Source - Claritas, Inc., 2005

principal industries...
Financial services are key to the San Antonio economy. Employing over 50,000 peo-

ple, the industry has a $20 billion annual economic impact.

Biomedical/Health Care continues as a major force in the local economy.

The industry employs 103,000 individuals with a total economic impact of

$13 billion annually.

The Convention and Tourism industry employs 86,000 San Antonians and con-

tributes $7 billion to the local economy.

San Antonio’s three military bases employ over 73,000 civilian and military personnel

with an economic impact of $5 billion annually.

general demographics MSA...

Description San Antonio, TX
2005 Population 1,863,789
2010 Population 2,023,623
Annual Population Growth 2005 - 2010 1.72%
2005 Households 657,175
2010 Households 715,086
Annual Household Growth 2005-2010 1.76%
Median Household Income $44,867
Median Housing Value $92,123
Average Length of Residence 9.89 years
Average Household Size 2.77 persons
Median Age 33.32 years

Source - Top: Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce; Bottom: Source: Claritas, Inc. 2005
Sunday Circulation: 353,804

Daily (6-Day Avg) Circulation: 240,801

Main Reasons for Reading the Express-News


National & International News 72%

Local Neighborhood Information 64%

Ad Inserts or Coupons 63%

Sports News 60%

Entertainment News 58%

Classified Advertising 46%


Inserts, Coupons & Other Ads 74%

TV Now 52%

Star Magazine 47%

Source - Top: Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), 52 weeks ended December 26, 2004; Bottom: MORI Research,2005
Note - “Daily” choices did not reference day of the week. “Sunday” options specifically referenced the Sunday edition.
newspaper advertising...
Newspaper advertisements are a destination for consumers, not a distraction. While

radio and television advertising is often considered a distraction or nuisance, Express-News

readers actively seek in-paper advertisements to make shopping and buying decisions.

San Antonians Act When They Read the Express-News

Checked to see
what was on sale

Shopped store
advertising item

Redeemed a coupon

Decided where to
buy something

Shopped store
for first time

Bought items had

been considering

Visited advertised

Saved ad for
later reference

Shopped store they

had not visited lately

Purchased at store
wouldn’t have shopped

Learned more
about products

Visited advertised
Web site

Made a purchase
hadn’t thought of
Base - Adults in the San Antonio MSA; Source - MORI Research, 2005
classified advertising...
Each month, hundreds of thousands of readers use the Express-News

Classifieds. They find jobs, cars, trucks, refrigerators, homes, pets and a wide

variety of other products and services.

Classified Listings Read Past 30 Days

Jobs 463,000 Readers

Vehicles 451,000 Readers

Appls, Equip, etc. 418,000 Readers

Assorted 331,000 Readers


Homes for Sale 317,000 Readers

Pets 317,000 Readers

Sporting Goods 290,000 Readers

Apts & Homes

for Rent 206,000 Readers

Institution 156,000 Readers

Financial/Business 145,000 Readers


Farm & Ranch 132,000 Readers

Boats & RV 98,000 Readers

Base - Adults in the San Antonio MSA; Source - MORI Research, 2005
Consumers’ Source for Advertising...
When looking for products or services, no one provides for

consumers like the Express-News. When San Antonians are

looking to buy, they rely on the Express -News.

Preferred Source of Advertising for San Antonio Adults

Employment 59 18

58 1 14 13

Apparel 53 13 5 1 6

Furniture 51 16 6 3 8

Grocery 51 26 2

Appliances 50 12 6 6 3

49 1 12 6

Electronics 41 10 13 7 7

Services/ 41 6 2 18 6

Note - All numbers shown on graph are percentages, Source - MORI Research, 2005

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