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PRL 95, 200201 (2005) 11 NOVEMBER 2005

Linear Theory for Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems

Hilbert J. Kappen*
Department of Medical Physics & Biophysics, Radboud University, Geert Grooteplein 21 6525 EZ Nijmegen, The Netherlands†
(Received 12 November 2004; published 7 November 2005)
We address the role of noise and the issue of efficient computation in stochastic optimal control
problems. We consider a class of nonlinear control problems that can be formulated as a path integral and
where the noise plays the role of temperature. The path integral displays symmetry breaking and there
exists a critical noise value that separates regimes where optimal control yields qualitatively different
solutions. The path integral can be computed efficiently by Monte Carlo integration or by a Laplace
approximation, and can therefore be used to solve high dimensional stochastic control problems.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.200201 PACS numbers: 02.50.Ey, 02.30.Yy, 05.45.a, 45.80.+r

Optimal control of nonlinear systems in the presence of problems, which can be formulated as a statistical mechan-
noise is a very general problem that occurs in many areas ics problem. This class of control problems includes arbi-
of science and engineering. It underlies autonomous sys- trary dynamical systems, but with a limited control
tem behavior, such as the control of movement and plan- mechanism. It contains linear-quadratic [4] control as a
ning of actions of animals and robots, but also, for instance, special case. We show that under certain conditions on the
the optimization of financial investment policies and con- noise, the HJB equation can be written as a linear partial
trol of chemical plants. The problem is simply stated: given differential equation,
that the system is in this configuration at this time, what is
the optimal course of action to reach a goal state at some @t  H ; (1)
future time? The cost of each time course of action consists with H a (non-Hermitian) operator. Equation (1) must be
typically of a path contribution that specifies the amount of solved subject to a boundary condition at the end time. As a
work or other cost of the trajectory, and an end cost, that result of the linearity of Eq. (1), the solution can be
specifies to what extent the trajectory reaches the goal obtained in terms of a diffusion process evolving forward
state. in time, and can be written as a path integral. The path
In the absence of noise, the optimal control problem can integral has a direct interpretation as a free energy, where
be solved in two ways: using the Pontryagin minimum noise plays the role of temperature.
principle (PMP) [1], which is a pair of ordinary differential This link between stochastic optimal control and a free
equations that are similar to the Hamilton equations of energy has two immediate consequences. (1) Phenomena
motion or using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equa- that allow for a free energy description, typically display
tion, which is a partial differential equation [2]. phase transitions. We argue that for stochastic optimal
In the presence of (Wiener) noise, the PMP formalism is control one can identify a critical noise value that separates
replaced by a set of stochastic differential equations which regimes where the optimal control is qualitatively different
become difficult to solve (see, however, [3]). The inclusion and illustrate this with a simple example. (2) Since the path
of noise in the HJB framework is mathematically quite integral appears in other branches of physics, such as
straightforward, yielding the so-called stochastic HJB statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics, we can
equation [4]. Its solution, however, requires a discretization borrow approximation methods from those fields to com-
of space and time and the computation becomes intractable pute the optimal control approximately. We show how the
in both memory requirement and CPU time in high dimen- Laplace approximation can be combined with Monte Carlo
sions. As a result, deterministic control can be computed (MC) sampling to efficiently compute the optimal control.
efficiently using the PMP approach, but stochastic control Let x~ be an n-dimensional stochastic variable that is
is intractable due to the curse of dimensionality. subject to the stochastic differential equation
For small noise, one expects that optimal stochastic
control resembles optimal deterministic control, but for ~ x;
dx~  b ~  d~
~ t  udt (2)
larger noise, the optimal stochastic control can be entirely
different from the deterministic control [5], but there is with d~ a Wiener process with hdi dj i  ij dt, and ij
currently no good understanding of how noise affects independent of x;
~ u; ~ x;
~ t. b ~ t is an arbitrary n-dimensional
optimal control. function of x~ and t, and u~ an n-dimensional vector of
In this Letter, we address both the issue of efficient control variables. Given x~ at an initial time t, the stochastic
computation and the role of noise in stochastic optimal optimal control problem is to find the control path u~ that
control. We consider a class of nonlinear stochastic control minimizes

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PRL 95, 200201 (2005) 11 NOVEMBER 2005
~ u
Cx;t; ~  xt ~ f  x;
~ t  dy ~ y; ~ tf jx;~ t expy=:~ (11)
Z tf 1 
 d u ~ T Ru ~  Vx;
~ (3) We arrive at the important conclusion that x; ~ t can be
t 2 x~ computed either by backward integration using Eq. (1) or
by forward integration of a diffusion process given by
with R a matrix, Vx; ~ t a time-dependent potential, and
Eq. (10).
x~ the end cost. The brackets hix~ denote expectation
We can write the integral in Eq. (11) as a path integral.
value with respect to the stochastic trajectories (2) that
We use the standard argument [9] and divide the time
start at x.
interval t ! tf in n1 intervals and write y; ~ tf jx;
~ t 
One defines the optimal cost-to-go function from any n1
time t and state x~ as  i1  ~
x ; t j ~
i i i1 i1 ; t  and let n 1 ! 1. The result is
~ t  minCx;
Jx; ~ t; u:
~ (4) 1
x; t  d ~
x x~ exp  S ~
xt ! tf  (12)

J satisfies the stochastic HJB equation which takes the R
with dx ~ x~ an integral over all paths xt ~ ! tf  that start at
form x~ and with
1 T
@t J  min u~ Ru~  V  b  u ~ T ~ 1
~ rJ  Trr J 2 Z tf 1 dx ~
u~ 2 2 ~ ! tf   xt
Sxt ~ f   d  b~ x;
t 2 d
1 ~ T 1 ~ ~ T ~ 1 2   
  rJ R rJ  V  b rJ  Trr J ~
dx ~
2 2 R  b ~
x;  V ~
x; (13)
P the action associated with a path. From Eqs. (7) and (12),
with Trr2 J  ij ij @2 J=@xi @xj and
the cost to go Jx; t becomes a log partition sum (i.e., a
u~  R1 rJ ~ x; ~ t (6) free energy) with temperature .
The path integral Eq. (12) can be estimated by stochastic
the optimal control at x; ~ t. The HJB equation is nonlinear in integration from t to tf of the diffusion process Eq. (10) in
J and must be solved with end boundary condition which particles get annihilated at a rate Vx; ~ t=:
~ tf   x.
Jx; ~
x~  x~  b ~ x; ~ tdt  d; ~ with probability 1  Vdt=;
Define x; ~ t through [6]
~ t   log x; x~  y; with probability Vdt=; (14)
Jx; ~ t (7)
and assume there exists a scalar  such that where y denotes that the particle is taken out of the
simulation. Denote the trajectories by x~  t ! tf ,  
ij  Rij ; (8) 1; . . . ; N. Then, x; ~ t and u~ are estimated as
with ij the Kronecker delta. In the one-dimensional case, ^ x;
~ t  w ; (15)
such a  can always be found. In the higher dimensional 2alive
case, this restricts the matrices R / 1 [8]. Equation (8)
reduces the dependence of optimal control on the XN
^~  1
udt w d~ t;
n-dimensional noise matrix to a scalar value  that will ^ x;
~ t 2alive
play the role of temperature. Equation (5) reduces to the (16)
linear Eq. (1) with 1
w  expx~  tf =;
V ~ T ~ 1 2
H    b r  Trr : (9) where ‘‘alive’’ denotes the subset of trajectories that do not
get destroyed along the way by the y operation. The
Let y; ~ jx; ~ t with y; ~ tjx;~ t  y~  x ~ describe a normalization 1=N ensures that the annihilation process
diffusion process for  > t defined by the Fokker-Planck is properly taken into account. Equation (16) states that
equation optimal control at time t is obtained by averaging the initial
directions of the noise component of the trajectories
V ~  1 Trr2  (10)
~ T b
@   H y      r d~ t, weighted by their success at tf .
The above sampling procedure can be quite inefficient,
with H y the Hermitian conjugate of H. Then A 
R when many trajectories get annihilated. One of the simplest
~ y;
dy ~ jx; ~ t y;~  is independent of  and in particular procedures to improve it is by importance sampling. We
At  Atf . It immediately follows that replace the diffusion process that yields y; ~ tf jx;
~ t by

PRL 95, 200201 (2005) 11 NOVEMBER 2005

another diffusion process, that will yield 0 y;

~ tf jx;
~ t  Consider a stochastic particle that moves with constant
expS0 =. Then Eq. (12) becomes, velocity from t  0 to tf  2 in the horizontal direction
Z and where there is deflecting noise in the x direction:
~ t  dx ~ x~ expS0 = exp  S  S0 =:
dx  udt  d:
The idea is to chose 0 such as to make the sampling of The cost is given by Eq. (3) with x  12 x2 and Vx; t1 
the path integral as efficient as possible. Here, we use the implements a slit at an intermediate time t1  1 (Fig. 1).
Laplace approximation, which is given by the k determi- Solving the cost to go by means of the forward computa-
nistic trajectories x t ! tf  that minimize the action tion using Eq. (11) can be done in closed form. The exact
result, the Laplace approximation equation (17) and the
Laplace guided importance sampling result using Eq. (18)
~ t
Jx; expSx~ t ! tf =: (17)
are plotted for t  0 as a function of x in Fig. 2. For each x,
the Laplace approximation consists of the two determinis-
The Laplace approximation ignores all fluctuations around tic trajectories, each being piecewise linear, starting at t 
the modes and becomes exact in the limit  ! 0. The 0 in x and ending at t  2 in x  0. We see that the Laplace
Laplace approximation can be computed efficiently, re- approximation is quite good for this example, in particular,
quiring On2 m2  operations, where m is the number of when one takes into account that a constant shift in J does
time discretization. not affect the optimal control. The MC importance sampler
For each Laplace trajectory, we define a diffusion pro- has maximal error of order 0.1 and is significantly better
~ t  x~_ t. The
~ x;
cesses 0 according to Eq. (14) with b than the Laplace approximation. Naive MC sampling using
Eq. (14) (not shown) fails for this problem, because most
estimators for and u~ are given again by Eqs. (15) and
trajectories get destroyed by the infinite potential.
(16), but with weights
Numerical simulations using N  100 000 trajectories
1 yield estimation errors in J up to approximately 6 for
w  expSx~  t ! tf   S0 x~  t ! tf =: certain values of x.
(18) We show an example how optimal stochastic control
exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking. For two slits of
S is the original action equation (13) and S0 is the new width
at x  1, the cost to go becomes to lowest order
action for the Laplace guided diffusion. When there are in
multiple Laplace trajectories one should include all of  
R 1 2 x
these in the sample. Jx; t  x  T log2 cosh  const; t < t1 ;
We give a simple one-dimensional example of a double T 2 T
slit to illustrate the effectiveness of the Laplace guided MC where the constant diverges as Olog
 independent of x
method and to show how the optimal cost to go undergoes and T  t1  t the time to reach the slits. The expression
symmetry breaking as a function of the noise. between brackets is a typical free energy with inverse

FIG. 2 (color online). Comparison of Laplace approximation

FIG. 1 (color online). A double slit is placed at t  1 with (dotted line) and Monte Carlo importance sampling (solid jagged
openings at 6 < x < 4 and 6 < x < 8. V  1 for t  1 line) of Jx; t  0 with exact result (solid smooth line) for the
outside the openings, and zero otherwise. Also shown are two double slit problem. The importance sampler used N  100
example trajectories under optimal control. trajectories for each x. R  0:1,   1, dt  0:02.

PRL 95, 200201 (2005) 11 NOVEMBER 2005

replaces the intractable n-dimensional numerical integra-

tion by a Monte Carlo sampling, which is known to be
often much more efficient. This approach will thus be of
direct practical value for the control of high dimensional,
strongly nonlinear systems, such as, for instance, robot
arms, navigation of autonomous systems, and chemical
reactions. For realistic applications, naive sampling should
be replaced by more advanced sampling schemes, such as
importance sampling or a Metropolis method, and should
be combined with efficient discretization such as splines,
wavelets, or a Fourier basis [10,11].
I would like to thank Hans Maassen for useful discus-
sions. This work is supported in part by the Dutch
Technology Foundation and the BSIK/ICIS project.

FIG. 3 (color online). Symmetry breaking in J as a function of

T implies a ‘‘delayed choice’’ mechanism for optimal stochastic *Email address:

control. When the target is far in the future, the optimal policy is Electronic address:
to steer between the targets. Only when T < 1= should one aim [1] L. Pontryagin, V. Boltyanskii, R. Gamkrelidze, and
for one of the targets. Sample trajectories (top row) and controls E. Mishchenko, The Mathematical Theory of Optimal
(bottom row) under stochastic control (left column) and deter- Processes (Interscience, New York, 1962).
ministic control (right column).   R  1, t1  2. [2] R. Bellman and R. Kalaba, Selected Papers on Mathe-
matical Trends in Control Theory (Dover, New York,
temperature  1=T. It displays a symmetry breaking at [3] J. Yong and X. Zhou, Stochastic Controls: Hamiltonian
T  1. The optimal control is given by the gradient of J: Systems and HJB Equations (Springer, New York, 1999).
  [4] R. Stengel, Optimal Control and Estimation (Dover,
1 x New York, 1993).
u tanh  x : (19)
T T [5] S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern
Approach (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 2003).
For T > 1= (far in the past) optimal control steers towards
[6] The log transform goes back to Schrödinger and was first
x  0 (between the targets) and delays the choice of which used in control theory by [7].
slit to aim for until later. The reason why p
 optimal is [7] W. Fleming, Applied Mathematics and Optimization 4,
that the expected diffusion alone of size T is likely to 329 (1977).
reach any of the slits without control (although it is not [8] For example, if both R and  are diagonal matrices in a
clear yet which slit). Only sufficiently late in time (T < direction with low noise, control is expensive (Rii large)
1=) should one make a choice. and only small control steps are permitted. In noisy
Figure 3 depicts two trajectories and their controls under directions the reverse is true: control is cheap and large
stochastic optimal control [Eq. (19)] and deterministic control values are permitted. As another example, con-
optimal control [Eq. (19) with   0], using the same sider a one-dimensional second order system subject to
additive control x  bx; t  u. The stochastic formula-
realization of the noise. Note, that at early times the
tion is of the form
deterministic control drives x away from zero, whereas in
the stochastic control drives x towards zero and is smaller dx  ydt; ~
dy  bx; t  udt  d:
in size. The stochastic control delays the choice for which
Equation (8) states that due to the absence of a control
slit to aim until T
term in the equation for dx, the noise in this equation
In summary, we have shown that stochastic optimal should be zero.
control involves symmetry breaking with qualitatively dif- [9] H. Kleinert, Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics,
ferent solutions for high and low noise levels. This property Statistics, and Polymer Physics (World Scientific,
is expected to be true also for more general stochastic Singapore, 1995), 2nd ed.
control problems. The path integral formulation allows [10] W. Miller, J. Chem. Phys. 63, 1166 (1975).
for an efficient solution of the HJB equation because it [11] D. Freeman and J. Doll, J. Chem. Phys. 80, 5709 (1984).


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