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At the restaurant English vocabulary and

Restaurant vocabulary

Restaurant vocabulary list

A seat the customers 1 hostess 7 booster seat 13 salad bar

B pour the water 2 host 8 menu 14 dining room
C take the order 3 diner /patron / customer 9 bread basket 15 kitchen
D serve the meal 4 booth 10 busperson 16 chef
5 table 11 waitress / server
6 high chair 12 waiter / server
Conversation about basic phrases you will hear in a
restaurant between 2 people

A. Would you like a booth?

B. Yes, please.
A. Hello. My name is Julie, and I'll be your waitress this evening.
B. Hello, Julie.
A. This restaurant has a wonderful salad bar.
B. I agree.

At the restaurant vocabulary list

E clear the table 17 dishroom 23 salad plate 31 napkin

F pay the check 18 dishwasher 24 bread-and-butter plate silverware
19 tray 25 dinner plate 32 salad fork
G leave a tip 20 dessert cart 26 soup bowl 33 dinner fork
H set the table 21 check 27 water glass 34 knife
22 tip 28 wine glass 35 teaspoon
29 cup 36 soup spoon
30 saucer 37 butter knife
Conversation about basic phrases you will hear in a
restaurant between 2 people

A. Please _____________. use letters A to H.

B. All right. l'll _ right away.
A. Excuse me. Where does the _____________ go? Use numbers 23 to 27.

to the left of the ___________.

to the right of the _________.
B. It goes
on the-_____________.
between the ___________ and the___________.

A. Do you have any job openings?

B. Yea We're looking for a ______________. Use numbers 1, 2, 10-12, 16, 18
A. Excuse me. I dropped my . __________. Use numbers 23 to 37
B. That's Okay. I'll get you another from the kitchen.

Exercise. Answer these questions a restaurant where you live

1. Tell about a restaurant you know.

2. Describe the Place and the People
3. How many tables are there?
4. How many people work there?
5. Is there a salad bar?
6. Is the restaurant large or small?

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