Letter of Recommendation2 Jackie Centeno

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March 15, 2018

To Whom it may concern:

It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Jacqueline Centeno. I have known

Jacqueline since August 2015 as a student in my Chemistry class sophomore year at El Capitan
HS. Jacqueline is an intelligent and hard working student. She did well in my class, and seeks
help when needed. Jacqueline was always early to arrive to class, and would often stay after
school to assist me. Jacqueline is very thoughtful and trustworthy. She meets her commitments
and is a good communicator.

Jacqueline works well with others. She eagerly assists other students that need help, and would
use class time to help them. Jacqueline unselfishly boosted the achievement of the students
around her. She has a positive attitude and a smile that is contagious. She was very
cooperative and was open and honest in her communication with me and her peers.

This school year Jacqueline is working for me as Class Assistant in first period Chemistry. She
is a valuable asset to my classroom. She is one of a few students that I trust enough to grade
student papers. She is diligent and accurate in her work, and she brings student challenges to
my attention. I know that my class is a better place because of her contributions.

I recommend Jacqueline for any position of employment that she seeks. She will be an asset to
the organization, and will quickly become a top performer. I am happy to speak with you about
Jacqueline’s capabilities if you wish.

Robert Waterman
Chemistry and AP Computer Science Teacher

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