2017 RiftiaBloodSystem

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The anatomy of the blood vascular system of

the giant vestimentiferan tubeworm Riftia
pachyptila (Siboglinidae, Annelida): ....

Article in Journal of Morphology · March 2017

DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20677


0 68

3 authors:

Nadya Rimskaya-Korsakova S. V. Galkin

Lomonosov Moscow State University P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology


Vladimir Malakhov
Lomonosov Moscow State University


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Received: 17 August 2016 | Revised: 28 February 2017 | Accepted: 8 March 2017

DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20677


The anatomy of the blood vascular system of the giant

vestimentiferan tubeworm Riftia pachyptila
(Siboglinidae, Annelida)

Nadezhda N. Rimskaya-Korsakova1 | Sergey V. Galkin2 | Vladimir V. Malakhov3

Department of Invertebrate Zoology,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1-12,
Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119234, Russia The giant dimensions of vestimentiferan Riftia pachyptila (Jones, 1981) are achieved thanks to the
Laboratory of Bottom Ocean Fauna, well-developed vascular system. In the vestimentum, there is a complicated net of lacunae, includ-
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (RAS), 36, ing the brain blood supply and the ventral lacuna underlying the ciliary field. The trunk region has
Nakhimovski prospect, Moscow, 117997,
an extensive network of blood vessels feeding the gonads («rete mirabile»). The thick muscular lin-
ing of the mesenterial vessels in the trunk and the dorsal vessel in the opisthosome serves as an
Department of Invertebrate Zoology,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1-12, additional pump, pushing blood into numerous vessels in the segments. It was hypothesized that
Leninskie Gory, 119234, Moscow, Russia the blood envelope of the ventral blood vessel in the trunk provides the blood supply to the troph-
and the Far Eastern Federal University, osome. The 3D reconstruction has revealed that there are two vascular systems of the tentacular
Sukhanova, 8, Vladivostok, 690950, Russia
crown of R. pachyptila. Blood runs into the tentacles via axial afferent vessels, as described earlier
only for Riftia, and also via basal ones, as described for other vestimentiferans except Riftia. The
Nadezhda Rimskaya-Korsakova, Lomonosov
Moscow State University, Department of basal ones are poorly developed, and the number of lamellar blood vessels is small, indicating a
Invertebrate Zoology, Vorobievy Gory 1-12, lack of demand for these within huge R. pachyptila. It appears that the presence of these vessels
Moscow, Russian Federation. is the preserved ancestral state of Vestimentifera. In different portions of the dorsal vessel, the
Email: nadezdarkorsakova@gmail.com/
morphology of the intravasal body varies, depending on function.

circulatory system, dorsal blood vessel, intravasal body, sinus valvatus, ventral blood vessel, vessels
of tentacles, vessels of trophosome

1 | INTRODUCTION between symbionts in the trophosome, and afterward distributes

organic matter to the tissues and organs of the host tubeworms
The discovery of Vestimentifera was one of the most spectacular (Andersen, Jolivet, Claudinot, & Lallier, 2002; Bright & Sorgo, 2003;
events within zoology of the second half of the 20th century (Arp & Gardiner & Jones, 1993; Karaseva, Malakhov, & Galkin, 2012;
Childress, 1983; Bosch & Grasse, 1984; Cavanaugh, Gardiner, Jones, , 2004;
Malakhov, Popelyaev, & Galkin, 1996; Minic & Herve
Jannasch, & Waterbury, 1981; Felbeck, 1981; Jones, 1980, 1985; Southward, Schulze, & Gardiner, 2005).
Mane-Garzon & Montero, 1985; Van der Land & Nørrevang, 1975, The unique organization of vestimentiferan tubeworms initially
1977; Webb, 1969). Attention was particularly drawn to vestimenti- caused researchers to classify them in a separate phylum, Vestimenti-
feran tubeworms after the East Pacific hydrothermal vent communities, fera or Mesoneurophora (Jones, 1985; Mane-Garzon & Montero,
in which tubeworms play an essential role, were found, although many 1985), although some authors, such as Van der Land and Nørrevang
vestimentiferan species inhabit cold seeps. All adult vestimentiferans (1977), were unconvinced, considering them to be a group within
lack a digestive system, and obtain their nutrients from chemoendo- Annelida. Today, Vestimentifera has undergone a demotion, and is
symbiontic bacteria cultured in trophosome tissue. A highly developed included in the family Siboglinidae (Rouse, 2001). Within Siboglinidae,
circulatory system greatly contributes to the logistics of nutrition. Vestimentifera is nested together with Sclerolinum with high support
Firstly, the blood vessel network in the tentacles provides an intensive €m, Smith, & Dahlgren, 2005; Glover
(Rouse, 2001; Glover, Källstro
exchange of gases between ambient seawater and the blood capillaries; et al., 2013; Eichinger, Hourdez, & Bright, 2013; Li et al., 2015, 2016;
following this, the blood system delivers and spreads substances Rouse, Wilson, Worsaae, & Vrijenhoek, 2015). According to a recent

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T A B LE 1 The studied specimens collected during cruises of the RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh (AMK).

Length of Coordinates
Specimen# specimen (mm) Sex of the collection site Depth (m) R/V – station#, ROV, year

1 16 Female 27802,45’ N, 111822,80’ W, 1990 AMK-1519, Pisces-VII, 1986

Guaymas Basin

2 34 Female 09850,52’ N, 104817,52’ W, 2524 ffR - 4623, MIR-1, 2003

“98N EPR”

3 101 Female 27800,47’ N, 111824,57’ W 2001 ffR-4714, MIR-2, 2003

Guaymas Basin

4 308 Female 20819,86’ N, 109806,20’ W 2997 ffR-4679, MIR-1, 2003

“218N EPR”

5 79 Male 09850,52’ N, 104817,52’ W 2524 ffR-4623, MIR-1, 2003

“98N EPR”

synopsis (Karaseva, Rimskaya-Korsakova, Galkin, & Malakhov, 2016), dorsal vessel into the mesenterial blood vessel, whereas Schulze (2002)
Vestimentifera comprises 19 species distributed between three groups discussed its function as a hemopoetic organ. The sinus valvatus,
(infra-families), Lamellibrachiinae (Webb, 1969), Escarpiinae (Jones, another vascular organ of unclear organization and function, is a valve-
1985), and Tevniinae (Jones, 1985). Lamellibrachiinae and Escarpiinae like structure that seems to prevent backflow of blood into the ten-
inhabit soft and rocky substrates in the areas of cold seeps and on the tacles (Southward et al., 2005).
periphery of hydrothermal vents, and are recorded everywhere except In the present article, we aim to describe the adult circulatory
areas in the Arctic and Antarctic; however, Tevniinae is known to system and its special organs (such as the intravasal body and sinus
exclusively inhabit the rocky substrates of the Pacific Ocean hydrother- valvatus) of R. pachyptila, using visualization with light microscopy,
mal vents (Karaseva et al., 2016; Schulze & Halanych, 2002). histology and 3D modeling. A further aim of this work is to discover
The circulatory system of the vestimentiferan Lamelibrachia luymesi whether there are morphological features of the vascular system of
has been described in detail by Van der Land and Nørrevang (1975, R. pachyptila in comparison with other, much smaller, representatives
1977). The arrangement of the circulatory systems of the medium- of the vestimentiferan tubeworms, such as R. piscesae and O. alvinae,
sized tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae and the small-sized tubeworm Oasisia which might serve as adaptations to the huge size of the tubeworm.
alvinae are similar to those of Lamellibrachia (Karaseva et al., 2012;
Malakhov et al., 1996). In spite of the giant size of tubeworm Riftia
pachyptila, we know few details of the circulatory system of the animal.
There are the blood lacunae underlying the ventral ciliary field in the
2.1 | Collection and fixation
vestimentum, the blood envelope of the ventral blood vessel in the
trunk, as well as the main afferent and efferent vessels of the tentacu- Specimens of Riftia pachyptila (Jones, 1980, 1981) were collected at
lar apparatus are parallel to the body’s axis in Riftia, whereas in all other different latitudes of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) and in the Guaymas
vestimentiferan tubeworms these vessels are located in the transverse Basin, Gulf of California, by the PISCES manned submersible during the
plane (Gardiner & Jones, 1993; Jones, 1980, 1981, 1985). The latter 12th cruise of RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in 1986 and by MIR-1
feature has been used by Jones (1985) as a basis for the taxonomic and MIR-2 manned submersibles during its 22nd and 49th cruises in
division of Vestimentifera (which he regarded as a phylum) into two 1990 and 2003, respectively. Lengths of examined specimens and the
classes: Axonobranchia (with a single species, R. pachyptila) and Basi- collection sites are listed in Table 1.
branchia (with the rest of the species of tubeworms described so far).
2.1.1 | Histology and LM photography
Neither molecular data (Black et al., 1997; Halanych, Feldman, &
Vrijenhoek, 2001; Kojima et al., 2003), nor the organization of the Four animals used for anatomical analysis were fixed in Bouin’s solution
tentacle crown (Rimskaya-Korsakova & Malakhov, 2010; Rimskaya- and stored in 70% ethanol. The material was processed by the standard
Korsakova, Malakhov, & Galkin, 2011) in R. pachyptila support the histological procedure, including dehydration in an alcohol series and
classification by Jones (1985). Unfortunately, the latter studies have embedding in paraffin, paraplast, or histowax. Transverse sections
not taken advantage of 3D reconstruction methods. (5 and 7 lm) were produced with a Leica RM 2125 microtome (Leica
Moreover, some special organs (an intravasal body and a sinus val- Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany), stained with Caracci hematoxylin,
vatus) of the vestimentiferan circulatory system raise questions. The and examined under a Zeiss Axioplan2 microscope equipped with
intravasal body, or heart-body, or intravasal tissue (Gardiner, 1992), is a AxioCam HRm camera (Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC, USA) as well as
strand of tissue attached to the ventral surface of the dorsal vessel in Leica DM5000 B equipped with Leica DFC425 C camera. Microscopic
the vestimentum and trunk have been described by Gardiner and Jones images were optimized for contrast and level in Adobe Photoshop 7.0
(1993) as a flapper-valve structure preventing back flow from the (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA, USA). Drawings were performed with

Adobe Illustrator CS4. For visualization of the blood vessels in the ves- In the trunk, the dorsal vessel runs within the trunk coelom,
timentum a specimen of 101 mm was pictured by Canon Power Shot dorsally with respect to the trophosome (Figure 1A). The diameter of
S90 camera. the dorsal vessel in the trunk is ten times bigger than in vestimentum
(Figure 2A–C). The wall of the vessel is organized in the same way as in
2.1.2 | 3D modeling
the vestimentum. Sparse hemocytes adhere to the ECM layer.
Arrangements of vessels of the tentacular crown and the anterior-
most vestimentum were visualized with the software 3D-DOCTOR
3.5.040724 (Able Software Corporation of Lexington, USA), 3D vol-
3.2 | Intravasal body
umes of the sinus valvatus were made with the TrackEM plugin of In the dorsal vessel, there is an intravasal body (ib, Figure 1A–C) in the
ImageJ/FIJI (Cardona et al., 2012). Alignment was performed in the posteriormost vestimentum and along the entire length of the trunk
corresponding softwares by comparing the sections of adjacent (Figures 1A, B and 2B, C, E). It is located on the ventral side. The size
planes. and shape of the intravasal body vary greatly in the sections made at
An image series of 61 transverse sections of the 34 mm specimen different levels.
was used for modeling of the circulatory system of the tentacular The wall of the intravasal body consists of a layer of ECM and two
crown. On each 2D section the brain, obturacular lobes, main tentacu- layers of cells: the external and internal layers (Figure 2B). The ECM
lar blood vessels, basal tentacular vessels, axial tentacular vessels, layer of the intravasal body is an extension of the ECM layer of the
lamellar vessels, tentacular vessels, and obturacular vessels were dorsal vessel. The surface of the ECM facing the dorsal vessel lumen
outlined. bears scattered hemocytes. A well-developed epithelium is present on
An image series of 54 transverse sections of the 16 mm specimen the internal surface of the ECM of the intravasal body (Figure 2B–D).
was used for modeling of the circulatory system of organs of the ante- On some sections, it looks like a single-layered epithelium, whereas on
riomost vestimentum. On each 2D section the entire body, brain, others it forms parenchyma-like tissue, which almost entirely fills the
obturacular lobes, excretory tree and ducts, anterior perivascular coe- inner lumen of the intravasal body (compare Figure 2C and D). The
lom, obturacular coelom, main efferent vessels, sinus valvatus were lumen of the intravasal body contains a flake-like material, with struc-
outlined. ture differing from the material of the dorsal vessel.
An image series of 16 transverse sections of the 16 mm specimen In the trunk, where the mesenterial vessel connects with the dorsal
was used for modeling of the sinus valvatus. On each 2D section the vessel, the intravasal body bends like an arch over the place of connec-
main efferent tentacular vessels, the ventral vessel and the lateral tion, forming a valve-like structure (vib, Figure 2E). The wall structured
coelomic sacs of the sinus valvatus were outlined. as in the intravasal body, but it has loose internal epithelium.
On the basis of the outlined boundaries three-dimensional (3D)
models were obtained. The smoothing tool used for natural perception
3.3 | Heart
of the surface of objects. Interactive features as well as transparency
filter, different colors, and lighting effects applied to show complex and This is a modified portion of the dorsal vessel, located in the anterior-
hidden objects. Three-dimensional images under appropriate angles most vestimentum (h, Figures 1A and 3A, D). In most cases, the shape
were processed in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, of the heart lumen in fixed specimens is slit-like and flattened in the
CA, USA). dorsoventral direction. Inside of the ECM, there are hemocytes.
Outside of the ECM, there is a layer of cubic epithelial cells surrounded

3 | RESULTS by the longitudinal musculature and bundles of circular muscles. The

exterior-most layer of the heart wall is represented by circular muscula-
The vascular system of Riftia pachyptila includes the dorsal blood- ture penetrated by the coelomic channels (pcc) that connect the
vessel-bearing heart, which pushes blood forward into the vessels of anterior and posterior perivascular coeloms. There is no clear border
the tentacles and obturacles, the ventral blood vessel that brings the separating the heart musculature from the musculature of the
blood from the tentacular vessels and provides blood supply to the vestimentum.
organs of the vestimentum (the brain, the excretory tree, and the
musculature), the trunk (the trophosome and the reproductive system), 3.4 | Vessels of tentacular crown
and the opisthosome (Figure 1A–C).
Anterior to the heart, the dorsal vessel branches into four large vessels:
a pair of obturacular vessels and a pair of main afferent tentacular ves-
3.1 | Dorsal blood vessel
sels (obv, av, Figures 1A, 3B,C, and 4A, D). The perivascular coelomic
The dorsal vessel runs the length of the body (dv, Figure 1A–C). In the channels follow the branching vessels, and each vessel is surrounded
vestimentum, it is in the cylindrical perivascular coelom, and is supported by the coelomic channels (obturacular and anterior perivascular,
by the dorsoventral mesentery (Figure 2A–D). The dorsal vessel wall respectively, obc, ac, Figure 5A–C). The main afferent tentacular vessels
consists of scattered hemocytes, ECM layer and coelomic epithelium are directed ventrolaterally, whereas obturacular vessels run ventrally
(Figure 2A, B). (Figure 3B).

F I G U R E 1 Scheme of the blood vascular system of vestimentiferan R. pachyptila. A. Blood supply in the vestimentum, obturacules and
tentacular crown. B. Blood supply in the trunk. C. Blood supply in the opisthosome. The dorsal vessel and afferent tentacular vessels shown
in light blue, the obturacular vessels shown in purple, the ventral vessels and efferent tentacular vessels shown in red, vessels connecting
the ventral and dorsal vessels shown in violet, the trophosome tissue shown in green, the body wall shown in grey. av – main afferent
tentacular vessels, aav – axial afferent tentacular vessels, aev – axial efferent tentacular vessels, alv – the most anterior lvv, atp – afferent
blood plexus of trophosome, atv1 – afferent vessels of trophosome arising from the bb, axv – axial trophosome vessels, bav – basal afferent
tentacular vessels, bb – bilobed bulges, bbv – brain blind vessels, bev – basal efferent tentacular vessels, cf – ventral ciliary field, cv –
vessels connecting mvv and lvv, dbv – dorsal brain vessel, dv – dorsal blood vessel, etv – efferent vessels of trophosome, ev – main efferent
tentacular vessels, gnc – genital coelom, h – heart, ib – intravasal body, lav – afferent lamellar vessels, lev – efferent lamellar vessels, lvt -
lateral vessels in trunk, lvv – lateral vestimental vessels, mbv – median brain vessel coming from dlv and penetrating ext and b, ms –
mesenterium, mv – mesenterial vessels, mvv – main vestimental vessels, ob – obturacules, obv – obturacular vessels, op – opisthosome, pcv
– small vessels coming from lvv and surrounding gl and muscles of vt, pv – peripheral vessels of the vw, pvv – paired vv in op, rv – radial
vessels of op, scv – semi-circular vessels of op, sv – sinus valvatus, t – trophosomal cords, tav – afferent tentacular vessles, tev – efferent
tentacular vessels, tr – trunk, vib – valve-like intravasal body preventing backflow from dv into mv, vl – ventral blood lacune, vlv – ventrolat-
eral brain vessels, vmv – ventral medial vessel, vof – capillaries feeding the maturing oocytes, vt – vestimentum, vv – ventral blood vessel,
vvb – blood envelope of vv in trunk, vvl – short vessels connecting vv and vl, vw – vestimental wings

A pair of obturacular vessels penetrates the brain, where they loop verse plane, and provide blood supply to the lamellae located at the
in the form of a letter “U” and join the obturacular lobes (obv, Figures basal-most tentacular crown (Figures 1A and 4A, D). The numbers of
1A and 4A–F). The obturacular vessels loop multiple times in a sinusoid basal lamellae and lamellar vessels (lav, lev) depend on the size of the
form, inside the cartilage tissue of the obturacles (Figure 4A, B). specimen. For example, a specimen of 16 mm length has 5–7 pairs,
The main afferent tentacular vessels run parallel to the dorsal side whereas a specimen of 34 mm length has 9; a larger specimen has a
of the brain (av, Figures 3B and 4D). Anterior to the brain, each vessel higher number of lamellae and basal lamellar vessels. Each semi-circular
divides into a basal afferent vessel (bav), directed ventrally and some- afferent lamellar vessel gives off afferent tentacular vessels (tav)
what posteriorly, and an axial afferent vessel (aav) running parallel to orientated parallel to the axis of the body (Figures 1A and 4A, D).
the body’s axis (Figures 1A and 4A, D). The basal afferent vessels give Axial vessels bring blood to the rest of the lamellae of the tentacu-
off several semi-circular afferent lamellar vessels (lav) lying in the trans- lar crown (Figures 1A, 4D–F and Figures 5–6 in Rimskaya-Korsakova

FIGURE 2 Dorsal vessel and intravasal body in the vestimentum and trunk of R. pachyptila. Microphotography (A–E, G) and drawings (F) of
transverse histological sections of the dorsal vessel of the juvenile of 16 mm in length (A–C, G) and female of 308 mm in length (D, E). A. The
dorsal vessel in the vestimentum. B. The intravasal body in the dorsal vessel in the posterior-most vestimentum. C. The dorsal vessel in the trunk.
D. The intravasal body of the dorsal vessel in the trunk. E. Valve-like intravasal body in the place of connection of the mesenterial and dorsal
vessels. F. Hypothetic scheme of the formation of the intravasal body. G. The dorsal vessel in the opisthosome. ce – coelomic epithelium, cmp –
circular muscles surrounding pc, ecm – extracellular matrix, d – dissepiments, dv – dorsal blood vessel, hc – hemocytes, ib – intravasal body, ie –
epithelium of the ib, ms – mesenterium, mv – mesenterial vessels, oc – coelom in the opisthosomal segments, pc – posterior perivascular coelom,
t – trophosomal cords, tc – trunk coelom, vib – valve-like intravasal body preventing backflow from dv into mv

et al., 2011). Each axial vessel gives off semi-circular lamellar vessels basal vessels. The latter lie in a transverse plane; that is, lamellar vessels
(lav), which lie along the body axis, one by one (Figures 1A and 4A, D). lie one by one, from the midline of the body to the periphery.
The lamellar vessels branch into many tentacular vessels (tav) orien- The system of efferent blood vessels of the tentacular crown
tated parallel to the axis of the body. Lamellar vessels originating from resembles the system of the afferent vessels (Figures 1A and 4C, E, F).
the axial vessels are not located in the same way as the ones from the Efferent tentacular vessels (tev) bring blood into efferent lamellar

and enter the sinus valvatus (sv). The histological peculiarities of the
vessels of the tentacular crown are described in Rimskaya-Korsakova
et al. (2011).

3.5 | Sinus valvatus

The organ lies posterior to the brain and ventrally in regard to the
excretory tree (sv, Figures 1A and 5A–C). A pair of lateral coelomic sacs
(lcs) is closely associated with the sinus valvatus (Figures 5D–F and 6A–
D). These two sacs constrict the lumen of the sinus valvatus and sepa-
rate the volume of the sinus into two portions: the dorsal and ventral
portions (Figures 5D–F and 6A–D). The dorsal portion is formed by the
fusion of the main efferent vessels, whereas the ventral portion gives
rise to the ventral vessel. Within the series of transverse sections, there
is no connection between these lateral sacs and the lumen of the sinus
valvatus. The inner epithelial lining and nuclei can be recognized in the
lateral sacs.

3.6 | Ventral blood vessel

This extends along the body from the sinus valvatus to the opistho-
some, where it is divided into two lateral vessels (sv, vv, pvv, Figure
1A–C). In the vestimentum, the ventral vessel runs inside the thickness
of the musculature, and in the trunk it lies along the trunk coelom
(Figures 7A and 8A). The shape of the vessel lumen in transverse
sections varies considerably along its length (Figure 7A, C).
In the vestimentum, the ventral vessel lacks specific musculature
(Figure 7A, C). In the trunk, the ventral vessel wall is complex, and light
microscopy is not sufficient to study all the details of this (Figures 8A,
B, D, 9A, and 10). Outside of the vessel, there is a blood envelope
(vvb). Distinct connections between the ventral vessel and the blood
envelope are seen on some sections. Between the walls of the ventral
vessel and the blood envelope there are narrow spaces, inside which
circular muscle bundles are visible on the inner and outer walls and the
large nuclei. The presence of the latter two structures provides evi-
dence for the consideration of these spaces as coelomic cavities. The
blood envelope is divided by vertical trabeculae connecting its outer
and inner walls.
FIGURE 3 Structure of heart and dorsal vessel in the vestimentum
of R. pachyptila. Drawing (A) and microphotography (B–D) of
transverse histological sections at the anterior-most end of the 3.7 | Ventral blood lacuna
vestimentum. A. Heart region of the dorsal vessel. B–D. Sequence of
This lies ventrally to the ventral vessel, and follows the shape of the
the sections showing the heart (D) branching into the afferent
tentacular and obturacular vessels (C, B). av – main afferent ventral ciliary field in the vestimentum (vl, Figures 1A and 7E, F). The
tentacular vessels, b – brain, cmh – circular muscle bundles of the lacuna is irregularly connected, with venal vessels via short vessels (vvl),
heart wall, ecm – extracellular matrix, exd – excretory ducts, ext – and gives rise to branching blood vessels underlying the epidermis. The
excretory tree, ev – main efferent tentacular vessels, h – heart, hc – latter are clearly visible from the outside, particularly at the posterior
hemocytes, lm – longitudinal muscles, lmh – longitudinal muscle bun-
margin of the vestimental fold (pv, Figures 1A and 7E).
dles of the heart wall, mbv – median brain vessel coming from dlv and
penetrating ext and b, obc – obturacular coeloms, obv – obturacular
vessels, pcc – channels in the muscle wall of the heart, connecting ac 3.8 | Blood supply to the brain
and pc, sdv – branching dorsal vessel into obv and av
This is provided by the vessels of the anterior vestimentum (Figures 1A
vessels (lev); then to efferent axial and basal vessels (aev, bev); and then and 7G). Along the ventrolateral surface of the brain, there are two
to the paired main efferent vessels of the tentacular crown. The latter large, symmetrical ventrolateral brain vessels (vlv) which flow into the
run over the dorsal side of the brain; after the brain, they run ventrally ventral blood vessel posterior to the sinus valvatus. These vessels are

FIGURE 4 Vascular system of tentacular crown of vestimentiferan R. pachyptila. 3D-reconstructions of organization of the vascular system
in the tentacular crown (A, C, D–F), afferent tentacular and obturacular vessels shown in blue, efferent tentacular vessels shown in red,
obturacules shown in orange, brain shown in yellow, for clear visualization the number of tentacles twice decreased and the size of the
tentacular vessels (tav, tev) increased in five times, length of XYZ axes is 0.4 mm, transparency filter applied for demonstration of the
vessels inside obturacules and brain (C–E), for volume representation transverse sections at the distal end of the reconstructed fragment
shown (E, F); digital photography of a specimen (B). A. Posterior lateral view of the system of afferent vessels of tentacular crown and
obturacular vessels, note main afferent vessels (av) branching into the basal and axial afferent vessels (bav, aav). B. Dorsal view of
obturacular lobes showing the obturacular vessels. C. Posterior lateral view of the afferent and efferent vessels of tentacular crown, note
the basal and axial efferent vessels (bev, aev) coming into main efferent vessels (ev). D. Lateral view of afferent vessels of tentacular
crown, note main afferent vessels (av) branching into the basal and axial afferent vessels (bav, aav). E, F. Frontal view of afferent and
efferent tentacular vessels; transverse section at the base of tentacle crown (E) and at the level of brain (F). av – main afferent tentacular
vessels, aav – axial afferent tentacular vessels, aev – axial efferent tentacular vessels, b – brain, bav – basal afferent tentacular vessels, bbv
– brain blind vessels, bev – basal efferent tentacular vessels, ev – main efferent tentacular vessels, h – heart, lav – afferent lamellar vessels,
lev – efferent lamellar vessels, ob – obturacules, obv – obturacular vessels, tav – afferent tentacular vessles, te –free tentacles, tev – efferent
tentacular vessles, vt – vestimentum, vw – vestimental wings

formed from the fusion of the many small veins that make up the com- sels (alv) to the ventrolateral brain vessels (Figure 7G). The dorsal brain
plex network on the ventral and ventrolateral sides of the brain. Over vessels gather blood from the smaller vessels making up the dorsolat-
the dorsal side of the brain, there is one more pair of larger vessels— eral brain network. Some of the smaller vessels bind the dorsal brain
dorsal brain vessels (dbv)—which run from the anteriormost lateral ves- vessel and the ventrolateral brain vessels.

FIGURE 5 Structure of sinus valvatus and vessels in the anterior vestimentum of R. pachyptila. 3D models showing the position of the
sinus valvatus, afferent and efferent vessels, obturacular vessels and median brain vessel (A–C). Microphotography of histological sections’
sequence of the sinus valvatus from anterior end to posterior one (D–F), diagrams under photographs show the level of each section.
Microphotography of median brain vessel, mbv (G–H). A. 3D-model shows position of the main vessels in the anterior vestimentum. B–C.
Posterior and lateral views of 3D-models showing the vessels arrangement inside the tissues of the excretory tree and brain. D. Lateral coe-
lomic sacs (lb) make slit-like lumen of the ventral vessel. E. Main efferent vessels entering the sinus valvatus which lateral sacs narrow the
lumen of the ventral vessel lumen and prevent backflow from the ventral vessel to the efferent vessels, asterisks show the places of con-
nection of the mbv and sv. F. The ventral vessel and posterior-most end of lateral sacs of the sinus valvatus. G–H. Median brain vessel, mbv,
runs through the excretory tree as shown on C. ac – anterior perivascular coelom, b – brain, ce – coelomic epithelium, ev – main efferent
tentacular vessels, exd – excretory ducts, exs – excretory sacs, ext – excretory tree, g – remnants of gut, lcs – lateral coelomic sacs of sv,
mbv – median brain vessel coming from dlv and penetrating ext and b, nc – nerve cord, ob – obturacules, obc – obturacular coeloms, obv –
obturacular vessels, sv – sinus valvatus, vv – ventral blood vessel, vw – vestimental wings

The unpaired median brain vessel (mbv) arises from the dorsal por- ventrally penetrating the brain tissue (Figures 1A, 3B–D, and 5C, E, G,
tion of the sinus valvatus. It passes through the excretory tree, runs H). The median brain vessel connects with the paired dorsal brain ves-
over the saddle between the two lobes of the brain and then turns, sels through several transverse vessels (Figure 1A).

FIGURE 6 Vascular system arrangements in the vestimentum of R. pachyptila. 3D-models of organization of the sinus valvatus (A–C) and a
light microphotograph (D) of the series of transverse section based on which the structure of the sinus was visualized. The main efferent
vessels of tentacles and the ventral blood vessel are shown in pink, coelomic cavities are shown in green. A. Anterior and lateral view of
the sinus valvatus. B. Posterior and lateral view of the sinus valvatus. C. Posterior view of the coelomic cavities, it is seen the internal shape
of the cavities. Although internal walls of both coelomic sacs are very close to each other, but they are separated. D. Transverse section
through the mid portion of the sinus. ev – main efferent tentacular vessels, lcs – lateral coelomic sacs of sv, sv – sinus valvatus, vv – ventral
blood vessel

3.9 | Other peripheral vessels of the vestimentum (main The most anterior lateral vestimental vessels (alv) originate not from
vestimental vessels and lateral vestimental vessels) the ventral blood vessel but from paired ventrolateral brain vessels (vlv),
and do not connect with the main vestimental vessels (Figure 1A). The
Paired main vestimental vessels (mvv) branch off from the main affer-
inner branches of the anterior lateral vestimental vessels connect to the
ent tentacular vessels in the anterior vestimentum (at the base of the
dorsal brain vessels involved in blood supply to the brain (see above).
obturacular lobes), run symmetrically in the median plane of the vesti-
mentum and enter the ventral vessels in the posterior vestimentum
3.10 | Trophosome blood supply
(Figures 1A and 7A, D).
Lateral vestimental vessels (lvv) run at the periphery of the vesti- In the trunk region, the bilobed bulges (bb) form periodically on the
mentum and deliver blood to the musculature of the vestimental wings dorsal side of the ventral blood vessel (Figures 1B, 8E, 9A, and 10).
(Figures 1A and 7A–D). These vessels are symmetrical: each lateral ves- They are covered by the blood envelope, which is a continuation of the
timental vessel forms a crescentic loop with inner and outer branches. ventral vessel blood envelope. The blood envelope of the bilobed
Inner branches (left and right) originate from the common root at the bulges gives rise to the short afferent trophosomal vessels (atv1). The
dorsal side of the ventral vessel (Figures 1A and 7C), rise dorsally to afferent trophosomal vessels sometimes originate from the blood
the vestimental wings, pass to the outer branches, return ventrally and plexus surrounding the genital coeloms (Figure 9C). The trophosome (t)
re-enter the ventral vessel. Both the inner and outer branches of the of R. pachyptila consists of a series of longitudinal cylindrical cords.
lateral vestimental vessels give off numerous small vessels, which Afferent vessels reach the closest trophosomal cords, and enter the
branch into the musculature of the vestimentum. The inner branches afferent trophosomal plexus, (atp) entwining the cords from the
of the lateral vestimental vessels (lvv) are linked to the main vestimental outside (Figures 1B, 9A, E, and 10). The afferent plexus of
vessels (mvv) via short connecting vessels (cv) (Figures 1A and 7D). adjacent trophosomal cords is linked via secondary afferent vessels

F I G U R E 7 Vestimental vascular system of R. pachyptila. Light microphotographs of transverse sections (A–D, F, G) and digital photograph
of a specimen vetimentum (E). A. Overview of section of the middle part of the vestimentum. B. Blood supply in the vestimental wings. C.
Lateral vessels coming from the ventral vessel. D. Vestimental vessels connecting to lateral vessels. E. Ventral view of specimen showing
the ventral blood lacune, note peripheral vessels of the posteriormost margin of the vestimental wings. F. Ventral blood lacune underlying
the ciliary field. G. The blood supply of the brain. b – brain, cf – ventral ciliary field, bbv – brain blind vessels, cv – vessels connecting mvv
and lvv, dbv – dorsal brain vessel, dv – dorsal blood vessel, g – remnants of gut, gl – tupipar glands, lvv – lateral vestimental vessels, mvv –
main vestimental vessels, nc – nerve cord, obc – obturacular coeloms, obv – obturacular vessels, pc – posterior perivascular coelom, pcv –
small vessels coming from lvv and surrounding gl and muscles of vt, pv – peripheral vessels of the vw, vl – ventral blood lacune, vlv –
ventrolateral brain vessels, vv – ventral blood vessel, vw – vestimental wings

(atv2, Figures 9E and 10). The fine vessels of the afferent trophosomal 3.11 | Mesenterial blood vessel
plexus give rise to capillaries, which penetrate the trophosome tissue
The mesenterial blood vessel (mv) runs along the trunk, ventrally to the
and reach the axial trophosome vessel (axv) extending along the central
dorsal vessel (mv, Figure 9E). It is suspended by the dorsoventral mesen-
part of each trophosome strand. From the axial trophosome vessels, tery of the trunk coelom. It is the third largest vessel in the trunk after the
blood is supplied to the mesenterial vessel through the efferent troph- dorsal and ventral vessels. The wall of the mesenterial vessel is thick
osome vessels (etv, Figures 9D and 10). (Figure 9D, F): outside of the folded ECM there are a few layers of circular

FIGURE 8 Trunk vascular system: structure of the ventral vessel wall, lateral vessel and blood supply of male reproduction system in the
trunk of R. pachyptila. Light microphotographs of transverse sections of vessels in the trunk (A–E). A. Overview of the ventral vessel of a
juvenile tubeworm. B. Fragment of the ventral vessel wall in close vicinity to the ventral mesenterium. C. Blood supply of the common and
feather-like longitudinal muscles. D. Pore providing connection of a lumen of the ventral vessel and blood envelop of the vessel. E. Blood
supply of the male germinal epithelium, contribution of the blood envelope of the ventral vessel. ce – coelomic epithelium, cmb – circular
muscle bundles, bb - bilobed bulges, ecm – extracellular matrix, ep – epidermis, es – spermatogonia, fm – feather-like muscles, ge – germinal
epithelium, gnc – genital coelom, gnd – gonoduct, hc – hemocytes, lm – longitudinal muscles, lvt - lateral vessels in trunk, ms – mesenterium,
t – trophosomal cords, tc – trunk coelom, tce – epithelium of trunk coelom, vp – opening connecting blood envelope and lumen of vv, vv –
ventral blood vessel, vvb – blood envelope of vv in trunk, vvc – coelomic envelope of vv

and longitudinal muscles. The mesenterial vessel periodically lifts dorsally, 9A–C, E, G, and 10). In males, there is no specialized system of blood
and fuses with the dorsal vessel (Figures 1B, 2E, 9D, and 10). The valve- vessels for the germinal epithelium in gonocoels. Genital coeloms are
like intravasal body (vib) appears at the places where the mesenterial ves- closely adjacent to the dorsal wall of the ventral vessel (Figure 8E).
sel joins the dorsal vessel (see above, Figures 2E and 9D). Their blood supply is provided by small blood lacunae arising from the
blood envelope of the ventral vessel wall.
In the female, there is a pair of short vessels (gnv) providing blood
3.12 | Blood supply to the reproductive system
supply to the germinal epithelia of each genital coelom and feeding the
The reproductive system (in both female and male) is supplied with maturing oogonia and oocytes (Figure 9A–C, G). The capillaries form a
blood from the blood envelope of the ventral vessel (Figures 1B, 8E, complex blood capillaries network (“rete mirabile”), which can be

FIGURE 9 Mesenterial vessel, blood supply of the trophosome and female reproduction system of R. pachyptila. Light microphotographs
of transverse sections of the trunk of adult female specimen of 308 mm in length. A. Paired collateral vessels formed by the ventral vessel
wall, arrows show the directions of the vessels formation. B. Vessels of the germinal epithelium receiving blood from blood envelop of the
ventral vessel. C. Afferent vessels of the trophosome coming from the ventral vessel blood envelop. D. Efferent vessels of the trophosome
come into the mesenterial vessel entering the dorsal vessel, note the valve-like intravasal body preventing backflow from the dorsal vessel
into the mesenterial vessel. E. Overview of the trophosome blood supply. F. Structure of the mesenterial blood vessel. G. Capillary network
in the gonadal coelom («rete mirabile»). atp – afferent blood plexus of trophosome, atv1 – afferent vessels of trophosome arising from the
bb, atv2 – afferent vessels of trophosome linking the adjacent t, axv – axial trophosome vessels, bb – bilobed bulges, cmb – circular muscle
bundles, cmb – circular muscle bundles, dv – dorsal blood vessel, ecm – extracellular matrix, etv – efferent vessels of trophosome, ge – ger-
minal epithelium, gnc – genital coelom, gnd – gonoduct, gnv – vessels providing blood supply for germinal epithelium, lmb – longitudinal
muscle bundles, ls – lower level of capillary network of gnc («rete mirabile»), ms – mesenterium, mv – mesenterial vessels, t – trophosomal
cords, tc – trunk coelom, us – upper level of capillary network of gnc («rete mirabile»), vib – valve–like intravasal body preventing backflow
from dv into mv, vv – ventral blood vessel, vvb – blood envelope of vv in trunk

FIGURE 10 Scheme of blood supply of the trophosome of R. pachyptila. Blood shown in grey, arrows show the direction of blood flow. atp –
afferent blood plexus of trophosome, atv1 – afferent vessels of trophosome arising from the bb, atv2 – afferent vessels of trophosome linking the
adjacent t, axv – axial trophosome vessels, bb – bilobed bulges, dv – dorsal blood vessel, etv – efferent vessels of trophosome, gnc – genital coelom,
gnv – vessels providing blood supply for germinal epithelium, ib – intravasal body, mv – mesenterial vessel, t – trophosomal cords, tc – trunk coelom,
vof – capillaries feeding the maturing oocytes, vv – ventral blood vessel, vvb – blood envelope of vv in trunk, vvc – coelomic envelope of vv

divided into two levels: lower and upper (ls and us). The lower level of from the ventral median vessels (vmv), which in their turn arise regu-
capillaries (directly connected to the axial vessels) is a dense knot of larly from the blood envelope of the ventral vessel and run ventrally
fan-like capillaries. At the posterior of the genital coeloms, there is an within the ventral mesentery.
upper level of the capillaries that is mostly oriented longitudinally. In
the series of histological sections, it can be seen that the capillaries of 3.14 | Blood supply to the opisthosome
the upper level are a continuation of the capillaries of the lower level.
Both the dorsal and ventral vessels extend to the segmented opistho-
The vast majority of oogonia and oocytes are adjacent to the walls of
some (Figures 1C and 11A–D). In its first segments the ventral vessel
the capillaries of the lower level.
bifurcates into the paired ventral vessels (pvv) that are connected to
Gonoducts are supplied with blood by the same short vessels (gnv)
the dorsoventral mesentery. Semi-circular vessels (scv) originate from
that provide blood for the germinal epithelia of the genital coeloms
the paired ventral vessels, run along the perimeter of the segment and
(Figure 9B, C).
enter the dorsal vessel. Numerous radial vessels (rv) extend from the
semi-circular vessels and reach the dorsal vessel. Both semi-circular
3.13 | Other peripheral vessels of the trunk
vessels and radial vessels are supported by dissepiments of the opis-
Paired semi-circular lateral vessels (lvt) run at the periphery of the trunk thosomal segments. The diameter of the dorsal vessel gradually
and deliver blood to the longitudinal musculature (common and decreases to the posterior, and in the final segments the lumen of
feather-like) as well as the tubipar glands (Figure 1B). These branch off the vessel becomes indistinguishable. The thick layer of circular and

FIGURE 11 Blood supply of opisthosome of R. pachyptila. Light microphotographs of transverse sections (A–D). A. Radial vessels locating
in the opisthosomal dissipiments. B. Overview of the vessels of the opisthosome: the paired ventral vessel, dorsal vessel and semi-circular
vessels. C, D. Close-up of the semi-circular vessels (C, D) and the ventral vessel in the anterior part of the opisthosome (D). d – dissepi-
ments, dv – dorsal blood vessel, ep – epidermis, gl – tupipar glands, ms – mesenterium, nc – nerve cord, oc – coelom in the opisthosomal
segments, op – opisthosome, pvv – paired vv in op, scv – semi-circular vessels of op, rv – radial vessels of op, vv – ventral blood vessel

longitudinal muscle fibers is adjacent to the dorsal vessel wall (Figure Blood is pushed forward by the heart, that is, the muscle wall thicken-
11A), whereas the walls of the ventral, semi-circular and radial vessels ing of the dorsal vessel.
are formed from a thin and sparse layer of flattened epithelial cells, in The main difference between the circulatory systems of R. pachyp-
which the ECM layer is indistinguishable (Figure 11A, C, D). tila and other species of Vestimentifera lies in the anatomical organiza-
tion of the tentacular crown circulatory system. In most

4 | DISCUSSION vestimentiferan tubeworms, lamellar vessels are oriented transversally

and arranged concentrically (in accordance with the arrangement of
4.1 | Riftia and other vestimentiferan tubeworms in the lamellae). According to Jones (1985), in R. pachyptila there are axial

the light of the current phylogeny of the group vessels (afferent and efferent) from which lamellar vessels depart. The
latter are not arranged in transverse planes and concentrically, but
From the initial description of the circulatory system of Riftia pachyptila sequentially along the axis of the body. Based on the peculiarities of
(Jones, 1980, 1985), it can be seen to differ significantly from the orga- the circulatory system, Jones (1985) divides Vestimentifera into two
nization of the circulatory system of other vestimentiferan tubeworms classes: Axonobranchia (consisting solely of R. pachyptila) and Basibran-
for Lamellibrachia barhami (Webb, 1969), L. luymesi (Van der Land & chia (all other vestimentiferans).
Nørrevang, 1975, 1977); Ridgeia piscesae (Malakhov et al., 1996), Oasi- This study shows that in the circulatory system of the R. pachyptila
sia alvinae (Karaseva et al., 2012). tentacular crown the main paired afferent (as well as efferent) tentacu-
In general, R. pachyptila has a very well-developed circulatory sys- lar vessels (“dorsal vessels” in Jones, 1985) form two branches: the axial
tem of a closed type, which resembles the general organization of the branch (which divides anteriorly as described by Jones, see. Figure 1.1
circulatory system of other siboglinids and annelids (Brusca & Brusca, in Jones, 1985) and the basal branch (which provides branches to sev-
2003; Fransen, 1988; Gardiner & Jones, 1993; Gardiner, 1992; Ivanov, eral lamellar vessels of the most basal lamellae). The arrangement of
1960; Malakhov et al., 1996; Pilger, 1993; Van der Land & Nørrevang, the circulatory system of the tentacular apparatus of R. pachyptila
1977), with two main vessels (dorsal and ventral) with blood flows in includes two systems that are characteristic of both Axonobranchia
opposite directions. Anteriorly, the dorsal and ventral vessels are con- and Basibranchia. The circulatory system of R. pachyptila displays ele-
nected via the vascular system of the tentacular crown; posteriorly, ments of the organization of the other representatives of Vestimenti-
they are connected through the vascular system of the opisthosome. fera in the basal arrangement of lamellar vessels and the similar

sequence of the basal lamellae origin (the oldest lamella being the clos- annelids possess additional hearts that vary in position and number
est to the base of the basal tentacular vessel). The presence of the considerably (Brusca & Brusca, 2003; Gardiner, 1992). We suggest
basal lamellar vessels is a common feature in R. pachyptila and other here that in Vestimentifera, the musculature of the heart is derived
vestimentiferans. This is likely to be an ancestral feature of from the dramatically developed musculature of the vestimentum,
Vestimentifera. since there are perivascular coelomic channels penetrating the
In Riftia, unlike the other Vestimentifera, there is a pair of the ves- muscular wall of the heart (Van der Land & Nørrevang, 1977; Malakhov
timental processes lying along the obturacular lobes and containing the et al., 1996; and our data on R.pachyptila). So far, this feature has not
pairs of axial afferent and efferent tentacular vessels (Rimskaya-Korsa- been found in other annelids.
kova & Malakhov, 2010; Rimskaya-Korsakova et al., 2011). The axial In Riftia, due to the huge size, there are some additional heart-like
tentacular vessels due to the vestimental processes extend from the structures, that is, parts of different vessels with a strongly developed
base of tentacles to the foremost tentacular lamellae. As a lamella muscular wall. In the opisthosome, the dorsal vessel has a significant
departs from the vestimental process, a lamellar vessel is given off by muscular wall, and may possibly work as a posterior pump or a kind of
an axial tentacular vessel (both afferent and efferent). We assume that additional opisthosomal heart. Considerable thickening of the muscle
the first lamellar vessel is given off from the axial vessel posteriorly, layer has been revealed in the main afferent vessels of tentacles, and in
and the last one anteriorly. the mesenterial vessel in the areas where it connects to the dorsal
Basal tentacular vessels are located at the very base of the tentac- vessel.
ular crown, and do not lie inside the vestimental processes as in the
other vestimentiferans. 4.2 | The intravasal body
The present study of specimens of various sizes of R. pachyptila
The intravasal body in the dorsal vessel lumen has been documented in
from “98N EPR” and “218N EPR” confirms such an organization. Mala-
all vestimentiferans exposed to histological surveys so far (Andersen
khov and Galkin (1998) noted that the development of an axial tentac-
et al., 2004; Gardiner & Jones, 1993; Karaseva et al., 2012; Malakhov
ular vessel is associated with the large body size of R. pachyptila, which
et al., 1996; Schulze, 2002; Southward et al., 2005; Van der Land &
requires more tentacles to provide oxygen and hydrogen sulphide. The
Nørrevang, 1977). In R. pachyptila, as well as in R. piscesae (Malakhov
organization of the tentacular crown of Riftia provides the formation of
et al., 1996), the structure of the intravasal body varies in different
an unlimited number of tentacular lamellae via elongation of the ten-
parts of the dorsal vessel; it is either a cylinder of small diameter, or a
tacular crown, without a significant increase in the diameter of the loose tissue process occupying the majority of the lumen. According to
body and the tube. Schulze (2002), Escarpia laminata, Arcovestia ivanovi, and Seepiophila jonesi
Another unusual feature of the circulatory system of R. pachyptila have the intravasal body as a compact cell cluster of similar structure
and other vestimentiferans consists of the development of a vast lacu- throughout the dorsal vessel.
nar system in the vestimentum (i.e., the ventral lacunae underlying the Several hypotheses on the nature of the intravasal body have
ventral ciliary field, or the numerous blind sinuses of the brain blood been put forward. Van der Land and Nørrevang (1977) considered the
supply) and an extensive network of blood vessels feeding the gonads intravasal body in L. luymesi to be a proliferation of endothelial tissue,
(in females). This is a particularly important peculiarity of R. pachyptila, although the authors noted that the intravasal body consisted of cells
and arises from the large sizes of the internal organs requiring blood with round nuclei and a large amount of cytoplasm, which differed con-
supply. In addition, the sophisticated structure of the ventral vessel in siderably from the endothelial tissue. Ivanov (1960), who found the
the trunk provides an efficient blood supply in the trophosome of R. intravasal body in frenulates, also thought that it was a derivative of
pachyptila. It is possible that the additional blood envelope, with strong, the endothelium.
muscular walls, allows for an increase in pressure to push the blood In R. pachyptila, the intravasal body wall consists of the ECM layer,
through the numerous trophosomal vessels. scattered hemocytes, the dorsal vessel on the surface of the ECM fac-
It is notable that the blood supply in the trophosome of L. luymesi ing the lumen, and a well-developed epithelium on the surface of ECM
(Van der Land & Nørrevang, 1977) is complicated by the presence of a facing the inner lumen of the intravasal body. A similar structure of the
pair of collateral vessels (vasa trophosomales collaterales) running paral- intravasal body was described in Ridgeia at the ultrastructural level
lel to the ventral vessel. It is probable that these vessels in L. luymesi (Schulze, 2002). Based on this structure, it is logical to assume that the
are needed for the same reason as a blood envelope in Riftia. In Ridgeia intravasal body is an invagination of the wall of the dorsal vessel (Fig-
(Malakhov et al., 1996) and Oasisia (Karaseva et al., 2012) there are nei- ure 2F). Based on this assumption, the inner epithelium of the intra-
ther collateral vessels nor a blood envelope of the ventral vessel. vasal body appears to be a coelomic lining, and the inner lumen of the
In all vestimentiferans investigated so far, the heart is located in intravasal body is a nothing, but a coelom. This assumption requires
the same position, on the dorsal vessel in the anterior part of the vesti- verification by studies on early juveniles of Vestimentifera.
mental region (Gardiner & Jones, 1993; Karaseva et al., 2012; Mala- Homologous structure to the vestimentiferan intravasal body
khov et al., 1996; Southward et al., 2005; Van der Land & Nørrevang, might be a heart body found in some polychaete annelids, like Cossuri-
1977; Webb, 1969). The position of the heart on the dorsal vessel in dae (Zhadan, Vortsepneva, & Tzetlin, 2015), Terebellidae (Kennedy &
Vestimentifera is common throughout Annelida, although several Phillips Dales, 1958), Flabelligeridae (Spies, 1973) and Alvinellidae

(Jouin-Toulmond, Augustin, Desbruyeres, & Toulmond, 1996; Schulze, musculature of the efferent vessels and the massive musculature of
2002). It consists of a single layer of pseudostratified columnar epithe- the vestimentum. To verify our hypothesis, we have already made
lial cells, which represent involuted peritonium (Gardiner, 1992), like in study of the sinus valvatus with transmission electron microscopy of
vestimentiferan intravasal body. The heart body is placed within a poly- another vestimentiferan species Ridgeia piscesae (the unpublished data
chaete heart region of the dorsal vessel, whereas the intravasal body is are not provided in this study).
extended along the dorsal vessel of the vestimentiferan trunk and
vestimentum. 4.4 | Synopsis
Functions of the vestimentiferan intravasal body are debated. The
This study of the vascular system of the largest vestimentiferan tube-
polychaete heart body is assumed to perform the function of blood for-
worm Riftia pachyptila highlighted unique morphological traits of the
mation (Kennedy & Phillips Dales, 1958; Meyer, 1887), later the hema-
species distinguishing it from other smaller vestimentiferans. R. pachyp-
topoietic function is considered to be proven (Braunbeck & Dales,
tila develops a complicated net of lacunae of the brain blood supply
1985; Dales & Pell, 1970; Friedman & Weiss, 1980; Mangum & Dales,
and ventral lacuna underlying the ciliary field. The «rete mirabile» feeds
1965; Potswald, 1981). Based on the structural similarity to heart
the gonads. Both thick muscular linings of the mesenterial vessels in
bodies, the same function of the intravasal bodies was assumed
the trunk and the dorsal vessel in the opisthosome serve like a pump
(Schulze, 2002). Although, Gardiner and Jones (1993) suggested that
additional to the heart. The blood envelope of the ventral blood vessel
the intravasal body could function as a valve to prevent the backflow
in the trunk is seemed to provide the blood supply to the trophosome.
of blood from the dorsal vessel to the mesenteric. This seems very
Through the use of 3D modeling of the circulatory system in the ten-
likely for the areas in which the mesenterial vessel connects with the
tacular crown of R. pachyptila we have discovered new vessels. Besides
dorsal one.
the axial main afferent (and efferent) vessels known only for Riftia, there
are basal ones which are common for all vestimentiferans. The number
4.3 | Sinus valvatus
of the basal lamellar vessels is small; they are not required in the large R.
The sinus valvatus is the most enigmatic organ of the circulatory system pachyptila. While the presence of the axial vessels is an achievement of
of vestimentiferan tubeworms. Van der Land and Nørrevang (1977) the large animal, the presence of basal vessels is an ancestral trait of
was the first to reconstruct this organ and to propose a diagram of the Vestimentifera. The presented features have phylogenetic importance,
internal anatomy (see Figure 11 in cited work). All recent authors since all these characters showed the direction of evolution of the organ
regard the sinus structure in the same way (Gardiner & Jones, 1993; system in the vestimentiferan lineage of Siboglinidae.
Karaseva et al., 2012; Malakhov et al., 1996; Southward et al., 2005). The intravasal body varies its structure in the dorsal vessel,
The sinus valvatus is the widest anterior part of the ventral vessel into depending on function. One is the hematopoietic organ, and another
which the main efferent tentacular vessels flow. At the same time, the one is valve-like structure preventing the backflow from the dorsal ves-
blood passes through the narrow slit between the two lateral sacs into sels to the mesenterial vessel in the posterior most part of the trunk.
the expanded ventral part of the sinus, from which the ventral vessel The structure of the sinus valvatus is significantly different in com-
originates. All authors studying the structure of Vestimentifera have parison to what was suggested earlier: the “valves” of the sinus formed
interpreted the lateral sacs as derivatives of the sinus. On the diagrams by paired coelomic cavities. Details of its ultrastructure we publish in
(see Figure 11 in Van der Land and Nørrevang, 1977; see Figure 9ffl in the following manuscript.
Southward et al., 2005), the slit-like holes are depicted as connecting
the widest ventral part and lateral sacs of the sinus. Our careful exami-
nation of the series of the sections of the sinus valvatus of R. pachyptila
NNR-K and VM designed the study. SG collected and fixed the
provides no evidence that such holes exist. Moreover, the internal epi-
material. NNR-K and VM performed the experiments, analyzed the
thelial lining of the lateral sacs is seen on photographs of Riftia (Figure
data, made illustrations and drafted the manuscript. All authors cor-
5D–F) and Oasisia (see Figure 6a in Karaseva et al., 2012). Based on
rected and approved the final version of the manuscript.
the foregoing, we hypothesize that the lateral sacs of the sinus valvatus
are coelomic cavities; this offers an explanation for the presence of the
explicit continuous epithelial lining of the sacs, and for the absence of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

connection between their lumens and the lumen of the sinus. If one We thank the crews of RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh and manned
accepts this hypothesis, it would be easy to understand the functioning submersibles PISCES, MIR-1 and MIR-2 especially Dr. Anatoliy Saga-
of the organ. The lateral coelomic sacs attach closely to each other and levich for their brave underwater manipulations and collections of
almost occlude the lumen of the sinus (Figures 5D–F and 6A–D). Blood the valuable material as vestimentiferan tubeworms. Galina Salkova
passes the narrow slit between the sacs and enters the ventral vessel. and Olga Matyukhina educated NNR-K in histological technique.
It is therefore possible that the lateral coelomic sacs of the sinus valva- Elena Temereva and Leonid Rusin helped in mastering in 3D-
tus prevent backflow from the ventral vessel to the efferent vessels of reconstruction software. Igor Popelyaev was a great inspirer for the
the tentacular crown. The wall of the sinus valvatus lacks muscles, and work. NR-K was supported in part by several grants. The histological
it is possible that the direction of the blood flow is triggered by the investigations were done with support by the Russian Science

Foundation (#14-50-00029), the 3D modeling was supported by the Gardiner, S. L. (1992). Polychaeta: General organization, integument,
Russian Foundation for Basic Research (#14-04-32176 mol_a). The musculature, coelom, and vascular system. In F. W. Harrison & S. L.
Gardiner (Eds.), Annelida: Microscopic anatomy of invertebrates (Vol. 7,
analysis of the data was made by the Russian Science Foundation
pp. 19–52). New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc.
(#14-14-00262). VM was supported in analysis of the results of the
Gardiner, S. L., & Jones, M. L. (1993). Vestimentifera. In F.Harrison & M.
work by the Russian Science Foundation (#14-50-00034). SG was Rice (Eds.), Onychophora, chilopoda, and lesser protostomata: Micro-
supported by the Russian Science Foundation (#14-50-00095). scopic anatomy of invertebrates (Vol. 12, pp. 371–460). New York:
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